Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Dec 1967, p. 25

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; ' : ' g | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, vTH T USED TWELVE BucKs'}. AND HOW MUCH INFORMATION YOU WON'T "TALK, EH? VERY WEL DOUBTLESS TO SHOW THE PENTAGON THE TRANSPONDER WITH December 16, 1967 SEOUBLE 15-2 WORTH OF CHARCOAL HAVE YOU ALREADY GIVEN THE T'LL TALK. YOUR SPY FRIENDS THE RUSSIAN MARKINGS... THE RUSSIAN SPEARGUN WE acetal 67_ 25 COOKING 'EM! THE "FISHING BOAT' HAVE GIVEN UR PENTAGON ABOUT MY MISSILE, HERR SAWYER? DELIBERATELY PLANTED... AND TO TELL THEM THAT RUSSIAN SUBMARINES AND MISSILES ARE HIDDEN OFF THE COAST OF CUBA. EXCELLENT, TOO EXPENSIVE? WHY, I BROUGHT. THE SALAD / AND I i ENS woh | BRIDGE | By B. JAY BECKER | (Top Record-Holder in Masters' | Individual Championship Play) BUZ SAWYER South dealer. Both sides vulnerable. ITS A TUSSLE AIN'T 90U AFRAID WHEN TL LET Fly oe one SHERIFF, OL' BOY 13 GO! 'To hee RIFLE SHOT ON YOU AT LONG S RANGE? TZ. RIDE THE SHADY PLACES, IF 70ME it gies HAIRPIN PLITS SOME FIRE ON MEHE| | + BEST VO A GOOD R | . WEST 'A TWELVE GAUGE PISTOL! AIN'T THAT WWST et pa ON YOUR BLONDIE JANE ARDEN @ km Fe Opening lead--king of spades. | Part of the skill in dummy play consists of including your ! : i opponents to make errors in de- Tie sulee 5 Ae: . $ | (fense, and the more opportuni- oa ta K MCES: R ie q Pa : ~ | |ties you create for an error, the SEC "THE LARGER ONE ¢ : ; Ny AY : nat age your opponents are S |: WIRE RECORDER, * ; fry oO make one. LTT TR 3 Ne Consider this case where PRESSIVE PIECE S . % ji South is declarer at six hearts. p <a F The contract cannot be made against best defense, yet there is a chance of bringing home the slam if you set the trap |properly. { Let's say you win the king of spades with the ace, East fol- : s 5 y loweing low, -and draw three ONE! vd rounds of trumps, West discard- ing a spade, You than cash three rounds of diamonds, West discarding another spade, after Discover Canadas newest outdoor sport - Go Wide eackingy Pontiac |=" = ~TO HELP DILLY O' TH' VALLEY 'BE PRESIDENT." HE GOT A SHORE- JTS UP TOALL / FIRE SOL-O0'SHUN FO HIS SOLUSHUNS IS WORSE. THAN OUR PROBLEMS, IS WHYS? LI'L ABNER SECRET AGENT X9 HARI, MRS. FOSTER... <\/7% But YOULL CERTAINLY Catton \ BE AWELt-DRESSED ale Cones You now lead a low spade toward the nine, and West, who WE HAVE REDHOT BUYS FOR THE COLD WINTER SEASON ON '68 PONTIACS Sec eea If he makes the normal play of the ten, you make the slam. East wins with the jack and, The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. WIDE CHOICE OF MODELS lead a tus vermiie eee |discard a spade from one hand @ TREMENDOUS SAVINGS @ G.M.A.C. FINANCING and ruff in the other, and you 266 KING ST. W. 723-4634 have your twelfth trick. 3 | If West is smart enough to ye up " aye Mery you = |\the spade, he defeats you, t Z THINK TLL GO TOURIST, Quit I I N I OG CROSSWORD then you have lost nothing by YOU KNOW, IF I HAD 3 yi having attempted to flimflam OK. PAY UP IT 70 DO OVER, ' : \him. You tried, and failed. AND HOP IN! BELIEVE I'D GO g ' Channel 2--Buffalo | 4-Church Service &--Johnny Cargen ACROSS DOWN 14. Change US Ee agar pe ne ere FIRST CLASS! ' Get Shere 3-78 | Stevie 1. Bivouacs 1.Common- 18. Dark RIS} | Actually, West has a difficult Channel 4--Buttalo | EFalih' For today | ama ea 6. Corrode wealth wood \play to make and may easily Channel 6<Teronto : 11:38 A.M. | ¢--Movie 5 10, Around country 23. Glen go wrong. From his point of an Fhanaed. Shuto Nes De Hokey 3--Human Jungle 11, Singing 2.Degrading 26. Al- \view, he should play the ten if 7) Channel 8--Rochester Here scuba nae: voice -- 3. Its capital loy jhe thinks you started with the Channel 9--Toronto Ses5cia). shourity i "Crosstire BY 12, Prescription is Jefferson 28. Per- \J-6-3, and the queen if he thinks Channel 11--Hamilton ¢_Wilfred "Pelletier 12:00 MIDNIGHT term City: abbr. se- lyou started with the 8-6-3. z Channel 12--Peterborough | Recontre bagih Ee He sapere - pire dogs | cuted mecca | . West may reason that if East --Youth Searches n-- "Spectrum Ay 16, Bike 2 feria or ree E]ATMEAIRICIsieM™ (Started with the J-5 he would SATURDAY SVENING * Aaat NOON Le niogatt asf ¥ HF Pi 6. 30, Armlet : have signaled with the jack on 4:00. P.M. 9 Wor ealers 7. Sore 32.Garrets Yesterday's Answer rs i ti e-Debie Gillis 9--lialian Album 17. Mine 8. Cubie 34. Stir 41, Rlectrified the opening lead to indicate a 7-Wide World-of Sports | 7° super Somnice | MONDAY entrance "meters ars pees doubleton spade, and on that are Highlights | O-tanch for the Top | 0 AM. 19, Pronoun, 9. Threw 35. Mound 42, Cease basis play the ten. Ot peste 1:0 PM | ete 20,Caddoan = 42. Khanand _37. Pop <.Reystone | BOF eee tee aan te sh.cumearts 'Aheod for '6a? | 3--Cathedral of To- Indian others lar state:abbr {2nd g0 up Ww Gueen. ya Train a ee 21, Rational -- Te any case, he should be put to fall ae Bunny ee 22. Scatter the test. 'college Bow! 12:18 P.M, 8:3 A.M. 24, Coyote YW, | 12--God is the Answer 1--Schnitzel Hi abess4 0:00 PLM. d--Lat's. Look at 'Con-| s-cuniverstty of the Ale state: abbr, Gia Gi Thesis Lana te ours | rest ass AM. 28. Chatter 4 BOWLING NEWS 3--Lost In Space ls ante nse | 7 Sia Hi 27. Cheer 12 yy" 4 | a, rginie dd A a REVO NAY MAYES 1 Gok CHE SEL ph 29.4 um soit he CATHOLIC LEAGUE oe: P.M, | 4--Film Short 3 2:00 AM. ofa High Triples: Gall Tammi! 740 (248, 11--College Hockey | 2--Movie Ae olay Tine sort: |280), Earl Marshall 679 (286), Len 9--Flintstones 1:0 P.M, AN al abbr. 17 C7 20 Byrnes 669 (245), Jim Brady 655 (255), 7--Movie ficmie Uaneniet Crossfire . YA, /) John MacDoneli 641 (240), John Chipman 6-12--Sounds 68 9--Spectrum var ahen 31, Liberian Var ot Fry 639, Barry Leach 636 (252), John A, 2-1 Dream of Jeannie | 'g "tom Decker and Co, | 4~Contact tribes 2 Y Y Cardinal 632 (229), Alma Richard 636 7:00 P.M. | 7-Movie 1-Pat Boone 33. Burden sig 4 oti msi ae Rod Mec seDonald 4 279, Lit &--Show * Vy 26 1 ig! ingles , LHe Sen ceniy.-- | ScHerald' et Truth 9:30 A.M. 36, Wing WO, uid Gu re Y Y74 |\\lan Young 275, Leo Doyle 251, Bob Rora- 4News, Weather 1:15 PM. 9--Cartoon Playhouse 38, Close to ALLL L1 ALLA | beck 251, Gary Losier 241, Diane Robert Sports : --Calvary Calls | ite Tr ellad 39. French 29 |30 Ge 32 Y 3 3¢ 138 235, Oben, Arsenault a Lorrete Gates s | c s sd 228 and . Ph yea ea tl '= pene ne 4-Love of Lite river 4 4 4 Points Taken: Tigers 4, Hipple's 07 papaed | ey 10:08 A.M. 40. Ceases cTy 37 78 39 Gliders 4, Leaders 0; Pin Smashers 3 , 7:30 PM. | 1:38 PLM. | 12--King's Outlaw 43. N t: fi Y, V1, Alouettes 1; Swingers 3, Jet Set 17 I HAVE A FATHER AND sf] NO? BUT YOU ' @--Magoos Christmas | 11--This Space Age 1-Movie 3, NOL: prelix rry '41 42 YG 43 Champs 2 and Night Hawks 2. A SISTER, BOTH LIVING = purl eanee : : ( ¥--Question Period | #--Uncle. Bobby 44. Bank Y SPAULDING Dec. 15 nt = x; | 8--GE Coll Bow sil Owi! = IN DEVON. BUT TELL WHO CAN << : ¥612--High Chaparral -- | 3.6-12-Pro-Foolbial 14-Snap Judgement ba pile 44 Gh | CENTENNIAL UNITED CHURCH ME, DIDN'T THE \ ae 4:00 P.M, | sia RAL 10:30 A.M. 46, Level Y | High Triples -- Hank Veenhot ORPHANAGE HAVE 5 2 ' \ : 9--Movie | 9--dr. A Hockey 4.2--Cencentration 47. Contends 46 Y 41 46 GY Harry Bennett 704, Murray ShacPherson ANY INFORMATION { x . : = 8:30 P.M, 11--College Sports High: | 7--Donna with 4 eaten 7B, Thelma Owen 76 Cord ¢ § . | i 4--B i Hilti elva Dean elm: 7 a MESH SISTERT AB Rheem ra i facie "i Giant 49, Lairs a5 Y V7) |Holbrook 747, Elaine Woodoack 457 = é "| yoLawrence Welk 11:00 AM 50. Garden HZ, \rin Love 686, Berty Clark €7, Deb Tilk 54 | lpraeemn enon | 26 PM OT ie Sag rng Pe 14 630 and Randy Love 656. i=] PR Re erat esses 11--Moment of Truth a alt oli tool i | High Singles -- Betty Smith 226, Bob cage {| | gecchristmas With Lorne | 7--Day Tomorrow Began | »'_Gannonball ---- soe INickerson 209, Bud Owen 21, Al Scott 31 | Greene | 2---Meet The Press TT arpration 228, Jackie Kellock 205, Terry Gerrow e H hag cr | 2:00 PM. | Qoanay orittith ' g | 228, 206, Maurice Woodcock 22 and Jim = H 4--College Basketball Bie' Verieties Reggae vie ngs YOUR HEALTH LATOR S Highlight -- Bill Taylor 358, 0PM, , 25 for 814 triple, Dd 'ecuee ™ | 2:38 PLM. l}---Marriage Confidential silanes waedoges ba from _M. | 11--Litlest Hobe 'oo "How's Your Mothers . 5 MAGILLS MIXED LEAGUE TaThe Saint 1 a> Bere pa | inebew " Ox0l revents; High Triples -- L. Arsenault 708, |Little 691, P. Taylor 462, S. Smith 437, 8-9--Hell Niel Savares | 16:00 P.M. | 11--My Faverite Martian "Dik Ven Dvke Pi Poole ty and i be ssderd oe a,' ¢ 9--Garrison's Gorillas 8--Frank McGee Report | . . . igh Singles -- '00! a | Focatere "Costbal 3B NOON 7, L. Arsenavit 274,- D. 10:15 P.M, aan hs | 312--News, Weather and n l- oxin 1 S Taylor 268, 245, §. Smith 3-6-12--In Person | a beeen club Sports Madigan 259, R. Madigan 10:0 PAM, | ' | Nottie, Peaple J. Glonet 215, 204, 203 and ¢, Owens 1--Movi erento Today JOS NER, MD 24 TMevie SUNDAY EVENING | ¢2-Jeoperay By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, , |" Lemons -- ©. Owens 9%, K. Saunders wes om | ttetiten Dale Dear Dr. Molner: Would youvelops, and the germs multipiy,|%i, NMasbonat Or "| oS \2--Outdoorsman 4:18 P.M. 4--News, Weather, explain the difference between they throw off highly-poisonous |i the Lemon League. wa 3-4--Sports Profile 4--Pso Football p ; S 11:00 P.M | 0PM scaler Hee tetanus toxoid and tetanus anti-| by-products--the toxin. It is this = 9-6-12-4.9-11--News, | 11--TIny Talent Time Beane sre toxin, also any side effects pos-|by-product, raiher than the) = Meola til gna 1--Photo Finish" sible, length of effectiveness, germ itself, which does the| QUEENIE *Weaihe | 3-6:12--Co | # Eye Guess tc? Many of your readers have damage, J--News, Weather, 3-6-12--Country Calendar od etc? 5 | Sports | 28--Pro Football ee, ee never known the real usefulness} T.A.T. is designed to combat| 4 ae Merv Grif this toxi ther than the germ 1 " . | v Griffi iuidl S$ toxin rather than U | 2-8--News, Weather, eS PO th Biel | abi " sa of these.--G. W. FeeRaRi A Te cea he ut taster Sports | S:a1a--_Aan Allve | $-4-6-12--Gulding Light The only way to appreciate itself. Thus it can be used a | = 9-Best of Prove peng es re * Hees the full usefulness is to see what/it is too late for toxoid. Bes ro : | 100 PLM, : e é--Movie ocuset i Agi | 12--Mov lack of such protection means--| Toxoid prevents the infection, = | Dsiraals 9--Pulse Mike" Dougies what happens when a person|but it must be given time in| ae oe TAS ima sce | S=Dialing ter Deilare | gets a tetanus infection, or which to build up the preventive) | &Movie 3--Ross Caldwell Christ-| | Virginia Graham lockjaw. The convulsions are!powers. T.A.T. is used to fight) E OF Br 74 ge ' 12:00 MIDNIGHT fas. Show Paty filbed h mAble enough to see even ifithe nfection once it has been in-| Bx a ee | y d 3 {gag heon Date 0) he infection on WELL, I'M GONNA FIRST A COUPLI Le 4 | 6--Luncheon Da f Haein KEEPING DO SOMETHING PMV 08 AM, FT Lh Bat ae | t-jeet the: Millers the patient recovers troduced into the body. The pa-| ME AWAKE." A / wocKe A =] | 9--Movie $612-Walt Disney | 5 i: Wd Lockjaw used to be muchitient, in such a case, has plenty| ¥ (2 eh | 's Make A Now mostiof misery in store, but the] 6:30 PLM. t--Let's Make A Deal |More common. 0 ' i SUNDAY 1)--High Chaparral | 44-As the World Turné | schools and health departments|urgency is to save his life. | 1 AM. Dees | sNeaiveea ets insist on tetanus immunization,! Another problem is that! 7--Prince of Pesce FEE og 46--Love Is A Many |and everyone in military serv-'p 4 'T has in the past been| Leta ts Splendored Thing ice receives similar protection | 2 11--Living Wo TNO 2.4--Days of Our Lives ae "A '4 ee aie made from horse serum, and eae. cor <auw aes i=) 7Milton" the. Monster Selacareen Acres 2: PLM. e danger, ho some people are highly sensitive} + ate 4--Word of Life sae 12--Calendar as immunity wanes, as it Willitg jt, so disagreeable allergic| day I forget to put out no 2--Agriculture ae e 7:38 PM, es perry Mason fy over the years. The way to belreactions can occur pads, one of 'em comes up 8:38 A.M. 1---Move eopie in Conti 16 W--Father Meehan | 9--F.B.1 |i Gir safe is to have a booster every! More recently an "immune! with an idea! oS rane amas rtesnback Le gal two to five years. But because | globulin" has been developed, Linus a (Let's Go | 2-6--Walt Disney t--Dectors so many people have not done/nrepared from human blood in-| Goylq be. Might be an incipi- 2--Porky dn 8:00 PM. er 3:00 Pi M. e this, it is a common (and ioe stead of horse serum, but serv-jont fungus infection. See a der- 9:08 AM, s --Magistrate's Cov vi Ww \1--Cathedral Chimes Sees welttain gacw |: Zaeeal Hokplial practice to give a booster whenling the same purpose as T.A. matologist. Could be dye from. 7--Bugs Bunny | 4Te Tell The Truth a person suffers a suspicious}with it, reactions, if any, are of |your socks or shoes. Gir ik oreo "| isteach $1 bisa ot Jeannie | Sa ahehe: Weria wound--one which is cies far less serious proportions. q s: .M, 7 iv ze 1 | 1--ttatian. Journal 2-4--Mothers-In-Law | 2:28 PM with dirt, and more ap vied The thing to keep in mind is| Dear Dr. Molner; Would tak- 7--~Rocketship 7 9:00 PLM. | 4---News a deep puncture wound, as from) that toxoid, the "tetanus shot,"|ing hydrocortisone four times a 4-Uncle Jerry's Club 7--Movie 3:38 PLM. a nail or long splinter. This is}; day over an extended period Ee 3--Hymn "Book 49--Smothers Brothers | 11--Hawkeye because the tetanus germ|is the important thing. It prev-/day _e ) (at) 10:00, A.M, 2-3-6-8-12--Bonanza | 9--I!'s Your Move ents. Reactions or side effects}cause any growth changes in ein Por' Tod 10:69 PM hase Eage ight Muniek 01 Hie Shapers nt ait, from it are agouncommon asjthe body such as hands, feet, |--F ait 'or Today . iad jam Lia ' or y . , M 4-Retugees in Jordan | 1 Coie. fe | 84--Yeu Den't Say FORMS ANTIBODIES they are with any of the stand-jetc.? --L. F. hs pag ig le : 4--Mission Impossible This vaccine against tetanus/ard, frequently used immuniza- feo pete ag Paver gh 4 90 A.M. *SecHign Chaparral is "toxoid." Like any other vac-|tions. ate t th "however. Thi Han nifg Har sd cine, it causes the blood to form| But remember to have an oc-/water retention, however. This hres neat". |aseerticnnm antibodies which will destroy|casional booster. could make the extremities or cri ear! -3-6-8-9-11-- . &2 2--Insight Weather, Sports | S-Mike Bougla tetanus germs if they appear. er ae beating § a 11:60 A.M. 11:25 P.M | in m. Tetanus anti-toxin, or T.A.T.| Dear Dr. Molner: Would youjan' s { ger.' ne Continental Miniature 4--Greatest Headlines atgen® Island for short, is a quite different| \believe my large toenails are|not be actual growth; only the 9 = . " = i--Christopher Program 1:30 PM. | are It ts Beaver | type of injection. greenish, or the skin under gong accumulated fluid 7--Bullwinkle 11---Teach-In ruth or Consequences in A; < 3 'Vivre En Ce Pays 7--News, Weather, Sports | 3-6-12--Forest Ranger When a tetanus infection de-\them is?--J. G. -5278 ry ?

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