ESTOCK 11; this week last year 2,- choice vealers 38-42 with sales to 46; good 34-37; me- ns 28-32; rs 18-23. pgs 10,948: commons ry sows 20.25-2112); s gained weight 10.05-10.30. jeep and lambs 1,601: On r this week 1,650; last weck 3; to date 1967 65,693; . 1966 69,924; this week last good handyweight bs 25.50-28 with lights to 32; + 2,152; p 5-12. --_3-------- DROP TEA BREAKS ; AGENHAM, England (CP) Dockworkers at an Essex | have boosted their earn- by $6 a week and produc- y by 15 per cent by drop- _ their afternoon tea breaks, y now get their tea in vac- flasks--supplied by pany. Work was stopped for long as an hour while the left the 'ships to buy and k tea under the old system, On offer this k 10,200; last week 10,232; to . 1967 488,936; to date 1966 163: this week last year 9,- grade A hogs 29.10-30.40; two dollar pre- m: stags 12.55-12.90; boars more kers tS... Is of Simcoe, a Kodok ynd Projector Gitt Coupon ackage of hey like them. PRS OS 1aS..: fp... x DONALD DUCK BLONDIE LI'L ABNER {YTHILE ABOARD THE NACHT: SIR, I'VE LOST] WHERE WAS SONAR CONTACT) IT WHEN YOU mien Good!..xtop engines/.. were at Maintain quiet ship/ hee Herr ' ae Sees y RIGHT OFF HAVANA Y HAVANA?.. ONLYA RUSSIAN HARBOR, MILES AHEAD { SUBMARINE WOULD HAVE FREE OF US, iT SLOWED DOWN,\ ENTRY TO HAVANA HARBOR, THEN I LOST IT, BUZ SAWYER © King Feateres Syndicate, inc, 1967, World rights reserved. A RING-TAILED BABOON ESCAPED FROM THE ZOO AND WHY DO YOU MAKE uP Ali WILD, RIDICULOUS STORIES ) } ew MAN / IF HE EVER HIT ME WITH Ni If HE EVER, GOT TO GET AHOSS.....AN' )-'s¥ ° 3 JALL RIGHT, WHAT'S VOUBLE QUICK! NOUR EXCUSE FOR BEING LATE THIS TIME? YOU'RE A GOOD SHOT, JOE FINCH! 30 I'LL HAVE TO PUT YOU ON THE RUN AGAIN. 'IC BECAUSE, BOSS, JUST] : MISSING THE BUS | 1S AWFULLY --{ CULL | | JANE ARDEN Qkive HMI=\T SAYS HERE,"NO MARRYIN' MAN PERSUADE HER? . M&. FOSTER I BELIEVE SHE'LL BE PERSUADED BY THE FACT THAT YOULL OIE ] IF SHE yf REFUSES' / EVER SURVIVED A 27-DOLLAH WEDDINIZ* 7 MRFOSTER,YOUR THE CHINESE AN' SO AH'LL BEGIN TH' CEREMONY BY WIFE, SUSAN WILL BE PEOPLE'S '>. ORDERIN' MAH OWN TOMBSTONE -- 7 52 RECORDING SECRETARY | | GOVERNMENT IS 5! ASK SUSAN a AT A CONFERENCE ON EAGER THAT SHE TO CONT a al AMERICA'S ANTI- ALSODOSOME / TREASON, = MISSILE SYSTEM... /] | RECORDING FOR CHANG Wu! a A US!...ANO \ : Co | WHO BETTER Jak (ay =x | THAN HEROWN § 7a 7 Ee | HUSBAND COULD \ /> YO fad WON'T HAVE TO, fom oO bad n 1907 by Rees fyedieaie Co. Da World Rises Remeeved = Discover Canada's newest outdoor sport - Go Wide-Tracking Pontiac WE HAVE. REDHOT BUYS FOR THE COLD WINTER SEASON ON"68 PONTIACS @ TREMENDOUS SAVINGS The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. @ G.M.A.C. FINANCING 266 KING ST. W. 723-4634 WIDE CHOICE OF MODELS | THE OSHAWA TIMES, ~¢ | Friday, December 8, 1967 23 " BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' | Individual Championship Play) 1, You are declarer with the West hand at six clubs. North 'leads the king of spades. How |would you play the hand? 410 Woy A865 910873 Jun] YAKQ @K72 @A53 HAKQID #1082 2. You are declarer with the West hand at Four Hearts, North haying overcalled. your - heart bid with a spade. North . \leads the king of spades. South jovertakes it with the ace and' jreturns the four. North wins 'with the nine and leads the: 'queen of spades. How would you play the hand? J76 7 aes Savi on Sx1088 @AK @9872 #1086 Lo! AKT | 1. Win with the ace, ruff @ |spade with the jack, cash the ace of clubs, and play the nine of clubs to the ten. If both op- ponents follow suit, ruff another spade, enter dummy with a heart, and ruff the last spade with your last trump Now lead a diamond to the ace, cash the eight of clubs on which you discard a diamond, and cash the A-K of hearts. If the hearts turn out to be di- vided 3-3, or the jack falls sin- gleton or doubleton, you make seven; otherwise, you make SIX, If you were to draw trumps right away, instead of ruffing dummy's spades, you would be committing yourself to a favor- able heart break to make the slam. Such a course of play would be very unsound. That is what you would have to do if it turned out that the trumps were divided 4-1, but once you discover a 3-2 trump break at trick four, you are practically sure of making the slam by ruffing dummy's spades, This ;method of play permits you te |score six trump tricks instead of the obvious five, and brings |you up to twelve tricks instead {of the obvious eleven. MICKEY MOUSE JULIET JONES HENRY NUBBIN GRANDMA * OU, BY THe Way... tomozzow )!/ 1M IN THE CARPET-CLEANIN' 256! 57 HUBERT | TELEVISION LOG NOW TILL HAPTA COME 2. It seems clear from the bidding and the first three plays \that South started with a dou- | bleton spade, It would therefore 9--Off to See the Wizard A 8--American West 4--Day It Is 4--People Are Funny 1:38 P.M; | 11--Wrestling | 8&--Super President | 4--Roadrunner 2---Quarteback Club | 2:00 P.M 11--Schnitzel House | &--Davey and Goliath | 7--Rocketship 7 | 4--Captain Kangares. 3--Voyage | aClutch Car: t--News, Weather | a Sperts THINK YOU'RE A DOPE, TOO? YOUR HEALTH Hernias Never Heal, They Can Get Worse &--Three Stooges 4--Beat the Champ 7:20 P.M. | 2Hercules | 7--College Foetbal! 7--News, Weather, Sport | 9:00 A.M. 3-6-12---CBC Sports 7:30 P.M. DEFINITELY. AND | 7--OM to See the Wizard TWO DOPES IN LOVE | 6-12--Rat Patrol \S THE HAPPIEST | 4--Wild Wild West 11--Ontario Schools 6--New Generation | 4--Santa- Claus 2--Mr. Magoo 9:90 A. 2-8--Pro - Football | 2.30. .M. | 11--Moment of Trute | 3:00 PLM. IN AN! DO 'EM ON THE | aw | Channel 2--Butfalo 1, 9:00 PM, 10:38 A.M, jbe highly dangerous to ruff the INSIDE | shit nd | Channel 3--Barrie lone Ja tobey Time third spade lead in dummy -- i Channel 4--Butfale fina id | 6--Cousin Bill either high or low--because you Le pone pica 3--Movie | 'specs chon jmight wind up losing a trump f seat kc Biecniie 2:90 PM, 8-2--Samson and Goliath trick as well as a club. South i Channel 9--Toronto 4 To hay apts might have SA4, H,J97, D. k Channel 11--Hamilton 7--Will Sonnett | 11:00 A.M, CQ752 in which case you would Channel 12--Peterborough | 2~Accidental Family | Pa rap bedae very likely go down by ruffing a | sinks eae. | seb EL Nain Kore. the spade with the ten or king. } ¥ jn Merv. Grifin | (eMaya Your best chance is to dis- tor Ri in va | 7--Judd ve | "Super, Heroes card the jack of clubs from ri Wa-Rocky and His 28---Fordotten Peninsula dummy on the third spade lead. 1=Daisies | eae PN eg had ni This play more or less guaran+ Pir. Bd. | 4--White House Wedding | 9-Beatles tees the contract unless the Flintstone: | 11:00 P.M. | 7---George of the Jungle ri Seca een | ee News, Teen 3 ee turn out to be divided Movie eather, Sports e 5:20PM, | 11.10 P.M. | sities! Hobo { 12--Flintstones | 1i--Plerre Berton | 2--Ant-Squirre! Mins ee ; | {| W--Aceldental | Family FES 11:28 P.M, | Win ===> / OKAY, YOU BEAT ME TO YOUR EXPIRED' : Truth or Con | lewpoint | 12 NOON i pyences a he V2-Ontario "Schools PARKING METER, BUT IVE GOT YOU ON emen Dals j | , | %= ovie . F} é--Let's Go Sports | ea SN Mlavibios AN "IMPROPER DRESS" RAP! vA , 1--0F Pay me Boas ie 1:90 P.M. | ¢--Daktarl : 6: ; --Movi i--News { Nee SOR ON aes eae | 2---Top Cat uSsslans i P| Bert | Movie | 12:4 PLM, | S--How's Business? lie ae | '1--Outdoors Unlimited BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -- Bat 12-----Movi nm iY i 7 Peed Magazine | 1l=-Movie | wget ia ed Royalist reports from Yemes | 4--News, Weather, |, $-Perry's, Probe | $--Western Jarnbores today said the royalists had cut septs an sum BP--Conl MCCOOI off the capital city of San'a te 12-Road West | 4--Movie 1:00 PLM, prevent Russian military equip ; N--Palticoat Junction | y_soyig'" ® AM em ment from arriving for the bee 4 ews, Weather r i YOU'RE HEADING FOR ~.BOY L KNOW 16 THIS DOPE YOU Sperts 4-Rural Review sieged republican government. AT VALLEY? WHYP x | | (HERE. LOVE HIM LOVE -- HE'S GOT Fae ie arani 2--AFL Highlights Royalist sources in Beirut, in MEAN... WHY WOULD You | | YERY MUCH. AND EYEN T= pane er io. SATURDAY pnea contact with their leaders' af "s e RDLY KEE! 7:00 P.M, | ams e e roa the WANT TO GO TO A ADMIT IT--HE LOVES IN GROCERIES. 11. Yarn ie ak ese Bills. Highlights = home, said the road from Red Sea port of Hodeida ta San'a was cut after the royalist command "learned that Soviet armored forces were going to land at Hodeida." They said San'a was cut off |from all sides and the royalists |were attempting to damage the airport to prevent Russian sup- plies from arriving by plane. THE WOR! 2-8--Rudolph the Red-Nos- | " AM, 4--Gadabout Gaddis : ! cA NY pass ed Reindeer | $-Meta ie spt PM. 4 | No confirmation was avail 11--My Three Sons | 3-6--Ontario Schools | 4--Film Short By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD e |able for any of the reports. 9--Movie 2--Dick Tracy 700 P.M, 3-6-12--Get Smart | 10:00 A.M, N--Little People Dear Dr, Molner: My hus-|stomach muscles had divided) ise pie sien ee Ee band has a double hernia, onejinstead of stretching. Could you QOMPILING RELICS ! n oh, sier Trek | tpflintstense ' | 34-12--Water Polo larger than the other. The doc-jexplain what causes it, and) DARTMOUTH, N.S. (CP) -- --Hondo | I ; 4:30 PLM, a hen " lw 2 1 Z A EE] | 4-¢omer pyle, usc | 4-shanan | --pennis ihe' Menace [tor wants to operate. What/what can be done? polinget ogy Dartmouth Museum Society ges] [3612--Tommy Hunter 1--Sinbad Jr. | 9-Wide World of Sports| would your advice be consider-to wear a good girdle.--Mrs. ittee is compiling relics A a = ~~ Jing his age? He is 72.--A.R, |N.D. |committee is compiling és CROSSWORD Deciding on whether to have} 'This situation 4s called a dias-/and data related to the life of . i surgery always sagiter be ge Htasis of the muscles--"dias-| Joseph Howe, a politiclan op on balancing two factors: How). , AS | 'onfederation in 1867 urgent it is, and how well the/tasis" means separation. jposed to -C e ACROSS 3, Exist 17. Haut- 5 2 Ther re tw les which) but who later became one of the 3 atient can tolerate it here are two muscles which who | 1. Spoken 4. Slow: boy Pe i Ae -péndicularly in the ab-/Ptovince's first representatives 5. Beverages music 20. Italian Hernias do not get better; |run BErP ndiculariy in 1 P-lin. the federal cabinet. The 10. Infrequent 5. Continent: city they can only grow worse. dominal wall, one each side of material will be included in a 11. Fragrance abbr. 21, Prize Therefore' surgery should bejthe centre. A fibrous connection| recreation of Howe's study. 12. Coming 6. Rich rock 23. Music performed while the patient isjexists between these two mus-,---- 14, Level 7. Capital note still in generally good condition. |cles, 15. 16th letter of the 26, Amphi- | Put it off too long, and the sit- If--as in your case--this fi QUEENIE 16. Also Blue Hen bian |uation may suddenly become|proys connection Is damaged, it wee 8 ay t - ae critical at a time when the Pe idoes not repair itself. If you lie . Biblica . Correc . Garden = eRe oc ondi- " - : WHEN GRANDMA SAID | [..1 THOUGHT SHE | | T DIDN'T KNOW T WAS VOLUNTEERING TO STACK city 9. Like a feat Nasenteyia Aubwae Rent no tonger if in ado ~ AL dl back an Bede SHE WANTED A KID To | |MEANT TO STACK DISHES IN HER DISHWASHER. 20. Region in beach 30.Elicitae 36. Thrush rants' down ald DOs} det the cana ATA Geourid Ate i BEA pig RO ge BAKED GOODIES - GC, a N. Italy 12. River tien 37, Evade hernia ' breaks ep ar to feel the separaton around the TRY. ' . ' bee rang ed,surgery j , qc aca as 22. Network intothe $2, Calf's 41. Totals bag Pedal" yea ge Metre APRA CE NG EO hae ry 24, Plant Orinoco cry 43. Observe ee ae Be so hat to try it|, Not, all pregnant women run O q 25.Proclama- 13,Namesakes 34. Quantities 45. Honey You have no choice de the pa.|into this trouble, naturally. If it f j tion ofaliterary ofpaper 47. Student; |0 matter how feeble the p8-/ does happen, there is little to do ; 27. Bird uncle 35, Eject abbr. tient may be.) : 1(except to wear a support in the i of prey Age alone is no ic needed, form of a girdle. Bending exer- 381. Male V7 Te Ts 14 ZG Ge wtf: | avoid surgery if it is neede 'lcises to tone up the abdominal { swan Your letter happened to reach| muscles may help a bit, but will | 83. Crucifix 0 wl me the same day that the fol-) ot correct the separation. j 34, Disclosed 1/4 lowing one did: i 38. Measure: 12 % G 4+ Dear Doctor: Recently you Note to W.W.: He may be 75 "a if fe VA, told about a person who had his\»4¢ if your father wants to mar-| L&@ em 39. English 5 YAG 7 iB gall bladder removed at 89. Per-|y acain, and the lady is willing,| "30% jour, mademoiselle! Gut o Split V/, YA, haps you would like to know my/r'can't see why they shouldn't. It} Morgen, Pir sm = giorno, ONE THING wT SPRAY IT WITH pulse Wg yee bay REPETERES: ee 4 19/™2y_not be common, but men) ssima! 1 Dont LIKE ABOUT JUNIORS PINE-SCENTED | 41. Dry wine Eo 23 ea GG at Se ace done oF my|older than that have married! ne ' 42, Anthro- Y Y, YW, months I had 26 inches o| "/ and even sired children. J t For poids oS Be 2 oe 19 130 intestine removel, In May, 1967,/ ----____ Le SPIRE es us 44. Uproar VA, oe ee ee er in FREEZE GRASS M " 48. Pools: 7 a at 77) removed successfully. (Yet in ie : : oneye archaic GGG VA, 19388 I had had a coronary) LACKHAM, England (CP) -- 48. Half: 4 135 [36 37 YG 3B thrombosis _ and pneumonia at British cows may soon get a Neila etd page em a8 comb, form 4, the same time.) ar fillip to ee heels bog for our free prchans, which describes 49, More Evy 40 Caw Two tough operations in a|--frozen grass. Researchers at}ail_ the wonderful * glamorous car cunning J ZG year and five months. If this|Wiltshire agricultural college | oppertunites eotesnonial hairstylist 50. Lohen- 42 43 7744 4s will help anyone, I big agg ee a to find ipa -- e Write or visit: grin's bride to have passed along the infor-|freezing grass which c DOWN 4b AT 7748 Z mation--S.C.F. e given to cows in winter instead MA VEL BEAUTY SCHOOL 1. Com- ZA of hay or silage. A cow fed ON) 210 Big St. nee Torenty Dept, Of. manded 49 So | Dear Dr. Molner: About two!spring grass can yield five gal-|Dey or Evening Courses: Reanches be 2, Rant az months before my baby wasjlons of milk a day. On winter oll prinelpe! babbhna dais " « MUGGS AND SKEETER boga my doctor told me my/feed, it only gives qne gallon.