Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Dec 1967, p. 21

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luxuriously ool bouclé, riceless de- Shop early Continued from Page 17 | Clearly the over - riding con- sideration in this case is the * protection of the public. The Narcotic Control Act provides that everyone who violates the - prohibitation against possession an indictable offence and is lia- ble to imprisonment for a term of up to seven years. >| Counsel has referred this court _|to the case of Regina vs. Hud- son where the Court of Appeal did not interfere with the de- cision of a magistrate to place an offender on probation. He also referred the Court to the jcase of Regina vs. Ross, a de- cision of the British Columbia Court of Appeal. In that case a youthful offender convicted of an offence involving construc- tive possession only of a nar- cotic drug, was sentenced to eighteen months, On appeal, Vow respect to the fitness of sen }tence the Court of Appeal reduc- led the sentence from eighteen months to twelve months In the present case, because of the age (seventeen), and background of the accused, a sentence of such length would serve no useful purpose. How- ever | am not satisfied that a suspended sentence with proba- tion gives sufficient recognition to the need of protecting the public. 30 DAYS It is therefore the sentence of this court that the accused will serve thirty days in the County Jail, and further he. will be bound over to keep the peace under the provisions of Section 637 of the Criminal Code for a CHRISTMAS AT WHITE HOUSE period of twelye months. The President and Mrs. John- Oval Room of the second Washington earlier in the accused's bond will be in the son posed for this picture on floor of the White House day from his round-the- |amount of one thousand do Christmas Eve in the Yellow world trip. --AP Wirephoto Jars - - _ - . Under the provisions of Sec tion 637 (2) of the Criminal Code the Court may incorporate The President returned to into this bond those conditions {set out in Section 638, sub Romney Admits Mistake On Viet "Brainwashing" Pe 23.) Se his probation officer once each DA NANG, South Vietnam; '"'What's the matter?" asked! "I'm not here to discuss the Month (AP) -- Governor George Rom- Romney. past. I'm here to take a look at 0) He will observe a curfew of ney of Michigan hopped across, 'Il don't agree with some of/the future," he said 10:30 p.m. each night during the This sentence constitutes a'he made a purchase from a warning to all persons who boy known as Blues at Eastdale would deal in narcotic drugs. Collegiate. Youth and school attendance Jp giving consideration to the are not going to shield young!type of sentence to be impos- people from the consequences eq | fully appreciate that Ev- which must flow from this kind ans is a first - rate student. of a narcotic drug is guilty of of activity. His conduct was il- Indeed he has an 1.Q. of 122. 1 legal. He knew it was illegal fully appreciate that he has a and believe others in and out go0q background. I fully ap- of our school system who would p5reciate that he might never re- use the narcotic drug, mariju-/peat this offence again. I fully ana, know it is illegal. If this appreciate that he may be fil- sentence is not sufficient to de- jeq with regret and remorse ter others then the severity of And finally, I fully appreciate future sentences will be adjust- that any sentence imposed by ed accordingly. \this Court may severely com- {promise whatever scholastic fu- Regina vs ture he: may have. The deter- 7 rent quality of the sentence, Michael John Evans _and the protection of the pubilc This case -- Basi age 4 are paramount however and the court on December 8th and jt js the duty of this court to the accused, Michael John Ev-/make it abudantly clear that ans, represented by Counsel, distribution of narcotics will not pleaded ae to ba agree be tolerated in this commun possession of narcotics for the t ade plain purpose of trafficking contrary a yee canbe a fees atts peg ery pelt youth and the fact that they Control Act, Section 4, sub-sec tion 2. - Oninher 150 does not render them a_ priv igor co hie melt oD cee ae 's leged group, vested with"all the mY olice aticers nterea he < ny og frog odo Y s and privileges of a free home of the acctised with @ cociety and none of the respon awa sarch. for warrant to search for mar * | sibil ties. Freedom without r¢ ana. The acc ete admitted that) nonsibility is pure anar hy and he had paid $23.00 an ounce what disturbs me about both for the drug in Toronto andi(.ach and Evans is that this that he had made a purchase appears to form the basis of on the previous Friday. Appar: 4 prevailing attitudes ently an ounce is broken down A , into ten packages which This country needs, most d int 1 packages v then sold. He had purcha ove , trained person three ounces and made the la ed AC BIEL ioc rson 1 : an sale on October 14t! Most It needs doctors, nurses the money in his possession '@achers, engineers and techni } ci P professional ar al had come from the. sale 'of Clans and.professional and qual packages of marijuana. Altoge fied people of cvery nature ther it would appear that. he cription. When there are Id appes n ited voungsters across the had: sold or was ready to i 1 oubs rs acro ba | thie | face this globe crying fo some thirty packages of this 'ace ° BO ryan ; training that they will never get drug The comments of this Court inmitige ted shame that in the Gresh Case, with t youths like Gresh and Efans spect to the nature and « ; are prepared to squander their , es ap i apportuniti Tho gh of marijuana need not be re- Opportunities The are loser yeated again. What makes this and we are losers. The pre sentence report on Evans is case: different -is this it is people like Evans who act as basically good. He has a high couriers to bring narcotics in-[.Q, He appears to be univer. to our community, It is people city material and his opportun like Evans who make 1 profitable business for ties appear to be unlimited tt may be attending high school " MARIJUANA CASE HEARD HERE |his residence with his parents.jin his statement indicates that|anything this adds to the tragic quality of this case. It is the sentence of this Court that the accused will serve three months definite in an Ontario Reformatory and two years, less one day indefinite. Whether the accused serves all or any por- tion of his indefinite sentence will depend upon his conduct in the institution to which he is sent. Should he be released at the end of his definite term the indefinite term will be supervis- ed by the Department of Re- form Institutions and should his conduct be less than satisfac tory he may be required to serve any remaining portion of his indefinite term in an On tario Reformatory. In considering the nature of this sentence the Court has giv en full consideration to ,the youth and background of this accused and the affect of this sentence on his schooling This sentence should also con stitute a warning' to all young persons who would traffic or deal in marijuana .or other nat cotic drugs. No one is going to receive deferential treatment be cause he attends school or be cause he enjoys a good fam- background Anyone who chooses to engage in this ac tivity. after this date must be yrepared to bear the full con t. If thi type of sentence is not ade quate as a deterent then future sentence will be adjusted ac cordingly In the event that either Gresh sequences of his condu or Evans appear in this Court again on these charges it will be the duty of this Court to impose those heavy sentences contemplated by the. Act that are usually reserved for adult offenders FREE PEPSI EPI'S IZZA 728-0192 723-024! Simeoe St. S$ Rosslynn Rd. W He pays $23.00 an ounce and then sells it, in turn, for a profit the country by plane and heli- copter Monday, wishing U.S fighting men a merry Christ- mas. Then when he reached this Marine base, the remark he once made about being brain- washed in South Vietnam rose to haunt him briefly. As the governor, a candidate for the Republican party's 1968 the things you've been. saying about Vietnam--like, brainwash- ing," the marine replied "I am confident that I won't 'rm of the bond repeat the things I did the last time. I have a great deal more Romney told. the marine he/information than I had last had learned a lot since his visit |time."' {fo South Vietnam two years) Romney said Sunday too ago, which had prompted him to) much attention had been paid to say several months ago that/his brainwash statement U.S. officials in Saigon had) "A man who has frankly ad- brainwashed him. The two then mitted a mistake is much less c) He will be of good behav ious and keep the peace at all times d) He will continue to attend school regularly e) He will continue to maintain U.S. presidential nomination, shook hands. likely to repeat this mi€take c Romney. arrived in Saigon he said passed through the mess hall, a Sunday night. He said he wants U.S. marine refused to shake)to get a rounded picture of the his proferred hand. | situation this time. LBJ Accused | MONTREAL a ad Of "Misleading" print production in Canada to talled 675.373 tons in November epee down 5.4 per cent from the 1966 MOSCOW (AP) --_ Pravda figure of 714,266 tons, the News- charged that U.S, President!print Association of Canada re Johnson sought to mislead the ports. Priest Raps Trudeau e For Abortion Amendment :"s.':.:'°'5) 722° 23,22 "Preaiction per working day. | neac, ; averaged 23,426 tons in Novem OTTAWA (CP) -- A RomanjFather Mole, director of infor-/Peace Statements in Australia yer, down seven per cent from Catholic priest charged Sunday| mation for the Catholic Hospital) The Soviet Communist party the year-earlier level of 25,180 that Justice Minister Trudeau is|Association of Canada which| newspaper says Johnson used| tons: guilty of a "serious breach of/represents 300 Canadian hospl-|the "unsuitable pretext' of the) Rate of production was 85.4 confidence" by including abor-|tals. death of Australian Prime Min- Per cent of capacity, compared tions in his list of wide-ranging! Father Mole said in a pre-|icter Harold Holt to express ap-|With 95.4 per cent in November amendments to the Criminal/pared statement that Mr. Tru-proval of unofficial contacts 1966. Code submitted to 'Parliament deau's move to settle the abor- with the Viet Cong guerrillas "| Canadian shipments totalled last week. tion question before Roman Another Pravda story from 687,241 tons, off 6.8: per. cent This action has cast sorrow|Catholic bishops and hospitals Rome says Johnson's visit with! inci RESIS over our preparation to cele-jhad been heard by the Com-/fralian government leaders and SRSA AIA AIAIAIAIAIIAAAIS, brate Christmas, said Rev. John mons committee considering the ip» Pope wan Cenlonintad tole Celebrate W. Mole in a sermon at the|matter was "a sheer act of cON- "Greate the illusion that U.S t Church of the Resurrection. tempt' for all Catholics a * 5 policy has at least the under- "Mr, Trudeau seems to want; The Commons health commit- standing if not the support of x ew ears Eve us to celebrate the massacre Of|tee is to hear the views of the/the Italian gover *The Gayest Party Ever ot. n government and the ¥ the innocents by Herod rather! bishops Jan, 22 and the Roman! Roman Catholic Church."' than the birth of Jesus," added!Catholic hospital authorities * the birth os da Another story says U.S. 3 98 "eb, planes are "unceasingly provok- « Je, s "In putting the weight of his ing' Soviet ships delivering sup- ¥ Zt xB, Pearsons Join office on one side, before the plies to the North Vietnamese bd Oshawa 7 rr es other side had been heard, he is port of Haiphong. Fe OUI ap ge Family Re-union coceeee se tee. guilty of a serious breach of confidence, an abuse of his of- OTTAWA (CP) -- The Prime fice and of tactics that are par- Bee ek ie ie Je RP i Je ek hk ee Minister and Mrs. Pearson were|ticularly reprehensible on the DOORS OPEN DAILY AT 12:30 joined by their son Geoffrey, his part of a minister of justice." } A SWINGING SAFARI OF LAUGHS! wife, and five children for) Mr. Trudeau unveiled a wide} WALT DISNEY'S Christmas dinner Monday. range of proposed Criminal Today, Governor-General and|Code changes last Thursday just Mrs. Michener will have their/before Parliament began its) three daughters and their fami-|Christmas recess. The bill will} lies at Government House for a\be debated when the House re reunion. turns early next vear. HAVING A PARTY ? : CALL PEPI'S PIZZA ee eae one PH: 728-0192 -- Simcoe St. S. Chariie, 723-0241 -- Rosslyn Rd. W. . Family Size Bottle FREE PEPSI or 7 UP A free fomily size bottle of Pepsi or 7-UP with every pur- chase of 2.10 or more -- plus Se deposit on bottle. Specials Effective from Dec. 21 to 25th -- Dec. 26 to 29th inclusive PEPI'S PIZZA SIMCOE ST. S. ROSSLAND RD. W. 728-0192 723-0241 CONTINUOUS FROM 1:00 P.M. TECHNICOLOR® CHILDREN 715¢ ANYTIME A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE FEATURE DAILY AT 2:20--4:55--7:35--10:15 § 0.6. 9.6.9,0,,6.6.6) NEW YEAR'S EVE BALL Sponsored by CORINTHIAN CLUB NEW YEAR'S DAY (MONDAY, JANUARY Ist) SPECIAL DINNER @ GRILLED STEAKS @ ROAST TURKEY @ PRIME ROAST BEEF WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS bes SEKI III IIIA III IASI SAIS ASA SISA SAISISDSISNCSISISISICS IG, Sat., Dec. 30 -- Dancing from 9 - ? TED KOSS and HIS 10 PIECE ORCHESTRA Tickets Available BILL HARMER 725-1058 JOHN STEZIK 728-8336 RON CARNOCHAN 723-4443 CHARLES TODD 723-7905 SAM ROTISH MEN'S WEAR 725-2433 REFRESHMENTS TICKETS $7.00 PER COUPLE ARGO OOOO ORR IO OLE Two Sittings -- 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. RESERVATIONS PHONE 725-2611 HOTEL LANCASTER OSHAWA OOOO tt te 27 KING. ST. WEST Rk ot a ag oe Clearly he is a merchant of grief and trouble THERE ARE OTHERS ' He is not alone in this enter prise, There are others. Gresh Newsprint Production Down ---- 54 Per Cent In November ifrom last year's November fig ure of 737,566 tons Canadian production for the first 11 months of 1967 totalled 17,449,051 tons, down 3.9 per cent from 7,761,985 tons produced in the same period of 1966 Production in United States mills in November totalled 2 416,831 tons New Year's Eve PARTY Sunday Night Dec. 31 - 9:30-7 Every Year The Best in Town @ HATS @ HORNS @BALLOONS @ Old Time and modern Dancing TO THE ANCHOR MEN @ Toble accommodation for 600 People Reserved Tickets Now Available MORE FUN, LESS MONEY PHONE 725-3093 COUPLES 6.00 725-0022 RED BARN SINGLES $3.50 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 26, 1967 9] ob = = e Hanoi Cool To . South Vietnam PARIS (Reuters) -- Foreign| Minister Tran Van Do of South Vietnam arrived here today from Saigon for a brief stopover and said he did not intend to have talks with North. Viet- namese_ representatives in France or Africa. He said he was on his way to Monrovia, Liberia, to attend the inauguration of newly-elected President William Tubman, Asked about the prospects of Saigon establishing contacts with North Vietnam, Do said "We sincerely wish and hope to do so. This depends on Hanoi. We Bre always ready to meet) representatives of Hanoi, but Hanoi keeps silent on this score."' His six-hour stopover in Paris yrompted speculation that he might make contact with the North Vietnamese mission here as part of a peace mission But Do said South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu would keep his election cam- paign promise of writing to Meeting Ride Says North Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh calling for North-South tolks. peweueauwwwursewurenT MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS tFOR A =SWINGIN' :NEW YEAR'S EVE, fe LIVE ORCHESTRA $@ INTERNATIONAL BUFFET DINNER, fe PARTY HATS FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 723-4693 GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL OR gg G ** weevevetretrecsccrocscccrecrooccels. ye EAA EEK APPEARING THIS WEEK Return engagement tor 3 Weeks Jack Kingston trio AT THE ESTABLISHED HOME Of Country & Western MUSIC IN OSHAWA NOW . goes West... the West goes chicken! A UNIVERSAL PICTURE / TECHNICOLOR® 4 ODEON 725-5833 SHOWN WEEKDAYS AT 7:20 - 9:28 SAT. AT $:20 ~ 7:25 = 9:35 SUN. AT 2:00 - 3:55 - 5:50 - 9:43 FRI., DEC. OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM OPPORTUNI * AND HIS DI GEORGE OLLIVER Hear him sing his hits: ® THE BLUE EYED PRINCE OF SOUL @EX-STAR AND LEAD SINGER OF ® 10 PIECE BAND 'THE CHILDREN' OBBIE LANE * STAR OF "IT'S HAPPENING" DKFH RADIO and TEEN WEEKLY Present SHOW and |. DANCE 29th - 8 to 12 p.m. FEATURING TY, LOST LOVE,GIVE & TAKE THE MANDALA SCIPLES TICKETS Bowmanville, Oshawa Ci ADVANCE TICKETS $2 - at the DOGR $2.50 Sam Rotish Men's Wear, Marty's Record Centre, Disc Shop, Windsor Discount, Jim Bishop Sporting Goods, Bolahood's Sportshaven, Whitby Arena, Shorty's Cigar Store, Centre Smoke Shop-Ajax, Jury & Lovell Travel AVAILABLE NOW AT: . vic Auditorium, All Teen Weekly Outlets Sinatra tony 7 SLL ST. JOHN RICHARD CONTE GENA ROWLANDS SIMON OAKLAND JEFFREY LYNN-LLOYD BOCHNER and SUE LYON as Dana TIMES -- 1:30 3:30 ~~ 5:30 7:30 --- 9:35 tae Offered by ADMIRAL SNAPSHOT SERVICE Where Superlative Quolity Is A Daily Standard WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR FILM DEVELOPED AND PRINTED AT THESE STORES IN OSHAWA PARKWOOD PHARMACY 122 SIMCOE STREET NORTH | PHONE 728-1668 JAMIESON DRUGS | 241 KING | STREET EAST | PHONE 725-1169 BRAEMOR | MINUT-* Gift & Variety MART 377 STEVENSON | 686 HORTOP ROAD NORTH AVENUE PHONE 728-0651 | PHONE 725-7441

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