2 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 29, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE ® Eisenhower Approves Hot Vietnam Pursuit NEW YORK (AP) -- Former president Dwight D. Eisenhower ' said Tuesday night he would ap- prove of invading the demilitar- ized zone in Vietnam and of en- gaging in "hot pursuit" of Com- munist ground forces into Laos and Cambodia and by air even into China. Eisenhower said he believes in hot pursuit by both ground and air forces, and he discount- ed the possibility of major inter- vention by the Soviet Union or China. He said another 100,000 men should be sent to Vietnam "'to just clean this thing up more quickly." Malaysia Mobilizes KUALA LUMPUR (CP) The Malaysian government mobilized civil defence groups) today as reports came in of} more communal violence be tween Malays and Chinese in| northwest Malaysia. | MONTREAL (CP) -- Revenue Minister E, J. Benson has promised federal government tax reforms that will be based . to a large extent on recommen- | Accused of Spying |dations of the Carter royal com- | 'TOKYO (Reuters) -- A Japa-| mission on taxation. jnese foreign. ministry official) The minister told the 20th con- has been arrested and accused/ference of the Canadian Tax jof passing government docu-| Foundation Tuesday night the | ments to a North Korean agent, "next stage will be for the gov- {it was announced today. |ernment to make public a white jnamed the official as Singo Ya- |mamoto, 37. | | He worked in the East re pean affairs section of the Euro-| jpean and Oceanic affairs bu-} I 2 |reau, the spokesman said, | | Police said Yamamoto was R { d |dismissed by the foreign minis e use try Nov. 10. He was detained : jand questions, with a North snpibkearer Anas Wiha orea ; yon, 37. Ki eseias cians gs Won, 3 turned down a request by the Angry Wine Growers {city's Board of Trade for a re- | CARCASSONNE Weeace view of justice and of the police \(AP) -- Angry wine growers|dePattment. At the same time | blocked highway and rail trafficiM@, reprimanded the board for in a wide area of southern tale socast Seas sae Mare ice hid | France today to protest against aed limports of Algerian wine. The board Tuesday released, _ The vineyard keepers organ- poang Meg y Daan gate ized the one-day action, claim-|°"c® Detween Mr. Wis art an GEN, EISENHOWER The government claims the} e+ .doubts major intervention cued were Commu-| ling that the government deci-|the tag ge bry bet attor- i orn ta 3 sik sion to import cheap Algerian|"&Y-8eneral questione acted Deputy Prime Minister Tun Orillia Storm wine would undercut them com.|°¢vity of the request. Abdul Razak said the civilians) OpyitzJA (CP) -- The worst|petitively. Mr. Wishart said he had spo- would be deployed along coastal| November storm in 15 years has| The government has made|ken with many sources in the toned to free police and. army] (romped 10 inches of snow onjagreements with Algeria to ac-a%ea and found ee ae i *) Ori 8 i i vi xcept that the police depart- troops to quell new rioting in | Oillia and up to 18 inches in|cept its wine and hopes thus to|¢X°eP P Pi | A foreign ministry spokesman) paper which will set out the . White Paper On Tax Soon general outlines" of its propos- als for tax reforms. He spoke before about 1,000 delegates from across Canada as they wound up the second day of their three-day confer- ence called especially to study sion, headed by Kenneth Carter of Toronto. The commission's report was tabled in the Com- mons Jast February. Mr. Benson said the federal government will give 'careful consideration" to a major rec- ommendation of the Carter re- port which calls for the es- tablishment of a board of reve- nue commissioners to adminis- ter all federal taxes. Its function would include the holding of formal public hear- ings on tax problems, tax ad- ministration and proposed tions, The minister said he could give no more details immedi- ately on the government's plan for tax reforms. "However, I think that I can say two things to you. The first is that we will not be accepting all the proposals of the royal commission. . . , The second is that after reform the Canadian tax system is almost certain to be closer to the system pro- posed by the royal commission than it is now." the interior. |French goods, including grains|™modations. He said he found Crown Attor- ney Peter Gloin "one of the |most effective and respected members of the legal profes- sion, operating with complete |night. . | High winds and snow squalls}and manufactured goods such Withdrawal Defeated were reported in the Georgian| a oll pipelines, CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) --|Bay and Muskoka areas during) A resolution urging 'the prompt/the same period. More snow returnof American soldiers|and winds up to $0 miles an Blenheim Fire BLENHEIM, Ont. (CP) -- A from Vietnam" was defeated by|hour were expected to continue | ¢j ; a lintegrity, objectivity and inde- Cambridge voters, 17,742 to 11,-| today in these regions. ere eee 08 ev otat pendence." 349. Both critics and backers of! lmniles sbuthwest of Chathani| The board of trade asked for the inquiry shortly after the ap- pearance in.court of persons \charged with being involved in the Johnson administration's| policy on Vietnam said they! 2 were encouraged by the vote. LONDON (AP) Britain Britain Frees Aden |Tuesday night destroyed two buildings and extensively dam- joutlying areas since Mondayljencourage Algerian imports of ment lacked adequate accom-| LOOKING FOR A COMFORTABLE QUIET RENDEZVOUS DOWNTOWN? THEN GO TO THE Taily-He Room Hotel Lancaster 27 KING ST. WEST | In Washington, John Bailey,| signed an agreement in Geneva|28°d two others in the main ce ; " /; business section. Democratic National Committee|today ending 128 years of colo- eh ee chairman, described the vote as|nial rule in Aden, but there'll be|_, Three hours after the fire "a * no roval festivities when the|Started in a department store,| 'an encouraging endorsement 'oy a damage to buildings and goods} a Hallowe'en night street brawl. BILLY GRAHAM ILL | WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, oie meses Segoe voll ir tne in Aden at midnight 25 estimated by a fire depart-/W.Va. (AP) -- Evangelist Billy . tonight. |ment official at more than|Graham was ordered to bed Qahtan Al Ashaabi, leader of | $490,000, and the fire burned on| Monday by a doctor after x-rays HERE AND THERE the National Liberation Front|!ate into the night after inade-|revealed Dr. Graham is suffer- which is taking over the 112,000 | quate water supplies were ex-|ing from pneumonia, a Green- ART GALLERY | square miles of scorching sand) °#¥S ed. es |brier hotel spokesman said. | vee "Canadian Paintings of the|in South Arabia, and a British 30's", including works by the|\delegation headed by Lord Group of Seven, are being|Shackleton came to terms after shown at the Art Gallery of|a gruelling 18-hour session that Oshawa. Reproductions of fa-|lasted all night. mous paintings by the Group Assembly Chaos of Seven.are also being shown. The exhibition will be on show) CALCUTTA (Reuters) -- The|f West Bengal state Assembly at the gallery at 714 Simcoe &t.| : |broke up in chaos today after 8. until Dec. 26 $1,000 DAMAGE | the speaker refused to recognize A car left the road and caus-|& new government. ed $500 worth of damage to the} Scuffles broke out in the as- veranda of 143 Centre St. Osh-|sembly, and in the streets out- awa Monday evening. There|side, police with clubs charged was also $500 worth of damage|crowds of demonstrators--injur- | ; to the car. The driver was laterjing at least two persons--and/ fired tear gas shells to disperse! # eas mob. . The QUALITY name to look for when buying GINGER ALE charged at the police station. STOLEN CAR WHITBY - Police are look- ' ing for a balf-ton truck stolen|| Don't Forget on wrence Street Saturday night around 8 p.m. Emmanuel WE CHARGE Farrugia, 757 Euclid Ave., To- ] ronto, told police he parked the! : truck with the keys in it be- 0%, cause it had to be moved often| 0 TO SELL YOUR HOUSE because of paving operations on $O LIST WITH 6t. Lawrence Street. The truck is a 1965 GMC half-ton. It is CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 723-5221 In handy cans too light blue, has a cracked wind-| shield, and has the sign "'Broad-| loom Industries" on the door) along with a picture of a girl holding a phone. The licence number is unknown. i GLECOFF' SUPERMARKET WEEKEND SPECIALS THURS., FRI., SAT., NOV. 30, DEC. 1, 2 174 RITSON RD. S. OSHAWA 725-3445 Free Porking at Rear of Building TANGELLOS 3.1.00 TOMATOES «=. «. 19° APPLES como 5 us 39° PRIME RIB sto u. 79° NESTLES --- SAVE 12c Plus 6-ozs. FREE QUICK 2 ws. 85¢ BREAD 9 1.00 SAVE 44¢ -- 10-0z. Maxwell House Instant Coffee 1.45 French Fries 5» 1.00 10-oz. Aylmer TOMATO or VEGETABLE SOUP 8 TINS 1.00 CASE OF 24's --- Mason Canned 1.89 Lucas Arthur Tray Pack | SAUSAGE i. 49¢ BACON sitsateie us. 69° MODESS am». 43° Reg. 99c -- Lady Patricia HAIR SPRAY uw 66° Viva Reg. 69¢ -- Colgate Paper Towels 2>- 49* ||| TOOTHPASTE BUTTER SHOP AT GLECOFF'S EVERY WEEK AND SAVE $$$ the proposals of the commis- : WEATHER FORECAST ". TORONTO (CP) -- Official forecasts issued at 5:30 A.M. today. Synopsis: Some sunshine is expected in most regions of the province and winds should de- crease during the day. There will be snowflurries across jnorthern areas and the squall lactivity to the lee of the lakes should diminish this morning. A new storm taking shape in southwestern states should reach the Great Lakes 'Thurs- day. Snow associated with the storm will likely cover the southern half of the province | Thursday, London, Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, southern Lake Huron regions: Mainly. sunny and not quite so cold, clouding changes to the laws and regula- over toward evening. Cloudy | |with occasional snow tonight and Thursday. Winds' westerly 15, becoming easterly 15 to 20 tonight. Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara, Lake Ontario regions: Mainly sunny and not quite so cold clouding over tonight. Occasion- jal snow beginning: late tonight jand continuing Thursday. Winds Clouding Over Tonight | Some Snow, Thursday -- in the cold. Win easterly 15 Thursday. Forecast Temperatures Windsor ..+++0++++ 25 Kitchener ... Mount Forest ....- sunny, clouding over|Wingham . noon and not quite so|Hamilton"....+« ds westerly 15 today,|St, Catharines .... 35 35 32 32 30 . - 9. ae |) Bi 25 32 TorontO .+.++seeeee 25 32 Peterborough ..... 15 30 Kingston ...+0%-. 15 30 Trenton ..ccssseees 20 32 Killaloe .eescsseeeee 5 28 {Muskoka ..+sse000. 10 = 25 | North Bay serene 5 20 westerly 15 to 20 today, easterly 15 to 20 Thursday. | North Bay, Sudbury, northern Lake Huron, Georgian Bay, Hal- iburton, Algoma regions: Varia-| ble cloudiness with a few snow-| flurries today. Mainly cloudy with occasional snow Thursday. Not quite so cold. Winds wester- ly 15 to 20 today, easterly 15) Thursday. | Timagami, White River, Cochrane, western James Bay regions: Variable cloudiness} with a few snowflurries today. Mainly clear and cold tonight. | | 1 | GUARANTY TRUST CO. All Types of Homes Needed YING OR SELLING BU FINANCING ARRANGED When you list wtih GUARANTY Real Estate Dept. ine 728-1653 a FUEL OIL (AUTOMATIC, WEATHER CONTROLLED DELIVERY gy 40 years experience--budget plan McLAUGHLIN 110 King W., Oshawa | aE E oe | | 4 1: | COAL AND a SUPPLIES LTD. Py 723-3481 "We are profiteering out of the agony in Viet Nom." --Reverend J, R. Hord. "We are mpking millions out of Viet Nom," --Reverend J, R. Hord "We (Canadians) hide behind a cloak of neutrality while mak- ing money -- blood money -- out of the orphans, the cirppled and the devastated lands of Viet Nam." --Reverend J. R. Hord. Reverend Ray Hord Secretary of the Board of Evangelism and Social Service of THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA. will speak in Oshawa TOMORROW November 30, at 7:30 P.M. McLaughlin Public Library Auditorium PLEASE COME AND BE ONE OF CANADA'S LEADING CLERGYMEN HAS TO SAY ON THIS VITAL MORAL ISSUE. et the INFORMED WHAT FRESH SLICED HAM Maple Leaf Brand. Quality Mild & SPROULE'S... Fresh Picnic Style Shoulder ROAST of PORK 39: COOKED WIENERS 3 BUTT PORK CHOPS RINDLESS BACON 1-LB. PKG. Sweet 1-18. xe, 69° Choice, By the Piece... 2 to 3 Ibs, «1.00 SALMON 69° BAG me LB. u. 09° @ FREEZER FEATURES ®@ SPROULE'S Beef is Red Brand Beef. Canada's Finest Grade to essure Quality -- Flavor and NATURAL Tenderness. RED BRAND Hind Quarters AV. 130 uw 69° POPULAR ECONOMICAL WEIGHTS BREAD Kellogg's... . BUY ONE... FREE! FREE! FREE! BUY ONE GET ONE FREE Super Save Quality -- 25¢ Value FULL 24-02. LOAF : White--Brown--Cracked Wheat FREE! FREE! FREE! -- 1.58 Value GET ONE FREE INSTANT BREAKFAST 2..: 79° -- Nestles 98¢ Value QUICK SHAKE 2 ron 4Q* 19° FREE! FREE! FREE! Humpty Dumpty Fresh . . . POTATO CHIPS FREE ! -- Ris'n' Shine ORANGE CRYSTALS 3.89 FREE! FREE! Sunspun Quality -- 29¢ Value ICE CREAM BRICKS Assorted Flavors -- 58e Value BUY ONE GET ONE FREE BUY TWO GET ONE FREE RED BRAND Front Quarters AV. 135 52° LB. 19° 20 29° @ BAKERY FEATURES » Delivered Daily Directly from LOCAL DAIRY COUNTRY FRESH. GRADE "A" LARGE e STORE HOURS: SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE orner'or KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA EGGS 2: 89 @ BAKING TIME @ Sire be dae ten olay Save On Fresh Milk At Sproule's ana. 6B Ee. Ste MM B14] | HAMBURG BUNS nic Gye Ege PURE RICE FLOUR. For oa 49° y] ia 49 6 l 67 58 Shortbread cee cate gn Serene PLUS DEPOSIT Ce ee ES 26 PITTED DATES 6 Reg. 45¢ Value. Vachons s tl i aT 6 Swiss ROLLS YOGURT EGG NOG QT. Bi CRUST ....... ai 10 Pkg 29° pan 27° i. 67° Heinz Strained Large Size Tall Tins NFANT FOOD 8 ,.,s89° GARBAGE BAGS 10,.,59° CARNATION MILK 2 ror 33° riRST Seve 17e. Del Monte ¢ 48-02. GRADE BUTTER Le. 65: ORANGE DRINK TINS 1.00 FRENCH FRIES 5 FRUIT BASKETS Attractive Fruit Baskets Made up forall Occasions @ AMPLE OFF STREET PARKING e@ Open TONIGHT -- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Night 'til 10 o'clock. LB. BAG 1.00 fin TODAY'S LES ZONEY ROD A Should the city get tough with firms that are causing air pollution in Oshawa? The Times asked six persons this question. Don Redman, 419 Karen Ct.: "It's not very bad here. I come from Niagara Falls where it is a lot worse. I can't even notice it here. I don't think Oshawa has a serious problem of air pollu- tion." Rod MacLeod, 150 Divi- sion St.: 'Yes, I think so. perry emma AMMEN ieHMPGNIMRONR AHN English - To Be Re TORONTO (CP) -- Premie Daniel Johnson of Quebec sai Tuesday he is convinced tha even a separated Quebec woul continue to respect the rights o the province's English-speakin, minority. Mr. Johnson made the com Robichaud | At De Gaulle TORONTO (CP) -- Premie Louis Robichaud of New Bruns wick, in an impassioned speec! to the Confederation of Tomor row Conference, Tuesda) praised Quebec Premier Danie Johnson as a "'real Canadian' and lashed out at the activitie: of French Premier de Gaull and the Estates General of Can ada. : Mr. Robichaud said a speect Premier Johnson made to th conference earlier in the day showed "that he wanted Quebec to remain in Confederation." "It seems to me that toc many of us do not recognize the probl Premier Joh ha: to face in his own province," he said. "He was putting his hand o1 the block when he said what h did." Mr. Robichaud said the Que bec premier had said in effec that he was a Canadian anc proud of it, and suggested the Bank Bandit Sentenced TORONTO (CP) -- Roy Hill grove, 21, of Waterloo was sen tenced Tuesday to four years ir prison after pleading guilty to : bank robbery in which a telle was threatened with acid. Richard Robert McCochen, 18 of Toronto was sentenced t three years after pleadin;: guilty. The two were charge after a Nov. 1 robbery when } girl teller was passed a not reading 'Give us your money 0 we'll throw acid in your face." One man carried 2 bottl which later was found to bi empty. A charge of conspirin: to rob another bank was witl drawn against the two men. REACH 200,000,000 The United States populatioi is almost exactly 200,000,000. Lean Tender--Blade. Be BLADE oe Lean Rolled-Beef Pot Roast Lean - Tender Short Rib Shoulder ROAST Leon Meaty 6th end 7th Rib Prime Rib