Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman- ville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in Onte ario and Durham Counties, VOL, 26--NO. 296 eee 24TH GUIDE COMPANY HELPS SPREAD CHRISTMAS CHEER the 24th Joseph Swindells, one of the volunteers mas Cheer boxes, the toys from, left, Guides Debbie Hawke and Susan A doll, stuffed dog, cloth- Ing and games were among the gifts turned over to the Oshawa Christmas Cheer committee yesterday by Guides and Brownies from She Oshawa Cimes 10¢ Single Copy 55 Per Week Home Delivery Weather Report Cloudy and turning much colder Friday with snowflur- ries. Low. tonight, 45; high tomorrow, 35, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1967 Authorized os Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa ond for payment of Postage in Cash TWENTY-SIX PAGES company. Mrs. Christ- accepts packing Meades and_ Borownies Karen McLaurin and Terri Powers. The Christmas Cheer committee, an agency of the Greater Oshawa Com- munity Chest, is packing 300 Van Thien, LBJ Agree On Peace Suggestion CANBERRA (CP) -- dent Nguyen Van Thieu of South Vietnam met here tonight with President Johnson and publicly agreed that Johnson's latest talks with representa- Presi-|dispel any idea the two leaders|not regard the front as an inde- were in conflict over possible in- formal tives of the Viet Cong's National Liberation Front. pendent organization in sense." Johnson, in a taped television interview in Washington Tues- any ' | Possible Peace Avenues Infection Kills Were Explored In Speech Washkansky CAPE TOWN (CP) -- Dr Christian N. Barnard said today the death of the world's first j|heart transplant patient left no evidence that heart transferrals should be discontinued Dr. Barnard, who performed jthe heart transplant of Louis |Washkansky Dec. 3, said a |post-mortem produced no clini- cal evidence that rejection OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Min Mr. Pearson said there appar- ister Pearson said Wednesday a ently wa wspaper reporter jnewspaper report which quoted inside the lio. when the inter- view was I taped. thim as urging the United State to call a halt to all fighting Vietnam "'is quite inaccurate." | wit In reply to a question by Op ay position Leader Stanfield, Mr Pearson told 'the Commons he "made no proposal urgi 1, and the use of the inter- thing on the United Stat in ¢ ra newspaper story was television broadcast taped eat xtraordinary behavior on 'the ier this week for use on New part of those who may hiv Year's Day. been responsible." 2 Mr. Pearson spoke of possible been in there e and approv- "the prime id the in- orview was not for release until idded. He played a part in the patient's I } : y nthe nterview transcrit death. avenues towards peace in Viet-'y7. yp, re said ea ih "As soon as the occasion nam during the taping session Vietnam i sue, ae Fg haa arises we will do the next heart and his office later released a taken 'a more inde endent anh partial transcript of the inter view which quotes the prime minister as saying, when asked what steps the U.S, might take to resolve the war: "Well, one thing they might He said he himself had been "ipa haven't all the facts the first person to go to the U.S. at my disposal that they have eve as to the efficacy of this kind of ane aban dee Beat ie HeTNLE ee action--one thing they might do North Vietnam be stopped. is just stop the fighting and say, now we'll talk to you in a couple transplant,"'. Barnard told a news conference Jess than eight hours after Washkansky, 53, died in Groote Schuur Hospital. Earlier Washkansky's anes- | thetist reported that the trans- |planted heart worked well until the very end and that the post- mortem indicated the patient died of a severe localized infec- tion of the lungs--pneumonia. Dr. Marthinus C. Botha, a pa- I hope a more constructively in- dependent position in this mat- ter than any of the Atlantic countries." boxes for delivery to needy voucher for either poultry families. In addition to a or meat. The boxes are food parcel, each box con- being packed at the Simcoe tains a toy or piece of cloth- Street South Guide House. Mr. Pearson said later In the interview that "I do feel we LOUIS WASHKANSKY, 53 ing for each child in the | ; . +» Lived 18 Days family and a $4 food (Oshawa Times Photo) thologist, also said at this stage : weeks at Geneva, and if this|should take some risks now for : Aah there is no clear evidence that fighting begins again it will be'peace--all of us--and if the lrejection played a part in the your fault United States felt that they "This would be a pretty dras tie step for them to take.' could... 1 think it would be a very good thing to do." | outcome of the operation, | Drs. Barnard and Botha ap- |peared at the news conference | with cardiologist Pro fessor Velva Schrire, pathologist R. J. |G. Thomson and cardiologist | Dr. A, Forder. i P eac F | PNEUMONIA WAS REASON e orce | A statement issued to the \press shortly before the news | UNITED NATIONS (AP) --\ conference said: |The UN Security Council raced| 'Clinically the cause of death |against the clock today in an at-|W@S respiratory failure due to ltempt to agree on a resolution bilateral pneumonia. This was scoTtisH KLT UN Strives FOR SANTA CLAUS GLASGOW (AP) -- | To Extend Christmas cards showing Santa Claus in highland dress with kilt and bonnet are being sent by Scottish natioralists. They are avail- able from the Highland As- sociation which also pub- lishes calendars printed in Canada Offers Supervision | Of Cambodia Jungle Trails | OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada has|Commission operates in Viet- told Cambodia it is ready--in-\nam, Laos and Cambodia under deed, anxious--to strengthen th 1954 armistice agreement Control Comm ch ended the civil war be- the G iy i nati suggestions for promoting peace| The joint statement saidjday, said: 'I have said that I) dose jextending the life of. the 4JN/ confirmed at oriem by Dotero aoa it can supervise/tween the Commun I in Vietnam 'were fully consis-|Thieu 'reaffirmed willingness|think the war can be stopped in| | peace force on Cyprus. Pi aared if he crvaitarct' Wate p 'fron wht Daal forces. The com tent" with the policy of his gov-|to discuss relevant matters with|a matter of days if president] . | The current six-month man-|,ansky's death "negated the ex- Vietnam, a highly-placed' 'gov-/mission In 'Cawpodia "nal tocar ernment. any individuals now associated|Thieu's suggestion that he infor- eo enin |date of the 4,500-man force in-| periment" Dr. Barnard replied: ernment source says. PA operalhy: bid . Johnson and Thieu issued al with the so-called National Lib-|mally talk with members of the cluding 900 Canadians expires|" «pirstly, I would not consider However, Poland, the Com-/basis for any Macon ais a joint statement following ajeration Front, while making it}NLF are carried out, and if next Tuesday. Unless it is re-| ear te é munist member of the Canada-| Canada has proposed that the { it an experiment--it' was a $ commission, hasicommission in Cambodia be working dinner which sought to . s s Soviet-Built Rockets Fired : | Thi vas i ted as tak-/of an inquest Wednesday into At Attacking U.S. Bombers nr \-ciecc te bet ty ee nh i, ete SAIGON (AP) -- North Viet-|had downed one of the Ameri-|f5, Australia, where the two a spine injury doctors were un- namese gunners fired three sur-|can high-altitude bombers. clear that his government could|they would agree to what they newed before then, there will bel treatment for a sick patient. Cancelled HAMILTON (CP) -- Dr. H. B Cotnam, supervising coroner for | Ontario, cancelled the reopening brought Turkey and Greece to war several weeks ago Debate on a proposal to ex- tend the life of the UN force far like one-man, oOne-vote under the present constitutional gov- |ernment." Washkansky had an infected © leg and diabetes. Thomson said that had pneu- monia not played a part there was the possibility Washkansky with statements from Cyprus, would have lived for a few Turkey, Greece and others. years. The main. points in dispute)' The post-mortem showed were reported to be insistence|Washkansky had sustained 'an ouk, state. But co-operate dashed ano tive to try war on his departure from Saigon | than two weeks in hospital with |leaders have joined other world | able to detect. The U.S India-Poland lobjected to such a move, the Cambodian in Vietnam and peace negotiations started Poland's refusal to)porder has apparent! y;Cambodia. ther Canadian initia- the|strengthened so that it could in- hg a ro in "ig ino buffer ee "The problem of infection was DENISE DARVALL, 25 Dea a dda: stigate and report on border and ether olats gel eset a pe koh gg sas ag ac jieadey. agens Hie" Aurgical + + + Gave Her Heart Canada's offer was sent di-|incidents. There is no intention points neg} communities which near! yYiteam." rectly to Prince Norodom Sihan-| that Canadian peacekeeping sol- chief of/diers patrol the 400-mile jungle between Vietnam, and Cambodia is reported to be fa- to dampen down the vorable to Canada's proposal, by the U.S is said to be consid pursuit'? of Viet Cong the Commons to get which has also been put forward Prime Minister Pearson told Dec. 13 that face-to-air missiles Wednesday| U.S. officers said the 500-\¢~1:es to attend memorial rites) 'The inquest is not going to). ted asia eine hot 4 ent ae ee ati pring bog nek flying Friday for Prime Minister Har-|be reopened because there is no i a7 % pele oi Gacy eeu pees EADS Ot PRE guerrillas into Cambodia, where Canada would have '"'very grave bombers attacking the demili-jabout six miles up, had about 30) old E. Holt, lost in a weekend authority in the Coroner's Act to si , P oe Abily anced monia, he said. ie they have taken refuge after|reservations" about American tarized zone separating North|seconds to complete evasive ac-| swimming accident. fescben" ny' Hnteet- once. holler MC gan | it Cares m neat dincas the. battles in South Vietnam. pursuit of the Viet Cong into ak oe Dock gegen! ded ted During the day, Johnson met|jury has arrived at a verdict," york "nalnerilg and Saiter\ine pacvasoreamn - Wateex The International Contr ol/Cambodia. viet-bui ckets| picke issiles streaking] ,,; tae ibe Dri tat , ; 1&9 3 \the st-mor ashkan- three of the Soviet-built rockets|picked up the mis: &\with interim Prime Minister|}Dr. Cotnam ruled in a state demands by Turkey that the|sky showed the new heart had missed, the U.S. command re-|t ported. It was the first time the. U.S.|! the high-flying,| eight-engined Superfortresses with the SAM missles. Wash-| 'ington reported earlier North) Vietnamese efforts in Septem-| ber and October, without giving details, when the Pentagon de-| nied a Russian claim that SAMs| forts to get 40 Pro-Soviet Communist Jailed For Op HAVANA (AP) -- Fidel Castro's government has|eliminate material rewards for, jailed about 40 pro-Soviet Com- munist party members, includ- ing a central committee mem- ber, for opposing Castro's policy of exporting revolution, in- formed sources say. The sources said Wednesday night that the dissidents could not be described as_ being against the government but fa- vored a Soviet-style line of con- centrating on domestic eco- nomic problems. They also op- PDenecindAcatencls tis Chile Quake Injures 17 SANTIAGO (AP) -- A strong\mittee members and head earthquake rumbled through parts of northern Chile Wedne day night and first reports from government officials said persons were injured in Tocopil-| guides party publicity, and Ger-| special la, a port city of 15,000 on the|ardo Sanchez, a high party offi- Pacific Ocean. A military column was dis-|In addition, the sources said, an/4% patched to the city, located atjar my major--Cuba's the epicentre of the quake that|military rank--and a registered eight on the Richter|were jailed. scale. Also shaken were the cit- ee were talking jes of Antofagasta, Arica and Calama, Nisa lair force did not disclose what} Opy: command had made a combat) a ypened next in the skies over pen report of North Vietnamese ef-|the DMZ. | Premier|posed the party's campaign to tiv up at them. John McEwen of Australia,}ment. Beyond saying that none of! prime Minister Keith Holyoake| The order to reopen the in- he planes was damaged, the\or New Zealand and President! quest Wednesday was made by Hee Park of South|Coroner Dr. Adam Michalski. council limit itself to broadening) restored his liver to normal. the role of the UN force. ------ Diplomatic informants that Turkey is ready to use Sec-| retary-General U Thant's good Tornado said) NEWS HIGHLIGHTS | Korea. |My idea of reopening it was to The missile attack brought al The U.S. Jéader received as- continue with the same in-|offices in broadening the role of : Escalator Fall Fatal To Boy swarm of U.S. fighter-bombers] SUrances | from McEwen that quest," said Dr. Michalski.' the force so that it can act more . | mae '+t Moule, 10, of Hamilton a the site from which the Australia s pro-American Viet- y But my superiors ruled that an' decisively in a crisis. K l Th HAMILTON (CP) Rober oule, » o ' a ene a red. The U.S,|28M Policy won't change |inquest cannot be reopened." | 1 S ree , last. Saturday plunged five floors down a department rockets were fired. 4 "i | store escalator well amidst downtown Christmas shoppers, He had a dinner meeting with} Dr. Cotnam said he will study said the American) 4 ' | 4 ; | Se en in with bombs,|Thiew at the American em-/a transcript of the evidence at Norwood Woman | porosi, mo. (AP) -- Three pR. CHRISTIAN BERNARD | died tod B . bassy. |the inquest along with hospital |persons were killed and more Performed Operation | rockets and cannon fire and lefi the site a flaming inferno. |than 25 injured today when a,-- - three-foo Burned To Death [than 25 injured today when s\------ Greek King The joint statement seemed to records. "If I feel a new inquest _imake it clear that Johnson and|Should be held, then I will rec- |Thieu were publicly agreed on|ommend this in a report to the informal talks with attorney-general's department." NORWOOD, Ont. (CP) -- Ajsoutheastern Missouri, the Mis- 59-year-old woman died early|souri highway patrol said. Railw a railing when he lost ay in hospital. Police said t-wide well. ay Police Find Body the boy his balance and slipped into the was riding ossible NLF representatives, but are| The jury had ruled that Mr.|today in a fire in her two-storey; The patrol said the three BROCKVILLE (CP) CNR police today found the not committed by any means to Wallace, of Hamilton, died as|home here, 17 miles east of Pe- deaths occurred at Potosi where | body of a Toronto man who they said threw himself talks with the front as an organ-|the result of a blood clot indi-/terborough. a tornado swept slowly through M R t | from a Toronto - Montreal Rapido train Wednes night, e ization. rectly brought about by a frac-| Police said they found several|the area causing extensive dam- ay e urn A passenger went to the train's club car washroom C tro For example, the statement tured spine. Evidence at the in- blankets on the ground below age that extended into the com- about 7 a0) p.m. and found a window broken and some posing as said 'Thieu 'noted that it was|quest was that the fractured|the woman's bedroom window.|munity of Cadet five miles ATHENS (AP) -- Greece's) Cigthing, 'There were blood staines around the broken 'not useful to attempt construc-|spine was not discovered until)They think she may have tried/northeast. political ¢ npeared today ate ball ; e discussions with any ele-|an autopsy although Mr. Wal-'to use them to cushion a fall,| Potosi is in the centre of the/to be rea a turning point in South Vietnam com-|lace was examined by several but that she was afraid to jump|largest lead mining district in after King Constantine said he including a specialist and remained in the burning|the world, about 80 miles south- would return if the junta an- building |west of St. Louis. nounced a firm timetable for Pee ees | Potosi's city hall, power plant. restoration of democracy. ja shopping centre and several, The 27-year-old monarch's| jhomes were damaged or condition appeared easy for the} destroyed, troopers reported. At) ruling junta to accept. He called) least 20 persons in the communi-' for an "acceptable date' for) ty of 3,000 were taken to hospi-| publication of a new constitu: | tal. \tion, an early date for a nation- lal referendum on it and assur- SCATTERED STORMS ances to the Greek people that The tornado struck as thun- they will be able to elect a new ments mitted to violent methods to ob- doctors, Workers, \tain their political ends." 'and a radiologist. | They said the old-line Commu- nists were arrested three or four months ago. The purge ap- peared to be part of a crack- down reported earlier against lesser-known Communists and a handful of Havana University professors and students. The sources said the leader of the group was Anibal Escalante, | Pearson Says Conference On Housing Not Failure Bowman collided able, miles south of Chewaw. was killed Wednesday Highway Ont., truck on U. §S. ville, with a ...In THE TIMES Today... Bowmanville Man Killed:-In Crash CHEWAW, S.C. (AP) -- Courtney Royston Sanford, 33, car two when his 52, about No further information was avail- . Jastro} | ; i who was denounced by eadets OTTAWA (CP) -- The feder-|question of constitutional juris-| Federal and provincial deputy|\derstorms and high winds government A\ |, ticeGauit Gost--P: 13 cane eee Escalante|al-provincial conference 0 n diction. ministers with responsibility for|lashed widely scattered sec-| Constantine did not stipulate \\/ 7 Police-Cour oe ed suuyitie in|/housing problems was not a fail-| The main jurisdiction for|housing matters would be meet-/ tions. ' ag) what should be in the constitu- Brooklin Minors--P. 10 ass athe Soviet. Union|ure and did not break up pre-|housing rests with the provin-|ing in three montts to follow up| The patrol said a_ tornado) tion, what his powers should be Sosed: Linite-Fi 5 Z Saige ye re about two|maturely, Prime Minister Pear-/cial governments, Mr.' Pearson|some of the suggestions made|damaged 15 to 18 homes, or when the election should be pnd retired vo. Cune |son said today. 'said. Some were urging that the at the conference and ministers|destroyed several _ barns aug held. : Ann Landers--1!4 years 880. ad arrested in-| It achieved its purpose of ex-|government act quickly, without/from Ottawa and the provinces) ther farm buildings and) The junta. which wants Con- Ajax News=-5 Ce Hine '| tring problems of housing\regard for constitutional ques-/would be meeting again three knocked down power and tele- stantine back to help it hold rec- pee icluded Ramon Calcines Gor jamining pro! ah and: followin Hons months after that. |phone lines late Wednesday ggnition as the legitimate gov- City News--13 - |dillo, one of the 99 central com, /ancadinge were arranged to see) "If we went full speed ahead) The purpose of the conferencejnight between Willow Springs)ernment, long has promised to Classified--20, 21, 22 : | : A terprise; Gon-| what aan be done co-operatively|and damned the constitutioaal|was to examine the "serious | and Burnham in extreme ae return to parliamentary rule. A Comic 25 3 ee oar ¢ the federal and provincial|torpedoes we wouldn't keep the/problem" of housing and this/ern Missouri. Several persons' draft constitution is to be pre- Editorial-----4 5 sarvaj rmer officer| by frie Ags bagi ge ae age Gap a Eg: sei: rales Garvajal, a forme ( Pearson said.|ship afloat very long." |had been done. foe reported injured. sented: to it Saturday--a consti agree-|inces asked them to attend the housing--up 50 : 1 e starting Dec. 11 andjlast 15 years despite increased|lorest. The patrol said at least came ' four persons were injured. April 21 resigned Wednes 'pate. Under an all-party it started at 10 a.m. ae - : : od a Bist base i % rmal| 'continuing perhaps for another efficiency 0 construc = re de 'tarot day or tae The conference dustry. Mr. Pearson noted that] The weather bureau said com- from the army, NS re "\had ended after the second day.|salaries had climbed. 100 per|munities suffering damage are way for them to run as civi lans minister also said| There was no question of the|cent in the same period. located on a line extending from in the iene wey tee: een } there is a need for caution in{conference 'breaking up" be-| They had also discussed such | southern Missouri northeast to- ised. But here wa wd aie ae ge bathe ¢ housing and urban|fore it had done what it set out) problems as pollution and trans-|ward the Missouri-Ilinois bor- tion the ac tion wou d diminish gees oF egwih problems because of thejto do. iport in relation to urban growth.|der, : |their grip on Greece, tau to power in a coup last| /eial in Pinar del Rio province.;ment, hours highest) opening time captain|sitting. | The prime One source sai against Castro, : ' st Richer oF poorer, UY divorce Financial-- Theatres Weatt Whitt Wom do you part+. - Television-- ' ni 7 Orien-|governments, Mr. r wea : : : : : Se ie itera ate iin, the Gommitife ley which! He was the first speaker in a| Mr. Pearson said the invita-) Delegates had discussed the| Today, a tornado hit near the tution sharply reducing the y Obituaries--2 Atitawon OF me Hevo wes Commons housing de-|tion sent by Ottawa to the prov- problem of increased costs for|communities of Viburnum and | kir powers ce i 1os 2 | ¢ per cent in the|Bixby in the Clark. National he three ruling colonels who} a we Sports--10, 11, 12