14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Padey: December 15, 1967 | | THE STARS SAY | | By ESTRELLITA | ANN LANDERS roomy | Planetary aspects, still some. | | what restrictive, call for care in all matters on Saturday. You Suggests Head Strong | may experience a tendency to ick scatter energies, to go off on : tangents not pertinent to your Land On His Laundry ae |best interests. Curb such incli- ; ; nations and avoid the careless- : ness that could lead to needless /errors. Dear Ann Landers: As a/band, yet she must see my boy- i : freshman at a large university|friend at least five nights a ¢ a FOR THE BIRTHDAY in North Carolina, I have en-|week. He goes to her house to | If tomorrow is your birthday, countered some pretty weird] talk for an hour or two after he your horoscope indicates some people since I arrived on cam-/leaves here. He frequently in- challenging business and-or job pus, But I am not especially) vites her to join us when we go r ; J 'situations during the next few bothered by them because J ex-'to the theater or the movies if ' Hs 3 % |months, However, with patience 5 % land determination, you should b Costume Jewelry Sets ,,, pected to run into some odd-jher husband is out of town, al-, : ow ' balls. though he knows I do not like r # : a | be able to turn them to your ad- : My problem is my roommate. the idea a in ti : ' vantage and find yourself by |E' ' pendant and earring, pin and Every time I walk into the| He says this woman is like a late 1968, not only in a far bet- ; ; room, he is there--standing on|mother to him, yet his own |ter position than you may be at "i y earring sets. Sparkling rhinestone his head. I have become some-/mother is so lovely and fine. I eS -- ie : jthe present, but ready to move \ 1 # and tailored gold-or-silver-color- what accustomed to this sicht,|don't know why he needs a sub- 4 ; ae \forward at a more progressive : although it was not easy. But' stitute. |pace early in 1969, Some unex- \ { ed pieces. 2.00 set 4.00 set the annoying thing is that he) Is he having an affair with : |pected recognition of your tal- makes a terrific racket when he the old crow or am I nuts? I've 5 ents in early May and-or mid- falls. When I am studying, these|told him how I feel about this September could turn the tide. crashing sounds really shake "friendship,"' but he can't seem) There are indications of some me up. When I am asleep, they to stay away from her. What do opportunities for financial gain awaken me you think?--Sue in mid-March, late April, mid- The students below us and on Dear Sue: I think your boy- ' '|May and August, but it will be either side of us have com- friend's attachment to this sen- i : ee jimportant that you use good plained, but my roommate says ior citizen is abnormal and un- ™ : 'judgment in handling them. these headstands are vital to his healthy. He doesn't sound like wy Sy Don't over-expand in any way, physical well-being. He also in- very promising marriage mate- # don't make hasty decisions and } sists that they help him think rial, Doll. In fact the whole ' ' . don't expect too much in the a Telescopic Umbrella more clearly and that his thing is like forget it. 7 mes way of yield. Not until late Nov- | , ' grades have improved since he | : ember can any Sagittarian ex- | ' , ae... nylon umbrella only started. Well, maybe his grades Dear Ann Landers: We were 3 , pect to make real progress in|m, er Dy 12" when folded have improved, but mine have married recently in a private H | fiscal affairs. } -- |. . become worse a er Sec gd Only the immediate , é se as "| Personal matters will be gov- | : aes ) Leather-look plastic something -- Flunkin' Floyd families were present , ;erned by generally good influ- : : : Dear Floyd: Standing on one's. When we returned from our SWEDEN S QUEEN OF LIGHT jences during the year ahead, - . : zippered case with sead does improve the circula- honeymoon, we received two : jwith romance favored in late , | wie: handle. Black, brown, 'on and many headstanders letters informing us that dona- Sweden's Lucia, Queen of erature, Miguel Angel As- | April, late June and late July; '\ ; swear by this exercise. The tions to a cancer foundation had| Light, Britt - Marie David- turias, Guatemala's am- | travel and stimulating social ac-} : ' navy, grey. noise, however, is something been made in our honor. We; sgson, 19, is kissed by 1967 bassador to Paris, after he |tivities in late April (an all- | Pees 8.00 else again. Suggest that your have heard of donations in Rey atis : 4 crowned her in Stockholm. | around good period), June and roommate put his laundry bag memory of beloved ones who) Nobel Prize winner in lit- (AP Wirephoto) |August. If you are careful to| or a mattress or some pillows/have died, but never have we}" = = = --SS"O*~C='"S~™SS : ~~ avoid friction in June and mid-| on the floor and fall on them heard of donations to honor/ing isometric exercise with ena-|skin on the surface of the neck.| November, domestic relation-| newlyweds. It seems somewhat|bling her to look years younger|The platysma lies between the) Ships should prove most harmo- | Dear Ann Landers: I've been morbid and in poor taste./although she reduced 20 pounds.|lower jaw and the collarbone. |!0us. i going with this young man for Please comment.--Uninformed |Grin, opening lips side-wide.|Tone in this superficial muscle} A child born on this day will ON te Curling & Driving Gloves: almost two years. He has told Dear Uninformed: Donations|Hold the grin and keep a stiff|is of interest mainly from a cos-|be endowed with a charming | J gi jpersonality and many. talents; . .. diagonally-stitched leather Jewel Case . . velvet-lined and me he loves me and has asked to commemorate happy events,|upper lip as you "set" the jaw,|metic standpoint. me to marry him one day. The such as weddings, anniversaries|contracting hard. Exert pres-| Erect head posture helps to|but will have to curb a tendency | ' problem: We have broken up and births are not only proper,|sure upwards as you resist with|keep all the muscles of the neck| toward excessive gambling. | palms for firm grip. Nylon and : F }j compartmented to separate her three times over a woman twice they make better sense than an'jj, muscles and hold. Repeatitoned. Get the knack of pulling | : : ; 1a aa raat , ; Pes | | wool uppers. Beige, black, ' ; b his age eleventh candy dish or a twelfth Arend ane a i "ith that li | CHILD ADOPTIONS | pp ge, a " é 5 aubles and beads. Extra-deep The woman has a fine hus- pair of booties three times, and do this at east/up with that line at the back of} : brown. One size stretches to Lady Bux- ; : dei wihetscanhaabea ee -- twice daily your néck. Hold the tip of the| , Of an -- eens ioe ' ' ton Leather Ac- drawer glides out when lid Is: _ | ahi ren under in the Unite it all. 2.29 " « ' ; ' KEEP IN TRIM The above exercise tones the/chin level, tipped neither up nor|<i3teg who were born out of f prime p EM clutch, 9.00, 5' lifted. Simulated leather In red, |Platysma, a thin sheet of mus-/down. Practice elegant head| wedlock, about $1 per cent have clutch, 8.00. French purse, 6.00. white or olive green, 15.00 cle fiber which contracts the!posture at all times. been adopted. Key case, 4.00, Milano or saddle green, 10. cacao ob AN a ti st fae hide, Red, black, beige, blue, Cure The Crepey Look (=~ ma " clive green By Toning The Muscles By IDA JEAN KAIN tle daily exercise. To take up| A dieter, singing the blues, the slack, develop the muscles} writes: covering the chin, jaw and neck | us eae a ae so they will fully support the Pe 7 cigar ae Pa a albit skin on the throat. To put the| should give a woman a new Weight back on would be foolish. | lease perite In my case . lose Phe secret of a well rounded but of 16 ene Nek CIDER Pah clearly defined throatline is not : Aa OS ay "in excess fat padding, but in inferiority complex. toned muscles. Bring the mus- "I'm 41 and 1 know that 1 cles back to tone. can't expect to look young, but my neckline is ugiy now. Is GET GOOD RESULTS there anything, short of a face) Isometric exercises in which bft. that will help this saggy/you pit muscle against muscle | skin under my chin and throat? fare particularily effective for! H Are there exercises to tighten'you to develop the muscles| ; : if hi yf ie . ' ~ -- I'm almost tempted to without stretching the skin. Try| ee a j : Se wens POE >.< ge! eavy again am five- this toner 7 Ag fi % H € : - : 4 . choose from a wide as- foot-six and now weigh 135] wtuke' your hand into « fist, y : ' . i : pounds. I asked my doctor/and brace the fist under your ws ' : ; \ sortment of distinctive a ee g he chin. Make sure your head is : ok, . leather billfolds. Variety of richie a che a ,, ane not squarely on your shoulders with ; ; : available in our small town. I tin of chin level. Exert pressure \ We: stylings and colors. 5.00 S*\downward with the chin while} , ; up you resist strongly with fist.) Higa & . looking?" Hold the contraction to a slow| : ; / { English Tote Bag..,roomy ame Convertible Handbags... to Forty is beautifully voung--|times, twice dally | ; BA mB Meh to Le ey ee : Shoe Buffer... he'll | */79 from @ shoulder or carry k cee a : ei: on : | week-end. In rugged herring- : by hand. Three spacious com- partments. Seton grain, in coffee, except to loo l € cost? Some of you will recall the re- black or luggage tan, 8.00 ¢ have a tiger by the tail to buff his shoes to a brilliant Ire and a lit-'ducer who credited the follow-| sh - ; we bone tweed. Black or gold ' 9.95. am, shine with this tiger rag WHEN YOU ENTERTAIN se r table with all the ond friendliness of the day. q bem owers are just. lovely a Z aS 'ail # v oe $5, $6, $10: plate ; ' ; OSHAWA'S answer to t Oronge Trees . $4, $6, $10 plente F Sergeant Pepper Sour Nel asd aang could be St. Gertrude's Se $4, $7.30 pients | arate School rhythm bar $5, $6, $10 dozen ' Se eee : Joseph Castro, a grade fo Hod AP ag pelektecedhe ep sol cad { © teacher at the school, ini Seturdays 5 y 4 < ated the formation of t 728-6555 LOCKE S FLORISTS j Ae : ; rhythm band, two yee I OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE f i d q ' a | ago. It involves childr eo i y | a ee : < to x " i | from grades three to fi emanate ty Via \/ ; ee «3 : } \ Records supply the bac ' Og ' epee : ' | ground melody and sever 4 children keep the beat w tambourines, maraccas, t angles, wooden sticks, bon é i Al ' : ; eS, Ng 2p , J ¢ For Girls RINGETTE For Girls y, om 5 Tas ia | el GI, ' ( drums, sleigh bells, cas é / B Ou nd ; eB La. ee : ee» 4 BOUQUET FRUIT SALA A NEW GAME ' ; ; <a : ; (Low Calorie) ' de Petit-Point Slippers ... ex- : : i 2 oranges oes 1 (15-0z.) can dietetic-pac ON SKATES FOR GIRLS" STRIPES ON Jj ae | quisitely embroidered uppers. SNF | Ghar hhives Open Daily a Hard soles and heels. In bone or (15-0z.) can dietetic-pac ie tas . : ? A M ER RY | f ' ' x é 2 black. Sizes 6 to 9. 3.00 4 a stead halves GO-ROUND | ¥ \ : : : Nylon Tricot : \ - SOCIAL NOTIC | ; Bes ' ' RECEPTION Offered ¢ " : each ? 3 Slip... lavished : In honor of their Beg . . ® . i wedding anniversary, Mr Registration Meeting 13.00 Shimmering Sheer Nylons | With scalloped ; = si "Soman wnt f A | . «the nylons with a lustre- an-Lon' at bo- u. killen, will be happy '0 ; ; ' e ; | ; d wishes of A city-wide registration meeting will be held on finish that shimmer and shine, dice, back and ze , a aia senna : | : is i by their family in Hi FRIDAY DE a : by Phantom. Silver, gold or hem. White or é NS peed from 2:00 - 4:00 5 CEMBER 15th ' I'wo cheery notes sounding brown. Sizes 9 to 11. 2.00 pair, mint. Sizes 34 to . and 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m at 7:30 P.M. in the CENTENNIAL POOL end | Christmas messages with bright, gleeful stripes zooming 'round 38, 5.00 © : Saturday, December 16. _ RECREATION CENTRE for all girls interested in | and 'round these shirt dresses, Cowl-style collar sizzles "i | learning and playing the exciting game of Ringette, | with multi-stripes. Low-slung-square-pocket number jingles with the | Z : s \ OSHAWA TIME hardware look with its zipper front. This, in predominate pink or p righ : : PICTURE RE-PRINTS Registration Fee -- 75e | orange stripes. Both in fully-bonded warm Acrilan.® Sizes 7 to 14 20% Discount on Order PLAYING AGE: i OPEN (Both Children and adults-- GE § o Mon Pidunes Available ot any age, are encouraged to play) i | ip f ay 7 a" | ee ~~: -- NU-WAY PHOT For further information call the Oshawa Recreation | i : CON SERVICE Department at | E < ZZ YOO x : OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626 (gl i o So ee ee \ 251 King St. E., Oshaw 725-1111 § KING STREET EAST, BOWMANVILLE 623-5451 | 5 KING STREET EAST, BOWMANVILLE 623-5451 '<1 ws " OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626 5 x 7--1.25 each aaa