_ |] ] THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 20, 1967 ROBERT NIXON ++.Liberal Leader Research K esearc K Head Named K TORONTO (CP) -- Opposition : : Leader Robert Nixon Monday < -- / P ppoi K Parker Jotter Parker Jotter Men's = : ic lifford Brown, 47, as pont-4 ® KK BALLPENS PEN and Pencin | Leather Dress Gl » Ve re eatin \eietew nee . . : \ Gves HEEL Konark Reg. K mart Price 2.94 in the Ontario legislature. é K. in Gift Box in Gift Box Reg. K mart 3.97 DISCOUNT PRICE DISCOUNT | Mr. Brown, a former produc- 5 'gg. _---Reg. Kmart Price 1.77 Reg. K mart Price 3.77 Wiiiink saath DISCOUNT SPECIAL Butterfly NS 7 SPECIAL fore depatygind cect ply t e. feather | sation programs for > - DISCOUNT DISCOUNT dress gloves have Reg. K : 4 % TV, Montreal, has been with the : & SPECIAL e SPECIAL warm laminated lin- First quality seamless eg. K mart Price 79¢ @ « educational television branch of ; K THURS. FRI, SAT. @ ing. Styled with whip- mesh nylons are run- DISCOUNT SPECIAL Attractive bevelled mirror, |the Ontario education depart- ' ' 'The smooth writing pen that This ieaksaiee i a aint oe araitetie topcly og "lg re comb and brush set has F ithe dphaite ee id ; never fails! Available for Him or and B Set of Jotter pen ; ' _!Geal tor ¢ bronze trim. Patterned leecy printed hand tow- | He is currently attending ' erin Christmas gift bor. on Fen pencil makes a in Black and Brown. : e feahionahle sling back prs. with Pink and Gold Bro- els with matching solid | Atkinson College, York Univer. } 3 fue FAL bal ' cade or Turquoise floral | color washcloths are at- jsity, to complete a degree in » FRI. SAT. J THURS. FRI. SAT. design. tractively gift boxed. | computer science. : es Mr. Nixon also announced the Se OR EU. ' * igi ee oe nce SE \ | appointment of two research as- . SHAKESPEARE " ay » Seer Sy een Infants' |sistants, Wendy Hansen and we FISHING +74 Pactra te «| BULKY KNIT | Robin Russell. Miss Hansen, 26, |worked for the Liberals during CARDIGANS |the Oct. 17 provincial election - Comp. at 2.77 jrace and Mr. Russell, also 26, se K mart |was unsuccessful Liberal candl- DISCOUNT Hig \date in Northumberland. PECIA\ i s ca ere The biped greet men the ; tener veda resignation of two research offi- pellspsnalay Metis Fd cers appointed as assistants to tt pada 4 'et a former Liberal leader Andrew Ml BEE | aist ai Thompson, Thomas Ford and .cuffs and button front. John McGraw. Available in White, Pink, Prince Flies * OUTFITS & Spin Cast or Spinning Sets K mart DISCOUNT SPECIAL 9.99 THURS. FRI. SAT. Delicious assorted chocolat have dark and milk chooolate DISCOUNT SPECIAL covering over creamy and hard centres, Another great Christmas bargain at K mart! THURS, FRI. SAT, @ A BATH MAT SETS Maize and Blue in one Comp. at 5.98 \ size only. ' ' hit fag or ssi buy to ae / ' e } ristmas .. . an idea Heavy pile chenille Vis- K mart'D! . Fe anaes noel | Samat ge To Australia . ; , wi e 1 Lier and Line, and the handy book with fancrine i one ° Fishi ecrets of Successful in solid shades of Aqua, LONDON (AP) -- Prince Ing'. Olive, Azeala, Gold, Indi- Charles and Prime Minister _ pbs 80, Beige, Yellow, Mint & Wilson will fly to Australia to" os and White. Mat measures attend Friday's memorial sery- _ ' 4 x 36". THURS. FRI. SAT. ice at Melbourne for Prime Minister Holt, it was announced today. \ The 19-year-old heir to the throne will represent his mother, Queen Elizabeth. Holt is presumed to have drowned on a weekend skin-div- ing trip. 2 Wilson, as head of the British government, hopes to confer in-* formally with U.S. President~ Johnson and other international leaders who will be at the serv- - ice. e 2 LIGHT and 3 LIGHT i POLE LANMPS a J at Men's Bulky Youths' @ORLON VINYL i HOSE DRESS GLOVES Bone China CUPS and Set of 6 SAUCERS EARTHENWARE Reg. K mart Price 2.67 MUGS Reg. K mart Price 1.99 SPECIAL 1 97 DISCOUNT 77 ; ee edie will te th foe isdn one s fe SPECIAL 1 DISCOUNT ¢ DISCOUNT 7 7 ¢ = of the Queen. Fine toh bow china THURS. FRI. SAT. SPECIAL sedge [companied by Opposition. Con- cups oa saucers make a__ Fruit patterned earthenware THURS. FRI. SAT. i cee ae a jservative Leader Edward marvellous gift. Choose [W> ae pipe Rid etieos Warm and bulky eh nee lining 'and three point trim on Heath. i f shape: breaks. Buy a set for a favor available in assorted colors, back. Styled with knit cuffs and They are expected to fly b trom a wide range of shapes its percon, sizes 10 to 13. ; ei ee | charter plane Wednesday. sl and designs- | Sentence 'Suspended MILTON, Ont. (CP) -- Andre |Bellemare, 21, of Quebec City jreceived a tw6-year suspended sentence Monday for abducting Women's ACRYLIC a 14-year-old girl. | Magistrate K. M. Langdon ues P LL VE |said if the court had the power . s DELUXE it would dismiss the charge, but JIGGER THURS. FRI. SAT. Reg. Kmart Price 6.77 the Criminal Code did not allow~ h t Price 3.27 100% Acrylic sweaters DISCOUNT SPECIAL lhim.¢ ie i i Ree ee Starter set includes Comp. at 29.71 sani ted ala a eacad Westec yb : Handsome, decorator pole have popular crew and rae nae 4 4H ' DISCOUNT lamps are available in a wide turtle neck styles! De- ° 742 gal. aquarium K t DISCOUNT SPECIAL bees the girl BOCEtEt A I Is ave ECIAL range of styles. Choose from signed with full-fashion ¢ Steel canopy mar tion to hitch-hike to Montreal SP e a really attractive assortment long sleeves, and dia- ¢ Bottom filter and pump Sept. 23 with the carnival work- Reg. K mart Price 26.77 DISCOUNT SPECIAL Deluxe Chrome Plated of glass shades, two or three mond stitch pattern. ; ' Nylon net, thermometer Pr eens Felon said are honaiie 1% on a pole, Some models com- Choose from Mauve, Blue, * Plastic plant and orna- ee oz. jigger makes bar tending plete with table. Beige, Mint, White, , ment. | Police found the couple living AS 95 a breeze! Chrome over copper Orange, and Gold. THURS. FRI. SAT. THURS. FRI. SAT. C.] in Quebec City Nov. 3. ig Magistrate Langdon said the stays clean and bright! | | girl--a Grade 8 dropout--was jmore mature than Bellemare jwho had attended school for | jonly two years. rt! 4 3 ice 2.69 ECIAL CAT INCLUDED SOUTH GODSTONE, England- (CP)--Nearly $30,000 may seem 'a lot for a cat without a pedi- gree, but a discerning buyer will be getting a good bargain --a four-bedroomed house thrown in, Tinker has lived in the house for 11 years and her previous owner, Arthur King- i ston, thinks it would be cruel to Cotningware take her away from her home. 2 Ib. MIXED "Whoever buys the house takes LIGHTER SET PERCOLATOR ' FLIGHT Afi ia ; . - Children's e 5 the cat as well," he says. Reg.KmartPrice3.77 Reg. Kmart Price 13.95 3 Piece Table and Chair Set 3 Pc. 'Holiday LUGGAGE cote FANCY NUTS K mart DISCOUNT PRICE DISCOUNT y 7 7 DISCOUNT Reg. K mart Price 10.88 COM SRE ®. K mart : SPECIAL e SPECIAL e vow ie: people Hay : T Udiendetenie K mart DISCOUNT SPECIAL DISCOUNT SPECIAL DIXON & ' 4 77 gage make happy travel 10 88 ° A ) ce 2.03 ECIAL Zips Bait pony Nace DISCOUNT are . a pipet enter, io and " 2. Lad the best brewed cet a Viera aula 'SPECIAL with matching satin line THURS. FRI. SAT. Fresh Beaver assorted nuts lifetime guarantee! percolator! Capacity 9 cups, THURS, FRI. SAT. ing and compartments, w Compect Sa bee og amet are a real treat So anes 313 ALBERT ST. ~ pares 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 LOCATED ON HIGHWAY NO. 2 -- BETWEEN OSHAWA and WHITBY | "°°