ge football team announced Inesday. idrusyshyn became a kick- specialist on the University California at Los Angeles n this year after playing one full year of football be- --at an Oakville, Ont., high ol. e 20-year-old soccer-style er, also Canada's javelin ful in the 1968 Olympic es, was named to the ting News all-star team as nting specialist. drusyshyn and Heisman hy winner Gary Beban re- ented UCLA on the team. Sa WYONE 6 6 1S TER rtaininent 5 AKE A DATE FO ma... EORGIAN ator Hotel Fine foods served In a delightful . festive atmos- phere. Top-flight entertainment you're sure to enjoy, Be sure to book your Christmas and New Year's reservations now THE GEORGIAN "hamplain and Thornton 723-4693 i Have Yourself Merry, Merry Christmas" , by planning your HOLIDAY DINNERS and PARTIES CAROUSEL INNS ISHAWA 723-5271 AJAX 942-5580 } for Everyone n CHRISTMAS . . . he Time To Give The Finest Pierced Earrings Watches Diamond Rings Stone Rings ~~» d Many More Beautiful GIFT IDEAS from ALBRAITH EWELLERS JAX SHOPPING PLAZA AJAX -- 942-0407 CC UT ELMER'S he Christmas Store ith Gifts Galore' gift problems ? Drop into er's Bargain House and the large selection of gifts the whole family. ELMER'S 253 Bloor St. E. 728-3473 \ MARTY'S RECORD BAR for the "TOPS IN POPS" nusic to suit all tastes SPECIAL: All Four MONKEY'S Albums 35% SIMCOE NORTH 723-0731 SHAWA FLYING CLUB the Special Person on your istmas list, give him or her ying gift certificate for as as $5, Private and Commercial Flying Training Pleasure Flights hawa Municipal Airport 728-1626 DRUM CITY TORONTO 0 DRUMS SET choose from. All makes and used, Telephone Collect 925-4434 ANDS read Times Action Classi- $ daily. eg Cent Del Chieftan D° BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT tH ee seaeseeaeeeeeenenans | FS 6 tC: i GO i Ge ih 8 i OO Tiel i : a) : Pa 1 EPO 'BUSINES ae 3 h ' Ty sm , , J wk | Ra Be rtt + T et ae) : i Prt : 63 2 TODAY'S STOCKS TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Distributed by CP 1200 950 940 940 - Announcement ae yh: oS ape GABRIEL MARCHILDON Formerly With Trio Television has opened a shop under the name TELEVISION Sales & Service 786 Simcoe St. S. TELEPHONE 723-0402 Honest, reliable service to all makes. | 10:40 Net Y Stock Sales HighLowa.m.Ch'ge, Stock Sales High Low a. 1100 160 160 1 wm, Ch'ge | Bank Manager Predicts Featuring: INSTANT-PIC CONTROL Picture and sound immediately set is turn- ed on. Y TWO-SPEAKER 'Golden Throat" Sound except TC-3840) TRANSFORMER-POWERED chassis for added dependability. SELECTED VENEERS & HARD- WOODS Victorcraft cabinetry. PRE-SEPFINE TUNING LIGHTED CHANNEL INDICATOR RCA COLOR TV MARK II FRENCH PROVINCIAL New Super Bright Hi-Lite Picture Tube RCA Automatic Color-Purifier Super-powerful New Vista Super-Sensitive Transform RCA Victor Color Chassis Space Age Circuitry Ultra-Sensitive RCA Solid State UHF Tuner VHF Tuner . er-Powered Glare-Proof, Dust-Proof Picture Tube Simplified Color-Quick Tuning See It Now! stereo CHRISTMAS ALBUM Enjoy your favourite Christmas music recorded In beautiful stereo. Artists include: Floyd Cramer, 5 Vic Damone, Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops. - Orchestra, John Gary, Jim Reeves and many | 1 stereq only \ BEGoodrich @ New Budget Accounts Welcomed @ No Outside Financing ERLE EEE LE HOME & AUTO CENTRE 88 KING ST. W. 725-4543 "There is no incentive for tak- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 7, 1967 27 Timber Companies Urged To Set Up Disaster Fund VANCOUVER (CP) -- A Brit-} jof salvage logging. It was pio-| | Farmers Urged 'To Raise Hell' WINNIPEG (CP) -- The pres- ident of the Ontario Farmers' Union Tuesday urged Canadian farmers to "raise a little hell." Walter Miller told 220 dele- Toronto Stock Exchange--Dec. 7 Cc West tai 5 ' ' ; ; ; : ee x lope gg gine RP CE 100 140 1 8) eee One 3B Bt s jish Columbia pulp mill engineer ing risks and great penalties forneered in the Ladysmith area|gates attending the Manitoba 1-Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-/French Pt 4883 710 705 710 415 |H® Ol Gas ss Sasa asta Oa tA um To it 0a @a |has urged timber companies to' failing," he said. (of B.C.) in 1943, he said. "At/ Farmers' Union annual meeting Fa i ele ee a Er". ey 1 hy, 0,1 (MBO Owe me | set_up a "technical disaster) "What do you do if you are that time logging comsisted of this is the only way farmers can nt Helium S00 280 28 280" --10 |Husky ow 908 $2470 2ase 2a7e 4 oe : fund" that would insure compa-jexposed to risk? You insure./taking off the sawlogs and improve their lot, which they MINES |Midcon_ 40000 39V4 2914 3914 + 1/4 Husky C pr 125 $42" aia #2 TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian) Expansion of the market for nies trying expensive new pulp| Maybe the industry is large larger pulp logs only. have not done by increasing ef- Net Pale ome eles 4 fwsky (Dow {205 slime ld' 14e-- 4 businessmen were warned/Canadian oil would result 'rom| production methods against'enough and sophisticated) "I, terms of cubic feet per ficiency or production. kde Wn bow |N Davies 6000 18 18 18 +1 \imp Tob 786 $13 1234 12%-- ve Wednesday to expect a bumpy a recent approval of a 34-inch/ heavy financial losses. __|€nough to insure itself by set- acre the amount of wood left be-| Mr. Miller said INC Oils 100 615 61 : ; 4 fi aid membership acad Ur 45600 8 |Okalta "foe ee eal {nd Accept 325 $20% 20% 20% + Yiprofit road next year as Cana-|pipeline to Chicago and addition-- P. R. Sandwell, whose firm|ting up a technical disaster|hind was equivalent to the en-|in the OFU never rose so rap- Agnico = 12 10 | Perm 1200 2% 2% «626 +1) malls hee 300 a 11'%4 a |dian business conditions ap-jal crude had been approved for) Sandwell and Co. Ltd. has built/fund." tire forest stand of Eastern Can-|idly as it did when the union or este 1 He 7 27a + Ve ig Py pont br 4 385 + § |Inter-City 200 $13' 13% 134+ % proach a turning point. a pipeline running south from}pulp and paper mills around the' "possibly each company ada." ganized a march on Ottawa last A ie ee | Ranger 4550 520 S10. 50 4 $ IMC 2h Suva su eis + vy, R. M. Macintosh, general|Alberta to Montana and Wyom-'world, said in an interview that would support the fund and then ji aig imovoved. ulllisation Sear we ev 1000 i e 70 jScurry Rn 1500 $4312 43/2 434 + 3a Int Nickel 1205 $125 125'2 1254 + Ye|manager of the Bank of Novaling. most new mills under construc- apply to it when they are going has increased yield substan-| : ¢ Avner 5 235 --1 | Triad 11968 290 268 2p Te eto ibine . 420 S4ll2 414 41%4--18\ Seq a, told a forum of business| Canada's mining industry also|tion in Western Canada are to take a chance on a prod-|ticiy However ae calan anat As a result of that march, he jankene moe el +t eee See list' below. lint" Pipe 'w 150 $104 10% 10% executives at the University of|presented an optimistic look at/based on 1930 production meth-| uct." or pamaea G eral becca said, the federal government Bethim 2000 70-77 7%) ~--S |W Decate ap i onlin og sh ce 410, 400, 410, + Toronto that cost performances|1968 with G. T. M. Woodroofe,/ods and concepts. Mr. Sandwell said such a fund/on methods used more than 150 eeicht Pl baie eae in ek Bralorne 4200 235 231 235 + 4 Primary Distribution iTL Ind 200 $12'2 12 12" of the economy have been|vice-president of Falconbridge) He said forest products com-| should be used to back alll years Hes jweight subsidy on milk, which Broul | Reet 5000 34 24 34 --1 | _ Distribution of Treasury Shares | Jefierson 2817 $55 $34 $5 +2|*quite shocking in the last two|Nickel Mines Ltd., predicting panies must be prepared to risk worthwhile projects in the pul bath Ae jamounts to a $120,000,000 subsi- Comers 18 "800 110 M0 110 advised Thar ABE" falta conammel caries W280 Sb ASM HIM eg 1? jthe eighth consecutive record!jarge amounts of capital on dis-\and paper industry favelrine » OLD TECHNIQUES dy for all Canadian farmers. ' 3 ' 9 i 0 d 5. ; stry y SCH) cs any peng oN Camiio x25 370 370 370 have entered into underwriting and op- Lafarge 275 $ld'a Vala Waa "Unit labor costs in manufac-\Y€ar for the' mining, smelting cover of new pulp and paper jarge outlay of capital pe Noting that "politicians yield ¢ Tune = 3000 51-250 251 +2 jHion aoreementy which may result inj LOnt Cem 230 320 320 320 Unit labor costs in manufac: a refining industries rocessing methods if the indus- : sg bavge The means of screening,;wherever the most pressure is ean PRtsto Pee iit balou ling Snciee dltraeshicn eee nen i me a he cone: ; try is to fied abreast of rapid avin predaciek as ads ne Bnd THPCHINE the TO ar ict a oe s rently throu: 361 1 y . fe a aun j ss ms itry is s 7 "ti - ' a - . chin m io 6D Arne sean Sar nanan bie tow wt io Tio" rin" rio" ite 1968. Do astarstion cot Vie Baten SU vate technological changes ule easier ave putts fundamentally the same as it|€TS Should unite into one big lore 0 182 182 181a-- v2 Lob Co A 100 $6% 6% 6% 966, re 'om- An executive of Canadian In- : is « junion "'that can't be played off Conigo 2200 2 2 2B |C Nisto 14500 51 50) S51 +1 Lob Co B 410 $6% 634 63 | ble to that in United States ,, 04; . : He said a company in Eastern most of the emphasis on utiliza- has been for many years," said! ; , y Cc Shawkey $00 21% 21' 214 Glenn 12500 20 19% 20 : oP eae |parable CAL ' * ternational Paper Co. said Can-| . pee s ier " v8 hay against each other." - C Belek $00 14 Ma ta Sarimea oer Peo oe ne sea !manufacturing."" ada's output of pulp and paper|Canada recently attempted tojtion of mill wastes and salvage'Mr. Sandwell. "If you go back,! He sald farmers' unions must ra CO 280 0 - et 120 7 7 x me ; 5 2 r log rec rear: * " . S Men. 1h GO ate as 410 10 Gare. sa eo Maclarn A 600 $1578 187 1578--%% Mr, Macintosh predicted thejincreased by one per cent in speed up production a ep AOR INE 2 Aocent Sears. [ suppose the basic ideas arejtake the lead in urging muche Con Negus oop u 3 3 +1 MB. Ltd th Gross National Product will be|1967, and is unlikely to show through innovations to pie Essentially, over the last few Swedish. although the equip- needed reforms. ar esy ne bh & We INDUSTRIALS Magna El 1100 $18 18 18/2 + % running at only a slight increase¢/much improvement in 1968. machinery, but the new meth- years our attention has been de- ; mesial . | Mr. Miller said one of the 1s- Cop Man 2000-3131 31 +2 Ackiands MGS $147 da 1a IM EY Mills $00 Stead ieee tome weiin the second quarter next yeat) + 5 sravwell said the 1967; seen voted to getting costs down,"'|ment is of Canadian or Ameri-' ues that raised the ire of Ontar- 1 1 2 \ . - - " oad pd od 2 y. a ». 2 Kwe Ss a7 wT te Hy ; j , Hy "gy Bs a Crain a #2 2 2 -- "« Agnew-s 250 $1717 17 Maritime 25 $1934 1934 1934 to an annual rate of gain: coMpnned Wie 7 The fact is that it just didn't Sandwell said. "Since the can design. io farmers is that 36 per cent of Dee 8 7 Apa at. 1% 10) Metime rte M467 4) 4) 4) §64,700,000,000--an increase Ot ee erent ie ont 1, Work and it had to be taken biggest cost is raw materials, "'Then, having made the pulp. farmers' income in the United Denison 313 $78 77/2 774 + Ya Alonguin ES ts Dee a aera ee only 514 per cent over the sec ath in 1966 and six per cent in out," he said. "Not only was the this is where all the effort has you must put it in'a form it can States is derived from the gov- ome sul ra 33 520530 10 \A/can 275% 27% + Ve Nett Stores 230 $31 30! 31 ond quarter of 1967 and is lower)" "" $1,250,000 development costigone. be handled ernment, while Canadian farm- F Nat U ran 7200 91 83 83 pi I 2 2 ee lO ses + 1968 Mr. Maxwell said the compet- wasted, but there was an awful) y.c.. w, " ; "CBasinatic , ee Ar antes Pe 7 7 Molson B 100 $18% 18% 18% -- than any forecast for 1968 itive sitdation ; Ke Ciming felt ig production tals waeikd ae USE WOOD CHIPS Basically, the fourdrinier/ers receive only three per cent RAS ery 5 800 + nthes 95% 95% --2\%4 Mont Loco 100 $15 15 15 + M% 7 sai yern- ' § ce g in- lot of pr rl $2 Jever CC y whic - Pot r . Giant Yk 744 800, 795800 +30 Athesins toy fle Te |Moore tus $31%4" 90 dou a6| Mr. Macintosh said govern ooo noi dimou Canada's| well He said Weyerhauser Co. pio i ge y en does this was in- of their income from the gov me 2000 123 122 122 2 fall Sugar 1138 11% + ve Nt® Contain 500. $6%4 658 6%:--'* ment spending may be expected) | : f the U.S Pinion . neered utilization of wood chips vented in 1795 and perfected in ernment lesb arya ht 55 55 Nat Hoes: = sin 4450 40 'o level out in 1968 and business|> ie : ih 'S. market has "t takes time to correct mis- in Washington and Oregon and 1880--and except for some te Serge : 4 Bar 1 eon 6 1 + 4 4 r cen 1987 eae hy my bs ug 2 ss ; Gortd 11650 405 395 405 nity Bk Ns mee Noranda 35 $51 50% $1 -- \s capital investment probably will ru ea iter the ak Dita! takes like that and the manufac- the firm's processing methods finements, it hasn't been LONGEST SAUSAGE Granisle 400 $10% W0% 10% + Mel Benne' c ea aa Ae Erie bla ie decline. This would leave only|,.. bs le econ re turer probably spent another were later' picked up by. Mac- Changed since The longest sausage ever Headway hw jaw ae lave sone BP. --\e Nor Ctl wis 225 400 400 400 housing and consumer expendi" ryan here in the world, for $1,000,000 in the process Millan Bloedel Ltd. of Vancou-| 'This, then, is the state of af- made was in Germany in 1601 Bell Phne 45 = yeiOcean Cm 580 $20% 20% 20% +) Ityr al s Ae fot ee , gp i ve ' ¥ : ' , 4 a" hyn seat 4a) $462 262 2612-4 Bow Viy 'w a so Sat eh, Pew: ie: tures as potential peng atk mation of regional trading blocs COSTLY INNOVATION ve at ibs site enned mill on fairs in the 'new-old ,, mills and measured 3,000 feet in Ware bs a 74 2 55va 4 2 Bramalea 725 $14l4 14% 144+ ¥o\Oshawa A -- 510 $27% 27 27% jeconomic growth, . either! snd policies of national selfsuf.| He said the risks of innovation ancouver Is. en we've been looking at," Mr./length and weighed more than ' Brazilian 400 $14Ve 14 y Pac Pete 540 $19%2 192 19'% ~ y ikely show unu- ,; es ' ; , "Then came the v Sandwe Int Bibis T 150 46 46 46 BA Oil 2169 $372 37% et Y* Pembina 15 821% 21% 21% sector was likely to \ficiency are making it more dif-jin pulp mill processing are ry eela S si i te a deyclopment Sandwell ald, EAA i $40 pounds det Me ey re ae Sila: 18h 8a + weiEow Corp = 220. Me 8 th sual strength ficult for Canadian companies) big and so costly that few com- 2 8 rv y g : n Joliet 300 33 3} 33 QN Gs ow 100 280 '20 '-- 5 FORESEES GROWTH \fo retain pulp and paper mar-|panies are prepared to take Jonsmith YOO 22¥a 22\ 22¥4 Rank Org 625 6% 6 i : kets, he said them. Hud ie a Revenue 1075 $14%4 14% 14% + The president of the Canadian) - sash % e : aed Robert A 225 $18 1 18 > A wines 1 = Kid Crer 14800 90 86 86 ve R Nodwell, 300 245 240 245 Eelectrical Manufacturers Asso nigga as a sas 88s Rockower 400 $10% 10%. 10% -- |ciation said that after expand ae raid ' s + Rolland 200 $7% 7% 7% 4 19 a 'y for Osu 2200 28 a/'a Da Equty Se i aig oe leita 1900 10 5 -- 5 |e by 12 ber gel gear sh | dias 0 MF CG Invest 9) 856 Bd 5g 4. [Rothman 250 $25%% 25l6 25M4 + A several years, the electrica) | sib > C Hydro pr 100 $179 173% 17% Royal Bnk 385 $1S\¥a, 15% 1512 cturing industry showed Macdon 1000 2) 21 21 = /C Imp Bnk 950 $13% 1314 1349-2 /St Maurice 1100 4 38 4 + agree th year and is ex GIFTS FOR Maich 2250 9 Cc Ind Gas 1000 $12 113% 11% Sayvette 100 295 295 295 no growth W's year and | x Matigmi $00 $142 144' 14¥2+ ve CP Inve pr 1435 $24%% 2438 24% Scot York $25 $12 11% 11% ipected to increase by only three A eh a aT 234 $59 5959 -- yy Seaway H 100 $554 SHE MI A gee EVERYONE y NM intyre 20 $79 79 79 C Petrotin 225 $14%4 1434 143% Shell Inv p 280 $33 a EH ; Lugs nt in 1900. McWat 600 43 43) 43 «+1 |Cdn Tire A S75 $34%4 33% 341% + % Shell Inv w ot 6M 4+ "a I rd sai e fore- ' iy oF 8 tule Ullilles, "as Sm ae mT "shell Can" agp suis sim, aim + ul 8. M. Barford sald th fore ON YOUR LIST! Mogul Min 9725 445 440 445 ay Pal Bids 1300 120 120 120 +10 Shop Save 200 $12% 12% 12% + Ss\cast of a moderate gain rests on geet om | Pee? Vea: | Ww wv. -- H td 460 S7% 7% 7% -- Ve Sh 1 ct 1000 480 480 480 --I$ . Multi-Mi 300 103 103103 Chrysler $13. S61Ye 61 gle + Sliverwe "@ 205 GI1S% 15% 15% the hope that consumer spend- PING-PONG ) y 0 210 $20 20 Simpsons 615 $34 33% 337% -- Wei; , rise 2 New Cal 3000 35 «3535 Clairton 100 395 395 395 +15 | Simpson $& 100 $24% 247% 247% ing will be strengthened by ris bos wy 400 + § |Cominco 1575 $2614 26% 26e-- % SKD Mig 30087, 7? ling personal incomes and _ in- TABLES 2 165 63 + ompro 00 395 395 395 +5 |Siater Sti 100 $10'4 10' 10% Imperal 1425 320 320 320 || Con Bath T2i0) $2380 2334 23% -- 9) Siad Steel p 300 Slava Wdla_ Nan creased house construction giana. taal 4 MAH a You can count onit. The easy taste of 5 Star whisky will ves 2 12 Wa-- ¥2\Con Bath w 4 Slater A wt 600 460 460 461 | . a " g " i Myama ---2000«*19%2 192 1912+ 'a Con Bldg @760 100 95 100 +7 iainain 15 $47 «47a? «4 R. E. Sheen, deputy manag- steel posts 18 15 lease 'ou eve time Newer Stk 13a Tala 2 Cons Gas 1052 $21 21 214+ la Steel "Con 1897 $20% 20/4 20%+ 's ing director 'of the Hudson's end bells " p y ry le N Que Regi 300 615 610 615 --10 'Cosmos 20°81) Steinbo A 295 $17 (117. «17 Ags fenleted <retall ince: Norlex 5000 14 14 14 + | Couvret P 275 475 475 475 Suptest od 180 $28 27% 28 + 4 Bay Co., predicted retail pric N Codsim 360) 146 144 145 +3 Crush Int 345.811 11 11 + Wi Tancord p 100 250 250 250 25 |will rise between 4.5 and five It pleases us, too. But when It comes to making 5 Star, vate a $1i% Vi Hh ae agg ia rea bd ited 455 Texaco 195 $32% 32 32% + \2 per cent in 1968 Gold Finished 30" Rank 340 35 35 35 «+1%2 Delta Elec 00 330 330 330 Texaco pr ri0 $74 Jah isan Metol F j i i Can led }18 128 128 *'5' Disth Seog aos san 'ate dete + ts thom. Nor 25 $0 a) Sis 'Bheen aitthued ihe ine aoe eee KITCHEN. | Aluminum things are a little more difficult. We select whiskies from our a eo 68-5) (980 ome ele 110 $5738 57%8 S7¥a.+ Ya Tor Dm Bk 705 $13% 13% 134--% it vay val . 7 . , Orchan 100.290 290 290 D Bridge 305 $15¥e 15/8 15% Traders A 10) $8 + ts crease to unprecedented addi 4 istilleries (e} an ; rt Dotascne" Sus Sip" IW + tren PL. BO mm 4.1% tions to real estate and business MIRRORS | EXHAUST STEP 1,2,3, 4,5 dis across Canada (only Seagram's has § atino 43) $15 142-142 -- Vw Dom ass 2 8% Bi Tr Can Pl p 125 $45% 45% 45% i aie aay For Hallways, . eo 14, 148 -- 1 |Dosco 100 $10 10 10 Trans PPL" 224 $9% 9% 9% + ve taxes. He forecast retail trade DS - Vanities, ere, HOODS by the way). Then we blend and re-blend them to get Peerless HO a7 Bom Store 73s Slee ev 164 -- 0 UnAcc 2p 300 350 350 350 jwould reach $25,000,000,000 in ' int 4 47m bya + Yo| Domtar Y% 10% 10%--a|Un Carbld 230 $18 : ; LADDER 2534 2084 20% + ve|D Textile 310 $18 18 18 --%lUn Gas 749 $16% 1658 16% 1968, or 6.5 per cent more thar ES / 24.95 Single Speed 5 Star's easy taste. d 560 560 +5 ial ' 235 $27 26% 267% Union Oil 100 $55 54% 55 + % in 1967. 2 emi 240 242 242 242 lectro It 200 $9% 92 9%--%\U orp B 1000 $13% 13% 13% ; coe : : ib 39 + 6 | Falcon 280 $88 872 88 +1 \Un Wourn 100 $7% 7% 7%+% Blen E. Nielson, chairman of A 24" x 60" Size 1.95 ONLY Is the taste worth all the trouble? Easy for you to find out. Quemont 1000 645 825 845 +15 |Fam Play 75 $4078 40% 40% |UWbn 6p 210 $4 40 40 j\Husky Oil Canada Ltd., said Oe, For entrances or 2 2 6+ 2 Fed Grain 200 $7 7 7 Un Wbn wt 100 475 475 (475 Canada's oil industry is budget- closet doors. Double Speed Radiore 500 52 $2 52 +2 Fleet Mfg $00 170 170 170 Versatd 750 $Ti@ Vi tw + we) Canada § pity. 3 25 95 lou 190 --S$ {|FPE Pion 660 $28 27% 27¥4--1%% Versatile 2 tad 13% a ing for a record level of capital . 25.25 . Rio Algom $16 $33% 33/4 33%a + Val Fraser 315 $24 23% 232+ 1 | Versatil A 100 $1 2 fe i ' 0s tvs 940%2 25V4 25% |Freiman- 100 $7%@ 7% 7% lvic G Tr 300 312% 124° 12% wjinvestment in 1968 in response Ryense ot 1s 18M 18¥a Brveheut 200 $6 16 16 + | Walnoco O 1000 al a 1 } |to buoyant market prospects. " yon abien en Baker = 4 6 6 Walk GW = 915. $33'4 --% i » for = Serimco see list velow GP B 7z10 $68 68 Lvserest 300 $244 24 24 + %»| Some industry forecasts put ggg Satel_ ¢ 7500 |G St Ware 25 $84 8% 8% West Ind A 200 405 405 405 --5 (capital investment in 1968 at yA 7 Snerritt wee 455° 455 45. +10 | Goodyear 208192 192 192 +1 |W Brdeast 300 $17 17 17 + + /¢1 193,000,000 ' S..vrinds 90 455 450 455 +5 /GL Paper 260 $19 1919 |W Cdn Seed 1000 315 315 315 --10 |2,440,UUU,UNN. : \iller 20 12a 12%a Vila GL Power 200 $1934 195% 19% W. Pacific 250 $62 612. 6% ----------------_--_---- ae Silvmq 1000 26 26 GN Capital 100 210 210 210 --15 | Weston A 200 $15Ve_15'@ 15¥e--~ iss A law Sro 5/9 S/S +S Gt W Life $0 $46% 46% 46% + % Weston B 500 $16 16 16 -- la FOREION TRADING Te... Corp | 36/7 480 480 --S |G Wpg Gas 768 $22 22 22 White Pas 275 $274 27 27+ Ya C Faraday 100 290 290 290 4 26300 105 105 105 -- 3 |Greyhnd 150 $103 1034 10% +' Woodwd A 150 $17%2 17% 17!4 Kam Koshia 100 355 355 355 +20 Tundra 7 20 20 Hard Crp A 220 $1134. 11% 11% 4 V4} Sa | Northgate 600 $13'2 132 1344+ % estos awd 715 705 710 +8 Harveys F 1720 $15% 15% 1S%+ 1% Sales to 11 a.m.: 681,000 Upper Can 100 165 165 165 U Buffadn 500 37 37 397 ~--1|-- thane eect ak V2. mn@ bw 270 270-970 + 4 | White Star 2000 32 32 32 | ilco 2300 33 31% 3I4--I'4 : Win-eld 1000 11% Wa _WA+ a ; Wr Harg 230 140 1s. Us ' 1 Yale Lead 2000 27a 27¥2 27'a-- 1 | ry ae ie a a ee NEW VISTA TV's | SEAGRAMW'S Yukon © 2100 120 118 120 +3 | Zenmac 4500 30 28/4 2814 FOR 1 8 J @ . OILS, GAS 6 | ar asy Wwhis ¥ ' e & | Alminex ©. BAS 620 64S ; " , a | Am Ledue 1000 16% 16% 16%4-- 9 9 HIS MASTER'S VOICE | lu " o--1liy A CS Pete See list below. | e f Jeph nitshibiiihiiea cient C Dein w 2200 4 4 4 ' C Ex Gas 6400 635 625 690 +58 | ac | e : if C Gridoil 600 $135 13% 13'4 | C LI Pete 100 22 22 2 +1 Cdn Su O 125 $48 M814 482 -- Ve 2150 $22%% 22 Ne | MARKET-PLACE Your Guide To Quality Work & Better Values a, hy Cheek this feature every W. for home, garden, auto and en fay, It's @ Pp ive guide services availabl ing, as it does, the area's most qualified busine: BUILDING CONTRACTOR 'PLUMBING SUPPLIES in their field. FOR HOME AND GARDEN "| * to H "Sh ina'? to you and your family, represent- UTOMOTIVE PLANNING TO BUILD... . then check with us, Complete Residential, Industrial and Com- mercial Building Contractors. "VERRY BOSANCICH \ 59 Wayne St. Call or visit us @ 668-6601 SAVE 20% OR MORE Everything ae the plumbing ine PLUMBING DISCOUNT SEAWAY MOTORS 1965 Ltd 668-5893 1120 Dundes £., Whitby THE HOME OF LINCOLN .. . MERCURY . .., METEOR, . , COUGAR ,., FALCON & FORD TRUCKS, Open Evenings till 9 P.M. R. H. CABINET SHOP 1613 Charlies -- Whitby Phone 668-6911 CABINETS sdealaad | 723-6825 149 Brock St. N: Whitby ABINET MAKE ee eT MARES: RUG CLEANING COTTAGE OWNERS .. . or Home Owner, We Specialize IN YOUR HOME in professional installation of +. oF at-our plant KITCHEN CABINETS RUGS BROADLOOM & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Oshawa Rug Cleaners @ Free Esfimates @ 3 Licensed Mechanics e General Repairs @ Wheel Alignment and Balancing @ Motor Tune-ups, JAN'S GLRAGE 83 Ritson S$. 725-8371 Call 725-9961 QUALITY CUSTOM CABINETS FREE ESTIMATES All Work Guoranteed GLANZER CABINETS 345 French St. 576-2980 USED LUMBER DINING and DANCING WATER SUPPLY 34° Burk NOTICE! All Types of Used BUILDING MATERIALS Open 7 A.M. to 7 P.M Mon. te Set. ALLIED WRECKING 725-4171 Champlain Rd. Oshawe's Finest Dining Reom @ Luncheon Buffet @ Dinners 5:30 to 9:00 e@ Dinner Dance Nightly For reservations call 723-4693 GEORGIAN Motor Hotel Oshewe SEAWAY WATER SUPPLY SERVICE Serving the entire erea 24 hrs. daily -- 7 doys a week @ Reasonable Rates @ Swimming Pool Service Call Pickering 942-1397 PEST CONTROL ENTERTAINMENT All Oshawa owned & operated -- prompt relioble low cost service and insured for public safety. PRESTO PEST CONTRO'. work Guaranteed, Bonded Coll 725-9871 Children accompanied by par- ents are welcome. 360 King W. Oshawa 725-8112 LADIES WELCOME e |7 Tables @ Broadioom @ Snack Bar @ FM. Music CADILLAC BILLIARDS DIAPER SERVICE MOVING Twice @ week delivery. DIAPER SERVICE Call today ... starts today! Pick up & Delivery. PEL'S Cleaning Centre Bloir Perk Plazo Whitby 668-4671 it pays to hir is bees Cal! 725-283 AND Prop. J SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ALL APPLIANCES . @ truck for every need. LOCKWOOD Moving e experienced mov- Day or night. STORAGE E. Clevelanc