Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Nov 1967, p. 26

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oS SSO RS ON Ow BE Ye! ee 7 Ser Vee es CEN YT TS ee 26 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, November 30, 1967 NET EARNINGS Mining Firms Propose fe SNES i FLAG KGKAGK CARRE KARAS EARBEMRBS a! ak A iG GE a a te Ft mh es A A af By THE CANADIAN PRESS cca? Gb Ge, common 16 cents, Jan. 2, record 4 CHUM Ltd., year ended Sept. . a a 30: 1967, $546,850, 81 cents a St k E share: 1966, $317,740, 47 cents. Junior oc XC an e igs Scotia. th | Ba 5 Copperfields Mining Corp. ea TTI , text ote Lid ae ended June o: aie TORONTO (CP) --The Pros-|have made it difficult if not im- po gnney My cents, Dec. 20, rec- EN ne 2 % ; | pectors and Developers Associa-| possible for small mining con-|0rd Dec. 9. ; psig $839,264, . 13.8. cents. a share; tion says Ontario should set up/cerns to raise money. | Hinde and Dauch Ltd., com- 1966, $1,129,212, 18 cents, a junior stock exchange to trade] Mr, White, president of Dick-|mon 45 cents, Dec. 23, record-- TODAY'S STOCKS [business spotiic HT F Cc anies Ltd., nine|in shares of mining companies./enson Mines and Kam-Kotia | Dec. 11. santa' whet Sept. 30: 1967, In a brief to the Ontario Se-| Mines and a director of several) Peoples Credit Jewellers Ltd., Commission, studying|other companies, said the ex-|§-per-cent pref. 3.00, Dec. 29, $112,739, five cents a_ share; | curities f isch | mine financing policy, the asso-| change's policies limit an under-| record Dec. 15. sexe eet | US Se Two Hovercraft Firms ere Se K: EXCnene wares 10:40 Ni , $2,176,690, s. y | ciation says management of|writer's profits to a maximum} Price Company Ltd., common Hoysl Bank. of CaMeees Teer Snail mining companies should] of 50 per cent, compared with a|18% cents, Feb. 1, record Jan. Quotations in cents unless marked %. Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge 2--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-| Aiminex 6010 600 595 800 +10 ended Oct. 31: 1967, $30,278,555; |be allowed "reasonable lati-|profit of 200 per cent allowed by 2. cts eee eet ee om oe | samera a 5 | as ee hen ae nee k V id 1966, $27,432,288. baie' in the amount of money it|the Broker-Dealers Association.| Standard Radlo Ltd., common MINES oe lee | ee ancouver icence Silver Standard Mines 'Léd.,|can raise to cover costs of var:| He said if the OSC decides to| 10 cents, Jan. 10 record Dec. yo:40 Net | © Den Pe er 'six months ended Sept. 30: 1967, /!0US development programs. regulate price increases on un-| 20. Stock Sales High Low am. Ch'ge) & EA S08 900) a Soa tos + te By TOM CARNEY jnext spring using SR. N-6 vehi-,N-6 machines for a "high densi- $10,843; 1966, $67,134. 'The brief recommends that|derwritings it should follow the| UNAS Investments Ltd., J Akeltcne, i000 Doe 2 +1] Cent el" $00 $21¥0. 21 sa VICTORIA (CP) -- Air trans- cles capable of carrying 36 pas-|ty service' of 34 trips a day be-| Silverfields Mining Corp. Ltd., there be no limit on the number|Broker-Dealers plan instead of cents et, Pee ae Am Moly 280 25 25. 25 | Chieftan © 1100 820 800 800 port board hearings open here|sengers at speeds of 60 miles an|tween Vancouver and Vancou-| year ended Aug. 31: 1967, $745,- of properties a company can ac-|the stock exchange's. Dec. 15. obelin in es oh ol See RS ie is is Monday on two conflicting ap- hour. lver International Airport in ad-|\ see eer het | Se Arcadia, 1000 39-38 M--'3) French Pt sas auD sis 61S -- $ plications to operate hovercraft! Pacific Hovercraft proposes a dition to any Victoria run. [es 1966, $733,795. The question of establishing @ ie oor Mine bs sia a, | ag ld " ce a = " f service between Vancouver Is- passenger rate of $8.25 for a 71-| WOULD CUT TIME Silverwood Dairies Ltd., six)small exchange to handle Camflo 200 365 360 360 | Gt COilsds 250 $10% 10% 10% land and the lower mainland. minute trip between Vancouver} Th "i inute travel ti ../months ended Sept. 30: 1967, shares of junior mining compa- Camp chiv $25 750 750 730 --28| Int Helium 1640 200 25 25 1 Both Pacific Hovercraft Ltd. and Victoria. Inter-Air Travel| je 7Lminule travel time Via! st '9p4 153; 1966, $1,085,748, |nies has been raised several ¢ Tong 100 242 242 242 | Mill city" 1g00 Tee 1? 4s «<+$, of Richmond, B.C., and Inter-/has suggested $12. hovercraft would hold a major) ¢y.igard Paving and Mate-|times in Ontario since the Toron-| Cdn Nistp 1500 43 42 43 Numac 500 385 385 385 Air 'Travel Ltd. of Vancouver NE attraction for travellers be-) ; to Stock Exchange started stiff- Chib M 1000 64 64 64 47{| Numac wt 2100 7% 76 76 ; Both provincially chartered,|tween Vancouver and Victoria.| Tals Ltd., six months ended|,. 7; ; A be bs propose to start service early A : | A : % ening its regulations concerning Chimo 2025 129 128 128 | Pinnacle P 1200 $50 350 350 public companies are likely to i 4 Chrom 100 150 150 150 | Place G 6400490 165 188 +1 bid f cadet Naanlmo- |The time compared with about) Sept. 30: 1967, $116,203, 11 cents| listed companies after 1965. Sat we | ee ee ot ve:40 net Dud for optional Nanaimo Van-|two hours by conventional air-|/a share net loss; 1966, $204,128, Financier Arthur White said +2 | See on Ses ww Stock Sales High Low am, ch'ge COUVEr runs and possible future Jine, including airport limousine| 99 cents. in a brief revised regulations 5 200 $74 7% 74+ %|Xpansion to serve isolated B.C. service, or three hours by bus U Canso See list below. '" Hp Begg oof cea 4g natal mamoniti far| U Canso w 2410 243 230 243 +18 | Inland Gas |coastal communities as _ far|and ferry Toronto-Dominion Bank, year sy ¥ OLDEST IN THE WORLD 300 | jiratin 200 120 120 12200 --8 ine Dec. We 38 4 ; Te inspira Mi tas 4 aks north as Prince Rupert. Air transport board jurisdic- ended Oct. 31: 1967, $12,284,728, ayaa 1966, $10,-| Britain's rubber manufactur- Cc Halli 4500 54 54 1BM M 365 3465 1 i 7: 4 123% 123% -- V% a : * . € Warren 7800 390. 30s 390 410 Primary. Distribution Pe are ee ea ey a. © Barry Jones, spokesman|tion may seem a little out of | 82 cents a share; as Con Fieyus 400 84 83 a Bl Nna aay Nal pec! Gey Ale Int Util pr 970 $40%@ 40 4012 + 44|for Pacific Hovercraft, said his| place, since the air-cushion hoy-| 92,656, 73 cents, ing is the oldest in the world. Cc ichol 2000 10' Ove 10% @ Toronto xchant Intpr P 3936 $23 2234 22% -- "| ; | 4 re '4 Pes el Sareea rte Re Tick OEE G5 -- 4 | advieed inet the following eompanies| It Phew 140 sll 114 Nhe lone oe first to apply for/ercraft vehicles will be in effect 10000 30 30 a licence in February, 1966. fast ferries cutting through a} ¢ ee he oy iat: tee A teve entered hed ee ot Intpr Steel 250 415 415 415 +10 | Cop. Fields a] 4 ion agreements whic! resu! | Inv Grp A 2705 $8 Th ThA j : | Coulee rier 2| treasury shares of these companies be-| jockey' C100 905 305 305 +5 | DON'T CARE major sea route across the| Y%| ing under distribution currently through) Kelly D A 200 $54 5% SM--Yel But AD. A, (Tony) Mayger, Strait of Georgia, about four} 1 at Esiend oe the facilities of the Exchange Cstiand z 2 28 | the facilities e Exchange: Labatt 235 $14% 1412 14% | 2 f D'Aragon 1000 17717. j Cam Mine 1500 41, 414). Labatt osm 300 440" 380 350 -- 5 | managing director of Inter-Air's|(ect Of the surface. Deer Horn Based 25\4 2 oh +05) Siem ee 10s 14a 14Va-- 2) Laura Sec 213 $14% 14% \% |, |associated company, Air Cush-| But since the craft are also) S D 5 s pe | ++1 +1 o --1| Sarimco 17 17 +3% i 520 435 435 435 : : i idi Delhi Pac 1000 134 132 134--%4! CS Pet 102600 259 250 250 --8 tay si 570 Be Save 'Seve tw ion Vehicles Ltd., said: "As far|capable of bliding over flat Denison 1244 $80 792 79'2-- 4) U Can 25485 490 465 470 +15 | Life Invest 225 $5¥2 Sia 5l2 las the board is concerned they|!and, ice and muskeg, they Bet" sun 700 Seo ses "560 --15 | tite Inv wt 2) ser au 6% don't give a damn which appli-|would be equally strange com- U as! en = fa 6M | a aa 4 Brey Fwest T 100 10 10 10 --2/ INDUSTRIALS ie fo . ae a i y i i ing under the jurisdiction of any) F Nat U ran 4165 94 90 90 --4 1 5 $8% 824 8% Lob Co pr 25 $39% 39¥8 39" ee | mariti horit | Applications are invited from persons havin li ae ! 34 0 a '< vic z | Fs Frobex 214 395 395 395 | pecker 20 $16\4 164 16M Loeb M 135 $13% 13% 13%--%| 'They're concerned with) BeEEme authority, | ag Rpediassd il defo: pe eae Alta Gas T 220 $342 344 34" MB Ltd 255 $242 24% 24% lwhich is the most satisfactory | Britain operates hovercraft} ications similar or equal to: | A three year apprenticeship or equivalent Gnt Masct 3600 130 129 = 375 795 795 795 +25 730 $isva 1812 184 -- 3 h ; Aas Ait: overee pot oe | Pkg a ie Bg I MU ost 2 if, 34 {to the public and which has the|under air ministry jurisdiction. ™ M Lf Gard 75 $35%4 35% Eoiare eA 1600 118 NS a8 Nee am gee a 20%-- | Mrtime rts 532 44 42 42 2.| In the United States, such craft) 5 | ne ime ri 3 - ko | s S, i Fi 1 Goiarm, = (11000 6767 | Algoma' ot 20 ee on sn | Marktero 1600 $5 Sth 5 best background. ; 'vad training in general shop practice, and ol Alcan 2484 $25%4 25% 25% oro " d t thorit Gortdrm 2200 380 375 375 h Zican pe 240 $347 Mass-Fer 1520 $1634 16% 1658+ To train Canadian pilots we Come under maritime authority. Tachnical-traini cA Mlaalian inal i Gradore 7013 13 13 | Alumin' 2» 100 $38% McBrin p 745. $10.--«10---«*10 have been fortunate enough to| The International .Civil Avia-| echnical training in Mechanical or In- ithe ar er Sa a ee Molson AL 750 $iey lor, tol4-- tw obtain services of four of the|tion Organization earlier this} dustrial Engineering equal to three year Granisie 100 875 87s BS 4] All Sugar $00 $11%4 Moore" 1460 $3l8e 3113 ste + Me world's most experienced hover- month ree iprereer are not| Ryerson or Ordinary National Certificate, 'vic vo 1 150 $10 jorse ri a a ae F 2 is io refo cf Gunnar 500 158 152 152 --2| guia Clee oe Sits Morse sin 200 see ge se -- ve craft pilots. In addition we have airceals 8 a des ore not elt and Heath 7. 8 Bank N S$ .2115 $)4¥%4 Nat Trust 100 $18%4 18% 1814 obtained the services of three of |Je¢ e ICAO's international | 'i High-BI 500 $1314 a = 4) Bartaco 100 $558 Neranda 90 $512 51a Sia the world's best hovercraft engi- | Standards. | At least two years practical Methods and Hollinger 230. $2638 26% 26% 30 $38 Nor Ctl G 210 $i1!4 11'2 11 'alia genet axcate ewer RES HREESOLY , ; Wi Huds Bay 65 $58 58 5B et 50 345% Nor Ctl G p 100 $23¥ 23¥2 232 neers. | Time Study experience, entailing some Hydra 10000 24 22 24 +2] Bow Valy 100 $834 Nor Ctl 65p 25 $4114 41¥%4 4114 Mr. Jones said there is only | jig and tooling design for short run manu- int Bibis T 7240 55 55 55 Bow Viy w 100 525 525 525 } NCG B 2p 100 $272 27'4 272+ M4 itable ty, fh ft BONDS | f had Bay T af - ahd yg Pe Brazilian 140 sia a see bd pa ne cm 1100 a) z 1 Ya ore is able type net Meet th | acture. 0 . BA Oil 480 $3) a Ve igilvie 2 3 3 or e § a ~ | ; ' : Jaye Exe 1300 124 12% 124 | | BA i Rid 400 $10% 1086 10% + | Ont Steel 200 $25, 252s SR. NS He aid "his raanity Pe rgoub'y (CF) The Cana-|f The successtut applicant will be offered a starting ex i Fi 350 $17% 17% 173 shawa 2145 $242 24 24% + NAO, 2 y | R vas of . ahi . Kerr Add 270 si6% 16% 16% +) Cee ing Joo Silla Mia Ia + | Overland -z10 $Il¥a 11% 11'4 learned Tuesday that Pacific] ha onal eng cult seid aay anballya with ability and experience above average fringe benefits, regular salary re- 600 102 95 WH 4 Sid, y \ y : Kid Coper 7 Calgary P 400 $23'2 23% 23%-- %/| Overind pr 220 $ll'@ lila ae Hovercraft is the only company | Wednesday. 20% + Va Pac Pete 1275 $194 Wie : . = . views and the opportunity to grow in an expanding en host 1 3 ee Sn ee P. 1850 $23 22% 2%--\4/ negotiating with British H | " a | Can Cem 95 $30 30% 30%2 embina 34 2294 -- Va g } ritis 'over- c"ooon a Faso seo, | et iron aad ira ie inet | Phim" ew 'aB gu "fe SH" craft Corp to obtain one. |, U0nsterm Canada and prov csr Langis 3000 36 35 A) +) Can Brew: 1630 $73 7% 7+ | Price Com 165 $10% 1058 1058 + Ve Mr. Mayger said his company | 41/ ner-cent Sept 1 1983, issuell Submit ' . i beiten 1025 90 940 940 | Gan Can'A 210 $12% 12% 124 | QN Gas 125 $94 9% $4 | has plans to bring in four SR.|+/2-Per-cent Sept. 1, » issue|f Submit resume in strictest confidence to: L Lee z CC Manag 50 $57V2 57a S7'a+ a} Rank Org 1930 Sé%e 64 614-- Ve |closing at 80% bid and 81 asked. C Curtiss 200 225 225 25 --S5| Revenue 1900 $13'a 13° 13 | The short-term Government | Personnel Manager eer Bis Se Ae sen - ys Va sia | Martin 22000 182 17, 18 -- 1) Mme Snk §30 sisle 13 13% "| Roverteon" 100 $35 an 3 | FALSE ALARM jof Canada. bonds were un-| M h C 19 | ,,, SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)|changed with the 5'%4-per-cent] athews onveyor Company, 20 Mattomt 1850 $137 13% 13% C ind Gas 686 $12 }2'% 122+ %%| R Nodwell 700 190 190 % 1 + 200 $8% 8% Maybrun = 3700 10 "a! ¢ Marconi, 100 $5% 5% 5% + Ys] Rolland A+ ; h 4 Mc Adam 100 48 48 8 CP Inve pr 619 $237 23% 23% | Romfield 1000 23 «20 = '|--Police first heard the burglar|Dec. 15, 1969, issue closing at! rot ag ey CPR. : 1614 $4 $14 $i 'i ne jes ay a opted : alarm in the state vault--and/| 99.15 bid and 99.25 asked. | Ltd. ls - : 'i Merrill 300 162 162 162 +1 | Cut 6 pr 210 $98% 98% 9814 | Si Cem A 200 $léla 164 1éu-- 4 all available patrol cars con-| Day-to-day money was down A Subsidi f R hai Mate = 94500 37 7 +S | CWN Siz» 100 Situ 18 18M + M4/ Salads 25 (584 9m 9A verged at the Capitol. Officials] 1% point to 4% per cent. | ubsidiary of Rex Chainbelt Inc. Mogui_Min 3100 410 405 405 -- 5 | A tag tl ee ee Bae teil Pee i ant Ns et Min the state treasurer's office) Treasury bills were un-| P.O. Box ay th de ae +1) Chemceii 300 $9%4 4 9% Secur Cap 100 210, 210, 210 explained that some remodell- | changed with the 91-day bills} Port Hope Ontario Ww 2 Chrysler Z2 $59¥2 592 S92 Shell Inv p 100 $3214 32% 3214-- 4 ; 5 Newconx 400 585 580 580 CHUM A 105 $19% .19%4 19% -- la} Shell Inv w 9050 $15% 15% 15% ing in the vault accidentally set|closing at 5.42 per cent and the} 7 N Hosco 900 167 167 167 --4) Columbia 200 415 415 415 Shell Can 343 $31 31% 31%42-- Ww Off the alarm. 182-day bills at 5.55 per cent. N_ tmperal 500 315 315 315 --5 Comince 385 $29 «2844 29 + (7 Shop Save 100 $12 12. «12 N Que Rag! 900 590 585 58 --5 | Compro 650 330 325 330 +5 | Shopper Ct 100 490 490 490 +5 |/ 7 ; Wor Acme 740 2 20 20 | Con Bath 135 $26%% 26 26 Simpsons 200 $34 33% 34 | no a ---- = Norbaska 2240 S¢ S154 +41 Con Bidg 150 100 "100 100 Simpson & 23 $234 23% 23% 9 1 TAT 9 Norbeau 1300 28 428 «628 --1 | Cons Gas 930 $21 20% 207% + W! Slater Stl 6100 $9% 9m %%+ Ve if ; J Sia jaar ale Norgold oe. 8 +8) Coron 1 os. 8 8 Southam 25 $472 472 47\2 ahd baked Norlex 3000 13% 134 NA -- 2) Crestbrk 200 $54 5% S%--%| ST Radio 55 $38%4 38% 38% -- % Normetat 100 375 375 375, + S| Cyanus A 100 450 450 50. 10 | Steel Can 433 $21, 2121 Norpax 200 62 be Oh | DaleR pr 6-200 $84 8 B-- V4! Steinbg A 1110 S17 17 17 Northgat 4147 $10%4 10 10% + | Disti Seag 500 $39% 394 394 -- Ve| Steindg pr 75 $88 88 OBR North Can 900 125 125 % - D Bridge 215 $16 16 16 Suptest pr 110 $88'4 B84 BRIA | ska 400 970 965 970 +8) Dom Coal 150 $13% 19% 13% + 14| Suptest od - 160 $20% 2814 28% + Ya) Patino 250 $15%e 15% 150 | Dofasco 415 $19% 198 19% + 4 Texaco 155 $31% 314 31%-- % Poe Exp 11175 139 135 136 --3/ Dotasco p 50 $85 85 85 Thom Npr 100 $394 39/2 392-- 1 Moe RE TORRE SEE | Dom Glass 200 $8% 84 82+ % Tor Dm Bk 1165 $13% 13% 13% Pine Point z125 $50' 50% 504 ' Dosco - 200 $9 Py 9 + | Traders A 415 $8%4 8% 8% | Placer $30 30 30 -- 8! Dom Store 460 $16%4 1634 16%-- Ye| Transair 700 36% 658 65a + V4) Preston 3215 $21Ve 21% 21% + 14) Domtar 490 $10% 10% 10% + %| Tr Can PL 2103 $27 2614 26/2 Pyramid = ---'1300 S55 550 555 | Dover Ind 100 $18 18 18 --1| Tr Can Pl p 200 $46 45% 46 +1 ! 0 28 In mM | Dupont 1055 $25 25 25 Trans Mt 885 $20 197% 19% -- 'a/| Gis Ci 51 23 28 | Econ Inv 540 $11% 11% 11%-- Ye! Trans PPL ~ 100 $8% 85% 8% + Ve Q Matignd (900 125 15 12s +3) Electro itd 210 $10, 10, 10 Union Ace 169 260 260 260 Quemont 150 720 720 72 --§! Emp Lite 100 $9 Un Carbid 200 $18 18/4 18% Revrock ison 125 tal wa --2| Fonte" ep Ge on fap ssh gt Se LAST WEEK'S WINNER -- MRS. H. TOAZE, R.R. 2, Pi - Falcon 1227 nlon 180 $. oe _-- Rio Algom 681 $36 354 36 + | Fieetw'd 150 $2138 21% Un Wourn 100 $7% 7% 7%+ pened , R.R. 2, Pinecrest Rd., Oshawa Roman 200 $274 24 274% Y4| Ford Crde $00 $167 Un Won wt 100 495 495 495 -- § Sarimco See list below. FPE Pn pr- 10$126 U Sections 100 $7 7 Unfasten Your Eat Belt fer '5 Satellite 2375 100 100 100 +70 Fraser 250 s 17!4 | Versatd 135 $10% 10% 10% r Eot Belt for . . « 1 CANADA Satel r 342001 11 Freiman '100 Vic G Tr iT $124 174 12a MEADOWS CHIPS 'N GRAVY | Sherritt 330 425 420 420 --6 Gen Baker 300 y Walax 100 $162 1B' 182 At Sil Miller 500 13 13 13 GM 217 | Walk GW 510 Sid 3302 332 -- Me -- OR -- i GENERAL Sisco 200 400 400 400 Graft Frs p 275 | Weldwod 270 $11% a "6 Ni Y er Bee me | ge lg" ie were, aa et ae ee 'ASH "N CHIPS VARIETY ullivan 750 385 385 38 GL Paper 225 West Ind 0 24 3 Tex-Sol z100 18 18 1B Greyhnd 100 West Ind A 200 ae 410 a0 --0 A Complete Travel Service ' Use 0 Tormont 500 64 64 6% Guar Trst 225 Westee! x 20 0 i se Uur U BuHad 10000 38 38 38 --1 | Hard Crp A 250 W. Cdn Seed 200 340 340 340 a Tee & Srey © Apomne McMUR CHRISTMAS Un Keno 200. 750 740 750 +25 Hawker $ 0 Weston A = Ane Be un ; tion -- Land Seo -- Air es Urban Q 500 12% 12% 12%4--'2| Home A 2535 Wstn 6pr - CTRARA Wasmac 780 62 62 62 Home B 710 up 723-9441 DRIVE-IN-RESTAURANT Thur Hone OF | LAYAWAY PLAN West Mine 3000 262 276 282 +2 ° H Bay Co 7100 Sales te 11 @.m.: 981,000 re Counmey STYLE Gifts: Toys: Cards: Books: Fo W co 500 29 2 2% +11 HB Oil Gas 505 Abus Seapine 2 25 Ki St. E Simcoe St. N. at Taunton Rd. CMCKEN | Novelties. indfall 500 17% 17% 174 HB Oi G pr 105 $60 in a "i " wpe " -- ae oer Watch for Week! Wr Haro. 200 148 148 148 --21| Husky Oil, 350 € Ind Gas 99 $12% 122 124 9 THE BIG "'M" DRIVE-IN 208 Simcoe St.'So" Yagéasy Yale Lead 2000 23 2. 23 Husky D w 1064 Lk Dufauit 100 $12 ° --* % J young ag ine 6 + ma imp Life 10$125 125 125 New Hosco » 195 195 198 --¥ -- Be ken 000 117 116 «117° +1] Imp Oil 486 $68% 68% 68%-- Ve! Silvertield $00 475 40 45 --.5 Lae gear Es h H Zenmac 500 25 «25 «25 ~--1 | Imp Tob 800 $13% 13% 13% Siscoe 300. 450 450 V AVIATION Concer mig CHEN Zulape 1000 16 «16 (O16 Ind Accept 250 $20 20 20 Sullivan 455 +50 ° e i VALLEVEIED see ---- enn - = Z (Gov't. Approved $chool!) 2 1ELD, GA #& Private & Commercial Flying & Instruction w& Aircraft Rentals ® % Charter end Private Flights. | oo Looking For A Great Oshawa Municipal Airport a : " 728-3191 ing E. 623-3396 s s Gift The Whole Family AUTOMATIC 728; ROGERS pr eae OSHAWA | TRANSMISSION 2151 "a ee LAUNDRY & Will Enjoy ? rscerarts Yr'al makes con || ISIS NO DOWN PAYMENT DRY CLEANING placements for all mokes cars % PICK-UP & DELIVERY and trucks NO PAYMENTS 'til FEB. %& DRIVE IN. SERVICE OSHAWA Bs t COMPLETE STORAGE TRANSMISSION on major items only ! PHONE TODAY SERVICE ue ' 723-8166 MAJOR POOL DO THE TRICK? cua La ca. YOU'LL 'BE AMAZED AT THESE LOW PRICE WOULDN'T A POOL TABLE BY WIN YOURSELF A WRIST WATCH 4 RULES FOR "FONIT' CONTEST Guaranteed Used Cars Ist Quality MEATS Fach week for 26 weeks you con win a beautiful wrist watch, compliments of the participating businesses on this advertisement. All you ore required ROY NICHOLS to do is read through each advertisement corefully. There will appear in a iy number of the advertisements each week, the last four digits forming the @ @ Specializing Maes telephone number of one of the participating businesses. Correctly identify MOTORS LTD. FREEZER ORDERS the business ecch week and send your answer along with your name and : address th Fonit Contest Editor ¢/o The Oshawa Times. The first correct Courtice and Bowmanville onswer drawn each week will win a wrist watch, Entries must be received Large Variety of European ho later than Tuesday noon of eachweek. 4 Chevrolet and Canadian Cold Meats : Corvair me EAST END (fg, BRUNO'S = oes Sales & Service ema || There's really only one way to judge a whisky, and that's by its flavour. If it 46 years serving you. H makes your drink taste better, it's a pete : | ter whisky. This is what brings people fe | Schenley Tradition. Tradition's friendly QUALITY MEATS For o new line of styles, call Mr. Peppino, now at Bruno's Hairstyling. Blair Park Plaza, Whitby #} Open 6 Days o Week ond Thurs, & Fri. Evenings Dundas Hwy. -- 668-4782 ois Kins Si. Wane Sygnee | | ee PELESHOK MOTORS LIMITED -- RENT blend of superb whiskies makes any @ Residentiol drink taste better -- and it has fora long @ Commercial Industrial CLINT'S TEXACO SERVICE STATION DOWN MONTHLY Demolition Work a ae '| 5 50 61 @ Excavating j Y is : é 5483 360.95 1095 tae Eeaielising ta o a Snow 'Removal time. It's a Tradition worth staying with. 548! 569.50 19.50 27.59 eT U PELESHOK c Ww | LEASE Provincial Sales Tax Extra " ss ee a worods LD Sep Our Wide: Selection' of 1 DAY BEATTY Other models and sizes available All tables have a one yeor s mufflers, tall pipes Dee Used Cars at Lowest Prices ! to H Schenle TRADITION guorontee against defects in Seasonal Change O 3 YEARS AULAGE G y Pool tables con be built in any basement meterie! and workmenship. phat ibe i Tounton : s i 245 ' : where accessobility is @ problem. | Minton! 728-5811 | I) Harwood ond Station Rd. AJAX 942-6300 pag ta ii makes your dr ink Nothing but the best English woollen cloth used in all pool tables, MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT CORP. rok a y bea >: ash ee a stops ee to save Office Hours; 725-6582 oo Wolfe money is like man who stops clock to : St. save time." 690 DRAKE ST. , After Hours: 576-2287 ||» "=~ 723-0821 taste better, - MUGGS AND SKEETER F ; S Roar Se rid egy ae ne ' ' vee a Pee ae ewe ee eae ~ o* A Ah hg ne 0h 6.2 oP e © 2 4 © © & & be nD DS bee oe os ~ Lh eta" & ie " o as

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