20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 18, 1967 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ras-s---Believe It or Not/ Accountants BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Ser Complete bookkeeping service, coe Street N., 7250397. Res. GORDON R. Accountant, Suite 205W BELL DRAFTING and Blueprinting and photostatic copies. HOME Additions -- Alteretions Recreation Rooms Call us: JAMES ALLEN & SONS 725-6126 "Quolity is whet we build in" 3756. 20c sq. ft, all work guaranteed three years. 723-0281. PLASTERING -- Drywall, remodelling, renovations. New or repair, 942-6342, af- fer 6 p.m. TERRANO > PAVING, 10° ness. Guaranteed work, 17 Bond Street_ ROOFING, hot id ap repairs, large and small jobs. L. and H. Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. ALL TYPES building repairs. Roofing, chimneys, _eavestroughing, fireplaces, masonry. Gord May, Whitby, 668-2774 FILL SPARE ROOMS with paying guest. Phone 723-3492 now for an ad-writer to help you phrase your ad a CLASSIFIED RATESS WORD ADS Ci et -- 1 insertion ef 24 words, 1.20;/ edditione! words, Sc each; 3 consecu- tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi-| tione! words 1a each; 6 consecu: tive insertions of 24 words, 5.7 tional words 24¢ each Charge--10 per cent oddi tional charge! if not poid within & days. Methed of counting -- Less then 24 words count os 24 words; eoch word, initial, figure or abbreviotion counts os one word; phone number counts two words, BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES IN _MEMORIAMS verse; 25¢ additional charge if not paid within 8 doys. ARDS OF THANKS $250 for the first 35 words ond 7c each thereafter with 25¢ odditiono! charge |f not poid within 8 doys. COMING EVENTS $2.38 per inch. (display) first 20 words ond.éc eoch therecfter (Word Ads) AUCTION SALE $2.38 PER NCH PER INSERTION DEADLINES WORD ADS 4 pm; DAY PREVIOUS LOST AND FOUND 9 am. DAY OF PUBL IN MEMORIAMS <ARD OF THANKS 4 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 eol- LICATION ond CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS Sam: DAY Any OF PUBLICAT advertisement can tion will be eharged BOX NUMBER. RENTALS $1.00 cept no liability in respect of loss o damage alleged to a foilure or deloy in. forward plies however caused whet gence or otherwise, The T be responsible for replies ur n 20 days 1g such erb re LATIONS THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT B TISEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHERWIS' THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MOR PRICE CHARGE FOR A_ SINGLE The Oshawa Times reserves the right t classify ad) according fo it proper classificotions. in the The T actua c endeavor to repr matter correctly i y of advertisement han y y form contained there IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Coll Classified Direct 723-3492 lee 8 Sim 723-7605. DAY, Certified General , Oshawa Shop- NEED MORE ROOM | oe? IMPROVEMENTS 6 BRICK AND BLOCK work and general| repairs. M. Lafontaine Construction a ATLANTIC PAVING NG AND "CONCRETE.| Get your driveway paved by egg for | 10 years 3 In | Proved foot. | ~ shingles. | ANN, Chartered Account Ltd., 52/2 Simcoe Street North. 723-4661 Dressmaking | ___|Corpentry _ |Plumbing _and Heating 4--Motorbikes Quality Crrceaty | Plumbing Discount GENERAL REPAIRS 149 Brocle St North Home Improvement Specialists | WHITBY -- 668-6601 Serving Oshawa and District | re for Many Years Direct to you, plumbing sup- ant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street! tignect and Dependable Service East, Telephone 723-4833. So phone 725-8576 of 629.3411 plies Everything _in the BOB CLANCY'S Accountin vice plumbing line, 20% off all Complete bookkeeping serv ™ | REMODELLING rm supplies 2! 723-7605. > recreation rooms, trim coe Street N., 725-0397. Res. 7237605. __| ork" ang kitchen cupboards. Eric Behm, He YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., 'Char-| 725.7066, } 12 p.m, -- 9 p.m tered Accountants. Licensed Trustees in| ------ | T bankruptcy, S74 Simcoe Street North, Dentistry SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oshawa. 728-737 sat acs ' CLOSED WEDNESDAY --------------| DR. G. ROBERT BROWN, Dental Sur-|- -- treet ALL TYPES repairs and Bluepr inting ee ee rt be ere EO ina ao ied natal Reproductions - --_-------- |rates, Estimates free. 723-1191. J. Foley. | Rug - Upholstery Service _ DRESSMAKING -- Expertly fitted suits, coats, dresses. Beautifully tailored slip. _|eovers, drapes. Mrs. Tom, 668-2372 PROFESSIONAL EXPERT DRESSMAKING, alterations, Se set Oe ee) RUG CLEANING 6 ¢ eae --| 2 Day Service DRESSMAKING, designing, alterations, | Free Pick-Up and Delivery Angus-Graydon 728-6254 ~ RE-UPHOLSTERING 725-9332 Wide selection of Fabrics | Workmanship Guaranteed | (five full years | | e at reasonable rates. Drive. Whitby pr rofessionally cr rs, Neve, 221 Lupin [Gordening 'and Supplies "This & That" | WILD BIRD MIX WILD BIRD SCRATCH e e e e@ T FEED SUNFLOWER | Easy budget terms--Free JUMBO SUNFLOWER Estimates POLE BIRD FEEDERS Over 20 years experience | HANGING BIRD FEEDERS | = THE FURNITURE CENTR | CHRISTMAS IDEAS | FOR THE CYCLIST helmets @ gloves @ jackets face shields @ windshields goggles @ leother pants Motorcycles from $350. AB'S CYCLE SHOP 114 Stevenson Rd. S. 728-7780 remodelling, city. WIDE COVERAGE "at Tow est Is Reasonable whet you get with Classified Ads, Phone |723-3492 now for an ad-writer. (5--Trellers Fre and bigger, with or without elec | ric brakes Pee ere 'Equipment WILDE RENTAL SALES & SERVICE BREAKS THE PRICE BARRIER SALE NOW ON ICE SALT 90 § mcoe p St. Ni ___| SNOW' PRINCE SNOW! tage ES SNOW SHOVELS CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and) H.P. List ale SNOW PUSHERS re-styled. Free estim inal See our mate 9 $695 $605 WINE CONCENTRATE iia acer. cDarton Ubnoliterings 38 Chartest BRITTANIA MALT EXTRACT. |srat asm is | -, es AMARYILIS BULBS RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab-| alae GLOXINIA BULBS lished 20 years, Workmanship guaran- 20 975 848 WATER SOFT SALT Pec ree salle come et 20 elec, 1075 925 PURITY DOG MEAL Oshawa Uphoistering, 287 Dean Avenue COMPLETE PET SUPPLIES |725-0311 | DIABLO ROUGE SNOWMOBILES! \Sal d Servi y 16 995 835 : ccd dalla | 16 elec. 1095 935 OOoper- mit VACUUM and polisher repairs, _a11| |makes, new hoses, brushes, new motors SNOWMOBILE TRAILERS CO. Fagen eet, Oe Seer TEL List $159 Sale $125 16 Celina St GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer! SNOWSUITS > > sher Mee timates. s e212 __7aS-1199_ Spare se tancats "are |. Mt 397-95 Sale $2798 | Instruction septa Service | USED SNOWMOBILES |PRIVATE LESSONS on trombone, trum- : mance aca | AVAILABLE jpet, saxophone, clarinet, f drums, SEPTIC TANKS < cleaned. Prompt serv. | | | $2.50 per insertion with 25 cents oddi-) tional charge if not poid within 8 days.; Street West, Whitby. 668-2563. IMorigages _ |Surveyors ana cS | DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On- tario Land r, Commercial. blue SECOND MORTGAGE prints. "Ii" Onterio, Street Ta5S632, MONEY H. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor Interest | Office 47 Prince St. Res., 103 Elgin $t a bath \E. 725-6881 Borrow Monthly Per Annum \TV--Radio Repairs $1,600 22.94 16% | iiioiieces Senn Shon ae OT TV SERVICE 4.000 © S097 135 COLOR or | 7,500 88.63 12 BLACK and WHITE $2.50 for the first 25 words and 6c each thereafter plus 13c per line of $2.00 for the| | | | | | | umns or larger--1!0 a.m. day orevious While every endeavour will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon os possible, we 0G} se through either| RESPONSILE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER- E £ THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD- VERTISEMENT NOR BEYOND aE SERTION IN WHICH. ERROR OCCURS INDEX TO CLASICATIONS s Column umn portsmon's Col 4--Motorcycies 5--Trailers 6--Marine Equipment 14--Business Opportun 16--Agents Wanted tara Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wonted 19----Male or Femole Help Wonted 20--Real Estate For 5 20a--Summer Propert ry 21--Farms For Sole 22--Lots for Sale 23--Real Estote Wanted 24--Stores, Offices and Storoge 25--Houses for Rent 26--Aportments for Rent 260--Expo Accomodation 27--Rooms for Rent 28--Room and Boord 29---Wanted to i r Sole 1--Compact ha ior Sale 2--Trucks for Sole 33--Automobiles Wanted 34--Automobile Repoir 35--Lost ond Found 36--Legol 37--Auctions 88--Coming Events 39--Notices with Al Beggs. Alto Music Suppiles 725- CAC, REALTY LED. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ice on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut FOR THE BEST CALL Tee, TELEVISION FOR CLEANER, SHARPER | TV RECEPTION Your Own TV TOWER based on a 15-year term Interest rate is calculated on the declining balance. No arranging fees --- Open | The above examples ore | | | | | mortgage. | 728-1691 | 728-5143 MORTGAGES Corner Bond and Div First mortgages arranged and | iS purchased Open without no- | oo TV. TOWERS ision Scand ee arranged We also have 'Snowmobiles tor Rent by Day or Week, WILDE RENTAL | Sales and Service | 1415 Dundas St. E. | WHITBY 668-3226 UNITED RENT-ALL and MARINE Oshowa and Area's Largest Volume Snowmobile Dealer SKI-DOO (World's Largest Selling Snowmobile) SALES & SERVICE 1968 .Models from $695.00 @ All. models in stock @ Use our convienent payment plan ACCESSORIES time is] ne BREED | |HORSE TRAILERS FOR SALE, single, a of- 40. | GEORGIAN BAY (an arm of Lake Huron) THAT 1S 5800 SQUARE MILES IN SIZE CONTAINS 30,000 ISLANDS (Canada) | | | | ie male ecomast Weevit " | wee 7, SACQUES DAUDE | ASLO ' PURCHASED FOR HIMSELF AND HIS Os piss PM SUCCESSORS THE PERPETUAL OFFICE | ENTIRE / OF MAYOR OF LE VIGAN, FRANCE, IN G93 | Bopy {0 FOR.$2373 - JACQUES, HIS SON AND | GRANDSON FILLED THE POST SUCCESSIVELY UNTIL 1774 - WHEN THE CITY ENDED ITS CONTRACT &Y REFUNDING THE ORIGINAL FAYMENT 1 Kine Form Sree, be 1902, Vent gh ma, 8--Articles for Sale le--Artictes for Sale NOW | SIX SERVICE BAYS | SNOWMOBILES -- 3 marutoet rats $695. from Tent and Snowmobiles Trailers $129. up FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Trailer hitches made and in- Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- stalled. | mouth, Pontiac. We -correct Snow tires $12.95 up. wheel alignment, inspect and Cars -- Trailers --- Snow- correct caster and camber- mobiles wanted. align toe-in and toe-out to Rent a Ski-Doo by the Hour correct condition . $7.95 or day, 80 acres to play on @ Torsion bar adjustment | | | @ Parts extra if required. | extra, | KING ST. E. | BRAKE SPECIAL Open to 10 -- 576-1250 Most I Bes Guclliy Revue a whan, SKI-DOO SALES -- SERVICE TEN NEW RENTAL MACHINES 140 acres of good hills -- refreshments .1968 Ski-Doo's only $695. Try before you buy. 1 mile north of Kirby, Hwy. 115. Book your Christ- mas party now at Ontario Sports, Orono 983-5444 -- __Oshowa 728- 1203 CUSTOMIZED DRAPES _ SAVINGS UP TO 50% LIMITED TIME ONLY M&C DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES Plus ey per vias abor cost WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including walaite per wheel, e0ch: 2°." Pres Py | | SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, | FRONT-END WORK at | COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES 723-7827 } 74 Celina |FIREWOOD, dry, mixed hardwood, The New Home of maple, beech, white bi vt | DOMINION TIRE STORE and 16" delivered. 7zesesz" SC"? 17 Park Road South HEINTZMAN upright piano, complet Phone 725-6511 |with bench. in. good erate: pr tte able. Apply 18 Switzer Drive or tele-| -- |phone 725-3462 full-| Rea-| (two), good condition. |LADY'S SEAL COATS, |lenath, size 14-16, |Tv TOWER SPECIAL -- 40+ ft, ~ structure, | sonable, "Bowmanville 683-s71¢. ali_channel antenna, $50. TRIO Tele Ladle dee ~|vision. 728-5143. |TEEN CLOTHING: boy's coats 12 to ai --| |party dresses, wool dresses, walst 25|WILSON'S BABYLAND clearout spec linches; sweaters 10 to 14;. all teily jials. Cribs with mattress, $29.95, chrome cleaned. 723-1484 after 6. high chairs $12.88, crib mattresses $9.88, ro ge $10.88, Many more terrific bar- ains. 20. Chi |being chosen by more people this Christ: |o~ alee EeM - |mas as the gift for the home. 576-2370, |SPECIAL BUYS on floor coverini continued patterns, end of lines, |USED TELEVISIONS, reconditioned, 129 tt. 1$29. and up. Buy, sell, rent and service. |¢29 96 Wilton es 19 Prince Street, 723-924) Street FILTER QUEEN vacuum cleaners trom Furniture, 20 Church BUY AND SELL. Good 1 used 'furniture, | |PIANO AND BENCH, excel MacDonald Texaco! "ais.| Ig. 9x12 size, from| 11--Pets ond-- Livestock 17--Female Help Wanted SIMPLIFY FAMILY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING & $AVINGS WITH WANT ADS! 19--Male or Female BEAUTIFUL "BABY | BUDGIES, ready for training, taiking strain. Apply Pp Broad, 114 Elgin § East. PROFESSIONAL DOG 5 SERVICE--Clip- ping all breeds, poodies our specialty. Free pick-up and delivery; boarding and training. Doberman Pingchers and Ger- man Shepherd puppies for sale. Dachurst Kennels, 655-2881. REGISTERED Dachshund / puppies, red, red, eight weeks old. alee aul for Christ- mas. Telephone 728-1 POODLE FPN and reagonably priced. Telephone 6977. shampooing, Whitby, lovely compan- Reserve WELSH CORGI pup) ions for adults and children. now. 452 Loring 728-9888. AQUARIUMS repaired, custom _ built, original new and some old style for sale. 725-2647. CLIP, groom, bath, all breeds. Sterilized equipment. Introductory offer $5. Eve., | 728- 5723. | PUPPIES AND TRAINED DOGS, tiny jtoys and larger breeds, $35-$100, de- livered, 1-985-2645. FIVE-YEAR-OLD Appaloosa gelding. three-year-old Palomino gelding, three Ponies and saddies and one cufter. Tele phone 655-4608. GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, i, etc. | Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNelll's! Furniture 668-548), 668-6526. EXTRA CHRISTMAS cash! Those "tn | used household articles, bring them vl Bowmanville Auction Gower, | Auctioneerss, 728- 10057 CASH FOR miscellaneous household articles, Telephone 623-7276. FACTORY BUILT truck camper, : four or six, propane refrigerator, jfurnace and toilet. Reasonable, MECCANO SET and manual record] player. Will pay cash for articles in/ good condition. Telephone 723 5636, | it Dish- | Coffee Bridal White | sleeps | stove, | _728 3779. | 13--Articles for R Tables, Chairs, Linens, es, Cutlery, Glasses, Urns, Punch Bowls, Wear, Men's Formals, Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, SARGEANT'S RENTALS | 463 Ritson Rd. S., - | ENTERTAINING? Fifty people: Oshawa Tennis quets, parties, weddings. parking. 723-7726, WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk- ers, reducing machines, sick room sup- plies, Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-1644. 14--Business s Opportunit es Club for ban- Bar, kitchen, BE YOUR fe OWN BOSS Work from your own home full or part time. $300. in- vestment ond up, secured by inventory, Will give you $75. to $100. weekly income and repeat business. Well known 723-464] extension 504 Monday night 7 to 9, Tues- | day 9am, to 9 p.m., Wed- | nesday 9 a.m, to 12 noon, Times. ----, | CAPABLE WOMAN fo care for two pre- schoolers, some housekeeping. Live-in, 12--Articles Wanted _ WAITRESS "required for cocktail lounge. Must be attractive, between the Le aya of all Canadian monufactured | 25-35. Full or part-time work. Pingigh Mok roduct Camibell, Genosha Hotel, No phone | pr ¢ calls, please. -- WOMAN TO TRAIN Contact MRS. MAC Gall a Bite < iL pike ABR ME: Carne bell, Genosha Hotel. BABY-SITTER WANTED for four chil- dren, 0898. HOUSEKEEPER - er, for widow, light duties, live In, week- fends free. Write five day week, Telephone Hampton 263- 8863. after 6 p.m, SECRETARY To Manager Of Corporate Development Interesting and challenging position available to « quoli- fied mature candidote as sec- retary to the manager of corporate development. Excel- lent working conditions and company benefits. Salary commensurate with exper- lence. Submit complete resume to A, Smith, PersonnelMan- oger LAKE ONTARIO STEEL CO. LTD. Whitby, Ont. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER PART TIME Must be oble to type, take shorthand and operate dicta- phone, Hours to be arranged on hiring. Apply in writing Stating age, experience and telephone number to BOX 78346 Oshawa Times ADMITTING DEPT. Requires a qualified clerk- typist. Shift work involved. Good salary and _ benefits Hours of work and benefits outlined at a personal inter- view, Please apply to DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL Oshawa General Hospital ~ LEDGER MACHINE OPERATOR Experienced. Apply in person. Toronto-Dominion Bank WHITBY tlve In, Telephone after 4, 942- Help Wanted OSHAWA R. S. McLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE S. T. FINBOW, Principal OFFICE 728-9407 HOME 723-1669 TEMPORARY STAFF OPENING FOR JAN. and FEB. GRADE 12 ENGLISH GRADE 12 ECONOMICS GRADE 10 ENGLISH SALARY, SCHEDULE FOR QUALIFIED TEACHERS Cat. I-- $6,100 to $10,000 Cat. II--$6,400 to $10,600 Cat. III--$7,200 to $12,000 Cat. IV--$7,700 to $12,700 Please telephone the princi- pal, or address written appli- cations to: G. L. ROBERTS Superintendant of secondary schools, 555 Rossland Rd. W. __OSDAWA, ONT. We need 5 top notch Salesmen or Women to add to our present staff in agriculture product business, 1, Late model car necessary. 2. Must be willing to make short motor trips and con- tact rural people, . Number of customer write ten leads supplied. . Average earning between $8,000. and $10,000. yearly for those that qualify and have proven sales ability. . Apply Monday end Tues- day night 7:00 - 9:00 p.m, or Tuesday morning 9:00- 11:30 a.m. Wednesday morning 9:00 = 11:30 a.m, w w Apply Mr. Hank GENOSHA HOTEL SUITE 504 SIDE Siedler $100 WEEKLY or more, full, part-time; ladies, men, Fuller territories, Whitby, 'and | Bowmanville, Oshawa, 728-4922. NEED EXTRA MONEY? Part-time sales work, 725-1885 between 5-7 p.m, Multt- Clean Janitorial Supply. 20--Real Estate for Sale 'abstain- Box 78268, Oshawe TRADE YOUR | HOME Or Equity Value of Approx. $20,000 | Be your own boss and be in business with a lot of poten- | tiol. Two bay garage, snack |. bar, post office, gas pumps, plus excellent living quarters. 18--Male Help | Wanted Progressive STEEL MILL requires YOUNG MEN with C.A,. or equivalent back- ground for a_ responsible accounting position. This posi- tion offers exceptional growth JOHN F. DeWith REAL ESTATE LTD. 'REALTOR Bowmanville 623-3111 25 ACRE FARM, with 4 bed- room modern home. 3 barns, Lovely location. Asking $32,- 000. Terms. RICE LAKE AREA: 10 ocres with lovely 7 roomed home. All modern conveniences, Ask- ing $16,000. Terms. Call Horry Coutts, 725-2649, $2,500 DOWN for 2 bedroom home on 6 acres. Large stream. Asking $10,500. 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNG- ALOW: All modern conven- iences. Garage, Price $16,000, ONLY $3,000. DOWN: for 4 bedroom home. Living and dining room. Oil heated, 4- pe. bath. Call: George Van- Dyk, 623-7437. BOWMANVILLE: 3 bedroom brick home, centrally located, 4-pc. bath. Call: Phyllis Me- Robbie, 623-7159. 10 ACRE FARM: Only 10 minutes from Oshawa. 8 roomed brick home, barn. Paved road. Priced to sell, W. 0. MARTIN REALTOR 728-5103 ONLY $12,900. -- Income assured on 2 nice 2 bedroom apartments, each self-contain- ed, private baths. Unbeatable value at this price ! LOTS OF FARMS -- 6 up to 200 acres. WHAT DO YOU NEED ? Coll this office now! for full information before you look around SUBURBAN SPLIT LEVEL -- 4 bedrooms, double garage, sun room, large lot close to bus, Seeing is believing -- call for your appointment to- day. MAIN STREET, Kedron -- Edge of town executive dandy, large one year old brick and. stone rancher, breezeway, attached double garage, paved drive. Many builder's own quality extras included. By appointment only -- call for your's today. Want-Ads Don't Cost --They Pay ! ond purchased. Current in "BUILT IN OSHAWA" | We clso have a large stock appliances, antiques, skates Centrally located on a busy 0 j i iques, + QUNS. 723-\tion, $7 ii terest rote 12%, Open half- | AT OUR OWN PLANT of Snowsuits, Goggles, Sleighs, |9241 19 Prince: St. ae Hees checked "spone lecken ancien Usarny road in the Oshawa area, For possibilities, e without notice or | Wy | Trailers and Thermal Ski- |RECONDITIONED TV towers and |Siz 40. 668-8422 after 5, more information please call 'Applications wills: kenk eon: : | We give you better tower | Doo Clothing Ideal for Christ- |fotors, (tradeins), 40, 50, and _40-fot FIBERGLAS " FENDERS trom 295, Shirley Moskal, Griffin Real Fidentiel Bnd ahead i a } or less money. mas Gifts and up. New and used auto parts. Re-| Estate Ltd, Realt - Ane us M. F. SWARTZ | "3 Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 723-8131. built starters and generators, 1175 Neison| 4134, ¢ NESUOr Yee mitted In writing to: 2614 King Street East 555 KING ST. E |MOTORS, transmission, and body | St. 725-2162. : Oshawa, Ont OSHAWA T V : es nels. Anything In used auto parts.|FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. | Mr. A. S. VENN Tel shone 123 4507 | es AT WILSON |Wayne Auto Wreckers, Call 725-4920 Guaranteed: trouble-free ryadlusted Hy ree. Controller SOLAS PHS re Saati tata oO , |SKATES, new and used, hockey e jPurchase from Western Ol! Company. SUPPLY LTD Open 'Til 9:00 P.M, oa gas Mag Me lad BEAUTY PARLOR LAKE ONT MORTGAGE LOANS TAUNTON RD. E. Monday -- Friday Cycle Centre, 204 Bond St. E., 725-6344 [WE BUY, 'SELL AND EXCHANGE used $4,500 for a completely ' a stent R } BUY AND SELL -- fure|furniture or anything you have. The nits @ Re-finance Present Just East of Ritson) 6 P.M. Saturday jand appliances, One (aaod ieed furnitire ry Trading Post Store, 446. Simcoe equipped modern beauty par- STEEL CO. LTD, mortgage 723-8131 723-8132 728. 5565 Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. Street South. 723-1671. _ lor with six dryers, low rent, HOPKIN @ Pay all your bills LARGE BABY CRIB, very good condi-| USED TIRES, most all sizes. 8. Fe Good: and located only 25 miles KINS ST. S. @ Make home improvements ra = Sr Giga connate arcamene Paevrectinere SERIE IER an po nee. mattress, a 147~ Brock |rich, 88 King Street West. 725-4 from Oshawa in Uxbridge WHITBY, ONT, Expand: your busi | a ' lephone eis ; : $ ey seca Agaied | TELEVISION -- RADIO SNOW CRUISERS TYPEWRITER, standard, $20.; portable, 9--Market Basket _ 2806 Sol Neda nnayies 128 uae -- ast cou 18 i | i <a alic ie -- ¢ typewriter $95... adding ma- : VEHICLE. "SALES CEN u c / ew snow cruisers chine $21 electric adder $40. 723-4434, Member sg Bask Brok still 'available. |DINETTE SET, bronze tone, brown, Cee ERE BID: MANAGER coe FORLORIO or Weeks. | HOLMES | |g00d condition; also oil paintings, fend 723-5281 ends and exenings 728-5623 | | also bliag wna Ife, reasonable, Tele- eS pica SUDA Utes ee ve require en se parignees | ERE ; | -- or" ae ee AUTO WRECKING Business. Well es-| _Sa/es manager who is looking -- ----- uRRCRER | ELECTRONICS | most models of the new Benleley 5 cepett Bewing centre, low tablished three - bay garage with pit,| for an outstanding career op- | 1 enow NIC joverhead, biggest discounts, Buy, trade garage licence, wrecking licence, car BLEM? : | SNOW - PRINCE or 'exchange. Telephone 723-9241. 19 lot. licence, 18 acres of land more or| portunity with @ progressive Cx our debts into TV RENTALS rince St. i lless, barn, modern house, Darlington} Ford. dealership in the City phe law monibin pagent TOWERS J, ORDE MARINE LTD |VACUUM REPAIRS, all "makes, hoses, Mclntos Township, trucks and wrecking stock.| of Oshawa. First, second and third mort- | RO PORT PERRY 985-2351 |Pleming Veeniin Semen Mhtin Siar lmeavie oe | Our 1268 plans. inclide <a s ¢ th JK ' | yi ain ree' " s i 1 9 E bee Ove into newer and larger goges arranged 24 hour - 7 obi nday | Pickering. m 9 , including weekends, PHONE 668-5679 Hees pen updey |WESTINGHOUSE washing machine $45, 15--Employment Wanted footie Bape stl she be ma! Dea ae areas | baby carriage $5, bath mat $10. Tele $2 P. B h | ----_i-- pable of sélecting and pre- eR. W. LAHAY & ASSOC Ie ee CHRIS CRAFT |phone 728-726 er. usne LOVING CARE for pre-school poring: @ Rlgh 'calibre estes Wy Vendo Ae ISERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50} 7 pALes ond SERVICE |sooo FURNITURE, never been "Used, DE HAE ee on tear onc ve | AcVa breol i! boats, iving room and kitchen. Apply 1435 Bala me a' ! i i "s WILLOWDALE, ONT Fost T.V. Service liicramnGk ea Pear ecreGel pa |Drive or telephone 723-7490 SWITCHBOARD receptionist degires| 4; sig dae hah informa 223-2060 or 223-8797 I Bele eb in A Be Sob coahicdy gh i aaa haan position on Board. Experienced lion wi eld in strictest i cides natal Resa: DOMINION Northcraft runabouts. Evin- [UTILITY TRAILER, 4 Telephone 7am. A L G @) M A typist and Telex operator. Telephone confidences. rude outboard .motors. \9778 - 5 Ta7276. Reply to L, $. MacDONALD NEY ; d SES BSS gi eee . IMMEDIATE MONE TELEVISION Penne Yachthaven |ESTATE SALE -- nearly new Canadian aT BES ae es enh MacD. Id F Ba ene eres 3-81.86 Mink jacket 16 to 18. Cost $1,000 sellg ORCHARDS L d fee ee ony cae one acDona ord Sales ay et qe 28.5) 'STARCRAFT" GREW Travelier boats. for $600.. Medium dark brown, Older t ° oe | 219 King St. E. Bowmanville money available Call John 72 54 9 am. to 9pm Evinrude motors. Open seven dayg a/black Persian Lamb % length coat 16 WILL DO CUSTOM KNITTING, Have Kosteniuk, Griffin Real Es- |------ ------------|weak, Marine Storage and Supply Ltd.,|t0 18 $150. 7254520. Thi own machine. Telephone 725-6187. tote Limited | t V. Rentals Pear 655-364 THREE. Eldon racing sets) accessories, hickson Rd. N. ANTE wort ws Mol ofelleble SALES | Pa louble transformer, several electric cars , Ms hi 942-3310 | NEW SETS 7 ap » and | Barter Good condition. Telephone 728-4567. Whitby would like [ob cleaning offices, stores, ates = maa e |SPRUCE AND SCOTCH PINE trees, PORTABLE Marconi record player, ne Taleshone 08 1995 Late wns cdg MANAGER BRANCH REALTY offering second mort: FALCON |sprayed and delivered, 98. up. Free |SPeed. twin speakers, $30. One year old. ONTARIO NO. 1 WINTER potatoes, de = fe ne a a Gages. 'Telenhone 7254916 anytime. |tree with every $10. plumbing purchase,|APPly 111 Craydon Rd., Apt. 101, Whitby. |livered or apply 14 Rockcliffe Street.| WOMAN WITH one child requires live-in * Ned se ait Shane tl aebalibae Lei a hbo FURNITURE and APPLIANCES |Bath tubs, $17. up; toilets, heavy toile!) TYPEWRITERS, no money down, $2| elephone 723-9) peerage see eters iiomea| Retited. $0. Sake Aver. Rea! FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale * af pag |seats, $3.95 special tsi | 7 , No Y. BOW Ns --- --- --------|iately. Some remuneration needed. 576 Estat ff Whitby. agreements purchased and sold. Hennick 452 SIMCOE salle Be ssp Chinn, Hillside 8nd/weekly, cashiers, adders, trades, terms, 9A-- E . Pe I 3060. state office in itby, For [and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street 723-001 jouth, 723-7088, 728-7288. [isasyieo Bill Hamilton, Raglan, |7A-----Eggs & oul try a confidential interview call East 723-7232 ot Arti | | fo | Sia a" " '8--A icles for Sale igen ni? FRLEVIGI EGGS "DAISY FRESH" dally -- White Lee SORE ES ---- TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower io oo in Very G00d|Feather Farms, Oshawa, 6554752, Plek ok Seren 'Money to Loan structure, all-channel antenna installed - Condition. Telephone 725-7488. led up, delivered at store or home. Someo e PRESIDENT 'neeD ach erence ai $50. Oshawa TV ame Limited, Taun- Kamstra STEREO HI-FI record player and radio, ee n nso a ° n as lu as son 0 } y that newt esr, boty travel expengex,|12n Reed East, lust enstiot Ritson ROWE.) --§ CLIRISTMAS TREES. [AMM 20nd condition: alse sole vee110---Farmer's Column Guide Realty Limited We feature second ages. of ri 'per } : vi Biber toca RR eae tT ae va "ae cani Mlia AP oes avail |1--Women' s Column | No. 1 Scotch Pine -- Spruce CONTINENTAL BEDS trom $29.95 mai|DEAD AND CRIPPLED 'farm _ stock Wa nts 16 Simcoe St. S. confidential, ivat nds. Cc 7 rene = resses hal: picked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, confidential, private funds, Call 725-4631 pen tresses half price, all sizes, headboards 723-5281 jany_ time, ELECTROLYSIS Sul one-third off, Factory outlet, 723-3889. |yyrone. Telephone collect Hampton 263- i Preston Sunoco Station FURNIT! han 'ere : oe ¥, $5 URE -- Three rooms of new sé our Pointing ond 'Decorating 723-464] 925 Simcoe N,--- 728-8267 | |furniture. Pay only $15 monthly. Barons'| ]]--Pets and Livestock We D fiver Home Furnishing, 44 Simcoe South. ieee "Wl 1 Ww |PAINTING AND PAPER hanging, in Removal of superfluous hair | ies TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, Dont W. nts CARPET lerior and exterio Marie Murduff will be in {skate EXCHANGE. Over 1,000 pairs fo|Fegisters, new, used, sales, service, all] The BUDGERIGAR ond FOR- da si Oshawa Dec. 18th and 19th. -|choose from, lowest prices ever. 723 makes, Call your Royal dealer. 728-3664.) EIGN BIRD SOCIETY wish to INSTALLER : |: Phone: "Genosha "Hotel on [oadle 18 Prince st |GLASS REPAIRS to aluminum and | these doys for appointment. |% X 18 ACRILAN RUG, spice shade,|Wood windows and tee screens,| Open on active branch in PHONE We require Fie pedi sk of on ltwo wears old, three-piece red sectional|Free Pick-up and delivery. 728-2264. Oshawa and district. Anyone : agg a erred) car- . j-- -- living suite. Telephone 723-7158. AMPLIFIER, best Traynor model in the] interested please call T. P. pet installer, you ore in- » Feg- rs NEED A 2--Personal lsnura NYLA-FOAM 'box | springs 5 and | Toi es Aa Gite aoe Warne, Yo gié, 71 Riverside Dr. N 728 723-3492 feresfed 10. thlte: ba manent JOB ? ARRIVING downtown Toronto, 8 &.1T.\new' plashe covered mattress, # x, 2/444 6915. ee ve cay apply in person at ° Anyone interested, please call 668-6568. i¢15_ 623-3049 |LARGE SIZE Thistle baby carriage. Ex- af DES ARRCNS Sat AR Aa eT our Midtown Crescent ware- Be WALKIE TALKIES, complelewith| cellent, condition, hardly used. Telephone GERMAN Shepherds. Reg'd. pups. Pro- A. Courtdous house and cleaning plant. 5 fleather cases, good set, long range, good 2004 4 bail ded ree. Ne SOEs Read Help Wanted TIMES ACTION Iset, used three times, Telephone $76 HAINES PIANO, upright, good condi |g, Fiche. Show mare. texas saddle Ad-vi Angus-Graydon Ads 1 | CLASSIFIED ADS j0776 tion. Reasonable, Telephone 728-4227 af-| lag Pvt us i 6 q-visor Carpet Company Limi ted s | p mB s Vay In |DRESSES, all stock must go, require ter 4 p.m iply 111 rerhil Blvd. Oshewer Ap-| will be ha WAITERS required for cocktail loungé. G RESULTS! space for beauty salon, Special on per /ELMER will buy or sell your furniture! Pppy Full or part-time work. Apply "Mr. Camp- The Times BRIN ° | manent weaves, $5. Towne Beauty Salon,|and appliances on commisgion, Free HOUSE" TRAINED kiftens, for Christ- h | bell, Genosha Hotel. No phone calls, Bond St. E. 725-9356, pick-up, 263-2274, mas, Telephone 728-5328, to help you please, ahaa' tea [ 18--Male Help Want GUID! REALTY LTD REALTOR 16 Simcoe St. 723-5281 & BALDWIN STREE 1 @ Beautiful 3 bedroom style bungalow with at garage. Birch trim thro with a hollywood kitchen. stool and shower in bass Close to all schools at tt price of $19, ey) 00. INDUSTRIAL LAN 1} @ with 4 bedroom and garage, almost one land which represents c cellent investment for tl ture. Call us for more culars. e STOREY AND ONE ft Ill @ 3 bedroom 1% home close to all schools, ping, bus service and G.M. Plant. Located on a lovely lot. 65' x 140'. A comfc home with a large kitche: ing room, living room or bedroom on the main flo two bedrooms upstairs. e HOME OF DISTINCT 1V @ 6 bedroom: older situated on spacious gr Modernized kitchen, 2 fireplace in den, large room and separate dininc with forced oil heat. Idea tige home for the larger @ 11 SUITES V @ ina perfect renting tion near G.M. South showing excellent retu 18% on investment of 000.00. Stoves and refrigs included. Plenty of paved ing space. Don't hesitate is the right time to give call, i) DREW STREET $13,000.00 VI @ 5 room bungalow garage. Beautiful lot wit frontage. Home is in very condition, nicely decc with new .oil heating s Close to schools and trans tion. Call us for more inf tion tonight. e DIVISION STREET INCOME Vil @ Handy place to G.. the buyer who wants to | Easy renting area. Low payment and $150.00 month. Seems a good d me, what about you? Cal for more information. eS DOUGLAS STREET VII @ Storey and a half home. Three bedrooms, ki living room and dining Priced at $15,500. Ca more information. e FULL PRICE $18,5C 1X @ Immediate possessi the beautifully kept five brick bungalow which has redecorated. Close to s and to transportation. mortgage, very conv terms. Call to inspect ton e OWNER MOVING 7 MONTREAL X @ Wants to sell his 3 room bungalow with gara Elgin Street West. Hors extra revenue from a ba apartment in the basemen full particulars call tonigt a CHOICE AREA XI @ This 3 bedroom bungalow with carport is : ed in an exclusive area, to all schools and shoppr has a patio and garden nice schrubbery ond clun birches in back WANT A GOOD BUSINESS XI @ in a choice North Area? Variety and G Store with 4 bedroom quarters and an extra | cluded. It could be your | come true -- call tonigl full particulars e NORTH-WEST ARE XIil @ Here is a promisi vestment home on Gla Avenue, with a pleasant 1( ute walk from downtown awa or to the Oshawa Shc Centre. Upstairs apartme completely self-contained rents for $100.00 mothly flower garden and shade Included in the sale. d rugs, stoves, TV tower. Full $16,000. Call tonight. e BROOKSIDE ACRE! XIV @ Come and see beautiful side split level with attached double a¢ This home has three bedr a spacious living room: c large Hollywood kitchen separate dining room. A 1 ed recreation room with stone bar. The grounds been professionally lands and are really lovely. You to see this home to appr it. Telephone tonight to in e JUST WHAT YOU WANT XV @ A nice 4 bedroom storey home, close to ser and public schools. Price only $12,000.00 with term can be arranged to suit budget. e KING STREET EAS INCOME XVI @ This well built con cial property is located. cle a busy intersection; and h two leased stores, plus apartments leaving the ow lovely spacious apartmen his own use. Call us for ft information. GUIDE REALT LIMITED 16 Simcoe Street South 723-5281