THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Becember 6, 1967 23 DOMINION OF CANADA PROCLAIMED CELEBRATIONS IN TORONTO THE GOOD" Newspaper Dated July 1; 1867; Reveals Heart Of Strong, Young Nation . By JO. ALDWINCKLE Stories describe the hoisting . oer for sale, assorted thick-jbe see 3 | Among her treasures of by-|9f flags and firing of royal nesses, Edward Miall, Oshawa, |George tatent chee ose mae Riey PR heel th on ee gone days, Mrs. T. H. Solomon. gs Bis midnight the bells ae o glass-ware including four casks ager. Confederation Day "two nee --_ =. Burk Street, recently discover- soa Sianight Ny dal pet . a, i hing P ee Lion" adver-| of assorted cruets, performances this Monday|\"Ches, and is yet only five feet ed a copy of The Globe. pub. ine cent Aen oe in : ee 9 ge on man-| The Corn Exchange, thelafternoon will be re-enacted,,one inch tall; only 12 inche® lished in Toronto on Monday,|Rovale sce Tet Gt tke deat : } Ss) oe; _Challie | mantles, Leather Market, Montreal Gro- 'Dominion Day", 'Crossing the across the shoulders and how- July 1, 1867. Mrs. Solomon y¢{roes, assembled at the dri : ; $2.00; silk saques, $4.00 and cery Market and the Toronto|Line", "The Good for Nothing"'.| i i i A ee S}shed and raised the Union trimmed hats, 75 cents. An indi-'M y oN iti Ip 4 ea pile pa Lis lal wears will convinced her mother put the\Jack on the new Bas watt aha : aga OF @RNiTatY coRRinane dels oney Market (commodities)|Doors open at 2 o'clock to com-|ease a No. 6 glove and a No. 3 four-page news sheet away for|fired a aici aalite ; Haat i Py ary conditions is all listed current prices. The|mence at 2% o'clock. Evening|shoe. These are facts which safe-keeping, The paper is in| . i j " igly revealed _by Rat/Toronto Money Market states:|performance at 8 o'clock. The/must be seen to be believed and perfect condition, The mast.|ROAST AN ox ixterminator, sure destruction |American greenbacks are sell-'eminent tragedian, Mr. Fred-when seen you are tempted to head carries the same aigte:| "At 6:00 o'clock an immense - rats and all kinds of vermin.|ing at 73 cents for the dollar. eric Robirison, as Jacob Vance doubt the reality still. Her af tion from Junius as today's ¢ will be roasted by Captain : a ane only by Hugh Miller Bank of Upper Canada bills in|in the new drama called "Deal fable and pleasant manner in copy of The Globe and Mail ond Voodhouse of the barque Lord is 0., 167 King Street East,'about 15 hands high, four and|Boatman" and as Petruchio in conversation, supported by a states that the newspaper is|Nelson at the foot of Church é Bees seaies ve ;S!IX years old- Anyone giving|Katherine and Petruchio, Prices liberal endowment of intellect published every morning at(Stteet. The animal which was ee STIC SCENE such information as shall lead|of admission: Pit, 25 cents, Gal-\and wit from nature, makes her three cents per copy or six dol-|@ Very fine one, was purchased : : : In an age when women were to. their recovery will receive|lery 25 cents, Boxes 50 cents,/entertainment the most attrace lars per annum, by subscription from Mr. non-entities and domestic af-\the above award. iprivate boxes $4. tive of the kind. At the resi- The leading editorial, pre- Joseph Lennox _of Yorkville. 2 : fairs were strictly private one) Although J. W. Elliott's den-| The same column announces dence of Dr. Williams 98 Queen sumably written by the famous The roasting will occupy a : ee F wonders what Jane Stonehouse | tal Surgery was over E. Hoop-|the Arrival in Town of the "Big)Street West. Admission 12 cents, Gsoris Biowh tebneing aire large portion of the day and the did that drove her husband to er's drug store, 45 King Street|Little Woman". She weighs the|Children 10 cents. Open from 9 tor baila the dawn of Contaten meat will afterwards be dis- ' é wet eee pac no-|West, many distinguished per-|enormous weight of 516 pounds.'a.m. to 10 p.m. ation Day. Seibert among the poor of the .. @™ ' : ice: ereby forbid any per-/sonages presented themselves Measures around the body! God Save the Queen "With the first daw ._{city. : : ae : ies, Son or 'persons giving any for his professional service. He| -- aera ae gy RS ee ee on nnnan cxe " 7 lawn of this) "At half-past nine an inter- : credit to my wife, Jane Stone- gives as references the Ri ht} : I di gladsome midsummer morn, |esting meeting will be held in ss F ¢ 4 ' house, after this date, as I will, Reverend the Lord Bisho rail Knows Loneliness Givos tying to smooth the team we hail the birthday of a new| the lecture room of the ' ' : bs : A not be responsible for the same. Toronto: the Right Ravorend Fee seni Veperye 1: yoan nationality. A united British/Mechanics' Institute. The meet- ' iis is : Isaac Stonehouse." July 1 was the Lord Bishop of Huron and| Of Bi Cit Life ~ a panel "ak gh pe eager ing will be held under the au- age : 3 3 a bad day for Jane. the Right Reverend the Lord ig Y t i ond on : adh fgg ve ople, takes its place this|spices of the Toronto branch of ' : P Also in the. personal vein: O sine 6 % at : alk with other Indians, receive day among the nations of the|the Evangelical Alliance and this Holiday, Dr. Campbell will ie ties ce eee After Reservation advice, clothing and other as- world. Stamped with a familiar|Christian persons of all denom- { 4 : B devote two hours, viz, from 2 their lordships before visiting) TORONTO (CP) -- To the sistance, work in handicraft name, which in the past has| inations are invited to attend at ' a8 - to 4, receiving patients from the dentist "| stranger, the first weeks in a|°/288es and engage in group dis- borne a record sufficiently hon-|that hour to invoke the Divine Lo % a F the country. He requests those LONG VOYAGES big city like Toronto are diffi-\CUSSions about society and how orable to entitle it to be per-/Blessing on the new Dominion. , * 2 of iis town patients whose In 1867 transportation 'and cult, But for the Canadian In- to get along with it. petuated with a more compre-| "At half-past ten, a grand -- a : d e é cases will admit of the delay, communication was mostly by dian it's twice as hard to adjust Jacqueline Steinberg, an Ojib- hensive import, the DOMINION review will be held on the 3 7 to postpone their visits to him water and shipping news. and says Mildred Redmond, a mag way Indian on the board of di- OF CANADA, on this First day | grounds west of Spadina. Ave- 4 a until tomorrow, when he will be sailing dates occupy a fair istrate's court consultant rectors, says 1,200 to 2,000 In- of July, in the year of grace,|/nue, Bathurst Street Commons. S ¥ : $ 2 -- z in his office from 10 until 12 amount of advertisin s by "Life on the reserve is so dif- dians use 't each month. eighteen hundred and_ sixty-|The volunteers muster at their © ' 4 é ™ 108 Bay Street. An important line - : th fer nt o free and relaxed "Some need _ counselling, seven, enters on a new career| headquarters at 9:00 a.m. and 4 a , é Ladies' School. Mrs. T. D. Pacific Mail Sledinehip: touch: They awe each other on the re- clothes, carfare, billeting. Oth- of national existence. Old) are expected to be on the » 3 % Campbell's School, 16 Grenville ing at Mexican ports and carry-|serve. All facilities are within ere ius need friends or encour- things have passed away. The ground in time to receive the ae: 4 - Street, will close for the sum-|ing the U.S. mail through in 22 walking. distance." se i history of old Canada, with its| general, punctually at 10:30. ; ' % = mer vacation, July 10. Mrs. C. days. It left Pier 42 at the foot 4 Potawatomi Indian, she oreraneed bounds and limited|/The 13th Hussars, 17th infan- : purposes (D.V.) resuming herjof Canal Street at 12 o'clock/came to Toronto 25 years ago OSHAWA visions of Upper and Lower,|try, two batteries of regular : : _ classes on Monday, September|noon on the Ist, 11th and 2lst\from Walpole Island - reserve Pi Sho East and West, has been com-| and one of volunteer artillery, ij. ? : ae = 2nd. of every month connecting with|near Wallaceburg, Ont. For the sd p- pleted, and this day a new Queen's Own 10th Royals and 5 : Wanted. For the common the Panama _ Railway and/|ast 16 years the small, round, HOME MADE volume is opened, New Bruns-|Grand Trunk volunteer battal- : : : j je School department of the Union'steamers to Hong Kong, Naga-\motherly woman has worked PIES & PASTRY wick and Nova Scotia unitingjions and Captain McLean's Fort -- : 3 ; Grammar School, Newcastle, a/saki, Shanghai "Australia and i h Indians $3 SIMCOE SOUT with Ontario and Quebec toj/artillery company will take part | : o . a male teacher having a first:|New Deniand: One huadred ye es g she walks 153 SIMCOE SOUTH Caakds,. slnete. sosiagiowasl Waser hte alee ; Ba AGO, Ae MemtENaeI a eae acre teaees tol arweeh Jal cats Masks fe 38 ion tie puede io the nach |General yc ad immectaie , : ee p.a. Apply, A. McNaughton,/each adult. Baggage masters|\dians who might need her coun-| Sais ot tn args "ti Alay on his eatne the field " c. secretary, Newcastle. accompanied the baggage|selling service. Then she speaks serra Phd Wegorsl bg. en a a Btn A Be Twenty Dollars Reward. Stol-|through and attended to ladies|before the magistrate on their the larger halt Of thle: Northlinfantey and a royal ealuie Re til r : en from the subscriber, Lot 3,/and children without male pro-| behalf. American continent foi the|the artillery ig y 5th Concession, Hamilton, on|tectors. An experienced sur-| As another service she tells} Atlantic to the Pacific | "At 3 o'clock provided pend- # es the 13th instant, a span of bay|geon was on board and medi-|Indians out of jail of the Cana- i ae ine divanoananta ban ha can F : * : * horses, a white star on each of|cine and attendance were free.\dian Indian Centre of Toronto| Let us gratefully acknowl mated witt § oa | hay : : : their foreheads, black mane For those who had neither| where they can find a congenial| edge the hand of the Almighty |v ork ipa 4 eee - New : a and tail, black legs; one has|the means nor the inclination to\social atmosphere. The centre is| Sotat thie cegtll; pregasnt wane 'will Fake Re peage Rong ' ee : ¢ two white hind feet and the travel, The Globe advertised'run by 17 Indians and 13 non-In-| DAIRY FOODS § s o / y . . i ; & ' é ps other e Ss . y ra sete BRN Se es a ARES st Cum Lee bs ar so important an influence on) @Ueen's Park and a picnic and a Bes wif a joints with one white ind for, ee the condition and-destinies of| festival in aid of St. Patrick's . : {SH CARG t i Ba ' al ,.|School House and temporary * heen Caan ; ; he inhabitants of these Proy-|?" 100 - gag News of shipping lines and inces and of the teeming mil- Ponape oe will MRS. T. H. SOLOMON MAGNIFYING THE NEWS the arrival of passengers and dll ages to come will Grounds e on the Government |cango was considered impor- ; > Dominion of. Canada} ot 4 ey : i : as|T advan Setar ris tant. Fresh Arrivals include: | from ocean to ocean and givelBANDS, DANCING for the accommodation of ex |the toll gate. The town hall has ES dyard, 74 Yonge Street, on: the SS Peravian trom Liver! it its character in the annals of| "The directors of the Horti- cursionists favoring short lake| been illuminated and a grand Lasher salen' wong tA 4{Pool, a quantity of marmalade | time. Let us acknowledge, too,| cultural Society have prepared|{rips, at one, two and three| display of fireworks takes frequent Gentleman Died "hs oranges, obtainable at Fulton & a the sagacity, the patriotism,/a most attractive evening's en-|o'clock, |Place in the evening. | family 'returning to England Michie and Co., 7 King Street % the forgetfulness of selfish and/tertainment. The bands of the) '1, addition, illuminations|, tinted in exceedingly small|\iches to sell his household| West. From Manchester, new f partisan considerations, on the|13th and 17th Hussars will be|and fireworks will be indulged|tYPe the front page is devoted) (rroci, including his stock of|f@8hionable and stylish trouser- , - : nart of our statesmen to which,|present and a program is ar-\in to a considerable extent,|¢©,the history of Canada, politi-\) ior. ings, vestings and coatings, {0 and cordials and a lates its extent, population and),: m imbiaritid eoamherce, re-|iam Street, near Queen, wishes] SELLING YOUR sources and religions; no ban- to sell the contents of her HOUSE 2 "notion of the project of ajdraw large crowds. After the) other buildings have undergone "h American Confederation concert, the bands will supply|the gas-fitters' manipulation; the carrying it to ajmusic for dancing. while in front of the Queen's home including seven cases of "der Providence, are due thejranged which will no doubt)phe Post Office, Gas House and cal and economical and tabu) widow, Mrs. Morgan of 17 Wil- | $ d \ [ ; COUNT 'sful issue. Without much) About 9 o'clock in the eve-jand at other' points fireworks |"€" headlines, just columns and stutreq birds and hair and : 7 MILLION COPIES SOLD in 15 MONTHS it labor, a disposition to|ning, fireworks will be let off) ,; ie ed. columns of fine print. BE i an 2 a i e mutual concessions andjin the Queen's Park. The ave.| He, dlaplay od Inside, however, there ag or rane gers Guite: for the THEN LIST WITH '4n accurate tronsletion rom the original | earnest large-minded will-/nues leading to the park will|IN YORKVILLE stories hidden in the advertise-|4ojj4, CENTRAL ONT. TRUST Greek inte English thot all can understand, i: ness to subordinate all party|be illuminated with lanterns! 'Arrangements corresponding|ments to stir the imagination Oe eats LE . "Ady : . * ; - 'terests to the attainment ofjand a band will be present to|to the enterprising character of|today's reader. What happened} Unde WS ! Qiniitues Give the best gift... a BIBLE, hg "hat would be for the lasting|add to the enjoyment of the|the inhabitants are being made.|to the goldfields of Madoc? An/ Under the heading Mercan- 723-5221 WAS" as it OBTAIN from your local BOOK STORE or tan, weal of the whole people of! occasion. Arches have been erected at|advertisement reads: GOLD} say nore . some subdued ad-| | ia! bs = ALL PACKAGED IN British. America, the result we| "In addition to these doings,|/the entrances to the village at| LANDS. 15,000 acres of land for in i ood e sat Joseph and Co. WE CHARGE Canadian Bible Book Store celebrate, this day would never| the Rothesay Castle will make|Yonge Street, one crossing parle within the gold regions of pt af hee ke BRIGHT-PLASTIC have been achieved Spee 'three trips around the Island. Bloor Street and the other atiMadoc. Apply to proprietor, | iad balls.' The undersigned has| ONLY 4% | 1835 YONGE ST., TORONTO 7, ONT, = |a limited quantity of choice, | 1 eecis } THROW-AWAY ENGAGEMENT | I CA RTONS The engagement is announced jof. Carol Barren, daughter of Mrs. John Alexander Barron, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Bar- More and more people ron, to Frederick Campbell ore tuming to their Charlton, son of Mrs. Walter Charlton, Lindsay, and the late local dairy, Ideal Dairy. |Mr. Charlton. The wedding will 0 lake sink oa Saturday, Det: BUY GROCERIES AT COST PLUS 10 Yo Their products are pro- |ber 30, 1967, at 1:00 p.m, in ichrist Memorial Church (Angli- P é duced, processed and ees : # Save $200. to $300. every year. Pay only the chain store's cost price plus 10%. The TOO MUCH HOMEWORK 7 result -- you can save on name brand foods .. . select from our 5,000 item whole- Lanne OBIE, Tex, (AP) sale catalogue, fresh and frozen. NEW CUSTOMERS are eligible to get the following |We're making more nervous wrecks out of our school chil- FOOD ORDER AT THESE PRICES. dren than we've ever done be- build a greater com- fore," said E. A. Wells. Mr. Maxwell House 5 6 3-Ib. Can ¢ Carnation 12-quarts ¢ : |Wells, state chairman of audio- COFFEE uy Ib. 5 CRISCO ea 53 POWDERED MILK 59 munity, isual'services, told a conference of parents d teachers that pi = Regular Size Carnation 2 Cons eacl A 6 Secs an pupil cad do, VO 5 Heir Spray 99 MARGARINE w. 12° CANNED MILK 23° FB] doesn't it make sonse homework than pupils can do, especially the average pupil to BUY LOCALLY Pro- " ' : Cigarettes --- Carton who has to work so much hard- 9 10-Ibs, Rob ! er to keep up with the gifted | ff ALL BRANDS 2.69 eae SS Oe ae duced ond LOCALLY child. Gillette Super Processed Dairy Pro- PBISVsrVVeTl ve Stainless Steel 6 Miracle Whip ¢ 48-ozs. ¢ ducts. 10's 79 32-02. 35 PEANUT BUTTER 69 Blades Salad Dressing @ ALL FOOD UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED @ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT @ CHRISTMAS AT YOUR STORE or y ' - - iF you require @ AT YOUR DOOR NO Membership FEE beer: Obes SUDBURY WOMAN, MASTER SHOEMAKER rosin i i LOLI | SOCIAL NOTICE | first quality black walnut lum- | delivered locally by local citizens. Locally produced and process- ed products help to nd Blue brand beef only. Free de- some ot cost price plus 4+ % yet > by twos Mary Stefanyshyn, per- to repair and make shoes. has carried on the business. FOR ro : a RS - sf aaa TOM ak wa will adios ( : q On Your Street Call haps Canada's only woman | Since her husband died she Z : (CP Photo) _ EVERYONE ivery. ame brand products. y i bageac 10 tha plan if over with master shoemaker, does 'a shop in Sudbury, Ont. Her } oe vate ago, tauaht ber | uC 1 *poors | | ~» C | e ee oe ee a Custom made or i : i * SHOES LEARN THE FACTS If you can't phone, use this handy request form, We | | Products Lid. | | specials, Take up to six months to pay you purchase your ee 1 fashioned - full day's work, six days a | ie x for food at no extra charge. No down parishable foods from : " week, in her shoe repair | SLIPPERS us for a period of : : res 36 to ' Payment. Use your own freezer. 50 months. Ready-to-hang would like more information on your OFFER, DRAPERIES |Mie >: SHBNANIEUSUC]) Se | Seer cee NO OBLIGATION | 7 ee © HOMES f -, For The Lady Of Your Choice | NAME ssseseseeees . saree i . N, roman iC | MODEL | «: 576-2990 |... ey | ea : eee il g Kaas '"s E" ; _Since 1919 | EVENING ELEGANC SHOE STORE | OG WAR D S | Located in the . Try our 2-pe. Silk Knits, Dresses, 35 KING EAST ae ADDRESS = | peg: Mangell fe ' Blouses, Jewellery and Acces- Downtown Oshawa Oshawa Provisioners the flag pole at OSHAWA sories. Each one would make her st. "at-Athol SHOPPING i | Free Parking at Reor 3% SIMCOES ST. S., OSHAWA | 725-1151 f CENTRE 3 0 perfect gift, come in today.