Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Dec 1967, p. 34

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| of anticipated lower earnings, 36 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, December 13, 1967 DIVIDENDS Gol ds Hi i Post-War Recor d ae and is paren By THE CANADIAN PRESS ; dB a Rk es Ra ee HS Se GO Oe WP i 6B 2 es se Se HN OE I British Columbia Forest Prod: 3 Canadian Hydrocarbons Pe) FIVE CHIPS, t ucts Ltd., common 25 cents: 75 4 ho vanced 31% to 25, Shell $4 to 33% MM PAY ME! 7 . t cents pref.; both Feb, 1, record! ut t er Ta Ing Ips and Cominco 14 to 26 : oD | Jan, 12, | Western a os rd ges 4 ' Canadian Pacific Railway) f index to 220.49. Dol Ha se ee i r |Company, common 1.45, Feb. 1,, TORONTO (CP) -- Golds hit! The gold index jumped 5.21/dropped 1% to 52%, Scurry- pe kip eee elieicc ues ee record Dec. 22: 4-per-cent pref.|a post-war record but. the rest|/points to 195.32 on reports of a'Rainbow % to 444 and Hud- 2 TODAY'S STOCKS | F ': ' mits 2-per-cent, Feb. 1, record/of the Toronto 'stock market sotahle oagh ie gold in Eeropenn son Bay Oil, canes Cher' a | oil company got 21.7 cents, the Dec. 22. slipped in moderate activity/markets. Previous record, set in and Chieftain Development 14 | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT leavinie 13.4 cents, the garage Moward Smith Paper Mills| Tuesday. July, 1966, was 192.48. each to 451%, 134% and 10, re- gS . verator 7.3 cents oder L4d., 50 cents pref., Feb, 1, rec-)-- = +: Dome 'advanced. 1% to 60,/spectively. : So ieee | Stock Sales High Low oe chae| . 4 he ss) yeti ihe arg -- ord Jan, 2. cents, Dec. 29, record Dec. 19; Giant Yellowknife 70 cents to} Canadian Export Gas declined reed 95 mr urlees earkec 6: BeeR ake tive 204 ate rice aso ine 1ses Oil company spokesmen say Hudson Bay Oil and Gas Com-|common 2-per-cent stock divi-/9.90, Sigma 50 cents to 5.50,/40 cents to 7.45, United Canso 35 20d Vol, XO-EXdivicend, oat 120 $21.4 214 | Ithey must have more revenue|Pa"y 14d., common 50 cents,|dend, Jan. 16, record Dec. 19. |Camphell Red Lake % to 26%4|cents to 5.05 and Husky % ts eee es ere creas Poe eM from the gas dollar if the indus-\J@n. 22, record Dec. 27; 6214! Supertest Petroleum Corpora-|and Dickenson 15 cents to 3.25. |25%. Triad Oil gained 11 cents previous board-lot closing sale. CD Sugar 228 $2) 2 ; | . . cr se cents pref., Jan. 15, record Dec. |i 5 ts: ' 1.25! The industrial index fell .73 to|to 2.89. : 7 Can Cem 155 $27! ' t try is to improve. ce jtion, common cents; ' 1.25| 'The industri 'lined base metals, High- MINES Con Brew W775 nan ? ower an os Iving And a spokesman for the Ga- 27- /pref.; common 2% cents; all) 159.91. Algoma Steel pecliae aos "ge bien a a ak dar Ce An A 1 aus Ye rage Operators' Association for| I. T. 1. Industries Ltd., com-| Jan. 15, record Dec. 27. 1% to 18%, Imperial Oil an panes ell and Hu ve ste fh Stock Sales. High Low a.m. Ch'ge| C Curtiss 700 265 --5§ DEER ae e Ontario commented; "If our op-|mon 5 cents; 40 cents pref.;| Trans-Canada Pipe Lines Trans-Canada Pipe Lines 1 each]ing declined 1 point eac o a Ade Ge m7 7° 7 Can. Esuty 1500 $54 5th SG Ve By JANE BECKER {15 years has been increasing erators are going to stay in'both Jan, 2, record Dec. 20. Ltd., common 25 cents, Jan, 31,|to 67% and 26%, Bell % to 43!9 and 56. Granisle picked up Me 4 'Akalicho $000 2 | ,'mp Bnk 640 $i3% 1394 1344 %| TORONTO (CP) -- Gasoline| provincial road taxes, business they'll have to increase. Jefferson Lake Petrochemi-jrecord Dec. 29; 70 cents pref.,{and Moore Cpr. 14 to 29%. 11, The group index slipped . Am Moly | Slo sarcon 222 $178 188 1% [prices in Canada have soared) These have risen between their share of the profits." leals of Canada Ltd., common 15!Feb. 1, record Dec. 29. Corby fell 2 to 2734 on reports|to 101.83. ] Ang Ruyn | CP Inve pr 1217 $23% 23% as and sagged in the last 15 years,| three and eight cents a gallon Ang U Dev CPR 406 $57% S74 57% +. hit consecutively by shortages,|since 1949, varying by province. 2 Ares C Refract 150 $12%% 12% 12% is a " = Argosy | Gdn Tire A 70 435" 30m a5 + oversupply, and ae a a hag beg ng Oo ir CWN 5'4 p 725 $18 18 price wars, in / rta to cents in New- peer Shercel tre -- The Dominion Bureau of Sta-| foundland. " . 7) B-Dav | CHUM A 1618 $22 21% 2 4 t4/ tistics' latest figures, however,| In 1952 the provinces collecte BL Hewk iv 900 440 440 440 +8 show the price paid by Cana-| $196,800,000 in gasoline taxes. In Biot eet 2 sind ty a oe dians for gas has risen only/1965, the last year for which) soe | 560 $25%% 25% ; , about one-third as much as the! complete figures are available, Cae dine 810 $22 21% 21% + %* cost-of-living index as a whole the figure was $671,900,000, an ee a * since 1949 increase of nearly 314 time, | ¢ Tung ' Last August gasoline cost 16. During the same period total| € Dyno venti M * per cent more than it did in 1949 gasoline sales rose 2.8 times Ser ete Deita Elec +10 and 1! per cent more than in from 1,600,000,000 gallons in 1 Chib-K Dit Seag " 1952, The composite price index| to 4,500,000,000 gallons in 1965. ??-YO' QUIT: paved Dofasce has risen 50 per cent in the last} A recent survey by Imperial | JOB A-GUARB Coch Will 18 vears Oil Ltd. shows provincial road VALLEY, DILLY Coin Lake Nevertheless gasoline is 'a taxes now take 35 per cent of [- = 5! aa » sensitive enough item that six every gasoline dollar compared faq ' pevalpal 25 $10. 10 4 ? provinces have ordered investi- with 28 per cent 10 years ago. a Si! Negus 150 $88 8B 88 gations into its pricing in the GIVES BREAKDOWN = C Red Pop Parte hay aue last decade hy youd ag re oS: over 00 site. 2 8 2 284 In Nova Scotia the maximum According: to the ee rata foal Craigmt 100 Aik 77» 77a + % dealer markup is controlled by here is how the AVETARE retai Re. Cstlend a a oe a7 legislation-- at present 8.5 cents| Price paid for regular gasoline ed Scowpet : 2$$192 19 a gallon. In other provinces !" 10 major Canadian cities this} D'Aragon ae ~ * dealers. may charge what they/SUmmer was allocated (prices Fated - * like, recognizing their highly, 47@ often' higher outside metro- | moo competitive situation. Pics oor calioa: 46 cents; oil ome ' cod Be , 1 Bead ?13,/ TAXES KEY company share,. 18.9 cents; | Pole Although gasoline prices rose'provincial road tax, 16.4 cents; Frobex about four per cent. between garage operator's share, 8.6 Sate _ [1955 and 1957 because of short- cents; federal sales tax, 2.1 Goldrim 0 $8. 86. 'a6 «|S BES brought on by the Suez eri- cents. | bebo ly 1644 $15% 15'4 15% + Ve SIS, the main factor in their up-| In 1957 the average retail Grarisie ' ped a 7% i + ward movement during the last!price was 43.9 cents. Of this the} Gunner Ind Accept 900 $20% 20% 20% -- 14 Sse) RESmERS nT 2 IBERIA SU ATA aS ai RRO Ind Adhes 00 $7 "-"" BUSINESS BRIEFS Hollinger 7 100 -$11%@ 11" ll*e-- vw 500 $9% 9% 93% 100 $174 17% 74+ 4) By THE CANADIAN PRESS |with 9,166,019 in 1966. Pig iron| 738699 699 609~~COCS : i : production fell to 6,357,710 tons| 101s $t24'4 12419 1244 + %| INCREASE DIVIDEND from 6.709.094. | je aml ao ae Bia ae aie Hudson's Bay Oil and Gas Co. Kopan Pipe 185 $22! 22' 2! 14 Ltd. has increased its 1967 an-| PROPOSES MORE TRADE oo Per pe weigh nual dividend by 10 cents to 50) Canadian business was invited Lengis ro A 3320 $7%4 747i, vg cents, the company said in Cal-iTyesday to join with Polish in- Leitch Ind 1 4 154+ % gary Tuesday. The 1967 divi- ae et Les a5 19 ae a8 40 dend is payable Jan. 22, 1968 to dustries in direct deals or joint 4a 584 S94 +1l2 ing i Macl Meh 800 45 45 45 9) Jeffersn w 200 $507 S07 50% + 7% Shareholders of record Dec. 27,/ventures to produce goods for pens a Ba ee a ee a Re sa Pour , t ¥| 1967. Canada or third markets, Henri| wee om ef "PRODUCTION DOWN meagan penta fer sellor of thc olish embassy, Steel ingot production in Nov- 4 ember amounted to 772,734 tons told a press conference in Toron- McWat 3500 § ¢ 50 $36% 364 36% +1 jersthad 1 ny r ' % ae a % Lem a compared with 784,485 in Nov-|to that Poland is anxious to im-} Mogul Min 6200 475 46s 470 3400 $6 65x 6x -- a Ember last year, the Dominion prove its trade balance. During Nealon 2500 s Bureau . of Statistics reported the last seven years, Poland has Hoe oeabi 19 ee 4 -- % Tuesday. Steel ingot production| ge y tied Z 6 N Hosce 900 161° 160 ee for the first 11 months of 1967\recorded a $200,000,000 trade} bd 63 $244 2 24 -- V4 1 > gr j . N Imperal 7700 233 ve $i 19% jose" totalled 8,780,987 tons, compared! deficit with Canada. | . 210 $37 37 7 43 sweeter Pe et ee na pater 585 4) "Donald Fleming Posted 18 100 $19 10205. $10 175 220 2ee-* To West Indies Banking 6565 $30 2954 3 + 250 $1B% 18% 18% | 00 $18 18 % --?2 mm wet - . nn Ra ee See ) TORONTO (CP) -- Donald) Diefenbaker from 1957 to 1962 ted wis - He Fleming, former Progressive | and justice minister from 1962 ius-$1]} 31. Conservative finance minister) to 1963. Nor CtiG p 200 $234 23' 23'2-- % and unsuccessful candidate for) 7 NCG B 2p 550 $27% 27% 274-- "ithe party leadership last Sep-| He served on Ane moar o party snip Jast S€p-| sovernors of the International Osilvie 2150 $138 134 134 .uy| Oshawa A 7 tember, will move to the Baha-| Monetary Fund' from 1957 to VP peepee au mas early next year as general!19§3 and headed the Canadian Pac Pete w | . ; r . anaes = 1 recline 425 $2014 204 2014 counsel in the West Indies for delegation to World Bank meet-| PC Jwi pr 29 $100 100 100 the Bank of Nova Scotia, the! jngs in those years. | cL Ee ee, ae ee Ce a, | Dank @eld Tuesday, | | seve 6': 6%' Mr. Fleming retired from ac-; In 1961 he was elected the) 5 $614 6% 64+ * tive politics in 1963; until throw-| first chairman of the Organiza- $isva 15'a 15" bd tion for Economic Co-operations ing his name into the Conserva- tive leadership race, and since 195 190 195 and Development, with head-| Roman 425 $ 24% 243% + | Hy ory dese : ' then has been a lawyer with the quarters in Paris, and served in! Sherritt a 5 Toronto firm of Blake, Cassels, that post for two years. Sigma 19 jand Graydon. While he was finance minis-| Si tates 3 } | Mr, Fleming was finance min- ter, Canada started its program ; Silvma 6 $ 16% ister under Prime Minister/of aid to the West Indies. n"n Sisco 4 o $ 3M sf RIES eA di Set ee Tea arias ets oa aa EE ba Stanrck +10 $14 4a | | = Steen $15 15% 15% | Teck Core 5 S$ $35 * 35 3 | hs [=] ron te €ss Froauctive yectors 9 Trin Chib 200 ¢ > $10.10 0 Tundra * 5 100 $14%% 14% 14% -- Lod Com 23500 $46 46 OB iy In Keno 65 & 25 25 300 .300 300 Urban © 0 $654 6% 654--- | Ser ute js 2 20 Fact Yuedec investors = White Star 0 7 7a 7" -- Wiles 26 2614 -- % Willroy Wr fais 225 160 16 MONTREAL (CP) -- Quebec) has lagged behind the growth of { Yk Bear 500 305 ; 1, capital is concentrated in "'less Ontario, the Prairies and Brit- 0 vidvnamie and less productive ish Columbia. OILS, GAS y sectors" than in Ontario, says a Mr. Lavoie said many factors Alminex 2100 655 450 450 leading Quebec banker, because favor Que bec's development Am; Ledie 8500-20 "4 Quebec investors tend "to seek over that of Ontario--including| the government and institution- forest, mineral and power re- al sectors rather than' indus-|sources, abundant manpower| . ye Poa ay try," and the St. Lawrence Seaway-- What's the USE of advertising? 105 105 105 1 ts e aragiaent of thi but '"'psychological factors must he a ' eo Lavoie, president OF. vie be favorable". to attract the ia ees Provincial Bank of Canada, told 220 220-220 ---20 7 1, needed external capital | ' ona 7 the annual meeting of the bank : ri . S | e aoe 290 295 Tuesday that as a result of this Baga gd a ag rl . > 6 $i4a I4'a 14'2~--'4 yattern of investment, Quebec wale uae wee ay 1 1 has 'tno other choice" than to growth of investment would be 9 $173 15, é é affeo , j i 205 200 200 --IS call upon outside capital to help affected by the situation in the the development of its econ- Unien Sues, poids I " "If the U.S. economy recovers MICKEY MOUSE Saiet to 11 ar 794,000 ids a more regular and rapid be Pane tt Nanlte Galena ol ialites ' : : ee) ae an ' Auhiode Ob proce investinentel#rowth ae MEME ear fore Let's face it. Jack's job as a quality inspector, yourjob,and But if he didn't advertise, if he couldn't sell all the mer- PRODUCE in manufacturing in Quebec re- see, the Canadian economy will mine, all depend on a growing economy. And continued --_ chandise he produced, it wouldn't be long before he had to moninene ice\ << Wholecsikie ee es economic growth depends on increased production, Which --_ lay off some of his workers. If this happened in many to retail carton €ggs average depends on increased consumption. Which, in turn, _ businesses, the whole economy would slow down. Anda lot wale : d by t weighted prices quoted by the of people would be out of work. department of Berets ee of Need capital for depends on sales, Tuesday: J r 7.6; J e- ae . PY Sa) * * >: dium 41.1 A small 30 _ That's where advertising comes in. It's a means of selling But let's look on the bright side of things, Advertising does bint, Migs? --|Gium 411 A small 30.3. | different projects? ee ae , goods or services--a rather special means, for oneadina _ stimulate sales. Increased sales lead to increased produc- Distribution of Treasury Shares Eggs: Wholesale prices to The Toronto Stock Exchange has been ; : | : 5 ' wericountry stations fibre-cases quot Look into the daily newspaper usually reaches thousands of consumers. __ tion. And increased production leads to more jobs and more _ advised that the follow tion reements which m cuit d t ) t f oh les ] di I t tekiny shares. ol hale: Lor pie gt eng en a Thus it helps to sell merchandise to a great many people. _job security, for Jack O'Hara, for you, for all of us. ing under distriputio f ugh lers: @) ge 45-47 Thi 1 cat gem, aninn ze yes . saad This accomplished, the advertiser must-in¢rease his pro- ,- : : : gy og oe 5. +10 * yall 24; B 27.28: Cabal. " rieten ra gine ach eal. Think about it next time you pick up your daily newspaper. Butter: Canadian Dairy Com-| The ads you read actually help keep all of us on the job. have entered into underwr INDUSTRIALS mission tenderable carlots buy- cn 159 SYSTEM OF FINANCING Abitibt 2000 § hm Ye 'Acklends 20.$15% 15% 154+ "ing 39 score 62; buying 40 score re Gent 2 BEM ee ee lps. gelling 6s Convenient one-package financing -- $25,000 to CA ee pig aires aie $1,000,000 or more--is available to cover your £2 Js 844 \$ PARTICIPANTS INCREASE | complete program. Advantages: one transaction, instead of several; repayment terms to fit your ca- Algo Cent Algoma St Be eer nee MOSCOW (AP) -- The num- : . ber of participants in sports ac- pacity; avoids short-term equipment financing. See Alcar oo aR ee a es in the Soviet Union has RoyNat Ltd. at Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, & 55 $ soared from 40,000 to 50,000,000 Regina, Cal or Vanco! * :@ Sib 19 1s + Y in the last 50 years, a Soviet of-| ane mee eee $ 07% + % ficial said Tuesday. Tass, the Or enquire through any branch of Je oe ee official Soviet news agency,!| THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA . > is 8% BANQUE CANADIENNE NATIONALE ' MUGGS. AND SKEETER Alumin. 2p Anthes A Alcan pr ibaa : quoted a Russian sports official) ee ae ee was as saying there are 180 Soviet THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY pemal_ w 300 725 7795. 725° + candidates for the Winter Olym MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY foe ee ete ee eee GENERAL TRUST OF CANADA : : ste "PURCHASED DAILY BY OVER 24,000 OSHAWA AND DISTRICT RESIDENTS" 0. "es A Bk Bi BC Forest 16 817% 17% 17 ice City next October. L . / }

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