Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Dec 1967, p. 14

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14 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 4, 1967 SIMPLIFY FAMILY CHRISTMAS $HOPPING & SAVINGS WITH WANT ADS! Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE DIRE CTORY Accountants Building Trades Plumbing and Heating 2--Personal B CLANCY'S Accounting Service.|ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles, ; i comelete ookkeeping. service, 178. Sim +] repairs, large and small Plumbing Discount ELECTROLYSIS coe Street N., 725-0397. Res, 723-7605 jeofing and Construction. 725-4927. 723-4641 GORDON R. DAY, "Certifies General at TYPES uliding repairs, Rooting | 149 Brock St. North count ti jeaces, ping Cente, 72599 we SOP | masonry, Gord May. Whitby, seaz74| WHITBY -- 668-6601 Removal SE vig pare ar IOs ) 'Aceoun!-|PLASTERING -- Drywall, remodelling, rie Murdu' e in ant, Licensed "trustees "1?" Bond Street renovations. New or repeit, $2430. at-| Direct to you, plumbing sup- Oshawa Dec, 11, 12, and Telephone 723-4833. for 6 p.m plies. Everyth og in the 13th, Phone Genosha Hotel BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service.|TERRANO PAVING, 10 years in busi-) plumbing line, 20% off all on these dates for appoint- re ice, 178 Site|ness. Guaranteed work, 0c square foot. supplies, ment coe Street N., . Res. 723-7605. _|17 Bond Street Enst, 723-841. : 'YALE, [aria areagy yet cee goed Cher- Street North, in| Carpentry REMODELLING recreation rooms, work and kitchen cupboards. Eric pen, 728-7066. 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CLOSED een. ALL LS gore sai ace remodeling, new and materiel R rates. Tstimetes free. 723-1191. J. Foley. 2 Blueprinting BELL DRAFTING ond auctions |Dentistry Ni Biveprinting 'and photostatic copies. DR. G. ROBERT BROWN, Dente! Sur-/ geon, 172 King Street E., Oshewa. Tele Building Trades phone 728-5171 NEED MORE ROOM ? ? HOME IMPROVEMENTS Additions -- Alterations Recreations Rooms Cail us: JAMES ALLEN & SONS 725-6126 "Quality Is what we bulld In" Dressmaking DRESSMAKING AND ali types aiter- ations, men's iedie's, children's. Even- ing gown alterations @ speciality, 72} 766 DRESSMAKING, ea asain ong Call Call Mrs, Neve, 22! tole Drive, whitey, ORESSMAKING -- Expertiy fitted suits. coats, dresses. Beautifully teliored siip- covers, Grapes. Mrs. Tom, 668-2372. Gardening and Supplies "Bird Feeds" Quality Carpentry GENERAL REPAIRS Home Improvement Specialists Serving Oshawa ond District for Many Years. Honest and Dependable Service Phone 725-8576-or 623-3411 Wild Bird Mix Feed Sunflower Large Sunflower Wheot Cr. Corn Pole Bird Feeder FIFTEEN b Lona experience in home Free estimates, | 728-7287. repelr and renovating. no fer ebligations. Cunningham. Hanging Feeders Pet Supplies Purina Dog Feeds BRICK AND BLOCK work end genera! repairs. M, Lafontaine Construction 725 3756. ne ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE. bong r driveway paved by experts, Lg work guaranteed 281. pags RATESS WORD Al _ P abition of vo 'Fes 1,20 additional words, 5¢ eac! consecu- tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi- tional words 13¥%c each; 6 consecu: tive Insertions of 24 words. 5.76; eddi- tional words 24¢ each, Charge--10 per cent additional charge if not poid Paithin 8 days. Method of counting -- Less than 24 words Tt os 24 words; each word, initial, figure or abbreviation counts as po F ae phone number counts two oiates ss a _- Sos per poerian with 25 cents oddi- tional charge if not paid within 8 days. for Master Dog Feeds Purity Dog Meal Snow Shovels Water Soft Salt Brittania Malt Extract Wine Concentrate Budgie & Canary Mix Cooper-Smith Co. [PUT AWAY 2 tidy sum by renting thet 723-362 and piace en 'pt for rent ad in The Times. |Rug - Upholstery Service | RE-UPHOLSTERING 725-9332 Wide selection of Fabrics Workmanship Guoronted (five full years) Eosy budget terms--free Estimotes Over 20 yeors experience THE FURNITURE CENTRE 90 Simcoe St. North PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING 2 Dey Service Free Pick-Up ond Delivery Angus-Graydon 728-6254 covers order. oon Upholstering, 75 Charles |Street, 723-72 RE- OPROLSTERY by experts. Estab- lished 20 yeers. Workmanship gu: feed. Free estimates. Credit terms. tresses re-bullt, furniture _re-finished. Oshawa Uphoistering, 287 Dean Avenue. 725-0311. Sales and Service P and K Giese end Mirror, Crestliner, Peterborough and ESTERFIELOS» re-uphoistered and) Northcraft runabouts. Evin- tyled. Free esfimates. See our mate rude. outboard motors, for recovering. | Slip made | Oshawa Yachthaven 3--Sportsman's Column WILL SKIN, cut and wrap deer and Moose. Telephone Bob Slute, 7730275. 4--Motorbikes CHRISTMAS IDEAS FOR THE CYCLIST helmets @ gloves @ jockets face shields @ windshields goggles @-leother ponts Motorcycles from $350. AB'S CYCLE SHOP 114 Stevenson Rd. S. 728-7780 |5--Treilers 'worse TRAILERS FOR SALE, single, Goudie, and digcer, with or without elec [tric brakes. 723-s840 et WAS NEVER BURIED THERE BUT PEASANTS, ADD § STONES To 1s THEY FEEL_THAT ANYONE TIAVING- HAD CONTACT WITH THEIR HEKO IS WORTHY OF REVEKENCE= EVEN AN 14--Business Opportunities 18--Male Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale ATTENTION | SMALL CONTRACTORS A FRANCHISE ! WATERPROOFING BUSINESS HIGH PROFIT POTENTIAL This is an excellent opportun- ity for a smal! contractor, or, an ambitious man with busi- ness experience. If you do one 1000 sq. ft. basernent a day you earn $23,400.00 a year. one 1500 sq, ft. swimming pool -- $44,850.00 a yeor, one 2000 sq. ft. block build- ing -- $36,400.00 a year, one 2000 sq. ft. brick build- ing -- siliconed -- $30,950. a year. one 2000 sq, ft. con- crete floor hardened and seal- ed -- $30,940.00 a year. These figures will give you some idea of the profit poten- _ tial in this business. You must be able to meet and deal with architects, plus residential and commercial builders, We show you how to get a per- centage of the work in the $17,848,000.00 new 'con- struction business in Ontario County. Investment. $3500.00 8--Articles for Sale 6--Marine Equipment 9--Market Basket CHRIS CRAFT SALES and SERVICE McVay fibreglass sai] boats, | 723-8186 FIBERGLASS BOATS repaired, ditioned and wooden boats fibreglassed, also fibergiass, hardener, Cleaner at 30 to 50 per cent off market Price, 725-6144 after 6. "STARCRAFT" GREW ae, boats. Evinrude motors. Open seven dayd a week. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd,, Brooklin 655-3641. SNOWMOBILES 3 --_--S $695. Tent and Snowmobiles Trailers $129. wp Trailer hitches made and in- stalled. Snow tires $12.95 up." Cars -- Trailers --- Snow- mobiles wanted, Rent a Ski-Doo by the Hour or day, 80 acres to play on MacDonald = KING ST. Open to 10 -- 576. 1250 986-4293. Special for month of November on resiivered mirrors, $1.75 $q. ft., regu- larly $1.90 sq. ft. td have seve BOAT, MOTOR and box tralier, iM " Condition. Apply 1610 Simcoe St. N.. 'after 5 p.m, from mirrors, twind all 7--Swap and Barter Mortgages SECOND MORTGAGE MONEY MEMORIAMS 323 for the first 25 words and 6c ' eee reafter plus 13¢ ofthe: line of 'ay ate aren: Be aad additional charge if not paid} Borrow Monthly Per Annum RDS OF THANKS $1,600 22.94 16% = for the first 35 words ond 7c 2,500 34.23 15 thereofter with 25¢ additional 4,000 50.97 13.5 Fen if not paid within 8 days, 7,500 88.63 12 COMING EVENTS $2.38 inch (ceorey $2.00 for the first words and 6c each thereafter (Word Ads) | SALES ses Pek INCH PER INSERTION DEADLINES WORD ADS 4 pm, DAY PREVIOUS AND FOUND bythe DAY OF PUBLICATION IN_MEMORIAMS ond CARD OF THANKS 4 pam, DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 co umns of larger--!0 a.m, dey previous CANCELLATIONS AND SORRECTIO NS a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Ay advertisement cancelied before! publication will insertion. BOX NUMBER RENTALS $1.00 While every endeavour w forward replies to box numbers to odvertisers as soon cs pos: cept no liability in res; damage clieged to of failure or delay in plies however c ae or other fesponsible for rep in, 20 days. REGULAT JONS THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE) RESPOMSILE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER- TISEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHERWISE THAN IN WRITING HOT FOR MORE THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD- VERTISEMENT BEYOND THE PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN- SERTION IM WHICH ERROR OCCURS. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Cell Clessified Direc be charged one doy s} be mode to} oe The above examples are SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, CUSTOMIZED DRAPES SAVINGS UP TO 50% Septic Service Prompt ice on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby. 668-2563. NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- wood: fi » big S mam and wenden frames, Da of mal LIMITED TIME ONLY 16 Celina St. glass and mirrors. We're as close as| '6064 Vs-TON, '60 Buick, 61 Austin $50, 723-2312 723-1139 your p ing pPaatord Ven, rotesiiier, every. M&C Instruction pakass int tabi' brotiek 'aoe melt (on De ete recat am, fllisige| DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES Jack Lees, pick 'up and delivery. 728- Ho nig ee re z 3-7 27 PRIVATE LESSONS on, trombone, trum-/6956. 3 74 Celina Pet, saxophone, clarine' lute, drums, [> REPAIR to all wrincer H with 'Al Beggs. Alto Music. Supplies 7a5-[QUARANTEED REPAIR to all wrinoer/8-----Articles for Sale RUTHERFORD'S 1501. Faicun Furn. and Appliances, 723-0011, 3-room groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room, $399, $499, $599, $699. Easy terms. Immediate deliv- ery or layaway Surveyors : DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On- farlo Land Surveyor, Commercial bive- prints. 11 ontario s Street. 725.5632, H. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor. Office 47 Prince St. Res., 103 Elgin St. E. 725-6881. ' TV--Radio Repairs based on a 15-year term Interest rate is calculated on the declining balance. No arranging fees -- Open mortgage. CAC, REALTY LTD, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1691 MORTGAGES First mortgages arranged and purchased. Open without no- tice or bonus | | | | Second mortgages arronged TV SERVICE R or BLACK and WHITE FOR THE BEST, CALL TRA O. TELEVISION FOR CLEANER, SHARPER TV_RECEPTION Your Own TV TOWER 728-5143 Corner Bond and Division and eka 4 Current in- terest rate 12%. Open half- y witho ay notice © or M F. SWARTZ Yak Cing Street East Oshawa, Ont. | Telephone 723-4697 | MORTG GE LOANS Re-finance Present ) Poy ail your bills Make hore improvements LEM? r debts into payment. Fir rst, second "and tht rd mort- geges 24 hour bandh e ding weekends, | R. W. LAHAY & ASSOC. T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you o better tower for less money. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. TAUNTON RD. E. (Just East of Ritson) 723-8131 723-8132 TELEVISION -- RADIO 24 Hour Service HOLMES ELECTRONICS TV RENTALS TOWERS PHONE 668-5679 -- WILLOWDALE, ONT. 723-3492 223-2060 or 223-8797 {INDEX TO IMMEDIATE MONEY CLASSIFICATIONS --Women's Column 2--Persono 3--Sportsmon's Colurnn 4--Motorcycles 5--Troilers é--Marine Equipment 7--Swap and Borter 8--Articles for Sale 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column 14--Business Opportunities 6--Agents Wonted 17--Femole Help Wanted 'Oo--Summer Properties 2i--Farms For Sole 22--Lots for Sale 23--Reol Estate Wanted 24--Stores, li Storage e' ted to Rent 30---Automobiles for Sale 31--Compoct Cars for Sale So tie ks for 39--Notices 4 First ond money ov Kosteniuk, tate Limit 942-3310 second. mortgage ailoble. Call John Griffin Real Es- T.V. Rentals NEW SETS FALCON FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 452 SIMCOE SOUTH 723-0011 }19 Prince Street. mouth, Pontiac. We correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor and comber- align toe-in and toe-out to correct condition .... $7.95 @ Parts extra if required. @ Torsion bar adjustment extra. BRAKE SPECIAL Most popular cars. First Quality Ravaline, 4 wheels, Plus $2.00 per wheel (labor cost) WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL! neiudlng weights per wheel, each $1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK at. COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Home of DOMINION TIRE STORE 17 Park Road South Phone 725-6511 GUARANTEED, USED wringer washe: television, refrigerator, etc, $34.50 and rs, RUTHERFORD'S 156 Simcoe St. South CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE. Ali types and sizes of trees available. Tele- Phone Mr. Niro, 668-6592. BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture and appliances, One location only. Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. SKATES, new and used, hockey equip- ment and sticks at bargain prices. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond St. E., 725-6344. Apples Mclntosh $2 Per Bushel ALGOMA ORCHARDS Ltd. Thickson Rd. N. and r y working capi- tal. You must have the money in 'order to' be considered, Write full particulars, H. W. Cairns, President, Rox Pro- ducts Cd., 9930 Freeland, Detroit, Michigan 48227, YOUNG MEN To assist manager in local bronch of coast to coast choin organization. Exper- lence unnecessary, In educa tion field, but must be able to converse intelligently. 1, Aged 18-26. 2. Neat in appearance. 3. Able to start mmediately. SALARY: $110. Weekly For interview call 725-2541 9 - noon 15--Employment Wanted SWITCHBOARD receptionist degires position on PBX Board. Experienced er and telex operator: Telephone 723- ovine, move insured, odd obs done, with or without truck, Rent truck with driver. 728-2882, 'CHAIN-SAW WORK, trees taken small moving Jobs, light cartage, Jobs of all kinds. Phone 668-8682, WOMAN WANTS housework by the day, we to 4 p.m., $10. daily. Telephone 725- RELIABLE WOMAN will give day care to children, five-day week. Please apply at 849 Sylvia Street. LOVING CARE for pre-school children, my home. Central or will pick up and deliver, 576-1337, 17--Female Help Wanted down, odd Whitby SPY APPLES FOR SALE. 1% miles north Whitby on No. 12 Highway, $2 and $3 per bushel. MayBelle Orchards, 668- 2163. Open every day ONTARIO NO. 1 WINTER potatoes, de- livered or apply 14 Rockcliffe Street, Telephone 723-9439. 9A--Eggs & Poultry EGGS "DAISY FRESH" daily -- White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. Pick- ed up, delivered at gtore or home. 10--Farmer's Column DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock picked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Telephone collect Hampton 263- 2721. Licence 101-C-67. '| 11--Pets and Livestock BUY YOUR HUSBAND or wife used woe for Christmas. Valley Creek, 28-4401 FIREWOOD, dry, mixed hardwood, maple, beech, white birch, ete., 12" and |16" delivered. 728-6852. /ELMER will buy or seli your furniture and appliances or commission. Free GERMAN Shepherds. Reg'd. pups. Pro- fessional training, pave pik 3 Stud serv- Ices. Pinto, Show mare. Texas saddle, Shirts. Cozy-J Ranch Kennels, 655-4662. BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready for training, talking strain. Apply P. Broad, 114 Elgin East, LUNDILU REG'D KENNELS -- Peking- INTERIOR DECORATOR With sales experience to work full or part-time in local furniture store. Must be able to offer decorating advice in the home furnishings field, Write Box, 77229 Oshawa Times for Interview pick-up. 263-2294, ese, toy poodies, chihuahuas. Groom- WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used|ing, stud service, puppies. Townline eres or anything you cue The|Road North, Oshawa, 723-6216, City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe POODLE CLIPPIN d shi ls Street South. 723-1671. priced. ig Tele M a rita, TWO-PIECE chesterfield, refrigerator, 668-6977, kitchenette set, ae) prot cine BOARD: Box chest of drawyers, air dryer, r tandi 7 household furniture. Telephone 728-769 | seer a ng. sal Tele Telephone. 72. Leathe -|MINIATURE COLLIE, Shepherds, Lab- VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses,!radors and Tiny Toy Poodles. One white brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery. 942-0213, Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Pickering. CHRISTMAS TREES for sale, wholesale and retail, Scotch pine, spruce and bal- sam. Telephone je evenings, 728-6582. CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat- tresses half price, ail sizes, headboards one-third off. Factory outlet. 723-3889. up. Falcon Furniture and A 452 Simcoe South, 723-0011. | | TYPEWRITERS, no down, $2) jweekly, cashiers, adders, trades, hoodia nevis service. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, LIGHT GREEN lined pine porn and dining room drapes, Inches Could make one 'pair. Ten width, Rewe| FURNITURE -- Three, rooms of new |furniture. Pay only $15 monthly. Barons' Home Furnishing, 424 Simcoe South. TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, cash registers, new, used, sales, service, all makes. Call your Royal dealer. 728-3664. FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you purchase from Western Ol| Company. [Pasa pee $25 to $150 delivered. Telephone POOLDES -- beautiful black and white miniature pups. Ready for Christmas. Regisfered, Choice of litter now, deposit will hold, Telephone 576-2608. BLUE AND CREAM PEDIGREE Per- sian kittens for sale, nine weeks old, Will hold until Christmas. Telephone 576-3284, WELSH CORGI puppies, lovely compan- STENOGRAPHER MUST BE MATURE AND EXPERIENCED Apply stating qualifications, experience, age, and salary expected to BOX A327 OSHAWA TIMES fons for adults and children. Reserve Now. 452 Loring 726-9888. AQUARIUMS repaired, custom _ bullt, Ciel new and some old style for. sale. 725-2647. CLIP, groom, bath, all breeds. Sterilized equipment. Introductory offer $5. Eve., 728-5723. onable. 723-6938 | 'USED TELEVISIONS, r | $29. and up. Buy, sell, and service. | 19 Prince Street, 723-924 | BUY AND SELL. Good used furniture, appliances, antiques, skates, guns, 723-! 9241, 19 Princ CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS -- For sale,) Brother sewing machines, | will demon: Strate in your own home. Call 725-1328 |! |todey for an appointment. enc |GLASS REPAIRS to aluminum and wood windows and aluminum screens. Free pick-up and delivery. 728-2284. FIBERGLAS FENDERS ¢rom $29.95 and up. New and used auto parts. Re- |built starters and generators. 1175 Nelson ist. 725-2162. |LADY® 'S SBAL COATS, (two), full- win size 14-16, good aa Rea- 623-571 KENMORE DELUXE 30-inch range, Olan model, excellent condition. Reason selling--moving to home with puint an range. Telephone 764, FIREPLACE "WOOD, white birch, 18" lengths, also applewood. Telephone Orono 983-5530. TRIANG TRAINS, parts, Lag ahd and landscaped 4' x 8' table for sale. As }@ unit or separately, Telephone 942-2655. P DOG SERVICE--Clip- ping all breeds, poodies our specialty. Free pick-up and delivery; boarding and training, Doberman Pinschers and Ger- man Shepherd pupples for sale. Dachurst Kennels, 655-3881. aariaw CHERRY tabie, cradie, dressers, pine box, fugs. Also five-piece |bedroom set, counter, 21 cu. ft. freezer, stove, refrigerator, dehumidifier, baby carriage, bicycies, Ice skates, garden tools, etc. 942-2992. 12--Articles Wanted GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. est prices. Call anytime, MacNeill's|--"" ture 668-5481, 668-6526. jewelléry, buttons, china, Owen, 1177 Kingston Rd. ASTRA CHRISTMA: Those wun- etc. Mrs, Whitby. ANTIQUES. Glassware, picture frames,|Genosh BABY-SITTER WANTED for four chii- poy live In, Telephone after 4, 942- WAITRESS a Pee 4 p.m, - 11 p.m. shift and for p.m. - 7 8.m. Apply Mr. Campbell, bencahs Hotel. RELIABLE WOMAN fo come in and care for three children, one school age. Five- day week, light housekeeping duties. Evlalie - Central Park area 728-3932. EXTRA EARNINGS as a gaa! oe selor. Mrs. us Section Telephone 725-9442. SHORT ORDER COOK required dally, + 2 p.m., six-day week Including sundays Apply Mr. Campbell, Genoshe DISHWASHER REQUIRED, day shift, yy week. Apply Mr. Campbell, Hotel R, 35 or under, one child, elephone 723-8258, $s ht articles, bring them to USED TIRES, most ail sizes. B. F. Good- rich, 88 King Street West. 725-4543, ser YOUR LOT EARLY. Christmas. Bowmanville Auction hy Doug Gower, 18--Male Help Wanted '38, 728-1005. CASH FOR ee articles. Telephone 623-72 household UNUSUAL errenriny Local Retail Store requires a responsible man for the Receiving and Shipping department. Must be bondable and between 25-40. APPLY Box 77229 LOCAL MAN REQUIRED 1 need a representative for my firm in this area. This opening may be worth up to $8,000. yearly for the right person. Full or Part-time. Age 21 to 70, Can you make short outo trips? We hope you will start soon and stay with us a long time. Contact now! HARRY GREXTI, 711 Burns St. W., Whitby. Phone 668-3495. YOUNG MAN required as salesclerk, fine men's wear store, will train, ex- and awe perience not necessary. State education. Write Box A214 Times. IF YOU ARE thinking of making @ change because of unsettled conditions In 'your present field, or for any other reason, this may be your opportunity. An old established life insurance company has an opening for a salesman in Osh- awa. This opportunity offers personal ad- vancement In accordance with your own ability, specialized training with persone! assistance, @ eco hl and bonus, and 8 guarant applying, state age, martial wrk buginess ex- perience and educational background. Write Box 84215, Oshawa Times. GOOD MAN OVER 40 for short trips Jel song Oshawa. Man we want is worth up $12,000 In year, LB ree reguler cash bonus, Air mall Pri t. SE, PO Box 70, Station R, Toronto 7, Ontario, STEADY POSITION for neat appearing young man. Experience preferred. Ap- ply Jewell's Men's Wear, 16 King St. E. 19--Male or Female Help Wanted VIC TANNY'S HEALTH SPAS Due to our expansion program we have available openings for instructors and instruc- tresses, Full or part time. Must have a good trim phys- ical appearance, Apply in person Tuesday, 3-p.m. to 8 p.m. CAROUSEL MOTOR HOTEL Bloor Street, Oshawa R. MARTIN REAL ESTATE LTD., BROKER Immediately requires one ex- perienced salesman or sales- lady, who is not afraid of hard work for good returns. Lots of leads. All replies con- fidential. Call R. Martin, Real Estate Ltd, Broker. 576-1200 172 KING EAST: SUITE 101 MANAGER REQUIRED FOR MAC'S MILK STORE IMMEDIATELY $1,000 cash bond required. WRITE BOX A502 OSHAWA TIMES ernest La) WEEKLY or more, full, parttime, witness ta rees, Spruce, Balsam OIL BURNER conversion unit, Water: oe Scotch Pine. Telephone 942-1043, Hola Bh ota greins; wooden and/|Alex. os ete POOL TABLE, reguiation size with siete ONE aLECTAIC GUITAR, one yes bars In very good el In lect condition, Telephone 942-0562! 728- 728-3702. pele MaMa Ui LS ih TAPE RECORDER, Electra, portable AQUA LUNG, scuba tank and harness, coo. ey 'DC transistor, $125, Tele $75, boy's Pgs a dog bicycle, $30.!phone 57: Telephone Tv TOWER TPECIAL -- 4-4, structure, $50. TRIO Tele- vision, GLUE SNARE DRUM, cymbal end stand, $30, ail channel antenne, 43, FOR ae Fg Piste 9 on new houses, ferest, good covenant. al C onto Holginee Ltd. 728- 4246, 130 King St. BRANCH ae fiering second mort | gages. Telephone 725-6210 anytime. Money to Loan buy thet new car, boat, travel expense: NEED CASH fo consolidate your Bills Onna all-channel 4 We feature second mortgages of 12 per jton Road East, lust east of Ritson 3 Sh FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale sewing machine, converts to fr lagreements purchased and sold, Hennick | 6 good sirplant Sewing, $15. Telephone enc Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50/9 725-8431. : East. 723-7732. Fast T.V. Service PIANO, Mason and Risch, French Pi DOMINION TELEVISION bo 4s ig cost $1,000, sacrifice $650 or best $5. Telephone 725-0; ro vinclal, 40" high, walnut, looks tike new, ir. 728-9017, mornings and evenings. BUDGIE CAGE stand and bath, aimost new, $12, Also Saag cage and stand, 728-5154 9 a.m: to 9 p.m. |PIANO, Dominion, ny recondl- loned, tone, $250. lie TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 4-foot tower 623-3900. ii antenna installed, |--- awa TV Suppl: BABY BUDGiES telking sige Idea! Limited, Ag Road. cent. Also first mortgages available, coun jel, private funds, Cell 723-4631 eny 1--Women's Column Pui ting 'and Decorating _ PAINTING AND PAPER terlor end exter low prices. Tele; hanging, In-| ee estimates and! 728-2634, TIMES ACTION | Under New Management Artistic Hair Styles 725-7221 Mrs. ANNE GODIN owner, formerly from Ronnie's -- Mrs. Fern Brennan, operator CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS! \SIMPLE THINGS TALK: sell things you don't need for spot cash. Dlel 723-3492 for en Ac-writer now, Classified Ads TYPEWRITER, standard, $20; portable, $353 ift for rybrengary Something the whole ng Bk a love. P. Broad. 114 Elgin St. VIOLINS aT "SALE. Also will repair all kinds of Instruments. Telephone 723-7090 evenings. ER QUEEN Cleaners are being nm by more people this Christmas e gift for the home. 576-2370. electric-typewriter $95., adding ma- chine $20., electric adder $40, 723-4434, gg bal Lt English pram with cano- Storkcraft crib, new mattress; beau- Htol selbe bags, like new; solid wal- shay MR. MERCHANT This Space Is Available For Your Message PHONE 723-3492 A Courteous Ad-Writer Will Help You. nut kidney- coffee fable, orenge lemp. 7: waNTeD, Used ar a mt aad for 20-foot crulser. Telephone WANTED -- bedroom aa and cedar} Crop Service Répi chest. Telephone 723-7655 anytime. Internati | Company In _ eerie tania oe Britanaiea tilizer field with manufactur- ing plants and. storage depots across the country is exp dies, men, Fuller byl Whitby, wa, EARN EXTRA aie by demonst: Ing our required products from fel "eas 19 Prince Street. Task 13--Articles for Rent Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Ums, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox' Furs, Min Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd, S., 725-3338 ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hund le; Oshawa Tennis Club for ter quets, parties, weddings, Bar, «kitchen, Berking. 123-7726. WHEEL GuAIRS: oto bade, "ale walk- plies. "nid Rentals. 105 Beatrice 715-1644, 14---Business Opportunities ing op 1s in this area. We urgently require a man between 25 and 45 years old, presently farming or with fe- cent farm background. If you are confident and ambitious, and interested in an oppor- tunity with a company where you can move ahead, you may be the man we are look- ing for. Previous sales experience not important. During initial training period position can be handled along with your present farming operation, Write to--Louis C. Janke Ontarlo Sales Mgr. Box 84, LONDON, Ont. GEORGE Sullivan Real Estate Broker 218 prints St. ey ON HWY. NO, 2 WHITBY. ONTARIO WHITBY -- 668-8826 TORONTO -- 364-6622 "INVESTMENT" $270 per month income from a building costing only $18,- 500. Come in and let us discuss this one. $9,500. Full price for this 4 bedroom frame home at 401 in Newe castle. Try an offer with $1,500 down and move in before Christmas. CONVENIENT FOR SHOPPING AND BUS SERVICES Whitby -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow. This 7 year old bungalow is modern in every respect with paved drive, carport, broadloom in living room and hall, all drapes, gas stove and dryer, TV tow- er and rotor, immediate pos- session. Listed at $18,900. EXECUTIVE COUNTRY HOME Five bedroom split level sit- ting on a well treed acre of land, with str just east of Oshawa, ent ll ir clude broadioom throughout. 2 baths, double garage and rec, room with fireplace, ex- ceptional value at only $29,- 700. Os $1,500 DOWN Another buy this week for the large family that wants to get their own home. This 8 room brick, 2 storey older home with 2 baths situated close to high and seporate schools. Going for $14,900, $14,500 Just what you have been look- ing for, a 6 room home with low taxes and easy to heat, Beat the rising cost of living by taking advantage of this one. OPEN HOUSE ST. LAWRENCE ST; WHITBY Come in and see These 4-bedroom --Tuxury homes. Colonial, 2-storey plus side-splits and bunga- lows. 3 baths, separate din- ing rooms, fireplaces, large kitchens, attached garages and built in an area where you can be proud to call home. We are exclusive agents for the Robert W. McEwan Ltd. Homes. $2,000 DOWN 8 large rooms. 2 storey home with 2 baths, large enough for 2 families, it has a new furnace but requires a little care, In central Whitby. Full price only $14,000. KENDALWOOD DRIVE and Garrard Rd., situated on a 77' x 200' lot, all land- scaped with shrubs etc., circle drive, twin garage with double driveway, 6 room brick bun- golow with fireplace, this home is spotless clean and nicely decorated. Priced at $23,900. handy to all shop- ping and one block from Highway No, 2. FAMILY BUSINESS $3,000 buys a 20 year es- tablished grocery and meat etc, store, servicing Whitby and Oshawa area. Price in- cludes all equipment, low overhead. Allows good return on investment. ROOMY $12,900 3 bedroom brick, on centrally located corner lot, Perfect for a family, who want to stretch out a little. At $2,000 down, to one mortgage. It will help to stretch the budget. Olive Fe 576-3637 Barbara Reynolds 723-1887 Marlow Hancock 723-0288 George Abramoff 723-4871 Dave Johnson 668-8826 Gordon White 668-6337 Vivian Halligan 942-0296 D. Vickers 576-2476 Joey Richardson 728-7997 George Sullivan 668-6226 Someone Wants Your "Dont' Wants'" PHONE SERVICE STATION with two bay gar- age to rent. ity for tic enced mechanic. On outskirts of Osh- awa. Call 725-1730, VARIETY AND FISH AND CHIP. Only Sixty-nine hundred Includes 1, excellent location. Call Kelth Peters Realty Ltd., Realtor. 725- 7782, VARIETY STORE business, Including i excellent buliding with store and six- r apartment above. Excellent op- portunity for couple. Owner will consid- er trade of house on this excellent prop- erty, equipment included In price. For BAKER Experience not necessary, will train. APPLY MR. _DO-NUT 438 King St. West (opposite the Oshawa Shopping Centre) between 1.0-a.m,.-- 4-p.m. 725-3614 FULL-TIME SALESMAN. Classified Ads further _ Information, please contact joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. sell for you around the clock. Dial 723 2 today. 723-3492 A Courteous Ad-visor will -be happy to help you ADELAIDE AVE. WEST) Come and see what you can purchase for $21,900. Three bedroom brick bungalow, Holly- wood style kitchen, 4 piece bath and vanity, panelled recreation room with bar, laundry room and workshop. This home has a carport and paved drive and the back lawn is enclosed for pri- vacy with a basket weave fence. fa Guide Realty Ltd. 723- N.H.A. RESALE 6%4% Nearly new 4 bedroom split level home complete with attached garage, built-in stove, oven. Carries for $147 monthly, PLT, 728-1678 ~ H. MILLEN Real Estate Ltd., Realtor SELL unwanted articles, 123498 for Action, iad ieee 20--Real Estate for S CUIDI REALTY LTD REALTOR 16 Simcoe St. 723-5281 NORTH-WEST { @ Beautiful 3 bedroom galow located in the north-west district, extra 2 bath and a fourth bedro the basement. Fenced yar tower, storms and screens. be seen to be lacie 2B WILSON ROAD NOR 11 @ Large lots are bec very rare, especially at asking price of $6,400.0( cated in the North-East and being 85' wide by long. e JUST NORTH OF ALEXANDRA PAR iil @ a small home to housekeeping. in or for Mor Dad to retire in. Hollywoo chen, separate dining arec porch. New forced air fur Full price $12,000.00 e FERNHILL BOULEVA 1V @ We have just lis! lovely bungalow in the west area. A spotless home 3 bedrooms in one of the | areas of Oshawa. Terrace fully landscaped, comp fenced lawn containing beautiful shade trees. Pho night and we will be plea: show you this home. & COMMERCIAL PROPERTY V @ This 2 year old bric cement block building now for servicing trucks with c arate office and washr electrically heated, now able. se A REAL BARGAIN- 4 BEDROOMS VI @ This 2 storey four room brick home is on a | street, close to schools anc In walking distance of « town. Home features 4 w closets, full dining room fireplace in the living This home must be seen appreciated. e WHITBY-- PRESTIGE HOME Vil @Excellent 2 storey with attached double gara: a large lot 116' x 540' stream at rear of property. cious living room, separate ing room with excellent vi landscaped lawns. Ext large kitchen with custom circular table and plentiful boards, four good sized rooms, This home has 1 seen to be appreciated. « BUNGALOW Vill @ 8 years old in | shape. Close to transport schools and shopping. A finished recreation room palstered walls. Located good residential area. Ide: the buyer who is lookin good resale value e TRIPLEX--JUST LIS] 1X @ Excellent conditior All apartments rented, 2 ¢ ments have 5 rooms, plus | bedroom apartment. Paved way and parking places. / uminum storms and wir Heating only $250. per Call us for more informati e FULL PRICE $11,00 X @ Three bedroom 2 frame home located near eral Motors south plant. home is In real good conc Hot water heating, TV « living room, dining roor 4 piece bath. Not too properties available at this PLEASE EVERYBOD XI @ This lovely 4 be back-split level home will | the most discriminating buyer. The step saving k will delight the busy m Wall-to-wall -- broadloom matching curtains, att garage of course, Carrie only $148 monthly, prir interest and taxes at 61%' e BALDWIN STREET Xit-@ Beautiful 3 be ranch style bungalow wit tached garage. Birch throughout--with__ohall kitchen. Extra stool and s in basement. Close schools at the full pri $19,900.00. e HOME WITH 1 ACRE OF LANE XII @ It is industrial la Bloor St. 4 bedroom home garage. Excellent investme the future. For full partic phone tonight. e 9 IMMEDIATE POSSESS XIV @ Must be sold, livir dining room, broadloom draperies, natural fire hollywood kitchen, 3 bedi finished recreation room bar, built-in desk and st Landscaped front and bac! trees and shrubbery, back has covered patio and 1{ hedge allows you complet vacy. Make an appointm see this home today. GUIDE REALT 'LIMITED 16 Simcoe Street Sout! 723-5281

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