Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Dec 1967, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, December 18, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Baboons' Use Sauve Wont Enter Race To Continue DETROIT (AP) -- The Ford Motor Co., despite a brewing For Liberal Leadership -- ssi theta, ST. GEORGES DE BEAUCE, # Que. (CP) -- Federal Forestry Minister Maurice Sauve Sunday he is not a candidate for the national Liberal party Mr. Sauve told a press confer- ence here he hopes the Quebec caucus of the federal Liberals can rally behind a single candi- date in the race for a successor to Prime Minister. Pearson. Quebec front - bencher would not indicate any personal preference for any pos- sible candidates who. might suc- ceed the Liberal Jeader But the mist in spirit." Asked if any of his cabinet colleagues qualified, he said '"'some more than oth- ers.' Mr. Sauve spoke. at the press conference following the inaugu-; "yee jple 40 to 65 years old. £ ' jis aimed at helping assure jobs !0n impact, a company spokes- lfor older workers who are at a man said Sunday. disadvantage because of an in-| None of the tests, however, is said leadership of the _ |young people. | Source For Old gram was carried out at Hollo-) LONDON (CP) -- The agri--man Air Force Base in New \ culture department says it has|Mexico and other tests are per- {not yet been possible to pinjformed at the facilities of the) down the source of Britain's|Space Defence Corp., in Bir- outbreak of foot-and-mouth dis-;mingham, Mich., the spokes-! ease of animals. Unofficial re-|man said. |ports since the Oct. 25 outbreak! 'The systems being tested in- jhave pointed the finger at var-| yolye the use of instantly inflat- ; jious countries, notably Argenti-|ing air bags designed to cushion He said Mr. Pearson's succes- |na from which Britain has: im-|ihe body's impact against a sor should "'first of all under- ;Ported about 10 per cent of her car's iaipaor in bieherdest stand Canada and be a refor- meat. None has been confirmed crashes. | officially. sii USS 3DieIn Fire =| Yukon Survivor | CAMPERVILLE, Man. (CP) | -- Three children died Saturday] Weds Analyst | in a fire that destroyed their log ie | MAURICE SAUVE ...» He's Not In in experiments|forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m.|continuing mild later in the day. The law with new safety devices to cush-|today. battering Western Canada has jcreasing emphasis on hiring of conducted by Ford on Ford test-| weather picture, bringing rain| Windsor ing facilities, he added. jand drizzle to southern portions| A portion of the testing pro-|of the province. Somewhat cool-| WEATHER FORECAST Tuesday Mainly Cloudy Not Quite So Mild (CP) -- Master Spy Philby Awarded Order Of The Red Banner | MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet Union paid tribute today to master spy Harold (Kim) Philby by presenting eo as al Bag Rg er icialli "5 'hero in the cause of Commu-|Security--the F Official|in the morning. Clearing and) vism in the government news-| The article disclosed that Phil- paper Izvestia. 'by had been awarded one of Philby's presence here never | Russia's highest awards, the Forecast temperatures had been acknowledged before|Order of the Red Banner. the Ontario, Low overnight, high Tuesday {in the Soviet press. _* | Saw CIA FILES (35 49.:| _7he_long article on him @P'\" Dhiy fled to the Soviet |Union in 1963 after holding high WORK OR PLAY positions in the British intelli- The number of people en-jgence service and gaining ac- gaged in manufacturing toys|cess in Washington to many of 40 | and sports equipment in Britain|the secrets of the U.S. Central 40 jis 38,000. Intelligence Agency. TORONTO Winds light. Synopsis: An intense storm been influencing t. Thomas eeeee.-35 ce London, seevecceee+dd 42 | er but still mild weather condi-|'" tions will prevail in the province) Kitchener today and Tuesday although Mount Forest snow flurry activity is forecast wingham 1 { LOOKS TO FUTURE KOBE (AP) -- A Japanese department store has installed a computer to calculate the future handicaps of golfers. Projected over five years, the handicaps peared for the celebration of the|are arrived at from information 50th anniversary Wednesday Of|feq in by the golfer on his the Soviet secret police, noW|neight, wi named the Committee for State|<trength, weight and grip Reserve Now For NEW YEAR'S DAY DINNER 2 sittings, 4 and 6 p.m. Hotel Lancaster 27 KING ST. WEST PHONE 725-2611 Slag northern regions Tues- Samilion 42 F ---- Toronto, Hamilton, London, oe Me sgaiaue 35 . | e Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake| pet a ie a | Erie, Lake Huron, Niagara, p< gi a ug 5 4 (lt Haliburton, southern Georgian), net sige Bg a Bay, Lake Ontario regions: riligice 5 Cloudy and mild with occasional] 1 3 ate ree | rain or drizzle today. Tuesday) oe Hay AS 4 mainly cloudy and not quite so). Sag, Seal re < mild. Winds light, becoming Sudbury _ TELL OF YOUR Teer i rtrth bap dorthern| Sault Ste. Marie ....32 35 LOVE EVERY ' t 4 pn. Kapuskasing ° Georgian Bay, Timagami, Coc' rane, western James Bay re gions: Cloudy and mild with oc F MINUTE! _|White River ..- Moosonee ration of a flood-contro! dam on the Chaudiere River, financed home in this fishing village 71) new YORK (AP) -- Helen |casional light rain or drizzle Timing 2: ommercial and fishing boats " 2 ; ~ ! | jointly by the federal and prov- will peg sharp decline in the miles north of Dauphin. 'The kiaben, who survived 49 days in|today, turning colder late in the * a P children of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Vuk Territ silderness | : é incial governments demand for such vessels. Campbell were Debra Faye, 8| ec OTe Sane wi ; rness|day. Tuesday cloudy with scat- Shock Landlubbers ie," raaon othe noi tars len Vale, 2 Mich Sudy'n oan toca ew oss wets | DIXON'S |pound sterling will also affect) and Ervin Allen, 4 sidetuity 3 , y : ay, westerly 15 | TAMWORTH, England (Reu-/production in Canadian ship- securities analyst Robert Kahn.|Tyesday. : HEAT WITH OIL 4 ters) -- A proposed new coat of|yards, since the cost of British- Picasso Purchase Rabbi Louis Lederman con-; Algoma, White River regions: y ¥ y arms sporting two voluptuous| made vessels is reduced now by Recents ducted the ceremony in the/Cloudy with a few light snow- OIL \§ & oy : mermaids has shocked citizens| 14.3 per cent BASEL, Switzerland (AP) -- home of Helen's sister, Mrs.'flurries and turning colder ; W For the finest quality and of this central England town-- Basel -- authorized their! Lennie Paul. jtoday. Tuesday cloudy with 313 ALBERT ST, Yu not because of their bare bos Koreans Appeal sau state government Sun-' Helen, who works for ajsnowflurries. Winds south to i craftsmanship, see our col- oms but because Tamworth is) rout, (Reuters) -- Eighteen lay to Purciiase two famous Pi-| publishing firm, and Ralph southwest 20 to 30 today, wester- 24-HOUR SERVICE ig 4 : as far from the sea as you canicoth Koreans sentenced toloa, paintings which the Swiss/ Flores, then 42, were flying/ly 15 Tuesday. ae YY lection of WATCHES, for get death. life imprisonment PR beled var planning to sell in| from Fairbanks, Alaska, to Cali-|_ Ottawa and Montreal regions: | 723-4663 4 4 prison terms | three to 15 the United States because of fi-/fornia when' the plane crashed|Hazardous driving warning. Oc- , ¥ both HIM and HER! Nix POW Exchange siege Seay teint hale lant nancial difficulties. In a week-|near the border of the Yukon|casional ice pellets or freezing] SERVING OSHAWA OVER fit; & : years in a mass trial here last/end referendum, the voters ap-|Territory and British Columbia. |rain changing to occasional rain 50 YEARS 4 CAIRO (Reuters) -- Israeli|week for spying for Northipnroved 32,118 to 27,190 a ayo cuey led ex-jin the afternoon. Tuesday rain' } has rejected an exchange of|Korea have lodged appeals, it/¢,000,000-franc ($1;113,000) budg-| "eit Survival was called @x-) eee PRICED 19.95 prisoners-of-war with Bgypt un-|Was announced Monday. They/et expenditure towards the pur-|traordinary. For 40 of the 49) PROA sess cece cis i" less convicted Israeli spies also/include noted composer I-Sang!chase of The Two Brothers and} days they had no food, and tem- Ci f Osh are handed over, the authorita-) Yun who received a life sen-'a Sitting Harlequin. peratures in the frozen waste-| ity o shawa tive newspaper Al Ahram re-|tence 2 land dropped to 48 degrees) Public Works Department | ports. Among spies Israe! wants Cl School Fire Under Control _ below zero TRAFFIC CLERK A most elegant gift for Christmas returned are West German oses »cnoo | SAIGON FOI Helen and her husband plan a | Wolfgang Lotz and his wife ' ' SAIGON (AP) A fire broke) d i Sotary Renge -- $5,682.00 - $6,458.00 p.c. (40 hour week) 12 ia Waltrud MOUCHARD, France (AP) --|out Monday morning on the U.S.|¥® ding trip to Florida and the Required in the Traffic "Engineering Division to carry out and process [| Tui An outbreak of typhoid fever|aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk in Caribbean. traffic engineering studies, including the preparation of written reports, | RAF Crew Killed has closed the Lycee du Bois!/Subic Bay in The Philippines, | a2) C ac alder f big) ed ea gtr traffic records, such as accident | here after 13 of its 500 high but was quickly brought under MOST ANCIENT Full high school, with previous traffic engineering experience preferred. fil 1 yi "Pr - a six . dee -- eid ti to control, the navy announced.| The wool textile industry, the) Ragu ih have chauffeur's license in good standing, ee Pe Downtown crew members an AF hospital. Medicaj authorities in' Six serious cases of smoke inha-|largest in the world, is the most comprehensive range of welfare benefits is available, | Oshawe Beverly aircraft that crashed in| this Jura district of easternijation were reported, but there| ancient of Britain's staple indus- Apply IN WRITING ONLY, giving full details of personal data, educa- | South southern Malaysia Friday were|France said the students are! were no other casualties, the|tries. and has been important! MOL IRNCE Ey, DECEDD NN: 22°00) | 74, at found dead Sunday. The plane| being treated at hospital navy said : since medieval times The Personnel Officer, crashed while on a training > see hae deen ancanee City Hall, Oshawa, Ontarie. Parishioners Robbed | | flight over the neighboring Ma- laysian state of Johore. Competition Seen QUEBEC (CP) -- Kenneth Wood, vice - president and di- rector of Canadian Vickers : Shipyards Ltd., says Canadian|Said. The robbers, carrying shipyards will find it increasing- | 8¥"S and wearing ski masks, ly difficult to obtain contracts' fled in a parishioner's car. and to operate competitively with foreign shipbuilders Jobs For Old Mr. Wood said in an interview, WASHINGTON (AP) -- A the federal government's deci-|new law signed by President sion to abandon its subsidy pro-| Joh outlaws job discrimina- gram for the construction of|tion because of age against peo- WEST GROVE, Pa. (AP) -- Three robbers forced the assist- . jant minister to '"'pass the hat" | |during services Sunday night} and made off with $100 from the! United Church of Christ, police} 7 P.M. SPECIAL Men's ARROW DRESS SHIRTS @ Discontinued line Regular 6.00 @ Button down collars @ White oxford Cloth 3 for 9.00 or 3.33 ea. JACK FRASER OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | } $$ ____--$<-- ONTARIO BARBERS ASSOCIATION The Members of Oshawa Branch extend sincere Christmas Greetings to their many customers ond thank them for their } Si eS petronane in the post yeor and wish one ond oll, health ond | prosperity in the New Yeor All Barber Shops In Oshawe Zone Will OPEN WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20th ond ii WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27th. CLOSED December 25th, 26th, January Ist. 1968 McMillan Drive and Mary Street. W. Giles $. Martin Sec Pres e Oe WX AS | MBIA ASS SSS SSS HSS Deut | Willit, orwontit? eee - CHRISTMAS GIFT 90 On Your Purchase of « Zenith Hearing Aid Voucher Value Up to IR Ds HD Ba Be See Bs Bas ea a a Be Ds ee Bs da Bo Dr BBs PEE DEL REPL PETA AL OL RINE NEP g From Imperial Optical -- Oshawa | ul This voucher is worth up te $50 on your purghase ef any There's never any question when you Zenith Heering Aid from Imperial Opticel. The exect value | 4 4 is determined according to the model leet, Zenith y buy Forsyth Tacoma Permanent Press a istlog Aide gangs WW ples Wank $4, RIAL. 4 cca: 1) y shirts. They' always look and feel as y tional, body worn eids os well os the less conspicious eor | y fresh-as-a-daisy. Your choice of white, F level and glass models. | . blue, sand, mint, or maize, and eight , A HEARING PROBLEM NEED NOT BE A HANDICAP ! collar styles. $6.95. The finest initsfield Te See | ji a | "o" , i Doorway to a Man's World" hi ase in tee ree Eeemieater and tast any time on ! wesdoys. Private Home Di ion by eppoi rt. | Phone 728-6239 H EXCEPT, SAT. | i} GILBERT L. SCOTT UNTIL J 4 Certified Hearing Aid. Audiologist a? Chorter Member Onterio Heoring Aid Ass'n. | AT | | For 23% SIMCOE STREET S. IMPERIAL OPTICAL | You SROrrte ! = 4 ore ors; Sh DOWNTOWN OSHAWA i 11 Ontario St., Oshawo 728-6239 | | Thank You t DON'T FORGET... CONVENIENCE as 4h Ai Si 8S 4S, E aie UNTIL DEC. 22 FREE PARKING - DOWNTOWN! | The Downtown Business Men's Association would like to extend sincere thanks to the members of our City Council for extending FREE PARKING zones in Down- town Oshawa. These zones are located on the north side of King Street and the south side of Bond Street between re neneniyenensseeRERERN -- ergo THESE TWO GERMAN Shepherd dogs have been impounded following fatal attack on two Madison Heights children, Sunday. To Hous By KEN CLARK OTTAWA (CP) -- The Liber: party will hold its televisio spectacular to replace Prim Minister Pearson April 4-6 i the capital's newly-built mic town civic centre. In the final stages of construc tion, $8,900,000 steel, glass an concrete structure should be fi ished two months before th start of the leadership conve tion The centre, which includes 9.300-seat hockey rink, is part ¢ the Lansdowne Park stadiun home of Ottawa Rough Rider of the Canadian Footba League. The Liberal federation national executive set the dat and site at a Sunday meetin here at the party's nation headquarters. Calgary an Montreal bids for the big polit cal show were rejected. Senator John Nicol, federatio president, said later the overrit ing factor favoring Ottawa we that it had the Parliamer Buildings. Members of Parlié Subscribers To...» @ BLUE CROSS @ PSI. @ GREEN SHIELD NEED NOT PAY CASH ! You Give Us The Doctor's Prescription. WE DO THE REST FREE CITY-WIDE | DELIVERY "MITCHELL'S 9 a 723-343 PLANNING A.*. © BANQUET © CONVENTION © MEETING Firsr Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced Staff RESERVE YOUR FUNCTION NOW! 723-4641

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