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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Dec 1967, p. 1

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Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman- ville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in Ont- ario and Durham Counties. Variable cloudines ing mild with west Low tonight, 35; nesday, 45, The Os hawa Cimes VOL. 26--NO. 29 4 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1967 Oc Single Copy 1 S5c Per Week Home Delivery Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cosh $$$ Weather Report s, continu- erly winds, high Wed- TWENTY-FOUR PAGES Liquor Up 46 Cents Per Bottle TORONTO. (CP) Chief|$1.25 a gallo: i N ( 25 gallon in the excise fax Commissioner G H. Sheppard! and duties charged by the feder-| of the Liquor Control Board of al government on all spirits dis-| OTTAWA (CP) keep cabinet ministers at the|the Liberal Party but give thr government grindstone whenlopposition, especially the Con the Liberal leadership cam-|servatives, the gleeful opportu Ontari . y th 2 ' price ab bettie oF linuer tbe iy POE OTE, 210 Canela paign trail beckons? jnity of pointing out repeatedly will be) ada id Prime Minister Pearson is|such i co ; ' iirc e la \ s a division pg 'ah average of 46 The increase in federal taxes said to be worried about the! A proposed 1 rule for nts . an. 2 amounts to 15 cents on a | problem and the cabinet dis-'the campaigr ave a He also told a news confer- ounce bottle of spirits, eight cussed it Monday, apparently uppo without coming to any definite a conclusions on ground rules for! ali made the campaign which will end ir A highly the April 4-6 leadership conven tion here. ence a carton of 24 pints of beer cents on a carton of beer and now selling for $4.46 will be in- one cent on a bottle of wine. creased to 33 cents to $4.7 "These increases are being Judge W. T. Robb, c 1an passed on to the purchasers of t policy decisior aced Liberal party of the Liquor Licence Board of alcoholic beverages in Ontario,"| Ontario, said licensed establish-| Mr. Sheppard said. Informants say the prime ments will be able to set their "In order to meet the in-| minister is conce rned about the unta nvo own price on draught beer creased revenue requirements government functioning efficient ly during the campaign One: way to keep cabinet min isters on the job would be to keep the Commons in session The board now sets the price of the provincial government, of a 7.6-ounce glass of draught)an additional amount will be beer at 15 cents. After Jan, 2)added to the selling prices of tavern owners will be able to spirits, beer and wine." | How do youlonly split the government and. s e said that if such ground are not agreed upon, the ampaign will quickly deterioe ate into internal cabinet strife which could burst into publie t any moment r. Pearson can get agree. nd rules, cly nce them ¢ r ices of any ck hen the campaign Pressures Greek King To Return decide what size glass they thr t as 3 _-- hroughout most of the car . . ' * want to use. REVENUES SOAR | aign period me eal' ROME (CP) -- King Contan-) the matter was under considera Owners have bee m He predicted Ontario's liquor P F : hal Haralambos Potamianos' tion. § a een setting) reyenues would climb by $25,- PEARSON IN FAVOR Monday ht and their own price for bottled ay 'on the cc ilions of the young king and a|the Greek military junta for his Mr. Pearson is believed to b in favor of such a move, allo ing the new leader to begin new session of Parliament with return to the throne his own throne speech, which is| The king was under increas- an outline of government policy.|!9g Pressure to make up his The prime minister said Jast}mind. The new Greek constitu eer 900,000 in-the fiscal year ending the last three years. March 31, 1968. Revenues i. Judge Robb denied reports|talled $133,000,000 in the last fis- the board is planning to extend! cal year. Saturday night drinking hours; The LCBO markup on a bottle into Sunday morning. Licensed| of liquor, now 77 per cent of the estabilshments now must close! selling price, will rise to 80,or con at 11:30 p.m. Saturday. 81 per cent. The increase varies Thursday when he announced tion, which will include the/r Mr. Sheppard said the prices | a little because prices will be that he will retire in the spring) Status of the monarchy, is to be fin will be raised to mect new feder-| brought to the nearest five) . that he expects cabinet minis-)Submitted to the Athens govern government, Ment Saturday and parliamentary duties ahead! Constantine Kollias, the jun |of leadership campaigning ta's puppet premier It is understood that a propos-|Supported the king's attempted al has been put to the cabinet,counter coup. last week, also that leaderhip hopefuls in the took part in the talks with Pota government limit their out-of-|mianos today town campaigning to weekends) The junta denied that it sent if the Commons is in session|Potamianos to Rome, but reli and to three days a week if the abe sources said the 60-year-old 4 * |House is not sitting. officer, a close friend of the STUDENT NURS S S | One informant said the gov-jroyal family, was briefed by E PREAD CHRISTMAS CHEER ernment's list of necessary par-| junta leaders and was certain to liamentary business now in-|relay the king's stand to them. cludes 69 pieces of legislation, large and small. Another proposal concerns the rule of cabinet solidarity. Some Liberals say they fear for instance, that some cabinet|P!! al and provincial taxes and an| cents. ters to put their anticipated request from manu-| The price for popular brands facturers for a five-per-cent in-|of Canadian whisky will in- crease. |crease to $5 from $4.62, to $5.30 The manufacturers have until from $4. to $5.60 from $5.12; Dec. 31 to apply for an increase,! and to $6 from $5.53. he said. Scotch whisky will increase to Finance Minister Sharp an-|$6.65 from $6.23 and to $7.75 nounced Noy. 30 an increase of|from $7.28 i UN Spring Meeting Likely If Nuclear Treaty Ready UNITED NATIONS (AP) --|seen more crises and greater in- 19, Barbara Head, 18 attended the annual Christ mas dance at EFastdale Col- legiate last Saturday. Yes- terday's performance _ by the junior class was a first for them. The junior Oshawa General class of the three of about 40 students ing to patients at the hos- Hospital's who participated in the pital. Other years, the nurs Christmas project, They ing students visit Hillsdale are singing to Mrs. Bertha Manor to sing carols, Many Towey. Intermediate and of the girls help to decorate senior classes also. sing the hospital during the WANTS FREE ELECTIONS Const had said he would military regime ctions, took no.re se who sur School of Nursing went car- olling last night in the hos- pital non, wards. Jo Ann Len held ment's until he t the king in the PURGE ARMY OFFICERS Questioned about the govern- recognition by foreign owers, he said: 'No govern- ment has stated it does not rec- ognize us " The junta went ahead with its new purge of the army and with touches on a néw con- on The regime undertook the sec- ond army purge in eight months 0 remove officers loyal to the King. Four generals who sided with were reported under arrest, The regime said they would be punished for their role king's attempted ounter-coup, Patakos announced that the date' for the plebiscite on the w constitution and possibly e date for general elections would be set within a few days. It is believed the new constitu- tion will contain clauses allow- ng the army to overrule parlia- mentary decisions, \ The UN General Assemb1yjternational tension than I can| rtyn, 19. were pressed on toward adjournment|recall at any time during the 11)- petoeec treme today after agreeing to meet|years I have spent with the again in the spring if a treaty to| United Nations." ° check the spread of nuclear) Thant touched on the Vietnam T ] tr weapons is ready then. war and the Middle East crisis The assembly hoped to finish| but expressed certainty that the} i confidence in the) carols on Christmas morn- Christmas season. Students java oe medical care insurance asj* © 0! | er scheduled while others might oped the government, and res seek to kill it. | ARTY ers as king. |COULD SPLIT P! | The junta would like the king | This kind of dispute might not). 04 but only as a figurehead, George Papadopoulos would s against th (Qshawa Times Photo) ing the leadershiy ried his coup Erg on ---- might promine o 4 £0 'aneat a an assurance that emier| DAW T eet tored Constantine's former pow- its business tonight. It was ex-|crisis of pected to push through a 15- country proposal calling on the Geneva disarmament commit- tee to complete the nuclear non-proliferation treaty by March 15. The assembly. then would reconvene as soon as pos- sible to take final action on the draft. The non-proliferation treaty has been under discussion in Geneva since 1959. The United States and Russia have agreed on all articles but the one deal- ing with inspection procedures. Secretary-General U_ Thant stressed the dangers of spread- ing war in a holiday message to members of his staff. He said| port back to the next assembly | | session. that in the past year "I have and so far has shown no disposi- tion to go along with the king's laetnnte. | The Italian press speculated . that Potamianos carried a com- K lls Four promise proposal for | Constantine's sister, Princess Irene, to return to Athens as a TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) -- Au symbol of the king's link with thorities said today four persons the government. Without taking were killed when an abandoned, political role, the 25-year-old US. Air Force jet plane, which princess would represent the had been piloted by a Canadian, > 4.4) family in Greece while ne- crashed at the rear of a super-|ootiations continued -- between market, spewing flames into @ Constantine and the officers. shopping centre and demolish- In Athens, Deputy Premier ing two homes. : Stylianos Patakos told a press Earlier the death toll in the conference today the military| jaccident Monday night had been |». ime was keeping the throne| [Selden ay ele with nine mMISSIN&./intact for Constantine to sit on| |Searchers continued sifting the/i+ «nen the present unfavora- United Nations 'can and must/ mneont em, LOOMS In Australia to the ever looming danger of i Jet Crash nuclear catastrope," he said. | CANBERRA (CP) -- Countryyleadership crisis following the| McEwen, 67-year-old deputy Also before the assem ¥| party Leader John McEwen was|presumed death of Prime Minis-|prime minister, said Lord Casey Nadal kage ; 1 sworn in today as interim prime/ter Harold Holt, 59, who disap-|will swear in all present minis- j Mj epee a eS ae oe minister of Australia and made/peared while swimming in the'ters Wednesday. ah Pa oyaeer ae: Te it clear that he took the post| surf off Portsea Sunday. Holt is to be memorialized at ind calling on ihe Getere erech only on a. caretaker basis wh'le; senator John Grey Gorton, 56, 2 service in Melbourne Friday to get busy on a comprehensive a leadership struggle in the rul-| minister of education and sci-|attended by President Johnson tr : i ence, emerged as _ the' likely The President's decision to test ban treaty. ling coalition is resolved. nt's A three-nation draft asking) The Liberal party, major,compromise successor to Holt.|make the 10,173-mile flight from the Geneva troup to resume de-|partner in the Liberal-Country|The Liberals. will elect a new W ashington was an unusual Bes: bate on the elimination of for-|party coalition that has ruled|party leader and prime minister ture of respect for his staunch eign military bases in Asia, Afri- since 1949, was thrown into alat a meeting Jan. 9. ally in the Vietnam war, ca and Latin America and re- ALLIES ATTEND President Nguyen Van Thieu of South Vietnam and President |Ferdinand Marcos of the Philip- rges Ratification DETROIT (AP) -- The nation- al General Motors council of the United Auto Workers union Monday overwhelmingly recom- mended approval by rank and file members of the new nation- al contract with the giant auto maker, The action came following a four-hour meeting at which UAW President 'Walter Reuther and Leonard Woodcock, union vice - president, both urged rati- fication. The council represents 380,000 UAW members who work at 134 GM plants in 70 U.S. cities. They have until midnight Dec. 28 to cast their ballots, Local contracts remain unset- tled at about 100 of the. bargain- Viet Summit Meeting oo |pines, who also has troops in | s }Vietnam, announced that they jwas believed all missing were | Foreseen In Australia would attend the Melbourne SEN. J. G. GORTON lapanintad for. service also. Authorities said the earlier | Informed sources in London| + + + likely successor higher toll figures resulted when | CANBERRA (Reuters) -- A|Prime Minister Keith Holyoake| said British Prime Minister Wil-|~ firemen in the first hurried lsummit meeting on Vietnam is|of New Zealand, President Fer-|son also might fly to Australia. lchecks mistook sides of beef from the meat department fo1 | human bodies The jet's pilot was identified as Ft. Lt. Jack R. Hamilton of Perth, Ont., who was posted to Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas, Nev., last May as an ex change pilot. e : |likely here Thursday when lead-| dinald Marcos of the Philippines|) The Canadian Commons devot- Fl t ll jers of the nations fighting the;and McEwen. ed the opening of its sitting to) 0 | a: | Viet Cong assemble to pay' trib-| McEwen, who will be host to" all-party tribute to Holt. | jute to the late Australian Prime) \verceas representatives at the| Prime Minister Pearson| . Minister Harold Holt. ._|memorial service in Melbourne called Holt a good friend of Ya S 10 Mas speech : today by Sani Friday, said today that he ex-/Canada who had wanted to de-| St cae as " ee pects to have discussions of mu- velop and deepen relations ve POINT EL NEO ee cypen te TWO COs (AP) -- A flotilla of small craft mit meeting is imminent, but i "a . ie I | In Manila, Philippine Foreign death caused shock and grief to began a 14-mile dragging opera-/ TWO BAILED OUT | PLEASANT, W..Va Searchers have SAIGON (AP) -- Thick mon-|brought down in the Hanoi-Hai- soon clouds began to settle over|phong area since the break in) North Vietnam again today,| the weather last Thursday. | | curtailing the brief resurgence; While the air war over the MAGNETIC MUFFLER Ray Yaworski, a Univer- by Western Engineers and sity of Western Ontario which they believe is almost technician works on anti- ideal to put into car muf- pollution device designed flers, (CP Wirephoto) \ ' there was no official announce- Malan | ment. Minister Narciso Ramos told re- ena a ne Bale: " |tion on the Ohio River today in|. Hamilton and Capt, Gary L | Leaders to attend porters today that the Austral-) McEwen = to be ae lan attempt to find the bodies of Hughes of the U.S. Air Force, \the memorial service for Holt/ian embassy informed the for-\Viewed after the swearing-in/tnoce missing when a suspen- the navigator, bailed out of the Vietnamese President Nguyen going to the memorial service ae eer oh itatan Lin and recovered 19 from nearby Davis-Monthan Air Van Thieu, South Korean Presi-/had 'expressed desire to dis- DOr 0 a TE Rey ee Willig bodies since the disaster. Civil|Porce Base with 17,000 pound *\dent Chung Hee Park, Thailand|cuss problems of mutual inter- Federal Treasurer William : shaded of fuel aboard. Normally McMahon, the dep-|still missing roof of the supermarket and fel! ] C il uty "gers Hd ai i Army officers in charge of the between the rear of goo store would succeed Ho! MC-\ recovery estimate the dragging|and houses on an_ adjacent | A Monsoon Clouds Curiai car tothe il | als that his party would with-/qay< They said small craft willand blazing fuel into the shop | . draw from the coalition if Me- drag "every inch" of the river|ping centre and three homes. | N th t Mahon was chosen, leaving the|iottom from the mangled} ac S$ n or 1e nam government three votes short Of) wrockage of the collapsed Silver | a majority. | 1 B President Johnson sent a tele- Blames Alcohol ana a 0 e gram Monday night to Governor | od nal . : i Hulett C. Smith of West Vir-| TORONTO (CP) -- A. coro of heavy attacks on North Viet-|North abated, fresh ground R t d ginia, promising federal aid to|ner's jury heard Monday a The dain Fi us United ieee iiss (ana ae epresen e the river and for plans to build pee A ee States at least five planes in as; Sou etnamese c § ae . cs le ane hide ing after c rating ne many days. ;sweeping the Mekong Delta rice| OTTAWA (CP) -- Northern @ new bridge. oe k Lai ill ouent the Cann Vincent Reed, 21, died of a % ave tk < . BORTLAS ae -enort- Laing will represe Yana- . fractured skull and brain inju'} 'heavy damage Monday to Ha-! of guerrillas Monday and report i isa 1 \fractured skull a ain inj "lnoi's. mile-long Paul Doumer|ed killing 105 and capturing at|dian government 'at memorial Canadian UAW lries Oct, 27 in Toronto General '| pridge. The U.S. command said/least 32 weapons of all sorts.|S@rvices "in. Melbourne Friday | . bombs knocked out three of tlie|'Three government troops were|for Australia's prime minister, | To Set Deadline jcohol was a contributing factor bridge's 9 spans. reported killed and 12-wounded. Harold Holt, it was announced ee : ., /in the death WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) The) Charles Bailes of Oshawa delayed announcement of the/coastal scrubland 240 miles The decision was ; | lloss of a navy F-4 Phantom jet|northeast of Saigon reported 74|Prime Minister Pearson and an-/Canada may set a January|cial Institute of Trade, said n raids last Saturday and said) Viet Cong killed in an operation nounced from his office. strike deadline against one of! Reed and some fellow students |picked up by a helicopter after/|last week. Indian affairs as part of his|George Burt, Canadian director) drinking to celebrate the end of [parachuting into the Tonkin| The U.S. Navy reported North/portfolio,, plans to leave Ottawa of the union here Monday night. | their course | Gulf. It was the 766th U.S. com-| Vietnamese shore gunners hit)Wednesday but his travel ar-| Mr. Burt said the internation-| He said that about 6 p.m., |mand has admitted losing over, Monday while it was shelling a pleted. make its decision sometime be-| William Jelley's apartment and the North road junction near Thanh Hoa.. There had been speculation! fore the first week in January,/half an. hour after they arrived | North Vietnam claimed at|The ship received only superfi-jearlier that Mr, Pearson might when it reviews progress at sep-| Reed fell from the edge of the \ | expected are President Johnson, South|eign office that some leaders|Ceremony at Government. House! ion bridge collapsed Friday. F-40 plane soon after it took off Premier Thanon Kittikachorn,| est." McMahon. defence officials estimate 42 are) 'phe abandoned plane hit the {Ewen made clear to the Liber-|, peration will take several street, spewing flaming parts | Bridge to the Gallipolis Dam 14 Inquest Jury | jmiles downstream nam, fighting broke out in South Viet- lrestore transportation across | Belleville student fell to his PE seat BS exams in sign painting | U.S. headquarters reported) paddies an into a heavy force Development Minister Arthur} | | Hospital. The jury found that al U.S. headquarters also made, South Korean forces sweeping today. 3 made. by, United Auto Workers Union in| Reed's roommate at the Provin- ne two crew members were|that has been going on for the Mr. Laing, who also handles|the big three automakers, said spent the afternoon of Oct. 26| 'pat plane the American com-|the destroyer Lynde McCormick rangements have not been com: al executive of the union will/Reed and the others went to least 22 American planes were| cial damage, make the trip, larate bargaining sessions, lroof. \, asin ani it it : ashes of the supermarket, but it})),. conditions will allow it ing units. The council set Jan. 9 Asked whether politicians ar-|as a target deadline for settle- rested after the coup would be) ment of local agreements, but released NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Banks To Close Boxing Day shortly, Patakos said|set no hard strike deadlines. TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian banks will be closed Dec. 24, 25 and 26, the Canadian Association says, But will open from 9 a.m. to noon local time Sat- urday, Dec. 23. Normal hours will be observed Friday, Bankers' Dec. 22. Banks will be closed Dec. 30 and 31 and Jan. 1 for the New Year's holiday, with-normal hours Dee. 29 and Jan. 2. George Burt To Get Centennial Medal WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- Opponents on either side of the auto industry bargaining. table learned today they had been chosen by the city co to receive Centennial Medals, George Burt, Canadian director of the United to Workers Union, who today enters bargaining on be- of his union with Chrysler Canada Ltd. here, was named as one of 20 recipients of the government medal. Also named was Ron W. Todgham, president of Chrysler Canada Ltd. ... In THE TIMES Today... Nency Greene--P. 10 Whitby Future--P. 5 - Pupil Explosion--P. 13 Ann Landers--14 Ajax News--5 City News--13 "Is Pearson with an ei OF = Weathe ea?" > Whitby News--5 \ 7 Ue eee Fee ea 4 '4

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