5 of tremen- vantage of : ue . LS ovely designs, m ) @ mettresses et You elweys seve wedding. SERTA, VERLEY, BED. ATHERWEIGHT, -L, end more. TIONAL JITES » Largest display pe, bd 99 et | STORE HOURS DEC. 14-22 'TIL 9 P.M. losed Seturdays et 6 P.M. DONALD DUCK BLONDIE LI'L ABNER L, ACCORDING TO MY. FIGURES, YOU'D BE ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY AND SHE'D BE A HUNDRED ) -BY THE TIME : YOU GOT THE J By a | [HERE, HOLD THE END OF THIS STRING BETWEEN THIS IS THE ONLY PART JI] OF CHRISTMAS ti AH WANTS THIS T'BEA PEACEFUL ) # ELECTION!' ed pe XE oa TO GIT TH' REPUBLICAN NOMMY-NAY- SHUN, TOO !! WHEN THEY SEE HIS SOLUTIONS HELL GET IT/' "THERE! DO YOU NOT SEE? WHEN RUSSIA AND AMERICA HAVE : BE MASTERS OF Am BUZ SAWYER THE WORLD. I SHAL ANNIHILATED EACH OTHER, THE NAZIS WILL ARISE AGAIN AND L BE THE NEW FUHRER, ai) | THE OSHAWA TIMES, 33 Wednesday, December 20, 1967 | BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' | Individual Championship Play) AND $O WAS STALIN... AND HITLER... AND NAPOLEON! YET EACH CAME NEAR CONQUERING THE WORLD. ZI SHALL NOT MAKE THE MISTAKES THEY MADE, HERR SAWYER, East dealer, Both sides vulnerable JANE ARDEN NORTH @AKI103 @s4 $1085 } #&K93 ra AereeuNeoseY eT ReSOT)) $3, $e é ~ WELL... JUST | 32 208 ME Me BT oibr Non, PONE 2ouR pty Foe au] | ekore 6 Stans yi IN' FA} | - GIVE THE SHIRT OFF YOUR SILVER DOLLAR 1H SUMER COI? vm SUNPRED) | bAI52 aon? BACK To DO. FOR ONE? ' easee | MAK | A902 O84 | The bidding: | East . South West North | Pass 14 Pass 46 Opening lead jmonds { Declarer frequently arrives at a position during the play MAYBE I'M SECRET AGENT X9 GETTING JITTERY BECAUSE THE MISSILE CONFERENCE STARTS TOMORROW, BUT IT SEEMEO TO ME SUSAN FOSTER WAS UNUSUALLY CONCERNED ABOUTHER A | HUSBAND I WONDER... / -- where he cannot be defeated if rs he plays cards correctly co However, the defenders can tg J ometimes introduce a plan of f sence give declarer a SECURITY DUTY IS < tenn din ~-- hooey PROBABLY TURNING ; ones sionals act | ME INTO ANERV : "Sa, | | NELLIE. STIL Here is such a case. South is MR.FOSTER "S| | THERE'S TWO MORE 1 four spades and West leads ¥ CALLED YESTERDAY ; he king of diamonds. Let's as- TO SAY HE'D BE ume that declarer ducks and DELAYED A FEW ns the queen when West con- DAYS, MR. CORRIGAN _ Me: suit : 1's possible losers are two diamonds and and his best one of the two clubs, chance of avoiding club losers is to force the opponents to lead the OFTEN KEEP HIM QUITE BUSY, WE HAVE REDHOT BUYS FOR THE COLD WINTER SEASON ON '68 PONTIACS @ TREMENDOUS SAVINGS @ G.M.A.C. FINANCING The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. 266 KING ST. W. 723-4634 suit Accordingly, he draws two rounds of trumps, cashes the A-K of hearts, and exists with 'the nine of diamonds, forcing West to win with the jack. West cannot afford a heart or a diamond return, so he is com- pelled to lead a club. If he leads the ace, there is no further defence and South makes the contract If he leads a low club in- stead, declarer follows low from dummy, winning East's ten with the queen, and re turns a low club toward the K-9, assuring the contract as WIDE CHOICE OF MODELS JULIET JONES HENRY MICKEY MOUSE NAIL POLISH... LIPETICK ... MOVIB MAGAZINE... RAVIO BATTERIES 00 REQUEST FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES. Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel 2--Butfale | 3--Barrie | 4--Buttalo | 6--Toronto 7--Butfalo Channel &--Rochester | Channel %--Toronto | Channel 11--Hamilton Channel 12--Peterborough WEDNESDAY SVENING 5:00 P.M, li--Here s--nr. Ed. I--Flintstones 4--Perry Masen 3-6-12--Zorro EE © Kong Fowerns Srodtete len. 1067. Wohl sighte rere ----4 I'm NOT YOUR SISTER! PLEASE -- LET MB ALONE! SURPRISE !! I BRIBED YOUR. LANDLADY INTO LETTING ME IN AND I THOUGHT I'D-- EVE! (suuie! JULIE!! rm _ $0 GLAD You'Re LIKE. YOU'D SEEN A GHOST--/ TLL FIND IT FOR YOU. 1967 J Weak Dieney Productions World Rights Reserved j fy y -- SJ 4 GRANDMA | 7--Desperate Hours | 2-8--Kraft Music Hall 1--Phyilis Diller 4&--Truth or Conse quences 7--News 3-6--Let's Go 3--Of Lands and Seas o:0e P.M. 11--Plerre Berton 12--News, Weather, Sports S--Hew"s Business 7--Movie $--Gilligans Island 4--Newa, Sports, Weater 3--He and She 330 PLM, ': 12--FBI li--He and She 3-4-9--News, Weather, Sports 4--News 2-4--Huntley-Brinkley 7:00 P.M, 11--Walt Disney's World 9--Flintstones 8--Quest for Adventure 6--Day It Is 4--It's a Small World 9--Invaders | 7--Movie 6-12--Mothers-In-Law 4--Lo#. in Space 3-6-12---Festival 10:00 PLM. Merv Griffin | 4--Drama_ Special 2-8--Run For Your Life {| 10: P.M e: .M, 9--Sports Hot Seat Wi P.M, 12-1)-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News Weather, Sperts 1:18 PLM, --Plerre Berton 11:20 P. 6--Viewpoint Tivzs Pm, | 6--News, Weather | Sports 1:30 Pom, | 7--Movie | ovie 2-8--Tonight | 11:35 P.M. | 3--Long Hot Summer 1:40 PLM, Ti--Hot Line | 9--Perry's Probe 9--Movie _ r AM, | 1}--Mark Saber THURSDAY 5:08 A.M. 1--Sehnitzel Huuse 4--@aptain Kangaree | 3 AM. | ¥--Dlaling Fer Dellars | Virginia @raham 9:00 A.M, | 2-1)--Ed Allen Time %--Remper Reem &--Pastor's Study é--Meta 4--Contact 3--Good Morning 2--Pat Boone 3) AM, 9--Cartoon Piayheuse 3-611-12--Ontario Schools 4--Leve of Life 10:00 A.M, | 11--Movie 9--Uncle Bobby. 8-2--Snap Judgment 3-6-12---Christmas Carol 2-8--Virginian 200 PLM, 11--Festival of Carols 3-612--Mission impossible 4:30 P.M, 11--Movie 9--Hockey 4--Beverly Hilibiilles 9:00 P.M, 4--Green Acres 3-6-12--Nation's Business 9:15 P.M, 34-12----Provincial Affairs | 9: PLM, 1'/M SO HAPPY THE ICE CREAM YEAR-ROUND' VENDOR HAS DECIDED TO OPERATE EXCEPT THIS TIME OF YEAR HE SELLS HOT TAMALES / o Pre |™ Wort EN fe) 1220 BAR . MUGGS AND SKEETER BEAUREGARDS THROWING A CHRISTMAS PARTY AND TEA DANCE FOR HIS jp csc I DIDNT KNOW You LIKED TO © King Fanteres Spediente, fon, 1967, World rights romerwad. AT BEAUS PARTY, IF YOU TAKE A PRESENT... 4---Candid Camera 16:38 A.M, '| 7--Donna Reed 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 2-8--Concentration 11:00 A.M, 12--Romper Room 9--Cannonbal! 7--Temptation | 4--Andy Griffith 3-6--Mr, Dressup 2-86--Personality VW: iV Marriage Confidential 9--Mr. and Mrs 7 8. -M. | University ef the Alr | 4:55 A.M, TELEVISION LOG 4--Diek Van Dyke 2-4--Hollywood Squares 12 NOON 12-3--News, Sports 1i--Little People Weather, | 9--Terente Teday 7--Money Movie | é--Luncheon Date | | | | | $--Maglstrate's | | | } | 1 11 Mother- | 4--News, Weather, Sports 1-8--Jeopardy 12:10 P.M, 3--Super Heroes 12:28 P.M, iPhoto Finish &--Eye jess 3-4-6-12--Search for Te morrow Merv Griffin 12:45 P.M, bead y's) Light 1:00 P.M, 12--Movie 1l--Mike Deuglas 9--Movie &--Dialing For Dellars Virginia Graham J--Fugitive 4--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 3--Movie 1 20 PLM, &--Let's Make a Beal 4-4--As The World 7--Newlywed Game 46--Love Is a Many Splendored Thing 2-8--Days of Our Lived 2:30 P.M. 12--Calendar 1i--Perry Mason 9--People in Cenfllet 7--Dream Girl 4--Cerenation Street 4--House Party 2-8--Doctors 3:00 P.M. 7--General Hospital 4--Te Tell The Truth 3-4-12--Take 30 2-4--Another World 3:25 PLM, 4--News 3: P.M, 11--Hawkeye 9--It's Yeur Meve 7--Commander Tom 3-4-6-12--Edge ef Night 2-8--You Don't Say 4:00 PLM, 1--Super Heroes 4--Secret Sterm 3-6-12--Bonnie Prudden 2--Mike Douglas 4:30 P.M. 1--It's About Time 9--Mevie 8--Leave It to Beaver 4--Truth or Conse- How's Your quences 4--He and She In-Law 3-6:12--Barney Boomer AOROSS 51. Awry 24, Hawal- [AETTISMIGIEIeh 1. Pull 62. Require jan PIUIRIE1E RS /PIAIC 5. Waves' DOWN food _-- S A Ao aa : cousins 1.Top G-man 26. Chinese [GlalTle MEGIO|A 9. French 2. Point river A) e f we SIUJPIE river 3. Employs 27. Jacket (YEINOISMATURIe |e 10. Fragrant 4. Cessation 29.Gram- jum = Se aan wood 5. Pale pus SIT[UIRIGIE [O]N, 11, Shooting 6. Drooping 30.Har- = [TIVINIAMSIHIAIDIOM) | star 7. Girl's vest = BITDIE BURIAIOIE 12. Comp name 31, Young AITIEISHAO[L [le point 8. Hunting eels Yesterdsy's Answer 14. Estimate: dog 33. Drovea abbr. 11. Wagon vehicle 40, Mesopo- 15. Total 13. Garment. 34, Location tamia amount borders of Taj 41, Submerge 17. Crown 16. Things Mahal 43. Cornbread of head 19. Portion 37. River 46. Stitch 18, Ribbed 21, Presidential tothe 48. High fabric nickname Bering Sea card 20. Frontiers- 4 canna Y {2 73 S jo 17 {8 Y; shoe 7, 4 9 V7Aio 4 22. Type GY Y/ measure 7, ZL 23. Snare 7 Y 4 be ° 25. Candles 28Radice ,, |'*| Y ra 3] 30, Withdraw ie 9 VV, ae li 18 9 W 20 2 Y sje bust [zs 24 z ete 32. Particle Yy 35. Overhead V7 train Y GZ 17) di id Y 36. Weep % 38, Peg 30 |31 Y 32 33 «(34 39. Greedy > 7 se 31 som" FL | 44,Conjunction [F5 40 [44 42 as W744 45, Fairylike MW creatures cg 46 V7149 of Persian Gu mythology ED Z 47, Bear V4, Y A, ee Y 49. Rant GY $i GY Se 50. At one /} Yi, _| time 12°20 jthe cards happen to lie. However, West's proper re- turn after taking the jack of diamonds is the jack of clubs-- jthe only card he can lead to jgive his side a chance. It is jtrue that South can still make jthe contract against this return, \but he has to guess exactly iright to do it | Suppose South wins the jack with the queen and leads a club Eee the K-9. West follows HUBERT -------{ IMGONG your | TO PATENT THIS AND lows low, of course, and South is now faced with a critical de- cision. Declarer plays the nine lif he thinks West has the ten, jor the king if he thinks West has the ace, Regardless of | which one he plays, West at |least gets a run for his money. | vel 1 | Romney Lacks 22.3} | Price Of Meal MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Gov. George Romney of Michigan had to borrow the price of a meal on his way to Moscow be- GENIUS! 967. Wedd =| STL : SS cause the Russians would not : accept his U.S. dollars. i When the aspiring candidate for the U.S. republic presiden- " tial nomination arrived here -z0] |today, an aide explained that 0 Wi only the kindheartedness of a young English-speaking Pole saved the governor and his party from going hungry on the 20-hour train journey from War- jsaw, | Before they left Warsaw, they lwere told that they would be able to pay for food on the train YOUR HEALTH Fluid Retention Has Many Causes Lata eee eae Jcould not buy anything in the By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD |B MMe dining car unless they had ru- PUTS ibles. Dear Dr. Molner: Please ad- pause alone, and just waiting ce vise how to solve fluid problems|isn't likely to correct it Rangeley ie during menopause, as fluid goes! Dear Dr. Molner: | am a man fe a mht ae cles into my tissues and the urine 81. I cramp below my knees s0} ih premier Algal Roarsit output has slowed down. Is this|I can't rest at night and have tolr eer ' common or rare? Will I return get up and walk the floor, Is|J8CY: - to normal?--Mrs, M.C. there any vitamin I can take for this, or what would you recom-| First of all forget the idea mend?--A.B.T. Papers Closed that this is a problem ag Fe Leg cramps aren't the most with menopause per se. There |jmportant problem we have to} are several factors which can sna ie with as we grow older, | Over Month be involved. but they are one of the most an- Se a, The use of female hormones/noying, and the loss of sleep can DETROIT (AP) cS The 32- (very often used to relieve men- he significant day-old strike that has shut opause symptoms) may cause} These cramps are muscle | down the Detroit News contin- some water retention, although spasms, and a vilamin isn't the ued Monday with no talks this by no means bothers all answer (except that if you are| Scheduled with the page deo women. low in Vitamin D, it can have cmon, went on strike Some kidney disorder may be an effect on absorption of cal-) Ov". : responsible for fluid retention, ¢jym, which is important) we Nene a ates Sor just because the kidneys are not' Principle causes of theand the po ge oe working at full efficiency.in fil-\snasms are faulty circulation, morning any si es 7 tering out wastes to be dis-|abnormal strain on the muscles] SPeration et See rivately charged. Thus the possibility of which can result from faults in ll ret resaniativen of the kidney trouble comes readily t0/foot structure, shoes which do) }.accme as Union Monday a physician's mind. Or, Of/not fit correctly, lack of cal- There San no WOME Gt Gavel course, some heart deficiency! cium, or other causes. B ela can cause fluid retention, but simple medication, of which| fens irae Tireas was soheds other symptoms would be so quinine is an old stand-by, 18!uJeq to meet today with mem- readily apparent that there's no often helpful. Sometimes an|poere of the American Newse need of our belaboring that. easy leg exefcise is even better.| naner Guild Overweight people tend to uri-|I recall one reader who said she| -- QUEENIE nate less during the day and got rid of cramps in two weeks thus accumulate fluid in the tis-/by doing exercises for a few sues as indicated by ankles! minutes each night. which swell at the end of the! Many older folks lack cal-| f day--but the swelling disap-icium. Milk (a glass a day is pears during the night. Keep in|enough) is a good way to get mind that we release fluid by|plenty fo calcium. Skim milk is several methods: There is just as good for those who have moisture expelled with each| to avoid gaining weight. breath, and this adds up to a 3Mo4 ©) HAGA Dear Dr. Molner: Could tak- measurable amount in a matter|ing one pentobarbital pill twice of hours. We also perspire. ja week to induce sleep have any You, Mrs. M.C., may require | harmful effects? --W.Z. a diuretic (a medication to fa-| No. cilitate water release). But I) Note to Mrs. S.A.: I am in no certainly suggest that you see | position to decide between the your doctor to determine whot|conflicting medical opinions you is causing this fluid retention. It/encountered. 1 would abide by A may be indirectly releated to) the opinion of the doctor who al or need the money to remodel menopause in some way, but it)ready has improved your near) my legs» + € Kitchen « se" isn't a sheer matter of meno-ling. : FS ~ ¢ s