' rae THE OSHAWA: TIMES, Fridoy, December 1, 1967 3A X_N - = SEO iia . ics is Whi Si Sees ena cach cnc oar ee ss aks is es NT FN, 1 1 ie 'i Wi Nii SO ~~ . = , '. A b . oF AS AA AO TATRA TOCA ATP E AM LATA APA TR AAP ETE Re 1) AS AAT AAD RAT A ad I { F ge % ic cy ic ui ic' BI OI III int IIIA AAAI AAI AAA AS IAAI IAI IID AI AAA SAA A AAA AAI SAA AAA AAA AI ey ig sch ; bi Presented wiih the compliments of IDEAL DAIRY PRODUCTS LTD. es ce BAI IO IIIT OIRO III I IID A IIIA AN MAM MAA A A EEE AE A AAR A ARE AI OR 8 Fe X THE FIRST NOEL THE COVENTRY CAROL CANTIQUE DE NOEL He (Key of D) (Key of G Miner) (O HOLY NIGHT) , 3 = The first Noel the ongel did soy -- Lul-loy Thou little tiny Child (Key in D Flot) A ic Was to certain good shepherds in fields @s they ley, Bye, bye, Lul-ly, Lul-iay . ay in fields where they loy a-keeping thelr sheep Lul-lay Thou little tiny Child © Holy Night, the stors ore brightly J ' cen " shining ' a On a cold winter's night thot wos so deep. Bye, bye, Lul-ly, Lul-lay. it is the night of the deor Savour's birth. ', 'a Refrain: O sisters too, how may we do, nd lay the world in sin ond error pining , i hicel, Maal NbEL Nos! For to preserve this day Till He appeared and the soul felt ite worth, : \ reli : hs st ; ' # This poor younbling for whom we sig? A thrill of hope, the weory soul rejoices ss ing of Israel. oy \ : ng Bye, bye;-lailly;Lul-lay, For yonder breaks a new and glorious mom : \ They looked up ond saw a star Fall on your knees, Oh hear the angel voices, i ; Shining ia tn ont beyond for, Herod, the King in his raging, O night divine, O night when Christ wes born! ¥ ig And to the earth it gave great light " salah eos se day, © night, O holy night, O night divine, vq ti is men of might, in his own right, oe And so it continued by day and night, Ail children young to slay: Led by the night of foith serenly beaming, a '8 And by the light of thot same star : ' With glowing hearts by His crodle we stand, x iF Three wise men come from country far Then woe is me, poor Child, So led by light of a stor sweetly gleaming S) ix To seek for a King wos their intent For thee, and ever mourn and say Here came the wise men from Orient land. cy { And to follow the star wherever it went. For Thy porting, nor. say nor sing, The King of Kings lay thus in lowly manger. ey : . Bye, bye, Lul-ly, Lui-lay, In all our trials born to be our friend, e " This stor drew nigh to the northwest, He knows our need, to our weakness is no stronger, . --- er Bathienen it took its rest Behold your King, before Him lowly ty a cae ca pret eS tn Behold your King, before Him lowly bend. bs i ploce where Jesus lay. f ' | ov °y 4 Then entered in those wise men three Aniy He taught Or ie rye Oe onother, * i Fell \ ' His law is love, and His gospel is peace, oF oh raver come Heer tele. knee Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother, * And offered there in His presence i i f W/ Thei id cel i end fronidncenes & And in His name oppression shali cease. * Beads hs lass a 5 Sweet hymns of joy in grotetul chorus role wa, 4 Then let us all with one accord Let all within us praise His holy name, ! Sing praises to our heavenly Lord Christ is the Lord, Oh praise His name forever, " ' That hath made heaven and earth of nought His pow'r and glory ever more proclolm, y And with His blood mankind hath bought. His pow'r and glory ever more proclaim, 4] 1 " GOOD KING WENCESLAS ' (Key of A) oy Good King Wenceslas looked out ¥ On the Feast of Stephen, Py When the snow lay round about, go Deep and crisp and even, 4) Brightly shone the moon that night ,) Though the frost was cruel, 3 a When a poor man came in sight i ' Gathering winter fuel. i h . RAL D "Hither page, and stand by me, HARK THE HE If thou knowst it telling, a -- A ANGELS SING Yonder peasant, who is he? i (Key of G) Where and what his dwelling?" * "Sire, he lives a good league hence ™ i Hark the Herald angels sing Underneath the mountain, DECK THE HALL oF Glory to the new-born King. Right against the forest fence, (Key of F) ) Peace on earth and mercy mild, f By St. Agnes fountain." y ' ot soilaloald ------ A "Bring me flesh and bring me wine," Rock tie-holl| with boughs of hotly " Joyful all ye nations rise, > 0 , ne | . £a 16s 16 to loto-lo te x Join the triumph of the skies, Bring me pine logs hither, PTs the bonsda t6.be. jolly x With the angelic host proclaim, Thou and 1 will see him dine, Fa la la lola ta Ia la fa c) "Christ is born in Bethlehem", When we bear them thither", on wa pow [our oo fet _ Page and monarch forth they went, Son is "8 : igh 7 saiiicaee Fortis they Went tocethee, Troft < ae Yuletide carol " Hark the herald angels sing Tho te oe se oe eee Fa la ta la la Ia Ia Ia lo 5 # Glory to the new-born King. And the bitter weather, : br * } i i "Sj ight is darker now, See the blazing Yule before us : : Ghrist, by highest heaven adored, Sire she nig, 8 So Fa la lo la Ia Ia Ia Ia lo ik a Christ, the ever-lasting Lord, > And the wind blows stronger, PR tenia . : \ i hate ih tiew | 4 Him Fails my heart | know not how, trike t rp join the chorus : « F Offspring of @ Virgin's womb, I can go no longer". alleged tot tooclig : : Veiled in ju sed abe "Mark my footsteps good my page, Follow me in merry measure » ig lie ie dies tay, Tread thou in them boldly, Fa Ia Io Ia Ia Ia lo Ia Ia ? -- Pleased es Man with man to dwell Thou shalt find the winter's rage pei ah pied aie Mea ' J CJ re Jesus, our Emmanuel. Freeze thy blood less coldly, a la la : ie Weil the Heaven-born Prince of Peace, in his master's steps he trod Fost away the old year posses w Fe Hail, the Son of Righteousness, Where the snow lay dinted, Fa Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia lo y aa Qight ond Life to all He brings, Heat was in the very sod, Hail the new, ye lads and lasses my , Risen with healing in His wings. Which the Saint had printed, Fa la la Ia la Ia Ia Ia lo ~ : Mild He lays His glory by Therefore, Christian men be sure, Sing we joyous all together a i Born that mon no more may die, Wealth or rank possessing, Fa la Ia la la Ia Ia Ia lo ee ,) Born to rolee the sons of eorth "Ye who now will bless the poor, Heedless of the winds and weather : Un Born to Give them second birth. Shall yourselves find blessing. Fa la Ia Ia la Ia la la la ¥ ic s dhe Sike SL ks 8) (8) SPREE ATOR Se 8 de Rs As a Ee NN a . Sp "it, Ss", eg eg a at i ian hha is "88 mw" 7