34 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 6, 1967 ; OO Ae EY a rest account. This forms part ii} 1g bs BO RA A 6 A GA BE uity, comparable to earned sur- of their taxable, undivided prof-|cent; net profit $30,279,000, up|reven its to an inner reserve known as/10.4 per cent. Bank of Montreal: of the bank shareholder's eq-|$6,132,453,000, up 11.7 per cent, : oie aly aS RED cent; §/4.1 r cent. Assess Bank of Nova Scotia: Assets|11 per cent. ; t: ue $342,000,000, up 14 per $4),138,719,000, -up 12 per cent; 20,720,000, up| retvenue $247,824,000, wp 11.6 per <a? . ceit; net profit $12,910,000, up plus in an ordinary corporation, + and banks are free to invest it. | In 1967 the five major banks} ' apace ' \transferred $43,000,000 to their) TODAY'S STOCKS | sousiness spotuicHt Sea TORONTO 10:4 A.M. STOCKS Dis! y Toronto Stock Exchange--Dec. 6 Quotations in cents unless marked $ 2--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is} CAE Ind 375 from previous board-iot closing sale. MINES 10:40 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Acad Uran 4500 4% 4 a+ 2 7 Acme Gas 1500 18 17 Advocate 500 251 » | Stock | BC Sugar p 136 $18 BC Phone 75 $58 (58 58 Buntin Rid 200 $10% 10M 10% 10% 10% -- "% 284 284 -- % 210 21a -- Ve 7 = n 10:40 Net Sales HighLowa.m.Ch'ge " | Can Cem 160 Can 150 Can . 300 Can 260 Cdn 1020 4 % CB Alum A 200 Cc Chem ws 100 C Curtiss 3450 100 725 1% -- M4! rest accounts, bringing the total| 780,000,000 the Royal is still) Canada's largest bank. The smallest is the Provincial Bank of Canada, with head office in Montreal and branches in Que- bec, Ontario, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. As- sets total $642,455,000. Banking Picture Bright, Assets, Revenues High co By JANE BECKER ;Scotia, Toronto-Dominion, Lajling millions of dollars, they j j i i : | Pipe : myieinl eaecy| 8, 3 iest increase in net profit TORONTO (CP) -- Thanks to/Banque Canadienne Nationale, have been setting aside as ap- pay per cent to $12,285,000, the stipulations of. the new Bank|@nd the Provincial Bank. propriations for losses. Most of/phe Royal had the greatest per-| Am Larder 2000 3000 845 170 100 100 945 C Petrofin Bounty Ex Cdn Tire Bralorne Broul Reef Brunswk Bunker H CWN Gas 108 106 106 4 See list below. Cassidy L 500 365 365 365 100 700 700 700 z10 $25 25 ung 800 249 249 C Lencourt 5000 14% 14 142+ %% Cdn Nisto See list below. Candore ae: eee be Cantri Chat-Gai Chemceil Chrysler CHUM A Columbia Cominco 1325 12% 13% 13! Con Bath 210 $17' 17% We-- Cons Gas 10000 16 «16 «16 2| Corby vt 700 + Coron 2w 1500 5 q 5 Crush Intl 2700 Disti Seag Cdn Tire A CUtil 6 pr Cc Westing Capit Bidg CDRH Lid 1000 y Dome Pete 250 0 5 D Bridge 17200 63 Dofasco 150 Domtar 1200 3 'a D Textile Act, Canadians have a clearer picture of how the country's chartered banks are doing fi- te ee pancially. hed oo The picture is bright. Bank 31% 32 + % annual reports made public dur- ing the last few weeks show each of the seven major char- tered banks with assets, reve- nue and earnings at a record high. The Bank Act, which took ef- fect last May, was aimed at freeing banks to compete among themselves and with 5 : 207% + Ve other financial institutions for 22 the depositor's dollar. Competi- or nib tion is increasing, most bank 382 36% + % president say, and it is ob- a ae viously healthy for the major a 15Ve 19% 19% banks. 10% 10% The banks, in order of size, 26Ye 26% + % are the Royal, Canadian Impe- 20% 32 ASSETS HUGE N Their reports show they have combined assets of $30,-/j9 |868,000,000 equal to nearly half] of of Canada's gross national prod-| 1967, uct of $62,400,000,000 this year. | jg These assets have increased] §393 599,000. by about $3,237,000,000. from 1966, with the gains ranging | m, from eight to 12 per cent among amount--$17,881,000 for a total|ing fiscal 1967: accumulated appropriation of} individual banks. Total revenues increase d/gy about 14 per cent to r 701,000,000 from $1,481,300,000. 'Net profits reached $109,792,000 pPessse Tar Tl --up five to nearly 13 per cent! in individual banks and about} $17,000,000 more than the Cana- dian steel industry earned last year. tion the Bank Act has forced we fl AUTOMATIC, WEATHER CONTROLLED DELIVERY gy banks to reveal this year for the |these appropriations ree, a are aX-centage increase in revenues-- § \ 8,627,000. The statements show the five ~ gs pret Mg ra F Scoti rgest banks set aside a total, And the Bank of Nova § | $50,854,000 for losses during 8™e™, the most. Its total assets, | bringing their accumu- $4,138,719,000 at Oct. 31, were 12 ted loss appropriations to/ Pe" cent greater than a year be- 0 The Imperial Bank of Com- The following illustrates the erce set aside the largest growth of the major banks dur-' Royal Bank: Assets $7,- 10,000,000. 179,659,000, up 10.7 per cent; The banks also transfer apart!revenue $418,627,000, up 15 per | FUEL OIL 7 Cherney's Furniture World DOWNTOWN OSHAWA FURNITURE STORES x CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS + | % OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY * re * OPEN 'til 9 p.m. THURS. & FRI. * DECEMBER 7-8, 14-15 * OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'til $ p.m. * MONDAY, DEC. 18 TO FRIDAY, DEC. 22 Royal House Furniture Co, 80 KING STREET EAST 19 CELIN/\ STREET porte /SPUPF<, Sie, 4 PLEASE GIVE ME THE TIME? HOLDEN BROS, FURNITURE | RUTHERFORD FURNITURE CO 9000 Dupont a ' e t t 3 1 ' 1 4 e a v s 7 OORT oi wt MATA ae eR Re INS Re te me ewlow 1200 6228 1000 200 100 3000 500 1200 3000 37783 34) 0 $53% 53% 53% --~ V4} M44 4% 44+ 530 530 = 530 $124 12M 12! 10 10 10 92 «9F 92 +2 1300 440 440 440 See _list_ below | 2 71 1. 7 +2} 385 385 + 5 iS 635 635 +10 Granisie 1200 $10%4 10 04+ Gulf L 7 7 7 Gunnar 5 155 155 Heath 7 a High-BI % Huds Bay Hydra Ex Int Bibis T I30 Joliet 0 160 500 33 200 310 3 505 $17% 17 1000 330 410 950 935 935 500 81 81 8) 1000 12% 12% 12% 701 135 131 131 -- 1000 45 «45045 7100 45 «4545 1000 a %% %h--'h 4 is 4 --1 215 $80\%4 80\4 8014 5500 9 9 9 2300 420 15 415 420 ao 212 150 965 965 965 1500 52 48 52 +6 124) $15 15% 15'e-- 450 11) «(10% 11 1900 143 14) «142 500. 9 9 850 560 550 2100 2% 26 19 Que Man Q Matigm! 2700 124 121 Quemont 180 805 805 Radiore 7200 4 Rayrock 500 125 Rio Algom 316 $33% Rio S80 Pr 215 7 See list below » wv 1 S580 580 5 WO 650 485 300 38 7200 «80 50 455 500 268 2010 286 200 116 113395 Alminex Am Leduc Banff Bralsa Calvert See ! 200 450 450 4200 635 625 2232 $1294 12% 435 $48% 4814 1490 $2 2 100 540 540 540 +1 9275 695 680 690 Frn Ptr 19885 95 87 95 Gr Plains 55 $21% 21% 21 Gt COilsds 00 tnt Helium Decalts N Decit w Wilshire 200 800 800 800 Primary Distribution Distribution of Treasury Shares The Toronto Stock Exchange has been advised that the following companies have entered into underwriting and op. tion agreements which may result in] treasury shares of these companies be ing under distribution currently through the facilities of the Exchange Armore 3000 18 72 18 4% Cam Mine 4000. 38 Cdn Nisto 2000 48 aa Glenn Exp 8550 18 17 -- il Sarimeo 500 17 7 CS Pete 1100 266 265 U Canso 4400 485 ann INDUSTRIALS Abitibi 276 $9 4 Bh Acklands 25 $15% 15% 15% -- Alta Gas T 3 c Algoma 'St +4 Alcan Alcan pr Electro itd 0 10 Emco 18% 18% Emp Life 10 Exquisite 455 Falcon 3s 87 Fam Play Fed Grain Fleet Mfg Ford Cnda FPE Pion Fraser Gen Baker GM is GP Mig A Globe Env Goodyear GL Power Greyhnd Guar Trst Harveys F 1361 $15% Hawker S$ 1050 350 Hawker pr z20 $70 | Hays Dna 320 $1234 1234 1234 -- Ve} Home A 2655 $24% 242 24% + % Horne Pit 600 330 325 325 H Bay Co 225 $2 2 HB Oi! Gas 255 $45' 45 HB Oil G pr 300 $614 61 Husky Oil 1500 $2434 245% 24% Husky Dw 437 $14\4 14% 1414 Imp Oil 1303 $68 «68 = 68 imp Tob 12% 12% Imp Tob pr 3 Ind Accept 2350 $21 Ind Wire 1400 450 445 445 0 Ingersoll 75 $33 324 324-- a] z10 $11% 11% 1% 21 $670 670 670 A 720 $30 30 30 Int Nickel 1005 $1254 12514 12514 + Int Util 1435 $414 41% 41%4-- Va) Int Util pr 590 $41%4 41% 41% Intpr Pipe 760 $2234 2234 224 + ve Int Pipe w 425 $10% 10% 10% -- Intpr. Steel (850 400 "0 -- Inv Grp A 13995 87% 4 7% ITL Ind 250 $12% 12/2 12 James St 604 415 410 410 Jefferson 227 $534 53% 53% Jockey C 400 300 300 300 Labatt 200 $14%4 14% 144 + Ve LOnt Cem 100 350 350 350 +15 Lau Fin 210 400 400 Lav F 1.25 200 $10% 10% 10%-- % L 300 399 3 Wh +3 40 $6 6 6 +% WS $6% 6% BA-- MM 250 $23¥2 370 $14" 538 $24%-- 375 $104 1 1% 2st B co M Lf Mills $15% 15% 15% Mrtime rts a 4 Markboro 5% Site+ h 600 290 290 20 +15 SSS $17%m 17 7 100 $19%4 19% 194 --~ Ve Met Stors p 225 $20 20 20 Mon Food 425 $10% 10% l04-- Ve Mont Trst 200 $12 11% 1 Moore 690 $314 31% 31% Murphy eae Meee 3 50 $27 27 27 Po» 300 575 $51% 514 Si" 1935 $14 11% 48+ 275 $2354 252 We 110 $27% 27% 27% + 175 410 410 410 zi0 $19 19 «19 250 Side 14% 14+ Ve 100 445 445 445 -- 5 1125 $2634 26% 26% + '2 1200 $12 11% 12 +1 400 $113% 1174 11M + % 700 $195 192 192 -- 4 225 $22 21% 21% 400 8 8 236 $10 10 10 + Ve 217 $9% 9% 9% 1000 $62 6% 6% 100 $322 322 324 Revenue 950 $13% 13% 13% + Ve R Nodwell 650 265 260 265 +5 Rockower 225 $10% 10% 10% Rolland 500 $72 Th That % Romtield 0 1. --10 Rothman Royal Bnk Salada Scot York Seaway H Shell 'Inv p Shell Inv w 2225 $164 Shell Can 1907 $3214 '3 Shop Save 175 $12 Simpsons 31S $35 Simpson $ 570 $24%4 Slater St 100 $10 St Paving 275 $6'2 6) ST Radio 80 $38'2 3 Steel Can 522 $20' Steinbg A 220 $17% Steinbg _ pr 75 $88 Stuart Oil 220 $16% Texaco 150 $32\%4 350 $40 975 $13% Overland Overing or Pac Pete Pembina Reichhold Trang PPL Un Ac ip Un Gas Union Oi U orp B 1400 $13% 100 $7% $10 $114 sat Versatil A Wajax Wainoco 0 Walk GW $ 33% W Cdn Seed 1050 320 320 °320 W Pacific 1700 $6% 6% Weston B 200 $16 «16 White Pas 620 $27 26% 27 Wordwd A 200 $17% 1734 17% + Zellers 210 $3514 35% 35% Sales to 11 ams 900,000 FOREIGN TRADING Moore 80 333% 33%4 331% Spooner 100 125 125 125 +8 DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Brazilian Light and Power '8 ~'2 Company Ltd., common 25 cents U.S. funds), Jan. 31, record] | Jan. 1.50 pref., Dec. 29, rec- ord Dec. 15. Chateau-Gal Wines Lid., com- 'mon 20 cents, Jan. 5, record| Dec. 18 Cimco Ltd., common 25 cents; | lass A. 25 cents; both Jan. 2,| "/record Dec. 14 Maher Shoes Ltd., common 12) 18% %+ rial, Bank of Montreal, Novaifirst time the> amounts, toatl- a McLAUGHLIN ss'. gy 110 King W., Oshawa 723-3481 40 years e xperience--budget plan COAL AND a RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. 156 SIMCOE S]fREET SOUTH WILSOW'S FUMINITURE CO, 20 CHURCH! STREET 63 KING STREET EAST "96 KING STREET EAST -------- ---- Tender EATIN' TRUE-TRIM BEEF 2 Cars MAPLE LEAF 69". CUT-UP 47. SLICED SIDE REG. 89¢ Pre-Christmas BF KAM" LUNCHEON MEAT 12 tk 9 MAPLE LEAF ~1LB.PKG. REIG. 29° LB. Turkey Wings 3 1.00 LEAN SLICED Side Bacon «59° Peameal Bacon kus 89° CENTRE . 1.09 FREEZER SPECIAL HIND | Quarters of BEEF Cut and Wrapped FREE Any One Item '1.00 49'.. FARM FRESH GRADE A LARGE SILVERWOOD'S MAC'S EGGS Co Gee 69':... LARD 2/43' es r ><STICKS er 7 ae VALUE MACSstices NIPPY or MILD 29: 4 lbs. Country Sausage 3 lhs. PORK HOCKS 4 lbs. PIG TAILS 3 lbs. VEAL PATTIES SCHNEIDER'S BULK MAPLE LEAF TIN e@ REG. $1.99 14) CANNED HAM *199 REG. 37¢ 8 OZ. PKG. (ss : FREE In MAC'S 69° Pi otalo Chips 12.97, ' aun ne : one cents; 15 cents pref.; both Jan.| Argus © pr -V4i2, record Dec. 15. National Sea -Products L{d.,| + v% common 5 cents, Jan. 15, record Dec. 29 Sterling Trusts Corporation, cents plus 2 cents extra, Jan. 2, record Dec. 15 Somerville Industries Lid., pref. 70 cents Jan. 2, record! jDet, 15, OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK 9 a.m. TO 11 p.m. JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER