answer to somefhing you have BIG STINK THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 19, 1967 17 written about, your request is| NEWTON, Kan. (AP) -- What AagemcnemaEsay epalacamerar . rd 'Rules Of Eti Depend | hules tiquette Depen Z . |probably in some of this mail. If|firemen thought would be alreported in the basement. Capt.|lured it outside. The skunk put | On Time And Circumstance \you will write me again and en-| Stinking mess turned out to beisam Bailey and fireman Jim|4P none of the traditional de- | Beg quite odorless, but it took them fences expected. Firemen said close a stamped, self-addressed | ay hour to find it out. They went| Rosetter found the animal under) ;, may have heen a deodorized Dear Roberta Roesch: eg for poetry in the issues the|e"velope with your complete ad-|to a church where a skunk was|@ kitchen cabinet and carefully) pot | I have just turned 40 and I'm|'ibrary has, jot down the ad- dress--including your postal Zip = rc |seeking a job in an office. |dresses of the writers' maga-|Code number--I shall be more | Inasmuch as I have always|zines and write to them directly |than. happy to answer you. been guided by the rule that a|for a copy of their Jist of poetry| (What's on your mind about woman remains seated when a markets. |jobs, careers, home businesses, man comes: into the room, 1| There will be a small charge| money-making, retirement, have not been rising when an for this. But, in return, you will self-improvement -- opportunities employer comes to the desk|receive the names of many pub-\0 the problems of working peo- \where I'm sitting to interview |lications to which you can send|Ple? Send me your questions, me for a job. But my 20-year- Your poems. problems and ideas in care of old daughter, who works in an this newspaper, and I will use loffice, tells me I should stand, | Dear Readers: ein, wuenaver Cosine Ald : A batch of leaflets and infor- When they are of general inter- HARBORS DOUBT mation that some of you haye|@st. Letters need not be signed.) |. I can't really believe that this asked for has been returned to| ~ curs en aa is true especially since I'm/me by the post office marked: | often older than the men who "Returned for Better Address."| COURTENAY, B.C. (CP)-- give me interviews, 4 |Since I have no addresses be-| parent-teacher | _ associations Is there any rule on this? yond the ones on the envelopes, | should try operating on a schoo! Mrs. T. S. : jl am unable to get your re-|qistrict level rather than on an Dear Mrs. T. 8.: : jquests to you. individual school basis in an at- In social life a woman, with a| I am also unable to answer) tempt to revitalize such associa- few exceptions, does not rise for |requests that have come to me|tions, says a district school a man, But when a woman is With no address or with no! board here. The board also sug- i! \seeking employment, it is the stamped, self-addressed enve- gested that association repre- : right thing to do, regardless of lope, and I have a batch of!sentatives attend school board the age of the male employer. these on my desk, too, meetings to learn of its prob- | If you have not received an'lems. \ - _ a -- $ LEARN PROBL § Darl! 19: e oncey'® Dance about shoppind : thing The nice ou itt ¥ con exchange ay Wed icnahdia en you Dear Roberta Roesch: I have written poetry which 1} QUICKLY MADE BUFFET FRILL gg . for me. just go to 8 ; it? There is glamor and a is very easily done. To ob- L, B. re size | gentle touch in this frilly tain doily. The filet stitch is used for the centire and the ruffle 10 cents for handling to The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, re- questing leaflet number CS 106. ) : them instructions for this ear most crochet doily send a stamped a self-addressed envelope and \WHERE TO LOOK Dear L. B.: If your poems have merit, the best way to find today's special- to go color Ya SHE WILL ' nervous a price ronde ° nce ENJOY hawa and FEMININE FROM SOMETHING IMETHING cae in Of _ > see nen H\ find the and you a little more flour, not more ized markets for poetry is than half a cup. to your public library Drop by teaspoons on You'll and ask aito see copies of writers' maga- greased cookie sheet about 2/zines. Many of these publica- Cail Club Women | "iGeMbst peers ae yer BLACK"S from times inches apart, Bake in moderate tions carry poetry market lists » ot all.tit oven for 10 - 12 minutes. Yields from time to time. If by any about 4 dozen cookies. acer , and sim from IF IN DOUB1 AS TO SIZE OR COLOR WE RECOMMEND A GIFT CERTIFICATE teou 1 Saturday chance you can't find a market daily, exceP --_ pr _ ---- £6 9nm | ™ | ¥% cup butter or shortening To Tax Conference | % cup white sugar OR TORONTO (CP) -- A one-day! 'Cream together and add tax conference for women is! well-beaten egg being proposed for Feb, 24 in| Add: ; Toronto. % teaspoon vanilla 4% cup moist mincemeat to 6 p.m FOR THE FINEST Ou A letter to 40 women's organi-| Combine: zations asks them to send 10\1 cup flour, sifted and delegates each to the confer- measured BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR LTD { love ¥ ence. Y, teaspoon salt OPEN FRI, TILL 9 P.M The letter is signed by Mrs.| %4 teaspoon soda M. J. Sabia of St. Catharines) Add to first mixture. If Custom and Ready Made BY 72 SIMCOE N 3 3 DRAPES eNO tert ps, Who's hinting Ont., chairman of the Commit-|/Mincemeat is very moist, add cB 3 tee for the Equality of Women.) smrarirae tars ee: i LE ie -- one cia | e ] It was Mrs. Sabia who was'than their husbands, but would ' os BLACK'S largely responsible for organiz- be taxed at a higher rate. ing the committee to press for' It also says the recommenda- M & Cc the royal commission on the tion assumes there is financial "The House of Style for the Fashionwise" status of women in Canada. equality between husband and Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS In a statement mailed with|wife in law and that Canadian 74 CELINA STREET 723-7827 the letter, Mrs.. Sabia says the|law holds the wife to be an eco- "Free Customer Parking While Shopping at Our Store i Sa Sa oS Carter commision suggestion nomic dependent and the hus that a family unit tax system be band the partner deemed to established is unfair to working|have acquired the goods and : wives who usually earn less'savings. in in a flat cs -neck and olors with ach 16.95 DANCEY'S SHOES 18 Simcoe $.--725-1833 SWEATERS See our 4 b of fashionable Imported. jo mo a Sr agri ge eurling, Also @ vast. orray lorge assortment of Bulky Knits, Cardigans and Pullovers in ploins or For Christmas give him something he's never had before: The right time of day. S nwet eans en aeeadnGnesttns patterns. All suitable for the women on the go. We have a large collection of Skirts, Slims, and Tops A top choice in the "most want- all designed to mix or motch .. . See them today, ed" gift Gategory .. . there's a cians style, shape, color for every man S 1 ' 'Ti y" ' on your Christmas List. f sean ean Waterproof,* sweep second hand, brown calt BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR 4 i strap, railroad . p . } oe et 6 ' 23-3611 cae approved. Tonight Until December 23rd MN IN oer soney ony tsicn | ot Se TOPCOAT SPECIAL ees ae KARN'S Suggests ... securtow ase : boy is petreroor rom ase REGULAR 65.00 second hand | Boxed. j SPECIAL ........ y bk K & é aA : ; = . : . veg silver dial, $189.95 et 2.00 REGULAR 69.00 SPECIAL REGULAR 79.50 SPECIAL. ACCUTRON CALENDAR "R"' 14K gold filled, waterproof*, sweep second hand, gilt applied markers on silver or gilt ial. $200.00 For Christmes + SHIPLEY | SUITS >§ Puse virgin wools avoiloble iny@ rich, varied collection of superbly woven glen chacks, dignified plains, fine cori Venetions etc. in the lotest subtle color variations . . « finely toilored, Remem- ber... if it's Shipley -- it fits 'superbly 5.00 Sport Jacket and Trousers $ CO-ORDINATES 19 d 24303 ACCUTRON CALENDAR "AB" 14K gold, waterproof,* sweep second hand, calendar window, Gilt or sil- ver dial, Luminous dots and hands. Silver Dial 25312 $250.00 Gilt Dial 25313 Say It with SWEATERS Irresistably 14.95 Priced BOND CLOTHES Last Minute GIFT IDEAS four to go to the luckiest man in town -- Fabergé's handsome collection of toiletries tailored to a man's taste -- Men's Lotion, Talc, Spray Deodorant, Soap in an elegant accessory case: dry, sophisticated APHRODISIA or fresh crisp WOODHUE All Set by Fabergé complete' SCARVES HANKIES BELTS vesTS SOCKS THES e e ° GLOVES e@ JEWELLERY . e e nade to lar and ssorted lf In Doubt -- Give A see Gift Certificate SS HATS COLOGNES SWEATERS JACKETS ROBES SHIRTS Y TOOKE VAN HEUSEN Even the most expensive watch can't keep time the way Accutron® does. That's because the mechanical parts that make a conventional watch fast or slow have been left out of it. The Accutron movement is electronic. It's powered by a bat- tery that keeps a tiny tuning fork vibrating 360 times _ a second, and it comes with the first guaranteet of ac- a) - curacy ever given. You can't give.a man a more perfect TT pants intel arrctte gift of time. We believe the Accutron timepiece to be ( Bs Ged in a Nata the finest and most precise wrist timepiece ever made. Ne reg es s LLT We have a wide variety of handsome models. $135. |} Makes possible the and up. accuracy ever given. USE ANY CREDIT CARD 14.50 L).accutro ®,,.The World's Most Accurate Timepiece! USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS HORWICH owe: you cant hat WD QN D (Clothes SHOP TONIGHT & EVERY NIGHT TO 9 P.M. 725-0342 UNTIL CHRISTMAS "NEXT TO UNITED CIGAR STORE" JEWELLERS 2 LOCATIONS ... Oshawa Shopping Centre & 20 Simcoe Street South OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. UP TO CHRISTMAS OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. 28 KING ST. EAST 723-4621