28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, December 23, 1967 Top World VIPs Gather | Druggists Accused {doctor who served on the Com- To Mourn Australian PM svn sece mon) charged Thursday that the MELBOURNE (AP) -- ThejMarcos of The Philippines andjher face when she and 180 of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers late Australian Prime Minister|President Thieu of South Viet-|distinguished visitors returned Association of Canada is trying Holt was revered in a solemn|nam, flew to Canberra for talks} Government House for a buf- to en memorial service today in St./with officials of Australia's ex: € lineh Th * h Paul's. Anglican Cathedral. \ternal affairs department. baGusrdeaproagien Plena ere slans to ease drug patent pro- He was eulogized before the, All anti-Communist allie s|overed her composure, she tection biggest assembly of the world fighting in South Vietnam were|spent 20 minutes seeking out as' Dr. William Howe, NDP MP leaders Australia has everjrepresented here, and Johnson/many heads of state and other for Hamilton South, said the as-)§ known: Prince Charles, heir to/has seen them all and others. the British throne; U.S. Presi- ® e dent Johnson: the prime minis-| SHOW RESPECT ters of Britain and New Zea-| But the statesmen came here land: a cabinet minister from|Ptimarily to mourn Holt and to)., editorial: Dr. Howe produced during an 'leaders as she could find, and sociation's action 'shows PMAC thanking them. with their group's excessive list a lobby of all manufac-|¥ turers to head off government) & reaction to any interference} § The Melbourne Herald says in profit policy." | Canada, Northern Development| Show their respect for him, and) u7. ti. wide sharing of our interview copies of a PMAC Minister Arthur Laing, and the/Presumably for Australia. ; sg bulletin, dated Dec. 7, outlining heads of state or 'top men from| They assembled at Govern-S0row at the untimely loss of 0% posed steps to be taken for most Asian neighbors--Japan,| ment House at least an hour be-|O7€ ™an, SOREAG -PROUGTy 'Operation 100. India, Indonesia, Laos Cambo-|fore the service was due t0|postralia's role im the world i The bulletin says in part: Malaysia, Singapore, Thai- begin in the three-spire sand-|**"*" * pee ai" board of directors of Nationalist China, South pen cathedral in the heart ihe lag eda apie Poors arte. feels that an effort Vietnam, _The Philippines and|Melbourne and then se 1D term of national leadership, Should be made to alert major South Korea. solemn procession to the grea dustries in Canada to the dan- > |Australia was already moving !? i All these top people came at aj West Door. linto wider responsibilities and ers presented by the registrar- moments notice because it was} Mrs. Holt and her family en-|pioger problems than we had general's avowed intention to only five days since Holt disap-|tered by a side door and waited | peer dere. He had little time b0lish for all practical pur- peared while swimming in the|in the vestry until all others'tg make his own impact on Poses, patent protection on surf at Portsea and three days|were seated then were escorted them put he understood how! drugs in Canada. since it was decided to hold a|to the front pew across the aisle change was carrying us into| '10 this effect we have com- memorial service today. from Prince Charles with John-| jew W sistionahioe, particularly piled a list of the 100 largest Ca- HAPPY HOLIDAY What better time to. send our warmest greetings to you, our friends, our patrons. We value your good will, OSHAWA SAND and GRAVEL 877 King East RO Oshawa About 10,000 people stood in| crates assigned some of them to each . |the mild summer sunshine dur-| .,..., .___ official PMAC delegate." there were leaders Otjing the service, because only. Today's great international «aw, suggest that you make resentatives of 20 nations) 1.690 ticket-holders could get in-|84thering in Melbourne for Har-| ..e1. effort to contact these athedral as Mrs. Holt, side, Quietly, they listened to/old Holt's memorial service is gentlemen at the earliest oppor- jin large measure a recognition |i nity and explain to them that |son behind him. , , J nadian companies and we have 20 COUNTRIES REPRESENT- . with Asia and with the United ED wearing a black suit and black| broadcasts of the service as did) veil, heard the primate of Aus-jother groups where it was re-|°f the purpose he had in public i146 implementaton of Harley re- tralia, Archbishop Philip! |ayed, while many watched on life. In honoring him in this way commendations 18 and 21 would Strong, tell after the traditional | teleyision. jour guests also honor us. They) moan that the Canadian govern- Church of England service how] 'The city virtually closed|@ccePt us as a people taking a/_.n1 has decided to unilaterally well Holt had served: Australia,|down, although it was the last|Wider share of duties and com-/.1,)ish protection of industrial that he had become' a highly|full shopping day before Christ-/Mitments in a changing world."| \Qnerty rights owned by for- respected and greatly honored) mas, | /eign companies in Canada. world figure and that "It is im-| There were also thousands INJURY CONFIRMED | "It is conceivable that these possible for us to calculate an (fmt the route between Govern-| ESCONDIDO, 'Calif. (AP) --/countries will reciprocate by re- | the loss of Mr. Holt will mean to|ment House and the cathedral|fxamination confirmed Tues-|fusing to recognize Canadian Australia at this juncture in our/anxious for a glimpse of the vis-|day that quarterback Joe Na-| patents abroad." history." jitors. There was some mild|math of the American Footbal! Prince Charles and Primejhandclapping, but it was a sol-|League New York Jets sufferedjtroduced in the Commons Minister Wilson will remainjemn occasion and there was no|a compound fracture of the|amendments to the Patents and here unti] noon Saturday, the|sign of anti-Vietnam war pla-|right cheekbone Sunday. But 2|Trade Marks Act to reduce the The government last week in- others leaving tonight or Satur-|cards that came out when John-| team spokesman said he woulc|protection of major Canadian y play against San Diego Charg j|drug makers against drug im- day. son was here late last year. A few, including President! Mrs. Holt wiped tears from'ers Sunday. ports. | Hohn Gating In heartiest appreciation for your good will and canfidence As we raise our voices in hymns of praise, let us hear the glory of His message. Let us rejoice at Christmas. we extend to you most cordial wishes for the Holiday Season. We welcome this opportunity of telling you just how much we enjoy serving you. Happy Holiday During this, the merriest sea- son of the year, we are siticea| you our best wishes and expres-! sing our appreciation for your loyal patronage, GOODMAN PLUMBING & HEATING 725-1044 | A KAMER Carpets ALITY Boiler Repairs for ¢ CE and Replacements Christmas CHRI CARDS @ Groceries @ Setting & Cleaning wig Wiig tat ok tar hs Boxed Cords and Ornaments © Fresh Fruits @ Automotic Meintenence Service are going at 40% off. Open--Sunday--All Dey --Christmas Dey 1 p.m.-5 p.m. perty season AND AT A DIS- COUNT! ond Vegetables Phone Orders & Delivery Service A. 6. Stark & Son LTD. ve Carpets DUFFY'S JOCK S Discount BR AEM ° R SUPERMARKET we grees eeiteg 282 King W. Call 576-0100 | | 377 stevenson WN. 728-0651 | | 946 Simcoe N. 723-9371 ------_ y HELPFUL HINTS FOR YOU AT HOME BENS ON ) STA TION Pe a Oe I ee - neral Repairs WALTON'S SNACK BAR 728-0231 R.R. 6, Bowmanville "CLASS A-1 MECHANIC" Located On Hwy. "2" V4 Mile East of City Limits OVER BIG I= Radios, Record Players, Greeting Cards SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE @ Licensed Mechanic e@ Winterizing @ Tire Experts -- Every Brand. ALEX'S SUNOCO | Alex Nathen, Prop. | 215 KING ST. W. Earar ar da) arg A snowy scene, a soaring spire... symbols of Christmas, its joy and | aspirations. We greet | you, and thank you To All Our Customers From BARBARA'S BEAUTY PARLOR 75 Celina 725-9572 From the Management and Staff of GUY LEBLANC, REALTOR 623-7461 Best Wishes s or the : t Warmest wishes for a very | Merry Christmas and a Happy | O | a Ca SON New Year. May you and your family be blessed with every holiday joy. Tonia's Variety and Coffee Shop 205 Bond W. 725-3772 for the pleasure of Management and Staff of DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED Real Estate 725-6621 ------------_ TorGINAL Ask about this amazing new seamless floor covering that heeds no polishing ... no care, 121 Brock N. 668-8361 Miocat and tone DiSTance MOVING & Ws. la 723-0682 FORUM DRIVE-IN 580 Ritson Rd, S. Uniit® VAN LINES (Conado) Ltd. A Drive-In restouront thot serves one of 'the biggest juiciest C AND OPEN 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A W burgers in the oreo... Agents CITY CARTAGE "coe | SHEWRING AM (BILL) ROCKPRUNE -LIAM (BILL) ROC i steaks or spore ribs to eat in or take out... and you hove a meal! fit for BROS FLOOR © King. The "Royol" chef in this cose is your host Steve Komozec. Be sure . VERI 725-2621 aes : e co NGS and see him SOON! Steve ond his fomily take this opportunity to 26 Gibbon 728-3980 $ greetings to his mony friends and customers, ie Varw ct NEW or USED OLDSMOBILE the si shied crop the "TOP"? aha Dundas St, E. at Top of the Hill, Whitby, Ont. KEAN'S Open 24 Hrs, MAKE YOUR Specializing in ere RESERVATIONS © Chercool 5 Pin Automatic a7 ee For your Christmas party or for e oe a es, " a Fri nds just @ few friends. @ Spare Ribs : beige 30 £68 @ BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCHEON @ TAKE OUTS 6.30 pm. to 11:30 pm tend every doy! ' i) 7 Doys A Week erry COUNTY BOWL Christmas Ml Boron Wor FORUM Xo 723-0022 DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Whitby 247 King St. W. Oshawa Chomplain Rd. 723-4693 580 Ritson Rd. 723-0682 118 Byron N. DINE AT DINE'S Char Broiled Hamburgs, Steak-on « Kaiser Fish 'n' Chips, Special Steak Dinner @ PARTY ORDERS » DINE'S DRIVE-IN 13 GIBBONS AT KING 723-5951 THIS: SPACE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR ADVERTISING MESSAGE BOURNE'S ' WE ARE EXPERTS IN HOME MADE T ign- HANDBAG a, DOODUCE 2S «What ste HOSPITAL T \ Belancing Repoirs to on 'i @ Groceries and Meots ), @ Broke Adjust- MOZARELLA and other imported cheeses ments. 103 KING ST. E. PLUS co plecsont Surprise! os a haniie OP oe in Time For OSHAWA FALCON ERI age aoe dapstenis Anolysis THE Ecieinnes Dinner SHOPPING CENTRE EUROPEAN GROCERIES SEAWAY MOTORS OSHAWA PIE SHOP 576-2040 502 Simcoe S. 725-4643 1120 Dundes E. 668-5893 153 Simcoe S. MERRY CHRISTMAS FOR THE FINE ASSOCIATIONS WE HAVE MADE THIS YEAR WE ARE TRULY GRATEFUL MERRY CHRISTMAS John F. DeWit REAL ESTATE LTD., REALTOR and STAFF BOWMANVILLE NOEL Time to wish all our | loyal customers the best of the holidays. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. M. COLLIS FURNITURE CO, 78 - 80 - 82 King W. 725-0332 Warmest wishes for an old- fashioned Yule -- ringing with sounds of loughter and good cheer for you, yours. MASTER MAR Taunton R« 725- SINCEREST SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL Tommy Goct Wishes to extend his warmest to all of his friends and potre the Holiday Season, It will be you in 1968, MANAGEMENT AND STAFF T. GOCH SER 437 SIMCOE S. and a HAPPY NEW YEAR From us to you, our wishes for a Happy Holiday Season and we'd,like to Thank you for your Valued Faithful Patronage. @ DONNA HINCHEY @ EARLE ALLEN @ ROBERT JOHNSON @ WILLIAM RATCLIFFE @ WILLIAM IRVINE @ ELMER FREDIN @ DOROTHY VIVIAN @ JOE CRAWFORD @ MORLEY BURGESS @ KEITH PETERS Keith Peters REALTY LTD., Realtor 728-7328 With thanks to our many friends we say A Happy Holiday From Marjorie Tripp And The Staff Of J.J, LAMBERT. te." ae a ee ee ee ee eee oe ee oe he GREE TO ALL OF YOU "Before 1967 becomes history opportunity to thank the citize the support you have given in services in all departments, Ge -- Mortgages and Life Insurance The Directors, Management and wish you and yours A Happy C lives up to all your hopes, Signed by: OFFICE PERSONNEL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES Over A Quarter C Schotie 360 King St. West, Oshawe