CONDUCTING MINOR HOCKEY IN BROOKLIN MAJOR JOB FOR ADULTS . Increased Activity Reflects Popularity BROOKLIN -- "It is my be-| Each boy registered is pro-;Benson Brown look after the t* By, lief that it is the right of every|vided with approximately two|pee wee ranks, Dick _Allett, we 8 Lockyer and Pete Rice individual player to have the | hours of hockey per week be-| Mark same calibre of coaching and|tween the house and all - star are involved with the bantam same length of ice time as oth-|leagues. division, Art Morton and Mr. ers even though some of the; All - star teams play in the| Wilson handle the midgets while boys take longer to develop|Ontario Minor Hockey Assoc-|Carl Johansen and Bob Mar- than others,' were presidentjiation Lakeshore league of shall watch over the juveniles, Bob White's, comments on the| which the BMHA has belonged) BMHA tries to ensure that organization of Brooklin Minor'to for four years. all boys, regardless of ability, Hockey Association. | Executive of the association get as much training and ice White added that the BMHA|is composed of president White, time as possible. was composed of two divisions,|vice - president, Curtis Brown, 'We can't thank everybody the 'house' league and the all-|secretary Gerry Colleron and enough for the time and effort star teams, He said that many|treasurer Bill Coedy. Alex Esc-|they have given to make the people, when asked to help out,/holtz, Ray Wilson and Don Wil-|association a success, said were more interested in getting|son are the board members. White, 'some are involved in involved with the all - star one way or another four nights teams rather than the house|ACTIVE CONVENERS each week and on Saturdays." league teams. Irv Gibson is the convener, A BMHA . 'Minor Hockey INCREASE 20 PER CENT of the tykes, Bob Petch and|Night" is being held at Brook- There are approximately 300 Alex Escholtz have control of lin Arena, in the second week boys registered this year, an|the novice teams, Curtis andlof February. increase of 20 per cent over = last year, and peonwcic ? per * a t increase is 4 cat erase «reed. Powless With Uxbridge, built, with the help of the mu- nicipal council, to adapt to the 7 Ps modern increase in the program Pl I Wh t from year-to-year. ays n 1 y onig Costs for the entire organiza-| Me a canis = "g high| By CLIVF GORDON ' as $4,000. e0) lon't real-| i : ize the expenses encountered in ee bake ee ele ' a minor hockey organization," ning string Pe gon Satur: i White stated, "'we have to rentigay night in Sunderland, will ice (18 hours a week), buy ex-|) 4 "thei : : ; : have to be at t very best penne equipment such as goal- tonight, oily PPoaget jeg le eget Keay _, Pucks, buy the Uxbridge Black Hawks at ac le sticks, etc. . lthe Whitby Arena, with game e also added that as in time called for 8.30 p.m many other minor association) 1, their first meeting, the nes omer g pila a mai. (two teams battled to a fine five- bg tah SMHA est proD-/all standoff in a game that saw coe eee : ...¢ Jem in the BMHA as in anYithe jead change hands three minor organization is finding | times ACTION N BROOKLIN-BAY RIDGES GAME ___ jenough capital to lork on." Uxbridge has several. coud ...Each Boy Gets Two Hours Of Hockey Every Week enough capital to work on. shooters but one that will be : \12 TEAMS IN GROUP watched most carefully is Art | There are 12 teams in the Rennick. This star player from TWO GOALS MAGIC NUMBER; si ,oih tea yet Hane cdleletea # teams. House league is made|% strength for the Hawks with : lup of four tyke teams, four {his tireless efforts and deadly _ : IDGETS DEFEAT LINDSAY sins ro" Ss | rectors Lawyer feo 'bantam' Teams. Altar Anoher, young feline who, tt "Two" seemed to be the Dditt were the marksmen for |teams range from novice to see siate: ad oe GAYLORD POWLESS dominate number in Oshawa Local 222 juvenile. : Vase : House league games are Gaylord Powless. This young; + + - Scores in hockey too Minor Hockey Association Ron __-- Dennis d : To A eal AHA midget play at the Children's Thompson potted ab pater played Saturday mornings and orc gg cae gg pelo ined Arena last night. each for IOF 1248 in their |home all-star games are usualy Ee ever Junior Lacrosse play-|held in hospital for further ob- x Rose Bowl battled Local 222 shutout victory over Navy |Played Friday nights at @he|@ls sles has a these parts,/seryation and to make sure all QUEBEC (CP) -- Directors of| The directors want to follow| to @ 2-2 tie; Canadian Legion Vets. Brooklin Arena although some|!$ almost equally as adept atlihe problem is cleared up. It is the International peewee hockey|the Canadian Amateur Hockey! nipped Letter Carriers 2-1 and : gees ary Pere bios fi land rai ae od | t ipoints| cou for boning Gh tournament intend to place their | Association regulation that eligi- IOF 1248 blanked Navy Vets ALL-STARS WIN Sg eo Te eae Ce id Sita eee ot th ae ) : Four players shared the scor race for the Uxbridge team. (even if he was released in time oe es ~ ator ble players must be under 12) 2-0. ing for Osh 'amor midget s . . | Coach Al MacDonald l- f I ur Hockey Association in: the| years of age as of May 31, 1967. : BCH r Oshawa 'Alnor' midgets B G ] | Coac! acDona real- for the game. However, know- hands of a lawyer in an en-| The QAHA maintains that ale seat ie Cae i monn as they doubled the score on USINESS Ir s lizes that his team has a@ bigjing the fierce competitor that TEAM MEMBERS of the evaded the majority. Gord 'eavor to settle a hassle that/players must meet its require- their tramph Shiat Wage Lindsay 4-2 in Lakeshore Mid- . \chore ahead of them and he told/Gray is, he may talk the local Oshawa Generals were guest ae a Pe oe threatens to scuttle the Feb. 16-|ment of under 12 years of age|Bolahood tallied the lone sede Se ate oa eae, also at the Hold Fun Night: the other - that 'our)coach in to letting him work at eee ie 9 sa ae : ; yee ; a AP 5 lp * : o ahtite ur seat gic mere ioc ago, and taking a real Paipomisaitg ek cael pote cia a fel aR aaa er for the losers. Sire Ginachatd, Don Heke BG NG -- The Alland Aoi airaelinds nie yi ser ' few shifts, evening, at the home of their an *athusiastic member tate fair has been threatened be-|to seven months older than tise Single goals by Mike Ayer gins, Dusty Lynd 'and Terry Le eee wena aime | Uenettae.' ne Godfre --. Fg ga general' manager Matt Ley- leagues, with very respect- |C@Us¢ of a difference in in-| Quebec counterparts. and Rick Siblock enabled O'Reilly handled the scoring Caagus made their "regular Elmer Tran, the firey litte] an exhibition tilt fo "aw ek den, with wife Thelma and able averages of 232 and 218 |terpretation of the age rules| The CAHA will adopt the Dec.| Pe pas a pick up their for the winners while Don \ weakly session with accuracy redhead of the Mel-Rons is}from tonight, this will "bs the raw f . : . 4 | y aes ' i ? . ; Bae PS ' - d | wi cal 222. Ray- Rennie and Mike Clarke re- |competition following the regu-|their top point man, despite|last showing of Whitby's new JOSEPH McINTYRE (LEFT) SHOWS JOE HOWE BLACK EYE PICKED UP IN GAME .-- Expenses in the Broklin 'Minor' system could reach as high as $4,000 ° 3S | SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell Associate Sports Editor her capable assistants putting in the two loops. But bowling governing peewee players, with|31 date across the country in| : j : et on a tasty spread, midst in the Ajax Industrial League, \the QAHA setting one age limit|1968, but Quebec was granted| mond Smith and Howie Nes- plied for the visitors. lar schedule games and the|the fact that he has missed two|OHA entry this year homey surroundings, The sea- at their last league schedule date and the tournament spon-|permission to use it a year ear-| evening topped up with a Christ-) games due to work. -- : mas party, including exchange) Coach McDonald reported sonal spirit was complete with session, he scored a perfect |S°°S another. lier with the stipulation it} Giirisimian: ieee cand decors 450). Coicranetnat: are in " ~|should not apply to teams from Roy Clark And Don Calder of gifts and a buffet lunch. that Mike Gray who was in-| Nine 'Raiders' In the one-end '"'draw-to-the-jured on Sunday, has regained tions, plus a small present for order for young Gord -- | joutside the province participat-| SPs thas diteciers i wat <a Ade ae i peneeraede | U S Football Pe Aa ee eee ents button'? competition, skips vied vision in his eye but is being) s. s of "Aja yl" fi ' ? ' ' signe 7 plate eile snes it Ay atedlealenene ned cei Sina inuch"™ and Wie wiiee earked Gabe, aaah cui DEADLINE EXTENDED . « with skips, the vices were op-| Are All-Stars phere was proof of the har- 'Merry Christmas"! | Gerard Bolduc, president of| ave 1 Ni ht GM Ca er |Ponents, seconds competed] mony and good communica- : chedule the tournament, said as a result ' g § |azainst seconds and "'the lowly! [AON uscott JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) on exists between the | NHL COACHES had better jot the uncertainty of the situa-| page! Paget ball, trying to out- -- Quarterback Daryle Lamoni- ys and their "steering com- a ; | tee jtion, closing dates for entries 26-point effort by Roy Clark] Alex Radovich led the losers 2°,Cach Obner. ' ca and eight other players of eyiten' of coach "lke qian. sharpen up their reflexes and rage gg git ing col-|had been set back from Dec. 23/Paced Accounts Payable to a/with 14 points, Brian Reader Shirley Stefaniuk = won the eads oley $ the American Football League's ager Ivan Davie and the club get ready to duck'! "The (|("e wi games and) until Dec. 29. 53-49 victory over GMI Alumni|contributed 11, Dave Thompson skips' division; Ruth Edwards' Western champion Oakland | was best of the vice-skips; Ger-| Ron Guscott erupted for four; Raiders today were named to 5 the professional championships ' in G Yi i officers. One fact emerged Gumper" threw his stick at P pionships|' Henri Crochetiere, presidentjin General Motors. Employees'/nine, Paul Wills ei a and post-season games covered | of the QAHA, said that although|Basketball League pe at Wylie five cba ay be from the enjoyable session, _ coach "Toe" c : Cc : | Toe" Blake, when the | by Canadian television: |no Ontario teams will play in|McLaughlin Collegiate 1ast/dahl added a single basket. onds. ang | Merene | emerged as queen of the leads.jover Fire Fighters in Oshawa!Gator Bowl Jan. 21. jaldine Barker topped the sec-| goals in leading Foley's Plumb-|the West team for the AFL all- Finnegan/ing to a convincing 7-1 triumph|star game in _ Jacksonville's these boy. y , hockey 'egg AM at Mi eon mentor pulled Mr, : Dec. 23 [the tournament unless it is/night. but in the knife - and - fork Worsley, in Boston on Sun- Milwaukee se Los Angeles| sanctioned by his organization,| In other schedule action, MORE HIGH SCORERS In regular schedule play, the|Minor Hockey Association play; Coach Lou Saban of Denver, Rams, 11-1-2, Vs. Green Bay, 9-|he has not heard from the direc-|Data Processing squeaked by Two players broke double fig-jresults (name of rink | skips) at the Children's Arena. who will coach the West, will league, like most teen-agers, day night, but as we intimated ures for Data Processing as|only) were as follows: Shirley) In OMHA major midget action| pick an additional player. 4-1, for National Football| tors of the affair for two|Engineering 43-39 and Sale s| they're real "pros". vesterday, that "Toe" is ho ; ° heel -- he played tt smart and rpc Wey Fern. Conlereupe gate: nipped Cost Accounting 43-41 in|they gained a victory over En-|Stefaniuk, 8; Janet Rowland, 3.|at the Children's Arena, Kins- The West All-Stars: THE SCHEDULE this year aaa ad championship, 2 p.m. EST, in| He, said the directors warned.a second overtime period. gineering. Gary Vaughan and|Bea Barron, 6; Joyce Whittaker,|men nipped Lions 2-1 while Ki-| Offence: Split end--Lance Al bak heen ton Kd to the n yump"' right back last | color on CBC network, him iwo months ago that if the) Warren Pemberton added|D0n Raddick scored 13 and 11 2. Mary Jane Sanderson, 8;|wanis squeaked by Rotary 3-2.. | worth, San Diego; tackles--Ron Oshawa Generals. Some of NE And te epalle moet Dalle ". sii : tournament is cancelled, he eight points for Accounts Pay- points respectively for the win-|Dorothy Macllveen, 2. Joyce! Two goals by Chris Staeger|Mix, San Diego, and Harry the boys just may not be able underrated in NHL history 9-5 aA Dail yarue Browns, ape be held wholly responsi-|able, Marcel Boivin and Mal/"€rs. Johansen, 9 Ingrid Toms, 2.|and a single by Randy _Coch- Schuh, Oakland; guards--Walt Cie sa * came up with some fantastic {NFL E y "ac WYOOSE: 9-5, for le. Longley seven each, Jim Cor-| Alvin Tilk added seven points Fay McLeish, +) een Fellows,| rane POUR et A OIRY Bi he cae Sal Diego, and Wayne to be "home for Christmas" saves, plus the normal, to |; ay em onference cham-| The Ontario teams decided)nish three and Bob McHugh|while March McConkey and 4, Esther Plitz, 6; Dorothy Wat-|tack while Emery Coscarella) Hawkins, Oakland; centre--Jim and for most, if they do make blank' their arch rivals,' To- tolor on CB 30 p.m. EST, in| last weekend they will not enter|two in the winning cause. Rich March picked up six/S, 0; Marie Hogle, 8; Shirley| Potted the only tally for the|Otto, Oakland; tight end--Fred it; it'll have to be a fast two- ronto Leafs, 5-0 Dickie Duff color on CBC Linge the tournament unless it is| The winners netted the first/each. Signoretti, 2. Carol Cross, 5; | losers. Arbanas, Kansas City; quarter- J aa Bg ee: oe Ht sanctioned by the OANA, How-lbacket ih the eae end naver! "Lbyell Harcisen and don De "Min" Scott, 4. | Al Bathe and Dave Tessier back--Dzryle Lamonica, Oak- j astern Conference-ever, a spokesman for the group looked back as they led all the'Gazzio led the losers with il -- - -----|potted one goal each for Kins-|land; halfback--Mike Garrett, way trip. Oshawa plays in Kitchener tomorrow night and on Saturday, Ottawa 47's visit Civic Auditorium. Then, early Tuesday morning, Gen erals take the train for a Boxing . Day champion, either Dallas or, Said Toronto coaches are "mys- way. nOInte each, Ken Hickey Aallad {men in their victory while John|Kansas City; fullback--Hewritt yeaa ---- Ppiisredl "or i dal gai is with- - 3 -- eight, Don Mallet six and Job! Canadian Open foe ae ee Kali et Green Bay If at Green Rama Smee - - SPORT BRIEFS Souch . three. | Two goals by Rick Mitchell Pei diy Mays, yc ee cane ee Los An | eee CALDER TO FORE Purse Boosted paced Kiwanis in their narrow) Kansas City, and Ben Davidson, pec eet ee ts An er Oe John Rauch | TURBINE SETS RECORD A 23-point performance by j ttoxy, oven Her. _ Oakland; tackles--Tom _ Keat- DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. Don Calder led Sales to their) TORONTO (CP) -- The purse| moot, tbe Wiknies while Der lsak a ee Jan. 1 (AP) -- An experi | P : ° we : ae J perimental tur-jovertime triumph over Cost! for the 1968 Canadian 0) vill nie ; er eae ae Coach Of Year |bine car circled Daytona Inter-| Accounting. be $125,000, the Royal Conadian|tis Grady and Lacroi were the |backer--Dan Conners, Oakland; (night) date in with Southern California, 9-1, 5 ay 5 dee oal-getters ry | si i okers ever seen 2 e Indiana, 9-1, 4:45 p.m. EST.) npw y 3 seg re ry Phosan| Sales led 19-16 at half time)GOI1f Association announced] © Phil ate Wr oon eal in| Bell, gg wrapped ne 5 n color on CBC network NEW YORK (AP )--John) i ag gs ednesday, @)but Cost Accounting came on) Wei nesday. leading Royals to a 2-1 victory/Buncom, Sar Di oy telco: ris or New Orleans -- Sugar Bowl oor h, who piloted Oakland|= ae r a turbine-powered |to tie things up with time run-|. A spokesman said this is an) over Auto Workers Credit Union| Johnny "Robin mea peer ponen than that iWyoming 10-0 Vs. Louisiana cc'® © their first American) auios on 8 < osed track. It beat/ning out. lincrease of $25,000 over last\in Lakeshore juvenile ac Johnny, Hopinson,, Kansas Oly, va ne W Peso uisi Football League Western Divi: Parnelli Jones' 186.075 mph at 5 | year's $10,000, which was su at vakeshore juvenile action at Kenny Graham, San Diego; cor- beat ps €, 6-3-1. 1:45 p.m. EST, in sion title ever, has bee Indianapolis last May. The driv-| Ray Koson and John Vila-|jemented by a $100,000 ¢ | Ompne: Aeon. |nerbacks--Kent = McCloughan i la 2 color on CTV network. lected AFL Coach of the "Yoak er was Ray "Heppenstall 36-|mas added eight points in a un fri aps vt Y ot Bob Kennedy was the Jone|Oakland, and Les Duncan San ly ad Raapelalel Beese Sanel year-old veteran sports car drip tinmng come Wale Kin Bur-| veal in vont (ARN a ane A "|marksmen for Auto Workers. | Diego. : sports yriter: Fiat er and he y | 4 estiey con- " . a a pet rei eA NOT EXACTLY a Christ- S P O R T S ( : O P E sports writers, and sportscas-|6r and head of the Howmet 2 \tributed a single basket each ge ee Ce ent, but c¢ y en ; Six players shared in the| Cou at St vee Golf andi@ . : : f Rauch outdistanced Sid Gill- COACH FIRED coat ae Abs z Cony CU ne @) H A JUNI R " a ven by ? OHA Junior 'A' League: man of San Diego Chargers and) §$4N FRANCISCO Ap scoring for the losers, Steve|lington. Billy Casper, who de-| e e e eae SCO (AP) -- Foster with 14 led the way,|feated Art Wall in a playoff in| ; Oshawa Generals vs Kitch- | Wally Lem f fi : : } OHA In Lens nee WAeAnee aE : mm of Houston Oilers San Francisco '49ers fired Jack|Ji ' : 4 Caacal eae Ga Pedic ; ee Is agse a Kitchener i Voting by three-man commit-| Christiansen W e d ae z "e degen i eA ee ig Mee 3 Monies, is the defending| Fred O'Donnell's at Whitby Arena, 4.4 "OHA Janior Je eee cae of the AFL's nine their head coach after a season| with six and Merv Anderson : oe wai of the four-day | EY oh er : ii OMHA Wajor : Rant League:. Peterborough d Don {t was a romp to the Western oe Pige divest nee otball or be aegis age Open will Coe. sei ane. Ge : ne amtaM Byes ys Oshawa Crush crown by the underdog Raz : s » National Football out the scoring for Cost|runner-up $15,000. Fifty players athlete responding r jy League: Police Ansar vs awa Crushmen; ' rdog Raiders, League. Christiansen had just}Accounting : ae y play 45 treatment. 0 well. in fact. | Westmount 5 at Ch at Civie Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. Who trailed Kansas City in pre-|completed the fourth year of aj----------- : Wil share the: sotal prize Inoney he will likely be permitted to dren's Arena, 7:00 p.m Oshawa NHL Mite League: ta Ghigo ce but. drubbed five-year contract. The team did| oy pee | Y go home (Gananoque) for OMHA Bantam League: at Civie Auditorium, 6:00 p.m. | san Diego that tchag Rting ed Hot say. how (he th year was e nas, to start his con- |Local 1817 vs Local 2784: at 0 7:30 p.m. nod. In only ahha pid dealt with. | valescence session, which will (Children's Arena, 8:00 p.m Lakeshore Juvenile League: head ae Year as | vale . r s : ad coac é | ot Ww | include thera y treatments at pe rec Juvenile League: Stouffville at Brooklin, 10:00 entry, pi The saviael op I Ht ae a a sal Say aie a pe pan Peerciane i= aie a ssa Raiders into title contenders tomatic "sprinkler system in- "4 ing again within three weeks. |Arena, 9:00 rd and Whithe Bwana Bantam League: With a redesigned: offence and|stalled this year was credited) At The Dale Tallon's shoulder injury |vS Peterborough City sf ic ape at Brooklin, 7:15 yal the AFL's stingiest de- with speedy rescue of 55 thor-| is coming along fine and he's |Peterborough Civie Ar p.m. and Uxbridge at Port | fences. oughbreds from two burning} | sos akating with the team, but fi 19:30 p.m € Arena, |Perry, 9:00 p.m. The Raiders lead the league barns at Laurel Race Course (j ) Sicchandline for'a tow days, | Dekestione 'Midget League: _Lakeshore Pee Wee League: ere. allowing only 237.2\late Tuesday night. Fire Chief i ? Cobourg at Ajax. 8:30 p.m, |Stouffvile at Brooklin, 6:00 liana ha game. Offensively, Oak-|Richard Grace of Laurel said} | : i GORD PEQUEGNAT, an (and Brooklin vs Pickering; at Pap a | soshegathe ech biog otdamagt or Hie oS ae hd A 5 Ajax teen-ager (he's 19) has gp Arena, 8:15 p.m Lakeshore Novice League: | their way to the title he Raid: w Asage ee HPs eceeaat toi hit 'the jackpot' -- he has |_ Lakeshore Pee Wee League: Port Perry at Uxbridge, 6:30 'ers, 12-1, won CS eeiant e star simultaneously in bowled a "perfect game", a |Port Perry at Stouffville, 6:30 |P-m aa ath nine straight|the feed rooms of the two barns 4 RON WEBB 8:00 P.M feat seldom achieved by the |P.m. ~ games, with one still to go. __--_ about 200 yards apart. ; -M, vast majority of 5-pin bowl- | Lakeshore Novice League: | OSHAWA Crushmen PETERBORO ADULTS 75c¢ CHILDREN 50c Children under 14 accompanied by on adult admitted FREE RUMS | and participate in this popu- | SKATING . LONDON (CP) -- Results of lar, recreational sport acuv- | Oshawa Figure Skating Wednesday night's soccer "Mort Tromblaxt | ity. We all know of dozens of |Club: at Civic Auditorium, |84mes: NAVY RUM | 73 e | ers, even though there are lit- |Ajax vs Pickering; at Brook- | SOCCER SCORES SKI AND SAVE erally thousands who enjoy lin Arena, 7:00 p.m. iieh ~ green piccgpet ais 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Under 23 International NINE s impressiv' averages (the real tae test of a good aioe FRIDAY England 1 Italy 0 BONUS SKI WEEKS PALM BREEZE RUM bowler) but the honor of hav- |HOCKEY INTER-CITIES FAIRS CU R ing knocked 'em all down for | OHA Junior 'C' League: Third eee wae ag od Nala wm a ce Snow WHITE GOLD RUM 12 successive bowls, has |Ajax at Oakville, §:00 p.m, \Leeds United 1 Hibernian 0 | Y " » PHONE (819) 425-2711 ° A | | ad JOHNNY BOWER was sprawled on the ice quite frequently in the first two periods of last night's NHL game in Montreal Forum, where Dickie Duff and his new ard alon real Toro roug DUFF SCORES THREE Habs And By GRAHAM COX Canadian Press Staff Writer la loss was A grey ghost and a golden|jast sit jgo's e flash Wednesday night carried | Chicago Black Hawks back. to| SHUT' the top of the National Hockey League Eastern Division. gol s tl Two other | The ghost was Pit Martin, Canadi who came back to haunt Boston) victory Bruins with the winning goal in|Leafs their 6-3 loss to Chicago and the|droppe den flash was Bobby Hull,}In a m who snapped a personal four- Wester game scoring drought with two! Blues ] Oaklan 1, goals. Martin, last year with the Bruins, scored what proved to : be the winner, and the prop on score, Perh t ow which Chicago broke a first-ing the place tie with Boston less than been f. three minutes into the third pe-|this se riod at Chicago. Skati Hull scored his 26th and 27th|ing dc goals in 32 games later in the | John E period to put the game out of|relentle reach before 16,666 fans drawn peared by the clash between the divi- place t sion co-leaders. The Hull now leads all NHL scor-| change ers with 40 points, having assist-| Bobby ed on 13 other goals so far this! Henri ! season. Duff The victory extended Chica-) goals, " three : "NHL BIG TEN By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bobby Hull and Stan Mikita of Chicago Black Hawks took charge of Nation al Hockey League scoring We dnesday night, but the glory went to a new line formed by Montreal Canadiens. Hull, the leading scorer in the league hit on two goals as the Hawks dropped Boston Bruins out.of first place in the Eastern Division 6-3 while Mikita gained an assist to move a point ahead of John Bucyk of Boston. Hull now has 27 goals and 13 assists for 40 points in 32 games | while Mikita has 18 goals and 19 assists for 37 points in 30 games. But it was the Henri Richard- Bobby Rousseau-Dickie Duff line that caught the limelight as the Canadiens bounced Toronto Maple Leafs 5-0 in Montreal. Duff scored three goals while Rousseau got a goal and three assists and Richard four assists None of them made it among the league leaders, but the addi tion of Rousseau to the line ap-, pears to have given them life they haven't had all season. The leaders: G A Pts, PiM R. Hull, Chi 27 13 40 14 Mikita, Chi 18 19 37 2 Bucyk, Bos 18 18 36 0 9 Stanfield, Bos 11 24 35 2 McKenzie, Bos 11 22 33 36 Delvecchio, Det 8 22 30 2 Howe, Det 15 14 29 23 Goyette, NY 13 16 29 8 Walton, Tor 17 11 28 23 Wharram, Chi 11 17 28 10 4 SKIROULE ; SNOWMOBILE > For comfort and speed try the SKIROULE , Snowmobile 17 H.P., 20 H.P., 30 H.P. twin See this Canadian made snow- ae at ' Art Flieler SUPERTEST 668-3954 % mile east of Ajax Blinker 2 light on Highway No. 2. 4 Buy now ond poy Ieter. Chain saw rentol GASOLINE 39.9 Se hi