ACTRESS SIGNED Caulfield has been by producer A, C, Lyles co-starring role in Para. Pictures' Buckskin. Custom made or Ready-to-hang RAPERIES HOMES @ OFFICES @ INDUSTRIAL t. < 725-1151 (TIL 9 P.M. S' T-SHIRTS iat 88° pecial ) 6X! Long-sleeved, skinny neck T-shirt for girls, ashable cotton knit, Col- olla y ) eds IEF SES eather; 3-position ;, color choice. 97 ORED ICILS slored pencils in e, CKAGE INCIL \CK handy plastie eontainer. Ic -KAGE ILE DERS 6 right hand, 6 ig buy ! Ic -KAGE | Centre treet South saabeeaneieemeammameeeen CHRISTMAS SOCIAL NOTES | Holiday guests at the home of| Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A Pani eng of the School of Nursing Faculty, Oshawa Gen- Lloyd, Central Park Boulevardjeral Hospital, are -- spending} North, are their sons, Wil-|Christmas at various destina- liam Lloyd from Ottawa, On-|tions: Miss E. F. Bell, St.| tario; and Douglas Lloyd from/Catharines; Miss Doris Wright,| Toronto, Ontario. Montreal; Mrs. Elenore Dyck, rnerenns Niagara-on-the-Lake; Mrs. Bev-| erly Rook, Paris, Ontario; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John March,|Evelyn Fisher, Scarborough, | | Rosedale Avenue, have theirjand Mrs. Betty Rorabeck, Sun-| | a Miss Carolyn March, derland. i eacher's College, Toronto. i spending her hoiday with them. -- lj penonenn Eric J. Hooey, University of : : Toronto, is home for Christ-| Miss Judith McLean, Western mas with his parents, Mr. University, London, Ontario,,and Mrs. William J. Hooey, is home for the yuletide Brock Street West. |i season, with her parents, Mr.| and Mrs. ©. Mervin McLean, _ Mrs. Donald Petre and Chris-|and family, Humewood Avenue, lynne Barker, Peterborough; | topher, Ste. Therese, Quebec. jare the Christmas guests Of/patricia Moore, Grafton; Sally| |Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred James, |x, ' ' Victoria PAPE NE CTE om : |Moore, Baltimore; ictor! M aM Harold Wrigh |King, Ontario. |Plevak, Frankford; r. and Mrs. Harold Wright, perenne |Primeau, Anne Winter, Co Wood Street, have as_ their) | Christmas guests, Mr. and Mrs.| James Pendergest, Queen'S\wijman, Trenton; Eliza Edward Read and _family,|University, Kingston, Ontario, Heth Seward, Millbrook; Wendy Brampton, Ontario. is spending Christmas -- Puterbough, Uxbridge; Loran ERLE jdays with his parents, Mr./Kemp, Sandra Lamb, Lindsay; and Mrs. John Pendergest,|gusane Norris, Perth; Patricia Miss Pamela Vipond, McGill/Bloor Street East Branscombe, Picton; Beverley University, Montreal; and Miss pemnnnee Carrington, Gormley; Dorothy Vipond, Queen's Uni- j Fraser, Point. Anne; versity, Kingston, are both| Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rose,\yeajey, Latchford; Sharon spending the holidays with their/Highland Avenue, have a S|Tohnson, Stouffville; Jeannette parents, Dr. and Mrs. Claude/their guests for the yuletide, | powers, Picton. H. Vipond, Brookside Drive. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Truax, Lon- Alfred Woolcock, Beurling Ave-| ' .. lard Jackson, Bloor Street nue, have as their yuletide) Mrs. Frank Copeland, King East, for Christmas. guests, Miss Nina M. Henry, To-|Street West, is spending Christ- ronto; and Mr. and Mrs. J. N.|mas with her son and daugh-| BROREE Brownlie, St. Catharines, On-/ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. How- Oshawa students of the Osh tario. * Copeland, Bracebridge, On-| awa General Hospital School of MRE ies Stewart Storie, Queen's Uni-| MERE versity, Kingston, is spending] Mr. and Mrs. John S. Forder,|;\°° puchanan, Diane ee iar etapa ld beige ed onear reer ion | Monaghan, Pamela Mr. and Mrs. Donald Storie,/the following Christmas guests, yiyrray Judith Stevenson, | ee Mrs, William. Sipher, Mr ane Pamela St. John, Bonnie Wat- Mrs. Arthur Hughes and David ; Iche baciselana baie and Dianne, all from Scarbor- son and Valerie Usher. Holiday guests at the home of ough, Ontario. Dr. and Mrs. J, E. Watt, Hor; POORER | top Street, are Mr. and Mrs.| " | Home for the holidays, John C. Reiger and sons, Toronto. f 5, a Holmes, University of Western . A rae , 7 4 4 ristma include ----eer Ontario, London, is spending actin ty Hom Patrick. Miss Judith Walker, St. Christmas with his parents, Mr.| Cheyne all of Aja Joseph's School of Nursing, St. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes, . Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, Rosemere Street is home for Christmas with RRREREOE her parents, Mr. and Mrs Albert V. Walker, Northridge) Yuletide guests at the home Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W Street. of pale 3 Brown, Eastglen rive, are RARERRNE Mrs. Clifford Brown, Mr. and | Mr. and Mrs. Ross Glover,|Michael, Patricia and Susan,| Grierson Street, are the Christ-|Montreal, Quebec. mas guests of Mr. Wal-| peneEnER ter Glover, Stratford, Ontario. | 'via W tk Th Christmas 1967 visitors at) Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Joyce ee a ha Welieabath the home of Mr. and Mrs.|Sommerville Street, are the|,...) igre vi iclif: rock S Chri fe of thal |Gourlie, Chery! Dunstan, Rob B. A, Tunnicliffe, Broc" treet|Christmas guests 0! eir 500 erta Bolen, Scarborough: Mar- Saeed home Lucille Sandra area who are Bowmanville; Brooklin. | Janice Moses, Sharon Walls, RRL Spending their Christmas va- cation in Toronto from Oshawa General Hospital . School of \Nursing are Judith Burkhart, \Margaret Bennett, Elizabeth West, are Mr. and Mrs./and daughter-in-law, Mr. w F Hill: P. W. Hurlock, London, On-|Mrs. Robert A. Joyce, Syden- eed Pcdeei te ware. tario, formerly of Baltimore,/ham, Ontario. aret Lewin, Etobicoke; Marga- Maryland, and children: Caral, | CUTE UEY ret MacLellan, West Hill, and Janet, Grant, and John; Mr. Rarbave Price, Oakville. and Mrs. G. B. Tunnicliffe,| Home for the holidays with! :: P London, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs.|their parents, Dr. and 1 AC B. W. Tunnicliffe and Baby|M. L. Morris, Kingsdale Drive, | Dawn, Toronto; Allan B. Tun-|are their daughter, Miss| CAREER SCHOOL nicliffe from the University of|Margot Morris from Univer-| Waterloo. jsity of Wisconsin, Madison, | OF HAIRDRESSING | Wisconsin; and their son, Brian} PRR |Morris, from Victoria College, | Are pleased to announce the || opening of a New Branch in OSHAWA. Bernard Muzeen, formerly of| University of Toronto. berta, where he is a volunteer) Day and Evening Classes are with the Company of Young] Holiday guests at the home| of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Shortt,/Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Robin- 145 KING ST. WEST Garrard Road. Mr. Muzeen will|son and Lisa, Ajax; Mr. and 576-3558 Francis| ville. Bonita McQuaig, Mari-| England. Michelle) Rossland Road East, are spend-| ,|ing Christmas with their daugh-| jbourg; Patricia Harder, Janet)ter ang son-in-law, Mrs. R. meneenes don, Ontario; and Mrs. E, R. REET Frost, Peterborough, Ontario. Mrs. Violet Linton, Toronto, The. Reverend and Mr. RRERREE is visiting Mr. and Mrs, Leon- Mr jNursing who are spending their! College, is spending her Christ-| |Christmas holidays at home in-\ 45 yacation with her parents, clude Josephene Borysiak, Mar-| ir and Mrs. R. J. Mormoyle, Kinton,| Mowhawk Street. Nursing students of Oshawa London, Ontario; and Mr. Wil-, General Hospital from the Osh-jiam Fry, London, Ontario. Niela Van Mrs. Philip F. Lawrence, West- r Bij, Donna Bryant, Whit-\qale Street, |by; Barbara Head, Pickering; Mrs, Larry Lawrence, Toronto,| Ontario | Oshawa, now of Calgary, Al-| aneRenes | now taking appointments, Canadians, is spending thelof Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Henry|| Models are welcome. Christmas weekend as the guest|Joyce, Sommerville Street, are} be returning to Calgary De-|Mrs. Anthony Christof and cember 28. Gregory, Weston, Ontario. | Love, Cobourg, Ontario. | Miss Ilene Martin, Toronto, is spending Christmas with Mr. j,,and Mrs. David Jamieson, Osh \./ awa Boulevard North. TE EE Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Sutton, "\Harris and Mr. Harris, Oa ville, Ontario. Remeee Reece Miss Judith MacKinnon, Uni- s 3 a versity of Glasgow, Glasgow, Miss Barbara Holland, Uni-| scotland, is home for the holi- Nancy) Versity of Toronto, is home for| days with her parents, Mr. and Dinah|the holidays with her parents, | yrs, ' Donald M Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hol-' Sommerville Street. nd, Mary Street. MacKinnon Remeeices Pere x Spending the festive season Yuletide guests at the home with their parents, Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thomp-| Mrs. Thomas J. Heath, Fern- Sommerville Street, and Mrs. son, are/hill Boulevard, is their daugh- William _Man-\ter, Miss Kathleen Heath,_ ining, Dennis and Carol, Brook-' rtobicoke, Ontario; and_ their! lin, json, Arthur Heath, Albert Col- jlege, Belleville, Ontario OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE | RE-PRINTS Miss Cathy Normoyle, Univer- sity of Toronto, St. Michael's| wReMRRRE | Christmas guests at the home 20% Discount on Orders of Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Of 5 or More Pictures Russell, Park Road North, are. Avail Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Fry, yoyarie. 3 | NU-WAY PHOTO | SERVICE 251 King St. E., Oshawa 8x 10--1.50 each 5 x 7--1.25 each Renee aad Yuletide guests of Mr. and are Mr. and WHY WE DO NOT SELL A ROOM FULL OF FURNITURE! Did you know that you can have better furniture, that looks better, lasts longer, and actually costs less over the years by letting our experience and training help: you properly select your home furnishings. We enjoy doing it, you will tgo! Betty Haydl (o. Ld. Interior Decorating, Fine Furnishings 15 KING STREET EAST 725-2686 | Bonn _ | Mrs. Ont, | Weldon, |Pamela, Centre St.; |Rodman, Centre St.; Terri Mr Mrs. Gordon Beech, Janice and Ontario. and Alan, Barry and Janet, Bowmanville, ie, Bowmanville; Mr. William Bragg, li Glen Elliott, Queen's Univer Croth and children, from Willowdale. ily, Montreal- Quebec. MRR Renee Home for Christmas holiday with their parents, Mr. and MacDonald Mrs. Donald J. Crothers, Les- Ontario, is Street, is Miss Institute home _ for FOR THE FINEST in 74 CELINA STREET Custom ana Ready Made DRAPES the fabrics Shades see latest and ME&C Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 "Free Customer Parking While Shopping ot Our Store" leave the details In vice... famed hostess! It's fun to be a successful our expert hands. We're adept at smooth se for fabulous food. Call today for estimates Just @ HOUSE PARTIES @ COLD PLATES @ COCKTAIL PARTIES @ SALAD PLATES @ COLD BUFFET for a limited time Beautifully cleaned in our well equipped plant PTZ on Karpet Kars process wall to wall carpet and uphol- (A stered furniture cleaned in our home Save Your drapes will look like 25% new when cleaned by Baker from using G.E, silicones, bap Aya Garments -- suits, dresses, YAW A coats beautifully GE. sili: cone process cleaned, cleaning only one AREA SERVED: METROPOLITAN TORONTO EAST ~~ Aiox, Agincourt, Oshawa and Dist- ricts NORTH--Richmond Hill WEST--Oakville, Bronte, Molton Long distonce calls, ask operator for Zenith 9-9100. We poy the charge. Streetsville, FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY Ask Operotor For ZE 9-9100 ~~ = Baker will Pay the Charge BAKER CARPET Cleaning *o. Be sure -- ask for Baker Carpet of Lightbourne Ave. 25 LIGHTBOURNE AVE.3; CHILDREN'S: WEAR LEASE EXPIRING Forced. To Vacate EVERYTHING ON SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! «|! Celebrating Christmas to- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 26, 1967 | gether in the Enniskillen Com- ine meetin tilda omg eo Pays eeu Mr. and Mrs. William A.| Christmas Day guests at the Centre St.; Mr. and Mrs Bruce|clarke, Go If Stret, have home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Travell, Panny and erates their daughter, Mrs. MariaClarke, Golf Street, were \Monk St.; Mr. and Mrs David Wimpenny and children, Elliot their daughter, Mrs. Carl La- Kathy and|Lake, Ontario, visiting for the Prairie, Mr. La Prairie and six Mrs. Rita holiday season. {Mrs. William Begley, Carol SRAHOOKE ba eal -|Doris and Dennis Ashton, Park-| Christmas guests at the home Yuletide guests at the home -\lane Ave.; Mr. and Mrs. Larryjof Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Weldon, Ashton, Coleridge St.; all from!Day, Mary Street, are Dr. Hortop Street, are their son, j Oshawa. Mrs, E. C. Ashton andiand Mrs. Gordon Day, with and daughter-in-law, Mr. and *|family, Bowmanville; Mr. and|sons David and John, Verona. Mrs. Larry E. Weldon and fam- Miss Carolyn MacDonald, Guelph, the Judith holiday season with her parents, ers, and Robert Crothers,| Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MacDonald, ; ity < Ontari ' s a to Hortop Street. r Holiday guests at the home of, ee te chdcens" cate both from Queen's University, Masson Street Renenene |Mr. and Mrs, Donald H. Moore, | ° Aaa with ai ' Kingston, Ontario. | ys is parents, Mr. and CEOS ; ;Alexandra Street, are Mr. iMrs. E. I Elliott, Cadillac f Home for the yuletide, Miss,and Mrs. F. B. Ross, Toronto; | | Ban Avenue South Be rcicscras nnnnnand Holiday guests at the home Linda McMaster, Hamilton, Gn-- Mr. R. M. Moore and son,|' ; eau Yuletide guests at the home %f Judge Alex C. Hall and Mrs or is spending Christmas Guy, London, Ontario. | Reece of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard|Hall, Masson Street, are with her parents, Mr, and Mrs | a pi Hagerman, Rossland Road Miss Jean Hall, Toronto; their Harry J. McMaster, Glenbrae vegapsalty Bl ned tee a West. is. their son and{S0n, Cameron Hall, Trinity Col- Street. Home for the holidays with aud Mk Bhd MA" Claie Pag daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, !@ge. rsity of Toronto; and jtheir parents, Mayor Ernest! | CA ON Aiea Glen Hagerman and children, their ghter, Miss Heather -- Marks and Mrs. Marks, Ade-| epok, NenduenhOed; WUL Spend ly te eorblph. Ontrid, tall oria College, Univer * 7 Pole Christmas with Mr. and Dr 5 Cae ikea Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hum-jlaide Street West, are their)" Be Clements, Whiby. Ontarin sity of Toronto phreys, Alexandra Street, are|daughters, Miss Marsha Marks t . Werte te ert entertaining their immediate from Toronto; Miss Jill Marks enmecene | CCHHABSAW HORNE AE thE tinene Raennnee family, including son and/from Ottawa; and their son, é 3 ie Me cad oie wart | MY. and Mrs. K. Murray Dan- daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.|Edward, St. Michael's College, See ta Comin Gets Ua ole Nye yah lp ford, Athol Street Fast, have J. D, Humphreys, Oshawa. Toronto. versity, Kingston, Ontario, is/Mr. and Mrs. George Ewart!the ro OWiNs epee Auisdery Ramee EMC with his parents, Mr. and/and family, Toronto; and. Dr., it. and Mrs. Samuel Danford, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mercer,) Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Pow Mrs. E. F. Coppin, Cadillac|and Mrs. Clare Tanton, Belle:| 4 ye " re Ble Rska : . + oe ' ae M = Soutt ville, Ontario n rs, Ker 1 wey, : and Mrs. G. L. Nolan, Rich-jers, Beaufort Street, have avenue south lington, Ontario mond Street East, are the|the following Christmas guests, | CRM Bot Lid oy QaaaaanaAnanananaas holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs.|Mr. and Mrs. Aiden Mertz, M i Mrs. Will Red Miike: Bonnie On 5 « ' J. A. McDougall, Scarborough,| Waterloo; and Mr. and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. William Red iss Bonnie Cameron ni- 4 > Ontario. Charles Powers. path, Windsor pe igh are verally of Toronto, is spend ' ] , le in Oshawa over the yuletide her Christmas holidays 4 Renee CU season visiting their parents,/her parents, Mr and Mrs. @ ; : s ot ; i. a ' M:. and Mrs. C. Mervin Mc-| Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Regi- ip Bigg aide OT ek Boeri Cameron, Park Road ( ? Lean, Hortop Street, are the nald Watts, Halliday Manor, ites A vie ' Distt vie \Vavaut aetna ( ; guests of Dr. and Mrs. Edward|Bond Street East, over the holi-| "ipa Ee FACE ey eran mnennnes ' H McLean, North Bay, over the'day season, is their daugh-| ; ad. ; yuletide season. ter, Mrs. John Orach, Mr.| wenn oe ge hae holidays with § .) Orach and their family, Otta- 3 : r, and Mrs. Dwight Bunner, ¢ ' RARKRNLS wa. Ontario Holiday guests at the home Sommerville Street their |¢ ; gs , fe f Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clif-|\son, Kenneth Bunner, from ¢ Miss Margaret Rice, King- t) ( : } ; ReeRnee ® |ford. Athol Street East, are|Victoria College, University of § ston, Ontario, is spending oe snl ¥. ; ' ' ' Christmas with her parents, Yuletide guests at the home ogg can ae a Toronto. 4 4 Mr, and Mrs, Donald Rice, Hill- of Mr. and Mrs. Donald West- 5 ea We diag? yee ae se meoeroes ( > croft Street. nutt, Hortop Street, are Mr.| ; rs : ayn MLTOrG, yw a aed ee { > and Mrs. Claude Morrison, | S ity, lowa ; io iday guests at the home ' > HORHRNNT Brooklin; Miss Iris Morrison, | wena oO) ge and F, R. Brit-¢ ? te. « s ss Guests from out-of-town with|Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mrs. K. R. Claxton-Old- Women's Auxiliary of the Wilgosz, Trent Street, Osh- packages to more than 400 Wikiine Me and Mee AOE Ruth Britten ge is ron ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ross, Lo resi Loot a" _Mr.| field (left) and Mrs. Dean Oshawa General Hospital, awa. Members of the Aux- patients on Saturday. r Caine She eA EET te ae bh ee -- ' ) denia Court, are Mr. and|James Eddie, Queen's Univer-| Kelly, members of the present a gift to Michael iliary distributed Christmas , _ . peat) : eee | ' rites Be "a. Isity. K Real SS Na ol RSI ZENER RESETS EID REESE sh SRC EEE IGEN ike the festive holiday, is MRev.|J. A. Sheil and Barbara, Sel > Mrs. David Wilson and family,|Sity, Kingston, Ontario. 4 ' citavotit Bor kin é ! 4 5, ros de | and Mrs. Hugh McKervill, Port/kirk, Ontario : > Agincourt; and Mrs, B. Smith,| fococe oc | | Travelling home for yuletide, Members of the nursing staff; Miss Lynda Thompson, Vic- Mr. and Mrs. John Payne and 'tbe Ontario { Brand New Sompies > Toronto, Ontario. | lare Oshawa General Hospitallof Oshawa' General Hospital|toria College, University of To-|son, David, Kingsdale Avenue, g SORE é | Mr. and Mrs. Gene Healey| tug Jo Ann I [Miss Mary*Lou Mah djronto, i ding her Christ i hrist th meena ' #) | i : foes ~\student nurses Jo Ann Lennon,;Miss Mary Lou Mahoney andjronto, is spending her nrist-|are spending Christmas with Holiday t th 4 PHOOKRLOKNE Ae r leas sak ; Aged i if a' : . ay guests a e ho jand family, Meadow Road, are/susan Miller and. Joan Shan-|Miss Elizabeth Angel will spend|mas holidays with her parents,|Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Campbell,! Christmas guests at the of Mr Saat tes foun G feed ar ean S$ Christmas guests at the home)', isiting the following over|jotte to Deep River, Sharon|Christmas in New Brunswick;|Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thomp- Portland, Ontario. : atc wad Meee ok picey, Rogers Road, are Mr | , of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Han- the Christmas pista at _ MIs. /Rarrow and Julie Steele to New|Miss Barbara ..nderson will be|son, Sommerville Street. ORR home of Mr on vote maga and Mick Willis A. Watson la : ) ley Jarvis Street, are Mr.|Phillp Renvey Eee a cer (tiskeard: Janet Reid and Fran-\in California, Mrs. Lillian} sees Sales fhe Reed Gal. Kvn aha JL Boavborndeh= Mr ie 463 Ritson Rd. $. 3 and Mrs. B. J. Hammond, | er) 9. Cand Mir ahd Mics Roy ces Parcher. to Cobalt, Gail) Smyth in Philadelphia; Mrs. | William Austin, University of lagher, Fort Erie, Ontario and Mrs. Richard Zurbrigg, To ' 725-3338 ' Cayuga, Ontario; and Mrs. TaChp elle Sterlin a |McGrath to North Cobalt and Ann F anning and Miss Robina Holiday guests at the home|Ottawa, is home for Christ jronto; Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd A.\¢ us ' David Garson, Hamilton, On-* aiasadte 8. Judith Price to Ottawa; Dianne|McKie in New York City and|of Mrs. A. E. Pretty, Westdale|mas with his parents, Mr. and Peart ti} Zurbrigg, Radford, Virginia Ege an Onsen cua tario. eeu /Reid to Sydney, Nova Scotia;|Miss Cynthia Daley will alsoi\street, are Mr. and Mrs.'\Mrs. W. E, Austin, Glenwood M d Mrs. Thomas Dalg- a 8 "9 PASS AT AETET A oe a _ and Heather Maspn to St. An-\be across the border. |Edward Gates, Toronto; and|Crescent Mr, = R acta : 8 e a aiid William Hanley, University rews, New Brunswick. Also sania |Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hooker, Co-| ag ieee h EN ih Ne | Chistes ious abe Nand of poe, Me s ey . din 8|heading for home will be Bon- lumbus, Ontario. Ls st Sid | -- me at Ss grr | oO 4 se ~ > r Pash |the festive holiday with his par- Ball, Orono; Barbara Chat-. Miss Patricia Evans, School : } o tn : r. and Mrs, Douglas Dalg- \ f d of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Munday, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred ferson, "Colborne: Dorothy oe Nursing St. Joseph's Hospi-| ReaReRee Re iihie Mr. and Mrs. W. E. leish, Toronto, and Mr and \ oO « are' we Glenciarn Street, are their , ris Str ng ; in, Glenwood Crescent, for|Mrs. Gilbert Dalgleish, Toron- phi asnear téscnt Fibert Muhday Hanley, Jarvis Street, \Broadbear, Streetsville; Lynn|tal, Toronto, will be spending) Mrs. A. C. Love, Golf Street, the festive season are Ontar ele eperated by tony's refreshment service itd, nin ggg tia; Pe Miss CUCU LU UU \Coutts, Balderson; Elizabeth}the Christmas holidays withh ave the following guests W. E. Austin and Miss Ruth cekanauiies tax, Nova Scots; faecal Fraser, Stirling; Joan Gardiner,|her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.|for Christmas; Mr. and Mrs. Aus Tor ay : MEET Joan Grego Halifax, Nova , , + or on tin, Toronto Scat gory, J | Holiday guests at the home Greenwood; Marian Hannah,|A. Evans, Lakefield Street. (John D. Love, Burlington; Mr } 4 : of Me, and Mrs. Earl Hoy,|Ansonville; Carilyn Hegadorn, | | Albert Love, St. Augustine's| reeconge | Mr. and Mrs. E gar Trem- wennence |Simcoe Street South, are|nemorestville: Lynda Hitchon, A |Seminary, Scarborough: Mr.| Donald a ; jble, Park Road North, are 'Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hanna and fA Belleville; ean ic Ay 0 baieart AN Be na J. Flintoff, Univer spending Christmas with their ton t. Ontario Lynne Armstrong, Belleville;| Christmas guest at the home|Charles Love, University Of sity of Toronto, is spending the Robert Tremble, Taunton. | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Petre,/son, Ian, Agincourt, Ontario. {sharon Larmer, Blackstock;|of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Proc-|Guelph, Guelph; The Reverend| festive holiday with his : ie fie them theese will be Switzer Drive, have as} reereen Lynn Martyn, Port Hope;|tor, Mary Street, will be her|F. Lawless, London; Thelenis Mr et par-/Also joining them there wi their holid: ts, Miss Mary- -- We : ' ; : 4 i its, Mr. and Mrs, Douglas C.|Mr. and Mrs. John Balentine, eir holiday gues s, I iss Mary |Catherine McNaught, Queens-)aunt, Mrs. W. Sprules, Fleet,| Reverend J. H. Lawless, Mary-) Flintoff Eastwood Avenue ee renin! Ontid ellen Petre, Toronto; Mr. and) Mr. and Mrs. J. M hill; and Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1e. _ Scarborough, Ont