28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 6, 1967 _ LIVING IN FRENCH ACROSS CANADA OTTAWA (CP)--Some parts of the report of the royal com- ission on bilingualism and biculturaliam bear a striking resemblance to _ statements made by Premier Daniel Johnson of Quebec at the Con- federation of Tomorrow con- ference in Toronto last week. For instance, Mr. Johnson said: "We want to live in French in all parts of Can- ada." The report: "Living in French must be made possi- ble in every part of Canada where there are enough French-speaking people." Mr. Johnson said Quebec is asking for the same rights in other provinces that it gives its English-speaking minority. The report: 'At the mo- ment Quebec is the only prov- ince in which the official-lan- . ; : ! support life because of guage minority receives full Dr. Clarke said the recognition. No matter what ; i : : y \ the historical or economic jus- 8 ' ' EVERY WEEK ora i : tification for this situation | \ >. | COLO k iota toad ee may be, it appears more and : oe several way s more of an OY, o0's Oa sae his environment. He | "inequality ,e : : WIN or TV SET loss of fish and wildlife : : : : ; - ; of pollution could indi flagrant inequality must be corrected as soon as possible if we are really to achieve gers to human life. Dr. Clarke, Clarke, a biolo; OFFICIAL Four-Cycl Engine 01 LANGUAGES | Continued From Page 1 ine f ene eycle gasoline engine f Decl aration oo English) on its way out, the On and French are the official lan- i : are z lution Control Confere guages of Parliament and of} told Tuesday federal courts and administra-| f PSS ° if 1d - Rihm Jr. tive offices t York pallution specia +--Amendment of provincial] : res the cases promising Ci legislation to remove obstacles j PORK SIDE re to the use of both French and English by local governments. : of the future is the tt , 4 : --Enactment of a federal offi- ; ag ¢ial languages act to ensure re- & : eee Could TORONTO (CP) Point Bay on Lake Eri supports more angling | other area of Ontario, n its game fish affecte planned thermal powe he chief of the provin wildlife branch sa a day. Dr. C. H. D. Clark paper to the Ontario control conference, s: have our fingers cros what the effects will the Nanticoke pov opens. The plant, burn will have the first unit 1971 and the rest by 1 cost of about $243,000, He said the branch ' cerned on "'the effect t water is going to hav game fish spawning ai lie in its immediate pat The bay is about southwest of Hamilton. the rest of Lake Erie ; JOIN THE LIST OF "LUCKY PUCK" WINNERS POSTED IN YOUR FAVOURITE STEINBERG STORE! BE SURE TO PICK UP YOUR "LUCKY PUCK CARD FOR SAT., DEC. 9th GAMES sii, ee WE DO NOT MIX OUR BRANDS! RED BRAND BEEF ONLY ; 4 On the question of having On- § i tario and New Brunswick ee} j BONELESS BOTTOM clare themselves bilingual prov- ee ¢ inces, the report noted that On- in ROUND STEAK tario has 425,000 of the 853,000 ROAST French-speaking Canadians who i i j ee LB. live outside of Quebec and New BY THE PIECE Tasty Meaty Sliced Pork Hocks » 29° Pork Liver w 29 | Sweet Pickled Either End Maple Leaf Peameal Back Bacon Lb, 7 gc Chopped Suet 1 Lb, Pkg. 35¢ "The electrically - vehicle is not the solu assistant commissione: resources in New Yor turbo-electric. spect for the status of English department of health s part of Canada where there are enough French-speaking peo-| and French. --Similar legislation by offi- He said the diesel er cially bilingual provinces. TASTY continue to be a --Establishment of a works on a two-cycle completely bilingual capital MEATY in which _ hydrocar area involving both Ottawa and RED BRAND STE F A ed -- pice gg carbo Hull, Que g le is pr -- ioe socio of te British : GOVERNMENT GRADED over romeenrtbeneerremnennen rica Act guaran- He teeing minority education LB. CHOICE QUALITY fo Perfection ya4q rights : The royal commission t Phone 723- or 728-01 stressed that "living in French bd must be made possible in every RUMP ROAST, EPI § OP sonetess run ROUND STEAK, make up 35 per cent of its popu- lation. These two provinces and Que- bee account for 95 per cent of French-speaking Canadians. NEEDS LEGISLATION To become officially bilingual & province should legalize the use of both English and French in legislature debates, print all laws, regulations and legislative records in both languages, pro- Pe vide equal public school sys- {B. tems for both communities and adtot both Ignguages in the CLARK'S FROZEN PURE MARMALADE, REGULAR OR DIET KRAFT SALAD DRESSING courts. € Ontario recently announced oe : BEEF, CHICKEN or TURKEY STRAWBERRY & RASPBERRY an intention to provide French] . a high schools Begins MEAT ASCOT | PEPSI fMulit\dl: "English cast Of life" in Ot- tawa, saying nowhere else in Canada is there such a concen- tration of French-Canadians with so few language rights. The French language was MPeveretttrettescrtsesccsessoccscoecoc Cle SS Sees) JAMS WHIP with PECTIN COLA PIES iam 1 document said Otta-} board of control was the only public body in Canada that refused to co-operate with the| ong royal commission Lee The report suggests that if} f French-language ghts are not} guaranteed in English Canada | scarcely recognized in provin- cial and municipal offices. This was a major obstacle tu the recruitment of able French- 24 OZ -- 32.02. Canadians the federal civil : of 6 C JAR ¢ service. The answer was the de- JAR -10 velopment of a '"'truly bilingual" capital area embracing Ottawa OZ. and Hull, across the Ottawa | BTLS 4 Florida's Finest White or Ruby Red GRAPEFRUIT 10-69 Canada No. 1 Grade Idaho Type Netted Ont. Grown Fancy Grade Gem Potatoes 10 Lb. Bag 59¢ Leamington Grown No. 1 Grade Small Macintosh Ont. Grown No. 1 Grade Small Apples Bee Cella 5 Qc Cooking Onions § 1-800 39C Hot House 1p a Pint Qu uebec. might question its con- j stitution bilingual character.| ee STEINBERG Under the BNA Act, the con-| x Florida's Finest Canada Ideal For Toss Salads Fresh Crisp Tomatoes No. 1 Grade Endive or Escarole 2 Bunches 3OG Cucumbers 3 ad 2% Beng s Transparent "Peek-A-Boo" Meat ~ Trays Lets You See Top, Bottom and Sides stitution, minority language % Fi AE see 'ights are guaranteed only in| SLC D t province | ; REPORTS TO COME | 4 : The royal commission is ex-} pected to produce reports on ed-! : - 1 and the status of French] i i 1e work world in about six} months. Others, to be out by the} 1968, will deal with the} 2 ital in detail, Parliament,) the federal cabinet, the Su-| ; WHITE, preme Court of Canada, ethnic} WHOLE WHEAT groups, the arts, mass tase | Loe and other topics. ; | or CRACKED WHEAT o of the 10 commissioners gee e individuals statements as 3 : riders to Tuesday's report. ee 24 OZ. LOAF Rev. Clement Cormier, 57, 3 : former president of the Univer- sity of Moncton, said the com- gid in its defi- a pers , of Winni- j Boi form of recognition be gional languages" ath E h or French. He mentioned 'German, Italian ar Ukrainian members of the com- missin are Royce Frith, 44, To- 'eal Lace At No Extra Cost To You ...co aheat, Take a peek! t Frank R. Scott, 68, Montreal, and Paul Wyczynski, 8, Ottawa. We reserve the right to limit quantities . All prices in this ad effective Dec. 6 to 9, 1967. Pe ae ee ae a eh eed a A a sl cg aa o = s i ace