BLONDIE LI'L ABNER DONALD DUCK SHUT THAT WINDOW - I CAN FEEL THE DRAFT WAY OVER JUST- MADE IT- SCHATTERSIN TIME. MY LIPS ARE TURNING BLUE! | Act! Weve alarmed the Cubans te tel ates seme ct out of here. wempe dg munyeng Pury o9 prem BRAZEN YANKEES! wow DARE THEY SNEAK A SUB TO THE VERY © King Festeres Syndicate, tae. 1967, World rights reserved. | IMPERIALIST UPSTARTS! THE NERVE oF THEM!.., WE'VE GOT FROGMEN! SEND THEM OUT... INVESTIGATE! \ oom BUT HE FIRE? inaten Syeducate, ten, 1967, World tights v JANE ARDEN IT's DILLY 2 DILLY? TH' VALLE WHO'S GUARDIN' ) MAH KID BROTHER, KIN HE /{ AS AH IS/' IF ANYTHING IN /CHAW? DO TH' VALLEY TRIESTOBUST' ¢ IT'S re OUT--HE'LL SPLATTER IT SECRET AGENT X9 I GOT A LEGAL WARRANT FROM too SHERIFF FRANKS OF DEL RIO, THIS ft) FELLOW WAS WANTEP DEAD oR. ALIVE, L TRIED To ARREST HIM SKIN OUT, I HAP TO SHOOT. ON ME AN' TRIED TO WHO'S ATTENDING eh THE NISSILE WE TELE! SAY A FEW WORDS... BUT....NOT WITH ATEN YOUR WIFE THIS EVENING, MR. FOSTER. NATURALLY, YOU WILL. GE SHOTGUN...../ WiLL, PHONE OTHERWISE, TOSHU @ TREMENDOUS SAVINGS @ G.M.A.C. FINANCING The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. 266 KING ST. W. 723-4634 Discover Canada's newest outdoor sport - Go Wide-Iracking Pontiac WE HAVE RE DHOT BUYS FOR THE COLD WINTER SEASON ON '68 PONTIACS WIDE CHOIC E OF MODELS NUBBIN WHERE YOU GOIN, THAM? J' RUNNING AWAY FROM HOME/ BVERYONE Sista teas 496). Wedd cafe cumsrveds NOW... IF YOU WOULD PLEATHE HEAD ME IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION oo» ZiL PROVE TNOT DUMB/ Z'LL RUN AWAY ALL B MYTHELFS TELEVISION LOG Channel 2--Buffalo 10:00 | 7--How's Your Mother-in- inne! 3--Barri |1--Merv Griffin | Law? aps edi 4--Diek van Dyke 7--Hollywood Palace Channel 4~--Butfalo | 9--Drama Special 2-8--Hellywood Squares Channel 6--Toronte 4--CBS Reports 12 NOON Channel 7--Buttalo 3-6-12--News Magazine | 12.3_News, Weather, R st 10.30 P.M, Sports Channel O---Rochester 3-6-12--Public Eye 11--Little People Channel 9--Toronto | 11:00 PM. | 7--Movie Channel 11--Hamilton 23 6-7-8. sai | %--Terente Teday Channel 12--Peterbo " 9-11-12--News, Luncheon Date ee ee. 4_News, Weather, Sports TUBSDAY EVENING | 1210 P.M bstaaoaniy id 12.10 P.M, 3--Super Heroes 12:38 P.M. 12--R ait ons friend: | IP ae eM. | ROCKY ani irlends 2 1i--Combat | 6--Viewnoint &--Mr. Ed 7--Flintstones | 11--Photo Finish" | Eye Guess | 14:25 P.M, é--News, Weather, Sports 3-6-4-12--Search for Te JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE ; H Speman: FOLLOWING MB OR GET YOURSELP Py----T_ ARRESTED! 4--Perry Mason 11:30 PLM. S6-Fr Jr. | 7--Movie 1_Merv. Griffin iach bed P.M. 4--Movie 12:45 PAM --Flintstones 2-8--Johnny Carson fs fiend &Truth or Consequences 11:35 P.M. | *46-12---Guilding Light -- . 3--Outer Limits | 12m 1:00 PLM. ets Go . lovie 3--Mr. Ed | ietiol Line | 11--Mike Douglas ' prion Ml rane ee | '@--Dialing fer Dollars, 11--Pierre Berton Virginia Graham eae Beane 11:45 P.M, | 7~Fugitive date pene | 12--Mevi é--Luncheon Date | 12:18, AM, | 4--Meet The Millers é--Reacn fer the Top | @--Movie Movie +12 News, Sports, | 12:30 AM. | Ain RK feather | iT MM. $~Petticoat Junction L rehpada i aicotad 64~As The World Turns 6:38 P.M, t--Let's Make A Deal 12--Avengers WEDNESDAY | 2:00 P.M. ravi | $:60 AM. | 7--Newlywed Game Weather; Sports | 11--Schnitzel_ House Sa hi +News w | ee ene $-2--Days of @ur Lives ag er | ®-University of The Air 2:30 P.M. 7:00 PM. 8:55 A.M, 12--Calendar 9--Batma 4 7--Dialing for Dellars, ps8 am ee [/ tat YouR CHOICE -- EITHER STOP DON'T YOU... PMN tach Hayeid ee kane +a The Doctors WHAT IN THE ebay his" |1211--Ed Allen Time 1--Dream Girl WORLD ARE 3--Mothers-in-Law 9--Romoer Room | 6--Coronation Street you at 3--News, Weather, | 8--Crosstire | 4--Heuse Party DONG 2) Sports 6--Meta 3:00 P.M. 4--Contact | 9--Magistrates Court 3--Good Morning 9=Pat Boone 8-2--Another Werld 9:30 A.M. 7--General Hospital . 4--Te Tell the Truth 9--Jerry Lewis 4--Love of Lite 0 ooMete 1-6-12-- axe ea &I D f Je a 335 P.M, T=Me. Dickens of | 34611-12-Ontario Schools | «News 7--News, Weather 7:0 P.M, W--Cimarron Strip London : 3:38 P.M. 612--He and She l--Movie 11--Hawkeye 4--Daktari %--Uncle Bobby 9--It's Your Move 3--Rat Patrol | &-2--Snap Judgment 2-8--You Don't Say 2--High and Wild +-Candid Camera 7--Cemmander Tem 200 P.M. | 10:30 A.M, 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 3-6-12--Red Skelton | &-2--Concentration 4:0 PLM, 28--Jerry Lewis | 7--Family Game 1l--Super Heroes 8:30 P.M, 4--Beverly Hillbillies $--I Love Lucy © King Features Syndicate, Inc. 1967. World sights reserved. 8--The Mateh Game 9--Andy Williams 3-6-12--Bonnie Prudden 7--Invaders 4--Red Skelton 9:00 P.M, 11--Under Attack | 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 11:00 A.M, 4--Secret Sterm 2--Mike Douglas 4:30. P.M, | 12--Romper Room |9--Tugboat Annie | 2-8--Personality | 7--Temptation 1l--F_ Troop 8-Leave It to Beaver 3-6-12--Hatch's Mill 2-8--Movie | A asigal A Griffith FOR A SECOND? GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER ae I THOUGHT 1 WAS 9:30 P.M, 6-- Mr. Dressup 9--Movie HEADING FOR "THE ek aly Special | an eee ia 100 or , ; --N.Y.P.D. i--Ma e nfiden 'onsequences LAST ROUNDUP: Haun tne Wona Lace riage Kent ential se Te ACROSS 52. Metal 21, Scru- 1. Discolored fasteners tinize . Regatt: 24. Cleft . ne) aaa DOWN 26, Joint " panied 1, Rabbits 28, Allen EE IRI 2. Sick of [G|RIAINIO EG] S Ans, gmat the --_[CIAROIMIBILIUIR} for short Bocca "G [AIMmMSTAIR|AIS MP 12, Joins 4, Bring upon reen Ml 14. Cuckoo oneself Moun. Hy 5. Regarded tain a +h Chine 6, Football Boys" WIAIN [UM GOING TO THE 4 [GOLLY HER WRITING | [WONDER WHY SHE 'CAUSE THEN SHE COULDN'T J); measure aod Bb ae wistudiv'e "kanes goal | SUPERMARKET FOR! | 1S SO AWFUL YOU DOESN'T TYPE HER HIDE HER BAD SPELLING / 16. Russian position: . 4 prev GRANDMA CAN HARDLY READ) |, GROCERY LISTS,' ' council abbr. hogs . Broaden iT ~---- 17, Perch 7. Macaws 31. Occur 41. Spirit pu 18.Conjunction 8Dog 32. In- lamp 20, Twilled 9, Journalist vaders 43, Koran He " fabrics 12, Lath of chapter 22. Negative 13. Savory Britain 47. Droop 23. 'Autocratie 19.Surrealist 34, Pressure 49. Decigram? "ruler painter 35, Sunburns abbr. 25, Haggle | zits We fi fe 27. Fib 4) Wy 29. Man's yo Y TT nickname YZ, VA, 30. Changes 12 iy G 14 position Y 33. Bird's is V7/\ie 7 mT home Y /) ZA. as TM TRYING TOLINE UPA ) 377 36, Exclama- 16 9 20 21 22 FEW GUYS WHOMIGHT BE 4" 7 tion YY WY INTERESTED IN EXCHANG! 37. Melt t Sas a 2 39. Greek Y ee letter V7\27 28 V77\29 40. open: root. V/V Y Wi 42, Central 30 131 32 Y 33 34 [35 line 44, Woman in 36 37 36 V77)39 white: abbr. YY Le ns 45, Likely 40 41 4% 43 46. Small WY) 1, lumps 45 GY 4o 47 48, Wait upon VA, 50. Belonging 48 49 50 UY, toa Roman g % emperor 51 Sa 51, Concealed Y obstacle 3 HUBERT WIN | a Dont trackup YO i VA\\ MY CLEAN Floor: ECS I'M GLAD THE BoYS AT THE OFFICE CAN'T SEE YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: We. are three ladies, all 60 years old. I was once an inch or inch and a half shorter than the others, who are twins. I am heavy boned, and weigh the same as I did the day I finished school: 158 pounds and 5 feet 8 inches. The others were smaller boned but tall. They weigh 190 or better and have had a blood deficiency all their lives. At present they are nearly two inches shorter than I am. Please tell us what is happening.--L, I. Losing some height is not un- common as one gets older. A slouching posture is a com- mon cause, but there also may be an actual decrease in the size of vertebrae due to certain bone changes. That is, the spine can actually decrease in length. In the particular instance you cite, the excessice weight--190 pounds and more--could con- tribute to both postural and bone defects which could make your friends shorter while you have kept more trim and main- tained your height--and doubt- less your good posture, Dear Dr. Molner: My brother has gout. What food can he eat and what can't he eat?--M.S. Diet isn't the whole thing. He should follow a diet low in pu- rines. Briefly, he should avoid organ meats (liver, kidney, sweetbreads), no anchovies, sardines, roe. Also avoid meat extracts, such as bouillon, broth, gravies. Other meats, fowl and fish are allowable in small amounts. Among vegetables, limit the amount of beans, peas, spinach' asparagus, lentils. But do not depend on diet alone, because medication these days is bringing welcome com- Slouching Posture Adds To Height Loss By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: I have been given the liver function test three times in the last year and each time the fat retention was between 5 and 14. My doctor says I should give up drinking for at least a year. The extent of my drinking is about two highballs each evening and maybe four on Sat- urday and four on Sunday. Would you say this amount of alcohol would cause this condi- Yes, I'll bet you have drunk more in the past.--G.M. Yes, I'll bet you have lrunk more in the past! But there's a difference he- tween what caused liver dam- age in the first place, and what may increase the damage now. If you are smart, you will do what your doctor told you to do --quit for at least a year. And unless the doctor then gives his specific approval to start drink- ing again, don't. The test does not measure fat retention but rather a dye retention. Five is upper normal, 14 is high. Note to Mrs. G.R.S.: I consist- ently refuse to tell anyone whether she should have her tubes tied to prevent further pregnancy, or whether her hus- band, instead, should have the operation. This is a question the individual must decide, on the basis of all the facts. But keep in mind my warning: If you have it done, do so with the ex- pectation that it will be perma- nent. There is no assurance that it can be "undone" later. Any- way, there are other methods of preventing pregnancy, the "pill" as well as others. BEST FRIEND About 14,000,000 American homes, including the White House, have one or more pet THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 12, 1967 22 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Both sides vulnerable. NORTH 45953 @A10985 @AK 104 WEST A we KQ108 or K74 10652 Sivves 73 _ SOUTH @AT4 eQJ2 @Q93 &KIES The bidding: South West North East 1m Pass 19 Pass INT Pass 3NT Opening lead--king of spades. Just as the declarer tries to give his opponents every oppor- tunity to make a mistake dur- ing the play, so the defenders should also play in such a way that declarer is given a chance to go wrong. Psychology is a concomitant of many hands, and the failure to give the opposition a chance to make a mistake can be just as expensive as an error of commission This hand' occurred in a team of four event. West made the natural lead of the king of spades and declarer won with the ace, South led the queen of hearts and finessed, and East allowed the queen to win. De- clarer continued with the jack, and this time East took the king. East returned a low club. De- clarer had no way of knowing where the ace and queen were located and decided to play low, hoping East had led away from the queen, But West showed up with the queen and returned a club to East's ace. By now, South had lost three tricks and, when East played a diamond -- locking declarer in dummy -- South was defeated. He could not avoid losing two spade tricks at the end and went down one East made the key play when he refused the queen of hearts. Had he taken the queen, South would have had the jack as a later reentry » his hand to cash the two established club tricks and the queen of diamonds. By ducking the queen and then taking the jack, East broke de- clarer's chain of communication with dummy. Of course, South could have made the contract had he known the situation. Even after East had ducked the heart and taken the next heart lead, South could have recovered by going up with the king of. clubs and playing a spade towards dum- my. But East's line of defense was deliberately designed to give South a chance to go wrong, and turned out successfully. He gave declarer the rope with which to hang himself. NEWS BRIEFS PARSLEY COVERED "No matter what my wife cooks she covers it with par- sley," says Richard Benjamin of Paula Prentiss, his spouse and co-star on CBS-TV's He and She. 'Everything she serves looks like a lawn." LUCKY TO HAVE JOB "I'm lucky to have a job in show business," says Carol Bur- nette. "You don't see too many want ads for actors or ao tresses."' BEGAN DANCING Linda Kaye had her showbusi- ness beginnings as a dancer, with the San Fernando Civie Ballet and the Bart Prival Youth Ballet. STARTED AT EIGHT June Lockhart made her professional debut at age eight, playing Mimseh in "the Metro- politan Opera's production of Peter Ibbetson. NOW AN ACTOR Tom Lester was working in the chemical department of a film laboratory when he got his first professional acting job--as Eb in Green Acres on CBS. CO-ED DANCERS The June Taylor Dancers have gone co-ed--six male danc- ers have been added to the for- merly all-feminine group, bring the total number to 23. BORN IN 1914 Amos Muzyad Jacobs, known all over the world as Danny Thomas, was born in Deerfield, Mich., in 1914, the fifth of nine children of Syrian immigrant parents. QUEENIE "Ah! Here it is--'Music to calm the savage beast'... ." fort to gout sufferers, dogs. " JUNI Smaller features cotton fe els are r cushione turn ball Set inclu Scoring ¢ cues, SPECIA TOYS, |