Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Nov 1967, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 29, 1967 Dear Ann Landers: Why, oh{she will have to listen to me./ would a woman hang on to|l"ve been going with Greg for| Hasn't A Chance CHILD GUIDANCE Appreciating Gift, Child Makes By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD his creation there where it re- It's wonderful when children,| mained for several months. especially of elementary*school| In many a home there arises \|age, make one or more gifts for| the problem of finding appropri- their loved ones, especially their/ate space for the many things a parents. Some youngsters, plan-| child may create, whether these | est child of any home. In these gifts there may be immeasura- ble values; PLAN NOW ; Next in inner values to the |from his own money, including his allowance, a definite amount for one or more gifts he aims to purchase as Christmas pre- sents, _ It's hard to imagine fully the inner values to a child who Spring Underwear. To Blossom Forth By PATRICK E, O'KEEFE wear. Next spring and summer it may he the ultra-chie out- doors thing to do, Outerwear underwear has def- initely arrived, says a new line of airy lingerie shown by Form- fit-Rogers and featuring the splashy, color-swirling latest by lemon yellow pyjamas--flouncy upper, wide-bottem pants and bare midriff--and Pucei's wil- lowy sleeveless "robe" of nylon Fricos that ends just below the ips, number may be ringing door- bells itself at informal pool par- ties soon after the Pucci lines goes on the racks in March. FORMFIT TEMPTS Formfit is tempting those who like to travel light on weekends "Who needs more?" Pucci's '67 spring fingerie col- ors in apricot, lime and char- coal, with prices up to $60 for some outgoing pyjamas, begged not to be hidden under dresses buyer leaving the show. 'But then I guess we're living in a way-out world." DYE ALMONDS You can turn whole blanched almonds into bright colored why, es : creations ial gi a men who doesn't want her?|three years and I'm sick and) s\ning to make such gifts, have) cre are special gifts or|chooses to go without certain k : Greg has told me he loves me eed of waiting. Picase tell hed already begun and have been bt he made of which he is laxurieg bor himself over the|Emilie Pucci. ig ia pains Eroup of shift, Hg syne Fagen fu 3 more than anything in the|I'm right in wanting to get encouraged at school to do s0.| 3 next several weeks in order to| Ag sportswear and cocktail|%4 and bikini shorts In green : 'ood led now.--RSVP | ;|_ The mother who really eares|make such purchases, Whether i ve" |with white polkadots that comes|°®lor-water solutions. may prompt the|about her child's creation read- dress designers wow the fashion with a drawstring oe ba -------- world, He says his wife means| sctt r ? and they have| Dear R: Your story is such al lived as brother and sister for|tired one I'm almost ashamed| ars. I believe him. He|to print it. You are not only) claims if it weren't for his chil-/ wrong but stupid if you think a) nothing to him three yei / One parent | ,/child to make a gift for the' jy makes many adj ; | y adjustments re- other parent at home or atl lated thereto. Next to providing school, keeping the matter & S€-/the child with good materials cret with the ehild. | for his ereative a is pe Some teachers, especially in| tion of what he has created, for he makes or buys out of his own money some Christmas gifts, see how much more value to his inner self he can get from such than from the many gifts which may be lavished on him. The world with little things for home and office which they say must be worn without bras, the bra makers are getting ready to strike back. A girl could start out with the shift over the bra and shorts, put the shift in the tote bag on arrival and go sunning or even swimming. It's still lingerie, OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE FRUITS OF THE . iJ 2 child from making gifts for| NEW YORK (AP) -- Girls: h be described it This 'Other' Woman Stimulates His Creativeness loved ones, is his planning far/Throw away those old qualms meee is nantes toe p Rad * Some way-out things 'in ahead, beginning now, to save|about being seen in your under-| He) jn" but it's clear this sexy|there," said one little lady lO mM a dren he would have left her|talk with Greg's wife will settle| Ra years ago, even if he had not/anything. Your problem is not) |, met me. with hg ae - with pe 5 ri i letters) Dummy. Greg doesn't want to/)™ Pa ogg. ag yl tele-| Marry you--and why should he? |; grams. No response. I've called| He has everything just the way | her on the telephone and her| he wants it--the respectable fa-|/ stock answer is: "I have noth-/Cade provided by a home and children plus a side dish for en-| "It comes from the ease and comfort and freedom that's part jof the decade we're living in," says young Ann Fulton, a trim brunette fashion commentator for the Formfit showings. "Girls are not bothering wtih more than the bare essentials." Miss Fulton insists, and will be sold in the intimate apparel sec- tion, not in beachwear. Models flitted threugh .the salon in the new outerwear--un- derwear carrying signs such as: "The less the better," |the kindergarten and primary| stimulating him i trades, have class projects in| A ehild , Peg oat a ane |which children, as a part Of/much money or any at all in | their school work, create some order to ereate- lovely things gift at which they work ever 8/with his hands. When his heart long period. ; : jis wrapped around them the' Added to the creative skills 8) can be 4 sind tar aeeote aoe oie in be lovely to him because he undertaking turns his interest from getting to giving, from self to others. However young the child may be, it is possible fer him really to learn that it is more blessed to give than to receive, It is pos- RE-PRINTS 20% Discount on Orders of 5 or More Pictures Available at NU-WAY PHOTO ing to say to you, Talk to) ' ' created them i Greg." 'Then she hangs up. She/tettainment. This arrangement | "i |such a gift is the fine emotional| i a sible for him to escape at i is ot aslhan, te woman |i§ 8 lot neater and much cheap-| : pest Bo wae ak appreciable| qn Chrletrans wie for|Christmastime the prot oll very Serine: wore two-piece OSHAWA who {s clinging to the man 1/¢F for him than a divorce. ae : period, of thinking about what|can occur in ee ict being fed with selfishness. | y SERVICE love just because she doesn't) Dear Ann Landers: My hus-| PIVOTAL COAT jhe is making in relation to the! ag well as the P a shins NSW: the 10-year-old daughter, as 8} Pie Shop. 251 King St. E., Oshowe want us to be happy. Greg has|band and I have tWo good-look- jlove done for whom he is mak-/urhs. They co: mOHt 8 nent sub-| A? ERING QUESTIONS rule? HOME. MADE : told me repeatedly that he will ing sons. They are 20 and 22 WHETHER you're going |ing it; imagining how he or she thing Sig uh Ay a \ Be there is money enough} A.--The mother. But Ht) PIES & PASTRY 8x 10 -- 1,50 each marry me when the time is vears of age. Both boys have! 4, : P sill be pleared. 4 an choose to give ajonly for one member of thejusually is the daughter who) Boked On Premises Sx7 1.25 h y , wntown or around the oved one that may be within|family to visit the beauty shop|does go. If they take turns, she| 153 SIMCOE SOUTH 57 om Tae O08 goes first, | Here let me pause to relate a sad report from a certain kin-| |dergarten child when his teach-| \er was admiring the gift he was} fine jobs. They live at home, pay no room and board, drive new cars, and they dress like} the reach of the poorest or rich-|who should go, the mother or right. Ann, I want to go to her home and talk to her in person. Then world; checking out of the supermarket or some swank ----|English royalty with white) pote}, ¢ e y THE STARS SAY shirts and cuff links. The incom-| sel gol ag tige hl ot jmaking for his mother: 'But ing phone calls from the girls : sad tei 'my mother doesn't like my run me crazy. I feel like an} sreat fashion mobility. In things as much as you do." y By ESTRELLITA 'Hot-Scotch' red and green am writing to ask you to} i! wool checks, it is 7 pomoney t ic-(Please tell young, unmarried| with green Gouble <r _ yesterday's planetary restric-\neonie to save some of their] and circled high with a@ tions lift now, and Thursday | paycheck every week. My hus-| wide green belt P vlan rs should be an all-around good hang is a hard worker but We! brass. It has a new "out- day. Both business and financial | can't put away a dime on ac-| jook'" on the "in-look" in matters, if cleverly handled, | count of these boys. They keep) quplex dressing for it comes' should sueceed beyond your fon-| mooching money off us and 1/ escorted by its own all wool dest expectations, and Yyoulam getting burned up about it! double knit, body-skimming should also advance along per-|pjease, Ann, straighten them| dress that has hugging little sonal lines, Make the most of) gut. Kids listen to you--Losing! sleeves, high neck and bold SOROS SHERIENNES: |My Temper i patch pockets, Available FOR THE BIRTHDAY Dear losing: '"'As the twig is! colors are red, green, gold wering service. |BE APPRECIATIVE | When a child makes some- ithing at any time as a gift for lyou and me, let us be very jappreciative of it, however crude we suppose it is.-A cer- |tain mother, when her youngest child, then in the first grade, brought home a gift he had made for her, not only ex- pressed appreciation of it but told the child, "I'll put it any- where in the house you like." He chose a place in the living If tomorrow is your birthday, bent, so grows the tree."" Your; and plum and although it ied by her f it your horoscape promises a gen-| twigs were bent to be selfish, ir-| comes unbelted, it can be rede ae ra ae be d |responsible spenders andI can't} sashed or helted as the |Plece. Of art. adly she re- moved this piece of art and put erally. good year, although not a spectacular one. The phase of your life most generously star-| governed is the financial OO" | ee lines In the paney | with excellent chances of accu- 4 : | 4 "i mulating gains during the first By A pssgting. Bagong a we r Hey Pipe ae three weeks of next May, f: ie Real . "parv 4 said Aouad te "mid-September, | these leeches and get tough wit woes 2, igh neeh wore "Marvel Touch Ggouwy Training menue d in jate October and next|them. Insist that each boy give| ily for the auxiliary to/c0"G hairstylist' will offer you Travel and in i ) n | you 15 per cent of his salary for Grace General Hospital for 25). . . security ... . Glamour and Big November--if, during peak Pe a beset laundry -ana|vears have-been presented with Pay Opportunities too! For free bro- riods of acoumulation you don't telephone codoe' If they think |engraved silver spoons, Mrs, G.|S(%* write or visit prerepen? through sheer optim: can live cheaper else-|D- Walker, auxiliary president, MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOLS ; : | where, invite them to try it, and Col, Muriel Everett, admin-|219 pioor st. W., Toronto, Dept. OT. Job matters will not run s0| (Confidential to A Wrecked istrator of the Salvation Army|Day or evening Courses. Branches in smoothly, There will definitely) Reputation: No responsible at- Hospital, made the presentation el prnete cities. Established over 40 be periods during the year/torney would take your "case"|9t & tea. lpeng impatient at seeming because you have no case. Stop! ack of gogo or dis-!>ying all over town to track/| appointed over delays and ob-| Gown the origin of the story. All| stacles Bad the direct path of you are doing is keeping the} Disa : tig el Py! rumor alive. The best defense against gossip is to ignore it pap tay. ean cape ough and let your ------ speak| in your behalf. chances where your career is e eoncerned. This will be especial- SELLING sii eassl 1 t to remember in YOUR HOUSE ? whim moves you |pass a miracle that will trans- --By Tracy Adrian |form them into feet-on-the- ground citizens by printing a) JUST FOR GLAMOUR ? SNAPPY THE. FRUITS of the sea- son are lced and can- died for this Tiered Cran- ly tmportan I April, late May, mid-July and early September. Stick things out! Your private life should prove highly pleasant, with sentimen- tal interests governed by espe- cially generous stars in July and August; travel happily as- in August and Septem-| WE CHARGE ONLY 4% SANTA SUGGESTS For The Lady Of Your Choice "EVENING ELEGANCE" TURTL A Three-Tiere Springs From F We'd like to devote today food page to some practic: LIST NOW WITH Try our 2 pe. Silk Knits, Dresses, Blouses, Jewellery and Acces- Located in the r, and stimulating social ac-| Centre Moll near holiday food talk. We promis not to brighten your day wit |AGTION tivities promised for July, Sep-) y | the fleg pole at wT oe ee day will) CENTRAL ONT. TRUST | Bie A OS tories, Each one would make her namin LS euch stock words and phras¢ as: Festive (forebodes lon Phone 723-5221 stirring over a hot stove) Traditional (this type of reciy invariably means hard wo and low pay); Visions of Suge Plums (does the thought of te batches of candy make yot head ache too?) Then there Cozy Fireside Gatherings (fin if you're not stuck fixing few "festive" dips and "'trad tional punches). Instead, all we offer you : a substitute is the most lusc ous, beautiful fruit you wi find during the coming seaso! cranberries and the conven ence of packaged cake mixes be mentally alert, eager for ac- tion and extremely ambitious. PUBLIC NOT BUY GROCERIES AT COST PLUS 10% Save $200. to $300. every year. Pay only the chain store's cost price plus 10%. The result -- you can save on name brand foods .. . select from our 5,000 item whole- | He knows the trend Is to rugged sweaters turning turtle -- and chances are he's hoping that you do tool a V-neck Orlon® and wool pullover. Blue, sale catalogue, fresh and frozen. NEW CUSTOMERS are eligible to get the following green, brown, 8, M, L, XL. 11,95 Try this tiered cranbert FOOD ORDER AT THESE PRICES. Combed cotton detachable dicky. 98¢ spice cake made with cake ar frosting mixes and topped wi' candied cranberries. Maxwell House ¢ 3-!b, Can 6 Carnation 12-quarts ¢ COFFEE Ib. 55 CRISCO ea, 53 POWDERED MILK 59 TIERED CRANBERRY Regular Size Fi , . ' b Pure wool turtleneck pullover with an FRUIT CAKE i tion 2 C : Make 10-inch, one eigt ee eee 99 MARGARINE Ib. 12 CANNED MILK 23° "ert =y wer Tee ee tees, Sane inch aad are sizinch thong Siiesities cx Garton " 69 by lattice stitching, Assorted colors, $,M,L.XL. 3 packages (13% ounces ALL BRANDS ' 10-Ibs 59° Robin Hood ¢ 17.95 meek) 'somrsemucersisis | nee FLOUR ~* 10-tbs. 79 (9% ounces sank) ae i. Gillette Super sauce-raisin cake Pad il a ww Soh oC COG Ge Fully lined and d 1 cup chopped nuts Sindec 10's Salad Dressing 32-oz. PEANUT BUTTER 69 @ Fully lined and pocketed wool blend plald 2 cups fresh cranberries, front. Knitted back, sleeves and turtlenecked pe amt and @ ALL FOOD UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED @ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT @ 17.95 2 packages fluffy white fro: ing mix- 1 cup boiling cranberry fui: cocktail CHERRY CAKE 1% cups butter 2 cups fruit sugar or fine gra ulated 6 eggs if you require @ Freezer, Oshawa Provisioners will supply you with NO Membership FEE Men's Sportswear Red and Blue brand beef only. Free de- livery. Neme brand products. Monthly specials. Take up to six months to pay for food at no extra charge. No Down Payment. Use your own freezer, LEARN THE FACTS NO OBLIGATION Oshawa Provisioners 3% SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA eee ee same ot cost price plus 10% or we will include o freezer in the plan if you purchase your perishable foods from us for « period of 30 months. If you can't phone, use thi ' would like more information a. i NAME Mail to eee e PPE CPUC CeCe ee ee ee eerererrr errr sy Oshawo Provisioners, Box 32, Oshawa, ce ee is handy request form, We on your OFFER. i | | | dicky. Gold, pine. S, M, L, XL. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626 "ee ee eee Or ee be 1 teaspoon almond extract 1 pound candied cherries cups, halved) 3% cups sifted all - purpo flour 1 teaspoon baking powder ¥% teaspoon salt Cream butter. Add sugar ar cream well together. Add u beaten eggs one at a time ar beat well. Add almond extrac Dredge cherries with part | flour. Sift remaining dry ingre jents together and add to crear ed mixture. Stir in cherrie Bake in a large round or squa pan (8x8x4), lined with pape in a slow oven (300 degre F.) until skewer inserted in ce pore 576-2990 PHONE f now 2/0sZ99Q0 ltteer peo AN ee By halle i hours. Cherry and Almond Cake, 1 above recipe add 1 cup bl nched, silvered almonds. Ginger Cake. In above recij omit cherries and add 8 ou ces diced preserved ginger and one - third cups.)

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