Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Nov 1967, p. 7

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1968 Democratic ; sampling com- . Kennedy lead of nt in September, 39 per cent just a opyrighted by the Post, found more ose it interviewed had many of the nding qualities" as the iate president S TOP HORSE '1K (AP)--Damas- . Bancroft's three- who won 12 of his 1 set an all-time mings record of named Horse of irsday in the 1967 d by The Morning nd Daily Racing ascus, unanimous 40 participants in so was selected as e-year-old and the » division perform- Y TAXI & % "COUNTY LINES Freeman Eddy Paid Tribute On Retirement ORONO (TC) -- Freeman Eddy, who recently completed 25 years with the Orono Nur- sery staff of the department of lands and forests, was honored on his retirement by the nur- sery staff. On behalf of the Hon. Rene Brunelle, minister of lands and forests, A. Walrothe. Lindsay district forester, presented Mr. Eddy with a gold quarter - cen- tury pin in recognition of his long service. Mr. Walroth also read a telegram from the min- ister expressing his best wish- es. William Bunting, nursery een presented Mr. Fddy with a watch and two bouquets of flowers for Mrs. Eddy. HAT MAKING BALSAM AND MOUNT ZION (TC) -- Mrs. Thomas Frew, Greenwood, gave a demonstra- tion of hat making at the Ac- tive Service Class meeting. The class made a donation of $25 to mission work and offered to pack candy bags for the Mount From Nursery UCW. Mrs. Frank Ballard, the hostess, favored with several accordeon solos, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jones, Mount Zion, entertained in hon- or of their daughter, Sharyn, a nurse at the Oshawa General Hospital, prior to her depar- ture for California .... Rev. a. Fleetham, Mount Zion, preached at the anniversary ser- vices at Dundas ...... » Alan Carson, Harold Parkins, Wal- ter Pascoe and Lorne Jonvs, Balsam, were among the mem: bers of thé Brooklin IOOF Lodge who won the dart base- ball contest at Princeton..... Mr. and Mrs, Glen Manderson, Mount Zion, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Crist, Washington, DC oink Rey. E. Barnes dedicat- ed the new Columbus Wolf Cub and Boy Scout colors at Colum- bus United Church ..... The Columbus Hi-C Group plans to sell Christmas trees as a fund raising project .... The Hi-C Club, Maple Grove, is consid- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 28,1967 7 Levesque Tells Press: We're Almos By DAVE BAZAY MONTREAL (CP) -- The Es- tates General of French Canada emerged Sunday from a four- day debate on "'the French-Ca- nadian nation" with a program of resolutions as startling as anything ever advocated by Quebec's separatist parties. And organizers of Rene Le- vesque's "sovereign Quebec"' movement declared that the Es- tates General resolutions will be studied as basic material for the former welfare minister's proposed independent party. Mr. Levesque, the Independ- ent MLA for: Laurier who left the Liberal party when it reject- ed his sovereign Quebec propos- al, received thunderous ap- plause when he made a brief appearance before delegates to the privately-organized forum, assembled to plug for constitu- tional change. At a press conference, held in a room containing at least as many Levesque supporters as reporters, the former minister t Country -- --"Full jurisdiction' over) Quebec air space, along with Newfoundland's Labrador and possibly Baffin Island, the huge arctic island north of Quebec. During the free-wheeling de- bate on territorial integrity of} "Ja nation" some delegates, in-| cluding Acadians, urged Quebec annexation of New Brunswick. | HITS .N.B. IDEA | But a man came forward to! say that although he favored) 'nationalism of expansion," Quebecers should lay off New| Brunswick because this would) be "an act of aggression." "Let's not repeat the mistake of a German head of state of 25) years ago who also had his/ form of nationalism of expan- | sion," And somebody else got up to say jhat Quebec should keep away from Labrador "because we have to take into considera- tion the right to self-determina- tion of the people of Labrador." The two-day debate on resolu- tions in general assembly con- firmed profound differences of MAKE WAY FOR THIS 3G... TRUCKLOAD The truck rolls in tomorrow... the greatest bargain offers you've ever seen. All material is perfect for Ree Rooms, Cottages and a host of other modernization projects. Hurry! All items first come, first served, so don't be late. GREAT SAVINGS FOR EVERYONE, WED., NOV. 29th to MON., DEC. 4th FREE HOME DELIVERY "We aren't very far away/opinion between French-speak-| from becoming a country. I con-|ing Canadians inside Quebec SKIT PRESENTED sider this inevitable and, for the|and the French-speaking minor- COLUMBUS (TC) -- A skit|tive, spoke of careers in the first time in our history, possi-;ities from English-speaking Dec. 15th entitled "Declaration of Faith|field of agriculture at the Home|ble. One gets the impression/provinces. w-- in Christmas" was presented at/and School Association meeting|there's a mass which is ready|/------------ Ini »'at Maple Grove. to embark on the road to a free 1., Oshawa the East Unit meeting of the'a aple Grov and independent Quebec." cluded such demands as: --The right of self-determina- Human Equation, a play by| Wilson and Peter Shortall were| province. Luella McDonald presented by|named best actress and actor) --Exclusive powers for "the three-day Eastern Ontario|Trent University was judged' broadcasting and other fields. Drama League Festival last) best director for his handling of/ --French-language unilingual-| as its centennial project ... A. O. Dalrymple, Durham County agricultural representa- j FREE Zion Sunday School Christmas|¢Ting the "adoption" of a child| $id: Tree. Starts Tomorrow 8 a.m. Sharp MONDAY TO FRIDAY --7 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SATURDAY --7 A.M. TO 4 P.M. '9 qocturet et price D4 4 ese FI II IIIS tee FLOOR TILE 4 ENDORSE DEMANDS Centennial Award Presented (the tesciuions, heavy en - To Play By Kingston Group tion for "the French-Canadian nation," whose "'national territo- the Domino Theatre of Kingston|for their lead roles in Lady Aoi,|State of Quebec" over interna- @on @ centennial award at the| Michael Sidnell, « professor at| onal relations, transport and/ dorsed by Quebec delegates, in- LINDSAY, Ont. (CP) -- The| Brennan of Montreal. Gillian try' was defined as Quebec communications, immigration, ae week. jthe Peterborough production. ism for Quebec with the legisla-) Lae The Peterborough Theatre| The Lindsay Theatre won the|/ture urged 'to adopt radical Q WA Ss Vinyl Asbestos 9' x 91/16" Guild's entry--the Lady Aoi by| award for the best production of|and concrete measures to im- ONTAR®S gauge. We at Holland Lumber have purchased 5 colors of vinyl asbestos tile at a special price for volume buying. This special we hand on te you our customers. 9" x 9 =m 1/16" gauge Jaspe pattern. Yukio Mishima--was judged the}a Canadian play, Granite and|pose French as the language of| best play by adjudicator PaullOak, over 10 other entries. | general use."' YOUR NAME'S -- THE GAME SPECIAL CARTON LOTS AT .09%2* EACH $7.60 A CARTON OOOO OE OK I aR lili abated look Here. . . For The Best In Service - Products - Prices! G6 EREEBEEEBEEEEREEE EERE oe HE II HII PIAA IAA AIA AAA AAAI SISA AOS RUSSELL'S TEXACO DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre San tenia Tune-ups for. Fall @ Firestone @ Good- @ CUSTOM DRAPERIES @ BROADLOOM ; x Z year Tires, res nd oc gue OSHAWA TOWING ai pani so Oshawa 720-7711 107 BYR ., WHITBY Bey p ; VY PREFINISHED LOOK In Freshly FREE DINNER Rew Location REUPHOLSTER ne s The following are manufacturers' End of Line Cleerance 506 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 728-7585 W. FRANK eg. Sale Price Reg. Sale Price 4'x8' Chestnut 4mm. 6.25 14.95 | 4'x8'Salmon4mm. 6.25 4.95 4'x8' Harvest4mm. 6.25 4,95 | 4'x8'Lantern4dmm. 6.25 4.95 if you find your name in this advertisement, bring It In to the Rib Room and receive one Dinner Free. Compliments of the for thet "LIKE NEW" look UPHOLSTERING SPECIALISTS AT REASONABLE PRICES. ) ii THE Whitby Cleaners Lid. || GENOSHA REALESTATE. |) Servs netsicg © heave | y --------____ Ait SALss FINAL ON THE ABovE STOCK eee oe HOTEL 21 Psat w. Darlington Upholstery i Oke J The Folowing ore all pesiyes gre Items with Holland Lumber. = ; ae -- ( e B ill ': 7 a . cle rice ; "4 ia 9. ie ee " Alek Cleaners i'? 'acu a bok HTL le st, N, |] 102 King ena 623-7341 ! 4'x7' Prefinished Mahogany 4mm_ 3.85 ° 3.65 pit Centennial Elm ' 7.85 7.45 ie q 2 4'x8' Prefinished Mahogany 4mm 4.35 4.10) phe pos cin ty" 8-95 Sae 4'x8' Rustic BI i x ubilee Elm +," 7.95 7.45 x ustic Black Walnut 3, 16.95 15.50 4'x8' Jubilee Elm," 895 8.50 A Really Good Place To Buy A Finer Used Car | 166 KING E, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 623-3396 | Many More Types On Disploy at Hollend Lumber for your Selection, ACLEAN CAR WIN LP RECORDS FREE! GLANZER | Each week names of local persons will appear in these adver- | 1S WORTH tisements. If you find your name, cut out the ad. . . bring Cabinets | BUY it into the Oshawa Times, except for the Genosha Hotel winner. ew Winners must claim their prizes one week from the issue of Specializing In ~~ | Livingroom, Ree room built-ins, MORE (= As @ trade! It looks and runs better When You're On The Move Call too. Interior cleaning & Motor shempes. HEARD'S TAXI and CARTAGE Many types of mouldings ond |! designs to choose. @ Free Esti Ae , Car Care ~_ 124 Brock St. N., WHITBY -- 668-3732 ee eg ret ee ee ag pri Radio Equipped For Your Convenience €. Lepshinott, 329 Farewell | | VA AU WR Ni spre ee LATER [~~ 100% PROTECTION IN ALL 22 CRITICAL RUST AREAS ha gta / HE, cegmiNF tte 7g INSIDE DOOR PANTS ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE mst InsiOt Uwe exon PQOR POS ont WELLS AUTO - TRUCK 660 DRAKE ST., OSHAWA FLEXALUM Venetion & Vertical Zoltan & Nicks ASHROYS BLINDS GARAGE ° GROCETERIA & VARIETY || @ Quolity workmanship Dettun Sales & Service Ideal Jua Milk At Its Best... me \=8 © Cemmerciol.ond Residential 728-0051 Same Price Pag All Milk ees n / "AD XMS MIL JELINEK Specializing In... | , i. in +s + /s 0 lak le Groceries & Voriety @ Serving "OPEN" * 8 md AWNINGS || Stn, Sid cariad || VOLKSWAGEN von a weer | £ CEILING TILE by Johns Manville : im e| uesday. H a SRivsling Mah RRa Covewe' || TAUNTON RD. mepeics & Rertg Fegontis if x 12"x12"--VA" T. G. Ploin White 12"'x12"--Y4" T, G, Bold Brite + x x dvasing Ea Wiened Just West of Thornton Rd. 160: Simcoe %.8, €. MeKay, 123 somtnane Whitey 3 veal ia ot aes 1 a' oe Oe il \d : Kk 16"x16"--'4" T. G. Plain White. 12"x12"--+"" T. G. Gold Web , * x LOOK YOUR PRETTIEST RAY'S ,. SMOKE & GIFT SHOP | ae | ee 16 ; FOR THE PARTY SEASON AHEAD 188 SIMCOE S. 576-0790 |B ¥ 12'x12"--1" T. G, White Dopple 12" x 12"--14" T. G. Dream Swit 3 Wah ons Delain . + wigs or hairpleces, @ Ey: YOUR "raee CHRISTMAS GIFT ] ¥ i 16° reg. 20¢ 18%" ; ' ne featurin } FORO eect ieee e acta de EEE a x . OZIMEK S Modern Hairstyling TOYS, GAMES, CHINAWARE & PLAQUES BX 12%x12"--14" T. @, Pearl Depple 12x12"--MA_T. G, Steller Acoustic 3 bd : +++ @ full line of Cards and Gift-Wrap | he nat We a Va os : P ake sa eee eens ic ee ee ee) » THE AREA'S FINEST | x 64 SQUARE FT. PER CARTON ys SUE UME. WINTER SPORTS Electrical Work SIMON?S eT CECE TESST SESE ERCTCSECT STE ESCCTCTESECTETEE TET TTT * 'Gamal es | Protect Your ee pai 7 a SHELL SERVICE TRUCK OR TRAILER % ; for the * Commercial SM 97 Ki | Sandblasting & : me A fomily @ Electrica! Heating Specialists ing St. E. | Spray Painting ecm lt iy Relea ' ot Mary | E M , Ss 5p a ew Information CARLO $s 576-1360 Be ELECTRIC : SANDBLASTING SWISS CHALET Kenner gf Ontario Electr Heating |] @ Complete Car Care 485 Woterl 728-9791 PARK i r Lubrications & Tune U; ' = H Ruasd, 2386 Windsor Hwy. 7 Greenwood 942-6557 Stee, Ignition pagel a COR RITSON RD. N., al TAUNTON RD. E. al 5 POINTS PHONE 725 4708 : } \ :

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