Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Dec 1967, p. 2

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& 2 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Beecember 1, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Canada Road Death Toll Seen National Disaster OTTAWA cop The high- way death toll in Canada "ts-as- suming the proportions of a na- tional disaster,"' Transport Min- ister Hellyer said Thursday. In_a statement issued ih sup- port of Safe Driving Week, sponsored by the Canadian Highway Safety Council from today to Dec, 7, Mr.' Hellyer said the rate of death, crippling injury and.econamic loss threugh motor vehicle accidents shows no sign of abating. ' Sentenced LONDON, Ont, (CP) -- A 17- year-old London girl who placed! more than $1,000 worth of tele- phone calls to a boy in Vancou- ver was sentenced Thursday to a 12-month indefinite term in re- formatory. | Georgina Winter pleaded! guilty in court two weeks ago to Merger Approved WASHINGTON (Reuters) --! The Interstate Commerce Com- mission formally approved Thursday a merger of five major railways to form the big- gest rail system in the U.S. The merger would link 27,000 miles of track, extending from the Great Lakes and the Missis- California and the Pacific north- | west. | If finally accomplished, it {wend join the Great Northern) | the Chicago, Burlington and the Spokane, Washington and Separation HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- The| |Herald Examiner says actor sippi River through the north to! = Railroad, the Northern Pacific, ~ /Quincy, the Pacific Coast and| | | Seattle railways. |e Be ha Seventh-day Adventist vol- World Missions Appeal in- | unteers like Carol Sigurd- Oshawa in the next few |Tony Curtis and his wife Chris- jtine Kaufmann have separated after almost five years of mar- «+. No sign of abating riage. theft of ge vig rere service from the Bell Telephone Co. of Canada, | The girl placed the calls while! HON. PAUL HELLYER 4 | cai ' : | son and Steppo Vartia, days. Funds collected are hitch-hiking to Vancouver. In R Curtis, 41, after completing an| above, conduct the annual used to provide medical A total 06 68 Gils Ware-tade quest Report engagement at Caesar's Palace S ; Las Vegas, Nev., was un- from Ontario centres. There| TORONTO (CP) -- The Ontar-|!" , ' were other calls from other|io transport department said in\*"@ilable for comment. | . e . s Provinces. a statement Thursday it Want ce thites Mite siaasac! Scientist Find Mechanism a jto see the report of an inquest} Federal District pill Nad jat Kingston before commenting! "It just happened yesterday. 1 " on it. : } 1 OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Min-| ; _|don't know if we will get a di-| B ] ed C Of C ister Pearson said Thursday the| 4 coroner's jury Wednesday! vorce or not, but we are going elev ause ancer federal government. is discuss-|'titicized the condition of tires|tq be apart for a while." . |Scientists have identified a bi-|scientists found that in nine dif- ing with Quebec and Ontario|° & bus involved in a fatal ac- Oath of Office ide ; | WE ological mechanism that may/|ferent kinds of human cells that steps that may be taken to cre-|cident at Kingston and recom- ins federal react! district in| mended the Ontario department the Ottawa area. jof transport draw up aba el 1 a ag fig (AP) -- NeWibe responsible for runaway celllwere either cancerous or had Hi tik tha Comiseni the and inspection procedures for|Zealand's oy native-born 80V-|srowth in cancer, a doctor re-|malignant properties, there is matter will also have to be|Vucle tires. fernor-general, sr Arthur Por-/nomed here Thursday. "an unmistakable and marked taken up with the municipalities th 3 Was given his oath of office)" 'The discovery was made, said|increase" in the number of one concerned, but indicated that an nafs at a colorful cere-'nr. John W. Gofman, by scien-|type of chromosome called E-16, this stage has not yet been| Zealand. Pacer, *puilaing| sts in the Lawrence radiation! "There is a good chance, he ranged uncaliiy da by cos chi oe ert, Lvermore Cll gta he abwormal B18 Que and several smaller towns| |tice, Sir Richard Wild. [Oklahoma Medical Research|Crease might be the basic rea- on both the Ontario and Quebec S d A | Foundation. }son for the uncontrolled cell di- sides of the Ottawa River. econ utopsy Gofman, a ar Se physics vision found in cancer. ys i | TORONTO (CP) -- A second a, o Whisky Prices autopsy will be performed today! | on the body of Jane Milligan, LONDON (CP) -- A spokes-| : i man for the Scotch whisky in-| tg -- coe Papued ra . ar sais cat ro | a ~~ on bong =< from devaluation of the! : Pera A . eer, ae aie wet devaluation! |: Mrs. Milligan was found June j11 in the bathtub of her apart- suleas ¢ baSe he Cet tee ment with a plugged in radio in day, But since the industry has the tub. Her husband, Terrance, Ganda its own export prices oe g \22, has been committed for trial must go up by 11.5 per cent, this PM. PEARSON eet oer kd bet will eat up most of the 14.3 per-| «++ Phones Robarts weet 'cent devaluation. . aire 2 |. The original autopsy found) Congratulations \death was caused _by| HERE AND THERE OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Min- asphyxiation due to drowning. ister Pearson told the Commons} G d i] E d Thursday he has congratulated) uardrall Ends . ' KIWANIS CLUB Premier Robarts of Ontario on| BURLINGTON, Ont. (CP) --| OF DRIFT ING es The growth of the Pedlar|the success of the Confederation} , coroner's jury inquiring into| I -- \ OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) --!|professor at the laboratory, said People Ltd., was outlined at the|of Tomorrow conference. the dsatheoin @ Gar accident ,Oshawa Kiwanis Club meeting . this week by Kiwanian Murray|,2<Piving {0 8 suelo aby. | Nov. 19 of Joseph LeFebvre, 17,| ': Conservative Leader Stanfield,/ang Allen Freeman, 19, both of| 7 Sparkes, director and secretary- i : oe ts Mr. Pearson said his message/'Toronto, has recommended that! ; treasurer. \Three new members!was conveyed i lunchtime! } ; ie were also installed. convey: n a Junchtimeithe ends of guardrails on the| -: telephone call Thursday. _ |Queen Elizabeth Way near Bur-| , WRONG NAME | Mr. Stanfield prompted the|lington Skyway be buried. The : H The plaintiff in the civil ac.|disclosure by suggesting the jury also ruled that the driver gil tion described in. Thursday's|Prime minister send a congratu-jof the car, Richard Gurr, 20, cd A issue of the Times was incor-|!atory telegram to Mr. Robarts,|Toronto, had been drinking be-| rectly named. Plaintiff was|the conference chairman andifore he lost control, was travel- : Carol Barron of 546 Simcoe|organizer. 'ling too fast and had no licence. | St. N. SPEEDHAND ... Canadian A.B.C. SHORTHAND School franchise for Canada gives rights to train for Stenographers in 10 weeks home - study. Have 150 courses enabling U to. start right away to solicit business. OWNER RETIRED. Write, call or phone 576-2939. J. E. Cassan, President LMA id ode Said SiR It's no secret. An Ariens Sno-Thro costs lots more than a snow shovel. It should. It does much more. For onehing, @ 2-stage Ariens cuts through after-blizzard drifts quickly, dependably. Takes on any type snow ---- clears it easily. An Ariens 'Sno-Thro Rives you a feeling of power --- a way of putting Old Man Winter in his place. All Ariens Sno-Thros have 4 forward speeds, power reverse, directional discharge chute, The Ezee-Start 4 hp, 5 hp, 6 hp and 7 hp engines are winter- ized for dependable get-up-and-go performance. NEW! LOCK-OUT DIFFERENTIAL! Standard on Models 10-M6D, 10M-7D. Available for Models 10M-6, and 10M-5. Why don't you, too, get a lift out of life... with a new Ariens Sno-Thro. SMALL THEFT WHITBY -- An unknown in-| truder or intruders broke into) the offices of Stokely Van rie] Wednesday night and stole $1.50 in small change from a desk! drawer. Police Officer L. Mid:! dleton discovered the break-in | while making his rounds at 2 a.m, | CAR ROLLS AJAX -- James Thomas Tait, 63, Toronto, was admitted to Ajax - Pickering Hospital with) minor injuries after his car rolled over while heading west- bound on The Macdonald.) Cartier Freeway Thursday} morning. GEORGE S. WHITE & SON CASSAN SYSTEMS LTD. 1140 Mary Street North, APT. 814 1300 SIMCOE ST. OSHAWA ONT. Sues, LestiAWA | H 728-4696 Thank you, Sir Robert Burnett: "That's how a Gin and Tonic should be!" famous Gin took London'Town - by SCOrM youcanstill taste the sensation today Today, White Satin Gin is just as special, just as palatably sensational as it was in 1770 when Sir Robert Burnett invented tis London Dry formula. Satin-smooth, decisively dry, White Satin is a tradition that's been kept alive by generations of good taste. Take a taste and see. ea og white satin The Premium Gin : | ea. NTH-DAY ADVENTIST MISSION APPEAL seeeee 2 WEATHER FORECAST ee Se Moosonee ..+++++++ 15 3 CHIDED POLICE KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) ~ A passing citizen recently placed a note under the wind- shield wiper of a state patrol car parked in a no parking Cloudy And Warmer, Wet Snow Saturday | ee OS saat TORONTO (CP) -- Officialjgions: Mainly cloudy and not so in this area is prohibited. Sup- |forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m.j/cold today. Milder with snow ort your law enforcement today. Saturday. Winds southerly 15. ve sneine.? Synopsis: With clear skies} Ottawa region: Clear and cold seat Aa overnight temperatures dropped| today with light winds. Saturday sharply to the teens or lower. Ajincreasing cloudiness in the storm is expected to take shape|morning and overcasts in the today in the southwestern states| afternoon with some snow be- and move into the Great Lakes| ginning late in the day. Winds| area Friday. This development/light easterly and increasing to) will spread snow into the prov-jeasterly 20 in the afternoon. ince along with milder tempera-| Montreal region: Mainly clear tures Saturday. In southern On-|and cold today. Saturday clear, tario the snow will be wet and/then becoming cloudy in the af- likely change to rain during the|/ternoon with some snow in the day. jevening. Light winds becoming London, Windsor, Lake St./casterly 20 Saturday. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron) Forecast Temperatures regions: Variable cloudiness} yoy tonight, high Saturday today becoming mainly cloudy). tonight. Saturday cloudy and|Windsor ......... | | SAVINGS warmer with wet snow changing] 5t- regna de M4 | Accou Re TS ito rain by Midday. Winds light | London as 38 » | today, southerly 20 Saturday. . bre te 4 0 PERSONAL 1 Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara,/winoham .. | 4 % CHEQUING |Lake Ontario, southern Geor-|iomilton .... 38 ACCOUNTS }gian Bay regions: Sunny with tharines < cloudy periods today. Saturday} aa gg : cloudy and warmer with wet ff PERSONAL 32 snow beginning in the morning Kin 32 LOANS and changing to rain in the af- 35 facilities, schools and wel- |ternoon. Winds light today,| Killaloe fare units, to thousands of |southerly 20 Saturday. Muskoka . people in Canada and other | Haliburton region: Mainly! North Bay 30 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 28 & SAVINGS CORPORATION countries. The volunteers | sunny today. Clouding over Sat-| sudbur 28 ; "on, Pa 3 és Yes 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawe will bear "For Humanity" | urday with snow likely in the af-|frarlton .. : 25 723-5221 badges and will be calling |ternoon or evening. Light winds.| sauit Ste. Marie .. 25 32 23 King. ene on residents to support the | Sudbury, North Bay, northern Church's disaster-aid pro- |Georgian Bay, Timagami re- : gram which provides first- | gions: Sunny becoming mainly|f| The Best Fuel Oil For Less hand relief or co-operation [cloudy this afternoon. Cloudy with other civic organiza- | with wet snow and a little warm-| WESTERN tions in emergency situa- |er Saturday. Winds light today, | OSHAWA OIL LTD. tions. The Seventh-day Ad- |Southerly 20 Saturday. ventist Church has 161 wel- Algoma, Cochrane, White 725-1212 fare units in Canada. |River, western James Bay re- ! OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS and SATURDAYS POUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE Enjoy Canada's Fall Football Classic--right up to the final whistle--then whistle down to your nearby Scott's Chicken Villa and pick up delectable Kentucky Fried Chicken for everyone at your house. No need to phone in advance--The Colonel will have it teady for you--individual dinners--family buckets--party barrels--along with delicious salads to compliment the flavour of famous Kentucky Fried Chicken. SEE COLONEL SANDERS IN THE GREY CUP PARADE. CONSULT YOUR T.V. LiST=- INGS FOR TIME AND STATION. HAVE A RELAXING GREY CUP WEEKEND. Kentucky Fried Ghicken i finger lekin good. : \ Sots ChickenVilla TODAY'S RICHARD RENAUD Bu The Times asked six pe sons in Oshawa who th thought would win the Gre Cup which is being contest by the Saskatchewan Roug . riders and the Hamilt » Tiger-Cats in Ottawa tomo row. Peter Crawford, 140 No quon Rd.: "The Ti-Cats wi win, I hope. I think they win by stopping Reed's ru ning. It'll probably be a lo 'ovate Death Gets F By ALEX FARRELL OTTAWA (CP) -- The pat of two unpopular figur crossed in the House of Co mons Thursday. The hangm was pushed another step alo: the road to extinction, but t tax-collector reminded Car dians of his big, hungry and it movable presence. The Commons gave final a proval, by 105 votes to 70, to U.S. Marine: From Con T SAIGON (AP) -- The C Thien war front erupted aga Thursday, with U.S. marin driving North Vietnames troops from their bunkers afte a close-quarter battle just belo the demilitarized zone. Meanwhile, a Communi force continued to menace U.S. infantry battalion at the F Dop U.S. Special Forces cam near the Cambodian border. A company of marin searching for Communist troo| northeast of Con Thien ran in' heavy machine-gun and mort: fire from an entrenched Nor' Vietnamese company, estimate at about 135 men. Three more M@rine comp nies joined the battle, giving tt marines about 700 men. Mai oeuvring around the North Vie namese flank, 'the Americar drove the Communists out « Smallwood In Hospital TORONTO (CP) -- Ontar Liberal leader Robert Nixc said Thursday he considers tk Confederation of Tomorrow co ference was 'worthwhile on tl whole" but he regretted that tl federal government was not r presented. The second most importa topic at the four-day conferenc said Mr. Nixon, was equality economic opportunity "whi only the federal jurisdiction c decide." Mr. Nixon said New Brur wick Premier Louis Robichat was the outstanding figure. b cause of the way he injected t feelings into his speeches. Quebec Premier Daniel Joh son "came through as a ve seers Announcement Ps ROBT. BRADLEY, B.A Mr. Bruce Bradley, takes plec sure in announcing thot MI ROBERT BRADLEY, B.A., he become associated as a partn in the firm of Bradley Bros and will be pleased to discu: with you your entire Insuranc requirements including Life. BRADLEY BROS. Vz SIMCOE SOUTH 2974 OSHAWA 725-1543

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