*were recelved about water supply. aes Cross-Country Cheque Ring | City Hires Internal Auditor! Rigid _THE OHAWA TIME, Wendy, Bamber 20,967 7 cettain ' ice of motion as a means of munities. | s ® t com ti O : M il T f | F T | Security Regional Government Study getting regional government on h ont E LANDSCAPE pera es dal e t acket or reasury Department } ' he road In the area. yers 75 square miles PE | ban ge eect aera any Sou ht By Ald John De Hart fluctuating population y 8 AKE to, St. Catharines and Eastview.|Canadians can hel Rooyen lhall will be so rigid that any Ld A ' : S a : ' p at least) City hall's treasury depart-|six-month probationary term-- ee | % 7 ae , bs 'ces a - } Sur part-|six-month probationary M-- staf b ht with an} ; : | WHY NOT GET THE timated at 138,000 Ri Papal (CP) A phony But the ring continues active, ere down the ring's operations: | ment has a new executive eT cee Jan. 2 next year. on Pai Biss SN key"| Ald. John DeHart has served|councils of Bowmanville, Dar 2 ae Ea es: cheque ring operating from THIEVES FLY OUT ee Mail cheques either just be-|tion--that of internal auditor for) Forty-eight years of age, Mr.\will be subject to dismissal, {City council with a notice of|lington Township, Whitby town| BEST see *9 coast is cg ar tO! The thieves are believed to fy toe a oid bela starting salary of $11,570 Sl phewien hag bachilor: ot acl City a atl approved a|motion to call a joint meeting/and Township, Pickering Vil- vi Toe < account numbers : _by the post office or|year. | : ae * F of surrounding municipalities to|lage and Pickering Township, yd IL and the signatures of their own- or ort. Western' Canada {2 eet it _ earl Post of-|" City council approved the cre- °"C® ge! pete gee ue po pseecg sagt parmceeg tock draw up a petition tb get the/along with Ajax and Oshawa Kan = er ers. A : : '|fice. Never allow cheques to re-| .~ grees. He will work under city)" : : Ontario government to study) Ty Postal © department officials Dat wk tant "wag '0 'To/main in a postal box overnight.|@tion of the job Monday and treasurer Frank Markson. System 10r SOgub ter. sears ed district's need of regional Mr. DeHart describes his n0-} for best results in TV and Stereo LED DELIVERY said Tuesday hundreds of sie fei ed . sibel 2. Use money or postal orders|the man who will fill it is com-| Mr, Dwahan's job will be ie police sits Ad apart government ie mary | see your local dealer, J forged cheques have beetipir loser cine then ur me making payments byjing from a federal government study economic and operational/the job of distributing new| Ald. DeHart served his notice Safety Problems? yet pion cashed as a result of the mail ocod pith patio Gas teas ems Report at once anyone Joi-| position in Toronto as an exam-| co ups of various city hall de-|keys to council members andjOf motion (method of advising 4 FALCON COAL AND petted 'the 'thieves, milions "2S "cg. Me. Taylor pointed out that|rariment of insurance, \"" [partments in order to. keep) civic personne iia) oe Some elie paw ea aves illions o} 'i aan g M . at) ; a | ' The keys will be numbered|intention) on, council Monday. SuPPLINS. LTD dollars. PE a gs be ight ne the latter may net you up to| His name is Shil K. Dhawan|'hem in close check by making|<onsecutively and a numerical) Mr. DeHart intends to for 728-6414 ee : 2 Thefts are known to have o¢-\tq cash Sheaies hese das at sete 9 # conviction is made as ajand his duties as Oshawa's first}recommendations aimed atiist will be kept of persons|mally ask council to set up a CHAIRMAN. OSHAWA 452 Stmece M8. 8, 7423-0011 723 3481 curred in the Montreal area, To-|the banks r , on [coe {~---Ninternal auditor--to start with alhigher business efficiency, issued keys. 'joint meeting of the municipal ote sp. ronto and area, many parts of : 4 | ; Sale Mr. Taylor lists these ways if southern Ontario, Winnipeg and z : a Pd a district and Edmonton and dis- / a e_| y trict. OPP P ; The post office suspects| osts thefts, yet undetected, have oc-| curred in the Maritimes and! 0 h M British Columbia as well. | Ss awa en Police departments and postal| Two Oshawa men have re- protection services have yet to ceived postings with the On find a solution to the thefts and/tari9 Provincial Police after the post office is appealing l0/praduation from the OPP Col- the general public for help. lege in Toronto, BOXES PRIED OPEN Constable William Bruins, 28, W. T. Taylor, superintendent|of 400 Grenfell St., has been of the post office investigations|posted to the Listowel detach- rit tl Rl carmen Moot Fore Di PS Op! rcornerjtrict. Constable Bruins was] | | | mail boxes or uses a home- made key to open them. jborn in Apeldoorn, Holland. ji " When it gets a bank account| Constable Robert Joseph! number and a signature, it will|Samuel Whitsitt, 21, of 292 Wil-| - make out a cheque payable to liam St. E., has been posted to sun 1 the bank account and then forge|'he Rockland detachment in the an endorsement so as to get the|Long Sault District. Constable money right away. |Whitsitt is a graduate of Cen- It also has been able to forge 12! Collegiate. He foushit grant a ins by , |ber of two championship font- | ete eer cHedue: {or ball teams at Central and jis a ia a | eded!" .BUM up to $15,000 to make them ap-} pear as payments for a death| former GM_ employee. A gee si Se ore policy. | It"will open an account with| | NOME AGAIN, OPEN EVENINGS ~"<" BUDGET TERMS hotos simply the cheque, later make out cer-| GALT, Ont. (CP) -- Vanetta "a h messy cor tified cheques to funeral direc:| Volo, a 19-year-old show horse igeours of tors and a law firm for small) which won first prize over 23 -- amounts and then up to $10,000! other entries at the Royal Win-) rman aren: to themselves, jter Fair in Toronto 13 years} Mr. Taylor said there are| ago, is now owned for the. sec- roughly 74,000 corner mail/ond time in her life by retired | LBUM boxes in Canada and it is out of] Galt veterinarian Dr. E. E. Fos-| the question to post a guard onjter. Dr. Foster, the original) each of them. | owner, said he didn't want to) 2 Value Arrests and convictions have|"see her starve to death" and | been made in a number of| purchased her in a Toronto auc-| Ontario centres, including Toron-'tion for $100. | CRUISER BICYCLES Men's----Ladies'-- Boys'----Girls' 39.95 G.E. Bissell STEAM IRON| Carpet 1 Year Warranty Sweeper 1488 |11.95- R.C.A. VICTOR A.M.-F.M. RADIO SOLID STATE Reg. Value 6 ONLY ie EUREKA VACUUM @ COMPLETE WITH ATTACHMENTS @ 1 YEAR WARRANTY ants KELVINATOR DRYER] TERRY CLOTH | _GE._ |R.C.A. VICTOR @ 3 Heat Drying @ Porcelain Drum SEAT covers | "Erit! | TELEVISION Split or Solid Front pnp 3 19 eiginven Limited Stock We fe FREE SERVICE a PHILISHAVE SHAVERS RECORD 3 Only ...... each 17.95 PLAYER 5 Only...... each 23.95 wage igs 2 Only «+++. each 2095). 279.95| 24.88 G.E. | 23" ADMIRAL TELEVISION : ELECTRIC BLANKET HAIR DRYER @ POWER TRANSFORMER @ 2ONLY @ SINGLE BED @ DOUBLE BED With Case. Multi-heat selection 1 Marked ...... 2534.95 @ SINGLE & DOUBLE CONTROL pring 15.99 ] Cartoned . .. * 269.95 ey eee 18.95 @ Free Service for 1 year Budget Terms wi EUREKA ELECTRIC BROOM @ 5 WAY CLEANING ACTION @ EXCLUSIVE DISPOSAL BAG Special....... 1 Year Warranty P| Kelvinator 2-Door REFRIGERATOR 12 cubie feet, 85 tb. freezer, automatic defrost FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER WE HAVE A VERY GOOD SELECTION OF FRESH KILLED alue | AND ATES ALSO FROZEN TURKEYS, GEESE AND DUCKS. -- ATTRACTIVELY PRICED " --_ Automobile Specials 25" R.C.A. VICTOR COLOR G.E. FOOD MIXETTE READY TO EAT 1 Damaged Cabinet . 699.95 2 oe ee i. 3.9912 Demonstrators - Wood 3 SPEED -- 1 YEAR WARRANTY 7 | | |nams" 69: 2, | Wolo, ll or verter e CAR WASH Cabinet Scratched 769.95 --_ 14.95 panes BRUSH (Hair) ack 3.29 Full 1 year Warranty on picture tube, small tubes and parts, K ee Smoked Picnic and Pineapple Hams 90 Day Free Service Also Available. | USED 13 CU. FT. Dishwasher | FREEZERS 1¢.¢.M. & Bauer Skales) vs Deluxe Portable 15 cu. ft. 199.95 Refrigerator 6 cycles LIMITED MEN'S SIZES Cleaons pots and pans 20 cu. fi. 249.95 @ Automatic Defrost @ ALL TRANSISTOR -- @ DIAMOND STYLUS 1 Onl 40% OFF es oy 1 3 9.9 5 29 G 9 5 pra see 159.9 5 SIMPLICITY paver = |_ coum_--« TB, F, GOODRICH STORE Deluxe Automatic Time Cycle TELEVISION rye ey mime | 88 KING ST. W., OSHAWA 1 year service : ONLY 179.95 689.00 | open evenmvcs © - _ BUDGET TERMS LES ge Value | Sausage Meat 2 LBS. 39° i | _~ semen ) Polish c a Sausage | 69: ce Minced 6 pork 69: STORE HOURS THURS. -- FRI. NIGHT TIL 9 P.M. SAT. AT 6 P.M. CLOSED MONDAY and TUESDAY: > R.C.A,. PORTABLE STEREO SEPARATE BASS & TREBBLE @ GARRARD CHANGER R.C.A. 1 Only 12 KING EAST 723-3633