o err ss 5 v3 > ii Tec cee ee ~ om ---- . ee ee Elias . . ed , . ¥ 7 pilin, bed ! 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey; December 16, 1967 | Dr F J Donevan Collegiate Institute | ry ® Pues gi " "Futuristic Fantasma'! It's|"Sleigh Ride,' 'Exodus', and j s ae coming on December 22nd.|Tchaikovsky's "Marche Slave." Members of Student Council | The Yearbook "Criterion" is - jare diligently working to com-|well underway. Under _ this : |plete decorations for this year's|year"s editor, Dallas Hart, the ip he |Winter Whirl. Tickets are now|book will feature sports, clubs, | . . . . javailable. classes, faculty and activities of} Pickering High School Wednesday, the Senior Or-|the past year. | : : 'chestra performed jointly with} Remember! The "Nutcracker Pickering will hold her big|Dunbarton placed first, and|the Eastdale Band in a Christ-|Hour" is fast approaching and io oe | Christmas dance on December|Henry Street High of Whitby mas Festival of Music. The or-|will soon be upon us! 22. Entertainment will be pro-| was second. chestra played selections kd at vided by Shawn and Jay Jack-|) On Thursday, Dec. 7, the Beethoven, Leroy Anderson's --JANE MANNING son and the Majestics. Tickets) Boys' Athletic Association spon-| | A are $1.50, single and $2.59 for! sored a sports afternoon. Pick-! i a couple. The dance will be/ering Sak Denbarten presented! Kingsway College, Oshawa semi-formal, a wrestling match.. Dunbarton; The fall term examinations) humanitarian uses, About half] There are still a few tickets|won 40-25. Two basketball were fully completed on Fri-|the student body turned out on left for the Christmas formal|games were also played. Pick-|day, December 1. This was ap-;both Saturday and Sunday at the Royal York. Tickets are|ering won the Junior game 27-|parent with the fading of dark/nights, December 2 and 3. With $4.00 per couple. Ar all-ex-| 24 and Ajax won the Senior| circles under eyes and the|typical, youthful . enthusiasm, | penses-paid, one-week trip to| Bantam games. 'smoothing of brows wrinkled|the Ingatherers reached over | Los Angeles is being offered as} 4 wrestling meet against|With worry or concentration,|half the school goal in just a door prize. Tickets are avail-| Ajax was held on Wednesday|Sported by our grades 9 to 12/those two nights. able at the high school. land Pickering defeated Ajax 29- students for the past week. Rehearsals are progressing ae 196. The wrestler of the meet. "iving hardly a_ breathing nicely on the Saturday, De- CONCERNING SPORTS: pies Tom Tester. 5SA1ID of Space, the Annual Ingathering cember 16, presentation of the On Wednesday. Dec. 6, the Pickering : Campaign began. Before thejone-act comedy, 'Pop Reads Girls' Junior Basketball tourna- i Christmas Holidays each year,|the Christmas Carol." The cast ment was held at Pickering. | +. +» »:By GLYNNIS WALKER the College participates with|is about through laughing and |the College Park Church and is now ready to get to work on \the Kingsway Elementaryj/a fine performance, Public is Henry Street High School School to reach a goal of invited free of charge. '$15,000, collected for world-wide} JANICE PARCHMENT Now that examinations are|Grade 10 boys visited the Sklar aR : over, school has returned to a/Furniture Factory as part of uy se eee ee McLaughlin Collegiate The Driver Education Course They were able to view for About one-half of our school!looking outward rather than in is again being offered at Henry |themselves production - line was privileged to hear the ward. this vear. Twenty - four. stu-|techniques, the different job|/youngest member of the Pear-- He was asked questions on dents from this school have en-|opportunities and the 'World son cabinet, Minister Without'the new five per cent income rolled. There will be an intro- of work." I'm sure all the boys Portfolio, Mr. Chretien, at ourjtax, whether or not Canada ductory lesson next. week, but will @agree the experience was school on Tuesday.. Mr. Chre-|would stay together (he said it the real course will not begin a very worthwhile one tien is 33, and.the second young- would), what Quebec wants (an until after Christmas. Good The Drama Club is current- est Cabinet member since Con-\equality in places such as Ot- luck to all those who have sign- ly working on a documentary federation. Right now, he is as- tawa, where there is a large ed up film to be shown at a future sistant to Finance Minister French population), and wheth Henry's grade nines proved School assembly and the Spring Sharpe He spoke on Canada's er or not the Prime Minister themselves true Henrvites last|Carnival. The film is to be a role in international affairs, and will be retiring soon (he didn't week. The event was the Grade comedy, a satire on our school said that Canada should be know). He enjoyed the ques- Nine Basketball Tournament|System and how different peo- jtions very much, and, thinking he would be late for his plane in held at Pickering High School.|ple react under the pressure u t : | Roth teams played exception- Monroe of the club have been THE TOP TEN bts We ber inn Hi ae ally well, but Team A deserves|busy for weeks now, with their stage before 'G Sav special praise for winning four camerate photographing every-| WITH [TEEN-AGERS vor ae ae phe tiecce out of five games. At the last'thing and everybody in a var : _ |understanding: } y game, the one to determine the iety of situations. Don't be sur-| The following is this week's did not knov it was to = pay winner of the tournament, they prised, then, if somewhere} Hit Parade as chosen by ed, otherwise, he pli no were defeated by Dunbarton somehow when you least expect) Oshawa and District _teen- have left. It was a g00 4 lea to with a score of eight to two. it. someone walks up to you, agers and supplied by the have such a prominen Cana- you're on) Disc Shop of the Oshawa 'dian with views concerning Congratulations Dunbarton but and says, 'Smile ; ' i just wait until next year when|Henry's Camera!" Shopping Centre Quebec and French - speaking our girls make the junior team.| 1. Hello--Goodbye Eee ber oage Le ae " IN ] --Beatles | certainly me Tee: Homme 2, OF eee Oe ml 2. Massachusetts /Mr. Manuel back in 103 after, | --Ree Gees his illness. Don't forget Parlia- ; MH 3. Daydream Believer ment is coming up; we can Bowmanville High School --Monkees (hope everyone involved will be Christmas is in the air, The|carol singing. Even old Santa whe Ore Oe mre --RON TAYLOR busy bustle of Christmas shop-jis to reward certain chosen vic-} y Miracles Shui visitas pers and carols on the radio| tims with premeditated mal- 5.1 Say a Little Weaver = fill the air, B.HS., too, Is ise gifts. . ae " " --Dionne Warwick | Buying or Selling! beehive of activity. Everyone e senior students cha lenge) is working on our annual Christ-\the teachers in the traditional! 1" eee oF Rivers GUIDE REALTY mas program. Randy Sallows is volleyball game 7. Honey Chile ? this year's MC and it promis-) That FAB combo "The Last| "ahaha Aenvee ani LTD. es to be a great show. Several|Words, will be here. Their! Vandellas | @ LLOYD CORSON, President skits are taking shape, one of|great psychedelic sounds are g Chattanooga Choo Choo @ DICK YOUNG, Vice-Pres. which is to be put on by the just about the grooviest ever. | --Harper's Bizarre @ LUCAS PEACOCK, Sec. Treas teachers. Plan ahead for this future hap-) 9 Suzanne © --Noel Harrison | 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA There is going to be a groovy pening Fri. Dec. 22 | 19. In and: Out of Love PHONE 723-5281 poetry reading and, of course,| --KAREN SPENCER' --Diana Ross and Supremes CLEANERS et all Our Local piieie CADET STORES cleans best" || DRESSES | | SHIRTS | our GUARANTEE TO ¥' ° | 1€ you find our work In any way | I-pe. Business less than the finest : GUARANTEE Plain or Sport YOU DON'T PAY | Gentle, thorough cleoning in ery | atal cleor solvents plus pertect fin- ishing to essure you @ gorment you ore proud to wear. TROUSERS porean C SL ACKS Regular 1.09 . CAREFULLY 49 Dry cleaned and beautifully LAUNDERED Expertly Drycleaned finished. and FINISHED "ANY SWEATER £4 CHILD'S SUIT 3 gy ¢ "A g: Size) Carefully drycleoned ond hend finished (when coupon = SG i ty * ently drycleaned end finished. When coupon pre- present with incoming garment. Limit one, Coupon = moa we Thceaing guteeer Calpan good DECEM BER Bir Eee ai, Te GECEUnee oar © DECEMBER 23rd oT ANY RAINCOAT : OSHAWA 367 King St. W. -- 1202 Wecker, 1.69 Corner of Cedar, Cedar Dale Plaza Drycleaned, shower proofed end finished (regulor WHITBY -- 106 Lupin Dr., Blair Park Plaza $2.18) when coupon presented with incoming ger- BAY RIDGES -- Liverpool Rd. and Commissioner HIGHLAND CREEK -- 297 Old Kingston Rd. a ee = ae <x SZ ten ~~ Ne. Give the gift that em -- > a a Are you stumped on what to give your family, hus- band, wife or friend this Christmas? Bet you hadn't thought of Cable TV. We have prepared beautiful gift certificates to ease the pain of Christmas giving. All certificates include the installation, only $9.95--and you have a choice of giving one to 12 months subscription for only $4.95 monthly. CABLE TV will give 11 channels all with crystal clear reception; you've never seen such clear re- ception unless you've seen CABLE TV! Why not make someone real happy this Christmas, give them the gift that keeps on giving--give them CABLE TV. Gift certificates are available at our office. Come and get yours today. This cable tower is 160 ft, high and is situated on the outskirts of the city. It transmits great shows on 1] channels and is responsible for the perfect re- ception you get with CABLE TV. our Gift Problem: Is Over - Call Us Now! INSTALLATION 9.95 -- ONLY 4.95 MONTHLY OSHAWA LTD. matt 600 KING ST. EAST PHONE NOW 723-5278 BLONDIE LI'L ABNER ONE. Ti EXPENSI\ @ TREME! @ G.M.A NUBBIN JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE