NESS BRIEFS | CANADIAN PRESS ANK CLOSES nadia. Imperial Bank merce Monday an- the close of its special , Expo 67, after serving customers, and pro- 37 tons of coins. Apart nadian and American 'rench francs were the ely used currency dur- ix-month fair. SARNINGS UP aSalle Ltd. of Montreal et earnings of $539,616 a share for the nine riod ending Oct. 31, up 4,676 or $1.77 a share ame period in 1966. The owns a clothing plant euil, Que., which sells outlets across Canada iscount houses in Que- Ontario. YATT EARP = 20 OR KILLER? MES GARNER OBERT YAN FS 3s -- 1:30 -- 3:30 0 -- 7:30 -- 9:35 AL. RCE Distritmeted by King Peaterce Syndicate DONALD DUCK > 7, a Zz" if x { THANK YOU, 'S'ALL A WAH! UNCA eS) ce) : vy. or Ber ae 4 Tye OF WATER * be = . / yy ee ne 1 pont A AND MY DIME DION'T COME BACK! BLONDIE Glic BUZ SAWYER GAINS CONSCIOUSNESS, {Fn HOUR BEFORE RED iy PRISONERS ABOARD A | mf SUBMARINE... AND IT'S NOT RUSSIAN... THESE GUYS ALL SPEAK GERMAN, 1, THIS WINDOW... JANE ARDEN ( 2?" THAT TWIN IS INEDIBLE.-:- | - a 2, LI'L ABNER AN | & ~SO THIS MUS BE TH'INCREDIBLE ONE'~ACCORDIN' TO OLE MAN MOSE~AH GOTTA MARRY HER- NUBBIN 1967 DEMONSTRATOR YWVWVVVV VIC4%S BRINGIN' SOMEBODY To My. ROOM! T/L JUST SKIN OLIT T ) HES VAMOOSED RIGHT | OUT THE WINDOW/ SECRET AGENT X9 NOW IS THE TIME TO CASH IN ON THE SAVINGS ! YOUR PRESENT CAR MIGHT NOT LAST THROUGH WINTER! SEE US TODAY ! Channel 2--Buffalo Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buffalo Channel é--Toronto Channel 7--Buffalo 7--N.Y.P.D. HENRY WHERE WILL YOU GO, GREG? JULIET JONES wi $-2--News, Weather, WELL-- ITHAS A | POPULATION OF 1,000 AND A HiGH- SCHOOL STUDENT OF 256, THEY NEED A FOOTBALL COACH, THEY CANIT PAY . MUCH, BUT THEN AGAIN tights reserved. Fentaree Syndiente, Inc. 1967. World MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA OF MY FAVORITE FLAVOR OF LOLLIPOPS... STRAW! &--i Dream of Jeannie | 1) 7--Garrisons Gorillas Movie 4--Daktarl 3--Rat Patrol 2--High and Wild 8:00 PLM. +--Can 1-6-12--Red Skelton 2-4--Jerry Lewis 8: P.M, +--Ironside 7--Invaders 4--Red _Skeiten 9:00 P.M, 9--Uncle Bobb: | 8-2--Snap Jud: did C 1--Merv_ Griffin #--The Prisoner 7--Hollywood Palace Room Sports | 3--Good Morning 7: P. | 2--Pat Boone 7--News, Weather | 9:30 A.M. 7:4 P.M, | 4-Leve of Life 12--Star Route 9--Meta 11--Cimarron Strip 3-6-11-12--Ontario 9--Jerry Lewis 10:00 A.M A.M, 8-2--Concentration 7--Family Game 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 11:00 A.M, 12--Romper Room 9--Tugboat Annie | _2-8--Personality 4--Good Morning World 10:00 P.M. 6:3 A.M, 9--University of The Air 6:55 A.M, 7---Bialing fer Dellars, Sports 7:0 Virginia Graham 9--Batman 9:00 A.M, &--America 12-11--Ed Allen Time 4--Midwestern Hayride 9--Romoer &--Day it | 8--Crossfire 3--Mothers-in-Law | 6--Meta News, Weather, | 4--Contact Schools y igment mera M Corrigantakescharoeof =f security at a missiledefense @ NRCHANG SAID FOSTER WOULD BE b. ON THIS FLIGHT... <\ jj J THERE! THATS HIM! D King Feetures Syndicate, Inc, 190]. Wesld CLIFF MILLS THE 266 KING W. ~ La 4--Diek Van 2-8--Hellyweod 12 NOON 12-3--News, Weather, | 12--Calendar TELEVISION LOG 7---How's Your Mother-in- w? Dyke Squares $-2--Days of Our Lives 2:30 PLM, | 11--Perry Mason | People in Contiiet $1 The Doctors 7--Dream G irt | Coronation Street | 4--Heuse Party 3:00 P.M. 9--Magistrates Court &-2--Another Werld 7--General Hospital 4--Te Tell the Truth 1412-- Take 3% | 3 P.M, (--News 3:3 PLM. 11--Hawkeye 9--It's Your Move 24--You Don't Say 7--Cemmander Tem 9--| Love L uey $-4-4-12--Edge of Night 4:00 PLM. ll---Super Heroes $--The Mateh Game 3-6-12--Bonnie Prudden | 4--Secret Sterm 2--Mike Douglas 4:0 PLM, MOTORS 123-4634 HUBERT OH, DEAR! YN 7. es NOW WHAT HAVEL DONE? e THE MATTER ? WRONG SPOONP? MY NAPKIN'S ON MY LAP? VW ELBOWS OFF THE a 'TABLE! WHATS Ps 4--Drivers' Test orts es? Channel &--Rochester 3-6-12--Public Eye | Little. People Fi o Channel %--Toronto 11:00 P.M. | 7--Movie ¥ y Channel 11--Hamilton ener ee | Seterente Today iy V fe 1 WSs, Luncheon ate ¢ Channel 12----Peterboreugh Weather, Sports | 4<News, Weather, Sperte | 14 j 11:18 P.M, | 2-8--Jeopardy e TUBSDAY BVENIN® | 1\--Pierre Berton 12.10 P.M, be : 5:00 P.M, 1:38 PLM. 3--Super Heroes 1a--Recky and his friends | ¢--Viewnsint 12:30 P.M, Hy: 11--Cembat 11:25 P.M, 11--Photo Finish ; 8--Mr. Ed | 6--News, Weather, Sports | 8--Eye Guess : 7--Flintstones 11:30 PLM. 3-6-4-12---Séarch fer Te- ne 4--Perry Mason 7---Movie morrow Ce ie \ 3-6--Frankenstein Jr, | 4--Moevie | Merv. Grittin 20 PLM, | 28--Johnny Carson | 12:45 P.M, 12--F lintstones | 11:35 P.M, | 3-4-6-12--Guiding Light $--Truth or Consequences | 3--Outer Limits | 1:00 P.M, 7--News | 11:40. PLM, | 12--Mevie | Let Line jn Douglas 9--Perry"s Probe 9--Mi FOR GOs Ane 8--Dialing for Dollars, WELL, S H Pier ri | 11:45 PLM, | Virginia Graham SAKE! WHY DIDN'T }; |--Pierre Berton | 12--Movie 7--Fugitive 6--Hew's Business . 2:10 A.M él unehesn Date YOU TELL ME MY 7--Mevie 9--Movie 4--Meet The Millers 4--Reamn fer the Top 12:30 A.M, Movie 412--News, Sports, N--Mark Saber 1: P.M, Sienna. | @4--As The World Turns tHicoat Juncti Let' A Deal 3--Pe' Wee Pg ion i WEDNESDAY | + net) ke . De 12--Avengers | 4:00 A.M, | 7---Newlywed Game 1)--Daktari 1--Schnitzel House | 6-4--Love is @ Many Splen- 3-6-9--News; 4--Captain Kangaroe | dered Thing ea' | A YOUR HEALTH Hair Straighte Dear Dr. Molner: Is it safe to MUGGS AND SKEETER 3 7--Temptation 11--F Troop use those new hair straighteners Lauer any | eMae agi, © |i (t > Sewer Htor entea curly hale? have eur): P.M, n- Aersiane ar ridentiat : Convenes Sagi ng ng Rhighy agree 9--Pig'n' Whistle. : ' 9--Mr. and Mrs 3-6-12--Barney Boomer ay Sieade ay sey chee tee and they worked perfectly. My CROSSWORD hair is very curly and I cannot do anything with it--L. M, ze I can't, for reasons you'll soon ACROSS Ported = iba see, give you a_ categorical -- ' visas - pr eg answer as to whether "those seg ert 'hela new hair giraighteners" are abbr. flight tion ane for you. : 10. Book of 3. Employ 23. Curved eep these thoughts in mind, the Old 4, Gold or line though: Testament pilver 25, Jolt 1, There has been tremendous 11, Winglike 5. Hound 27. Malay- effort made to improve the 12, Oiland dog an chemistry of all sorts of hair vinegar 6. Crown boat Preparations. It's a big busi- bottles 7. Woe is 29, All Yesterday's Answer [ness, sO companies want prod- 13, Summon me! 30. Sea- ucts which will do the. best job 14. Nonsense! 8. Temple man 40. Napoleon's j|and cause the fewest .com- 15. Tree 9. Surgeon's 31, Scholar isle plaints. 17, Soak up instrument 33. Dull 42. Ages 2. Hair, like skin, varies con- 18. Exist 12. Crustacean 34. Rip 44, Affirma- siderably in texture. One per- 19. Lucid 16, Musical 37. Cubie tion son's hair will tolerate a 21. Prosecutor: instrument meter 46. Pinnacle straightener (or other prepara- = 0 7 le 13 ¢ 15 Ae Te} |tions) while another person's , won't. Py Pring st no i 3% Sonfe folks will encounter * of Troy scalp irritation frc a one prepa- 26. Twilled 2 GI ration, yet Be a a different one may not be bothersome, 28, Sede & Y 5 ie VW ud Some of the chemicals used in grass is wee V77in the past have been known to ir- 29. Steep Yj, Y ritate the:scalp and also to be slope Pr 23 Y 34 35 respon ible for the hair shafts 32. Jog Yip gag off is used too ~-- 35. Continent: P7726 27 V77et 777 times. Newer ones, I under- abbr. GG YU, GY stand, are better. 36, Drab j29 [30 3 cn 33 Ts Here are my suggestions: 38. Exist VA, Try one of the preparations 39. Bind 35 GAS 37 GY 3B which your friends have found 41, Leaf Y/, 4/4 successful. If no itching or irri- "a ae 9 ia yy" VW a reegtng the scalp pe ~ z And the same as to breakage o 43. Badly . ws ia be i I would promptly stop = dp yA Y7, \using any preparation which 48, Manacles a caused the slightest irritation of 49, Epochs the scalp. If you stop at once, 50. Concise lee you should have no trouble, but if you keep on, you may. find 7 Are They Safe? By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD ners \that the repeated irritation can |produce a real skin problem. As for shafts breaking, if it jhappens you will notice the in- \creasing accumulation of strands in your comb or brush. That would be your warning to stop and, after some time |passes, possibly try some differ- lent preparation, | | Dear Dr. Molner: My niece, \l1, was always a healthy child jbut has been housebound for lfour months because of nephri- tis, which I never heard of be- fore. Please explain what it is. |--E. B. | In brief, it is a kidney infec- tion. Kidney trouble is far more prevalent in children than the public seems to realize, and it can be so serious that parents jshould be alert for signs of it. Dear Dr. Molner: My daugh- ter, 25, is always going over to' a friend's or neighbor's for a cup of coffee. When she gets home she has diarrhea and cramps. It doesn't happen until she has had that cup of coffee. I have heard of people who are always saying, "I am not a coffee drinker; it doesn't agree with me."--Mrs. A. B. C. There's an inexpensive way to get a start on solving her prob- lem, Have her drink a cup of| coffee each morning for two weeks, and count how many times she has cramps. Then avoid coffee entirely for' two weeks--and. count the cramps. Some people are, in- deed, sensitive to coffee. It has a laxative effect on many. Dear Dr. Molner: Whenever ! eat asparagus my urine very shortly has a strong odor of as- paragus. It happens to a lesser extent with some other foods. Is this a symptom?--J. P. No. It's natural and most peo- ~ ° THE OSHAWA TIMES, ]y Tuesday, December 5, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) West dealer. North-South vulnerable. Opening lead -- spades, Self - preservation is a basie law of life, and this instinct to table as well. It is only natural for a player to do everything in his power to protect himself from impending defeat. _ Take this case where South is in four hearts and West leads the three of spades, East taking the ace and returning the queen. If South lacks the instinct to survive, he plays the king and eventually suffers a one - trick defeat. He loses two. spade tricks right away and loses two more spades later to go down one. But if he senses the danger that exists, he makes the con- tract without much trouble. It is not really difficult to diag- nose West's lead as a singleton, so South should be alert to the possible consequences of cov- ering the queen of spades with the king. Defeat is looking him right in the eye if he covers with the king. He knows the king will be ruffed and that he is likely : lose two more spade tricks ater on. Accordingly, he shoul' duck the queen of spades and permit East to win the trick. When East continues with the jack-- as good as any play he can. make -- South follows with the nine, continuing the campaign to preserve the life of. the mon- arch. West can do no better than ruff the spade with the six, at which point the defense runs out of steam. South makes the rest of the tricks with ease. Declarer can reach the same amining the problem from a different light. He has ten win- ners once the ace of spades is played, and all he has to do to preserve them is make sure that one of them--the king of spades--does not get ruffed. Steel Firms Keep silent PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Thé American steel industry, faced with dwindling profits and the uncertainties of new labor con- tract negotiations, remained si- lent during the weekend as the U.S. government tried to head off a new round of price in- creases. Industry sources sald another price increase is a virtual cer- tainty if the increase announced by U.S. Steel Friday withstand tovernment pressure. Gardner Ackley, chairman of President Johnson's council of economic advisers, said Satur- day the industry's "costs and prices are already too high--not too low." The new contract won by the United Auto Workers union in Detroit was "equally disturb- ing," Ackley said. 'Recent events clearly make it more im- perative than ever that we ar- rest the wage-price spiral which now is in progress." U.S. Steel's response--and that of other producers--was a terse: "No comment." Other producers said they are studying the No. 1 steel-maker's announcement that it will in- crease prices on the cold-rolled sheets used in cars and appli- ances by $5 a ton, or 3.5 per cent. Ackley said: "I urge each company to consider carefully the interests of the industry and the nation before it makes its decision." Sources of the indus- try said it is not clear yet wheth- er other producers were suffi- ciently impressed by Ackley's statement to back down by an-* nouncing smaller increases than: U.S. Steel's or holding off alto-- gether. "T love the idea of the human ~ race being broken down into males and females, don't you?" ple notice the same thing. It is. due to a chemical in the aspara- gus. three of -- survive extends to the bridge - conclusion at trick two by ex- .