Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Dec 1967, p. 16

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 1, 1967 SIMPLIFY FAMILY CHRISTMAS $HOPPING & $AVINGS WITH WANT ADS! Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. Home Improvements Wild Bird Mix complete stock of snowmobile Trailers $129. up Easy terms. Immediate detliv- parties, weddings. parking. 123-7726. 18--Male Help Wanted Box 84, LONDON, Ont. 19--Male or Fer Help Wante CIVIC MINDED CONSCIENTIOUS with on oworeness cem for the futu youth and our cour broadloom, 2 baths, ae RST os cub leader or Experience unneces 11--Pets and Livestock 17--Female Help Wnted 18--Mole-Help Wanted ne low in salary, PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICE --Cip- Se aa = 'sfoction ping all breeds, poodles our specialty. Loca I and BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY ieee Sructg &| STENOGRAPHER is Shepherd. puppies for sale. ere ~ Ken a BOARDED feamanie, ae) MUST BE MATURE Retail Store ict be 2196 after 5 p.m AQUARIUMS ired, but, AND EXPERIENCED MAC'S MILK § eel eee ee old Gre' for sale. requires IMMEDIATE! - -_____________|_ Apply stating qualifications, 7 $1,000 cash bond Accountants Building Trades Rug - Upholstery Service | {3--Sportsman's Column py, brscra ct, new metres, bet experience, age, and salary Se WRITE BOX / BOB CLANCY'S nting Service. . : WILL SKIN, cut and | iA ete Pano lige od ted t Eempete,Dokening er a, sm| Quality Carpentry aie ga moose, 'Telephone Bod Sivie. 7S0ai08. | nut" Kidneyshepes' coffee table, orange], expected to for the OSHAWA TI coe Street N., es. : : cemeteries a ivi $100 WEEKLY or more, Zila; PRIEDLANDEN AND COs Char GENERAL REPAIRS @ Wide selection of Fabrics |4 Motorbikes REGISTERED miniature while 'poodle, BOX A327 Receiving and > men. Pa igs tae tered Accountants. Licenced Trustees In] Home Improvement Specialists @ Workmanship Guaronted 75, erg hold. until Christmes. Tele. AWA TIMES : Bowmanville, Oshawa, 728. Benkrapty, 7a Simeoe Street North! "Serving Oshawa and District (five full years) Sant : OSH: Shipping department. Po ge og eer be aban RAE SS @ Easy budget terms--Free pil lh il a 0. eal Estate | HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Char- for Many Years. : Lan beet i CHRISTMAS IDEAS Hoogagts Pee getl le ministure, Black Poa Must be bondable and i tcl Botan: "kin Sir Ean" Oateoe| 'proms 705-a8v6 or 23-2411 | ®ve 20,vears experience | -- FOR THE CYCLIST sects "or chvsimas' "Telephone "St e Ontario, 725. 350,08 T- Hopkins, CA, H.| Phone 725-8576 or 623-3411 THE FURNITURE CENTRE helt @ gions & ecu Mes gs | Industrial Nurse between 25-40, Beadle, CA, E. 'INOOFING, hor tar ahd oravely Shinclen, 90 Simcoe St. North iar he © we | ee eatn ree ne Seer SCHOF IELD GShaew R. DAY, Ce "-- Generel | repsl rs, large and smal! jobs. L. AND H, les @ leather pont } jons = bgt oe ale 'eserve Experienced applicant to Accountant, Sulte 205W, Oshawa Shop-|Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. PROFESSIONAL bee aide e oA gy now, Loring . 'bili ¢ APPLY REALTOR LIM ping Contre, 725-9953. ALL" TYPES building repairs. Roofing, CLEANING Motorcycles from $35¢ | 12--Articles Wonted @ssume responsibility of ap- JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chariered Accouni-| chimneys, eavestroughing, fireplaces, RUG NIN S CYCLE SHOP L plying First Aid and keeping Serving Oshawa an ant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street/masonry, Gord May, Whitby, 688-2774, AB'S CYCLE SHC GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, e' : \ Box 77229 9 East. Telephone 723-4833, PLASTERING -- Drywall, remodelling, 2 Day Service 114 Stevenson Re, § Highest prices, Call, anytime, mechellt's compensation and employee For Over 31 ays |renovations. New or repair, 942-6342. af- Free Pick-Up and Delivery AR SI Urniture 668-5481, 668 records, Typing essential. Ex- Blueprinting POM A Beesl 28-7780 ANTIQUES, Glassware, picture eames! cellent company benefits. Sal. {UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY 723-226 BELL, DRAFTING. and Reproductions Sr dar an Geek het ary on grea ngrege | Gwen, 1i77' Kingston Rd., Whitby. ary commensurate with exper- | Crop Service Representative Bisetning Sapa in| A8 age nang 728-6 wt Rovers pis wt te HATAA, CHRISTMAS cml The, | Tence. Submit resume to R. | {nterational Company infer IN ONE OF Osi Building Trades iD fan lone ere _reupholstered a.m | S5.* ee omen PREDICTIONS Bowmanville, Auction mi Doug) McLEAN, Safety Coordinator, ing plants Gk direas daa MOST DESIR J_-- lentistry tlel tor' recovering. Slip covers mes --| ARE MADE BY NATIVES Sone, Aeron amenaa| LAKE ONTARIO STEEL CO. | across the i NORTH ARI ver F rr country is e: d- NEED MORE ROOM ? ? [oR a ROBERT EROWN, Dental Tate order, Dalton Uphoistering, 78 Charies : 5--Treilers ___|- OF THE CAMEROONS, AFRICA, JEANBAPT STE MAQUI AZ CASH oon mis ella meaus household ap. tx S48 Wri OL nip oparctiony: Aisin sitet 3 bedroom bungaloy HOME | hone 728.517 GEBERGLEYERY, by wears EiaD loom OT See we or ee | ON nace ° "AMOUS ALPINE MOUNT/ WANTED -- bedroom suite end cederlSABYSITTER WANTED Tor four chit| We urgently require a man tached garage; st lished 20 years. Workmanship guaren- tric cod way ict VE: Ari E AIN GUIDE chest. Telephone 723-7655 anytime. lve In, Telephone after 4, 942-] between 25 and 45 years old, place and broadloo IMPROVEMENTS Dressmoking |teed. Free estimates. Credit terms, Mat | RE Ke cub ne $ LOST ALL 10 TOES AND THE VOLK Ehocieda "Sian Shay lacie 6 eth bOte He living rec DRESSMAKING AND ail types alter-|yesses, Gpntisicitg: ser beak Avene, | On 6--Marine | Equipment | BURROW AND THE NEXT MORNING SOLES OF BOTH FEET AFTER wanted, Telephone 728-2256. REQUIRED EXPERIENCED HELP for| cent farm background. If you large kitchen, nicel\ Additions -- Alterations [ee sheralicle & ceocaliv'" Ma eee BASE THEIR PROPHECIES ON THEY FROZE IN 1893 - YET 13--Articles for Rent ptf tee eal ge are confident and ambitious, rec room and 2 pe, | Recreations Rooms | 7866 : : |Sales end Service SKI DOO THE WAY THE SPIDER Sy HE CONTINUED TO LEAD lg Bra a Experienced 'only. Apply Box 81826; and interested in an oppor- ct yr ' i us: | DRESSMAKING, designing, - REARRANGED THE LEAVE! CLIMBS FOR ANOTHER 30 YEAR. ; men) nen, ___.| tunity with a compa hy protessionally lands: Call us |protessi jaelly, Gone al" rensonabie. reves, B® ied K Gloss and Mirror, Blacksuck, | Om mm res, wt a Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- | WaltRESs REQUIRED 4 p.m. -11 p.m. you can move preg seid and priced at $22,9 JAMES ALLEN & SONS [Cali Mrs. Neve, 221 Lupin Drive, Whitby 4 ae WORLD'S LA | es, Cutlery, Glosses, Coffee '|shitt and for 11 p.m. - 7 a.m. Apply q 986-4293, Special for month of. November V LO'S LARGEST | y ; may be the man we are look- 725-6126 | DRESSMAKING -- Expertiy fitted sults,|on resiivered mirrors, $1.75 sq. ft., regu- SELLING SNOWMOBILE { Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Mr, Campbell, Genosha Hotel. i Pits YOU WILL Ff : Laced : S costs, dresses Beautifully tallored silp- erty $1.90 sq. ft ie have_ everything PRICED 8 8----Adticles for Set Arti Wear, Men's Formals, White |CLERK - TYPIST -- Required for tocal Privo eis ' the long, low. lines "Quality is whot we build in' --|eovers, drapes. Mrs, Tom, 668-2372. fom mirrors, twindo, aluminum win CED rticles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale Fox Furs. Min: Stoles. office of international financial organ-| experience not Q | tun and ern Fates: oe small FROM 'ox Furs, ization, Shlary copmansurate, wih er important. During _ initial room ranch style H ree pickup an lelivery on @ ypes of - ' 7 i fi ROOFING |Gardening and Supplies glass a mirrors, We're es close es 'Time Payment Plan Avoiloble SNOWMOBILES RUTHERFORD'S SARGEANT'S RENTALS fits ar "appatniment lg pd man reget Bee yor position can dic caine ee : you itson Rd. S., 725-3338 _|wood at 576-1341 ng with you tant New or Old i "Bird Feed "a VACUUM ond polisher repaiayeTi| Oshawa and creas largest 3 ee $695. 3-room groups, Living Room, 463 Ritson Rd OTA EARNINGE-ai-e-BescH-Coux| present farming speration good family 'iving s Bedroom, Dining Room, |ENTERTAINING? Fifiy to one hundred| ty makes, new hoses, brushes, new motors.) selection of mew and used from $399, $499, $599, 699 le: Oshawe Tennts Club for ban.|$elor, Mrs. Elliott, Section Manager.) Write to--Louis C. Janke mony extras here | ae Lees, pick up and delivery. 728} Snowmobiles, os well as a Tent and Snowmobiles $699. bes egg Bar, kitchen, | Telephone 725-9442. Ontario Sales Mgr. built-in stove an | C. RUSS HARRISON Feed : : [euamavreRD REPAIR tea ail_wringer trailers and accessories, Trailer hitches made ond in- said RUTHERFORD" WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk- roughed in; large fir Lorge Sunflower Falcun Furn. end Appliances. 7230011. | © snowsuits, etc. stalled. S ers, reducing machines, sick room sup room, fireplace; at 725-3219 App WHITBY Pend ed Wheat Septic Servi UNITED Snow tires $12.95 up. 156 Simcoe St. South pada db cobs Rasatdide alco WE PAY YOU BASED landscaped lot FIFTEEN YEARS' experience In home) Cr Corn eptic Service RENTAL AND MARINE Cars -- Trailers -- Snow- 14--Business Opportuni MANUFACTURER cisions "Commonen Taran. | Pole Bird Feeder sarric Ace enn. Provet serv. Oshawa -- soos ttes. oe panied by the H ged COMPETITION SKIIS TO TRAIN FOR of communications equip- eid Mig vd r Lvetniess co_on calls. Welter We jestnu East at Wilson, 7 é ent @ sKi-Doo by the Four poir, 215 cm. long. Red ment, has immediat i rom uone ¢ vanirs TM Lafontaine "Construction. 735 ee 0 Feeders Street West, Whitty. 669-2563. Ajax -- Harwood Ave. North or day, 80 acres to play on Star, 205 em. long; 1 pale Ski S RETAIL ing for Griibitlous pon wiih ron ,, oad e 3756. 'et Supplies 942- : '4 PARE TIME ave a 00 SR GiiC FAVOR 6s | Birins Boo Fie Surveyors rhe MacDonald Texaco! 22 pee oe BREN Ee STORE MANAGEMENT | feop"0l_ Years. inventory con- wih e descin af ¢ ogy ange bere bode ated t Meiter Dog Feeds brah! pa ee beacon yay Pi KING ST. E. egg al Electtical vty pss sotde and large bright ar Y 7%- Fi | i " Mas Se ie oe eee Purity Dog Mea! prints. 11 Ontario' Street, 7255632. CHRIS CRAFT Open to 10 -- 576-1250 725-5266 DOLLARS i i gel i et background preferred. Salary ful are Pigg on H. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor. SALES and SERVICE after 6 p.m. coast to coast has immed- a: lah pee oe Pend a CLASSIFIED RATESS Snow Shovels Office 47 Prince St, Res., 103 Elgin 8}. E. 728-688). McVay fibreglass sail boats, CUSTOMIZED DRAPES ANDERSON'S ANTIQUE & GIFT Overwhelming demand forces iate openings for young men For interviews please tele- basement area. Atta: WORD ADS Water Soft Salt Crestliner, Peterborough ond ' i A : Cash -- | insertion of 24 words, 1.20) Brittania Malt Busines TV--Redio Repairs Noitherati runobouts, Evine SAVINGS UP TO 50% ce ay a fine piece of manufacturer to grant manu- Ha train on el ge Store e: age. Priced at $24,5 additional words, 5¢ each; 3 consecu- Pp rude outboard motors. QUE colored glass for facturing rights of patented j|anagement, with future op- MR. COLLINS 6%4% interest on r tive insertions of 24 words, "s 24; addi- Wine Concentrate Oshawa Yachthaven LIMITED TIME ONLY Christmas. Many beautiful automotive products to indi- portunities in Home Office and administration positions. 668-3348 FOR THOSE WH tional words 13/3¢ each; consecu- \ \ ive i st 34 word $7 addi-| Budgle & Canary Mix TV SERVICE 723-8186 pieces to choose from. Call at viduals, Can be processed in Sve ewertions of 4 words, i R op FINWROLAGS GOATS recalrea-- rooms ORY wo cies the home of MRS. EDNA basement or garage in your @ Ages 20 to 30 desirable, is teauereble hora | Cherge--10 per cent additional charge Cooper-Smith Co. BLACK and WHITE Iditioned and wooden boats fibreglassed, ANDERSON, 6 Wellington spare time. Machinery and but we have 4 fry. a died clésé te beholk If not paid within 8 days E also fiberglass, regin, cloth, harden 723-7827 Street, Bowmanville, 623- tools supplied. Absolutely no ings for men WOULD YOU LIKE thie beck: delle otto ts aia . Lets then 24| 16 Celine St. FOR THE BEST, CALL cleener st 90 to 50 per cent off market 74 Celina 5643 selling. Earnings in excess of Single men BhE4, lat sce wl \e of counting -- $ 723-2312 123-1139 | price. 725-4 after 6. PEE eb a oe Sere " 7 ie d d en i vt 4 ch wor 4, | | 723-1 | lz a RENE AET SES or AMEE RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT for sale. $7000 per year, by contract. @ Starting salaries depen ee pn he Sniction counts | 1 R. i, O. STARCRAFT" GREW Traveller boats. VISIT MacNEIL'S One deep fryer, grill, two nets, tables Low initial investment covers on age, education, and MORE MONEY? Cena. bal initial, figure or abbreviation count | Evinrude motors. Open seven days a one werd: phone number counts two| Instruction TELEVISION |week, Mi ' Ss jand chairs, booth, numerous other artl- ial hinery, 'material st work experience. words, PRIVATE LESIONT Go Totes I: peor ar fic aac aa al aha Sheth dian cues Wek on wc Telephone Bay Ridges, 839-103}. ond siappiles. Only statis, de- e Mucute salary depends OAA SUPERVISOR for Osh- then- is Hes few st BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- Hee saxophone, clarinet, flute, drums FOR CLEANER, SHARPER | BOAT, MOTOR and box treller, In 626d| gan, reconditioned; pine |mirkinds of mstn nents te» ll ferelr| -- pendable person should apply. upon the ability and per- awa needs full or part-time large finished rec ro SOCIAL NOTICES Al Beggs. Alto @Ausle Supplies 725- TV RECEPTION condition. Apply 1610 Simcoe' St. N., 4 board; old wash {723-7090 eveni sac bidhileAd formance of the individual men to help him meet the Wities for work-shop Enel per insertion with 25 cents eddl- |1501. g Your Own atter 5 p.m. nae ly Bipot tage brite Rd -- fj : demand for Ontario Automo- the basement. ional charge if not paid within 8 days. RCHESTRA AVAILABLE New Your's uu stands; toilet sets; assorted |TWO SKI-DOO'S 1966 and 196) with Salaries at the manage- bile Association Membershy 'peevontav Ere teem A rads ater's| = TV TOWER --|7--Swap and Barter older furniture Vassiom este" "| ~--TRED) SPRED ment level range wewerd | Biecsont dignified, good poy APARTMENT Pp. m. 4 7, v on." "tay DB BAte GU e x bay oie Fel ete ad fine | we hall 0 Gul, 61 Austin @50,| 413 Dundas E. 668-5481 sass GuiraR and amplifier, profes- 500. Nts sides ing work, No experience nec- consisting of eight ap Veres; 28e odeitlonal charge Bl Mortgages 728-5143 thing. in plumblng, new 'and Used, 20° per [CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE," Ali/slonally painted, 'new 'strings, In od MANUFACTURING LTD. | @ Employee benefits Include essary but @ car is. For full ranging from _ be within 8 days. Comer Bond and Division _ |Sent-3?-per_cent otf. Chinn, Hilsige ang aM NC ee Pension Plan, Group Life raoe contact him et rooms to two bedre $2550 for the fiat 98 words ond 7c MORTGAGES ac CN Oe NOY ANG SELLE © sant Dil hao For application call Mr. MacLeod Insurance and Health Situated close to be be sharaaiter with Sse aeaitionsl : and appliances, One-location only. Pretty | 9----Market Basket at the Georgian Plan, Profit Sharing, Sum- ping and schools. ahiten if fot cold within © Baye. Pit martooges arranded end T V T 8--Articles for Sale Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, Motor Hotel, Oshawa mer ond Winter Vaca- BAKER nr", vtig hale ; ce SKATES, new and used, hock i tions. i ed, Ca 'or = furthe COMING EVENTS . purchased Open without no: oVe OWERS ment and sticks at bargain' prices nig ion: Experience not necessary, culars, $2.38 per inch (display); $2.00 for the! tice or bonus. NOW Cycle Centre, 204 Bond St. E., 725-6344 - Qualification: will train. APPLY : first 20 words end 6c each thereafter ol ee on "BUILTIN OSHAWA" SIX SERVICE BAYS GUY YOUR HUSBAND oy air : @ Leadership ability. ram. (Word Ads) cond mortgages arranged A fia oF wire Used ' @ At least High School ed- MR. DO-NUT r end purchased, Current AT OUR OWN PLANT FOR FASTER SERVICE |furniture for Christmas. Valley Creek. Phone Monday after 9:30 : AUCTION SALES a nd p , Current in- 728-4401. ucation or better. Attrac- 438 King St. West (opposite BEAU VALL $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION terest rote 12%, Open half- We give you a better tower WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |ginewoon, an. mixed haraw SERVICE STATION with two bay oer STATION with two bay oer. tive starting salaries for the Oshawa Shopping Centre) = Whedon ity for tic. both High Schoo! and Un- between 10 a.m, -- 4 p.m. arly without notice or for less mone' | Chev Dod; Ford, Ply- ey. i ge, rd, y maple, beech, white birch, ete., 12' pa age to rent. opportuni H WORD A' a _ | mouth, Pontiac. We correct {16 delivered. 728-6052, | anced mechanic, "On outskirts, of Ost iversity Graduates. homes --- nearing Wm. DAY. PREVIOUS M. F. SWARTZ OSHAWA T VV | wheel alignment, inspect and |ELMER 'will buy or sell your furniture Mclntos panel No FEN -AND-CHIPoay| Willingness to accept per- LLL ae at teeing' 1 | ¢ commission Prides - hro ce LOST AND FOUND 262 King Street East oV. correct castor and comber- |pickaip," 263-2794, ts Sixty-nine hundred Includes equipment, lodic expense - paid trans- | YnUNO MAN required 9s Prberitsln SHG dere | t dt ee fi d train, experience not completely decorat @.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION _ Oshawa, Ont. SUPPLY LTD clign toe-in and toe-out to |tyYpEWRITER, standard, $200 portable, excellent location, Call Berle Allen, ers during training. State age and. education. Write Bot fully godded lots. Pri int UEMDRIANS one Telephone 723-4697 . set a Hues $35.; electric typewriter $95., adding _ma- y) Pe B Bem Peters Realty Ltd., Realtor, 725- Frail stig Us pai A214 Oshawa Times. - ys peti 380 CARD OF THANKS TAUNTON RD. £ @ Parts extra if require chine $20., electric adder $40, 723-4434. $ r ushel fees jors: ame, address, tele- iF YOU ARE thinking of makin, wm. DAY PREVIOU 5 » E. i iLL AND EXCHANGE vecd VARIETY STORE business, including i ~ ih f a nib bay 'i ' MORTGAGE LOANS (Just East of Ritson) . lito Pe Wee ot cee "you have, "the Scalers, Seliging. wih More ae ee sts pest Pg By ed in your ot Ned or ee aor one Still time to have C CLASSIFIED DISPLA @ Re-finonce Present tally City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe room apartment above. Excellent op- i : rf Pt reason, this may be your opportunity. An i ia or legek 10 ae. oa) wero Mortgage 723-8131 723-8132 BRAKE SPECIAL etree sovine Fee ley: Gr trade of havea on this excellent Broe:| And" oo SMR. A old established fife Insurance company in year ee eae r sae 'or " 2S -:. ee Eee er trade of louse on is ext mn re hi Reeser CANCELLATIONS AND @ Pay all your bills Most popular cars. First |TV TOWER SPECIAL -- fi, strucure, A L G @) M A frty, equipment included In price. For] "T° Seno He 1h Ross, be erty are in Osh EORRECTIO @ Make home Improvements TELEVISION -- RADIO Quality Rovaline, 4 wheels, Mion Manesragenm $6 TRIO Tele Jeceph Bose Realtor, 7aea377, nn 21 Simcoe, St. South vancement In accordance with your own For full porticulor 9 Ay F PUBLICATION ; Eg g lé a 'specialized' "rela with personal gam. DAY OF Pi perthoodiray before! = Expand your business 24 Hour Service . VACUUM REPAIRS, all' makes, hoses, Oshawa sistance, @ salary end 'boncs, and @ 723-2265 publication will be charged one day's @ Fast courteous service Plus $2.00 per wheel brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery. 942.0213. ORCHARDS Ltd 15--Employment Wanted Quaranteed pension. When applying, irnertion A. ROSEN HOLMES (labor. cost) Maen ee ee + |MAN WOULD LIKE JANITOR work BUSINE Seen ae metus, Dusioess ee irene Brown 7 BOX NUMBER RENTALS $1.00' eure WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL |aunista a from 8 a.m, until 12 a.m. Small church SS) Write Box s421s¢ Oshawa Tings een Marg Hall 7 1h alascagalf beeps carpi roi tel Mainber Ont, Mort, Brok CHRISTMAS PARTY dresses, teen size Thickson Rd N or hall preferred. Phone 728-3387, morn- OPPORTUNITY Maible Boudreau 7 forward replies to box numbers to the| Ane 725-0532 or Week- Including weights per wheel, 8-10, were $50 to $100, nearly new $15- . . ings only, EXPERIENCED salesman for estat: advertise's-os soon es possible, we 9%] ends and 728-5623 eac $\05 oe eee SWITCHBOARD receptionist devires naned breed route (locel), steady yeer- Ed Drumrn is cept no | ty in respect of loss or! Pe ee | Tv A SHOeIS: MUFFLERS, PARISI, RR for sale, wholesale Whitby position on PBX Board. Experienced] | would like to interview a rire Coky Seavartonced 'need blind Bel shiel i dam to t ther|---- aeteeeseeeteeeneeeeneneeneS: - ' ine, ruce sr a jamage © grise through either | RENTALS FRONT-END WORK at sank TeHhone beeen TUT Fy APPLES FOR sae ia maties | trout and telex operator. Telephone 723- mon between the ages en spply, st Brown's Bread, Oshawa, 72 Genes aig s 7 Ani -- n i an : Lf oe ae j TOWERS COMPARABLE PRICES tb PGI ah pine algae $3, per bushel: "MayBelle Orchords. eet ema PICK-UP 'and delivery, day care] budinase ceportunity: which GOOD MAN OVER @% for short trips Mike Belmonte 5 Pats Santis: meals rea | PHONE 668-5679 UNIROYAL Jers, china, glassware. Novel gifts for|~ecworet every Gay. age. seis7, we YEE) is very worth - while. Be- woah ont erent dod dtd Harry Taras 7. eds a poy ante | , |Christmas. Apply 708 Maria St., Whitby. ONTARIO Le ig Personen geste rene pr jobs done,| cause this man will be as- [cash bonus, "Air, mall ' Président, Deo! Mel Dale 6 REGULATIONS bee ere ay pes | T.V. Rental | CENTRES HEAVY DUTY stove, 24". Good condl-|Telephone 7ins4o, | NOKSIH® Street.| ito? tthout truck. 'Rent truck with] sociated with one of Cana- |SE, PO Box 70, Station R, Toronto 17, Reg. Aker 7: THE OSHAWA. TIMES WILL NOT BE| Servic ga he fs ares AM ei Bic | Eee Tel 728-8627. Griver. 728-2882. do's largest and oldest Life |2nterlo. Bill McFeeters 7 includ } ears al ABN aa ee 24h. od SISTER TT REP TE aOR po zie OSHAWA es fe NOT BM Pe including weekends, | NEW SETS | The New Home of fone min acer en pon ee Oe 9A--Eggs & Poultry CHAIN-SAW WORK, vm taken La] Insurance Companies dealing Lat DRIES ie wy) Legend ahd drive OPEN DAIL * | beh | j Ss S, -------------- It L it cartage, is licence. THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE AHAY & ASSOC. | .FALCON FON UIE STORE [oneshirs of. 'Feclory outiet. Maser. EGGS "DAISY FRESH™ duly --Whia| jon of el Kings. Phone ikdotn in estate planning ond, bus; Ipraterred. "Must 'be Whifoy resident. NORILY? Venristuta NOR" BeyoND. tht WOALE, ONT FURNITURE and --|__Phone 725-6511 ___[fumtrm Pay ony is mony, anon |°@ uP Selver_ef aro home. | WOMAN, WANTS Ravers ye Gat] have @ reasonably good edue | Member of the 0. E , - to 4 p.m., $10. dally. Telephone A br ivan Wok Rosia te... 223-2060 ¢ -8797 APPLIANCES GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, |ome Furnishing, «24 simcoe South. _|1Q__Egrmer's Column POT le dill i cation, and preferably some |19--Male or Female WE LIST & SELL | SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS | 452 SIMCOE SOUTH television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and|TYPEWRITERS, adding cash executive experience. We are Help Wanted A IMMEDIATE MONEY | ! up. Felcon Furniture and. Appliances,|registers, new, used, sales, service, all 17--Female Help Wanted | prepared to invest consider- Lid MORTGAGES ARI The Ost mes reserves the right to} j 723-0011 1452 Simcoe South, 723-0011 makes, Call your Royal dealer. 728-3664, CATTLE DEHORNED able money in the right man, 360 King St. West, | classif proper and second mortgoge one Uae ea gis solmenhn amie no money down, $2)FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free, so if : : o|weekiy cashiers, adders, trades 7 f : you are interested in in the apes an SERVICE CALL ONLY 2 rentals, service." Bill Hamilton,' Raglan,|purchase trom" Western "Ol Compary,| _atteries picked -- no bleed- SECRETARY earning from $4,800 to $6,- REACH TWP. AREA oo Kosteniuk, Griffin Real Es sl 9 Company.| she Tin ; , 1-985-7160._ a 725-1212, ing. Phone W. W. Simpson TO MANAGER OF 000 a yeor to start depend- S 'of more Fast T.V. Servi a Pen Le KEITH i seers 3 -¥. service \LignT REEN lined living room and|GLASS REPAIRS to aluminum end] Oshawa, 576-0850 or CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT ing upon your qualifications, (18 miles North of Oshawa) endeavor dining room drapes. 91 Inches fong.|wood windows and aluminum screens. Z sei : write to Box number 84654, miles awa. wotiar 66 DOMIN ION {Could make one pair. Ten widths, Reas-|Free pick-up and delivery. 728-2284, 576-3485 Qualified mature Pert area ae 3, 1968, ty of odvertis sche bok : FIBERGLAS FENDERS ¢ 7) B to assume responsibili or for Jan, is any o "SECOND mortgages, TELEVISION DINING ROOM auife, nine-plece, light land up. New and used euto parts Re. secretarial and other inter- for Central Schools the fol- oe ehkv he slit a chased end sold. Hennick oak, one electric fireplace, 'one 'custom! bullt starters and generators. 1175 Nelson|DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm sfock| esting routine and non-rou- YOUNG MEN lowing teachers: land Hennick, Barristers, 31° Kin ; ; TIMES ACTION WANT AD ed Hennes. Partisters, 31 King Street 726.5154 9. a.m. to 9. p,m. (with tour matching chee, cares bette lees Fyrone. Telephone 'collec Hampton "nez,| tine duties under the direc- Grade 1 Teacher REALTY. -LTD.;-73 Cell Clessified Direcg | FOR SALE Ghd THOTSSGES pew |TW TOWER SPECIAL -- afoot fower|2"4 Backs: one, studio couch and chair; SAS RANGE, Findiey, $100. Telephone | 21 Cicence' ioic-at tion of the manager of Cor- Grade 3 & 4 Teacher 793.3497 Thouses, 12 per cent. Interest, qoog|structure, all-channel_ antenna installed, [yeeqeo", suite, Nant, maples | MacNell's Simiceaat a a porate Development. Short- To assist manager In local Assistant to principal for half 103 KING STREE 7 [gavenent. Cail Custom Holdings Ltd om | $50. jOshawe TY Supply Limited, Taun-|witny, on.sust" + East, CHRISTMAS. centrepieces. | Decorate] 11----Pets and Livestock hand - experience essential. bronch of coost to coast time Realtor [246,130 King Si TELEVISIONS, ~recondiioned, "aianch |Pleces of artificial follage, flowers,|DACHSHUND PUPPIES for sale, chem | Excellent working conditions | chain organization. Exper- |BRANCH REALTY "ah 1 Waman's Colums Marconl, $49.3 Sine! Fleetwood, s7o, (christmas novelties. Reasonable. $1 and|pion sired. Call Port Perry, 985-2959. and company benefits. Salary lence unne¢essary, In educa- Salary schedule: Cat. 1, Min. $22,300. -- Imma i! X TO gages. Telephone 725-6 7B:nch, "Phillis, two yeers. old win Tecevisions, tina -2670. GERMAN Reg'd. pups. Pro| commensurate with experi- tion field, but must be able $4,400 -'Max. $6, 200: Cat. bedroom split level, ti os lure tube, $150.; 21-inch Phitco, » 17" table model $29, 24"'|fessional training, boardi St ~ -- i ini CLASSIFICATIONS |Money to Loon Under New Management $89. All sets guaranteed. Trio Television,|Marconi $49, 21 RCA, new picture tube Loe Pinto. Show On mare. % sues ak wh aed e Feed 18 > aeagaball it re Hi 400, ee tia on ; } $$$ Artistic Hair Styles $59, 21' Pleated wood, new picture tube,|Shirts. Cozy-J Ranch Kennels, 655-4662. "s ' « Age 26. 5 bres 1 7 . ' reatt mM. 1--Waemen's Column |NEED CASH fo consolidate Your bills, y NS' Bi $59. All sets reconditioned and guaran- manager. . Neat i IV $5,800 -- $8,800. 3Peraonal [bur net new cor, 'boat, trove experaes 725-7221 chanrela with and. ne eck titer er | ed: 576307 for tratnng, faking 'rei. "Apply | LAKE ONT. STEEL CO, | 3. Able to stort mmediate kta Bate WEST END -- 8 rc 3--Sportsmon's Colur econd mortgages of 12 per phon 5 Z o ma oe r . : Te reeds Al i 3--Sportsman's Ga taate Satie a re : jones and filter. Telephone 576-2566 [LADY'S SEAL COATS, (wo), full-|Broad, Tle Elgin' Cast LTD. | experience allowed. Reply heating, paved driv Satraiere ti, private funds cell z-asst] 'Mrs. ANNE GODIN owner, |sxi JACKET, red nylon, nearly new,|(engih, size 1416, good condition. Ree-/TUNDILU REG'D KENNELS = Poking. : : SALARY: giving qualifications, name lot, $14,500. é--Marine Equipment formerly from Ronnie's -- pee i fpplece ince Greet, tripe intiode nena sable ma | O88 1 Poodles, chihuahuas, _Groom- BOX 330 and address of last inspector a le ' a » jing, ' ° -- setae Shea a bo [Painting | and Decorating _ __Mrs. Fern Brennan, operator - |42v4. ie dressers, pine box, lugs. 'Also. flverplece| Road North, Oshawa, rissa, own® WHITBY, ONT. $1 10. Weekly to: Ce aaaher b 9--Market Bas -- USED TELEVISIONS, reconditioned, 'i SO rif vordlaaga one ieee GERMAN SHEPHERD registered pup- Mrs. Patricia Li Sec I 1 t $15 900 10--Farmer's Colur |}DO IT NOW! Painting, pepe: BEAUTY IS A DUTY $29. and up. Buy, sell, rent end service. |1ove,, reftigerator, dehurn! aiiefe baby! pies, champion blood lines, excellent For interview call s, Patricia LOve, . orgs 10 IN }i--Pets ond Livestock interior decorating. Outside, 19 Prince Street. 723-9241. ie ecg ey Pd EN el garden| show or pet stock. Coneymoor Kennells, CONSUMER RESEARCH RR 500. DOWN 1g--articles for, Rent lsarwyri cee Make Mom happy with @ BUY AND SELL. Good used furniture | gee Fines, most ail ses. 6. F, Good: pogere cr ing 725-254| Soh tod $1,500. DOWN iz "yp & , PAINTING AND PAPER hanging, In- eppilences, antiqu skates, guns. 723 4 POODLE CLIPPING and a) 9- a 'at ieee or ae |, Sen Cn earnest eimai" heme ona] Ono Come femme = eae 8 17--Female Help Wented tlephone 728-2854 | BARBARA'S BEAUTY SALON |CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS -- For sale,|COLF CLUBS, complete Billy Casper cs R.M cipal ond interest $ i jalé Help Wante a sinless i Brother sewing machines. | will demon. men's right hand set, irons 2 through 9 HORSES BOARDED, excellent ar 2 has openings tor women to re ARTIN ; 9--Male or Female Help Wanted |Plumbing and Heating 725-9572 [strate In your own. home, Call. 2251328 wedge, putter, woods 1 through? 4. At-lor' standing stall. Telephone 7 1S OX Conan Eitaevlays. (oeraonal ONTARIO ikl EXAtE Tek, dabok full price. O---Real Estate For Sole | | s jtoday_for_an appointment. __ltape recorder with tapes, $50..All In ex-\TOY TERRIER, for sale, male = vears and telephone) and gather MOTOR LEA bg $13,900. -- Spotle Oa---Summer Properties | | 75 CELINA ST. |KENMORE DELUXE 30-inch range, - cellent sondition. 725-0338. old, purebred, has needles. Good Opinions in connection with GUE Immediatel i " ey hi 2)--Farms For Scle i Plumbing Discount } |model, excellent condition. Reason "| GAS DRYER, children, Telephone 718-6334, cons r surveys ond blie j lea! cli bcdcadel hed STOREY HEIN: SOR 22--Lots for Sole | : : |2--Personal Selling--moving to home "with. Bulltn ER, | Westin bared rer ible bait HI cs OSHAWA OFFICE Perienced salesman or sales- basement, deep lot wi Je--Real See Warts age | 149 Brock St. North © | a Sa Seeder car |tuneamn Canta kenge] Senior, pal Poainaly ne lady, who is not afraid of ery ond flagstone w tw aes laa | WHITBY 668-6601 | ARTEX HOSTESSES. Roll on embrol-lor 7isase"" ~_ |lin 655-4821 or 655-3962, selling involved. Both daytime hos an opening for a mem- hard work for good returns. 26--Apartments for Rent | ELECTROLYSIS fry. Confirm Your party dates and ob-lHEAVY DUTY eleciric stove, 40", Per-|MINIATURE COLLIE, Sh ond: evening work. Use of bershi ! Lots of leads. All replies con- FURNISHED -LAKI 26a--Expo Accomodation Direct ¢ at 723-464] tain the latest No. 671 Pattern Book. |iece working eondition. Priced reason-|radors and Tiny Toy Poodier One write) cor desirable but not essen- Ie eee ee fidential. Call R. Martin, COTTAGE on Little arte es Baca plies. "e " (Free). in Oshawa, Airs, Pearle. stacy,|201¢ for quick sale, $25, Apply 136 Sum- Sieigge % WW cetjoret, Yenprene|. Hal. Apply, Canadion Fors age full or part time. Apply' | Reol Estate Ltd, Broker Good value at $6,90 oom a v (Paget 4 'imer Stree! Hy i : : , 1 of & phone 725-7254; Miss Helen hb 0. Limite: loor St, in writing only to district Besetets it el | lumii Tne 2096 ot al | Fervel ct reo htt Zs cite 'ity tabi SARUTEUC a Ra POLDeY -- soir BS wa E-Ten Ot supervisor, 576-1200 10 ACRES near Mop! i | ' ! y exdale ufacturing/krat fur coz' ze c miniai for Christ -73: Hees ap org Ree rgd Sale i wi "i } Oshawa Dec. 11, 12, and Centres Artex, Box 65, Rexdale. Condition, Best offer. Phone "485-4615. a Registered, PCholce of Titter now, deposit THORT ORDER COOK required daily, ONTARIO MOTOR $5,500. Call 728-73 55 Automoblies' Worltad 12 p.m. -- 9: p.m | 13th. Phone Genosha Hotel |FOUR-BARREL carburetor and mank|SET YOUR LOT EARLY. chriaimes|™lll_ hold. _Telephone 576-2608. lig: am. = 2 p.m sixday week Teeny LEAGUE 172 KING EAST HARCOURT DRIVE--Lovel 34--Automobile Repair | SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. | on these dates for appoint- |fold for Chevrolet or Pontiac, complete|trees; wholesaling, , Balsam|WILL BOARD one horse, private stable, Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha 172 King Street East SUITE 101 | ng ae room home with attached S--Lost ond Found CLOSED WEDNESDAY } ment wih ag cleaner. . Telephone 725-4169;and Scotch Pine. ne 942-1043, excellent care, just north of Oshawa, finished rec. room. Low do |ALL TYPES repeire end \iap panos ; alae $35._Telephone_655-4810 evenings: _| RELIABLE WOMAN to come In and care OSHAWA BARN EXTRA MONEY by demonstrat and reasonabie: monthly | ps Pe aed aes, Sa are Sth °K MEGAN CER A Ga eR PEON PERE, yaaa PE, Me Ma eek fae TeRT-veemIe Raw mle Se OE, Bag resi. Ba jnew " f - 4 lo » like new, jum fier| months eld. e fe, two part Per-|dey week, een! juties. th af : rates, Botimaies tree,'72d-1191. J. Feley.'phene 720-4208, Telephone pas-lese $39, Telephone 722-7585. jslen, Telephone 623-7630, Gulelle - Central Park area, a2, Ads -- Call 723-3492 today 'fot actions mare ny rine nas i " ' ---

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