rhe Tsay FOR DELEGATE SELECTION Riding Reorganization Must Precede Convention THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 20, 1967 3 | Federal Election In 968 ~ ' Unlikely, Stanfield Predicts aN 4 KEN CLARK ; : OTTAWA (CP) -- Conserva-|the result will likely be a slow-| After a little more than a 0' A (CP) -- The Liberal , \tive Leader Stanfield said Tues-\down in government activity,;month in the Commons, the aa organo -- NT AT-A-GLANCE | |day a federal election is un-|Mr. Stanfield said. newly - elected party leader ; nis@tion chore F |likely next year, partly because! He expected M Pea 's Said he found it a pleasant place as it gelects delegales for the| By THE CANADIAN PRESS and the' deserter was de | ithe new Liberal leader might pending departure "might ham.|to work. : April 4-6 leadership convention. About 50 of the 264 federal TUESDAY, Dec. 19, 1967 ridings created by boundary re-| The Commons gave unani- 7 ifyi distribution have not yet been! mous third reading to the bill won speroval for a clarifying fully organized by the party. A| broadening the grounds for di- rena age ibe 5 ee ae riding is considered organized vorce. The bill now goes to e ts th . pee hae when it has a formal association! the Senate, ss . 'ape en ane with an elected executive. | The Commons health com- bibs cigs ae -- With the calling of the leader-| mittee recommended that | Mines Minister Pepin told | ship penvestion there is new! abortion be permitted 'under the Commons 17 companies erakly to Hnieh red by over appropriate medical safe- are licensed to look for ura- Sad daloentie to he: ubgs to guards' where the mother's nium in Quebec but there aa @ conven- - or tas is seriously en- have been no discoveries of : ma an j ignifi ity Each riding is allotted six} Tn Chieaiohs began com- nanos | 9g gna sine alternates, mittee study of amendments WEDNESDAY, Dec. 20 ri operational pets oe must! to the Broadcasting Act. The Commons meets at & oeue 'ore they oan) An amendment that would 2:30 p.m. EST to continue dea O'bten. ts | have made the waiting period clause-by-clause study of the n, Liberal federa-| before seeking a divorce the broadcasting bill. The Senate tion national organizer, is in| y cates of the citanap iokt | same for the deserted party meets at 3 p.m. believes that, in some ridings, | Liberals could get together and|are in Ontario, nine in Saskat-)incial elections that left little elect an executive and the dele-| chewan and nine in New Bruns.|time for anything else, gates at the same meeting. |wick. Delays in these provinces Quebec is in. good shape, with Half the Unorganized ridings! have been blamed on fall proy-| only three of its 74 ridings still want a year to establish himself per Jong-term government pol-| "All that talk about it being a before calling one. icy wy : . : icy making. Mr. Pearson would pear pit is vastly exaggerated." He told interviewers a 1968 likely leave it to his successor Asked abo ' A apaprioeg is possible, but as long'to make major cabinet changes iconnereatinae seslngee pore as the government can continue _ | » ; z producing a Commons majority mt Stanfield hoped Mr. Pear-|alternative policies forward fast for non-confidence votes there 50"'S Pending retirement would/enough, Mr. Stanfield said the won't be one. not affect the planned federal-|Party's general attitudes are | Mr, Stanfield said there js Provincial constitutional confer- clear. ence in February, He hoped Mr.| Anyway it was made clear Pearson would conduct it with earlier "we are going to take full authority. our time" in making policy. feated. Justice Minister Trudeau jevery indication that the gov- ernment is unpopular and so would avoid calling an election soon. In addition the new prime |minister, to be chosen April 6 at ja Liberal convention here might want a year in the job to jmake himself known sini | Mr. Stanfield said there would be no change in his party's \\ EXPECTS SLOWDOWN Commons approach because of If a leadership race develops with several candidates in it She'll Love FURS for CHRISTMAS! -d port constructive ones. And the party would continue See cece eenenenenanenennen Sapte a tet en erm pens | unonganized. Nova Scotia, to attempt to defeat the govern . . | which had a spring provincial ment on the floor of the Com- 6A t mmittee ug ests jelection, has five to go. Other ons | provinces are either finished or oe . | have one or two to go. Abortion Under Safeguards si: meson . : R ae Feb. 29. The party' Stitu- OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com-|whelming majority" of the MPs tion says Geikesee was, ge mons health committee recom-jon the all-party standing com-| pj ' y, "|picked 35 days before the -| mended Tuesday that abortion|mittee concurred in the report, vention. Each riding is allowed | | b , b i! rc appropriate media! tae) The 'committe' principal mee aternates (0 fini SANTA VISITS OLDEST LIGHTHOUSE Mr. Pearson's coming retire ment announced last week. The Conservatives would continue to oppose bad measures and sup You'll be surpised how little it costs to make this her happiest 5 : i ! to stent hee ee ae to estogh ther-|to the convention, Santa Claus, in this case States, with Christmas pres- Guard station in Hull is on Christmas! health of the mother. 4 the resciting of ection i oe The riding delegates will form) Edward Rowe Snow, New ents for the four Coast bow of boat eagerly await- The recommendation {s con-|section 2, of the Criminal Code.| the Magest bloc at the conven,/ Kniland coastal historian, hong) igang eg il tien Gia J inined an interno ana leah hte Diectisn Bip tia ; ro tion, with about 65 per cent of hehe " ; oe yi ign re 9 in outer Boston har- First light was built in 1716 ANUARY SALE PRICES NOW! : : ion if he ic| (©. Votes. The final. delegate) Boston Light, the oldest or. "'Roger" the mascot of the Commons. son to carry out abortion if he is total will be around 2,450 and| lighthouse in the United the Point Allerton Coast (AP Wirephoto) _The committee also said sanc-|convinced, in good faith, that it tions of the Criminal Code deal-jis necessary to save the life of ing with abortion should be|the mother. It is contained jn well over. #,000, Ld revenue portfolio but retain his amended to get rid of uncertain-|the Criminal Code chapter deal-/ DELEGATE TOTAL 2,400 abine u e post as president of treasury -- CALL -- ty and ambiguity on their mean-|ing with murder. : The official delegate total of board, the cabinet committee 5 ing. : But if the chapter on abortion, approximately 2,450 is larger that scrutinizes all government = In a third recommendation,|section 237 states flatly that/than the 2,233 who voted an ie |spending the committee proposed that it/anyone who carries it out iS/first ballot at the Conservative Rumor Reported | cee ee ee i dieiiesdBa heed continue its hearings, particu- guilty of a criminal offence and shi , i \ larly for the purpose of finding|liable to life imprisonment. A sori ee ra aphoasred ir : -- pre MOTOR CITY TOKING STREET EAST = Opposite Hotel Genosha neen mentione y some ob- the alternates will bring this to Beautifully wrapped . . . exchangeable out more from the experience of|woman who procures her own . i Bir 3 U ped - J th r ak , OTTAWA (CP) -- Reports cir-;over- responsibility for h g a - pe oP eit It was learned| miscarriage is liable to two one. aa Ek, Sitekiows. culated in S AVaPRINenT circles! If 'el bares lasvaloue Ais servers as a possibility for reve- CAB 1 UAL f Fi ater that Sweden, Hungary and|years in prison. them will have more than half|Tuesday that a minor shuffle is.;way, Mr. Benson, an account-nue_ minister, replacing Mr 9 PRINCE STREET | Gee OA ee Japan are the countries the Section 238 of the same cha i i i P rs : . . Pane Pp: legate t °j the works for the Liberal/ant, is expected t the! committee has particularly in|ter makes it a criminal offence He Olathe tk te ose opie maa! hh ob re Sa Le eLenyon mind. |to supply "noxious things" used|; ; a 5 eee ) gs" used! . Br . phe as r 50,000 The 24-member committee for abortion. ae oe 'ian if, eaten igaenanatidas cotmtonl neta THE CORPORATION OF THE ais fy | Mees ios a, I s s S yvoly Before the report was tabled |e om m fT tes, Meme ey e136, Saskatchewan 135,""Novaline retirement of Labor, Mins fF uelisc. . ' s : , he T.| Scoti 8, New Brunswi ; i 5 Agreement was not unanimous|Harry Harley (L--Halton) Sees rat ih 127,/ter Nicholson. Mr. Nicholson, on all points but 'an over-iwants to clear u era tivand » Prince Ed-\who also shoulders the federal| ee __|ward Island 61. |responsibility for housing mat-| The Yukon has 1 and thejters, has announced that he Sealed Tenders, plainly marked as to content will be re- Dru Manufa t L4 Fi ee ig ip bagel a Tite 0 to tng be by moe con-i] ceived et the office of The Civic Auditorium, 99 Thornton |totals will change slightly by|test the next federal election. Rood South, up until 12 O'Clock Noon, Wednesday, December g C uring irm {convention time as precise cae Revenue gee Benson ho 27th for the following: become available. rated a top contender to take Exclusive advertising right for « period of Five (5) Years on 4 ' | sane wereearee a proxi ly a 120 sq. ft. aren of the Mechanical Sports- . : Warns Of Chaos In Trade | : timer to be situated ot the east end of the North Oshowe CLOSED -- Christmas Day, December 25th | City of Oshawa | Pimento Brighaor| rights will ne made to the City Treas- | OTTAWA (CP) -- A Toronto; Mr. Turner said he had re-| ublie 'orks Department | urer in Five (5) equal yearly installments, the initial cost of | e drug manufacturing company|ceived a copy, sent by regis-| TRAFFIC CLERK Haag Savane as Srovens by the successful tender will Boxing Day, December 26th has sent an open letter to MPs|tered mail and signed. by the Satery 'Racine' <= SERALON S 564Kb AO pic. 46 bon Weck) ¢ included in the cost of the Sportstimer unit when purchased A " , 4 . j ---- $5,682.00 - $6,458. Be. by Th A if - suggesting that "chaos" mayjcompany president, H. Clarkii Required in the Traffic Engineering Division to corry out and process a bie aie gas dy proposed advertisement shall be includ- | N Y : D J 1 t 1968 result if Parliament proceeds|Balmer, and will comment on it! traffic engineering studies, including the preparation of written reports. Should farther datailed ink ': dics eit ! ew ears ay, an, s 7 ; Fl ing! i i | Assist in the maintenance of various traffic records, such es accident ould further detailed information regarding this tender be |! with a bill aimed at reducing/when a bill amending the Pat- faoeihs; waking HeaUIBHanG? wie: yet toa ats i) lately the price of prescription drugs. |ent and Trade Marks Act reach- Full high school, with previous traffic engineering experience p ; quired, please Mr. Wm. Kurelo, Oshawa Civie Audi- Stanley Knowles (NDP --/es second reading. Required to have chouffeur's license in good standing, torium Manoger, phone 728-5162. winnipeg North Centre) said in| The bill was given first read- A naar bgirn pba ebideedias welfore lien " nile oe ae The City reserves the right to accept or reject any Tenders sub- the Commons Tuesday the letter|ing Friday. Mr. Turner said it] Apply IN WRITING ONLY. giving ful datos of personal dota, educa HI] mitted, " " " : ; 4 hades : ' W.R. BRA |---Chai ly el aa RN sp pers Tg maa ten plein | OPEN -- Wednesday, December 27th iam owe -- Ham work given Canadian dru if City Hall, Oshewo, Ontarie, 4 tah South) asked assurance that the, ufacturers under present law. | Civie Auditorium Complex and Arenas government won't be "black-) He said it would stimulate| 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. mailed by any drug company."| price competition at the manu-| Mr. Knowles said the letter 1s/facturers' level by reducing pro- from Glaxo-Allenburys (Can-/|tection against imported drugs. ada) Ltd. and he asked whether| The object is lower drug prices. r) 174 RITSON RD S Registrar-General Turner had| The Glaxo - Allenburys letter, : any comment on it. , {dated Dec. 16, said the saving to eee ee ---------- |Canadians won't match the cost Ito | government of controlling GAAah cet, (Ce) Wipe SUPERMARKET L nt. - Sy Pe " are fad, products. liam Stewart of Orillia hopes to "ity additional seanutnes to ee: refurbish an old CNR caboose 1 ot ive { 'i i req | cure such contro are n 44 paint "and. convert it into. a/Planned, we will have chaos in- WEEKEND SPECIALS " drive-in restaurant with a' rail-|2&° eee 3 road theme. "If successful, he THURS., FRI., SAT., DEC. 21, 22, 2 says he will renew four other Want to know where you can have fun and enjoy- Free Parking at Rear of Building ment with the entire family this winter? cabooses he owns and nt up} Reserve Now For 24-oz. loaf P.E.I. options on 100 others with four ] ceva" es || BREAD 5 ~ 1.00 | POTATOES «=. 1.49 a ne | : aE. Goreski's Winter ALL AGLOW 2 sittings, 4 and 6 p.m. y ; hes 1 Ib. Kismet LARGE SIZE SE . Antarctica's only street lamps Hotel Lancaster . ef Resor! enne iniea sates mend we paonesas3e || MARGARINE 5. 1.00 ; TANGELOS.~: 39 _-- United. States base--and are | LBS. e DOzZ. ty ©; PHONE 725-2611 FRESH Is The Place! nena Renee | CRANBERRIES us. 43* Cooking Onions 2 .... 19° -- s j; , A ] Located at Club Annrene : powered by an atomic reactor. | S Z on Scugog Island at FANCY McINTOSH wa ea SE _2 Port Perry COKE 5.1.00| APPLES 3. 37: RENTALS: ¥2 Hour, Hourly & Daily Rates ORANGE JUICE or 3 ae gg: SHOULDER BUTT .. 83° INQUIRE ABOUT OUR RATES 48 OZ. SAICO BONELESS FESTIVE GRAPEFRUIT JUICE S | OVER 20 : gg GINGER ALE Pi cdr cb ete TURKEYS Les. LB. 39° Hoes oad peceneed TONIC WATER MINCEMEAT PIES 49° : i a : CLUB SODA 3s; | | & Snack Bar on the PURE PORK TRAY PACK a 12. 0Z. GREEN GIANT SAUSAGE a" 49° Srorese Service is dl NIBLETS 4. 89:| 7 CE, Sees . ag ___ & WOODBURY'S Family Size 1314 oz. 9 9 : . : Ripa otf is 14.0Z. AYLMER CHOICE GREEN H AMPOO rd On te tenn iar 108 bens Gs Oe io ne ee Goreski's Winter Resort oo _ eee Pontes varie Bp calor? 3 reece | CIGARETTES CARTON 3.79 KOTEX ences 45° Located at Club Annrene on Scugog Island at Port Perry ie }] Seasons' Greetings and Best Wishes to all our Friends & Customers For Infurriation. Phane 723-8731: ar 995-2008 I