Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Dec 1967, p. 12

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i] 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, December 11, 1967 SIMPLIFY FAMILY CHRISTMAS $HOPPING & $AVINGS WITH WANT ADS! GUID Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. vag bh ta 16 Simcoe St 20--Real Estate for 13--Articles for Rent 18--Male Help Wanted |20--Real Estate for Sale Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- COUNTY OF 723-5281 es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal PETERBOROUGH BUILDERS SPECI/ Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, requires eee eS sive A building in a prestige nor SARGEANT'S At JAIL GUARDS REAL ESTATE LTD, area, This is the ee 463 Ritson Rd. S., 725- an executive type buildir Several positions are vacant REALTOR tonight. Accountants Carpentry , \Plumbing and Heating |4-Motorbikes Sevier Oshewe Tonle 'Clue fer bene] fOr guards ot the Peterbor- 40 King St. E i e ee ee | quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen,| ough County Jail, The suc- ree HOME AND. VARI BoB egg Aid cecoongtian agg ihe | ' : |parking. 723-7726, cessful applicants will be re Comp! service, im: [series AOR Latte ne m Se aa kee" | Quality Carpentry | Plumbing Discount CHRISTMAS IDEAS WHEEL CHAIRS. fosplfal beds, walk:| quired to work shifts perform. $4,995 DOWN ' STORE GORDON R. DAY, Certified General GENERAL REPAIRS 149 Brock St. North FOR THE CYCLIST ' machines, sick room sur| ing a variety of correctional : 1) @ A well establishe Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop-| Home Improvement Specialists | Ww pti: yore Rates 105 Beatrice 725-164 duties including the super- Balance on one open mort- ness catering to a mixec ping Centre, 725.9953, Serving Oshawa and Distict | HITBY -- 668-6601 helmets © gloves @ jockets +A----Business Opportunities | sision ond control of inmates, gage. Large 3 bedroom bung- . tele, Price includes all JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chariered Account- for Mony Yeors | te tach ghtsids @ windalvelde ii PP' Th sisi ether tHe alow, attached garage, base- Vendor's store fixture ant, poe Trustes, 17 Bond Street! tHonest and Dependable Service | Direct to you, plumbing sup- les © lecther ponts vir sphigen eae fer the suc- board electric heat. A ter- equipment. Stock appro ast. me . Phone 725-8576 or 623-3411 plies. Everything in the bl cycles from $350, INDUSTRIAL LAND Hepa ate Heil an oppor- rific buy at only $20,995, 000.00 at invoice pric BOB CLANCY'S "Accounting S oy ee pkertiog line, 20% off all Located in Lindsay -- 44 by parleipanng eyelid 614% MORTGAGES store and home are in oe Street N., 725-0397. Reg. 723-7605. _|REMODELLING recreation rooms, trim| AB'S CYCLE ar acres with frontage on 3 correctional progiarnnve a culate condition. Also YALE, FRIEOLANDER AND CO., Char-\Work and kitchen cupboards. Eric Behm, | 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. 114 Stevenson Rd. S. highway and main town thor- : Just a couple left, 4 and 5 paved side parking and fered Accountants, Licensed Trustees in |725-7066. oughfare, C.N.R. line passes SALARY: $4,280.00 - $4 bedroom homes excellent 15,000 d il bankruptcy, 57¥2 Simcoe Street North, 2 SATURDAY 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. 728-7780 Excallant tor indus 780.00 45 ' ats Heide? age. $15, lown wil Oshawe. 728-7371, Dentistry CLOSED WEDNESDAY property. Exce r indus- .00, $4,580.00 - $5,- northeast location, on pre- you in. Call now for mo : DR. ©. ROBERT BROWN, Dent ed in TRium in ae ta an Vel esa goed decal lla 080.00 (effective Jan. 1/68). paid hg Aigo Low down ticulers. ; . 6. . -|ALL TYPES \ . ? , Blueprinting geon, 172 King Street E., Gahawe. Tele-|new pa 1 grec BS fate remodelling: |carburetor, $425. Telephone 942-6626. hbedisy ond ood ray oval QUALIFICATIONS: Grade 10 ee UE on now ond you e BELL DRAFTING end Reproductions |phone 728-5171. jrates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. - aan education; integrity, self con- ; FULL PRICE $14,9 Ltd., §2% Simcoe Street North. 723-4661. | 5--Trailers on property. Priced at $70,- trol end mature lidaeaent fi SPEND CHRI | 6 ick 9 Blueprinting and photostatic coples. Dressmaking |Rug - Upholstery Service -- ae 000.00. fee ere: rereee judgement in STMAS ie Ligcaebi ae fi ---- __ | ug P ry HORSE TRAILERS FOR SALE, single, irregular situations are essen- in your Own hom: (a 7 older home on main stree Building Trades DRESSMAKING and alterations. | Rea-| shinai jini brakes ee ie Sener ee Finca Spel ie" tial; good physical condition; room? 2 storey BHEK cléee pletely remodelled. Bu: sonable rates, Mrs. Angiu ron Fe minimum height 58'. right past the door to NEED MORE ROOM ? ? jst. 725-7122. to downtown, paved drive, oo ae DRESSMAKING AND all types alter-| RUG CLEANING oe Equipment BOWES & COCKS Apply in writing or telephone modern kitchen, family room. and shopping. Fenced HOME jations, men's iadie's, children's. Even-| Mrs. J. A. Spurway, Clerk- new furnace. Home in TOP garage. Should be seen ma Se es eel Reatbaty service 1 Pre Inventory Sale Transiver, for en application, condition, Asking $14,500 appreciated. IMPROVEMENTS | FE Eee ene oe ey Personal 'interviews ill be with low down payment, bal- ig a a ie teenie! A Gravd CHRISTMAS ITEMS| SHELL CANADA LIMITED requires top| Personal interviews will ance on 1 open mortgage. BUNGALOW IN Additions -- Alterations Call Mrs. ay 221 Lupin Drive, Whitby. | ngus-Grayaon WHILE SUPPLY LASTS Ss0,00eegblion service ation. gia h Ye COUNTRY Recreations Rooms DRESSMAKING -- Expertly fitted s 728-6254 ence preferred but not necessar: I fab PBS! DUPLEX Hi lone Somer Expertly fitted suits, | 4: Qnly RCA. Mork Vill pi sary. Smal! No more applications will be 1V @ Beautiful 3. be Call us: coatg, dresses. Beautifully tailored slip-)----------- ars on 4 V \ rel perso investment required. For. inter- IPP' i Near Oshawa Shopping Cahir k - ES ALLEN & SONS ieee Grapes, Mrs. Tom, 668-2372. _| pee ine recone Citizens Bonk Radio Sets telephone J. E, Van Zant, 728-6421.) accepted after 12:00 noon 4 bedroom: opartnent 4 bungalow, aluminum sidit JAMES EXPERT DRESSMAKING, alterations, 725-9332 $79.95 ; on December 14, 1967. or stone front. Taxes are Ic 725-6126 wedding gowns end heed pintere 25 | @ Wide selection of Fobrics 12 volt Power Supply 15.95 15--Employment Wanted |-- owner and 2 bedroom apart- conveniences. To inspec 2 ole | _@ Workmonship Guoranteed [| 4 only Muntz Stereo Poks. MOVING, move Insured, odd fobs done, SALESMAN ment to lease, attached gor- tonight. "Quality is what we build in" _/Gordening and Supplies | eg i years) os | 12 Volt for beet or auto with or "without truck. 'Rent truck with oat or Pave bg] e or | BRICK AND BLOCK x ond ral 3 | @ Easy dget terms--Free 49 * . Sbleh os Boe X35 AEA a ORES . . patio, large landscaped lot Fepairs. M. Lafontaine 'construction. 725- Estimates | 6M ees me re 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale LOVING CARE for pre-school "children, Part Time or Full Time broadloomed living room, tor- ton "ue . "Ml @ Over 20 years experience } ' aS ot Pigg as my home. Central or will pick up and] Wor 3 pj : ginal floors, plus many other : ATUARTIE PAVING AND "CONCRETE. This & That | THE FURNITURE CENTRE Le hg Fagel gyathir + SNOWMOBILES __|#iveex svete" netiaesatan e830 eee eek 50. | extras. Shown by appointment V @ for commercial b vews' ev ex, bs ¥ é ¥ re t e ir i Se ca he, ol work querunited" fer WILD BIRD MIX | 90 Simcoe St. North | type 395.00 CHRISTMAS 3 meentnotiers $695. position on Caio exrariances urday. Earn $40. - $80. com- only, Ww os or a three years. 723-0281. WILD BIRD SCRATCH CHESTERFIELDS reupholstered and) LIFEJACKETS BUMPERS rant typist and Telex operator. Telephone} mission weekly. Must have 10 A et Pe ten SaMPORLLS PLUMBING "and General| 1 re-diyied. Fros estlnaiea, See Gur wate: % OFF TREES + ve oe 723-9276. cor Ghd' ba Sone 21 CRE LOTS with double front entran repairs, Free estimates, work guarant-| FEED SUNFLOWER rial for re-covering. Slip 'cover# made 3 ent and Snow: ' Residential and industrial paved parking. On one o eed 24 hour service. Telephone 725-0851. JUMBO SUNFLOWER te order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles SKI BELTS _ Trailers $129. up 17--Female Help Wanted Ww aaah c fF industria fla, awa's main thoroughfa ROOFING, ot Yar and gravel, shingles hea tar and grave shingles, POLE BIRD FEEDERS ne USHOLSTERY EVAR Ea | $4.00 75¢ and up nae hitches made and in- RITE BOX 77270 se in. Call for more details. sri. Wecdtion for 6:4 Rooting and. Construction. 72sapa7. | HANGING BIRD FEEDERS snag 20 "years. Workmanship. guaran-| FOR THE SCUBA DIVER -- Cae ae ad te REGISTERED NURSE OSHAWA TIMES OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE doctor or retail outlet. F Se eather tiacieon, SNOW SHOVELS tresses "rebuin. torntore "renilshed anny Os gage tank ay 00 / Cars -- Trailers -- Snow- Required to toke charge of |iF YoU ARE thinking of making Dial 728-4678 ice Sher Depot ples masonry. Gord May, Whitby, 688-2774.1 SNOW PUSHERS 7250311. staring, 347 Dean Avenvs.| Many Other Accessories | L L 0 1 D S mobiles wanted. 22 bed nursing home in vic- agg -- & unesttied. conditions : e me 1 ; Id, PLASTERING Drywall, vernodelll WINE CONCENTRATE et Spaciel Prices | Rent a Ski-Doo by the Hour : ner ee fel br Jot By, otter Joe Maga : 725-9191 81 FEET x 200 FE renovations. New or repeir. 942-6342. af-| -BRITTANIA MALT EXTRACT |Sales and Service | GENERAL STORE or day, 80 acres to play on inity of Oshawa, salary open. old established if Insurance company| Mark Tomina 723-1206 Vi @ _Beallont Lakefrs ter 6 p.m. jas an opening for a salesman In Osh-| Roy Yeo 725-2217 > TERRANO PAVING, 10 years In busi- en dulee VACUUM ond polisher. srepeica, att) OSHAWA | only 1 ef nd rif Oshawa MacDonald Texaco PHONE 363-3816 yuncenren Tr score athe sd Joba O'Driscoll 798-8586 25 miles from Oshawa. | 5 en es, brushes, new rs. ye RN anne CLR RAC ea A SENSES i four own TF ond 'srect Eas fzsule | © WATER SOFT SALT Tack Lees, pick up and 'delivery. 728. KING ST. E, SOMEONE TO MIND children In eve. |®blliy, specialized training with' personal] John Howson 725-9152 Ree ee ee ose YACHTHAVEN | (OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK) O 10 --- 57é- ren In eve-lassistance, a salary and bonus, and a e PURITY DOG MEAL | pen to 6-1250 ning while mother works, live in, ex-|guaranteed -- pensi Whi COMPLETE PET SUPPLIES |GUARANTEED REPAIR to all_ wringer | ____________|pectant mother welcome. Pickering|state age, mothal ctatuy eet eee MEMBER ©.D.R.E.B, SIMCOE ST. SOUT CLASSIFIED RATESS ashers and ranges, Free estimates. LTD. INGLIS four - burner electric stove.|area, 839-4379. perlence and ed tonal gridlieg Vil @ Eight-Plex showir WORD ADS " ; Faicun Furn. and Appliances, "723.0017. | Harbour Rd | SKI-DOO ata. a RELIABLE WOMAN for K,|Write Box 84215; Oshawa, Times 2round:| We list exclusive & M.LS, callent a i Parking ate i f 24 'ds, 1 . : y: television | | good k- i iy "4 4 * Rs Sarre ites ee bach "S cons Cooper -Smith Septic Service er oe Bt iF 5.) SALES -- SERVICE Ing condition. 728-742," 9° Or eee please, Write Box WITT," Oshawa | MMEDIATE OPENINGS for two I aire Teas oy Ol par ¢ 24 words, i e Times. i ight. fone! words 13)4¢ Soc $ one : jek on catia, Waller Woes ton ener} . | TEN NEW RENTAL MACHINES |9---Market Basket Mune WOMAN to care for two Wellman's "Rambler os Amsrona - JOHN F nenes | tive insertions of 24 words. eddi-| ice on calls, Walter Ward, estnut 140 acres of good hills -- small children, light - . tional words 24¢ each. ina ae oe CHRIS CRAFT refreshments .1968 Ski-Doo's ic Five-day 'week. Telephone" s762038.|19--Male or Female . oe a Chorge--10 per cent additional charge < - Surveyors SALES and SERVICE only $695. Try before you BABY-SITTER WANTED for four chil-| Help Wanted LOT if not paid within 8 days. action McVay fibreglass sail boats, buy. | mile north of Kirby, lve In, Telephone after 4, 942-|_ VII @ 3 > bedroom bun Method of eounting = Less than as paiva¥e VERSO |DONEVAN AND. SUMLSCHDAN Ne act eet loee. Peterborough and Hwy. 115. Book your Christ- eS ext el BPLE SSSI SEERA REA NR Oe [door WEEKLY or more, full, part-time, finished recreation roor ds t 4 ds; eoch wort u NS ? bone, fi 7 jurveyor, ommercia jue- ine A TRA EARNINGS Beauty Cou ladies, » Full territories, i Initial, Tiare of shbrevietion courte olliat, baxephene, "claitat, tote. drane, prints, 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632. | nile. rare SupScouts, Evin Soot on ee ata ee. selor. Mrs, Elliott, "section Manager| Sowmanviliey Oahews: tiene ee' fireplace and bar. Paved one word; phone number counts worn Al Beggs. Alto Music Suppiles 725-|H. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor.| Osh Vaphitet rot 's, Orono . baa Telephone 725-9442. REAL ESTATE LTD. way and garage. Immedia words. Office 47 Prince St. Res., 103 Elgin' sf,| wee ora javen shawa 728-1203. SHORT ORDER COOK required dally, |20--Real Estate for Sale session, Full price $18,90 BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- Meneame |E, 725-6881. = J. Kamstra M t h ' Ii elgg LOA ated scree REALTOR cated in the North-East SOCIAL NOTICES | r ry FIBREGLASS BOATS red, _recon- | undays. Apply Mr. Came Genosha Thi ie akeuld be $2.50 vend iueriion, with. 25 carte - TV--Radio Repairs rig Ai aged boats. fibrelassed, CHRISTMAS TREES C n OS scl sca babi ae be ap prbeioted: To ape 3 = RIENCE RT lass, resin, , y ' * ¥ nyc becbabyg paid within 8 day aed alae | TV SERVICE zr Me ao bi Se perdentr:| No, 1 Scotch' Pine <= Spruce 18--Male Help Wanted CENTRAL 623-3111 phone tonight. ; price, after any size. e $2.50 for the first 25 words and 6c | COLOR or 5 =) 2.2 B h | each thereafter plus I3c per line of Interest | VSTARCRAFT" GREW 'Traveller boats Preston Sunoce Station er busne 1 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUN- STORES & . Open Py pilin gh reabaglag cipal Mada cay Rate | BLACK and WHITE week. Marine "storage and Supply "cid 925 Simcoe N. -- 728-8267 a t .e) n S ONTO GALOW with living and din- 2 APARTMENTS iit ae cai Borrow Monthly Per Annum | FOR THE BEST CALL Brooklin 655-3641. We Deliver li Osler TRUST tog, sootn, Raceaiia «sed 1x oon large lot 98° ; 2.50 for the first 35 words and 7: $1,600 22.94 16% 4 FER? jaui on wa's main thorouc See ee ta ae site| "asco saa ie TRA; 7--Swop and Barter CUSTOMIZED DRAPES ALGOMA Paved driveway. Call G. Van- An excellent opportunity chorge if nef pala within 8: days. i eT ee TELEVISION SPRUCE. AND SCOTCH PINE trees,| SAVINGS UP TO 50% Requires on Experienced 19 Simcoe St. North Dyk 623-7437. great investment. For. fu COMING EVENTS 7,500 88.63 12 | trea with every $10. plumbing irene: LIMITED TIME ONLY Fl JRNITURE RALPH SCHOFIELD 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUN- ticulars, call tonight. $2.38 per inch (display); $2.00 for the df | FOR CLEANER, SHARPER Bath tubs, $17. up; toilets, heavy tollet M & C ORCHARDS Ltd GALOW. All modern conven- e first 20, words and 6c each thereafter! The above examples are | TV RECEPTION seats, $3.95 special. Chinn, Hillside and i SALESMAN Manager lenees, Gorage,' Price. $16 BUILT IN STOVE ( a "gf 1 based on'a 15-year term | Vour OWK Park South, 723-7088, .728-7288. DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES : | ; ; | wm co : OVEN $252 Pek INCH PER INSERTION Interest rate is calculated = | TV TOWER 8--Articles for Sale 723-7827 Thickson Rd. N. Conner ent $18,200 Full Price -- 160 ACRE FARM with | X @ 3: bedroom brick | on the declining balance. | | 74 Celina Wh All Employee Benefits SiaveRenn Ra iy" stipann Good ie low with carport. Nicely Ic DEADLINES oa | ; missioner | ae r i uildings. 'fen WORD ADS No arranging fees Open 728-5143 NOW FIREWOOD, dry, mixed hardwood : nitby | APPLY IN. PERSON and Annapolis Excellent pond. atte. Call with large living room, a 4 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS mortgage. | SIX SERVICE BAYS ae meres pepe Seog Birety ete, 12" an | | WINTER potatoes, de| ' | Immocilote #tiree bedrobm Harry Coutts 725-2649. eng 4 duce bath Cor Bond. and Divisi livered or apply 14 Rockclitfe Street. Mon. - Fri. | i i vanity. In a nice residentic LOT aay OF PUBLICATION CAC. REALTY LTD, eee FOR FASTER SERVICE |ELMER, Will buy or aei!_your turniture |Teleshone 72-940, re 13d oan ts undesiinien ONLY $3,000, OOWN for 4 Oshawa area and priced | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE bad : a.m. oon vas room home. Living and e IN _MEMORIAMS ond | Pick-up, 263-2294, A--E paved drive -- near all sep- int by Es gent der 728-1691 | Au V. TOWERS ae GACUUH REPAIRG si Waker iow 9. ggs & Poultry 2:30 p.m.-5 p.m. Ghats chd public chaos dining room, Oil heated. 4- TENNYSON AVENI 4 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS | EEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL " makes, hoses, /EGGS "DAISY FRESH" dally -- White . pc. bath. Call George VanDyk x! Thi i | Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply. brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery. 942-0213. |Feather Farms, Oshawa, 6sS47az. Pick. Do not delay on this one. 93.7437 @ This lot is in a s CLASSIFIED DISPLAY | "BUILT: IN OSHAWA" mouth, Pontiac. We correct |piemind Vacuum Service, Main Street,ieq up, delivered at store or home. PERSONNEL OFFICE ; 623-7437. * residential area, and the . 1 column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col- MORTGAGES | ' 4 ae ah oor. Brick Bungalow BOWMA\ bi price is very reasonabl umns gr larger--10 a.m. day previous | AT OUR OWN PLANT wheel alignment, inspect'and | CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat:|10--F r's Col | ' } MANVILLE, 3. bedroom i ee ANCELLATIONS AND First mortgages arronged and | correct caster and camber- tresses half price, all sizes, t sed i ENB deed Lda | EATON'S | Just 214 years old and bet- brick home, centrally located, serviced. Please call tod« CANCELLATIO eurohacad' Opin witholt nc. We give you a better tower |° Glign toe-in ond toe-out to {one-third off. Factory outlet. 723-3889. |DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm _stock| OF CANADA | ter than new. This immacu- 4-pc, bath. Call Phyllis Mc- ~ Particulars. Sam. DAY OF PUBLICATION tes Kohn for less money. | correct condition .... $7.95 |FURNITURE -- Three rooms of new irene TaGnne caliec! Hampton 265 late. three bedroom bunga- Robbie 623-7159, ® Any advertisement cancelled before yield | @ Parts extra if required furniture. Pay only $15 monthly. Barons' lay). Licence' 101-C-67, e | Oshawa Shopping Centre tow with sparkling Hollywood LARGE LAKEFRONT publication will be charged one day's} Second mortgages. arranged | | "@ Torsion bar adjustment Home Furnishing, 424 Simcoe South. : 7. se aoe kitchen, built-in stove and 10 ACRE FARM, only 10 min. XI @ A iia insertion. and purchased. Current in- yg extra regtrs, news uted "sale tra cash 11--Pets and Livestock oven, and eXfra bedroom and from Oshawa. 8 roomed brick building iG cote Rigi BOX NUMBER RENTALS $1.00 terest rate 12%. O half- : ? a y nles, Service, aU recreation in t \- hi . P ic- eer ' While every endeavour tin Be made to earl dere hing . SUPPLY LTD. | BAKE SPECIAL mokes, Call_your Royal _dealer. 728-664, |BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDOIBS, ready MANAGEMENT ment could be Tr deen eg =i eyed teed Rie have a large lakefront lo! foewees replles to Sox surniiene tothe) YeaUy otice or | GLASS REPAIRS fo aluminum and) f0" training, talking. strain. Apply P. TRAINEE home. U Gael. x 250' at View Lake wh advertisers as soon as possible, we oc- bonus. TAUNTON RD. E Most popular cars. First |W00d windows and aluminum screens. pipee Us een eee Pe: noeates on) °¢ large BOWMANVILLE. Lovely 3 5 mil zeot Ho | ih respect of loss. or M. F. SWARTZ : : | Guay Revel: a: wheel Free pick-up and delivery. 728-2284, |PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICE--Clip-| Trans Canada Credit, 0 pie-shaped at lot. Asking Bhatt A miles east of Caesar 5 erie * ae Me hah tee Just East of Ritson) y Royaline, wheels: |CADY'S SEAL COATS, Gwe), fui (PING all. breeds, poodles our specialty. rapidly growing leader in the only $19,4 bedroom brick home with 2 Lake Scugog and only 30 -| Y2. King St 723-8131 723-8132 ] 88 length, size 14-16, good condition. Rea.|Free Pick-up and delivery; boarding and suohel toh Hald cadulres bathrooms, 2 finished rooms from Oshawa. re Oshawa, Ont ion Bowmanville 423.8718, training, Doberman Pinschers and Ger-| P , sabe Count 'B ingal in basement, nicely di d The Times will not] Telephone 723-4697 Eoneds cee Plus $2.00 per wheel aikaltc aac man Shepherd puppies for sale. Dachurst| © manager trainee. Position ry Bungalow ent, nicely decoratec e Bid Uys 2 ion ie [Renan kes Sec wash ecu [roman Semel ____--__|_ offers excellent cvancement | Reel apod) five, room ally. | and wall bape. Call Pls NORTH-EAST ARE TELEVISION -- 1 lhe Men tas catia | TTT YT) | RAE POODLES, ¥ iti i modernized brick b | icRobbie - . . RECULATIONS MORTGAGE LOANS TELEVISION RADIO | WHEEL BALANCE AIR COMPRESSORS = Ws HP, 1 HPsINI. weeks, oldi ragisleres, Wil. optics rag bl lpg eae with garage and Pec p te ign ti he Bei a Pilih EGULATIONS ie RasHinnnce Present DA Hour Saniee | daly on 4 HP. Also tloor. mode! drill| price. Telephone 668-4430, anytime. and one acre of land. All the MS storey, 9 room Eetpontite Rok RenOne thi Ps Mortgage | SPECIAL \chine, Grobb filing mechine. "Bankruptey PONIES FOR SALE -- various sizes, Qualifications rooms are large, bright and with @ recreation room TISEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHERWISE @ Pay all your bills H LM | Including weights per wheel, sale, lot of transistor radios, AM-FM. ee ue een until Christmas. 21 years of age spotless and this fine pro- W O MARTIN water oil heating system, THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE] @ Make home improvements each : $1.95 [SW Also, transistor radio batteries, any| Tele s i Grade 12 education perty is just 1% miles from . : board radiators, three ent: THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD- E 4 H $4 ts lbaby pli price, So Pea AL Ie pe REGIST EReD PUPPIES, black minia- Drivers license Oshawa via good poved REALTOR from outside, lot 50' x Sg ae egies ae) : Speihacn ec Seg a ELECTRONICS | SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, |Oshawa.. Phone 725-9216 any time. ~"|s7S; 'and Chihuahuas, 50. Wilt held. for Must have experience in roads. Possibilities for com- And yes, it has a garage SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS.| | FRONT-END WORK ot ltabyes WINTER COAT, size 17, nearly|Christmas, Telephone 728-9122. loan field. mercial development are ex- 728-5103 to see. A. ROSEN - e j COMPARABLE PRICES new, black with mink collar, low priced.|LUNDILU REG'D KENNELS -- % cellent. Full fs : TV RENTALS NELS -- Peking- ull price only $25,- ) The Oshawa Times reser pete Gk ee Bak - SOONG ee TAM eee om sh Poodles, chinwahues, arom . FOR ee ane' PHONE 000 with terms. INCOME AND \e 3 ort. ake FILT: 7 stu rvice, puppies, Townline c. 725-0532 or Week- TOWERS U NIROYAL \thosen bi nee Bee ns a Gprinneg|Road North, Oshawa, 723-6216, 728- 4658 ds -- city BEVERLY STREET -- close to SPECULATIVE VAL! ends and evenings 728-5623 PHONE 668-5679 |as the gift for the home, 576.2370. |POODLE CLIPPING _ ar rand shampooing, WANTED --. hetyrbald ahoneind, 5 XIV @ $20,000.00 dows : CENTRES [Eee oceiie Wocwri ioe aadeo telco. nan "ae ne ulate condition, lovely" land. Holl rei ens MONEY A PROBLEM? Sot eR re ae chine $20., electric adder $40. 723-4434, WELSH 1 CORGI puppies, lovely compan- LOCAL MAN URGENTLY scaped lot, see this Bh chavs income producnig propert Conssitdate cll vouridebts Inte T.V. Rentals | TYPEWRITERS, no money down, $2|'0NS for adults and children, Reserve REQUIRED you buy. 'Askin $17,900 cellent location on Bond St Ry of aavertsement i ony inaceuracies| one low monthly payment. NEW 5078 | polhe New Home of _ |ramaln Service" Sil Honiton' Rsgics | AGUARIUME repaired, Gissn) Dar We sold so many properties cpa seu fine Simcoe, This bulldie in any form cre contained therein, | First, second and third mort- {| FALCON DOMINION TIRE STORE |i'sas-rie. : Ae eis pears new ind aero eld Sete or we J fic © AR EEOe si on Lecgos Weens Wepre COW SHARBOT_ STREET -- Only vety goer te pu iu IT'S EASY TO PLACE A cicee aironeed Oh Bae | 17. Park Road South USED TELEVISIONS, reconditioned, |725-2647 my firm in this area, This very short of suitable list- $16,400. Try an offer on this quite 'very. little mointer TIMES ACTION WANT AD dervica; "including weekends; FURNITURE and Phone 725-6511 $29, and up. Buy, sell, rent and service. |CLIP, groom, bath, all breeds. Sterilized] opening may be worth up to | |in9s for local and out-of- 6 room brick rancher, large Renting and leasing has be Call Clossified Direct } Cal APPLIANCES | -- : 9 Fines: Streets | 723-9261, equipment, Introductory offer $5. Eve., 8 y 4 | | town buyers waiting. We landscaped lot, paved drive, problem to the Vendor 723-3492 | RW. LAHAY & ASSOC | ene pies TWO JOHNSON two-way radios, base |BUY AND SELL. Good used furniture, |722-5723. $8,000. yearly for the right | charge only 4%. to. sell many extras, owner wants wishes to retire. Call tonig 3 | LABIA ' SSOC. 452 SIMCOE SOUTH |and mobile. Selling for $150, in good |appliances, antiques, skates, guns. 723-|CHILDREN'S PET, sliver white, pony.| person. Full or Part-time. Age city homes ---- that saves auick sala fg pietihe ge LC blah ae Paha og WILLOWDALE, ONT 723-0011 | condition, Telephone 576-1535, 9241, 19 Prince St. gelding, 42", $100 delivered. Telephone| >) 70. C i vou Dollars. If you ore ser- Hate po e | 223-2060 or 223-8797 SEEREEEEEEEEEEtaEEEeed [CHILDREN'S JOYCYCLES, a 'ies, | TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-ff, structure,|1-985-2665, ' bak hoe ae oe fe © | tious about: selling call recroittas JUST LISTED Pi PARP Tira ae ai up. reconditioned like new. {all channel antenna, $50, TRIO Tele-|GERMAN Shepherds, R . Pro- short outo trips ¢ e hope INDEX TO IMMEDIATE MONEY SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Sidewalk Bikes rebuilt for boys _and|vision. 728-5143, fessional training," Boerding. Sid" serv: Sus Will stork kGOn Gnd. ate Harvey Hogan $12,000 -- 2 small farms XV @ This is an older CLASS IFICATIONS i Fast TV. S ee fat ee 62 Bond Street East. |GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, lees, Pinto, Shaw mare, Texas saddle. a : pith CENTRAL ONTARIO 6 -- 7 acres, buildings ond on a quiet street. The bus 2 First and second mortgage in! Seer GHNIBTMAS THERA ail aca Alte" aloo Pitmine Sat Aestnnte Saye ree xonnes ts eeee| With U5 o long time. Contoct TRUST al on each = Enquire today at the door. 2 bedrooms, « j money available. Call John DOMINION Luke's Church, corner of Nipigon and |452 Simcoe South, 723-001), Will hold for christwes. Telephone faz,| now! HARRY GREXTI, 711 723-5221 or 655-3663 = nave a look} room, lovely large lot, ju: | Howie hella Real Es- BOSC Tae en Sesh Genden batine KITCHENETTE y SET. Also _camere,|409_days, 576-1235 evenings. Burns St. W., Whitby. Phone | Seeeee alii sr Ser GeevneetesaetNy caste EN $12,900. -- 2 complete rate hed ' pry couple, 'ote Limited, 8-foot, Gen LL complete with all attachments ( BLUE AN REAM PEDIGR' ; i ii ivi | 942-3310 TELEVISION wishin Hae" Accessories, "$195, atively new). Telephone 7233236, sian ken for sae nine Wore wi). Obes OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE apartments -- private baths ths iogh tid ie roo! 2 ee a oe 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. _ FIBERGLAS FENDERS trom $29. 95 | maple, beech, ee UE Ye Sod ba SLVER hiee sae roe LIST ho sues see It and buy it now. COMMERCIAL FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, saie{TY TOWER SPECIAL -- afoot tower|puilt ttartery anc guocratee: Vie nels | ere ees hea ee VEINS Revie CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST EAST ivisi agreements purchased and sold. Hennick Structure, all-channe! antenna installed, |s+ 725.2169, ONIRECONDITIONED TV towers and|Ptione 725-3886. 0 SERVICE MAN 72 { CENTRAL -- Division PROPERTY and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street $50- Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taun- rotors (trade-ins), 40, 50, and 60-foot|MANCHESTER TERRIER, house 3-5221 - 9:00 to 5:30 Street --- 21% storey family XVI @ Downto Osh 2 East, 723-7232. ton Road East, just east of Ritson Road, |FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free,|structures. All in excellent scondition.|ed, also toy spaniels, poodles and col.) VERSA FOODS SERVICES LTD. AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL h 8 il wntown Oshaw 13. Slates ce le Guaranteed trouble-free 'winter if you |Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 723-8131. lie, $35-$150 delivered. 'Telephone 1-985. ; : : ollie fooms, excellent Large commercial corner 14 BRANCH REALTY offering second mort- 2 P 1 purchase from Western Oll Compan oS eo -------- | 9445, requires man for night shift, (NO TOLL CHARGE) condition, broadloom through- i 16 gages, Telephone 725-6210 anytime. --rersona 725-1212. if ry we vate rit: se with good appearances be- Harvey Hogan 655-3663 out, many extras, asking peo bate "a 'ole a 17. eppchatilubiubeaduisumt apeise sacs hitishiai Need UNCP eee i auto pai . ye 4 Q ' cellent potential. For fu' 4 Money to Lane ELECTROLYSIS BIVING TANK: "Aqua Lung. 72 cubic Wayne Auto Wreckers, Call 725-4920, 12--Articles Wanted pio sg oases of 25-40, Tom Houston 668-4416 $18,000. -- make an offer ! ticulars, 'call 'today. - ochige. "antes |NEED CASH to consolidate your Bills, 723-4641]. offer. Telephone 655-3966 after 5 pam. |Ai48, DICK, Photocopier. Copies to 17|G00D USED FURNITURE wanted, etc.| fill" Mechanica apptitude to Allan Thompson . 728-2870 e 0 ; NEED PATH to conesioee "your ile - WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used | paper Included. si sea ee Ears cps Cal mei RENTS): Ainlentiy aueATER tree __Ralph Schofield 576-1680 _|BAcK SPLITLEVEL. This exceptionally OWNER TRANSFERR We feature second mortgages of 12 per ._ [furniture 'or anything you have. The : : ye' 6INEAR ORILLIA, 14. fine built home of white glazed brick x ; ; Z lewot, Also" Mrat" trorineaesavallotia, Removal of superfluous hoir |city Trading Pont "Shore uaa Bincss SKATES, new and used, hockey equip-|EXTRA CHRISTMAS cash! Those un-| years high school, sal- | thousand pNayel as x oe farm, one! must be sold. Owner transferred, Large Vil @ Leaving this 3 2 |confidential, private funds. Call 723-4631! Marie Murduff will be in | Street South. 723- ment and sticks at bargain _ prices. lused household articles, bring them to| ary and company Semefits. milkers, motorized 'barn Cleaners lara % |!iving room, 'hollywood kitchen, _ double room split level bungalow, . any time | 1 Bl ahh ARES Cycle Centre, 204 Bond St. E.. 725-6344.|Bowmanville Auction -Barn, Doug 4 ka rn cleaner, large 9-|stainiess sink, exhaust fan and hood, 3 . fait 2 (Priedchcatt N SSU . : Oshawa Dec. 11, 12, amd |LADY'S Borg coat with mink collar, size Gower, AUCH 78-1005. ' room farm house, 2 barns and tool shed. |Gooq, to bus line, shopping 2 |WILL LOAN up io $700 to consolidaie| 13th. Phone Genosha Hotel [14 new, new blonde wig, human 'halr,| KateneT Hat STeigy ame, coat also ja) Sowet Abclioneerss, Tes. a 1ay678 sa genablg, aeres. <0 miles, from Osh-lfeneed in reer Yard, 3monts old, All schools, Call" tonight. for : eee, aga morons) othe tes for oppoint- Tintin aig" "rv Po ate ama eure ei. |e, Temnoe Gna" ne] = MRD. HORRELL moe' Ray Chiat fe Particular, 2 Telephone 726-9191 8 ment, _ PORTABLE SEWING Th machine, te re CROWLER bedroom suite, { five pieces, TENOR BANJO WANTED -- in between 9:30 -- 4:30 P.M. FaRCy-WOME vo won't patho g of a pew neroes Ye a 2 BESS : sre cuca ion, Tel 28-1972. ; 4 bed ;, insul brick |$22,900 with 2 Painting and Decorating jon Swistcues [Brandnew 85." Telephone 6257S 'otter | 725704, FACTORY BUILT truck camper, sleeps|COOK, experienced. Apply in tele belt oe 25 3 10 ving ream | F For full particulars' call' Guide Realty GUIDE REALT PAINTING AND PAPER hanging, In-| The average man between 20 and 24\° ( USED - ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaners,|four or six, propane refrigerator, stove,|chet at Genoshe tae A kcal ping nroomts, Careue: dice go THY ry|Limited 723-5286. & terior and exterior. Free estimates andican expect to switch jobs six or 16 24 GARAGE DOORS, cane sliding, Na Den $25. and up. Tele-|furnace and toilet. Reasonable, 728-3779. THE OPENING. Advertising "speciaity (SPect Guide Realty limited 723-528 c OWNER TRANSFERRED so he has to low prices, Telephone 726-2634 times. In many cases the change will be |gomplete with track 99" x'82", also new |Phone_5760162 H 'eA og la NE Aad A gee sue: four, Wont (ond tome, tis. 18 8 LIMITED | to a totally new career. at cover. AG Xe Oldsmobile.|BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture salesmen wanted. The opportunity. Nw LOVELY year-old three-bedroom erick three bedroom \semi, tastefully Gecorat. | Eades and appliances, One locati ly, Prett TIMES ACTION limit on earnings.- The requirements. | bungalow located in the east end of Osh-|jed, with a finished rec-room, handy 16 Si c , And the place to look for the best jobs ---- eee a rer fated A AAA Sell full time or part-time with your|awa. Features include an attached gar-|piece washroom (for kiddies) off Pack imcoe Street South | WANT-ADS DON'T Is the "Help Wanted" column in The|'@ PRICE mattress sale, 'all sizps$79.95| Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. A IED ADS present lines, Answering this ad you get|age, a finished rec room with slidinglentrance, carries for only $119. PIT. Im- | COST -- THEY PAY Misseaof othe plage Re cbt ad ef as Bd fe see Pil a al rentasht 100 oe ive xOuN Didnt Sp nite used CL SSIF ed ine ahh ve deadisced ad v4 ry from |doors leading to patio and only $5,900|mediate | possession. Call Bill Hubbell 723 5281 0' etter 1" vel rockers up. ire | furniture r 4 Kk. co us , 440, | di Call . : hg lee "Help Wanted" now! Village, 76 Simcoe North, Ma eee BRING RESULTS! = lproctvitie, "onterio." oe Ser." Jo B, MeMulion. in 7a or 25 Ge re Ee ee ~--s

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