10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, December 7, 1907 BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE "T' Intersection Procedure Debated In Traffic Court Is a "T" intersection the;charged with failure to stop andjwhen the way is totally clear, By THE CANADIAN PRESS ing Week rose to 63 Wednes- day, as three persons died in and Alberta. Safety Act? Mr. Kovak argued that the|proaching from the left. The| 69. This was the issue in a case|/rules governing a "T" intersec-/rule, Kovak contended, made no 2 3 that dominated Oshawa Magis- tion allowed: a right turn fromjallowance for a car that turned] the Canadian Highway Safety Man. 1 trate's Court yesterday. Geza|the dead-end part of the T onto|neither left nor right but went} Council to cut down the num- Sask. 0 Kovak of 400 Grenfell Ave., wasithe crossing street, or a left/straught across the intersection.| ber of traffic accidents in Alta. 2 David M. Kayter, 20, of 400) Canada. B.C, 2 Following is the day-to-day Total 1 Grenfell Ave., drove a car that SIX-DAY DEATH TOLL 63, DOWN FIVE FROM 1%6 To Be Given Final Reading record this The death toll for Safe-Driv- year's seven day totals; traffic accidents in Ontario Dee. 1 and one each in Saskatchewan Nfld. 0 0 0 t i Wednesday was the sixth P-EL same as any other intersection|yield the right-of-way to a driv-/yielding in the case of the left-| day of the seven-day week. N.S. in regard to application of the er approaching him on his right.|hand turn to any vehicle ap-| The six-day total in 1966 was N.B. 0 Quebec The week is sponsored by Ontario Nova Scotia Steel Bill ' HALIFAX (CP) -- The Nova Total |scotia legislature will r 6°67 66 |here today to give third and problem can be found. wee ee inal provincial government purchase},; i ve 0 |of the Sydney steel mill and the| Dut, Provides for # cover the Setting up of a Crown COrpora-|corporation and the United 3}tion to operate it. Steelworkers of America for the pension plan started in 1923. Wednesday before adjourning}30. 3 1 0 0 i 4 7 0 to keep the mill in operation{|Keough said the government until a long-term solution to the|feels when it buys the plant it will be able to pick up the 1955 jfinal reading to a bill approvin, and 1966 pension plans of the ing to a Dill app 8} One of the amendments in the denriayers bat said there ip & grey area in connection with a 1 He said Dosco has an obliga- : The legislature sat briefly|period between Jan. 1 and April|tion for the 1955 and 1966 plans 0 and can't escape their responsi- 5 |out of respect to the 50th anni-| Tabor Minister T. J. Mc-lbilities. He said these plans are ffunded in the hands of trus- tees. However, the 1923 plan is not funded and the government is not in a position to guarantee back payments under it. He said he feels Dosco has an obli- gation to pay employees en- rolled in this plan, but the com- pany does not feel that way. CONTINUE MEDICARE Dr. McKeough said the medi- cal insurance plan will be car- ried on after Jan. 1 and the pen- sion funds are being investi- gated by the government's in- surance advisers. versary of the 1917 Halifax ex- plosion which killed 1,600 per- 1 | Bie | 8 4 4 5 12 |sons and injured about 5,000. : 44 9 5 63 77| 'The law amendments commit- a leted its detailed tee ec study eSoocoorrrHRrose = NwWoOooONur oo wm SrroWeoLnos 0 0 1 1 15-Month Sentence Given 3: 22372" heading for a parking-lot en- Kaas cr wich sme' LIMPOFts Incr F or Coach House Robbery from the left. Mr. Kaytor was I po Ss ease erating until April 30 ,1969, one K > wig rnin tuo 2 aecnoune sas U.S. Steel Troubles Zac's Bw STAN STARR SUGGESTS... hence (atts a) months definite and three/charge of driving while his abil Magistrate Donald Dodds months indefinite was impesed/ity was impaired. His drivin summed up the issue as being of Harold Wiseby, 47, no fixed| licence was suspended for address, when he appeared be- months. fore Magietrate H. M. Jermyn _... Teele, a a charge of break-| UNDER AGE ing and entering the Coach , Plea House Restaurant, Whitby . reg oil. On a charge of driving while ~~ ong ® Sine of $75 and costs /tion is different from any other! Some of the countries are disqualified, laid in North Do ~ 13. ny for Paul A len Pretty kind of intersection," he said./hardly considered steel-produc- : 6. of T16 Myra St., Whitby This is not so. There are in- ing nations--Costa Rica, British tersections, period. I must reg- Guiana and the Dominican Re-| ister a conviction against you, public. $25 and costs or five days. : be expected to be crossing the/fiow of foreign steel into the T intersection. -- United States adding to the charge of '"The critical issue here seems) problems of the U.S. steel indus- SUSPENDED plea of guilty to a charge of being drunk in a pi place brought John Carr six months' SIGN QUESTION suspended sentence. Police in the traffic division $100 FINE fee] there is no real need of Five Communist-ruled nations) st oslavia and Lithuania. prices. mier G. I. Smith has said he es- age re-to be whether a "T" intersec-|try. jever, said French producers may try to hold the line on $22,090. American prices in hopes of in- creasing American sales. are on the list: Poland, East/most popular request is for Germany, Czechoslovakia, Yug- congressional action to set up|PROLONG JOBS __ | foreign import quotas on a fixed) Government spokesmen have Japan leads all other nation| percentage of consumption. of the bill Wednesday night and moved that it be brought back before the legislature. The bill will keep the mill op- Steel and Coal Corp., its own- ers. i oe three Whether Mr. Kovak should have PITTSBURGH (AP) --jposted, Japanese and German F yielded when traffic could not There's a steady and growing|steelmakers indicated they, too, Peed ig mp abe > would go up on their American! ined amount of money. Pre- A report out of Paris, how-|timates it will cost $20,000,000 to Dosco will operate the mill as an agent for the government ; juntil April 30, 1968, when it will American steelmakers afe|.ome under the control of the |clamoring for a government re-| covernment or its nominee until riction on steel imports. The) April 30, 1969. x Look At These said that the intent of the bill is é si oP : Pleading guilty to a charge of signs at the intersection be in exporting steel to the U.S. habs cause most of the people using! : i i B. spaixed driving Donald Butts of it' tive in the area and "'should| _L#st year. total imports hit a) charge of Wh -- fined . and costs!) now that they have to ap. record 10,700,000 tons, 11 per} Lie atitttie < im. or 15 rs i ] 1 . be rin J j So ae ees saeepky Nelson |said he had swerved to avoid a|Proach ,this intersection with/T™040 in'ine first nine months 44, of Angilla Township near Al-|skunk and ran off the road into/C@700n - ' of this year ran three per cent iin. ees Maea CIMT aad costs /# ditch James Anderson, traffic study! fined of lait yea iston, was fined $100 and costs : supervisor for the city, told The! ® seileecbisaess of 15 days in jail. His driver's) pRopaTION Times that 'normally in resi- ATIO? ' FEAR COST RISE eavee en was suspended for three' Charged with being in posses- dential neighborhoods signs! In the current round of steel mses sion of stolen goods, Marcel,aren't put up. The volume Of|price increases, fear has been THREE MONTHS Proulx, 18, of Fairport Beach, | traffic doesn't require it". expressed by some that higher Pleading guilty to false pre- Pickering Township, was placed| He went on to point -out that/domestic prices may push up tences and uttering, Elmer Guy,|°" 18 months' probation. The|41 per cent of the city's 1,100-| imports. | 33, of 581 Victoria St., Port|Court was told he had made res-|plus intersections are totally un-| Industry people say import! Perry, was sentenced to con-|titution for his share in the|signed, yet only 1 per cent of tonnage will go up, but not be-| current three month terms on|break, enter and theft of a/the city's accidents occur at! _, a . each charge. Pickering Township summer|these crossings. "If a particular Ther vt piers aly Saati up.| cottage last May. The other twolintersection has several acci-|_€¥ Say foreign prices will in- SELLING LIQUOR accused youths, also from Pick-|dents," he said, "we would|'rease Tight along with domes-| A fine of $200 and costs or 30/ering Township, were placed on|move in and put up a sign." |" Prices, "and assert that any) days was levied on Alvin Allan,| probation and ordered to make) Mr. Anderson added that/St¢P-UP in imports will be} 37, of 24 Duke St., Brooklin, on/$250 restitution each. signs in residential areas have|°2US¢4 by worldwide economic a charge of selling liquor. Police| & tendency to aaa to the speed-| actors which led to substantial found 31 men and women in two| IMPAIRED ling problem. Motorists who |{oreign imports in the first rooms. Four full cases of beer| 4 fine of $100 and costs or 15 know they don't have to stop| lace. were found in a refrigerator. {days in jail was imposed on|.t an intersection are more| Wednesday, U.S. Steel Corp., days was imposed on Robert C.' months. fares' jond price increasc in a week. | |U.S. Steel went up $5 a ton on $300 Fine Or Jail T jsign and fined $25 and costs or\eq its price on cold rolled five days. |sheets, and a number of other had his licence suspended for|$50 FINE --_ : | Cockburn for lack of evidence. | carve deeper inroads in the U.S. one year when he appeared in| A similar fine was levied on| jmarket for the simple reason his way, the accused turned| the median and collided with an-| ecutive said. But right af! : ¢ with an-) ye said. ght after around and forced a police offi-Other vehicle. Both vehicles! toronto (cP) -- Plans for;American price boosts were -.¢ Example Buys! PHILISHAVE Cordless Trade-In Allowance on Cordless Shavers Only -- Any Make OSHAWA SHAVER SERVICE and SUPPLIES Repairs to all makes of Electric Shavers 39 Prince St., Oshawa -- 728-4284 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M, eens Impaled: aaving, Ris "ncensy Ukely {0 speed through 1, he|the Dggest "U.S. steelmaker, A fine of $100 and costs or 15)was suspended . for thr ee pointed out. This brings com-/and, gocond-ranked | Bethlehem s susp\ plaints from residents in the Steel Corp. announced their sec- |$25 FINE galvanized and aluminum- Also on the docket was the|coated sheets, and Bethlehem case of Claude Flewwelling of|went up $5 a ton on galvanized. 94 Montrave Ave. He was found | sheets. For Cri inal Negligence guilty of failure to heed a yield! [ast Friday, U.S. Steel boost-| BOWMANVILLE -- A Rex-|jmotorcycle collided with the| DISMISSED Nene | dari tg es -- dale man, charged with crimi-|rear of a car when it slowed to| Magistrate Dodds dismissed a | nal negligence, was fined $300|make a turn. charge of failing to stop for a MOVE INTO MARKET and costs or 60 days in jail and stop | sign against Robert Foreign producers are able to court here this week. Willem Vanderwerf, Port Hope. they can make stee] cheaper be- Frederick Skupek, 94 Norfield| Driving on the Macdonald- Trade Show cause of lower labor costs. Cres., was observed exceeding|Cartier Freeway, in a heavy "The Japanese could under- the speed limit by the aircraft/Snowstorm, he attempted to sell us by $40 a ton if they want- patrol. Instead of continuing on/Pass another vehicle, crossed Plans Ready ed to," one Pittsburgh steel ex- im,| Were complet ite-offs. tg Png gat ello gy a ee |a $45,000,000 trade show and vehicle then reversed quickly CAR IN CREEK conven hon centre ae Nae and backed over the spot| A fine of $50 and 'costs or) dlan National Exhibition|® where the officer had been|Seven days was imposed on grounds will be unveiled today, |@ James Stright, 1412 Lakefield|@ CNE spokesman said Wednes- Standing. St., Oshawa, for careless driv-|44Y- ae | IMPAIRED ling. His vehicle hit a bridge| The centre, containing more A charge of impaired driving|abutment and plummetted into| than 300,000 square feet of trade resulted in a fine of $100 and|a creek. He admitted excessive|Show space and a convention costs or 20 days for Winston|speed caused the accident. building with 50 meeting rooms, Howarth, 9 Nelson St., Bow-| \will be studied by the Metropoli- manville. His licence was also| $10 FINE tan Toronto Convention and Vis- suspended. A breathalizer test| A fine of $19 and costs or\itor Association and CNE direc-| showed two parts per thousand|three days was imposed onitors. | of alcohol. | Francis es Sissons for con-| The CNE spokesman said fed- om travening a Darlington Town-|eral and provincial govern-} CARELESS DRIVING \ship bylaw which prohibits the/ments have promised financial | _ Convicted on a careless driv-| storing of cars on his property.|aid. The project will also com-| ing charge Russell Gibson, RR|He was warned that if another|plement future commerciah de- 2, Newcastle, was assessed $50| charge is laid the fine would be|velopment planned by the CNR| and costs of seven days. His|10 times as much. jand CPR. | | | | ONLY MAPLE LEAF SIDE If your rug is valuable to you . . . it deserves the very best. . . and it costs no more. Modern equipment, skill and only fully experienced men guarantee you the best of results when we clean your soiled rugs, whether it be wall-to-wall or loose rugs: Other services offered by Angus-Graydon are binding, repairing, fringing, dyeing, alterations and custom installations. The Cost Is Only 10c Per Sq. Ft. Example 9' x 12' Only 10.80 THURS., FRI., SAT. Special «ow us V Check these BIG SAVINGS BACON 65: THURS., FRI., SAT. ONLY Family Will Enjoy ! WASHER: T PRICES -- Shop & Save Today! Fully ilumineted contro! pancl. Exclusive clear eir-filter, step-on door opener, interior illumination, eutomatie dry and time cycle, VIRGINIA STYLE COOKED HAM FIRST QUALITY LEAN & FRESH ; CUT AS YOU LIKE IT. WASHERS & DRYERS Fully Automatic A Wonderful Gift The Whole kk TLEZEZLLLLELLeS: i 3 cycles, 2 speeds, fully illuminated contro! panel, lerse 12 tb. copacity tub, detergent saver inlet, bleach dis- penser, lint filter. : $ e DRYER: ® OTHER MODELS IN STOCK WRINGER WASHERS fas C A brand name wringer washer with pump and many other time saving features. a MOW BO oc cinnsee sca sbesecs eu ! COLEMAN'S POLISH SAUSAGE 69: THURS., FRI., SAT. ONLY STAR Ancus-GRaYDOoN CARPET COMPANY LIMITED 728-6254 LOCATED ON HWY. NO. 2 BETWEEN OSHAWA and WHITBY OPEN EVENINGS TILL CH '125 Before You Buy... Give Starr a Try! » Easy Terms Available % R & FURNITURE & APPLIANCES pee 491 RITSON RD. S. --- OSHAWA 723-8191 or 723-3343 al x RISTMAS TRULY BILING Ottaw' 'Englis OTTAWA (CP)--The "E cast of life" in Ottawa sho replaced by a truly bilingu tional capital area in whic English and French Cana¢ feel at home, the royal co sion on bilingualism and b ralism urged Tuesday. "Nowhere else in Cana there a comparable conc tion of Francophones who so few language rights first report said. In Ottawa "the Frenc' guage is scarcely recogniz Bi-Bi Rey Supple A MONTREAL (CP) -- ¢ Ryan, publisher of Le D says the royal commissi port on bilingualism and turalism appears to be " tic, supple and applicable. "For the first time in a ry of their common histor nadians of both language offered by the Laurendeat ton commission a progr: equality based on precise | tions,'"' he wrote in a fron editorial in today's edition Devoir. "The status of equality posed ... has existed ir bec for a long time. The is therefore aimed at the Weston"s | Shifts Bac LONDON (CP) -- Gi Weston's food empir shifted control of Britain's est supermarket chain be Britain from Canada, it w nounced today. Majority interest in the Fine Fare, has been react by Associated British ! which sold off part of its ings to Dicoa Ltd., of To another Weston firm, in when Fine Fare was money. Garry Weston, ABF cha and son of founder G: Weston, told the company nual general meeting that has bought back a 31-pe interest in Fine Fare, giv 80-per-cent ownership. Th "LAST WEE MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVIC! A Complete Travel Servi & Tours x Cruises %& Accom: tion -- Lond See -- Alr 723-9441 25 King St. E. J. V. Transmis repairs an placements for all makes and trucks, OSHAWA TRANSMISSIO} SERVICE 116 Bond St. W. 576- Ist Quality MEA Specializing in. . . FREEZER ORDER Large Variety of Europ and Canadian Cold Me EAST END *) QUALITY MEAT Blair Pork Plaza, Whitby Dundas Hwy. -- 668-4 CLINT'S TEXACO SERVICE STAT Specializing | @ Tune Ups e@ Speedy repo mufflers, tail Seasonat Change Ove: 728-5 245 Wentworth OSHAWA S Springs & Shocks Cor, Truck or Troiler ;