JQ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, December 16, 1967 |BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE | Youth Breaks Probation | 48 Hours After Sentencing Milan Nabakow, 182 Nassaujed he was unable to stand ~ must cok ee a | St. | was tenced when he found sitting in the| reasonal le doubt."' Since Mrs. Portieecgar's ae ce ru |street near a curb by police be-|Brewer, admitted she did not soe . {cause of his arthritis. {see her husband scratching up day to four one-year terms in) |the walls, the evidence was not jail to be served concurrently| SUSPEND SENTENCE | substantial. The charge was dis- and one year indefinite. | Norman L. Walton, a student) missed, Nabakow had previously been|4t Kingsway College pleaded) convicted on three charges of guilty to stealing items from|)NOT DRIVING ; 'theft and placed on probation, |Kresge's and Zeller's in the! Wilbert Simpson of 428 Sim- He broke his probation 48 hours| Oshawa Shopping Centre Nov.,coe St. S., was charged with |after it was imposed. i ee jdriving under suspension, He "It appears to me that you. 'Common theives," Magis-|pleaded not guilty while ad- are a young man with no sense | trate Dodds stated. "That's what| mitting his licence was under of responsibility to your com-|Shoplifters are. Have you noj|suspension. He had not been munity." said 'Magistrate Don-|sense of honor? No sense of driving, he testified under oath, ald Dodds. |integrity?"" The magistrate took|and the police officer who sup- jinto account the fact that Wal-|posedly saw him driving was INTOXICATION |ton had no money and worked] passing him in the opposite di- George Maracle of 66 King|to pay part of his tuition, and/rection at night. St. W., Oshawa, was fined $25)suspended sentence for six' Magistrate Dodds dismissed and costs for being intoxicat-' months. the charge. ed. DISMISSED SUSPENDED SENTENCE DISMISSED Wilfred Brewer, of 574 Crer-| Justice of the peace G. R. A charge of intoxication ar Ave., pleaded not guilty to) Robertson suspended sentence was dismissed by the magis-|a charge of damaging property.|on Mrs. M. Legacy for six trate, when Mr. Williams claim-' Magistrate Dodds, said "guilt} months and ordered her to re- cag en er ee re st : port to her clergyman once a week, She had been convicted . s «8 SUPPLY LIQUOR ieorge Wallace, 253 James In Favor Of Police Official #)., Opnawe, whe' convicted 1 supplying liquor to a minor and 2 2 ® SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont.|Lang, replied: 'My client waS/ contributing to the delinquency a 4 ' ms (CP) -- Police officials here|dismissed without a hearing.|of g minor. Mr. Wallace was . ns have not discriminated against/The Police Act provides. for a 25, and one of the minors in SINGING TIME FOR THE CROSBY CLAN hearing Lois Beckett, a female member|hearing before anyone can be| question, who had been given of the police force, because of|dismissed."' "a glass of wine," was a 16- Supreme Court Judge Rules itiss.:,,;7':"sias" EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST! PING-PONG TABLES Sturdy legs, 4 bats, net,, steel posts and bolls tJ lreactor design--a type fueled PLAN GIANT STADIUM Power Plant natural uranium and cooled and) NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- Pre- s Canada's future nuclear power|super dome were unveiled Fri- Works Again supply and the sales of eg bt The architectural and engi- DOUGLAS POINT, Ont. (CP) jlargely upon the success of the/stadium to be the world's larg- -- The 200,000-kilowatt CANDU| station. jest building, seating 80,000 for Estimated construction cost is scale nuclear power plant was RANKS THIRD | $46,300,000. Pay Sn Service Friday after 8 . the third largest in the world) OWNS OWN COLLECTION During its first year of opera-|sales of footwear totalled 198,- collection of bullfight books and tions, the reactor was disabled| 000,000 pairs. 'posters. result of a variety of troubles. | Difficulties started last Janu duced power. After examining | two of the pumps that circulate! tor, engineers decided to repair} D all 10, resulting in a two-month | Later, trouble arose with the control rods that control the ac-) two-month shutdown resulted. Pump failure recurred in the} early July. The likely causes of these dif- moderated by heavy water.|liminary plans for Louisiana's \dian. reactors abroad hinge|neering blueprints call for the reactor' at Canaiik: tiset Soll: football and 58,500 for baseball. The British footwear industry | five-month shutdown, jand in 1965 manufacturers'| Sebastian Cabot owns a large for a total of nine months as a' rt ary when the station first pro-| ~ | heavy water through the reac- |shutdown. tivity of the reactor. Another) last part of June and again in! jficulties now have been deter- 'mined and corrected and eight) 30" jof the pumps reinstalled, Six! Gold Finished 6 FOOT are running. | Metal Frame KITCHEN ° The Douglas Point station was 30" x 48" Aluminum MIRRORS | EXHAUST) ore, Be Vanities, exe, HOODS Fenn 400 24.95 | sinnc sua | LADDER DRAPERIES bCceurrte ed icles le For entrances or one ® closet doors. Double Speed 9 88 @ HOMES 25.95 25.20 ° @ OFFICES @ INDUSTRIAL 1919 {built to test Canada's choice of anes S| ' i i y stuffed ment of the television show, center, and Harry, right. her sex, Mr. Justice R. I, Fer-|/ DENIES DISMISSAL ___lyear-old girl. ine na ore "Hollywood Palace." With The show was taped today -- guson ruled Friday. : "She was not dismissed," said Magistrate Dodds said: "This WARD'S and his family do a bit of Bing are his wife, Kathryn, and will be aired on Dec "Miss Beckett has endeavored Mr. Justice Ferguson _ lis a terrible thing that you've ' . vocalizing and acting in and their children: Nathan- 20 to take advantage of a techni-| But she was forced to turn in done. And there's no excuse Simcoe St. at Athol Hollywood today on a seg- fel, left; Mary Frances, (AP Wirephoto) cality that was never intended/her uniform in November,|for it at all. A man your age 725-1151 9 3 ete : --_--_--_--_--_-------- |o be there," said the Ontario|1965," said Mr. Lang. |should know better. I think it's} Supreme Court justice. Mr, Justice Ferguson said|disgusting, to say the least. On Miss Beckett brought court|"she still remains a peace offi-| the possibility that this may action against the police com-jcer." He said a police officer of/have been merely a stupid act; jmission, the police association|whatever rank derives his au-|] am going to fine you $200 and jand the city, alleging she was|thority through being sworn in| costs. And if you ever darken Canadians Know Little @ e wrongfully dismissed as aja a peace offic r. _|the walls of this courtroom About Canadian Indians jconstable although she still) Mr. Lang contended that his/again," Magistrate Dodds fin- worked for the force as a clerk-/client was entitled to equal pay|ished, "on a disgusting charge typist with men uncer the Human) like this, you truly will go to By STUART LAKE Dr. Monture, speaking to the He said all knowledge of In-| Mr. Justice Ferguson left: one/Rights Code of Ontario; | jail." OTTAWA (CP) -- Dr. Gilbert|Canadian Club, said he doubts dians is largely confined to the point still to be decided on Mon-| "It is contrary to all the} = -- C. Monture of Ottawa said Fri-/whether today's school history), itings of the early explorers|day, when the suit resumes.jworld's economies that a | day that few, if any, Canadians |courses picture Indians any dif- ATES 4% That is whether she is entitled|woman should receive equal] outside those associated with In-/ferently than they did when he|2"d_ missionaries "who neg- to be a member of the Police|pay to that of a married man,"| dian administration know much/ went to school 60 years ago. lected to add that at that period | Association of Sault Ste. Marie.|said Mr. Justice Ferguson. | about Canadian Indians. "From that course we learned,in Europe, the witch fires and) He said she obviously was) "In his oral judgment he said) "And they seem to care less," |that the Indian people were althe fires of the Inquisition sworn in as a constable "'but/there was no doubt at all that added Dr. Monture, a member|barbarous, inhuman group of burned brightly every day." that was a mistake made by the|Miss Beckett remains a mem- of the Mohawk tribe a dinstin-|men, dressed in skins and furs "y aa bt | h th h police commission." |ber of the police department. | guished mining engineer and a and feathers, who scalped their serious!y doubt whether the) «She is trying to take advan-|/But he said she is only entitled member of the board of gover-|prisoners and burned them at fires of my people were any hot-'tage of careless methods," said|to receive salary to which she} nors of Trent University. 'the stake,"' said Dr. Monture ter or more excruciating than |the judge. : jhas agreed and for which she is} SATOH ss Sie aes ~|those of the Europeans." Miss Beckett s counsel, Henry'still accepting her pay cheque. | i | | ! i] | / Dr. Monture, who has repre- sented Canada at numerous in- ternational conferences, said an assumption in Canada that In- Inquest Jury Rules Accident Caused By Excessive Speed = iis'ortc tanita PORT HOPE -- An inquestja one-car accident on Peter St.\is responsible for the plight of jury here this week failed to/The Enns' car struck a cement Indians today. make any recommendation "in| viaduct on the south side of the) Jn reality there were six main its verdict after it was told byjstreet near the Garnaraska cultural groups and many dif- Crown Attorney Kenneth Stub-] River. ferent dialects. " | bington that he could present no} Mr. Stubbington in summing] ----_------_--_---- clear evidence on a possible/wp the evidence at the hearing, food service | operated by tony's refreshment service Itd. OSHAWA | For the finest in Custom Upholster- ing, Wood Finishing, Cushioning, or Custom Fitted Slip-Covers, coll RESTWELL. For samples and free estimates, TURKEYS Win @ Christmos Turkey by attending the London Nationals vs Oshawa Generals game ot the Civie Auditorium, Thornton Rd. S$. Sunday, Dee. 17 at 7:30 P.M. 20 Turkeys will be given away as door prizes, Come out and see the Generals in action. For Christmas give him something he's never had before: The right time of day. | Lorkcrorcematin ado' 32 ACCUTRON "202" Waterproof,* , sweep second ¥ hand, brown calf strap, railroad approved, meee cero manana nan Stainiess Steel 21014 cause of a one-car accident) said fire was presumably a sec-|* x re which killed three Newcastle/ondary cause. He said there/¥ ELECTROLYSIS x 723-5461 gy iaseesaen was no very clear evidence why | z Our decorotor-soles staff will |! A Toronto barrister, retained|the car went into the viaduct i Removes superfluous hoir arrange on eppcintment et your by the insuranc? company.) In regard to the alcohol con-|* painlessly * I): convenience underwriting John Enns, 29, RR| tent in the body, he said in his x z Coll to-day, it will be our pleasure 2, Newcastle, blocked testimony|capacity as assistant Crown at-|* Try our Kree-Imperial * to serve you. on a possible defect in the) torney, in his opinion, in the ab-|¥ Machine 7 eet ie cat. sence of other evidence this be MARIE MURDUFF es It's fun to be o successful hostess! Just leave the details in The jury ruled the death of| would not be sufficient evidence! ¥ mgs erase * our expert hands. We're adept at smooth service . . . famed estwe Mr. Enns, "was caused by in-jto convict of impaired driving : ot the GENOSHA HOTEL bi for fabulous food. Call today for estimates juries and fire as a result of an| He admitted, however, it was 'automobile accident caused bylquite possible Enns' ability had|= Dee. 18th & 19th @ HOUSE PARTIES @ COLD PLATES UPHOLSTERING CO. excessive high speed and loss of been impaired by alcohol. z PHONE 723-4641 x @ COCKTAIL PARTIES @ SALAD PLATES Bit ainesinh eae control.' He said there was some evi-| - + @ COLD BUFFET é rough, The time of death was placed/dence as to the braking system. py yyy yee yy yyy Keen yy yr' at 2 a.m., Sept. 15. Enns died|"It is possible there was some se RB 4 ae ieee along with Donald Gilks, 27,| defect in the brakes, but there| S™S3@Ss_3_i-- SS Seapesvese eave aae isaac n RRC and Arthur Thomas Colbary,jis no positive evidence before 27, both of RR 2, Newcastle, in! you on this point Pe BASRA DISS SSS S52 SS SPS wel LIL --~ BY e 444s 3 KARN'S Suggests .. . mere dyed ted ow ee BEAUTIFUL CHRISTHAS Six miniature lotions 4 *Z F Individually boxed in 4 wy gift case Snifter Set $6.00 & F J | ENON A Specialty of Reed's 6 eee PER 4.00 6.00 7,50 10.00 \ QB IMARING . 2. 9g 12.50 15,00 20.00 zs 5 Hove Her Favorite 4 = & FRF\ =S 4 , , f PERFUMES §¥ POTTED PLANTS CUT FLOWERS & i : ¥ @ CYCLAMEN @ CARNATIONS M Te yy @ AZALEAS @ ROSES s ; KARN'S ... 8% @ POT MUMS @ SPRAY POMS W i Have Her Fovorite 4 4 @ GREEN PLANTS @ MUMS "% ~ 4 @ TOTEMS @ GLADS "To Decorate Your Home" Y T al g COSMETICS ¥ 7 PERMANENT =| & : 'y BOWL OF FLOWERS DECORATIONS 4 Decorated with Fancy 'Bow & Christmas Greens -- A Lovely Gift @ DOOR SWAGS 7.50 10,00 15.00 20.00 © CENTREPIECES ; @ T.V. DECORATIONS | @ OUTDOOR WREATHS & | D S FLORISTS § OSHAWA 728-7386 DRIVE-IN SHOP & 163 Bloor West = "OVER FIFTY YEARS GROWING WITH OSHAWA" ang y * CE EE PpRUWUGS 28 KING ST. EAST PHONE 723-4221 | 28 KING ST. EAST PHONE 723-4621 \ ' * DOWNTOWN 28 Simcoe St. North SSSI PSIPSIS Swi ne ' i ny i} as ' iS \ } y SD ISP 8 BED IE SS 2 eS DB 8 eo Oe for the most masculine 4 i, y A Waterproof". sweep gill s SPIRIT! Aes' ee rea & INTy STMA Ae mal ain Brut for men E CH R ; q d after shave...aftershower &% \ ' i d \ *, 2 sssteuey BRYN AG. ROS ES for CHRISTMAS ' 4 ' » ACCUTRON CALENDAR "AB" 14K F ; Stunningly gift boxed In : s) > % x old, waterproof," sweep second y f y Especially Lovely NG " ' 3 and, calendar window. Gilt or sile ; handsome silver-flashed & 7.50 10,00 12,50 15,00 4 ¥ 4 ver dial. Luminous dots and hands. 4 bottic-green decanters } ' . ' > ' Sitvor Dial 25312 $250.00 2 $165.00 Yellow Gold-filled 28018 10K gold-filled top, waterproof*, sweep second hani applied Roman numeral silver dial. 24048 $189.95 ACCUTRON "425" ; | | CALE 14K gold filled, s % <2 Gilt Dial 25313 Even the most expensive watch can't keep time the way Accutron® does. That's because the mechanical parts that make a conventional watch fast or slow have been left out of it. The Accutron movement is electronic. It's powered by a bat- tery that keeps a tiny tuning fork vibrating 360 times a second, and it comes with the first guaranteet of ac- curacy ever given. You can't give.a man a more perfect palit, id.eahloned gift of time. We believe the Accutron timepiece to be 16 used in all watchess the finest and most precise wrist timepiece ever made. aemonement. The We have a wide variety of handsome models. $135. makes possible the 0) first guarantee of and up. 'accuracy ever given. 18) ACCUTRON®. .The World's Most Accurate Timepiece! USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS HORWICH iit: JEWELLERS 2 LOCATIONS .. . Oshawa Shopping Centre & 20 Simcoe Street South OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. UP TO CHRISTMAS Co. Suburban coat moke warmin or "British \ Sizes 36 to 46 24 NEVER PA] What's all this manent press? ean rootd: tol and wear...r ing! Come ii yourself ! FRO} 6.'