+s ee Sw oe eS eS LAY-AWAY! -- TODAY! SHOP NOW! -- PAY LATER! Thursday Hourly Specials 10 a.m. SPECIAL 11 am. SPECIAL 1 p.m. SPECIAL 3 p.m. SPECIAL 5 p.m. SPECIAL 7 p.m. SPECIAL 9 p.m. SPECIAL Miss Teenager, (Barbie Size), Tammy and Penny Brite. Doll Clothes COMPARE TO 4.00 For Price Sake YOUR ¢ crore OD 5 - 10c PACKS WRIGLEY'S Chewing Gum For Price Sake 19° Electric Cordless Cleaner by Marx Vac-U-Fun Looks, works and cleans like real. COMPARE 14.95 Christmas Music Long Play RECORDS Hi-Fi or Stereo, Many as- sorted labels. REGULAR 2.50. FOR PRICE FOR PRICE ut 9.99 |) «« 1.44 Build & PLAY CIRCUS An educator series toy. For ages 2 to 8. Over 160 parts of plastic or cordboard, display. Con be used over and over again. Compare 3.49 FOR PRICE sc 1,44 36 J-CLOTHS New family pck, 36 all purpose towels, COMPARE 1.60 FOR PRICE uc QOF G.I. Joe Official Space Capsule and Space Suit Scaled to fit G.I. Joe. Compare 11.95 "at Ded D OPEN DAILY 10 am. fo 10 p.m. For Extra Savings Opportunities PORTABLE TELEVISION for CHRISTMAS renee AR¢ Architect's fees posed new police magistrate's cou amount to $110,000. Ald. Charles Mcl man of the parks ¢ committee, said thi at a city council reply to Con. Robe However, if the p over the running o CITY DEBEN New the city and had because rates in PORTABLE RADIO SALE FOR PRICE SAKE '793 OTHER MODELS FROM 23.97 CHRISTMAS TREES FOR PRICE SAKE GENERAL ELECTRIC COLOR Model 11G01 60 sq. inches of stable, magie memory color. Regular 439.95 FOR PRICE SAKE Several AM/FM Models priced at and tulow cost for quick sale b of our problem. YOU WIN. Many with AM/FM - "§ - LW - AFC and auto aerial, Guaranteed the best Christ- mas Trees we've ever had. Each tree has been individ- ually baled and graded. SONY SUN SET Model TV7-75W Go anywhere, ploys anywhere and lets you watch even out in the sun. Provides the best picture we've ever seen. FOR ben SAKE 149. ge BOTH SETS ARE FULLY GUARANTEED AND SERVICED. ASK OUR PRICE ON OTHER MODELS BLACK & WHITE OR COLOR. FOR PRICE SAKE (ea.) | SUNNFUNK Model 5 COMPARE $149.95 Crazy Clock Game Ideal Toy. As advertised on TV. by COMP. s ARES. os on age egg 3.99 3" Play Balls The ideal stocking stuffer, Your choice, red, blue, yellow. SPECIAL 3 10° Table China Jece set by Bilton's of Englend. rad Deter rgent proof. fy blue or pink design. COMPARE 12.95 FOR PRICE wt 6.66 Pyrex Custard Cups 2 different sizes. 4 in © pack. REGULAR 99¢ FOR PRICE uxt 66° FOR BOYS' 6 TO 12 MONKEES PANTS Styled efter the Monkees of TY. COMPARE 5.00 FOR PRICE 2 93 SAKE e KOLYNOS Super White or Fluoride TOOTHPASTE FOR PRICE SAKE 2 '=: 66S G.E. Portable Mixer 3 speeds for best results. With beater ejector. White only. COMPARE 19.95 FOR PRICE 14 wt 14,88 "Progress" Juicit Completely pulverizere end gives you the life of the fruit, no pulp ond mush waste. Turns any fruit or vegetable to juice for better health, COMPARE 60.00 FOR PRICE uc 39.88 OUTDOOR ChristmasLights 25 sjorkle set. Made in Canada by General Electric. COMPARE 11.50 "oe Ded Christmas Cards For all. Individual cards on rack at O.D.H. for Uncle, Wife, etc., etc., MEN'S PHILISHAVE SPEEDMASTER Electric Razor The one with the good reputation. "we 12,99 SAKE e Wabasso Embroidered FASHION SET GIFT BOXED One sheet 81" x 104" and 2 pillow cases. 42" COMPARE 10.00 ype 6. 99 Ski Doo Suits for the family FOR PRICE SAKE non 19.97 Flash Cubes 3 cubes--1 dozen flashes FOR PRICE 4 sxe 1 44 For The Best Stereo Home Entertainment Muntz 4 Track Cartridge Tape Player Home Unit FOR PRICE 14 8 pe 9. 8 | STEP TABLES Heavy constructed tables with arborite top and matching edgings. 5 ONLY TO 14 "14.00 LITTLE PRINCESS Vanity Set Plastic mirror, comb and brush. COMPARE 98c FOR PRICE © SAKE 66 ALLENTOY'S BINGO BED Wooden mallet, pegs and work bench. Trains co-ordination of hands and eyes. Ideal for children 1 to 4, COMPARE 1.29 FOR PRICE ¢ ue BB Flush-A-Byes Disposable Diapers et 0.D.H. awnrs 1.88 POLAROID Swinger Cameras with flash and batteries, FOR PRICE | ua 17,99 TURKEY & ROAST LIFTER From roaster to plotter the safe easy way, REGULAR 1.98 ser ag 1.49 SUSIE STEPPS BI Reliable. Nearly 2' tall. Battery operated walking doll as seen on TV. She walks all by herself or holding ar hand. COMPARE 19.95 FOR price uc 13.97 WINDSOR 3 Positive Heat Heating Pads Cover removoble for washing. Lever style braille type switch. COMPARE 4.95 FOR PRICE 2 99 SAKE | e Sleeping Bag Mountineer Army duck covering with hunting de- sign. Flannel lining. Full all around zipper. 36" x 80" size. 3 Ib, terylene filling for extra warmth. COMPARE $30.00. FOR PRICE 18 88 SAKE e BY POPULAR DEMAND ALBERT J. FOX, PORTRAIT ARTIST WILL BE HERE TONIGHT, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TO DO YOUR Portraits in Pastel Child Portraits Make Beautiful Gifts for Christmas Giving. Charcoal Two-Tones $5.00 Living Color $15.00 FAMILY OR GROUP TIME RESERVED ON REQUEST Fully Adjustable Canada's Own Ironing Board 'Tiger Tank' "Canadian Hartge fibres Rugged fine ng by ph Actually fires missiles, turret moves from side to side. COMPARE 1.69 FOR PRICE ux 88° Choose a beautiful BOXED GIFT SET COMPARE 25¢ EACH for your man from FOR PRICE SAKE 0.D.H. Choose from 2 van 23° Old nem, Jae East, Alarm Clock Spring wound, mede in Chine. Metal cose in ebony finish. ; protect, moisturize. COMPARE 7.95 COMPARE 4.00 FOR PRICE 8 FOR PRICE 1 bb SAKE 5. 8 SAKE _ e "HOLIDAY" TW301 Transceivers Curling Sweaters Walkie Talkie Sets FOR PRICE COMPARE 25.00 SAKE pair - 14.99 FOR PRICE i . Other quolity sets available without « SAKE licence for up to 10 miles at the lowest e@ wholesale prices anywhere. Pere FOAMING RESDAN FRUIT CAKES | Owen Renner By Canada Bread FOR PRICE FOR PRICE su 66° sxe Q9F Top Quality Sure-Shot' Brand any height. COMPARE 8.95 "6.48 RYE GLASSES 6 oz. tapered tumblers with block and gold decoration. Heavy weighted bose and safety rim. Desert Flower Hand & Body Lotion With the heart of lanolin to soothe, Men's 100% Hi-Bulk Super Orlon or All Wool World Famous Old Fashion- ed . a POOL TABLE EQPT. Claxton Fruit Cake & ACCESSORIES Baked In the deep south of sg! bo according to @ famous old recipe. Full line of peepee! ef et low prices, what the gourmets have applauded tr EXAi years, Boxed in 3 -- one pound boxes, FULL SET OF ay BALLS. FOR PRICE Brons4.99 | «: 1.66 OSHAWA DISCOUNT 1038 KINGsSTREET WEST at GARRARD We Reserve The Right to Limit Quantities Santa Banks SPECIAL 19c GRANADA SOLID STATE 10 Transistor Portable Radio That can be used on hydro or bat- bar ea Bit idee pres engineered in case. ron PRICE pits 'J9. py AVON Battery Operated Decorator Clock Modern design, quiet long life movement. COMPARE 29.95. "on 14,97 Friction Toys Your choice cars, trucks, racers, airplanes, motorcycles, REGULAR 99c¢ FOR PRICE sc 66° CHRISTMAS TREE STANDS Made entirely of steel, baked en- ame! finish, COMPARE 1.49. "we 1,22 COASTERSETS Set of 6 square cork coasters in whiskey disploy holders. Indnvidu- ally gift boxed. COMPARE 98¢ FOR PRICE sx AQP Lady Schick-Caprice Electric Razor For under arms and legs. FOR PRICE ut 11.88 Men's 17 Jewel Incobloe Movement INGRAHAM WRIST WATCH Swiss made with aecmrcere main. spring. REGULAR 30.0 FOR PRICE ix 19.99 Tie 'NTangle The most hilarious "Knottiest" fun game for the whole family. COMPARE 4.00 FOR PRICE 2 ish SAKE e -177 Calibre Imported Pellet Guns Quelity made rifle with full rifled ber- rel, fine finished stock ond shaded sight guard adjustment for hair trigger. "wt 9.97 SCORE The clear hair cream. COMPARE 1.09 FOR PRICE unt 69° GENUINE PRESTONE BRAND ANTI-FREEZE 77° quart 2.49 GALLON 4-lb. Package Wild Bird Feed Seed Keep in touch and wotch nature this winter. ition 69° ot Fruit Cake Pans Nest of 3 assorted size square ¥ aluminum. COMPARE 1.29 FOR PRICE axe OOF Boys' Up to 12 Years Old Hockey Sweater Outfits Including toque, sox and sweater, COMPARE 7.00 FOR PRICE sx 4,99 The Borron -- Men's Permanent Press White Dress Shirt 2 way cuffs, Truly pererer press, new miracle fabric. MPARE $6.00. FOR PRICE 3 uc 3.99 Famous "Miny" Tape Recorders 3" single with reel switch control. COMPARE 30,00 FOR PRICE 19 ua 19,99 Timex Watches FOR THE FAMILY FOR PRICE urtmm 20 MEN'S GIFT BOXED Bath Robes Dressing Gowns 5 styles to choose from FOR PRICE sant mm Be NEW -- NOW IN STOCK "Ampex" Magnetic Recording Tape From the people who started it all, FOR PRICE SAKE ¢ REEL. © FROM 79 AND UP HANIMEX CONVERTIBLE 8D Movie Projector s 8 mm and Super 8 through @ brillant 20 to 32 mm Zoom 1.5 lens. Variable speed, push button forward and reverse. Automatic threading right on to take up spool. COMPARE $150.00 "mm 99,99 Make It Snow The original spray snow. For spray- ing trees, windows, wreaths, .. . COMPARE 79¢ FOR PRICE Pa un 4Q "VALLIANT' SOLID STATE 6 Transistor Portable Radio With all the accessories. FOR PRICE uc 7.97 PHILIPS Electric Knife Balanced open handle design. Positive table rest. Push button "on-off" switch. 5 year guarantee. COMPARE $23.00. FOR PRICE | x" 18.88 HOUSE LTD ROAD Adults Only Allowed Specials high density ment in the d PLANNING ' Council f question to 7h after seve) voiced mis posal. sented to the council similar m™ memorate Attersley, y entations, s custom to service or retirees, e than dustry and the City of "They have their depart lighter and tance." The 13 we head, _ publi nance employ istrate, F, S. yesterday in hospital. Proposing, 4 Mayor Ernest ute to Mr. Ebh was a fine citi standing famil on behalf of Ebbs. Clifford Pilkey, : MPP, extended "this de sympathy" to the family. He said Mr. Ebbs. wa ANNEXATION In 1951 the city annexe portion of East Whitby T ship and this expanded the to its present size of 1 acres or 21.87 square mile