Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Dec 1967, p. 6

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oan, 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, December 23, 1967 §WEET TOOTH, Gragare consumed stot! Buffalo Balmy, sugar last year. | . -- Winter Enters BUFFALO (AP) -- Winter Created To individual Requirements |but the weather bureau said imore-seasonable temperatures --and possible snow--were on \tap for today and tonight. The bureau's thermometer at the Buffalo Airport climbed to |65 degrees at midnight Thurs- STAFFORD BROS. jday night, establishing record- | high readings for both a Dec. 21 LTD. land Dec. 22. ' MONUMENTS Forecasters said isolated snow squalls were possible to- 668-3552 'night throughout the western 318 DUNDAS EAST half of New York state and east lof Lake Ontario after falling --mi temperatures and snow flurries |during the day. Traffic Fatality WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- Windsor recorded its 23rd traf-| fic fatality of 1967 with the hit- }and-run death Thursday night of 72-year-old Ethel Allen Police today were searching for the driver of the car which' | asking for the association to ap- |point a nominee to the board) About 12 persons were evacu-|are reported to have packed up Conciliation Board To Try | Cold, Wind - Whipp ed Snow [ted Tom thelr homes apy beat! their belongings to leave if the TORONTO (CP) -- Labo made a balmy debut in Buffalo,| Minister Dalton Bales of O: tario has approved establis! ment of a conciliation board i an attempt to head off a thre ened strike by about 900 em ployees of the University o* Guelph. Appointment of a board wa recommended earlier this week by government conciliator V. EF Scott following collapse of talk between the university and rep- resentatives of the Civil Service Association of Ontario. Mr. Scott said today that fol- lowing five meetings between} the two parties he decided they were too far apart on 10 to 15 is-} sues for agreement to be reached An association said a letter from Mr. spokesman Bales was received today. | Under the Ontario Labor Re- lations Act each party in a dis- pute nominates one board mem-} ber. The two parties will try to struck her on a busy downtown street, Mrs. Allen died in hospi- tal five hours after the accident PETER SMITS Hairstyling for Men 102 Byron Street South a '| McCullough JOHN SMITS Proprietor Whitby Plaza Chuidtimos REETINGY Wishing you @ holiday season gleaming with Jewellers LTD. Whitby Want to know where you can have Is Seles end Service for Snowmobiles Snack Bor on the Premises Storege Service is Aveilable Gee end Oi! Supplied Goreski's Winter For Information Phone 723-5731 SNOWMOBILE RENTALS ment with the entire family this winter? Goreski's Winter Resort Located at Club Annrene on Scugog Island at RENTALS: '2 Hour, Hourly & Daily Rates INQUIRE ABOUT OUR RATES Reservetions ere mow being taken for Summer Boot Slips-- There ie room fer 100 boots beside the Marine Located at Club Annrene on Scugog Island at Port Perry To Avert University Strike Hits Southern Ontario agree on a board chairman but ailing that one will be ap- »ointed by the government. the Great Lakes yesterday b« The association spokesman gan to pile up snow in the area said the university employees!or Lake Huron and Georgia vill be free to strike following|Ray as a sudden reversal ¢ receipt of the conciliation board! weather hit Southern and Cen | report since they are not classi-|tral Ontario. | fied as civil servants. | Temperatures have been 1 Cold winds whipping acro | Most of the employees were degrees above normal for thi civil servants when they worked / time of the year, but the weath for the university's predeces-|er bureau forecasts a steady de sors, the Ontario Agricultural) cline in temperatures for Christ- jand Veterinary Colleges. TU8y mAs weekend. jlost the status when the univer-| 4 chanoe of wind gusts up to |sity was formed Sept. 1, 1965. 50 miles an hour was forecast for most of the province. However, the workers asked Temperatures at Windsor, the association to them and earlier this year the represent Ontario Labor Relations Board|London and Kitchener fell to}. approved the association's bid|near 20 degrees by mid-morning or certification as agent for! and were expected to drop to 10 two bargaining units. The units overnight. They will plunge into cover laboratory, technical and|the teens at Hamilton, St. Cath- clerical employees and service|atines, Peterborough and King- and maintenance workers. ston. Wages are the big issue--the Heavy rains and severe thun- association seeks an across-the-|derstorms hit the southwest tip board increase of 16 per cent.\of the province Thursday caus- } The university has countered|/ing heavy flooding and power with a complicated proposal in- failures in some parts of Essex volving increases of five to 11/ County. per cent. | The spokesman said the uni- RAINFALL HEAVY versity offer would leave the) Record December rainfalls employees wages below those of|were recorded in some areas as 75 per cent of Guelph workers,| temperature rose to a high of 57 and compared the proposed in-|degrees in Windsor and 52 in creases with a general rise of/Chatham. A total of 2.47 inches six per cent in industrial wages|of rain fell between midnight for the area over the last six) Wednesday and 6 p.m. Thurs- months. {day in Windsor. The previous Chirstmas, Y. W.C.A. 199. CENTRE ST. Watch for Our Winter Program ed on Jon. 3rd. OSHAWA fun and enjoy- The Place ! Port Perry Resort or 985-3008 covered the streets in the south-| water continues to rise. Several ern section of Chatham. A total).ars were abandoned on water= of 2.12 inches of rain caused flood conditions as the Indian|'!ossed streets and backed-up sewer mains complicated the Creek overflowed its banks, Other residents of the area|Situation. scord of 1.98 inches fell « hristmas Eve in 1965. Traffic was rerouted at PRunderpass in Winds here police reported seven fe: e. Marie cancelled Air Canada| shts to Toronto. | \t Toronto International Air-) ort a six-hour for brought air) affic to a standstill, stranding | if water had backed up. Abou | )0usands of Christmas travell-| even inches of water covere:| 's- About 100 incoming and/ oads outside the city and town | Utgoing flights--most of them) hip police in Sandwich West, ;| ir Canada--were affected as) rearby suburb, issued flooc | Planes were diverted to London,| warnings. Early-morning ligh.|3uffalo, Cleveland, and Mont-! tening storms caused a power] eal. | failure in the area for 90 min-| The Lakehead weather bureau/ utes. : |reported Thursday's high of 48 In Northern Ontario, tempera-| degrees in Fort William broke tures hit a record high at Fort) the record for that date of 41 set William and heavy fog at Saultin 1894. F 6 MAY we foin with | Santa in wishing you 4 good cheerl <i It's been a joy to serve you and we sincerely thank you for the opportunity. To our friends and patrons... we wish you the best during the coming Christmas and New Year MacDONALD FORD SALES OSHAWA -- BOWMANVILLE Du Pont of Canada (Whitby Works) Best Wishes for the HOLIDAY SEASON At this | would like to wish all, the very best of the seoson's blessings. And may | at this time extend my sincerest welcome to our new townsmen, formerly the Town- ship of Whitby, | hope tnat the Spirit of Centennial Yeor will follow through into our New ond Promising Venture. MAYOR Desmond Newman Town of Whitby time of year and NE HOPKINS MANAGEMENT and STAFF LOFTHOUSE BRASS MANUFACTURING LTD. A HAPPY W YEAR FROM OF STREET WHITBY f ce in oe atin : oe _ : , =cts : The Management & Staff of Kmart wish to take this opportunity to extend the very best wishes for a happy and joyous Christmas to all their Customers and Friends SO be | and to say... and you tt Also, a reminder.... Kmart will be open for busines as usual af -- {10 AM. TUESDAY, DEC. 26 WITHTHE || SIGGEST KDAY SA "OF THE YEAR | CHECK THIS NEWSPAPER ON TUESDAY, FOR DETAILS ON THIS TREMENDOUS D/SCOUNT BONANZA OFFERING BARGAINS IN EVERY Kmart DEPARTMENT, LOCATED ON HIGHWAY NO. 2 -- BETWEEN WHITBY AND OSHAWA 4 ae 'Or OG iti Ar rae * RARRARARRARRARARARRARARM I soir Pee = & Ed ° Toronto Autho: Order Of Canac TORONTO (CP) -- seed "e Morley Callaghan of Toronto) sto nas turned down a medal of|,,,, service of the Order of Canada" because he says it would make him and other Canadian writers | °F appear second-rate. | Anc Mr. Callaghan said he consid- ©V¢ ered a medal "A rank of second | MY class' in comparison with the order's other decoration--Com-| ing panion of the Order. i -¢ The companions named in the | the first honors list in July included) yea Montreal poet F. R. Scott, Win-/ gs | nipeg novelist Gabriclle Roy| E and Montreal novelist Hugh on ; a MacLennan. 1 sth The list of Canadians receiv-| ,,, ing the 1968 honors will be re- oni leased Saturday in = Ottawa.| Fourteen persons will be named Companions of the Order; 43 will get medals of service. "If writers are being given or-| Me ders of the first class then I ob-| the ject to being one of the second) A class," Mr. Callaghan said in an aut interview. janc Revised Crimi Includes Passr OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada will] twe dia anc tighten up security by making wht passport forgery an offence with re in the revised Criminal Code. vik Among amendments intro- anc duced in the Common Thurs- 1 day is a clause providing a wh maximum 14-year prison term use for forgery of a passport or use or of a forged passport. J The clause also makes posses- a } sion of a forged passport with-' me out lawful excuse an indictable mu offence with a maximum five- Cai year prison term. ger The existing code provides a SPEEDING KILLER Speeding is the biggest killer in West German traffic deaths 42 per cent were due mostly! to speed, 30 per cent to pedes- | trian carelessness and 25 per cent to alcoho! Santa Clax brimming with oo gifts of warmest | your kind patre iafall AUTHORIZED BO"

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