Home Of Oshaw. ville, Ajc neighborir ario and C 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, December 18, 1967 \ VOL. 26--NO. 294 72° ae & SOSse=- Se ei Ke DOOse: @ tatS7 (5 >) mS NA rAS oa = 2) ist LO O1< Ly sor a) i AL GISES Christmas Sto 1401) r/ Ly EATON'S OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9 p.m. INCLUDING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23rd Liquc 46 C Per B TORONTO (CP) Chi Commissioner G. H. Sheppa) of the Liquor Control Board | Ontario announced today t now sélling for $4.46 will be ir creased to 33 cents to $4.79 Judge W. T. Robb, chairma of the Liquor Licence Boar Ontario, said licensed establis} ments will be able to set thei own price on draught beer The board now sets the pric of a 7.6-ounce glass of draugh beer at 15 cents. After Jan. tavern owners will be able t decide what size glass the t 2 - & a : price of a bottle of liquor will | | increased an average of rl mas cents Jan. 2 8 He also told a news confe ; f ence a carton of 24 pints of bee | } want to use. | Owners have been settin; | their own price for bottled nee | the last three years ya ° Judge Robb denied report the board is planning to extenc . Give a gift of hours of pleasure... Records from EATON'S Surya tiny hut into Sunday morning. Licenset PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) estabilshments now must clos ad VELVETNOSE - app Sy, i La 2 I at 11:30 p.m. Saturday VI «a ES} aA RINI( zt © hristmeas with wt Vbheeed Mr. Sheppard said the price: § MUS! * C § price; THUMPKIN arnia out WRISINA Misi GEORGE BEVERLY SHER will be raised to meet new feder x 7 al and provincial taxes and ar anticipated request from manu facturers for a five-per-cent in crease, i The manufacturers have unti ps « ip Dec. 31 to apply for an increase Aim 5 gs, he said. Tue Finance Minister Sharp an . ee é : bhiad > 4s) nounced Noy. 30 an increase o! Velvetnose and Thumpkin Big Hits for Little People -- Joy To The World -- Robert Rudolph the Red-nosed Reine Perry Como Sings Merry Christmas with George Bev- Seve The Last Dance for Me The Beatles: Sgt. Pepper's & - Six amusing stories about Richard Wolfe Children's Shaw Choral: 25 Christmas deer -- Stories and song. Christmas Musie--15 songs erly Shea -- 12 beautiful ~--With Lawrence Welk. Lonely Heorts Club Band --- UN S rin WV two bunnies. By Martha Gur- Chorus with 10. singable, favourites; Carol of the Bells Frosty The Snowman and ond earols like White Christ- songs including | Wonder As Also Young at Heart, Gigi Lovely Bits, A Day in the p g f on. Mono only. 1 Oe dance-able tunes for under and many others. 1 ag Night Before Christ- 1 96 mas and Silent Night. Mono 1 Wonder, O Holy Night. and other pop tunes, 1 67 Life, and others. 3 95 3 BAGH Ais. sae ten. 1 qu Mono only. EACH . *® mos, EACH ...... 8 only. 1 99 Mono only, 1 99 MORO 2 iaee nk L Mono Ld RACH (5. ah EACH " EACH " Stereo 1.99 uci@€ar 1 Pe eee a presen = mr cat et i ck Ferlin Faron 39 FAVORITE s0xGS oF & CARIB ie i ensHusky Young | : 3 mG as UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- CHRISTMAS =) ANDY WILLIAMS The UN General Assembly i CHRISTMAS ALBUM pressed on toward adjournment | : : today after agreeing to meet | ro mae again in the spring if a treaty tc : check the spread of nuclear weapons is ready then. rf The assembly hoped to finish Cn its business tonight. It was ex- eee ik pected to push through a 15- | i a. ' Be rs fs a bhp -- ' country proposal calling on the ' " Geneva disarmament commit- i The Beach Boys Smiley Smile Great Marches -- Welling- Dean Mertin with You Can't Your Country Stars -- Buck Favourite Songs of Christ- Sing Along with Mitch Holi- Christmas Sing-Along with Andy Williams Christmos tee to complete the nuclear j ~---- Features Little Pod, ton, Entry of Gladiators, Love 'Em All, I'm Yours, Owens, Ferlin Husky and mas with Chimes ard Chor- day Song sheets included for Mitch Miller. Joy to the Album with Happy Holiday, non-proliferation treaty by { Whistle In, Vegetables, National Emblem, On the = Ain't That a Kick in the Foron Young with some of us. Jingle Bells, Silent Night, | Winter Wonderland, Jingle binge AM gc pil The Twelve Days of Christ- Mane 15. The assembly. then 1 ' ; ; ff @ as soon as pos- H Heroes and Villains. Oo Quorter Deck and Head among other their great hits. etc. Bells. pee mas, O Holy Night. would reconven I EACH elaorEe: others. Mono "157 hits. Mono ...... 1.57 Mone only me LOT Mone ondly _..., 157 Mono aa Stele . cc. Mono net Op r- me final action on the ; iisadniated meet aiarhe ate Mone 2.95 Horse 3:78 The non-proliferation treaty | RECORDS, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 560 RECORDS, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 560 has been under discussion in Geneva since 1959. The United : States and Russia have agreed on all articles but the one deal- ing with inspection procedures | Secretary-General U Thant stressed the dangers of spread- , HUM Mi Mi WHAT WILL I GIVE?? ing war ina holiday messa o ing war in a holiday message to } e whet? "gs! sled 7 © members of his staff. He said : ee ° ° that in the past year "I have yo the Postman Newsboy Milkman Superintendent sk anh asi ema | { i - } j H # i d ee j ' 'he i "by ey * { Sopa af pat j we, pike rind j eee f bir j ae§ ae hakey hey nee i war es H & reigns exe EVE ; ie © Sey i rer 9) otal 4 res wh : .> { q | Don't Worry! Eaton's Gi ifi Will Fi ! ; 4 | on't Worry! Eaton's Gift Certificates Will Fit Them All! Love those ; EATON'S Gift Certificates are such thoughtful ways of expressing your festive-season wishes to the people who serve you all year long. EATON { There's no problems with sizes and colours . . . and they're the nicest way of letting them choose their own gifts from EATON'S great selection. Available in denominations of 2, 5, 10, 20, 25 and 50 dollars -- gaily gift-packaged too, for presentation. They may be pur- Gift i chased for cash or charged to your EATON Account. Be a smart Santa -- check-off your Christmas list with EATON'S Gift Certificates. ege Certificate b AVAILABLE AT THE CUSTOMER'S ACCOUNTS OFFICE, UPPER LEVEL s i Le : Ray Yaworski, a Univer- sity of Western Ontario - ae \ ae technician works on_anti- pollution device designed