? TAM ==-A MILLION £ 32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 20, 1967 a WORTH = HMM-- Pe SO oA EG ER EB eR A oe a [RAGE TSRLASRALGOKAA RARE REO oe ee RS J 2 ae = 's! t haf HS ass Be ve sa + a bet ca +++4++ 444 r | j Lat wh Le as ba tt '1 z a ' = esate : gre Ss ee So TODAY'S STOCKS | a T AM, STOCKS | Primary Distribution | beget Sal by cP | Distribution of Treasury Shares | e Torente Stock Exchanae---Dec. 2 The Toronto Stock Exchange has been Quotations in cents niess markec$.! scvited "that" the. following _companies| OW uc Tr ] 2--Odd lot. xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex have entered into uni riti rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is tion agreements which may result in from previous board-lot closing sale treasury shares of these companies be- ng under distribution currently through e 9 the facilities of the Exchange Armore 1500 182 184 18! oar es Ee Paty From Speculation N eeded? Stock Salen High Low a.m. Chige Gleon Exp 200 M6 isn es Acme Ges 2000 16 16 16 | By JANE BECKER [apiece and he sees no reasonjfect of slowing, if not prevent- | 4 iw ime 2 INDUSTRIALS | TORONTO (CP) -- Since new for them to be worth more. ing, what could have been a se- a Ang UV Oev 'S500 7% 74 14. -- 4 10:40 Net securities legislation took effect' Much of the November buying|rious fraud on investors in Eu- 5 a I oun ae Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge in Ontario last year securities came from Europe. The com-jrope,"' the commission wrote. | S Armore See list below Abitib 850 $8 ve § + \* officials have moved toward mission was told a German tout "If allowed to go unchecked, in- 200 32 3 11} Aclands 600 $15% 15% 15% + % Officia ; mulaahnche 2 ; fA oct te 7200 62 «462 «(462 Algoma St 485 $18 17% 17%-- % tighter regulation of the market sheet promoted the company asicreases in price and volume Aunor 100 265 265 265 -- 3) Alcan 720 $280 28 2 than ever before an active gold and uranium pro-'might have drawn in Canadian | Be rao '000 i 2 2 ca reid Mg 100 ro aoe ve-- ve But the questions of how ducer whose shares would be investors." : Bounty Ex 1900 18 18 18 +11] Angioc pr 200 sida Ié'4. 144 --1'4 much protection the public worth $10 apiece by 1970. But Mr. Donaldson, asking yiecnakid 00 $00 $00 500 | Aches Cp 40 a es needs from speculation, and) The exchange halted trading|that trade be resumed, suggest- Sovter H. 500 16 16 (16 | 525 $8% 8% 8% --'% what happens to investors who Dec, 1 and the commission §is-jed that Meta's Canadian share- Com Mine. See, list below. | oie ATS is TS buy before the regulatory body sued an order, later extended/holders were not being consid- , , Comp Chie ts ja 3a 3 mss $a 4 4 = steps into the market still trou- for two months, prohibiting On- ered. : : j DUR Pat cfs aR 2 28 Be ts Gi + alten hese ae oa IN Se pr aaa aa ge cbte. to 1 roe is ta he ts." Just in time for your Chirstmas gift shopping WILSON'S offer you all nae of -- CANDIDA » yan 4 25 212-201 220 $B BA 8% the province Meta shares. sible to tell people e facts, . ] ; i k advantage o Can Keely 2500 6 ed peor ates They cropped up at the recent The aim of the ban is to pro-/he told the hearing. 'Now open dous savings on first quality merchandise from our regular stock. Ta e t g Seis pd 5 2 25'2 254 200 620 620 620 +5 Ontario Securities Commission tect potential investors by stop- it up and let the water go where these specials for all your Christmas shopping. Come in today for great savings Conige 1000 26 «26% 1 oo Sig? 3g * 22'2 t hearing into trading in the stock ping their buying shares at an it may." [--4 é pola ie 100 to Ps ao "s $56 a eo Ww of a small mining exploration inflated price. | When trading does resume, no a € Red Pop 4000 71 2 2% 210 $7618 76Va T6Vs company, Meta Uranium Mines But it leaves unanswered the/one knows what the market , ; feo Man 21 3) + eae ee dra question of what happens to|price will be. j 4 2 raigm 2 0 1 2 8 ' aes 7 yho buy while the price' Commission counsel C. J 4 Crewpat 2500. 74 7\4 00 1% +2 Meta shares jumped to 37 people who bu; m c s C.J. see 4 Deering 2000 «Ble Ble Ale 1025 $1 | AS aoe: Be 5 . 2 cents on the is rising and then cannot dis- Stiles admits the commission ; 4 wd O'Eldone oo "O97 10 +% cents from 12 cen a the M , B . Denison 1098 $8012 80% 80% + 3» 22\4 Toronto Stock Exchange during pose of their holdings _ order "locks in people who " q ber Dicknsn eg ee ea a ae A, 1 Meta November. About 3,000,009 These include individual in- paid an excessive price for the 4 " 4" 2 a M 2 23 ave + Vit . anbar | H H Dome Mal sie 2 a4 in cae pac 1500 Slim ile li"e+% shares changed hands, cvom-. vestors as de \ . shbapita pile stock é | eo A lovely lamp for a Christ- Frobex 2 se tt é red with rmal turnover of|sold short--sold shares they did) "But if we allow trading on| | a Tew pared with a norm : | 4 seg er ol hai, ae 2 § a few hundred. not own hoping they could buy the over-the-counter market) mas gift at WILSON'S Grancrey 19 0 w+ 1 100" isha, 15:4, 154 -- M4 viel Sad eesilets them a short time later at ahow do we know new people| HI-BACK Quality' lamps et BEST aur' 7 ~ i DOES ! sonraatrsd lower price. won't buy at the inflated| y f 5 1% 7 7 ~ Ve . 7 n 4 Gunner wid 150°" 150 150 --% The company is not a produc-| 'Our actions have had the ef- price?" he asked. '"'Who should | SWIVEL PRICES IN TOWN Hprelkad "N00 ie ve vn D er and has done no drilling) ------- (be protected?" é Hollinger 200 $27'4 27% 27 -- Vs Mare z 5 5 since 1956. President Evan Don- Fy aes : ; . Huds Bey 100 $56 5656 oP 00 Sk TM A ra ean: tha: BhATAS Have a Is Hecor EXPLAINS STAND ROCK R J ee eee 4 ; ' alu : | The exchange says it does not 4 Ise 1 146 ¢ $45 45 book value of about 10 cents F4 ys : ; Jaye Exp 2500 14 Cdn Tire A 260 $34%4 34 3434 + Ve try to curb speculation as such, i NYLON COVERS re 500 44 CWN Gas 250 $162 1614 16%4 ; se peer) | 5 bona $00 2 C Westing ° 220 $1234 1234 123 10:40 Net ver 00. 6 only to ensure that trading | $ Kam Kofla' 750 285 Chemceil 100 $72 74 + Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge takes place in an atmosphere of Kerr Add 2125 $17% | 17% Chem 175 p $0 $2514 25% 2514 -- 9% 300 $11 1] u >A 2) |e r= isclosure ertinent infor Kid Coper 800 83 83 83 --2_) CHUM A 200 $21% 21% 21% + % Rae ai 1000 $15'4 15% 15%y---a|. MONTREAL (€P) A subur-|full discl : oe e Kirk Twne S00 1§ 18 18 Clairton 500 470 470 470 Russell H 575 $15 148 15 +1 | ban St. Michel police constable| mation to the public. CHRISTMAS FROM s ts we ean Columbi p 380 Sima Tas "196 4 ta! Salada we git it ja" testified Tuesday that for a $300) J-1. Lyndon, head of the ex- 8 ¢ 3 a+ s SB 814. 1a : : ) : | L Dufauit' 1020 985 950 950 --20 26) $2570 25% 2588 ahi eects i7 + % Payment the St. Michel mayor/change's market surveillance SPECIAL... Fare need oss oe ie a oe Shall Gon "arranged to have a police rec-) 3 bag i Langis 7200397 7 3 8 775 $214 21 21 --% " P department, says Meta is the e tL Lee 1155 210 205 210 +9 300 375 375 375 --28 ld og $ -- ord overlooked that could have jfirst case since disclosure regu- actor, 000 '00'S 75 Sah ayia ah Slater Stl 102, cost the constable his police job.|1ations took effect two years ago | M.A Macl Msh 103347 ' oog 3 700 $1) ' Hie "+ oe, ou oe He was giving evidence at the where release of corporate in- e G. . Ue de rte So nae? Steinbo A s's-- '» continuing preliminary hearing formation has not stabilized rd chs a a gg ie: Tancord a 7--'« of Mayor Maurice Bergeron on trading 00 79 737. : exaco s-- i Aes . | Midrim 1100 non 20 $143 ee rs charges of accepting bribes. pia ' : : CHESTERFIELD SUITES BEDROOM SUITE Mogu! Min 2700 440 435 440 +10 2125 $1938 19 tron . : : y-- Ve Robert Ducharme said he was We turned the cas® over to Cae ee OR 4 ice the commission because there New Ath m 6 2 wv A 8 100 $12'4 Trader Ap 2\%*-- %* hired by the St. Michel police vaé nathine more we-couldiap." : i New Cel 100 3838 a8 100 Va "| Transair "00 $6 ~ "department in February, 1960, ght z F } Over 40 different sets on display at all times. Mod- y Many 1968 models age ile dig Lovely designs, ose , 148 r 824 1824 18 i ; d with dis- :. i i iced f ' lity. Choose at rom fos oo a see ML oe : and was threatened wi issi fern suites with foam cushions, priced from top quality. Choose N lmperal 300 328 320 328 + 8 M5 $4 4 Trans PPL 125 $98 138 missal a few days later, H. E. -- oe 7 P an ee kk a 100 $7 9a Sia+ ul Un Gas 980 st5vs % The threat was made by his Chairman, an he th aed use 1 Norbeau 10 7 333 100 495 a5 U orp B 245 $13 police superiors after it was aang wi ~ay arias | Norgold 10007 7 7 420 $904 04 901% 4\ Versatile 00 $13 34 1 .{its blanke wer to Reel © oo so ta <0 300 $408k: apie. mou cel Versstl A 'Tear ae v found that he had a police rec dion po t=] Northeal = -r100 18 18, 1B 100 $15 15 1S + Yel Vic G Tr 225 $17%4 12% 17% ord. "ts Idn't hesitate t 6a pg hte tl i bg A aia 262 S90'8 90 904 Waiax msi) i 17 --1'8\ He went to see then-councillor| "But we wouldn't hesi "eg 0 N Rank zr 3 3 725 $50 50 50 i 7 is 110 018 4+ i ; ' Obrien 1000 4 % % 8 a) Ss th eg Weinoco © 7 NR Pe . Maurice Bergeron who had if ur eo cau de a : Opemsie 125 955 958 988 800 38 38 8. + 9! Weldwod 0 $1) 1) «11 helped him to get the joh and| To pay 5 ie 8 bit iar etino 2 3 3 2 675 $16%%4 16% 1634 + ates 1065 $23 23% 22% -- ta ! is "s i e Bee Exp 400 179 170 172 +3 ker 100 350 350 359g | Went? OF Se we as 1 told him of his problem. stock is 'sheer ae ine fe. a eyed Point 1% oa a oh + ve e 210 $70 20 «70 |. Westee 00 $174 17.4 17% He quoted Mr. Bergeron as \says nee ae who hea S é acer \ Hays 275 $13 (We 12% W Brdcast 275 $18 173%. 17% tell him: will get hurt, because when ie Preston FOO $20% 20% 20% -- Va\ A 480 $25% 25: iy --s \telling him: \ * 4 ae Ue) \\ Worn cn pa Tr "\ W Secte™® "Soe "tou ou © | "But that's no problem... if(dust settles you will only have a "a e - 1) 5 $2 We y v a Aw, ~ i ay: Que Lith Mom mo --8\ Heol ces Wm 2m | Weston A 28) S4\3 Wa a \you have $300 to give me. Wel10 cent piece. ; >& matigm! 2125 120 119: 120 +6] HBOIG pr 70s? = t% Wath tor oe ek ar Ok can get around that situation The commission is circulating a8 Wh b pogly fo Ha se Su Sms pe BF HE HAD White Ps r $80 195 195 195 .». Besides, there are others/notices in German to European « im" i wen es le coe "Ne Nagulat Treding Woodwd A 250 $1794 17%4 17% | who have got round such situa- banks and newspapers warning Sate! yoo 32) 92 32 +1 Block 3000 $83.0000 Net Sales to 11 @.m.: 587,000 tions,"' against investing in Meta Setel r me | Husky Dw 150 $14 14 1th + i NO PAYMENTS U NTIL FEBR . Sherri? DS 4 4 4H Imp Oi! 535 $70 6% M + tu | b Siifids 10700 455 450 455 --8 | Imp Tob 150 $13 13% 13% -- t4/ $i! Miller S30 134 13% 13A+1 1 Ind Accept 475 $20% 2 20% 4 I8| Silvma 400 2 7 7 | Ind Mineri 275 $12 12% 1214 Sisce 4520 440 M5 440 +10 | Ind Wire 1400 390 380 380 ~ 98 > Steep R400 570 BS | ingersol 50 $214 2h 214 -- Ih) re Up Your Home en val Intane $00 $10 100 FOLDING I Brighten our Tex-Soi 100 » +!) In 1000 $10 Teron? 2100 «8 § 2 ie on ee Pe Po ets BASKE : Fer Christmas with New Towag 9 419 +2 Int Nickel 702 $128 1274128 + % et ae ae au aa FLOOR no at | Ue ime ant fa aa : , . CHAIRS TABLES tal fer sat" ran Vale's Special HL ONLY AT COVERINGS : Netter: 2 'S Red | gitt is 25 $5 WILSON & green, locking legs. Ideal gift. . r frem Wilson's. Clearout from Be ee et Cnnadiin Gk, |. bluded its c "fair " 100 oe +10 | 4 is t 0 31 oi + 750 $35% 35% 3534 + 14| 100 $ 4 ae tery 26 SH" 114 Wa + 4 c 25 $3714 374 374+ ° 700 400 "a 400 se ten eo 9 e e so Yau Som fw? S| tal s rial Winks it Special, 88 | 3.99 | 99.- SMOOTH-TOP | MATTRESSES SPECIAL PURCHASE SAVES YOU MONEY. TRI- TONE MATTRESSES. LOVELY DAMASK TICK- INGS. HUNDREDS OF COILS. QUICK DELIVERY. Christmas $4 Special .... SPACE SAVER ROLLAWAY BUNK SECTIONAL COUCHES COTS BEDS SUITES Brend Neme mettresses et WILSON'S. You always seve on quality bedding. SERTA, SEALY, BEVERLEY, BED. FORD, FEATHERWEIGHT, SPRINGWALL, end more. 20 20 = 8 Markbore Markbro w Mass-Fer JULIET JONES I CAN'T FIND MY DUSTER! 7 Preblended. To reach that elusive point of perfection that creates S Walker's Special Old. Only then 0 special, in fact, thatno one were they sealed in white oak is allowed to enter our blending casks. To age and mellow. 'To- room except the handful of peo= _ gether. Theresultisincomparable ple who belong. After all,there's bouquet, flavour, and character, a whisky being born in there. Our people take the longer, Becauseawhiskyisbornwhen more difficult route to make MICKEY MOUSE Enjoy the never ending FLORIDA ageant of uxury yachis ... oceanfront beach, too! MOTOR INN GRANDMA ee ond Yeehting Center it's blended. (Most whiskies Walker's Special Old. Because Seas e Queen of American Marinas eae are blended just before they're howelse could wecallit Special? Spring filled construction, oat reigns dest oo. oe ae ew Wiese beeen display © 115 Rooms bottled. Like maybe last week.) merey egies 19,95 § sv 69 oe ra Swimming Pool 5 But Walker's Special Old wns Compartment . cawaha Immediete Delivery a FIOM sk ba.0'0-s conus: Suites from -- w.eees Fishing Fleet | was blended long ago. Th ' g ago. The WH Shopping Center | very day that its ingredient Walbkors BEAUREGARDS THR * Coffee Shop whiskies were distilled. USE OUR -- STORE ATTA DUKE fon i * Lounge They were carefully and , Vj LAY- HOURS fq FRIENDS... %® Patricia Murphy's painstakingly combined, WAY- Pe Candelight Restaurant | . . BM and Tropical Gardens | : PLAN DEC, 14.22 ' og | EST D. 1858 Choose your furniture 'TIL woe PPS +> aff | mow. We'll hold it 'til a selena og CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Tvery lye : : + 9 P.M. = = he nee Sein DISTILLED BY HIRAM WALKER & SONS LIMITED, WALKERVILLE, CANADA ° "aed Seorome Furniture and Galleries ised: Metaideys es] . =~ pez Ft Lauderdale, Florida © Free Delver wou cep PHONE: (305) 525-4221 : . 20 CHURCH ST. pe 723-3211 e FORT LAUDERDAL FLORIDA . ' ; {