Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Dec 1967, p. 15

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BUY LETTERS Is (AP) -- Collectors 8,366 at auction to buy 60 written by Catherine de i and 50 letters by her harles IX, to the French ssador in Spain, Baron de uevaux. The letters were n between 1565 and 1572, VHEN YOU WISH TO SELL YOUR HOUSE WE CHARGE INLY 4% TRAL ONT. TRUST hone 723-5221 TE sries to their friends to come she knows you 0 invite you to ffures WEST ING" cRAS INGER" HE SPOT CONDS ! "Charge It" ke with you any- ays "Yes" in the oad with "Swing- d pictures in just handy "Swinger" EMBER. JUST SAY CREDIT OFFICE SUARANTEE 'EED OR YOUR EFUNDED" K & WHITE FILM _ sharp, clear pic- ae UR FILM PACK res, "alive with =, 487 WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album ts provided by the Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Publication of this wedding record depends upon the submission of the completed form to the Women's Editor at least three days before the ceremony. The record of the bride-elect's showers and her out-of-town guest should be submitted at least five days before the weddirg. MR. AND MRS. FREDERICK GRANT Laing Studio Grant - Marvin 'toast to Sixth Brownie Mrs. J. H. Lee, Mrs. W. H. Meredith, Mrs. J. C. Stephenson and Mrs. Clare McCollough, for- mer brown owls; Mrs. W. H. Gibbie, Mrs. Fred Taylor, Mrs. Russell Dougherty, Mrs. ric Sorri, former tawny owls; Arch- deacon H. D. Cleverdon and Mrs. Cleverdon, Mrs. William Gardner, Oshawa, District commissioner; Mrs. J. D Elliott, District Commissioner, 'Mrs. V. C. Bowen, president of the parent committee, were guests of honor at the 25th anniversary celebration of the |6th Brownie Pack at Christ Me- morial Church parish hall. Guests were greeted at the door by brownies, Beth Wood- cock, Mary Roswell and Arlene Wagg. Corsages were presented to the former leaders by the brown owl, Miss Carol M Thompson and the tawny owl, Mrs. G. D. Thompson. Janice Cochrane welcomed the guests, at the dinner and Cindy McCune introduced the guests, | A toast to the guide move- ment was proposed' by Susan {Broadbent and Commissioner J D. Elliott replied. Janet Bradley proposed a the mothers of the brownies and Mrs. Bowen re- | plied. : | The first brown owl of the fih pack, Mrs. J. H. Lee cut the anniversary cake. Ways To Sparkle | This Christmas Because it's almost Christ- mas, you're certain to want to -i\dress up and make up as you '|probably never do any other *\time of the year. The festive spirit somehow boosts your en- thusiasm and puts a sparkle in your eye. How about those clever extras that add a touch lof glitter and glamor to your whole person? Could be the 'Midas Touch' Pack Holds 2sth Anniversary Celebration Susan McGibbon began the program which followed. A harmony greeting was sung by all the brownies, and Jill Omand recited a verse. Ruth Garrett presented a gift to the church on behalf of the brownies and Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon accepted. Susan Hu- bert presented a "good turn" to the pre-school for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Commissioner Elliott pre- sented the brown owl, Miss Carol Thompson with a brown owl warrant pin and certificate. A period of sing - song and games followed and everyone joined in repeating the brownie prayer and taps. The 6th brownie pack was formed April 15, 1942. At pres- ent, Miss Carol M. Thompson is brown owl, Mrs. G. D. Thomp- son is tawny owl, Mrs. F. M. Jamieson is snowy owl and-Miss Trinela Cane is packie Members of the pack, all of whom played a part in the 25th anniversary celebration are, Kelly Bertrand, Janet Bradley, |Miss Susan Broadbent, Heather |Brough, Janice Cochrane, Ruth § Garrett, Susan Hubert, Susan Mallett, Cindy McCune, Susan McGibbon, Anne Mead, Vicky Montgomery, Jill Omand, An- gela Nuttall, Mary Roswell, Rosemary Smith, Lisa Turner, Arlene Wagg, and Beth Wood- cock Rem -- 'A double ring ceremony in|with seed pearls. A full-length' ;. for you. Here are several] Centennial United Church last|train edged with matching lace beauty suggestions Use a loop Saturday afternoon united fell from the shoulders.. Her) o¢ gold tinsel and twist it : Susanne Bertelle Marvin and/headdress, a cap of silk petals|iprouch a French twist or use Frederick Wendell Grant iniheld a shoulder-length bouffart) the gold tinsel for a clever and marriage. [tulle veil, and' she carried | original hairband. You can also| The bride is the daughter of colonial bouquet of red sweet-| nrinkle gold dust over your Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart|heart sy and white feathered |) jirdo or match a gold evening | Marvin of Oshawa, and_ the|Carnations. purse with gold evening Biss % bridegroom is the son of Mr.| The bridegroom's sister, Mrs.| sandals. | PP cig Me yl gt Mb and Mrs. Charles Raymond|Eldon Thomas, was the matron) Get into the holiday spirit by) Dacia: cantar i Frid ag Grant of Nashwaaksis, New of honor. Eldon Thomas acted) wearing a small sprig of holly we hae ish te Tr me Brunswick. as best man, with Steven Rey-|or mistletoe in your hair, on pecemy r 29, 1967, in St. , gee sregory the Great Roman The Reverend G. J. Minielly nolds of Belleville, and the| your shoulder, or pinned he Catholic Church. Miss officiated at the ceremony and| bridegroom s_ brother, _Kenneth your evening bag. shee it- Marks and her fiance are D. E. Thompson played the|Grant of New Brunswick, ush-jtery sequins, shiny beads or both graduates of St. Mich- PLAN DECEMBER WEDDING THE 6th BROWNIE pack of Christ Memorial Church celebrated its 25th leaders and present leaders Meredith, Mrs. J. H. Lee, were on hand to cut the Miss C. M. Thompson, Mrs. anniversary cake. Mrs. W. J. C. Stephenson and Mrs. H. Gibbie (left), Mrs. W. H. Clare McCullough. Mrs. J. 'Physician Says Marijuana H. Lee was the first brown owl of the pack which was started April 14, 1942, and Miss C. M. Thompson is the present brown owl anni- versary recently. Former often useful to society; the sec ond would only destroy it.' cee etaresienreneins all. The first group of drugs is + MODEL | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 8, 1967 15 PLAN TRAFFIC PROBE VANCOUVER (CP) -- Par- ent-teachers organizations in Vancouver will be asked to rec- ord every accident involving a child in their jurisdictions in a novel child psychology traffic accident probe. The Vancouver Traffic Commission is asking the parents to help in the study so statistics can be compiled in the hopes they will reflect the psychology behind accidents. CHRISTIAN EVERYONE ; * SLIPPERS « ~ BOOTS and * SHOES -- FROM -- Causes Psychic Dependence Marijuana smokers who he-| First, they may be used to OSHAWA TIMES lieve that the narcotic is a to- qiminish tension to help the in- tally innocuous stimulant with-|,... out habit-forming effects are dividual to function in society, naive and ill-informed says Dr.|ot they. may be used in such RE-PRINTS Benjamin Kissin in an inter-,a way that the individual. total- view in Today's Health. ly escapes from reality -- and 20% Discount on Orders "This misconception," says|withdraws from society of S or More Pictures Dr. Kissin, "has been quoted! "Prescribed sedatives, tran Available at NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. E., Oshawe 8x 10 --.1.50 each 5x 7 -- 1.25 each to me as gospel truth dozens quilizers, and antidepressants, of times by young people. They|used in moderation, to allay ex- are wrong and they ought to/cessive anxiety or depression," understand exactly how wrong/Dr. Kissin stated, "often per- they are." mit individuals to function Dr. Kissin, New York State more effectively in society." University Downstate Medical) "Psychedelic drugs, such as Centre in Brooklyn, says that)marijuana, LSD, mescaline, far from being a 'safe lark,"'\and cocaine allow the individ- marijuana can cause a '"'state\ual to escape from reality so A SHOE STORE 55 KING EAST Downtown Oshawe Free Parking et Rear & IDEAL DAIRY FOODS of psychic dependence' that|that he need not function at may be stronger than physical) serie ee addiction. He points out that~ . Psychic dependence can | | elect is the daughter of i j : Mayor Hraest: Marks: and result "'in the most intensive Mrs. Marks, Oshawa, and |CT@V!ng and perpebiation of compulsive abuse ; Marijuana does not} cause physical dependence, buit this fact "thas given rise to the misconception that it is not ad-| the prospective bridegroom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Michael Alan Contway, of Toronto, QUALITY YOU wedding music. : The bride, who was given in} ering. small pearls on to hairpins be- Following a recepfton in the|fore you use them to anchor a ael's College of the Univer- sity of Toronto. Miss Marks MAKES A POUND dictive.' fall or hair piece or to coil a i { , i le left for marriage by her father, wore ajchurch hall, the couple le sisani inih clare, aut hair-do| is teaching at St. Joseph's traditional gown fashioned with|their honeymoon with the bride|¢' College School, Toronto and an empire bodice, scoop neck-|wearing an olive green wool| Will look very elegant under! Mr. Contway is a teacher line, and lily point sleeves. Thejdress, camel hair coat and the lights. : _| at Michael Power High fitted waistline, and neckline|}brown accessories x School, Toronto. The bride- were enhanced with alencon| Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Grant oT pen aa res maaan se ec lace appliques embroidered'will reside in Oshawa. SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT e e M K be Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Marks, C. eown = oung Oshawa, wish to pete wig 5 , /engagement of their daughter, jie Susan Eleanor Young became | belonging to her step-father's Steaha Jean, to James David! the bride of Albert Fredrick) great-grandmother. She carried|contway, son of Dr. and Mrs. McKeown in a ceremony in St./a bouquet of golden chalice/yichael Alan Contway of To-| Mark's United Church, Whitby,|roses and stephanotis. lronto. The wedding will take) last Saturday afternoon. The Mrs. Alex Emiljanowicz of|place on Friday, December 29,| eee bride is the daughter of Mrs./Qshawa, was the matron of| 1967, at 5:00 p.m. in St. Greg- John R. Town and the late/honor, and the bridesmaids|ory the Great Roman Catholic, Gordon Young, and Ae bride: were Miss Judy Allan, Miss|Church, Oshawa. is the son 0 r. and) i ide'. groom 1s |Carol Kzanoski and the bride's ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Harry McKeown, all Of|sister, Miss Jayne Young, all Whitby. lof Whitby. Kenneth Arnold of The Reverend John Smith of-|Toronto was the best man, and Mr, and Mrs. R. S. Connolly, Oshawa, wish to announce the Gordon Harle played the wed-|brother, Ted Young ushered. ter, Beverly Anne, to Edward ding music. | A reception was held at the| Anthony Wrobel, son of Mr. and) Given in. marriage by her|Whitby Legion Hall and later|Mrs. Anthony Wrobel of St. step-father, the bride wore ajthe couple left for Washington.|Catharines. The wedding will full-length gown of white chiffon|For the honeymoon trip the|take place on Friday, December velvet, with a brocade bodice) bride chose a dress of blue chif-|15, 1967, at 6:00 p.m., in Cen- and chapel train. Her head-|fon with brown accessories and/|tennial United Church, Oshawa dress, floral petals adorned witha corsage of stephanotis. RECEPTION | Mc-| rhinestones held a_shoulder-| Mr. and Mrs. Albert | cee a length veil of nylon tulle. She|Keown will reside on Eglinton sen honor of bring sae ve § pari silver ring! Avenue in Toronto. jding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. pola a i M i chen Unie ror - --_----|Norman Wright, Enniskillen, jwill be happy to receive the} |good wishes of their friends at! |a reception to be held by their} family in Hampton Hall, from }2:00-4:00 p.m. and 7:00-9:00) |p.m. on Saturday, December 16.) /Thousands Of Toys Destined For South Vietnam Children ener 1 By SALLY RYAN jby the U.S. marines as part of|jo, Comptometer Corp., Rogers, | NEW YORK (AP) -- Barbie|their civic action program. \Ark.. for several years has sent| is off for Vietnam, along with! "I'm not a crusader or Bny-|cap 'pistols, toy rifles 'and gun Batman, Little Snoopy and ajthing, but I thought it W&S/holster sets to individual serv- host of other toys North Ameri-jright," said Jay Krotman, 31,)jcemen to give to children al can children will find under the|the New York toy salesman whO/their areas. | Christmas tree. jorganized the drive. "I sent out} (Catholic Relief Services will| A toy salesman on a one-man|329 letters. and 60 per cent res-idistribute nearly 2,000 aban-| campaign, individual toy com-|ponded. They were great. One|doned Barbie dolls traded in by| panies, charity organizations|manufacturer in New Jersey|their young American owners| and U.S. troops in Vietnam al-/sent 96 cartons." lon a newer, twistier model. | ready have helped get toys to, Kretman asked for and got) Hundreds of other toys will be thousands of Vietnamese young-|att supplies, baby toys, SYM) distributed by servicemen. ee sters for Tet Tan Sun, the Viet-/sets, plastic toys, puzzles, mod-| a 2 H namese New Year. More are onjels and plush animals. \ Ab Abidin /\ "Please don't sent any guns) OSHAWA the way. v ' "Last year we donated a fewjand war toys, he asked. He Piz Shop toys to two orphanages in Viet-|Said marines suggested no guns. iKtie MADE |@ | Ing ficiated at the ceremony and|Garry McKeown and the bride's| engagement of their only daugh- taste a henley nam, and from the letters of} Some toy guns have been gratitude and the pictures of the|s children receiving the toys, we|programs, however. know how much good it can Daisy-Heddon division of Vic- hipped to Vietnam under other| PIES & PASTRY On Premises Baked 153 SIMCOE SOUTH Tradition eye Since marijuana pro-| It requires about 900 fieldjduces strong psychic depend-) |bees to collect a single pound ofjence, "its use does tend to be-| raw nectar a day--but two to}come chronic." three times that amount of nec-| Dr. Kissin says' that drugs tar is needed to make a pound|may be used in two ways to of honey. relieve the tension of daily life.' 4" Blue Grass Set includes Hand Lotion, Travel Soap, Dusting Powder Puff- Puff, $4.00 THE WAY TO A MAN'S HEART IS THROUGH OUR FRONT DOOR Wat MEN'S WEAR LTD. Order-of-the-Bath: Dust- ing Powder Puff-Puff with Bath Soap. Blue Grass, Mémoire Chéris, $3.25 Golden Foursome: Four Elizabeth Arden fragrances in this bouquet of Flower Mists. $3,50 OSHAWA'S FOREMOST FINE CLOTHIER Mémoire Chérie Bath Cubes--for the ultimate in bath luxury. $1.50 1 | LADIES . . . VISIT OUR GIFT BAR... @ Never Press Sport Shirts Styled and Imported by Black's Shirts by Forsythe and Hathaway Coloanes by Jade East, Brut and Ceaser ay Sportswear by Jantzen Sweaters by Gio Paoli, Tony Day, Jay Berma Handsome TV Gowns Shoes by Sloter Hats by Dobbs Cuff Link Sets styled by Black's Gift Certificates Boy's Weor -- Complete Selection Travel Set brings two-to- go: Soap in its own case, Dusting Powder Puff- Puff. Blue Grass, Mémoire Chérie. $3.00 Perfume Mist in either of \ CAN | COUNT ALL PACKAGED IN BRIGHT-PLASTIC THROW-AWAY CARTONS More and more people are turning to their local dairy, Ideal Dairy. Their products are pro- duced, processed and delivered locally by local. citizens. Locally produced and process- ed products help to build a greater com- munity. Doesn't it make sense to BUY LOCALLY Pro- duced and LOCALLY Processed Dairy Pro- ducts, AT YOUR STORE AT YOUR DOOR For Home Delivery Elizabeth Arden's famed fragrances--Blue Grass, Mémoire Chérie. $5.00 On Your Street Call do," said H. H. Coords, presi- dent of Fisher-Price Toys, Inc., | a pre-school toy manufacturer] EDNA | in East Aurora, N.Y. | This fall, 100,000 wagons and| balls, wheelbarrows and bal-| loons, dolls and games have been donated to be distributed alates ELECTROLYSIS Removes superfluous hair painlessly Try our Kree Imperial Machine MARIE MURDUFF When you have a good thing going. it pays not to change it. The taste of Schenley Tradition is a | good thing. And we | haven't changed it for a ye | long time. Nor will we. ' Because this friendly blend of superb whiskies does a very simple thing -- it makes your drink taste better. We think that's a Tradition worth keeping. SSchenley TRADITION SANTA SUGGESTS For The Lady Of Your Choice "EVENING ELEGANCE" Try our 2 pe. Silk Knits, Dresses, Located in the Ideal Dairy Jury & Lovell COSMETIC DEPT. OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 9 P.M. SATURDAY 'TIL 6 P.M. ; «© MEN'S WEAR LTD. Whitby - Oshawa | It makes your drink taste better. Centre Moll neor the flag pole at Blouses, OSHAWA will. be In Oshewe et the GENOSHA HOTEL Jewellery and Acces- Dec. 11th, 12th, and 13th | SHOPPING | CENTRE PHONE 723-4641 | sories, Each one would make her @ perfect gift, come in today. | 4 'i ESTABLISHED 1924 R Rin: Bowmanville 74 SIMCOE N, 723-3611 Products. Lid, 390 RITSON RD. N. TELEPHONE 728-6241

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