18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 11, 1967 2--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr---Ex from previous board-lot closing sale MINES es eae a May Flame Inflation Earlier Sunday, warehouse Acad Uren 9000 Sia Sia S15 Meine Inv 2200 46 46 46 All Pitch 1000 10 #19 10 +'% Am Larder 2000 31'2 3) 4+ Am Moly 1000 2 2 > Patino 500 $142 14% 14 + V4}, HB Ol Gas 100 $45 45 45 U Buftfadn Un Keno West Mine White Star Yk B Yukon € Zenme Zulape" | No-Stri 1 F 7 ABR RA OB Oh es OB A ek EW We RR RHKERARCEKRARTORERHRARRARAw we J at... H Vote P : ; me MONTREAL (CP) -- Employ- Gee BS 1s Bo ve Bos th a iB Li (if -- --- ees of Steinberg's Ltd. super-| - - _____.... markets in the Montreal area ' voted Sunday night not to go on TODAY'S STOCKS our tconomy nd A spokesman for the employ-| : ees said the union will request TORONTO. 10:0 AM. STOCKS Stock Sales High cao ow e ] F e e that the ih i dispute be ee take mien makes 41 pinmecs ws 3 taken to mediation. ert dl as SR co ala Place 4 2600 is i ta Mercuria iInanc Ing The employees voted 1,588 to 4 7 is, Ranger 3500 525 S15 525 +5 rights, xw--Ex-werrants. Net change is Scurry Rn $00 $45" 4S ST er 7100 108 103 105 +2 Triad Oil 7700 275 +6 10:40 Net W Decalta 7550 355 350 355 Steck Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge W Decit w 500 160 160 160 Primary Distribution i Distribution of Treasury Shares advised that the following companies e * H . have entered into underwriting and op. Sets bring howls from business By WARREN BALDWIN | The Toronto Stock Exchange has been ()T'TAWA -- Most federal bud-jand Mr. Sharp right but itis aiding guests he has no way of|one-vote majority was nol Un Wburn 125 $78 7% 7%-- VW ting back government expendi- mainly as clerks. He: may prove to be wrong; But unlike the Biblical -wed- but union spokesmen ! fact that the crystal balls in| compelling them to come in.j;enough on which to call t ts which sull in and are defended by enono-|the finance department have|And his preliminary feelers on/ strike. BA jon agreements which may result in a . P' The' warehouse employees 'ily newspapers was an-| its objections or be voted down. FUEL OIL jand provincial governments 400 against a strike which would have affected 5,500 who work employees of Steinberg's voted 458 to 457 in favor of a strike) 'Three-Day Meeting Opens Study National Housing from the premiers' Confedera- g TA 'i OTTAWA (CP)--The federal) step in federal-provincial rela tion" of 'Tomorrow conference tions by recognizing that urban meet today, hoping to catch up problems can be met only with| two weeks ago in Toronto. : on national dilemnas in housing co-ordinated government action. | The lack of adequate housing and urbanization. It also promises to be the first) at reasonable cost in the na- Their three-day conference such conference since the Sec-|tion's cities will be the main promises to mark an important ond World War declared open to! preoccupation of the conference. = | the press. The agenda also includes pol- Prime Minister Pearson has)lution and transportation prob- received general support from/lems, and the question of the i i ing thatiforms that inter-government the premiers in proposing that|fo rage gg Dailies Reach i | i ted.|co-operation mus' | Tentative Pact jall plenary sessions be repor' Reetospobsiam tiga: bhai ainatcanaaae brat ioe VANCOUVER (CP) Tent | Premier Walter Weir af ora . - P) -- Tenta- toba has been the lone dissen-| tive agreement to end a three-|ter, but the decision was to be| JF YOU ARE NOW TAKING day strike that had stopped pub-| taken formally today and Mani-, lication of Vancouver's twoltoba was apocied to withdraw A poi pad pia w Ang Ruyn 1000 80 80 H po of th sigh ; ' Aree 500 295 290 290 -- § | treasury shares ore onthe thoue, Mists and others whose inter-| not been working too well in|the subject of price and wage) ¢ . e f ck ee He toctiline at the Piece nrovs" osts are broader and largely|the last.year or so. In March|guidelines have been anything/also will remain at work oie ae! eS s eneied All sides have agreed to open | yey you svoutp avy MR TODAM hk et kk Armore 10000 19/2 19' 192 +1 academic. Finance Minister|1966, on the assumption that but promising. Here moderate-|the union will try to take their ny ae ih lacs ier Pacitte ae sessions today, when Mr. Pear- the Laxative Tablet with the Aunor 220 265 265 265 paylldgs id joo, 8 E. Sharp's latest effort may re-|restraints on spending were|ly higher unemployment will/ dispute to mediation. Lita B da: the. ¥; Wee son was to be in the chair and | GENTLE DIFFERENCE Beinn aes oho as Jas Sarimeo 70 12 12 (12 verse the rule, Business is tak-|needed, personal income tax|be his best ally. If predictions) The supermarket employees 0. tagiee "a Se ia to deliver a nationally-televised 1. entle-acting Mt... Nature's Big Nee = 5? Aa ng oe cad ay aed 2a ing it in its stride. But in Tor-|was. raised and a refundable are fulfilled and wage de-|have asked for a weekly $20 in- carly sak one Bae "day statement for the federal gov- Remedy! There is no letdown, no Sunny we onto last week the economist|/tax imposed on corporations to mands are lessened it may/crease in a two-year contract--| 3 gtr i Ohh ga bout | ernment. uncomfortable after-feeling. Nt is Cam Mine INDUSTRIALS of the National Industrial Con-) prevent further business expan- never be known' whether Mr.}$13 the first year and $7 the sec-|i9 bapa Sucdae pa Sand ont] PREMIERS TO FOLLOW an all-vegetable laxative. For over Comfto ference Board, Richard Scott-|sion. At the same time the fi- Sharp's persuasive powers or|ond. Average weekly salary cur- 2:30 a in, "Aone Fig ht as epee ware to fol- 70 years, NM has been giving folks bg J porate Se ae aa Ram, described it as inapprop- nance minister hinted at heav- more competition in the labor rently is $80. eerie oe age ' F ai al as delegation lead.| pleasant, effective relief overnight. € Dyno Alta Gas w 300 600 600 600 riate and excused it only onlier taxes to come. Before the market deserve the credit. 'i 'alls Of the agreement were low, as 8 | : Z Can Keely Algoma St ° the ground that after its over-\new taxes could have -any ef. | ' not immediately disclosed. Ajers from Saskatchewan and M tonight... Sen" Rice P spending and over lending| fect business and consumer OUR ECONOMY Expo 67 Helped guild spokesman said guild ne-|British Columbia -- in ier morrow alright? Can-ter, | ee : eter oases | i f st. the! gotiators would recommend ac-| premiers Thatcher and Bennett. Can-ter Anthes A '» the government was not in a/Spending both flattened out and| On one point at least the °°) P : : | Helps you feel better tri rqus y . 5 ; 4 . m4 j nl 2 ent" Pat retailed "financial position to give the| there was threat of a slight re- prophets inside and outside the! To Tip Payments po hi pitty ie Tin on Earned while Mr Bar| Epes van So af Rig We 1) lt Canadian economy the push that /cession. finance department apppear to PST ad pr dadett aed Paine oie did | REGULAR® CHOCOLATE COATED + JUNI Chrom BACM ind 150 sia late laa t talit was going to need. 'Siege Kane agree. There will be no in-| OTTAWA (CP) -- LE Oe ss y, pe Coch will Bank N4l 690 $11% 114 M48 -- ta EXPANSION NEEDED crease in business | capital helped tip the second-quarter Comb Met Sank NS 28 $142 144 14l2 In March 1967 the flattening --~ : ; ti i balance ot enti ik Coniagas biacs ak fae ; ; Laure Sec 2 $14 aia as out process had reached the spending. It may decline. This nahh ages 0! Aap § ; Tag] (bau. Fin : investme siness i " 's vor for the ss Bell Phne 2678 Sadie 44 44 % Life Invest 100 $6 6 6 + % point where Mr. Sharp dropped investment by business in new) Canada R idea oe oaey Bow Viy w 100 595 $95 595 +25 Livingsto 100 $1) 1) 11 + hig refundable tax and encour- Plants and equipment has been|time since the 1940s, Chall yall get Lob Co A 100 86% 614 484 aced business to spend. In June, t@ mainstay of Canada's high) prepared for the 22nd annual) . C¢ Marben BA Oil bob Co B ..22 $7 7 fe : RED Selene na fide . employment. The Department! federal-provincial tourist confer- PAB es pig BC Pack 8 sae eer ee ae ae despite an reat ig paras f Trade and Commerce is now ence here says C Morisn td D $24% * s+ ici 7. ili refus- d vo \¢ bast hae Con Negus Si sin Ria Magna E! 2390 $2138 20% 21 +1M% apne a bed 7 oF egie prepaking the first of its two, The three-day conference be- t Con Nichol 1500 ChE tad Maher pr 100 $82 82 &%--% ed to increase taxes and gave irvavi te tnd out whatl inn today C Rambler 900 4 Galgary P M Lf Mills 750 $15% 15% 15% cback the full sales tax exemp- °~ fe a (ene tis based C Red Pon 2000 Cale Dk Mrtime rts 471 40 40 4 : 'y for produc- ©XPansion plans industry has; The report, mostly based on Cop Fields, 10 325 125 125 +2) Con" preug Sos goin 9) , Markboro 600 $6 6 tion on machinery for produc-| 7-7 ine coming year. Prelimin-|Dominion Bureau of Statistics Craigmt 25 $ ? 75 * evan Oya Markbro w 340 320 310 320 +10 tion. There followed a wave of : . ' D'Eldona 3100 Ean Perm 10 $1 it 4 Mass-Fer 680 $16% 16% 18e-- 8! nice increases which brought 2°Y "eports are not encourag-|figures says that in the | Denison 1522 $77 5 z : y, Met Stores 25 $314 31% 31%4-- = fa ae : tio. ing. It is a field, the finance} half of 1967, spending by visitors Dicknsn 1000 310 Cdn Brew 2900 $75 7% 7% -- i Molson: A 330 $18 18 1@ --% More excessive wage settle- inister admit here It Cc a as more than dou- Discovry ae : 33 "Molson 8 148 $182 18% 18% ments and government difficul- MIn'sier @ Haat mya oe bi fiat th ep Dome n0 $5612 +e 14% + Ya Mon. Feod 300 $0 10 1 ie % ty in getting the money it need- ve : required rather than gael ba 'or the same peri Cie ae i 1m ie <n e oe eee ae Re Ae 2120 $30% 30! 30% ed. Even more serious were *('@!nt. ne : _ F + mn 7499 AS as as C Curtiss 4400 265 260 265 +10 és ' agit 7 a F nee i The travel balance of pay- ee cis zi4 405 405 405 | Cdn Equty 260 $5% 5' 5% "oe = i. io" M4 2 2 *~™ higher production costs, threal- By THE BACKDOOR nts was sted to a surplus . are Ea n jorse B pr s ; sity te sage sge ments s boos surplus | ' q Gnt Maset 1000 125 125 125 +3 CG. Invest 250 i ' +f a 4 -- | Murphy 150 $934 9% 9%--~-% ening the ability of Canadian This is the reason he has not| of $120,000,000 in the April-June Buy At HOKWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS See ee eet beioe | GC Hydroor 100: S16 16% lem -- | Neon 75 site ioe 1a + Mi tnuptey to. sell ite output tt increased corporation taxes.|;ectaa< conmaradito «deficit of ' 5 33 1 123 5 % 14 4a . ; 7 , eet i A 3 fic! Golgrim 2 Gimp Bok S00 sis ie Te" NET aiae anisms atin -- ta competition with that of other But he is using a backdoor| See ngy 000 ne the same ihree| * ++ Youve Never Seen A Christmas Selection Erancve '| Ge live er ait tire dn ama twl Meee, oe tie ie i + © commana device to get $290 million more! months of 1966. | Like this BULOVA COLLECTION, Granisie " 4 ae - nites he ied NCG.B 2p 525 $27'2 27% 27%--% "TO brake further price in- from corporation to meet his! More than 90 per cent of the igh! 7300 $144 14s lala Ya} CPR pr 760 $82 8 8% Nor Ctl wts 250 410 410 410 +10 | creases, get some more badly;cash needs after next March.| increase resulted from U.S. visi- Hollinger 385 $267 26% 2670 + recone 4 dee bh Vi t » Shiva i aan a a Le 'i: needed cash and induce pur- By advancing collection dates | tors. ant @ oe 3 6. Can Tire A 140 $34' 3414 344--'4| Ont Store 800 475 470 475 +25 |Chase of arcane bonds the dates he is forcing them to} 'The report was prepared by 200 156 156 156 Capit Bidg 2000 120 115 120 +10 | Oshawa A 1440 $27 2694 27 |finance minister has now in- pay in 10 months what they | the overnment travel bureau. Joie tO eae ee ee eer it) peso ae gute aie give (creased personal income tax,| would otherwise spread over 12)" Seen al Ride bara obit jolie: ? 2 o A Laster aegis =" Z 7 » A Kerr Add 2426 $17% 17% + vm Chemcell 2360 $84 814 814 ve Pow. Corp 1175 sta 8 8' + Y%* though very moderately, on the' months. Under other circum- Kelly Dsd 1900 23 23) 23 1 Clairton 400 425 415 425 +10 Price Com 985 $978 9% 9%--% oround that spending by the|stances this would be all to B f d L l ch nt 5 5 2 ON G 2 «$9 9 9 i A 4 oe. a. poe a % 4 Wiad th Coumbia" 7 a0 iro es 3 GN Gs 6w 100 265 265 265 _--I0 consumer. must be curbed. | the good. But to the extent that rant or oca 'opan 200.8 8 8 +1) Columbl p 275 $4 14) 14 Rank Org ed ar an oe t 4 Some economists at least ques-|this money might be used to G A t ieate a om be oe €"Savings mao 4 Re nnswell 900 2802302301" tion this. They are predicting increase and improve Canada's ets greement t Osu 3000 272 272 274 " Son Shes 1055 $2ih le Be ; bass a He hk he aa wy higher unemployment in 1968 industrial capacity Mr. Sharp) BRANTFORD (CP) 0 975 975 +5 u 1 - is - it i " i < A ' Ps Noa eS a 4 8 | Cone Gs JED SON BO ove St Maurice 4585 45. 43. 4545 | (it is already 51,000 more than is hampering the industrial ex-/Brantford Expositor and two Mack. Msh 1166 ey a 40% An | boolige Tig zm v4 % % 5 Salada 40 i Ben Bn + i a year ago) and a vealed ved Fae era he says is needed. At} ynions--Local 378, International | 4. 14) 1 | Y + . ' . 4 cat mae 3 | Gah dill 1 GT TMT NM) Bails la ee ae ae eg ee eae spite of Mr ek it is robbing Peter to pay| Typographical Union, and Local Mattgmi 750 $14l4 1415 14' | Sane A. me ee Shell Inv w 1125 $16% 16% 16% s Tih udget. an aul. 195, International Pressmen and 5 a 44¥_ 44) | a Elec 3 us 5 3 + y sec mY i 3 Migr mo Ma ae Dist Seag 1020 $39. 3% 37 + 'A Sie pies "o Ain i 1% %' will ae agi ee ' bi sb ond! So, in one way and another, | Assistants' Union--reached ten- in-Ore 200 8 +9 %& + Dome Pete 7250 $56 56 56 Shopper Ci 170 40 40 am 8 | ring another round of Mr. Scott-Ram may prove to, tative agreement Saturday on a Mogul Min $575 455 450 455 +5 | D Bridge 200 $15 15 15 Shully's 200 320 3% 320 wage demands. The first may he right. The Sharp budget is\new two-year contract. Terms! Multi-Mi 20 103 103° «103 Dotasco 265 $204 20 20's Simpsons 132 $342 34% 34%2--"% weaken the power of labor sin: rs Pp i is ye a t Newedhx 200 590 590 590 --§ Dom Glass 250 $82 84 &r Simpson $ 400 $244 24Va 24'e + Yel; going to do little harm to busi-| were not disclosed pending rati- N Herr! 3000 13% 13.138 Dom Store Ray $b Mem Be Siler stl | 5 8 1018 Jions to force excessive wage ness or personal income tax-| fication by union members. The Tat 14: 4 4 e 0 - i i j stry s) s . . rt ry © inet 'S030 37 3m +5 | D Textile 275 $17 176 17% St Faving 250 Sie be oe settlements on industry. Coup- payers and it will give him| unions are to meet Thursday. WN -Myleme 500 19/2 19! 14+ Ya} Dupont | 28 $26 2k 2h Im Steet Can 1S $20%% 201 20% led ny Mr. Sharp's rath- enough money to tide over the| The unions' membership of| ' 5 630 630 ctro i} 7 inorens % sina ; : ; Pics Sere one | eae ion airs Otik DL eet ee piece tax increase on per-| sovernment's borrowing crisis.|about 50 persons voted BULOVA | Nick Rim 2000 14% 14' 14) Fam Play 426 $412 402 41!2 + 14) Texaco 255 $3124 314 31% + %| Sonal income, it will also mean But if the tax increases are|Thursday for strike action to : | Norbaska so 8 8 0H SL baer ah tine iw aa | Tor Dm Bk 705 $1334 13% 13% + % less money to spend on Can-'not too much -- and they are| back up. their demands. The Lady Petite "J" | "4 6 qj 2 i i y \ piss V8 | Fy ., | iH gd are a GL Power 1300 $19% 19% 19% | 7OCytron W208 $30 la ants -- 'aladian made goods and Cana-\not -- they may again prove|unions could have gone on 4 on cp | Lady Petite "E74 ait teak Northgat 7480 $11% 1)%8 11% + Greyhnd 125 $114 Wa 11" re. 800 $6¥2 6% 6% | dian services which in turn will'to be too late 'strike today. eted crystal, | Automatic ealen- | diamond tog | 17 Jewels. Stainless | Firat t N Renk 500 35 «3535 2 Hardee 1100-32 32,32, 3 tr Can PL «563 $2734 27% 2734 'mean less employment sean tl ati In yellow 53590y | dar watch, 17 monds. Faceted) 1.4 Watarniaet? | Dainty ¢ N_ Rock 0 35 3 35 +2) Harveys P 200 $15% 15% 15% Trans Mt 835 $18% 18% 18% -- dae Se Aes ole |] "In white s3s1w | lewels, Waterproof | suctey tn witite sow | 11702W diamonds. Nudu! 1000 14 14 14 -- | Hawker $ 100 335 335 335 Trans PPL 300 $99 9% 94 After the finance minister has 4 we ae oe 3 1S ae H He 53591W | Villow 13508y. | 8358 In white 5: . Faceted erystal Opemske 500 ys se He +e te See. oe AL On, Corbi' 00 Bie bce te -- '4 | settled his own plans for a fed-! | $100.00 | $09.95 | pedis tn yellow seosy; {n Orehe 2 3 y a ; : i Pamour 115 240 240 240 H Bay Co 400 $20% 20% 204+ %) Un Ges | Se Sitle le l64-- "si eral house - cleaning by cut- white ssorw. $72.95 LAY-AWAY OR CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS. HORWICH tn JEWELLERS 2 LOCATIONS . . . Oshewa Shopping Centre --@ 20 Simcoe St. South OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M.-- STARTING DECEMBER Ist DONALD BLONDIE ------_-_--_-- Meese) ra R. ~~ - MR. ARNEY TO see YOU, Si \ Gas VOU CAN TRY ON THC PANTS IN THAT DRESSING ROOM, )-~ , BUMSTEAD j THE 27-DOLLAR WEDDING THUNDERS TOITS CLIMAX= My LI'L ABNER oo 12-1) Opemacee iSCON W @ TREMEI © G.M.A Int 5000.1 1 HB Oil G pr 160 $6212 62 42!4 + Io A ta Pee Exp! 9200 150 147148 Husky ON 065 $254 aoa 2a -- 4) UO un wt ee ae a tures in the next fiscal year Peerless 500 6h ble oh + Ya] Husky Cpy 100 $86 8s a6 Vernaid 1165 $12. 1% 12 + whe will go out into the high- Pick Crow 2000 28 28 8 Husky Dw 600 $15'4 a 15ia a y r | OS Bina Bort 10 sii. dee dec 4 Imbrex" "Jo aa") Yermmue™ 1 aid Yau au |waus.and byways preaching theimm AUTOMATIC, WEATHER CONTROLLED DELIVERY gy Porc Pay 3000 9 92 %2+1 Imp Oil 747 $6834 6894 6834 Vie 6 Tr 780 $12%4 12% 12% doctrine of restraint to labor) ' Preston 762. $20'% 20 204 + a) Imp Tob 600. $13'% 13¥a "13% + Yi -wanco 2100 120 110 12 +20 unions and employers, trying 40 years e xperience---budget plen robe 3000 711--=«11 2! Ind Accept 1140 $20% 20%2 204 Walk GW 156 $324 324 324 -- ta! 5 y . Pyramid 6650 S65 550 566 +45 Inglis 100 $11% 11% 11% Walned 5 $10h 108 108 to persuade them not to push on ie we we | Inland Ges 10 $97 976 97 Weste'st 300 $2878 23% 23% --™%|UP wages and costs and prices COAL AND . , iratin : ad ; : C Mattgm! 1 s nig | Inepirat'» 100 $1717 17 = 4) Wagon a tam ie oe oa | nel own interest. Wage in-| Cc SUPPLIES LTD. t : ) BSO | intr 'Cly wt £0 290 290 390 Weston A 178 $15. 15. 15 -- | Creases in Canada have been fi Radiore 7 47 47 -- 9 | IBM 21 $685 685 Weston B 750 $16 1544 15% --~ %e|just about twice those in the . 48 io Al 33% + IMC 200 $31 31,3 1 y y ; ao | WwW Rio Ale w A ia Int Nickel 190 $1264 12614 12674 + 12 Woodwd A 100 $17% 17% 17% +' United States where Canada| 110 King " Oshawa 723-3 Roma: 24% +e Int Uti 3245 $41% 41% 41% -- 1 Seve ngs | | Pn Pe ee ee =F of fF fF Ff Ff ff 8 j See list belo * | Intpr Pipe $25 $2288 2212 22/2 -- 1 "10:40 AM: LB | ae IMPige'w 905 SOM ithe ied se APP TORONTO. Ve: Aw a -- Satellite rf 1000 ' 4 a Inter Steel 4575 $5 485 485 * a , Sherritt 100 435 435 435 --18 | Inv Grp A 4075. $734 Tia 7M Lk Dufeult 100 S10% 10%. 10% Sigme 100 465 465 465 «10! OTL Ind 4355 $14% 14% 14% + me _ SPOONET 200.130 130 130 Silvrfids James Stl 275 415 415 415 . Bearer aa Sil Miller - 1 Jefferson 352 $564 5614 56\% h = Silva -1 | Jeffersn w 110 $4812 482 4Ble + % MANY HUNT shes 'i os ia 4010 285 270 275 10 Vermont fish and game offi.) aca S| Kelsey H " cials say as many as 100,000 of Sullivan Kelvinatr _ the 132,000 licensed deer hunters aa ua eos ; Laieae 'i * have gone hunting on the open Ain flat LOnt Cem : Big holiday cash? .4# |ing of the deer season Com Macfie a OILS, GAS | iminex 400 645 640 44D 5 French Pt 2295 720 705 705° --20 | Frneh Ptr 460! 10) 10 ! Gr Plains 1410 $2 4 | Gt COllsds 625 SIN 10% 10% Midcon 3000 44 44 " +9 fl City 5200 IRR IRA TAR 4} Davies 1000 Siz 1819. 184 Come to where _ the money talk to the men where | | whose only business is the money is. Nearly 2 j | making loans. 8000 million people a year do | | loans a day, Holiday shopping --atover 1750 affiliated Bene- | Joans. Bill-paying loans. All _ ficial offices throughout Can- kinds of loans, Come to Bene- ada,-the U.S., and around the ficial, That's where the money world. Phone now. This is is, Just call or drop in. And where the money is. - BENEFICIAL | | | | FINANCE CO. OF CANADA | Loans up to $5000--Your loan can be life-insured | 42 month contracts on loans over $1500 | SSHAWA -- 2 Offices | | b S615 KING Bh CMMs sce ee ade s scapes ces ts 723-4687 a] * 600 King St. East, East Mall Shopp. Centre 723-8134 | OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT -- PHONE FOR HOURS @ 1967, BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. a OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 1 P.M, Come to the people 2 This Year Give The Gift That Keeps on Giving ! She Oshawa Times Over 300 Wishes A Year... witha Gilt Subscription The ideal gift for students away at school, ex-residents of Osh- awa, for away relatives or that special serviceman. Call 723-3474 CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT The Most Wonderful Gift Won't Be Under The Tree! ! "You can make this the happiest Christmas ever -- just by doing what you've been waiting to do for a long time. . « BRING HOME A '68 FROM TRENT The Home of ... JAVELIN -- AMBASSADOR -- REBEL and AMERICAN RAMBLER Ask for One of these Santa's Dan Kearney SECC C CC CCCCOC CC CTCO CCE C CCC CCE CECT tink AMERICAN MOTORS GB AIO SALES LIMITED @ KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE i Rebel--Ambassador--Javelin "NOBODY UNDERSELLS TRENT" MOR gg gg gt JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER WITHA LU LIKE LIT"