its, automatic What value! itching trim. ow is this AGE GROUPS "EIGHT TO 70" Coin Club Has Wide Appeal Grows Fast In Seven Years One of Oshawa's fastest growing hobby groups today is -jal hobby," says Mr. Burke. "It also helps to bring the family a coin club that started in 1960) closer together. In this modern with four members. The Oshawa Coin Club, which meets month- regular|that the most ly and has its own world of today there is great and District}need for such diversion." estimates President Burke expensive coin bulletin, today has a member-/ Collection in the club is worth shin of more than 200. about $10,000. One past-presi- President Henry Burke of 181 dent of the club has a rare col- Albert says that the club has lection dating back to Biblical "wide appeal for all : age groups" and proudly points out days. Other rare Roman coins. that the yourrest member to-| 77H ANNIVERSARY day is an eight-year-old boy. The oldest is a man of 70. "Coin collecting is event The club recently held its seventh anniversary meeting in I more|the United Steelworkers' Union ther 9 reloving and edueotion-I Hall. This was called 'Deal- PRARE BE COIN CLUB HAS STRONG FASCINATION members have! Alex Livingstone. ness, Only the election of the) member. 1968 executive which included: treasurer; library; Ray Pleau, chairman; directors, John Van| 1966, said Mr. Burke. Dyk, Murray McKnight, John and/now," said Mr, Burke. Morse, William Odynsk : ; have club has members in distant Dare) and places, such. as _ Rochester,| quite enthusiastic N.Y., Chicago, Cleveland, even Bt and that ay in Darwin, Australia. essential for any The club was founded by!show, isn't it?" er's Day." There was no busi-|Robert Pritchard, who is a life ogee: The Oshawa Coin Club has Al Pilkey, vice-president® Bruce| held a coin show yearly since |R. Watt, secretary; D. Martin,|/1961. Last year's show at the William Leaming,|Hotel Genosha was the most | * publicity |successful held in Ontario for "We are getting ready for 4 Kelly, William Leaming, Ricky|our 1968 show at the Genosha ay "The 3 ae way things are going now it iE Mr. Burke said also that the|!0oks like the biggest event we ever put on. The mem- the executive are about this the first successful | FOR OSHAWA DISTRICT CHILDREN -.»(L to R) Susan Burke, Sean Taylor, Carol Twaites And David Burke Students Fete F amily On Volunteer Program Students of Kingsway College en King Street East entertain- ed a welfare family recently on their weekly Missionary Volunteer program. Gifts, donated by merchants of the city, were presented to the children and parents, whose names had been furnished stu- dents by the City Welfare Department. The program was sponsored by Dorothy Gay, leader of the Missionary Volunteer Society. The students have also se- lected the cast for their Christ- mas comedy, Pop Reads The Christmas Carol. It will be pre- sented by the Speech Depart- ment at Kingsway at the an- nual Student Association Christ- mas party. play this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the college auditorium. It will be followed by a private Christmas party for the stu- dents. SAE REE ES Our Sanit clothes PICKWICK Dry Cleaners and 434 Simcoe South drycleaning will keep your good time clothes look- ing like new. Trust the care of your party wy Sanitone Certified Master Drycleaner The public is invited to the} : CLUB RECENTLY HAD SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY Entertainment Showcase She Oshawa Cimes OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1967 Youth and Home Features % ES a ae ee SHARON PARISH INSPECTS COIN COLLECTION BELONGING TO ANOTHER CLUB MEMBER PM at REE i aaa saacpma ie ee. Some Of Collections In Oshawa Go As Far Back As Biblical Times PROJECT AIDS ART GALLERY A timely and uniqué fund raising project is being spon- sored by the Art Gallery of Oshawa in the form of 'Dine with me" books of eight cou- pons for dinner at leading eateries in Toronto and Osh- awa. The "Dine with me" coup- ons enable the purchaser to enjoy two dinners for the price of one, at the Guild Inn, Old Angelos, The Rib Room, The Walrus and the Carpen- ter, The Boiler Room, Hotel Lancaster, Le Cog Dor, and the Flying Dutchman. These attractive books make are in limited supply for $10 each from, Mr. "Bob" Read at the Bank of Montreal, 38 | will Simcoe St. S.,, or the Art Gal- |which will also be distributed in The Oshawa Symphony Or- chestra is rehearsing these days for one of its most ambiti- ous programs to date. It is called Holiday Family Concert and will be presented Thursday, Dec. 28 at 7:30 p.m. in Kingsway College Auditor- ium. The concert will have special appeal because it is designed for all members of the family, especially children. Special guests will be the re- tarded and crippled children's schools, the Association for Emotionally Disturbed Chil- dren. Residents from two sen- ior citizens' institutions orchestra. Jacob Groob, the conductor, narrate the program lery of O; "Rf St. South and its members. form. pi ---(L to R) Robert Pritchard (Founder) And Henry Burke one to us! r Shirt Launderers | 728-5133} NEXT WEEK'S ACTIVITIES AT THE AUDITORIUM DECEMBER 17th to DECEMBER 23rd Tuesday, December 19th Indus- 1:30 p.m.--3:30. p.m. G.M. "Chassis Plant' Hockey 6:00 p.m.--8:00 p.m, Oshawa Figure. Skating Club 8:00 p.m.--10:00 Oshawa Minor Hockey League 3:30 a.m.--5:00 a.m. G.M. "Body Shop" League Wednesday, December 20th 6:00 p.m.--7:00 p.m. C.Y.O. Sunday, December 17th 9:00 a.m.--10:00 a.m. trial League Hockey 10:00 a.m.--1:00 p.m. U.A.W, Hockey League 1:15 p.m.--3:15 p.m. Family Skating 4:00 p.m.--6:00 p.m, Duplote Hockey League 7:30 p.m.--Junior 'A' Hockey Oshawa Generals vs London 10:00. p.m.--12_ midnight In- Hock 4 ey League dim! Ueaque Hockey Hockey Loot pun kat Adults Onl Monday, December 18th ey Wie pegenty Bea. 6:00 p.m.--8:00 p.m. Oshawa Minor Hockey League 8:00 p.m.--10:30 p.m. G.M. Office Hockey League 3:30 a.m.--5:00 a.m. G.M. "Rody Shop" League COMING EVENTS Sunday--December 17th--Win 20 Turkeys by attending the Junior 'A' Hockey Game. Friday--December 29th--"Soul Crusade' featuring George Olliver / & His Children and Robbie Lane and The Disciples ICE RENTALS AVAILABLE Civic Auditorium 728-5162 /3 Children's Arena 725-807! Tentative Opening Date North Oshawa Areno--Jonuary 6th. "Body Shop' League Thursday, December 21st 1:30 p.m.--3:30 p.m. G.M, "Chassis Plant" Hockey 6:00 p.m.--10:00 p.m, Oshawa Figure Skating Club 3:30 a.m.--5:00 a.m. G.M, "Body Shop" League Friday, December 22nd 6:00 p.m.--7:30 p.m. N.H.L. Tyke League 8:00 p.m.--Junior 'B' Hockey Oshawa Crushmen vs Peter- borough Saturday, December 23rd 7:00 a.m.--12:00 noon Oshawa Protestant Church League 12:00 noon--2:00 p.m, N.H.L, Tyke League 2:00 p.m.--4:00 p.m. Childrens Skating Under 14 (parent may accompany 4:30 p.m.--6:00 p.m. Oshawa Minor Hockey League 7:15 p.m.--Junior 'A' Hockey Oshowa Generals vs Ottawa ; |Selections from The Nutcrack- *|Carmen Suite by Bizel. 4 orchestra feels that this will be PROGRAM SET | As a special feature, Mr. Groob will invite some of the children in the audience to participate with the orchestra by playing an instrument dur- ing some of the numbers. Vari- ous players, or sections of the orchestra, will demonstrate their instruments and the part they contribute to the over-all orchestration. This will bring a much closer participation and rapport between the orchestra and the audience. It should also provide an enlivening and in- '|teresting musical presentation. The program will include: The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart; the First Movement of Beethoven's Eighth Symphony; Sleigh Ride by Leros Anderson; er Suite by Tschaikovsky and Tickets will be sold only at the door on the evening of the performance, They are $1 for adults and 50 cents for chil- dren. Parents and any number of their children may attend for a maximum of $3. Part of the job and magic of the holiday season is the sharing and partaking of the festivities as a family. The a_ unique and most enjoyable concert. "Ringette" For Girls ment is the lack of organized winter sports for girls. Girls who have wanted to) | play hockey will soon have a lchance to do so, says Gerry Gelette, deputy director of the ORD. He says a new game for girls lon skates has been developed |by the Recreation Directors' |Association of Northen Ontario \just for girls". | The ORD has gained support from the Oshawa Neighborhood |Association in attempting to }promote the new sport known jas "Ringette"'. "We feel the time is ripe for |this new girls' game with more jice time available upon com- |pletion of the North Oshawa |to Ringette," said Mr. Gelette. | The new game implements |portions of at least three other |popular games pooular with girls hockey, floor hockey jand girls' basketball (old rules). It is played on skates. | Edie Woodward, President of jthe NASC, today conducted an jon-the-ice session of Ringette fat the Brooklin Arena to illu- strate how the game is played. ' will wonderful Christmas gifts and jalso attend as guests of the One of the major concerns of e the Oshawa Recreation Depart-| : Es & ' + ft Symphony Concert Dec. JACOB GROOB PLAYS TRIANGLE FOR YOUNGSTERS AT REHEARSAL ++» Ray and Steve Lange Are Interested Spectators Young City Musicians | In Youth Symphony Group Two young Oshawa musi- cians, members of the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra, enjoy a unique distinction. They are also members of the Youth Symphony Orchestra of Toronto, founder and con- ductor of which is Jacob Groob. They are Eric Wright, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Wright and Douglas Sparkes, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. Sparkes of 319 Harmony South. Eric plays trumpet and Douglas trombone. Mr. Groob, a_ violinist with the Toronto Symphony Orches- tra, started the Youth Sym- phony of Toronto recently and it will also perform at Toronto's Massey Hall Dec. 20. More than 85 young people were selected for the Youth Symphony which represents the never - before - offered opportu- nity of appearing with a youth symphony all season. An ° experienced conductor, Mr. Groob is currently associ- Sus 2 OSHAWA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PRE This Promises To Be Unique and Enjoyable Occasion For All h Oshawa Times Photos ated with the Inter-Provincial Music Camp in Parry Sound, St. Catharines Summer String School, the Toronto Chamber Orchestra and the Oshawa Symphony. To prepare his young musi- cians for their premiere eve- ning, Mr. Groob will rehearse them from Sunday, Dec. 24, through to the concert date, with morning and afternoon re- hearsals held at the National Ballet School, Toronto. Age limit for the new youth symphony is 14 to 21. Final auditions will be held Sunday, Dec, 17 at the ballet school at 1 p.m, PARES FOR BIG CONCERT HERE,