Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Nov 1967, p. 28

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30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 29, 1967 BIRTHS BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE and Fiot Deoler Specializing In Volkeswagen Condition. Telephone TR | %4 FORD Anglia, good condition, new! brakes, $450 or best offer, Telephone 725- 5716. 7% AUSTIN SPRITE A-1 condition. Mech- snow tires, push button radio. Telephone O $ ) * 0 728-0476, evenings only 31--Compect Cars for Sale|38--Coming Events Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South enically sound, body excellent. Reason- able. Telephone 725-4149 after 5 p.m 1964 VIVA, 900d condition, best offer. JACKPOTS Biot oft ets 52 and 54 ZOLTAN AND NICKS |G eine seaa" _|Monster 1962 ACADIAN, four cylinder. Excellent jose VOLKSWAGEN, bive, 21,000 miles, 0 to & miles to 9 p.m %@ CORVAIR, sutome' ceptionaily good RE eS NE : 19 MORRIS Oxford, $200 or bes! offer. in A aa or dane Good condition. Needs body work. Tele Phone 263-8867, es 1964 VOLKSWAGEN 1500 station wagon Excellent tires, motor recently, rebuilt. Telephone 668-6565. No dealer: %% SUNBEAM TIGER, British racing $25 consolation prize $10 per line both Green. Telephone 723-1840. games 32--Trucks for Sale $150 jackpot 461 JEEP, four-wheel drive, new over-| $20 per line sized tires, jock off hubs, winch, power) takeoH unit, radio and cab, Telephone! $50 full card 723-784) after 4. | 7958 CHEVROLET, 'ston, A-1 shape body and mechanically, new tires, radio, gmail camper box. Telephone 243-2150. & INTERNATIONAL 1 ton truck $250 or best offer, telephone 576-0317. nas a 1960 CHEVROLET E! Camino, asking) $650. Telephone 728-6579. 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED. | Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to 'Ted' Talk 'Cash' to the New Car Dealer and 'Save' TED CAMPIN MOTORS -- | 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. Cars| bought, parts for sale. Iron and metais; bought. 8% Bloor Street East. 725-231), _| WANTED, cars and trucks for wrecking. | $800 regular games $20 per game $40 in 17 nos. or less $150 special games $50 door prizes Early Bird Gomes at 745 p.m. Admission $1.00 Every Thursday RED BARN Buses leaving four corners at Ro cere fe eure bes) gree pul) 7:00 pm. and 7:30 om. rhode EO Acie | Children under 16 not admit- 34--Automobile Repair | ,,, AUTOMATIC ei teeta 5G patos TRANSMISSION CENTRE BINGO 1038 Simcoe St. N Transmissions are Our Only | 728-7339 | } | Business -- Repairs, Adjust- | Guaranteed | NOVEMBER FRED STONE | | Brooklin -- 8&6 Queen St. E | SPECIAL | Automotive Machine Shop EERO OheRet On Nero itaee RSTO Gag REBUILT ENGINES | pare TWO JACKPOTS | THOUSANDS read Times Action Classi. BOTH MUST GO | fied ads daily. 35--Lost and Found | $500 IN 50 NOS. OR LESS LOST -- Sunday, Orono, spayed female $200 white and black German Shepherd Answers to Polko. Reward. Telephone 983-5709, IN 51 NOS. OR MORE $10 PER LINE BOTH GAMES $175 jockpt game $20 per line plus $75 first full card, also $500 In 50 NOS. OR LESS 29 regular games poy double in 17 Nos. or less consent. | Five $30 Gomes Signed, Allan Traynor | Early Bird Game 7:45 | Pe | ments, Exchanges. All work | | JAYCEES | | | | | LOST -- Amalie cat, part Persien, Oran In olor. Lost Friday night.) Giidi and Guelph erea. Reward. Tele-| phone 725-2760. | LOST. Ledy's white gold watch, vicinity ef Oshawa Shopping Centre on Tuesday. Keepsake. Telephone 942-6406 LOST -- Young female cat, spayed, Smokey grey color with white paws in front. Elderiy couple's pet. Answers to Smokey. Telephone 723-9675, 36--Legal 1, ALLAN CHARLES TRAYNOR, of 2) Elena Street, Oshawa, will not be re. @ponsible for any debts contracted in my mame by anyone on or after this date, November 28, 1947, without my written 37--Auction Sales | ADMISSION $1.00 Saturday, December 2nd | $100 in DOOR PRIZES Thurs., Nov. 30th at the Auction Sale | | | Of Some Farm Implements, | Household Furniture and An- 101 Junior M.H. Troe tiques | . a toMawesori serene | JUbilee Pavilion ower, other items 9 scat hes ine ig | BUSSES LEAVING beds, dressers, quilts, blonk- | FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 ets towe and 7:15 P.M. ond returning ofter Bingo Square Grond | toblecloths | Heintzman | | i Piano e love seat suite, ove d chair, antique Children under 16 not admitted platform rocker, 2 churns, but Ta ter bowls and prints, hond lomo hy | LIONS BINGO Pp, antique | TO-NIGHT Many other The property of the mon Ray, Lot 21-22 Mariposa. Twp., 2 KINSMEN miles eost of Little Britain Early Bird Game 7:45 and 2 miles south, No Reserve Terms Cosh | JACKPOT 52 and 58 ONE MUST GO Bus leaving King ond Simcoe | Sts. 7 and 7:15 p.m | Every Wednesday Jubilee Pavilion | All proceeds to charity | See Tuesdoy Ad PLAN-TO-ATTEND SPECIAL BINGO Machine Sale at 1:00 P.M, Furniture Sale at 1:30 p.m. Carl Hickson, At Reaboro, Ont. l.indsoa IRTE Holl, 33 Hall Si Nov. 30° ot 7 P.M.: chest of dfowers, chaise lounge, sewing machine, beds, -- | AUCTION SALE at ST VANTS Auctio Thursd electric range, chesterfield e, television, buffet, al | DEC. 20th windows, end table, chr | Drow for 25, 14-15 Ib. tur- suite, high choir, electric iron Bae er, many other orticles too pumerous to mention. Terms ict SPI cea aaa upays Albert St. United Chureh Cow: 725-3039 U presents on ai 4 = : Old Fashioned e | lersiqned auctioneer will sell by PUBLIC AUCTION CHRISTMAS TEA for Mrs, Maude Kerslake, 34 and Concession Street West, Bow- HOME BAKING SALE manville, on SATURDAY, De yaa cember 2, beginning ot 10:30 THURS., NOV. 30 oll her household effects, in ot 2:30 P.M. cosh. Myles King, auctioneer, | | -} cluding furniture, some on TICKETS 50¢ tiques, dishes, and a set of SEEN re CER clic tant ee hand pointed china and cook- | SOCIAL BINGO ing utensils. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. ST. JOHN'S HALL Corner Simcoe & Bloor WED., NOV. 29 BPM ackage ~-- Lunch served, everyone welcomed FLORIDA TOUR HARMAN PARK dance, December 2. $246. American -- Lig Png Also New Year's tick- 14-dey GUIDED tour, ------ -------- | commo 6n | BAZAAR et St. Stephens' United Church. All Accommodations lcorner of Simene North - Taunton Road, 38--Coming - Events COLONY TOURS 2 14 Meals: Included: | Thursday Novemberg30,8 p.m. COLONY TOUR WANT-ADS DON'T OSHAWA 576-0246 | COST -- THEY PAY iieisss<e; Common Assault Charge ' Sends Man To Mimico GRAVELLE--Roger and Angela (nee Tredwel!) Proud fo announce the birth of @ son, Adrian Roger, 7 pounds, GM Basketball | MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28 . Resumes Action FIRST RACE -- Mile Trot, Purse $800. Conditioned. 5-Pat's L'ning, Geisel Jr. 3.90 3.00 2.4 Regular schedule play in the|4Belmont Bein apa an Se b = >| 1-Armbro Echo, i 3 & nie General Motors Employees'| Also Started: Virgne's Gypsy, John Basketball League resumes baad ped elf belting Robin Melody end Wednesday, after @ bro-meek SECOND RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse delay, with Cost Accounting) ¢, oo. conditioned. meeting Engineering at 6:30)2-Siktar Direct, Davies 3.10 250 2.40 ewe General Hospital. A sister tor Wen. dy. Special thanks to Dr. Mcliveen, j Mite Dixon and attending nurses. on Friday, Nowember 24 967, an ua;;| BOWMANVILLE --. Convict-/POSSESSION Jed, leaving evidence behind. p.m, at the Oshawa General Hospital, ed by Magistrate R. B. Baxter.) A Peterborough man was fin-|James Burgess, 103 Elgin Street, here Tuesday, on a charge ofjed $25 and costs or five days|was fined $50 and costs, or sev-| Ch ay : 5 Hs | ; i Bickey, Rae pronase eee nee common assault, Neil Josephiwhen he was: convicted for il-'en days, this being a second) |the birth of their daughter, Ingrid Marie, McLean, 8 West Beach, Bow-|legal possession of liquor. How- offense, Harold Gibner, 63 King) on Tuesday, November 28, 1967 at 2:18/manville, was sentenced tojard Berry, Germaine St., was St. W., was fined $25 and costs,| p.m. at Oshawa Genera! Hospital, weight) § P a ised by li vt k "Ba * 6 ibs. 9 ounces. A sister for Patricia. three months in reformatory surprise y police when park- or five days. Second granddaughter for jr and Mrs. with the recommendation thatjed in a car on the shoulder of Mii Se a Te ee ene hand he be sent to the Mimico Re-|Highway 7A with several mem-/NO LIC ENCE eS thanks to Dr, Miller and 4th floor staff formation Centre. bers of the Satan's Choice Mot-| Driving aout a RR Ove eeatins The charge arose out of anjorcycle Club. Two bottles of|James Edward Symes, 17, | altercation between the accused|Whisky were found in the car.|3, Newcastle, $10 and costs, or) two days. He admitted that he} and another man. Both men. UNDER AGE had never had one, although he) had been drinking and both) Drinking under age brought) had been driving for some time.| HENNIG DEATHS valk re 4 shen (fines for two Bowmanville teen- | were covered with blood when) oo. Five youths. were ob-(CARELESS DRIVING BUTLER, Leo Thomas police arrived. The accused had) oiveq behind a garage after) Careless driving cost Daniel] to be taken to hospital for re-/midnight. Two of them scaled Leveque, RR 2, Bowmanville, In Oshawa General Hospital on Monday. ; |November 27, 1967, Leo Thomas Butler, pairs, | beloved husband of Marion Rorabeck and jdear father of Mrs. Dennis Brown (San-| dra) and Richard Allan Butler, both of} Oshawa, John Thomas Butler of Dart-| . mouth, Nova Scotia and step-father of} Douglas Lioyd Adair of Summerside, a @al- ecelves |P.E.1., brother of Wallace Butler of Osh-| awa, in his Séth year, Resting ay \Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral Home, 15? ei | Street East. Service in the chapel| on Thursday, November 30, at 2? p.m [\nterment Union Cemetery, In tieu_ of jflowers the family would aay a high board fence and escap-(costs, or seven days. His car,| lerosswise on Highway 401 in) the driving lane facing north,) was struck by another vehicle.| $25 FINES | Two high school students on ® S {thelr way from Toronto to sea caygeon ran out of gas after Two-Year Jail entence midnight at Kirby. James Snell, 17, 148 Stanley Avenue, Etobi- CHERRY, Patrick WHITBY -- An Oshawa man,!|CONVICTED ' lcoke and Stanley McBay, 18, At the Toronto General Hospital, Tues-|who had been in custody for, Convicted on a charge of driv-/38 Portland Street, Toronto, aay November m, 1967, Patrickl eight weeks before the case was ing while his ability was im- pleaded guilty to petty trespass World War, reginental" No 9537) (mem-|heard, was sentenced by Mag-|paired, George J. Redshaw, 19,\and were each fined $25 and ber of Royal Canadian Legion, Branch listrate H. M. Jermyn here Tues- of Goodwood, was fined $100 costs or five days. They left Speen Od abe ee alee, 'enciday to two years in peniten- and costs or 15 days in jail. His their car, proceeded down a father of John Cherry, Toronto, Chris-itiary on a charge of break, licence was suspended for three sideroad, over a fence, through itine (Mrs. A. Smith), Annie (Mrs J-lenter and theft. He was given/months. He admitted drinking/an orchard and into a farm- T.g McDonald), William Cherry of Ajax, 3 4 " . # o lesbher (Mrs. M. Healey), Beavertonia similar concurrent term on a four pints of beer. er's driving shed. Each had a 'sallon jug when surprised by land the late Cherry, der! cecond charge INED Ni: fs , ™ . 7 Or NG pens rereee ' A fine of $75 and costs or|the owner. The court was told Wayne A 15 days in jail was imposed London, England. Survived by 12 grand-| hild t t-grandchildren. | Resting gh he wit 18, entered the home o, Robert Safruk, 19, of King)/PAY PROBLEM Funeral Home, No. 2 Highway, Picker-|oe are Florence Johnston dur- iid) nad eo rept uteogs . City, who pleaded guilty to a} The magistrate |donations to the heart fund Resting at The William ©. Sherrin}Bosley, ing Township (just east of Harwood h Atak ruled in fa- Ave. N., Alax) from 7 p.m. Wednesday jing the summer and took @P- charge of having liquor while|vor of Otto Reincke who brought Service in the chapel, Friday, December | pray , $7 i j n ght} 1 at I p.m, Interment Erskine Cemetery. proximately $7 he found on &| under the legal age. Provincial/action against Siegfried Ulric,} Dunbarton. Donations to Gideon Bibles|kitchen table. The accused en- police, who checked his car in,RR 3, Bowmanville, under the Will be appreciated. HAMILTON, Ofis Oliver After a lengthy illness at the todae Nursing Home, Newcastle, on Tuesda November 28, 1967, Otis Hamilton, late of Port Perry, in his 77th year. Resting at the Chapel of McDermott-Panabaker _ Port Perry, for service on Thursday, at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. . ie 7 1-Tip Cee Chief, Cochrane 60 p.m., Sales taking on GMI tar Grattan, Varcoe 3.50 Alumni at 7:45 p.m., and Ac-) Also Started: Mr. Goldfigure, Free 5: , ing, Di Bee Volaw, J. C. Day counts -- Payable . supplying the pedir! sl Get opposition for Data Processing paicy DOUBLE, 5 AND 2, PAID $6.10. at 9:00 p.m. THIRD RACE -- Mile Trot. Purse + i Jaiming. Don Calder is the leading Lica gga ie Lie ae scorer after three games with 6Foul Ball, Curran 5.60 An 64, followed by John Smithson gah yer FT etor Pick, Speedy 51 and Roy Clarke 50. Calder song, Red Valley, Sadie's Mac and Fleet also holds high individual game Song. ise is bi Pore i i FOURTH -- Mile Pace. Purs with 29 points. sae Cloiming Sales and Accounts Payable 3-sam's Sem. Crowe hd 410 300 share first place with six Feet cle, weiwood veal points each while Data Pro-| also Started: Leo Law, Pious Pick, cessing, GMI Alumni and Engi- fei Teall Northwood Edward and Key neering follow with two each. : : i! j RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse Cost Accounting has yet to re-| goof cytginonee, ? cord a victory. S.N'worthy Pick, Hie Here's where to find gifts for CHRISTMAS 17.00 10.10 6.60 Mass sisisiaiwiziae 1-Meadow Duzer, Curran 3-Cashman, Crowe ' Also Started: Kelly Mac Hal, Parker Z., Meadow Duzer, Uncle Ben's Girl and Pearl Attorney. | SIXTH RACE -- Mile Trot. Purse $800. Claiming. |2-Vital Victory, R'son 9.90 3.60 2.80 |4Danny K. Peters, Beitlich 7.10 4.50 |3-Hava Julep, Wellwood 6.30 | Alse Started: Legal Prince, Lord Dean, Heathcliffe, and Chuckmor. EXACTOR, 2 AND 4, PAID $51.10, 14.60 10.20 4.80 SEVENTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse $900. Claiming 8-Unique Richd, W"dell 47:10 12.20 5.90 |1-Wee Governor, C'bell 5.20 3.40 5-Tuffy Tee, Waples Also Started: Wynsor, Uncle Spud, Edgewood Wally, Henry's Allen and Riverdale Jennifer. EIGHTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse $1,000. Conditioned. 3-Muddy John, Hayes 13.90 7.20 3.30 7-Gun Wave, Feagan 5.60 2. 4-Peter W. Grattan, Coke 2.60 Also Started: Stoney Burke, Brave Ezra, Pat Suitan and Hawkeye Time, NINTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse $1,000, Claiming, l-Little Cherry, Foley 8.10 3.90 2.90 4.70 2.80 2-Night Rocket, Gemmill 4-Sparky Express, Coke 2.80 Also Started: Lucky Pat, K.W.R» Northwood Elvis, and Dan Carey. Handie $191,104. tendance 2,791. everyone... « GIFT SPOTTER rie another age and gn : the Uxbridge area, found 1114'Master and Servants Act, The Smaler Bmouny en come Ove ininte of mle ie the 'venlcle, complainant went to work for a Gifts for the Home Gifts for Everyone tickets. He ere seen it REMANDED the defendent during the sum-| tempting to sell the tickets. Charged with breaking and mer, while no specific hourly entering a Jack Fraser store/rate of pay was mentioned, ABILITY IMPAIRED on Markham Road and stealing Peincke inferred he would be Pleading guilty to a charge 40 suits, 16 raincoats, 25 shirts|/paid $2 an hour for 275 hours | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE of driving while his ability was and a number of articles ofjhe worked. During the summer impaired, Anthony J. Shevlin, hoy's wear, and the Eastside he was paid in cash on several an out - patient of the Lake- Television Shop, Brimley Road, occasions but refused the final] shore Psychiatric Hospital, Tor- Toronto, where a television set payment of $72.76 because it] onto, was fined $200 and costs\and tape recorder were taken,'meant his total pay had been} or 20 days, and had his driver's Robert Strickland was remand-|based| on a rate of $1.50 per) licence suspended for 12 months..ed in custody to Dec. 5. hour | STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD Authorized Deolers ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS 318 Dundas St. E., 668-3552 GIFTS YOU'LL ADORE ON EVERY FLOOR 1276 Shades to.:Choose From' Visit our new showroom for complete decorating service Carpeting for the living room, bedrooms ond halls. A gift your whole family will enpoy. FREE ESTIMATES AND EXPERT INSTALLATION. ANGUS-GRAYDON 428 KING ST. W. 728-6254 CHRISTMAS... Is the Time To Give The Finest @ Pierced Earrings @ Watches @ Diamond Rings * @ Stone Rings And Many More» Beautiful GIFT IDEAS from GALBRAITH JEWELLERS AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA AJAX -- 942-0407 FLOWERS 'Hawks Basketball Opens; by Locke's ; : 728-6555 | Two Victories Already | Oshawa Hawks basketball|George Vandecur, 6' 7" tall, club opens its 1967-68 home|from Ottawa University, has schedule Thursday evening at\impressed with his speed and the Donevan Collegiate gym.|ball.control and is giving fiery |The re-organized Hawks,;-under|Tom Olinyk a real run for the new manager John Gradish;}starting job. | are playing in the Metro To-| The guard positions are well ronto Basketball League, along|taken care of, due mainly to with Central 'Y', last/the presence of Bob Booth, the year's All-Ontario Intermediate| perennial leader in this area. Champs, Scarborough Grads, AS apelcome a@daiiGn 4a th Toronto "Westsiders" (former club ik doenier Waterion, a ly Andy's AC), and Oakwood Gary Cuff, who joins another! Grads. Waterloo alumnus, Mike Brous- Hawks opened their schedule) snot |S@au, in adding valuable exper- last week in Toronto against | i once th the dub, | IN MEMORIAM | TOMLINSON -- In loving memory of dear husband end father Ear! A. Tomil |son who passed eway November 28, 1958. Wonderful memories woven in gold | This is the picture we tenderly hold Deep In our hearts, his memory is ept kept. To love and cherish and never forget. |--Sadly missed and lovingly remembered |by his wife Florence and family. ~~ LASTING TRIBUTE For permanence and dignity we suggest: MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK | BRONZE MEMORIALS Oakwood Grads, winning 61-50) land followed up with an upset| [In addition to the above play |victory over the highly rated|@rs, extra strength is added by Scarborough Grads 86-80. jJim Rowden and = Marcel Led by playing-coach Aj Boivin, two excellent ball hand-| GOES TO OTTAWA Oshawa Generals an- nounced today that Peter Nevin has been sold to the For courteous advice please visit the Pork Office. 723-2633 Fleming, Hawks have a lineup|!ers, and Al Etchells, an_ag- of outstanding scorers, Flem-|8essive guard and former Don- ing has averaged better than 20/evan star. | points a game for the past two) Oshawa Hawks travel to To- seasons and is backed by sharp-|ronto Parkdale Collegiate to- shooting Arvid Stonkus , the/night to play the "Westsiders"' llightning-like speedster fromjand Thursday the high scoring McMaster and Whitby's Bill|Central 'Y' Seniors will be Jepma. {here at Donevan Collegiate Ottawa 67's of the OHA Junior 'A' league for an undisclosed amount. Nevin, who played for Oshawa two years, scored three goals and picked two assists for Generals this season. CARD OF THANKS | BONNETTA -- We wish to express our In the centre slot, newcomer! gym to do battle with Oshawa. ® beloved husband and father. We espe. Corinthian: Lodge for their lovely serv. TWO games were played in cially wish to thank the Rev, Herbert J Cy ihe dct taet"on a rmstrong Paces Chow s; ice, Armsti Funeral Home, all other okey 2 lee, Armstrong Funeral Home, all others the Duplate Hockey League on) LD bbe 2 Mrs. Myrtle Bonnetta, Dorothy and SUnday afternoon, at the Civic 1 lams rum S bia Auditorium. A GIFT CERTIFICATE FROM or TAB TV Oe € .,. the gift that keeps on giving @ 11 Channels @ Perfect Reception ®@ No Antenna OSHAWA CABLE TV 600 KING ST, E. 723-5278 ELMER'S "The Christmas Store with Gifts Galore' Got gift problems ? Drop inte Elmer's Borgain House and see the large selection of gifts for the whole family. ELMER'S 253 Bloor St. E. 728-3473 MARTY'S RECORD BAR for the "TOPS IN POPS" music to suit all tostes SPECIAL: All Four MONKEY'S Albums 35% SIMCOE NORTH 723-0731 THIS YEAR GIVE THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING! ! THE OSHAWA TIMES Phone the Circulation Dept. 723-3474 OSHAWA FLYING CLUB For the Special Person on your Christmas list, give him or her a flying gift certificate for as low as $5. @ Private and Commercial Flying Training @ Pleasure Flights Oshawa Municipal Airport Holiday Food | Entertainment 28-1626 DRUM CITY | ' ® heartfelt thanks and appreciation to rela- A t S Ve d tives, neighbors and friends for the kind. r n In ness and sympathy shown In the loss of Still Unbeat rier, Canadian Legion Branch 43 for 1 n ea en palibearers, Sunshine Lodge 222, also John. Art's Vending remained unde- when they edged Out- DISNEY Mr. and Mra. W. F. Dis ney wish to thank relatives, friends and feated, BOWMANVILLE -- Neil Arm-, Crete with his second goal of Sete ante, ane ate toatts, fora! door Supply 6-4 and Duraclean/strong fired two goals and added/the night, Albright and Van jsoth wedding anniversary on November/Carpets beat the Sports and/one assist in pacing Chow's|Derby scored in the period fot O : i Social 7-5, with the last goal| Restaurant to a 5-4 victory over| Dupont to end the second period | being evead ay ah ey et, Dupont while Wayne Bradley |5-4 for Chow's. Neither team | as S, and S. pulled their goalie,|notted two goals to lead Wil-|scored in the final stanza. | FUNERAL for an extra attacker. liam's Restaurant to a 3-1 tri-| After trailing 1-0 going into . Wodnisky was the sharp-\ymph over Foote's Towing, -in the final period, William's broke FUNERAL OF gee j |shooter for Duraclean. He scor-lan Oshawa Civic Hockeyitgnse for: three unanswered MRS. MARGUERITE } ay | HOFFMAN ed three goals and had an ad-\eague doubleheader played at) goals to take their victory over Requiem High Mass for ditional one disallowed. N./ Bowmanville Arena last night. | Foote's. Chamberlin got two goals and) ppjj Solomon, Ted Lutton and with two and Al Mrs. Marguerite (Madge) Hoff. Sea i Bradley man, who died Nov. 26, at the v0 assists. P..Mason and P.!pin Kellington were the other Mackie scored for the winners Oshawa General Hospital, in D. Camuan tices. oe goal scorers for Chow's whil n the final period while Paul her 47th year, was sung in St.|.<; P g up S-/Marcel Crete with two, Vic Al-|parkinson picked up the lone Gertrude's Roman Catholic sate Barclay had 4wocand wo bright and John Metab ee tally for the losers in the mid- Shure a ' 28 age i si $ scoring for arigs : iy ud an sa ee for the losers. W. Melnichuk, siealee Handled Hie AeOME dle stanza, 1@ Mass was sung by Rev playing one of his best games, Pp . : aunt = John Mvers Chow's took a 4-1 lead into the Resurrection Sd was had two goals and one assist. second period on an unassisted The. pallbearers. were Mich ae thi = BM ei ane effort by Solomon, Armstrong's F Theo Carey, Bob Hicks. "and|°sS! by tates on m paneing, play! | r scoring. for Arta. Venciig from Armstrong and Don Town-, P Frank Frankel, ra. Wiper: o 7 ditaabses were G. Vickers with two and cond and a marker by Kelling- Soe enone. ,: Baker two goals, ton 2 London Upsets | vsi\sna 'two assists eacny We) (rete Bicked un the lone goal) | |Kimmerley and L. Lack one|{°F, Dupont in the period. | ' . assist each. | Armstrong scored what 2 | Niagara Falls | Canada Outdoor Supply scor-|proved to be the winner at the -- cu yi) ling was well - distributed with|1:35 mark of the second period id G. O'Neil, F. Hill, T. Lyon and|before Dupont broke loose for a\three goals of their own. LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Lon- don Nationals of the Ontario {Hockey Association Junior A \league struck for two goals 114 W. Seymour each scoring goal._G. Yanch set up two goals} and R. Pilon one. | ? De | minutes apart midway through Team standings are Art's Ven- ee | the sacied etlon * le 4 11 ding, 8; Duraclean, 6; Sports| ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) --! ldead ; and Social, 4; and Canada Out-| General manager Punch Imlach deadlock and set the stage for a door Supply is in the cellar,| ee ; Be ee victory over Niagara without a point. "of the National Hockey League's | 2 ee ae ' | J. Aldred, of Art's Vending,,TOronto Maple Leafs said fenceman Don Culvert ang Gleq|S leading goalie with a 2.50/Thursday he Is trying to make a ih prods 1" \ goals against average. ideal with Rochester Americans , |Shirton started London on its tel | way to its sixth home victory in| __ Pee : jof the American League for left BIG DEFENCEMAN {10 games.- London tied one CHAMPION NAMED |winger Jean-Paul Parise. Pa- John Chasczewski is one | other, | NEW YORK (AP) -- Fort/nise 26, who played one game| Of the talented Oshawa Fire- e A power-play goal by Darryl Marcy, winner of the Washing-| th the Maple Task eaniee fighters who will face Ot- Sittler midway through the firstjton, D.C., International, was). ¢ tawa in a benefit hockey period gave London a 1-0 lead.|named Tuesday by the Thor-|this season, and centre Bryan) game for muscular dystro- Defenceman Rick Ley tied the/oughbred Racing Associations|Hextall Jr. were obtained by the} phy Friday night at the jgame at 9:45 of the second. jas the 1967 turf course cham-'Americans from Oakland Seals} Civic Auditorium. He play- Brian Murphy scored at 12)pion. The three-year-old gelding of the NHI, trade for right} ¢d for Whitby Dunlops. in seconds of the third period and beat Damascus, the Horse j paar ee ah sane Ee ah 1958-59 and under Eddie \Paul Scherer tallied with two the Year, by the head in the In-|W!"8er' Gerry Ehman. toronto, shore with the Springfield Indians of the American minutes left in the game to|ternational last Nov, 11 at Lau-/has a working agreement with) close out the London scoring. 'rel, Md. the Americans, Hockey League, TURKEYS MAKE A DATE TO CAPONS pea oe Order Now for Christmas FRANK HOAG GEORGIAN Rossland Rd. West Motor Hotel Oshawa 725-6837 @ Fine foods served in @ delightful festive atmos- phere. @ Top-flight entertainment | LIKE ARMCHAIR | SHOPPING ? | Phone 668-3311 | For details on Gift Packs reservations now | of SELECT APPLES THE GEORGIAN Champlain and Th | RED WING ORCHARDS oP 523.4693 leraten you're sure to enjoy, @ Be sure to book your Christmas ond New Year's TORONTO 250 DRUMS SET To choose from. All makes few and used. Telephone Collect 925-4434 Holiday Fun SPARKLE WITH CHRISTMAS Make your appointment now with SUZANNE HAIRSTYLING Gifts for the Home | | | "Have Yourself A Merry, Merry Christmas" elegant gifts _ for the home When you decorate your tree, dress up your home with dropes and floors from Shew- ring. by planning your HOLIDAY DINNERS and ~ PARTIES CAROUSEL INNS OSHAWA 723-5271 AJAX 942-5580 and con have a wide variety, You deserve to buy the best | choosing from: | @ CARPETS @ DRAPES @ CORLON @ TORGINOL @ CERAMICS SHEWRING BROS. LTD. FLOOR AND WALL COVERINGS 728-3980 26 GIBBONS STREET Trees and Trim CHINN'S, Park South at Hillside. Fresh cul spruce and Scotch pine, 98¢ up | Sprayed and delivered. 728-7288, 723-7088. HAA E DD HEED fo we Hair pieces sold or set. 5 JOHN ST. W. 725-4541 ENJOY THE « FESTIVE SEASON Depend on Motor City Cab For Fast, Courteous 24 HOUR SERVICE 7 27 NEED A CAR? 725-3541 Is the number to remember over the HOLIDAY SEASON UNITED TAXI 143 KING EAST OPEN BOWLING SATURDAY NIGHTS ot Motor City Bowling "When more than one, Bowling's 10 78 RICHMOND: W, 723-3212 Gifts for Her Penetrate her heart with fresh cut flowers, plants or floral arrangements. Jordon Florists 728-9443 McNam In Serie By JAMES MARLOW Associated Press News Ana WASHINGTON (AP) -- Is departure of Defence Secret Robert McNamara from post the first in a series of « matic events involving the | in Vietnam? While the White House we neither confirm nor deny \ day night that McNamara | on his way out--although of sources did confirm it--it ways should be remembe President Johnson not only a strong political sense but | a vivid dramatic one, too. It should be no surprise if | turns out to be a dramatic y Johnson and the North \ namese, out of the same se circumstances, have exactly same reason for wishing for actly opposite results in the next year. The reason is the critic piling up around Johnson for conduct of the war from all rections, including many wi his own Democratic party. cause the criticism can hat tremendous effect, it is not fetched to expect start: events in the months ahead. LOSING CONFIDENCE Johnson sees his populz and public confidence in hir a low level. Already s forces are at work within TEE PEE DRIVE-IN ALL COLOR SHOW GEORGE HAMILTON IN JACK OF DIAMONDS ALSO The Last Challenge ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BOX OFFICE OPEN 6:30 SHOW STARTS 7: TIMES: 1:30 - 3:20 5:30 - 7:25 - 9:30 tlie' Gala N Eve Pa nsore OSHAWA GENERA © Gourmet Buffet e Dancing to the | elevision, Ri FREE 4 tickets te the Janua the Oshawa Generals, New Year Eve Party. For @ wonderful evenis CAROUSEL INN. ' For reservat Herleigh Draperies, Oshawe $ Bo-Peep Restaurant and Tave Centre. Bolahood's Sportshaven, 61 Johnson's Men's Weer, 8 Sim:

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