VSESCN SSS ETH EEE SE HSCS YSH STV HDTV SS eS ve Se Se Vi y +e ee LAY-AWAY! -- TODAY! SHOP NOW! -- PAY LATER! Architect's fees posed new police magistrate's co amount to $110,000 Ald. Charles Mc man of the parks committee, said th at a city council reply to Con. Rob However, if the | over the running | 10 am. SPECIAL 11 am. SPECIAL CITY DEBEN 1 p.m. SPECIAL | 3 p.m. SPECIAL || 5 p.m, SPECIAL 7 p.m. SPECIAL 9 p.m. SPECIAL | Miss Teenager, (Barbie Size), Tammy ond Penny Brite. Thursday Doll Hourly Clothes || thew : COMPARE TO 4.00 Gur. § : | For Price Sake For Price poe | = Be 19 OPEN DAILY 1¢ CHRISTMAS TREES FOR PRICE SAKE LITTLE PR Vanit. Plastic mirror, cor Guaranteed the best Christ- mas Trees we've ever had. Each tree has been individ- ually baled and graded. OUTDOOR ChristmasLights 25 sjarkle set. Made in Canada by General Electric, Crazy Clock Game by Ideal Toy. As advertised on TV. COMPARE 6.95 COMPARE 11.50 COMPAk FOR PRICE FOR PRICE FOR PRICE ue O99 fF « 7.77 sR ALLENT BINGO Wooden mallet, pegs Trains co-ordination o Ideal for children 1 to Christmas Cards 3" Play Balls The ideal stocking stuffer, Your choice, red, blue, yellow. SPECIAL For all. Individual cards on COMPARF ¢ rack at O.D.H. for Uncle, FOR PRICE 3 FOR 10 Wife, ete., etc., SAKE MEN'S PHILISHAVE SPEEDMASTER Electric Razor Flush-/ Disposable Table China 20 piece set by Bilton's of England. Detergent proof. In blue or pink design. COMPARE 12.95 The one with the good reputation. et OF FOR PRICE FOR PRICE wt 6.66 Fo « 12.99 fo wel POLAR Swinger ¢ with flash an: FOR PRICE. my, SAKE ] TURK: ROAST From roaster to p easy way. Wabasso Embroidered FASHION SET GIFT BOXED One sheet 81" x 104" and 2 pillow cases. 42". COMPARE 10,00 pens 6.99 Ski Doo Suits for the family Pyrex Custard Cups 2 different sizes, 4 in « pack. REGULAR 99¢ FOR PRICE uxt 66° FOR BOYS' 6 TO 12 MONKEES PANTS Styled after the Monkees of TV. FOR PRICE SAKE REGULA. COMPARE 5.00 FOR PRICE FOR PRICE 2.99 | ~ 19.97 |" & KOLYNOS Super White or Fluoride TOOTHPASTE FOR PRICE SAKE 2": 66° Portable Mixer SUSIE $ BI Reliable. Nearly operated walking ~ TV. She walks al holding your hand COMPARE FOR PRICE my - SAKE 1 WINDSOR 3 P Heating Flash Cubes 3 cubes--1 dozen flashes FOR PRICE 1.44 SAKE Be For The Best Stereo Home Entertainment Muniz 4 Track Cartridge 3 ds for b . Wi = caer, oth ae see With beoter Tape Player aac ted ie COMPARE 19.95 Home Unit COMPARI FOR PRICE 14 A FOR PRICE FOR PRICE e wet 14,88 J: 149.88) om @ "Progress" Juicit Completely pulverizes and gives you the life of the fruit, no pulp and mush woste. Turns ony fruit or vegetable to juice for better health, "COMPARE 60.00 FOR PRICE uc 39.88 OSH We Reserve The Right to Limit Quantities STEP TABLES Heavy constructed tables ' with arborite top and matching edgings. Sleepins Mount, Army duck covering . sign. Flannel lining. zipper. 36" x 80" siz filling for extra wo $30.00, ONLY TO FOR PRICE my / 5 CLEAR 14.00 SAKE 1: 5 - 10c PACKS WRIGLEY'S A DISCOUNT HOUSE LTD. 1038 KING STREET WEST at GARRARD ROAD Adults Only Electric Cordless Cleaner by Marx Christmas Music Long Play RES eR PR & G.I. Joe.Official Build & 3h New Men's Solid Colors Sizes 34 t Christmas To Clear -- 5 0 Vust Say Chare Brand Name HA s Colors, black, blue, Priced grey, brown. All styles.- g { eS From 654 --7%. BRAND NAME ARROW poe Ap CUFF SOX LINKS Leather Leather tm solid colors ond pat TIE B AR Belis Gloves oh Black, bro d grey. Lined, unlined, black MacGregor Lyons ack, brown an F ined, unlined, ; Meadreh Knit SETS An Ideal Christmas Gift! brown, grey. GIFT BOXED FROM GIFT BOXED FROM FROM FROM 95° 3.95 150 299 3-95 e f « ' Gift Boxed FEI IIIS III III III I II SIO IS SS SII ISS SS SISOS ISI SSI III OS IIS SIS SS SII DSI SSAA SAIS AGA t RehehehahahehahatahehahehatahetatehatatalatataSelatathehahetaltatshetet ht ttetetetatetet dt tt ttt ttt itt ttt tt ttt t 882 6t. 2.4,0,0,,4,4,2,0,4,0,4,4,2. 4 GOOD LOOKING -- GOOD WEARING CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR BOYS x BOI IIA TAI III OOOO I OOOO III IDI III III OI TOI OOS III OOO III IOI I I II ISO OOOO IAAI I IIIA A AAAI vg [BOYS SUITS CARDIGANS BOYS' and sUITS Scarves Warm Cashmere and Wool. Imported Scarves. Px SOS Oo XO PULLOVERS Washable knits and brushed mo- hairs in blue, grey, brown ond black. Sizes 14-16-18-20, from Jilin A AAAI IA Latest ~e and shades. MEN'S FLEECE-LINED 499 Sizes 8 to 18 CURLING BOOT. Christmas 7 a : _ Specials ! -omshage's iagaaabe 10 4 B g @ @ 5 ad se : @ & 5 € ARTE 9 5. FROM 14.88 eihheieilsidtetittttuitELELELEnnnnnnnnnnnnd SCHOOL CRESTED MEN'S DESERT Bf PARADA ADI III IID IIA AAA SSAASSAAIA ATTENTION ! BOYS' i CORDUROY PANTS SLIM TAPERED SIZES 8 TO 16 TONG Bae | sia seer 4.99 SWEAT SHIRTS | rout "Bakes BOYS' Hockey Leams and o Associations For the finest in custom made Bench and Windbreakers. Only 3 95 a SSHOOL CARDIGANS 10.95 CRESTED Please Get Our Quotations SCHOOL WINDBREAKERLO.99 Before You Order! JACKETS QUILTED LINED SIZES TO 18 nox 6.88 PAIAAAIIAAAIIAIAIIIIAIAIAIAIAIA IIAP ASDA A AAAS I IIIS AAAI AAA SASSI A ASIA ADI IAA SISA SSAA SISA IIIS SII AAS ASI SSIS SIS SSSI ASC > Ebbs. _ Clifford Pilkey, Os MPP, extended "his de sympathy" to the family. He said Mr. Ebbs_ we ANNEXATION In 1951 the city annex portion of East Whitby T ship and this expanded the to its present size of 1 acres or 21.87 square mil Allowed Specials