Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Dec 1967, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, December 21, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Pensions For War Veterans To Be Increased 15 Per Cent , OTTAWA (CP) Veterans | Minister Teillet Wednesday. an- nounced a 15-per-cent increase in disability pensions for war veterans and their widows, or- phans and dependent parents. He said in the Commons the increase will be effective Jan. 1, 1968. The increase wil 000,000 in a full 3 $7,500,000 in the current fiscal year from Jan. 1, 1968, to March 31, 1968 Flu Closes Schools PETROLIA, Ont. (CP) -- Two medical officers of health Wednesday ordered 16 Petrolia and Enniskillen Township ele- mentary schools closed because of a spreading outbreak of Asian flu mixed with a number of cases of scarlet fever. Dr. H. B. Shabsove, Petrolia medical officer of health, and Dr. M. B. Dougall, Enniskillen Township health officer, or-, dered three Petrolia public schools a Petrolia separate school, and 12 one- and two- room schools in Enniskillen Township closed. Turbo-Train PRINCETON JUNCTION, N.J. (AP) -- A passenger train powered by gas turbine engines similar to those used /in jet air craft reached speeds of 170 miles an hour as it shot through the barren central New Jersey countryside Wednesday The United Aircraft Corp., manufacturers of the turbo train, claimed the speed is a record for a passenger train in the United States COUNTERFEIT BILLS Bowmanville police report the Toronto-Dominion Bank branch there recovered two counterfeit! commissioner for $10 bills this week PROPOSAL TABLED Board has tabled a proposal to construct a three-room addition to Orono Public School. It was proposed to erect a general purpose room, a_ kindergarten i and a library HERE and THERE held at the Town Hall HON. ROGER TEILLET ... Effective Jan, 1 Shipping Over FORT WILLIAM (CP) -- The inter-lake shipping season is ex- pected to close w the depar- ure Wednesday Sarnia-bound Lawrencecliffe Hall. Shipping between Sault Ste Marie and here is expected to continue until the weekend. Fire Hall Burns PENN YAN, N.Y. (AP) Four fire trucks and the head- quarters of the Pen Yan volun teer fire department were de- stroyed Wednesday by a fire Fire Chief John Banach valued destroyed equipment at $ 000 Pen Yan is 42 miles southeast of Rochester 1 FIRE TRAINING Pending approvals from P. J Kennedy, parks and property Oshawa, the city fire department will now be able to use for training purposes ed The Clarke Township School 20¥ vacant city-owned buildings high blood pressure may pro- ° which aré scheduled for demo lition BOWMANVILLE An audition Bowmanville JAMBOREE for the next Jamboree will be auditor. MILK PREFERENCE im on Sunday afternoon, Jan Wilfred Pascoe, manager of\/ from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. An Idea! Dairy Products Limited,|one interested in ta t Oshawa "id the Ontario Milkjin the audition s contact Commission, at a hearing in the Bowmanville Department of Yule Message | WEATHER FORECAST For Kiwanis Friday Will Be Colder wet' With Few Snowflurries be summed up in one word,| 'Emmanuel', which translated, ici ers, mild. Winds easterly TORONTO (CP) Official, showers, mi : rly forecast issued at 5:30 a.m.: {10 increasing to 20 this aft TO START DURING New Rela Between | means 'God Is With Us'," said Rey. N. F. Swackhammer, pas- = \tor of First Baptist Church, who r the members of Osh- ' . noon. ¥ By ALEXANDER F; io fu iran lua tn Sm: st 2 orca emperates | SrtA ae TAREE j didonal pre Chea ee ocoags rainy across southern central) a" ia eas gi and a Liberal MP Jury Trial | The story of Christmas is) nd northeastern Ontario. Inj Windsor --+++-s++» 30 Said Wednesday a new relation- about God, His crossing the) ' ..| St. Thomas 3 ship must be worked ST. THOMAS (CP) -- Police lthreshold of human existence|contrast cold air over the ex-|> don .<: 5 30 tween the CBC and P. 'ab be- Constable Larry Houghton) | d in the story of Christ Jesus, treme northwest of the province Mount Forest «.... 45 30 nee aieas arliament. | B Chamberlain, 25, charged with) hel se understand the nature will keep readings down to 10 or Wingham . 45 30 unde aie a ad a start be 'counselling a St. Thomas man + lof God. Je peg} God, speaking 20 degrees today. Tonight the| Familton ee 45 35 aati sit ebate on a broad-| Ww to commit an indictable offence sialhiake i Fates " : cold air will begin pushing to") Catharines... 45 35 Ho ing ' ill now befofe the! | elected trial by judge and jury pers Yui question today in| ward the lower Great Lakes. By) poi. 45. 85 ak Bec ns tol Wednesday in magistrate's ; catty, Sot and I hate to late Friday all of Ontario should Peterborough ..... 42 45 en ce age rg any : ¢ : i IY, : |be engulfed by it. ba; : ae 45 Alber at while lip court, = answer, is Who is bare Windsor. 'London Take St ety A noe o service has been given te the| in Chamberlain was arrested what is God Like'? 4 He is|Clait, Lake Erie, Lake Huron:| (inti, 77 i idea that the CBC is responsible| _ / and charged Nov. 4 with coun- is like that man, an Ss) Warm with periods of rain and capri fe 30 to Parliamen!, "this question of| Yi® selling Gerald Fredrick Lang to | with us. ain@rizzle today and tonight. North ne ae 32 the relationship to Parliament| Sh' commit the indictable offence of ; |. "Now, in the aes ce the|Cloudy and turning much colder] TO) 0Y ""-""""" 3932 has never been defined, has| 2 | | breaking and entering an indus- ; |the joys of our own life, "| Friday with snowflurries. Winds Wanton er 28 never really been dealt with in| PO |trial supply firm in St, Thomas i|wonders of our human exis-| 1°15 to 20 today, light to-|© ale kane 20 22 a way that created-a satisfac-| __' and committing theft. tence, we get the reality _--- night, increasing to northwest 20 Hed tet oe 14 18 tory situation." ani os Christmas mess hg a het 30 Friday. White River oe ab 15 Both he and Don Jamieson (L| CTS Criminal Records manuel, God is with us, Toronto, Hamilton, Lake On-| Woovonce .., 15 18 --Burin-Burgeo) said the bill) Pe! OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com- concluded. _ __________|tario, Haliburton. Cloudy. With | ore ed now under consideration fails 10) . " mons justice committee says a periods of rain, beginning this deal with this problem. | sil person's criminal record should morning and continuing ai SPECIAL WEEKLY MESSAGE Mr. Jamieson said the prob-| P be erased after five years of ea S Friday morning. Very mild) EMBERS lem will never be solved until] 1" zood behavior but reinstated if today and tonight. Turning | TOM the publicly-owned CBC is put) °™ he is found guilty of a further . en a ae RE DECEMBER BULLETIN berger A under the authority] ang x 2 5 wi ws ae 0 roadcasting' gulatory| criminal offence, redicted southeast 15 to 25 changing to body, Tile in the: Boset In a report tabled in the t 15 to 95 late Friday : e Board of} 49 House Tuesday, the committee : aes ee |northwes' © 20 late LM Broadcast Governors at) ,. suggests the justice department F ith |_OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana.) North Bay, Sudbury, Georgian YAS present, but the bill proposes to) '"° establish a board of review con JULIE RODRIGUEZ, who brother, John Anthony, Mrs. John Rodriguez pes ldian Highway Safety Council/Bay, Timagami, Cochrane: set up a new agency called the) U° victions has survived a liver trans- | when they met for the first the children) may be able |. ai. 195 Canadians will die|Cloudy with periods of rain and FOOD CLUB Canadian Radio-Televieiun| °?° Sos plant almost five months -- time in a Denver hospital to take her home for Christ- lin traffic accidents during the/mild today and tonight. Cloudy/ Council a The persons a phe onger than anyone élse -- Wednesday. Doctors say if mas. three - day Christmas and new/and turning much rhe . sm apply to have records climi-) "9 2 iti . i ' i i | ITS CBC RES is . -. five vaare| wasn't too eager to get ac- her condition remains ; | Year's weekends. snowflurries early riday. WANTS CBC RESPONSIBLE and nated and could do so five years cuathtad with her new baby stable, her parents, Mr. and --AP Wirephoto ees says 85 persons will be| Winds south 20 to 30 changing to|f 79 -- 97 277 -- 66 The Newfoundland MP, aout after completing a sentence, |killed between 6 p.m. Friday,/northwest 20 to 30 early Friday.\j 158-- 40 304 -- 78 broadcaster himself, said' thel sry ° T ] t G irl Dec, 22, and midnight Tuesday, at Se doe, ger) A = et legislation ought to state "that liam j other 40 will die be- ite River: : Be gay! the Canadian Radio-Televis Tourist Exchange Liver- ransp an 1 org ey Friday, Dec. 29,| with occasional rain today. | Hh dm Bhs | phen be Council is the ultimate sini sf MONTREAL: (CP) -- Gabriel and midnight New Year's Day. |Gradually turning colder andif 214 yop | (07 44 and that the CBC is responsible|coul Loubier, Quebec tourism minis- ed Normah H. Bell, counciljchanging over to snow thisif 215 0s | {35 fst to it" 'There: were too many|bron pene gpd toe edison nel Home or ristmas chairman, said in a press re-) evening. Cloudy, windy and 216-- 180 | 453 -- 186 loopholes in it that would permit ran cluded preliminary agreement oe lease Wednesday drivers can much colder Friday with snow, 218--108 | gsg__ gg the CBC to do whatever it want-| put | we French y fapleieg _ offi- : t tal. Kerri received her new)stay alive if they observe sim- ee ae wed S id a el pay ae él. ie cials that cou result in a NUE , eis ie| hed for months now from|ta rr relive | : 't drive| flurries. Winds southeas i) 263 -- 48 " , y ¢ a fs & DENVER, Colo. (AP) -- Julie|wate a : , 95 \ple safety rules and don't | -- % Mr. Barnett said the idea of|broa 'massive exchange" of French|cperie Rodriguez, who extends| the brink of heartbreak andiliver Sept. 5 and Candy Nov. 25.|P) 30 today. Northwest 20 to 35 to-|f 272 -- 76 having acapinet minikies sat nf et and Quebec tourists Speak t ae liver transplant survival re- cont . tie fellow Sos oes cords every day Sone Oe ea syeon (reacted milestones from a four-day visit to Paris, Mr. Loubier said he met with Pierre Dumas, French tourism) minister, and the minister for overseas affairs to discuss pros- pects for a co-operative tourism program between the two gov- ernments. High Blood Pressure WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S government researchers report- st evidence Wednesday that} «, gress more quickly to a poten- tially ominous stage than doc- The new findings suggest that what is called essential hyper- tension may not be the slowly progressive disorder doctors have long regarded it to be. 500 Arrested CALCUTTA (Reuters) -- Toronto Tuesday, the public has| Recreation at 623-3114, The next| More than 500 persons were ar- cent Guernsey milk over "'stan- dard" 2 per cent. The hearing was told that Ontario Milk Mar-|§ keting Board plans to equalize) the incomes of Ontario dairy/ farmers are unconstitutional The hearing is being held on Ross Strike will take place at }Hall auditorium on Jan p.m. TWO NOMINATED Mayor Ivan Hobbs and W jclashes of a three-day-old diso- ] ca w) [India's West Bengal state. she may hospital for Christmas. Perhaps be sort Wednesday--she met her|at home with uildrer new baby brother and was toldia blend of anxiety and thanks-| 9¢ any type of liver transplant piaale bo that cache tay att ac-| was 34 days, and 23 days for Or-\,ordingly by being doubly cau- : 3 thotopic transplantation, or not that Julie doesn't get sick again complete replacement of the |and we can keep them both,' diseased liver, such as all the| said her father, John Rodriguez children here have had. | h- of Pueblo, Colo. | home from the because she's quite two years old, and has had little experience w Claus and none with baby brot ers, she seeméd not at all im- pressed Neither does she yet under- and what urvived on But her New longer--five Saturday--than anyone else} known to have undergone the delicate liver transplant opera- tors previously have thought. tic it means to have months parents. nave Kidney | Doing Well CAPE TOWN shown a preference for 2 per\Country and Western Jamboree|rested and about 200 injured as\10-year-old boy who received aj the Town! police battled with student mobs|kidney transplant from traffic) 21 at| Wednesday in the most violent) accident Denise Darvall was re- ported in satisfactory leoday: in hospital. (CP-AP) -- "A His mother expressed sorrow Police and tear gas squads/at the death of Louis Washkan- former chairman) went into action as thousands of| chy who received a heart trans- an appeal against a decision Of the Ontario Hydro Electric yelling students turned a peace-|njant from Miss Darvall 18 days of the marketing board to give| Power Commission, and also a| ful protest against dismissal ago milk from all cattle breeds the former mayor of Bowmanville, last month of the state's leftist) "Jonathan Van Wyk received same financial treatment. PARKING METERS A city worker told Tuesday that someone had re moved the heads of two parking meters on Ontario Street. The Bowmanville Town receive Canadian Centennial police | Medals. Council to COMMITTEES CUT Bowmanville town council has valued at reduced the number of its com parking meters are $135. It is believed that an in- mittees from 11 to four strument like a tire bar was i a Saud th fotce the tone' of the POOL CLOSING parking meters off Council approved the closing 1 of the Centennial swim HIGHWAY SAFETY g pool and the Oshawa rec Ald. Russell McNeil, Ald: reation centre for Christmas James R two mem- Day and New Year's Day. die and bers of the staff have authorized to attend the Minister of Trans port Regi Conference of zineering been highway safety in Toronto Jan 5 and 6 POSTAL SERVICE While postal service in Osh awa Vv G luced to a mir or hristm: Day, Dec be given on One com- | be nade HYDRO CENTRE ir a entre at On approximate power con be closed 2 and Vew y he ance of holiday period the centre will be opened from 9 a.m. to 4pm The centre features a color-sound film or nuclear and a 4,N00-square-foot e f exhibits FIVE IN CONTEST The 1968 warden of the United Counties of Durham and North umberland will come from Northumberland County. Five men are reported to be in the race. They are: Reeve Gordon Carruthers, Hamilton Township Reeve Roy Chatten, Brighton Townst Reeve W. Thomas, Cobourg: Reeve J.- Whittington, South Monoghan Township. and Deputy Reeve Mel Wight, Sey- mour Township DIXON'S HEAT WITH OIL OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS CITY OF Seeled Tenders, plainly mark 27th for the following: Exclusive advertising right for Areno urer in Five (5) equal yearly ed with your tender Auditorium ManagerdVodhotcoe required, please contact Mr. W mitted. THE CORPORATION OF THE NORTH OSHAWA ARENA ceived at the office of The Civic Auditorium, 99 Thornton Rood South, up until 12 O'Clock Noon, Wednesday, December epproximotely a 120 #q, ft. area of the Mechanical Sports- timer to be situated ot the eost end of the Poyment of advertising rights will be made to the City Treas- the edvertisement as drawn-up by the successful tender will be included in the cost of the Sportstimer unit when purchased by The City. A copy of proposed advertisement shall be includ- Should further detoiled information regarding this tender be torium Manoger, phone 728-5162. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any Tenders sub- W.R. BRANCH---Chairmon Boord of Menogement Civie Auditorium Complex and Arenas OSHAWA ed as to content will -be re- © period of Five (5) Years on North Oshowe installments, the initial cost of tnn m. Kurele, Oshawa Civie Audi- Coalition Sought LONDON (AP) to head a coalition in Europe|two weeks One of the surgeons who per against France, whose veto keeps it out of the European formed Common Market. operation Discussing Tueday's second|y veto by France of Britain's bid/a oung nd his to enter the Common Market, |isfactory Brown told the House of Com- mons Britain will continue(t working with the five Common|" Market nations backing its} Washkansky's six-nation larly economic bloc so it can join as|progress membership in the a full member the heart of Miss. Darvall was transplanted into Washkansky, a 53-year-old Foreign grocer whose own heart was so | Secretary George Brown indicat-|far gone after two heart attacks ed Wednesday Britain will seek|that he wasn't expected to live * the said Jonathan is general condition is sat- have been nominated by the) United Front government into @ the kidney Dec. 3, the same day| bloody riot. that : 25-year-old kidney transplant the kidney in functioning Jonathan's mother, Mrs. Ger- ie Van Wyk, said she was very, very sorry' to hear of death, particu- after he had made such "My heart goes out to his wife and family ith Santa condition | 4 they know. And _ knowing the she lives,|risks and rewards is making jn fair condition, but won't be of another|this chance at a quiet Christmas| going home. their two children giving. : "T just hope and pray to God On the other hand, his wife Louise, who gave birth to sev- q|after drinking. ar | "These grim statistics need| not come true," he said. "They| meant as a helpful warning} the driving and walking They, like Julie, are reporte : ar The previous survival record|t tious in traffic." Tweed Reeve The donor livers were ob-| tained from children who died| Runs For Warden An-|at the centre of ailments unrelat-| night and Friday. Ottawa and Montreal: Cloudy} this afternoon with rain toward/ evening. Friday cloudy with! PHONE 723-1163 the link between Parliament! mons Further Resear Of Committee OTTAWA ments to the Criminal Code/tio: ( (CP) -- Amend-|life i ns en-pound, 14-ounce John led to the liver. TWEED, Ont. (CP) -- Reeve dealing with abortion should be| soci |thony Monday, has said, and|©& i ' ore 4| Barbara Allen, head of what confirmed to eliminating ambi-| mogi her husband agrees: "I've had] The transplant Sigrl . ' once was the only all-female guity without attempting to) pe her almost five months longer | by Dr. te ages migra aan municipal body in Canada, at broaden the law, Most Rev. tary than I would have otherwise." jresponsibie for persons '°/ nounced Tuesday that she wi Philip F. Pocock of Toronto, tion Julie wore a blue and whitejare living after kidney trans-) ee; the county council post of chairman of the Canadian Cath-| alloy nursery version of a mini-dress,| Plants here. warden of Hastings County. olic Conference's committee on! unde white tights and a red Christ- --------!| County councillors, Lajeney Fo abortion, said Wednesday. wher mas cap to the meeting with | caucus, will elect a new warden In a statement issued from] js jn) John Anthony. He wore a dia CLOTHING COSTLY _\ipy the end of January. the conference's Ottawa head-) «ay per. ' MONTREAL (CP) -- It will) "Tweed's all-woman council quarters, Archbishop Pocock gard 2 OTHERS SURVIVE cost the city of Montreal $55,000| was formed in September when said the church committee was| \orq 1 agit patie known liver|a year to keep its firemen in| the last male member resigned pleased with the decision of al tatio e > . santad vomé 4 A | : shai gia "hi ; 'itv'e eveo,{and was replaced by a woman. Commons committee that there| . tran s pla n t hepa 16-| shirts this year, the city's exec) Bit in this year's election, Jean- must be more study béfore Aree months-old Kerri ate ere committee was told at alette Whitfield was defeated by final report on abortion is is-| daughter of Mr. an rs. | ts recent meeting. |Ken Thompson. rape Th L, Brown, Long Beach, ¢ hs _ cere a -- ee He called for government as-;mitte and eed Baur Bo To THe sistance to carry out research| the ¢ aree, daughter of Mr. an rs. 2 sista : y.8 ae Ibert Barbaree, Orlando, Fla., OSHAWA RECREATION DEPARTMENT 'Best in Canada and abroad "by all] Th {beth are patients at the hospi- D : gig ag ge Sarton' alg _--------- --- ----, i i RESSED . r ' Registration for procedure dealing with human!and | LOOKING FOR A COMFORTABLE QUIET RENDEZVOUS DOWNTOWN? THEN GO TO THE Tally-Ho Room Hotel Lancaster 27 KING ST, WEST WINTER SWIMMING CLASSES WED., DEC. 27th & THURS., DEC, 28th 10:00 A.M. -- 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. -- 8:30 P.M. Preference will be given te Oshawa Residents 10 KING WEST Santas WE Know... Our Customers! LIMITED Oshawa's Smart Men's Shop OSHAWA 5 LAST © DAYS VIC TANNY'S esponsible to the 2 of the Desig in. are employed in the Divisior The Personne! ty Hall, C Director of Design and CITY OF OSHAWA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL DESIGN ENGINEER Salary Range --- $12,165. to $14,869. p. a, 1 Officer Oshawa, Ontor ntrol for the administration nd @ member of the staff of technicions public works etc. Relevant ems and various ond experience, A personal data, edu- CITY OF OSHAWA Garbage Collection Notice following days: CHRISTMAS DAY AND BOXING DAY There will be NO GARBAGE COLLECTION on the MONDAY, DECEMBER 25th, 1967 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1967 Norme! Dey of Collection Monday, December 25th Tuesday, December 26th Wednesday, December 27th Garbage must be-out by 7:00 a.n the revised schedule. Please note the following changes in the schedule: Chonged Te Wednesday, Wednesday Thursday on the above days to avoid being missed as the time of collection will change because of Please do not leave garboge out over the weekend. Department of Public Works, City of Oshawa December 27th December 27th December 28th PHONE 76 To The World's Largest and Finest Chain AY or sooner 1 of Health Clubs S DEC. 24th quota is reached Don't be Disappointed...Call Today! 123-8171 CLUBS OPENING SOON IN BURLINGTON, SUDBURY, KINGST ON, QUEBEC, ST. JOHN'S CAROUSEL MOTOR INN Open Daily 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. TORONTO, OSHAWA, LONDON, HAMILTON, ST. CATHARINES, OAKVILLE, KITCHENER, WINDSOR, OTTAWA, MONTREAL. AFFILIATED CLUBS IN WINNIPEG, CALGARY, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA TROIS-RIVIERES Cars move onto the new $50,000,000 ~Laviolette I F I Senator Roebt New Divorce OTTAWA (CP) --Senator le thur Roebuck (L-Ontario) Wednesday praised the govern- ment bill widening the grounds for divorce as one of the great- est social reform measures in 100 years. Senator Roebuck, chairman of the Senate's divorce committee for 14 years, introduced the bill in the upper chamber and said: "Nothing will contribute more to human happiness than the Provisions of this bill." Until now, divorces generally | can be obtained on grounds of! adultery. Under the bill, grounds for di-| vorce cover desertion, bigamy,| physical and mental cruelty, so-| domy, bestiality, rape, homo- Sexuality, and marriage break- down as well a: adultery. p lef eS: er Fl on wi th

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