Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Dec 1967, p. 20

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 8, 1967 Re eS ee Saseneeeseeeeseaseaeaaaaaanat |tionally in' moderate trading TODAY'S STOCKS | susiness spotuicuT 10:40 Net Distribu | Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| 6 ' Toronté Stock Exchange--Dec. § Bantt 900 $155e 15%e 1588+ M4 Quotations In cents uniess marked $.| Calvert 1000 2312 23'2 23% an da, red n u lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr---Ex-| CS Pete See list below. ; rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is, C Dehi 200 460 4455 455 aT from previous board-lot ciosing sale CE Gas 29750 740 700 730 murs 2 2'2.2., Of Department Store Sales roa wet | AM, Del 475 $27% 22% 2214 Stock Sales High Low a.m. ch'ge Griefian D 1130 7s 96S 870 } een Gen ven ? : ' aie ah eS aa et sata rod bs ie ae By MICHEL GUITE perimental designer who just|were invited to watch Santa-- Acme Gas 72250 1€ #13 13 French Pt 9350 735 715 720 --1S§ r 7. . id jeompleted plans for the interior|through a _ telescope--making MONTREAL (CP )--Santa Advocate 1000 255 255 255 +3 Fron Pte 19823 115 105 105 --10 Claus is Big Business of a downtown shopping centre, Aetna inv 7250 46 42 4 Gr Plai 200 7 tS & 3 . : n a | ids 280 $1004 104 4 "A Montreal department store Suggests that Santa is outdated. | Viewers could even pick up a "We'd all be! 'He could be run down by the telephone and watch him 750 $104 10'% 10 Sulphur Price Speculation Sends Inco, Jefferson Lake Up -- TORONTO (CP)--The Toron- to stock market advanced frac- Thursday. In the main list, Inco hit s| penuaiin DOWN high of 127, up 15%. Jefferson} mans, ITL Industries and Freu- toys on top of the North Pole.| 2850 290 285 200 +5 ; Be 1 executive says 2000 «4) eB 4 +1 " . ir oc soo 8? tas 17. 4 | |dead without Christmas sales to Bat-car. He needs a new bag of answer their calls. . 13, 1, : 7300 90 9% «(90 pull us out of the red." tricks." | Three weeks later the Santa|iMC 1 Eee Loomer sales of 190,000 shares. 700 oe ok ao EE) Santa Claus is the bread and OP-FLIGHT SALESMAN |Claus parade of 25 floats, 12). em | 9300 97 93 94 butter of this operation," adds a| alent at ball ay erraglengaers jbands, and 1,000 marchers|,,, . ds $0) 33/4 2000 27!2 27% 27'4-- Ve , spel | However you look at it, Santa! stretchi var 1h 31% and a low of 23. |184.51. West ils w ff .60 last year 8,561. 4 turer stretching over 114 miles, rolled : " 1. Western oils were off . 3 Atl C Cop 200 70 56 66 Pinnacie P 5500 390 380 390 +10 \toy manufacturer. "When heli. 2 top.flight salesman--or. at Laibar rs. In western oils, Canadian Gri- Bankeno 2000 104 104 104 +8. Place G, 19300 175. 170 173 4 3 |comes to town I sing 'ho, ho, ho'|(>_%, P1182 Salesman--or, aliup to Eaton's downtown store. doll advanced 1% tai 'ot to 220.72 and base metals .11 to Belcher 3800 32. 32 32 Ranger 1150 S15 510 S15 + § eo jleast, sales gimmick. _ Santa climbed to a second floor, 40!! advanced 1% to a high Ol) 199 67. , See coe' aan, ae Scury Rn 300. eae 8 su 4 7 | StL the way to the bank. | Barge retail stores ri /15, Scurry-Rainbow 1% to 44%,! a ee oe ae Scuoner "3900 We 10s 1084.5 | An advertising executive says| ojo tcarh, Fy hort WO pony { Window and took his thronesin| qo a |" Export G Feo centz Volume was 3,490,000 shares steer calves 31-3 Broul Reef 1 3333 33 «+ 1'| Triad Ol| 2650 270 267 269 ' selling Christmas without Santals2es staffs by about 30 per cent the toy department. Canadien SaeeL ee cents compared with Srunewk U" Canso See list below. 1 di for the Christmas rush. Toy de-| An Katon's spokesman said) -- Camfio U Canso w 3665 245 240 «240 «410 WOuld be like selling a cone). ime i ben él are alae " Ss spokes sal | \ | Come Chie Vannan 2000 13 13 13:« 44 without ice cream. Santa was| Cote: Dereonne! are expand: the company hag sponsored the jnumbered declines 236 to 229) Camp RL W Decaite 700-355 355 355 + 5 fy ne ticigo (¢d @aS much as 300 per cent in! narade for 43 years. He added: while 229 issues remained un- week 2,850; V ! 5 using all the modern advertisin | Py send Me peers Owireuien techiiiques before advertisers number . "Santa means something much changed. | € Jamiesn _,, Distribution of Treasury Shares | ioucht of them Ae ype phe aries he still 4/more important than Christmas we C Lencourt he Toronto Stock Exchange has been 4 oe symbol o oodwill an eneros- ' : € Nisto advised that the. following. companies' "Santa is no huckster," he|;. pone eth sales, and we're trying to keep ° inter: ity, says one marketing expert. |p h yav:"? | Cantr have entered ints underwriting and op- adds, 'but somehow he_ has) «; he' im that way: | Cent Pat tion agreements which may. result in ' = "*' "But he's also being used to ae | Chestrvile treasury shares of these companies be- Complete _ shelf-domination--his t,a;5. kids in permanent buying Another large department Chimo ng ise ltd dba pbb itd through competition doesn't come until patterns." . store, Henry Morgan and Co., Two of Canada's oldest trust) me t ilities of xchange a5 'ay a ri *hildr reakfast o, i ereiy | oa uae cS Pet 19116 90 277 286 + ¢ | Easter." The Dominion Bureau of Sta-|i"vites children to breakfast/companies have received offi- comb Met U Canso 6015 490 480485 $ But Francois Dallegret, an ex- tistics reports that department with Santa. Each Saturday cial sanction to their joint re- ee INDUSTRIALS | store volume during Novemher| @0'ning some 500 children and/quest for permission to amal- € Shawkey a: Sales Hightows merge and December of 1966 accounted pele ie Bry Hy rad a! |gamate. The Governor in Coun-| Na neal Abitibi 506 SBS ASR BMS eaeiralin® Abe Aa? teal 2g tO more. than 38 sper pent' Of oe poe ee) ater ae ee = hep gy els Con Ne Acklands re 318 4 15 .+ Ye: inspiratl p- 225. $17 17, «+17 total annual sales. aia 'vase eats petgiroed | eked ae Seren Rambler mie eree | - IMC 200 $32 32 3? 4 they are invited to the toy de- Permanent Trust Company and © Red Pop Alla Nat Int Nickel 9828127 12614 126% -- **| RELY. ON CHRISTMAS partment phar a magician. /Kastern and Chartered Trust Cop Man Algo: Cent Int Util 'pr 400 $4l'4 di' alin + 1s gHarold Shaffer, director of the The toy department manager|Company, The companies will] Cralemt are Intor Pipe 360 $22% 2212 22/2 Ym Sir George Williams Univer Says a Meg hats lene sales operate under the single name| '. lone n ipe w 10% 10% 7 , :. i ific: yo? . | Alcan pr sity's school of retailing, says) 'Significantly', but he adds thatjof Canada Permanent Trust Denison fe Intpr Steel -8100 470 450 460 35 ad as 7 at! " ' Discovry Anthes A Intor Stl pr 172 18 +1\|many department stores lose the purpose of the campaign is\Company, effective im-| Dome iny Grp 4 > 74--'* money or barely break even|to help children enjoy them-| mediately. | Donalda iTL Ind 2 : East Suil james Stl from January to October, count-| Selves. Both companies are federally poor gle eens Ms, ing on the Christmas season to. One large suburban shopping|incorporated and have carried F Nat U ran 1100 Jockey C provide the year's profits. centre even arranged for Santa on the business of a trust com- Pi aert Bell Phne ee ~--10 'The president of one advertis- to arrive in a specially designed! pany for many years in various CA ara Bow-m pr ao ha 5 ing agency says modern adver-| *'space-ship."' parts of Canada. Canada Per-_| Gortdrm premieres Lau F 63w _ |tisers could have learned some' what does Santa Claus him-| manent Trust Company is a} fae' Ra me ae 38 Srazilion pee se "of their best techniques from self say about Christmas and|SUbsidiary of Canada Perma-| Gulch 2500 21 20 2 | BA Ol Lob Co, A » Santa Claus. : rcialism? - Whe inter. nent Mortgage Corporation. . 0 0 BC Frest : commercialism? hen inter m A F Siar con aa eA aid iY og hota id * He said consumer tests have/ viewed after meeting some 200 Charles F. Mackenzie, presi-| Heath y000 8° 8 OB ee SN MB Ltd % proven that a globular, deep-| children an hour for three/@ent and chief executive officer High-B! 2 by 4 Bri A 1 19% + 3a! ry So lik nk -Onvev. . . Hollinger 300 $2602 26022605 ROKK Fe wet Gard ae ig package conveys! hours, he was hurrying to getOf Canada Permanent Trust, Huds Bay 690 $562 56 56 8% Galea)? Mrtime. rts 7a feeling of strength, perma-| hack to his throne. He said com-|commenting on the purpose of H-Pam 20000 15 15 15 Sen tie Markboro ve nence, and cheerfullness to the! mercialism has -hurt Christmas the merger said, "One of the! het ee 11 Can Perm pias $d 47! |buyer. The long white beard! toy adults, not for. children. main reasons is that it will pro- re Cop 7200 Be | ee ag ake tga MEPC 5 10 3 i0 +10 and toy-bag precede almost any; we commented that beard- Vide a larger and stronger trust| oli 500 32 3; : et Stores 1 mn tr ole hi : a se | Joute! a ee oF C8 Alum A Milt' Brick f ae modern trademarks, while the pulling has remained rare for|coOmpany which will then be Jowsey 100°) 1-11 C rhe Moore % 30%+% 'ho, ho, ho' slogan is short, | the last 10 years. Military hard-|able to meet more successfully| , Men a ee et ST Cen ea Sey vy oiq + vq Pungent and bilingual. __|ware is becoming more popular|the increased competition and} Kid Coper 8400 85 85 a5 --1| © connie 2m eee aa | Mephy Pr * 27% + % But, he adds, it would be im-/for photh girls and boys. One the new challenges resulting i i Y 7 A -- ¥ 3 1 i . ° Rik tone OM Mag +1 | Simp em tom atte Tie Haw) ter ee ef" .g* possible to isolate Santa, from! young man asked for some\from the recently expanded L Dufavit 1305 900 895 900 pF ante ceili Ag bea be | Neon, 3700 $104 934 10% + | ITISEMAS, he bai 2' North Pole real estate, and one)powers: of the chartered banks. rig aden i Wt a7? a --NA) CP Inve pr $850 $244 24 24% als ee Be Pscgar og : pen girl offered him three cents to, "Combining the resources of tet SE eR | Sh aor WB fee Mu aah] Meare, a tim tie Ik | |eideory ana 'helpers, eaes| uy flume of coe! inher broth-ihe, wo, companies together eitch 2125 970 950 97 ' 'ett page pape NCG B 2 $15 $274 27% 27) R rs s Ser' i ri i Lerete a aoe ao C ,Petrotin =» x3 Sida Ve 1% | Oolivie Pe gies. 19M sae eulavalde pretty fant "a jer's stocking. with the more extensive branch- Malartie OO 9 5 at COLT Oy sias tas ie Ont Store 100 465 465 465 +15 i : | But most girls still want dolls,ffice system 'will enable the Me cates Tak ee GA Wel Coot Bide 8600 Ms 110. 110. 10 |: Bee Se a ie" ie SEE NORTH POLE and boys ask for toy cars and|amalgamated companies to Mee Intyré 715 $78 787k Cassidy 100 $7» Te (Tv Hina seis 1830 $22% 221% 22% The Santa Claus program, sports equipment. provide more effective and McWat 500 44 44 AA | CDRH Ltd 150 $7 7% 7%-- ; ; -- --jcomprehensive service to the Midrim 3000 BS BSS |. Ci Fund A io $9 9 9 Pow Corp 745 $8 7% 77%e-- ve here moved into first gear last Ip s Prvice Mogul Min 6600 44s aan aus' +g | Shemeell oo $99 9 9 Price Com . 200 $10% 1 10% + %\ month, when young visitors to jbusiness community and to the pride one ae She \ CHUM A 125 $e 6% 6% (Sim pson's department store BONDS |general public," he said. Ltda 3 » Y + 3 Clairton 850 $14%e 144 14% | Newcomen: Sa ah oh woe tas'| Solum) 200 S77 7M | : | TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana-| N Harr! 1000 13%4 1314 13% Come 752 $15\4 15' 1514.-- t |dian bond market was generally | DIVIDENDS > o pro 32 4 15" a, 5 Hi. tnearal S00 300 S20 30 . Con Bath 1035 $22% 22% 2% --%| Royalite 100 $192 192 192+ 1 a 10na rus junchanged in quiet trading Newson ee ae et {ah AL con Bah. 900 7h: B75. ae =F Royal Tret 20 18 2 18a 189 whireday, + Ash Temple Ltd., class A 4 : Con Bldg 1700 105 100 100 -- alada Va We 9M Y. es ca, ; Nick Rime toy ta "ta ia og] Som Blo p 100 245 245-245 | Sem vere 7p Aes Record Year Short-term Government 0 f/Pret. ve he Bf clad gl ok : hae Con Bidg w 648 28 as 28 +3 | Seaway $54 cents; 0) an, recor ec. a eo a cents with the Bispercent Dec 8, F Pagan Con Gas A 50 $95 95 9S elkir - r | cel -per-cen rhea Northgat = 7005 $11" 11% 1h + 44) Crush Inf 220 $1114 11% 114+ %) Shell Inv'p 75 $33 33 33+ Mal National Trust Company, Lim-|15" 1969 issue closing at 99.05|, Canadian Food Products Ltd.,| 'ani 3360 37 97 37 + 1 | Cygnus 8 20 $8 88 Shell inv w 1985 $16' 15% 16° +% ited reported record earnings.) } iq and 99 15 asked "~ |1st pref. 75 cents; 2nd pref. 75 | N Beave 102 42 «+42 «42 1] y . | 4 iF Delta Elec 1000 320 315 320 --10 | Shell Can 1795 $322 317s 3244+ % neofits, assets and deposits for| Obrien 2100 % «3636 | Disti Seag 190 $3834 38% 38%+%%| Shop Save 250 $12% 12% 12% ; - Opemeke «925 990 980 980 | Dofasco 580 $20 1958 20 + Ye Shully's ie 0 m0 290 +10 |the fiscal year ended October), Long-term Canada and prov-| Pemour 1000 235 235 235 | ; j ni ben 114 $3434 3414 3434 7 incials were unchanged with the Patino Ie ath Ul ta Dom Giass 100 $82 82 84 sips a $3. i /31, 1967 4 t Sept. 1 83 me es D Scottish 1700 $13' 1342 13%4-- ¥ impson 100 $247% 247% 247% hag erence @-per-ce' § ae 3, issue SP ak: OD NS | Deeto 600 $10 10 10 "| Statford 222 5S 285 ° 285 Net profits for the year total- Pie ' 8044 eis ae a" i ny Foe! : rs 3 Dom Store 125 $164 1614 16\4 ST Radio 'a es rs 38 led $2,053,169, compared with! * sai a 4 did an % ee! 100 64+ 2 Domtar 525 $10 10' 10%-- Ye Steel Can 477 $20% 20'2 20%+ = 2. jas ' Porc, Pay 720 8 62 8 || D Textile 780 $18 17% 173% Steinbg A 210 $17.--s17.=--«*W7 $1,881,666 for the preceding fis-| Day-to-day money was un- Preston 500 $20% 2014 20°%-- %) Dupont 150 $26'4 262 264 | Suptest od 100 $27% 27% 27% cal year. Per share earnings 1 | yramid 1450 $50 $50 554 Econ Inv 910 $12. 12. '12 Texaco 4550 $32 32 32 +%! reached $1.10, compared with' Changed at 5% per cent. ae 1 OR | Gety Mich 80 sae a TAG) Thon Ne 8m 0. $1.01 my my i Treasury bills were up 9 with 5500 20 18 +12) Emco 25 $19% 19% 19% Tone Craft 200 $B' 7% Bie + Ve ' A) Paper & Matto 4778 118 NS. +3) atcon 535 $874 87 87 --1 | Towers 1700 20 2% 20 Total assets under adminis-|9!-@ay bills closing at 5.55 per p ecadas 500 850 845 850 1 | Fam Play 220 $40% 40% 40% | Transair 200 $64 6% bia--Wi, dinars : cent and 182-day bills at 5.65. Rayrock 600 12 2 2| FRE Pion 610 $280 20% 28% Tr Can PL 2110 9% 8. tration rose to a record $1,676,-| e t z Fraser 800 $232 235% 2312+ % Tr Can Pip 100 S45¥a 459 45'2-- 4 000,00 ¢ 5 nee. ee Freiman 300 $74 7% 7a--%! Tr Can Pw 225 750 750 750 Es a rom $1,988;000,000. omen is vs a ce A ee ae a ie ie a eetates, truete and agencies PRODUCE st Pisayy ne Trans PPL 725 $9% 9% 9% + % accounted for $1,302,000,000 of} 0 i 17% 1727174 -- " : . Satellite $00 Oe ete Se Visa lee "the 1967 total, compared with} TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale ter $500 Union Oil 25 $55 «55 «(55 $1,191,000,000 in 1966. jto retail carton eggs average ODA Versatd 750 $1114 WW W% Savings deposits rose to $209,-| weighted prices quoted by the Wanco 27000 Walk GW 1521 ; cates increased to $108,563,000 dium 40.4; A small 29.8. Vv ! 13% 139% 13% Verestit" A a HF ee 1178 + %» 430,000 from , $200,588,000 and| department of agriculture as of y Guaranteed Investment Certifi-| Thursday: A large 45.9; A me- 800 4 Westc'st 285 $23 ae -- U on ion West ind - 300 ais ays 5 -- 5 from $86,482,000. Eggs: Wholesale prices to jaan 6 000 12! Weal ceed lao are eo oe |. The Board of Directors at country stations fibre cases quot- West Mine ss 62 260 262 W Pacific 150 $6% 6% 634 their meeting today, increased|ed by a committee of wholesale a ber . : ual gh a flocs td a -'* the regular quarterly dividend|egg dealers: Extra large 41; Yukon ¢ ae Zenith 740 200. 190 200 from lic per share to l6c, be-jlarge 39-40; medium 34-35; ie aisle io ginning with the January 2,/small 23; B 27-28; C 20-27. : 1968 payment. Butter prices: Canadian ee aa FORBION TRADING. In addition, an extra dividend Dairy Commission tenderable Am Caniic. 4050 184 1a tats Fon Nadie. 8). yar aT of 6c per share was declared carlots buying 39 score 62; buy- Kssiveré 200 635 4635 435 Muiti-Min 1000: 118-115 |payable January 2, 1968. ling 40 score 63; selling 63. ° Martini should be!" =) this : famous Gin took London Town by Storm yeu can still taste the sensation today Today, White Satin Gin is just as special, just as palatably sensational as it was in 1770 when Sir Robert Burnett invented his London Dry formula. Satin-smooth, decisively dry, White Satin is a tradition that's been kept alive by generations of good taste. Take a taste and see. : Thank you, j I Sir Robert Burnett: WHITE SATIN "That's how a ale "white satin The Premium Gin gained 1 each to 88 and 19 Companies %4 each to 24% and | cents; both Jan. 2, record Dec.| Dominion Dairies Ltd., com- mon 20 cents plus 40 cents extra, Dec. 22, record Dec. 15. WEEKLY LIVESTOCK _ TORONTO (CP) -- Slaughter/117,111; this week last year 2,- steers and heifers grading me-| 491; choice vealers 38-42 with dium and up traded actively at/odd sales to 46; good 34-37; me- to 7.05 and French -3te and strong to higher prices on "by beat an commons 24-27; Nu.ac 40 cents each to 7.35 and Ontario public stockyards this| boners ister digas week 10,200; last week 10,232; to date 1967 488,936; to date 1966 423,063; this week last year 9,- 648; grade A hogs 29.10-30.40; heavy sows 20.25-2112); light sows gained two dollar pre- mium; stags 12.55-12.90; boars liveweight 10.05-10.30. Common were steady, cows) |were higher, replacement cattle lwere active at steady prices vara 3, xia Among base metals, Denison and veal calves were higher on Lake jumped 2% to 55% OM was down % to 76%, Roman'a broad demand. speculation of possible general Corp. and Rio Algom % each to increases in the price of sul-!95 and 33% and Placer 44 to 31.| PHU _ ' Hudson Bay Mining gained 1 steers 29.50-30.50 with sales to Scottish and York Holdings) joint to 56% and Mattagami %%| 32.70; good 28-29; mediums 24- was up 1% to 12% and Roth-|1, 14% Hogs and lambs were higher. Slaughter cattle 9,864: Choice 27; commons 18-23; choice heif- a '| In golds, McIntyre was up 119 ers 27-28 with sales to 29.50; hauf Trailer 1 each to 26, 15%4't9 g9%4, Dome Mines 134 to 55% good 26-27, and 16/4, respectively. asco and Giant Yellowknife 25 cents) commons 18-22; choice fed year- Falconbridge and Dofa@s©/t9 7.95. Kerr Addison slipped % lings 29.50-30.50; good 27-28.50; offer this week 1,650; last week 1,695; to date 1967 65,693; to date 1966 69,924;: this week last year 2,152; good peice A lambs 25.50-28 with lights to 32; 'es ood cows 18.50-19.50 with odd i MacMillan Bloedel and Fraser|s19 and Bralorne 19 cents to) 8 sheep 5-12. peer . Acadia Uranium, most active canners |23%4 and Simpsons % to 34%. mine for the second straight|good heavy bologna bulls 22-23; National Trust fell 24% to 1644, day, was off 1 to 6 cents on|commons and mediums. 19-21; i on offer this week 10,100; A ; | On index, industrials picked week 8,833; to date 1967 451,621; solidated Bathurst % each to up .31 to 163.29 and golds .47 to to date 1966 477,348; this week yard have boosted their earn- ings by $6 a week and produc- Replacement cattle: Goodjtivity by 15 per cent by drop- |stock steers 27-30; good stock!ping their afternoon tea breaks. good stock|They now get their tea in vac- commons uum flasks--supplied by the company. Work was stopped for as long as an hour while the men left the 'ships to buy and drink tea under the old system, 3,385,000; heifer calves 25-27; |Wednesday. Advances just out- and mediums 20-26. Hogs 10,948: On offer this Sheep and lambs 1,601: On DROP TEA BREAKS DAGENHAM, England (CP) Dockworkers at an Essex mm Every month, more than 2,500 Belvedere smokers win Instant Gifts... here's one of dem. Mr. Claude Rolls of Simcoe, Ontario has won a Kodak Movie Camera and Projector with an Instant Gift Coupon found in @ package of but most people smoke them because they like them. 2. x DOWNTOWN Oshawa has... ~-FOR EVERY AGE ...EVERY INTEREST/ MOST DOWNTOWN STORES EXCEPT SAT. UNTIL.. DONALD DUCK BLONDIE LI'L ABNER MICKEY MOUSE JULIET JONES HENRY NUBBIN GRANDMA . MUGGS AND SKEETER JALL RIGHT, WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE FOR BEING LATE }4 THIS TIME ? [s ONLY ONE THING I DONT LIKE ABOUT ARTIFICIAL CHRISTMAS TEER re

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