Xx IGERBREAD \N LI'L ABNER ME AND MY AND WHY, AH, HERR SAWYER! eos(T SEEMS A SHAME YOU ON THE CONTRARY, MY DEAR SIR, YOU MUST REALIZE THAT YOU i BIG MOUTH / DR. VON SPITZ, \ BECAUSE I KNEW CANNOT BE ON HAND TO SEE | } | KNOW TOO MUCH, I SHALL BE OBLIGED 10 LIQUIDATE YOU. ATTA BOY,.CHARLIE H - DO YOU CONFIDE | YOU WOULD IT BECOME A REALITY. = i ricsg DON T TAKE ANY i IN ME YOUR PLAN / APPRECIATE ITS 'j LIP OFF HIM. a 6 |to we THe / BRILLIANCE, { f eS WORLD? < vt ¥ i = iM oe } n f fe! 5 a y : ee ig 8 Ce " fa % FELLOW NAMED DAWSON SMITH, HES NEW IN TOWN.,... AN' SEEMS TO HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY. I HAVE JUST THE THING: FOLLOW ME INTO LADIES' ith LINGERIE, PLEASE HOW ABOUT THIS SHEER, BLACK LACY CLINGING SHORTIE NIGHTIE ? (WELL... CHRISTMAS SPIRIT IS IN THE AlRsncEVEN IF IT WON'T SNOW! JANE ARDEN [98 ee THIS IS MAH vM AND COUNT ME OUT./" RMI T'S THE OLD OH, PHIL! WHAT SOLUSHUN FO' STEPPING YOU CAN'T BEAT ?_ TCN cess het' i SQUEEZE PLAV! | | CAN 00? WHAT WAR ~AN! SOLUTIONS LIKE GO AWAY, OF ITONMVOWN! J {I EITHER YOU THIS IS MAH PHIL! LDONT A SNEAK INFO SOLUSHUN WANT TO TALK : FROMTHE MISSILE FO PEACE-7? WITH You! ; CONFERENCE OR ICAN'T! He CHARLES DIES! ; H IT'S ANASTY EXPEDIENT THE \ Fond SIDE 1S W MEINONALL THE DETAILS WOULD | SECRET AGENT X9 © King Fecseres Synducata. Ine | ; I BE AGOOD \ | "2 | START, SUSAN ea h < \ Wy I Vise sat 2 1223 , -- \ A, ) TING l, a. fs i pal") ' nig GEA ONE (ASM | McBee | If 7) Discover Canada's newest outdoor sport - Go Wide-Iracking Pontiac WE HAVE REDHOT BUYS FOR THE COLD WINTER SEASON ON '68 PONTIACS + TREMENDOUS SAVINGS The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd. WIDE CHOICE OF MODELS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, December 23, 1967 25 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' | Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Both sides vulnerable. lead seven of When declarer is in the pro- cess of running a long sult, it is not unusual for either one or both defenders to find it pro- gressively more difficult to make a safe discard. | It does not matter whether |declarer is running his long suit with this specific purpose mind, or whether the hand i jsuch that it is perfectly norma to kecp on leading the suit; in either case, the result is often jdisastrous to the defense For example, observe the ef fect upon West of declarer's drawing trumps in this hand {which comes from a par con- {test. The directed contract was six diamonds (six notrump }would have been easier to handle) and the required open- ing lead was the seven of hearts South takes East's king with jthe ace and cashes the ace of jdiamonds, West showing out. |This unexpected complication jplaces the contract in jeopardy carding two hearts, and then cashes the king of clubs. He cannot afford to lead the queen of clubs now, which would |prove fatal if it developed that East began the hand with a ® G.M.A.C. FINANCING 266 KING ST. W 723-4634 doubleton club, so delcarer *. . leads a trump and finesses the nine. | He next cashes the K-Q-J of 10 90 THE PRINCE |trumps, and on the last one, MARRIED THE PRINCESS, & r E | E |West, whose hand by now con- jsists of the Q-10 of hearts and | 19-8 of clubs, becomes embar- | trassed for a discard. | euanest 2--Butfale | #--Socla! Security | 7--Christmas Opera | MONDAY EVENING 10:20 PM.) sine NOOM., | If he discards the ten of | 4 j--- Nex Bini } -- , , | Channel 3~Barrie | oenenery. Srcaununihy Ae ce. Ae: | 1:00 PM 1 'E Santen i) | f hearts, South makes the hand & | Channel 4--Buttalo | _ Chorus | 8--Tom Decker Lip vag tI 6--N.Y.P.D. |} |by leading a club to the queen Q channel 6--Torento jy eee. | een ne | 7--Flintstones en |and exiting from dummy with Channel 7--Buffalo 12 | VWs .M. 6-12--Peace on Earth i 8-9-1119. | f=) i 3 | 12--Living Word 9--Christmas Song Book |"4-voung People's Con- | 77 467-89-11-12-- News, | IA a heart. 3 =) Channel &--Rochester LS linilan, Atom | ines MIDNIGHT Hagel. ig | Weather, Sports Haart slide sph aoe If West discards the eight of a | Channel ¥-Tersate | ,8-Bowling 6--Movie | 3--Movie | \1--Pierre Berton | Sports clubs instead, South counters | Channel 11--Hamilton | 7--~Super Comics | 4--Christmas Eve Serv- | | ae | : | aoe aby | Channet 12--Peterborough | 6--Reach for the Top | __ ices } Fim CA | 11.20 P.M. | 12.10 P.M lby discarding the queen of | | dNews, Weather, | 2.8--Church Service }&Truth or Consequences | 6-12--Christmas | Messages | 3--Super Heroes iclubs from dummy and cashin | 1 Sports | 12.30 AM 7--News | 11:25 P.M. 12:30 PM, | ' y 4 | SATURDAY EVENING | 3--Csthedral of Te | 7-Movie. =a #--Of Lands and Sear News weather, end eto "Finish |the J-4 of clubs for his eleventh 5:00 PAM | _ morrow <4 to | iocNewss Weeihe Shee oan Guess"), and twelfth tricks, 2--Th s. ¢ a -- New: i, ry A ~ h | 4 | 11--Zorro be ei en | Sports 1--Movie | }4612-~Search for Te | 'There is no escape for West. : | 4---Beat the Champ | 12--Ged is the Answer | 4--Christmas in Vietnam | 11--Pierre Berton 4--Movie | Merv Griffin | | 3-6-12---Moby Dick 4--Let's Look at Con- | &--How's Business | 2-8--Tonight 12:45 PM, | | 2--AFL Highlights | gress MONDAY 7--Movie | 11.35 PLM. | 3-4-6-12Guidin 'Light | 5:38 PLM. | F 6--Geod Morning World | }--Dragnet j s Pile ihe } 12:38 PLM, 1--Littiest Hobo | -cRantastic Eour 5:00 A.M, 4--News, Weather, 1 | 1:00 PLM. | 3-6-12--Bugs Bunny | 624 City's. Story 4--Captain Kangaree Sports N--Novie. - | aoMovie ae | 2--G.E. College Bow! | 4--Christmas Musi¢ 8:38 A.M. 10 P.M, bt ol hg robe eae a jougias | a e 0:00 PLM, { 2--Movie 1i--Christmas Music 12--T,B.A, 11:50 PLM, | & Dialing fer Dollars | Super Heroes | 1:06 PLM $--University of the Air | 11--Rat Patrol 12--M s | Virginia. Graham | la Ge 1¢ 9--Stingray | 11--Sir Lancelot -- sree Eeeteaaedles | r~Fugitive : | 8--Star Trek 9--Spectrum nigh sg Weather, | TUESDAY | é--Luncheon Date | ze Metens, Reuihers Spr | seqqcm Oncker and Co. | Virwints "Graham" | Start | fugspay | ee tere | a s + Sports | 7--Movie 3 «M. \--Movi | = 3--Lost in Space | 6--Showcase 9:00 A.M. 7:00 PLM. | 11--Sehnitzel House * he PM, | ro em 2. Death Valley Days | 4--Film Feature Se Room 1i--Man From U.N.C.L.E. 4--Capiain Kangeree &4--As The Werld Turns | +:30 FM, | 3--Herald of Truth iMovie $--Second Hundred | 8:38 AM Let' | ; = N--Pled Piper | 1:15 PLM. | SoSontae ee | ®-University ef the Alr os gl Del | By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MB 9--Flintstones 12--Calvary Calls j Tru ventu 55 A.M : .! | 7---Movie bg i | 2--Pat Boone $'--Day It Is ta ee For Dellars, 7--Newlywed Game ° 4 6 12--Sounds 68 | Preersenie 9:30 AM, 4--Honeymooners * vin ina Graham se | ¢-¢-Love. Is A Many | Dear Dr. Molner: Tam a girh 4--News } 2 1:30 P.M, N--Movie isin Family 9:00 A.M | Splendored Thing }15, and recently discovered that 2--1 Dream of Jeannie ll--This Space Age 9%--Cartoon Playhouse I-- News, 'eather, | 11--Ed Alien Time 1-4--Days ef Our Lives ry vie' Bis | 9--Question Period 3-6-11-12--Christmas -- Sing- Sports Lg cmshieer bare sou | am a diabetic. My problem is Sujackis Glacson | 8--GE College Bow! a-long 7:8 P.M, | Crossfire teas jae mM. inet every time I go see my 6--Accidental Family SBA. _ | 4-Love of Lite 9--Lucille Ball | 4--Contact | licen 'Mason |doctor I freeze up and can't talk i HE MUST HAVE JUST WHAT I 4--The Earth Knew | 612--Country Calender 10:00 AM Fr fos a oa pnt Cre | %--People in Conf |to him 3-6-12--Beverly Hillbillies | : --Uncle Bi '--Cowboy in Africa $ | ; he Bone os i FOLLOWED ME HOME SAID WE'D DO-- wk Lew Sea eatin 4--Gunsmoke |12~Ed Allen Time | 7-0r eee I like him very much, but he \ AFTER I DASHED OUT TREAT OURSELVES 7:30 P.M il--Let's Sing Out ¥-6-12--Christmas 3-6-12--Don Messer 11--Hawkeye | jthinks I don't like him, and | OF THE RESTAURANT., TO A HOT, FILLING I--Mery Griffin Christ- | 4--NFL Pre-Game Mespages 5:00 P.M, 9--Cartoon Playhouse | j d JULIE... WHATAM I | | MEAL AT THE mas Special * | @--Movie 2--Christmas Speciat | 11---Movie 4-Love of Lite Mh berate he 12 ae a SIN &--Maya | 3-6-12--Man Alive 38 ALM. 9--Bewitched tise Mornin Wa a physician. wou ike to tell GOING TO DO? BEST PLACE IN ee Bisa ' ; nee, Pei: spear | tian Aca; | t<Magistrate's Court | i Pee d -- TOWN. COME 3-6:12--High Chaparra 2 P.M, 7 Bone Raed sé 12--Wayne. and Shuster |11--Movie | &-2--Another Werle jhim my problems, but I nee 8 . Lah een or see 4--Beverly Hilibiilies 2--Movie | P-Uncle Boppy | T-General Hospital --|some advice on how to do it.-- sae v 3 y -- '. -2--Sna ui ny = 6:30 P.M 6-12--NFL_ Easter maleate fier o--rantit eM | Teesh awa |3-612--Take 38 |R.M.K. (=) " way | Championships Pan or ' pied i) Aol da 3-612--King's Outlaw 3:28 P.M. You aren't the only one who Sad drs f pee a og Chee en eakueille Ball | 10:38 A.M, | News jfreezes up. Lots of people do = ; Us wichuincecn | 2.4-Personailty 9:00 PAM | S2=-Concontration RRL Sh juntil they get used to regarding bes 2-8---Get Smart | 2--Polka Varieties re ie Easy Nawe Het | a-Beverly Hillbililen --it's Yeur Move the doctor as a friend. = donasee anes | 3:38 PM. | 11:38 AM. 7--Felony Squad | 3+6-12--Friendly Giant react' wiene | YOu can just keep going to i=) foHoaee | 11--Horst Koehler 7--How's Your Mether- | 4-Andy. Griffith 11:06 AM, pee ae him until you unfreeze. = oaahuadene Gor {| 7--Issues and Answers In-Law? 3-612--Front Page Chal- | 12--Romper Room 2-4--You Den't. Say | y ' sg HO Pe le H ia ea §-2--Hellyweed Squares lenge 9--Cannonbal ee 4:00 PLM, Or you can just blurt : out. ba y { <M. r . | a-8--Persona'ity |} 1l--Super Herees j , 7 7--Iren Horse | 11--Ryerson United shine bateie othe tee | ect ee om aE cremation ol Cove. Luty {Tell him you freeze, and you 4--Petticoat Junction {Church Chzir by | 4--Andy Griffith 8--Match Game really like him but don't sound 10:08 P.M |. @-Frank McGee Report 12 NOON yoorevien.. Fipoe 1$-6-Mr. Dressup. | 4--Secret_ Storm jlike it $--Garrison's Gorilla' 7--College Football | 3-12--News, Weather and | _4--America Bd Z | 3-6-12---Bonnie Prudden | 1 = ' 4--Mannix Highlights rt 34-12--Drama Special : 1:30 A.M | a--Mike Dougies Or you might even clip out E 10:18 P.M. 2-Qverterback club | 11--Little, Peapie semen ase | eentide tial 420 P this column and say, "This is -6-12-- --Terente a Me iff onfiden' x i ' i adn eh rey ak | Mae Ls i be ee | ty iter, ie Cer ithe trouble with me." And I a ee 7--Mevi' | H x | 7--How's Your Mother- i : >) pela a 3 sed Meg SUNDAY OVENIND diy isan bet | 28-1 spy | Invaw | #Leave it To Be \think you'll find that everything i 10:45 P.M 4:90 P.M. : 4--News, Weather, } 7--Big Valley 24- Hollywood Squares Foateus ee nareaveneet unfreezes easily. ; ma ay 4. Soe Pr azine, Talent Time ' 1F%0 P.M. 4--Carol Burnett 4--Dick Van Dyke Shrew ( 3-6-12--Film Feature Diabetes, of course, is @ dis- n sper Performan 3--Cartoons e which you will have all 2-3-6-8-12-4-9-11--News, jOrmMance ase y 8--Pro Football 12:30 PLM. és : jac S ree | Fate vaults | CROSSWORD ee nbitdasias 2--Pro Football Church jyou e ° 8--Movie | ; = 11:38 PLM, 5:00 PM. Sv ene Pastels ACROSS 6.Observes _--26, Hesi- tions that are puzzling you. > ghee 1--Gentie Ben Concert 1.Accumulate 7. Tavern tation I've seen a lot of youngsters [x 4--Movie 8:38 PLM, + an tee, Somerton 6. Fodder 8. Spanish sound like. you, and I know some of M a Wi--Lost in. Space 2-Merv. Griffin soraae ' sree 27. Colonize the questions they aa yeti > 9--Best of Probe 7--Movie 12:45 P.M, place . Me 30. Anna- need insulin (young diabetics = éNovie™ 6-12---Hymn Sing 4--Guiding Light 10. Bunche 11, Gazed mese f usually do) they want to know SeMON A Esha 'uae a eel N. 15. Toe measure } exactly how to take the insulin, 12--Movie | sae Wa, 9--Movie ar regen 14 Spe 34. Crusta- how to take care of the syringe, MOY a0 ALM, | 9--Talking Point eee ere 42. Irish aT yar wood re wis, whether to keep the insulin in 7 sas te | 4--Face the Nation os : * oo. WIE} / ITHOUGHT WE WERE BUT IF GO INTOA snl ALWAYS GET MORE THAN I) | $--Movie j $412--Walt" Disney ar So gl taal Sounty 18. Cleaves yor ra gg Rag hlged >» know what to ( ROWED. sa aR pub SUNDAY | 6:30 PLM. 1:30 PM. 18. Taut 19. Grape 36. Keep Lela did sanded vg Other youngsters offer é ee }11--Walt Disney's World | 412 Hansel and Gretel 14. Particles seeds 37. Rodent jooe : } | 7: AM. | Lassie t--Let's Make A Deal 16. Robber 20. Type of 38. Asian 42.Primary _jthem candy that has to be re- ; TOR Tiee ott anes 4--News, Weather, Sports | 4--As The World Turns 19. Sloths architecture river color |fused, or what to order instead A> \ :00 AM. | : ; a a ie = : : ; : M--Living Word Tg cae eee mee 1-U:8. Open "Highlights 22. Cuckoo 21. Breaks 39. Vitality 43, English if the others are having ice Y ; fee Tren Te HET | ZoNativity Story 4-Love Is A Many 28. Church, 24. Land 41. Shoshc cathedral {cream or hamburgers, and the = Fy : 2--Agriculture U.S.A, | 4-tassie WAtahoghg one officer measure nean city diabetic diet doesn't allow it. a i | agg peaie [Sec ae : peated tive | 25, Dwells Or how they can tell if they've { VECarton 'Playnouse | nmovette 7--North-South' Shrine ggg adh * 1 [2 [3 [4 | | 44° 1 e P been eating too much, or how, C. 7--Linus | 9--F.8.1 Game ugoslavia A and how often to test them- = | | So torky "P | aeiae Pleshi tH laa 29. Cubie a Wy" selves for sugar. Oh, there are --Porky Pi | 3-6-12--Flash = F 4:00 AM. eecwat ce [tome meters 4 lots of questions. How much ex- o 5 'Cathedral Chimes. || 7#-Walt Disney NAY teak gong bow | i: Pitch iz Ysa oe t if ° --Christmas Song fr ercise? What if you miss a 36 | ee P. i ) ex dipaeee carats | _7--King Family rating. Sirbat 33, sone NTH ca oa meal? And plenty of others, and ek a nee, AM | 3-4-6-12--Ed Sullivan Show] 4 House Pa 7 sretey LY. GGG to live a healthy, happy Ite ja JoRocketship 7 Par Pr Dy {pres re 36. Shop le Tit lie Y 19 120 |2s spite of diabetes, you have to aor T A AIX THESE SLIPS UP GOOD...) (/ THERELL BE NO FIGHTS Jae] | 4-Uncle Jerry's Club | 17) others imcaw 9--Christmas Bailet 37. Competitor V7, know the answers. PA! GET YOUR, ne AND HAVE. THE CHILDREN DRAW AT THE TABLE ABOUT Ay, 10:00 AMA, | aba 4-Te Tell the Truth 40. River 2 Y Yio 24 There are answers to all your 33 HAT AND COME WHAT FoR? LOTS! AT THIS YEARS WHO'S GOING TO BLOW )'779 | | 9--Marine Boy 7--Movie ad--Anether World to the YA. questions. Don't swamp your ' CHRISTMAS DINNER... 8--Faith For Today 49--Smothers Brothers ; 26 121 V/Alee, doctor with too many questions - "christmas Musle | ofp! 3:25 PLM. Orinoco '6 ith t : ee YY 4 3--Spectrum beets a ee +News 44. Living Y at once. You'll get so much in- Yo a--The Answer | 1--Christmas in Brass 3:98 PM : 29 30 Ey) formation at once that you prob- d | ipecies [7 Ee Y 10:30 A.M. | 4--Edge of 'Night WY) orton b it all Ma Or $--Cartoon Playhouse = | 10:00 P.M. 7--Cemmander T of pepper a 7, = ae ably can't aig 'o aur Bc 4--This Is The i'fe 1--Peyton Place 3-6-12--Christmas Greet-| 46. Duration But show him this column "a 3--Sacred Heart | 9--Gift of Music ing 47. Shab) " h and 2-Insight | _4--Mission Impossible ' . Shabby 4 next time ~ou see him, and =) 11:08 A.M. | 3-6-12--Way it Is bce ha yigi sd DOWN WG be Wud VA \have clearly in mind (or even VW--Continental Miniature | 2-8--High Chaparral Ate PM, Vills, "A ' n--u 1. Halo d er) the two or eta --Let's Sing Out . 37 (38 |39 VW77\40 4) [42 143 noted on . paper , S--Christopher Program | 24, 59 ti P.M. tii hes Loy 2. Disease Y |three questions you need the ©2 fe ea Weather, Sports +--Secret_Storm ry Wing rry Aas janswers to know. 4 3-6-12--Church Service 11:25. PLM. 3--Mike Douglas ree Y, | You'll be seeing him regularly 2--Faith For Today | 4--Greatest Headlines pane baie ranch a Y aT jin the future, and you can take Ndr, OA Hockey | 11:38 PLM, par alle ag 5 Site VGA, up other problems when or if 9--! Wish You were {--Christmas Eve Serv- | &--Leave it Te Beaver of the dead 42-23 \they crop up. ry ra = Here ice 4--Truth of Consequences © ,