Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Nov 1967, p. 14

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If there is an election, he 4 s B 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 28, 1967 | INJUNCTION ORDERS 1968 Election slid, the Coasecvativia seit de a | well because the people no longer have confidence in the Carter Report Montreal Longshoremen | 10Be Delayed! rt. REGINA (CP) -- National) He charged the Liberals with obert| being complacent too long over Conservative Leader R f inflati e e : | e : bh 4 the dangers of inflation and that | Tackle Piled-up Cargo oo sess. Sori B ] raise p al, Liberal government will not/ple they are trying to cut spend. 4 call a 1968 election if it canjing. : MONTREAL (CP) -- All 3,000|and 26 member shipping lines to} The report, centre of the dis-| ooig is Referring to a suggestion that By BORIS MISKEW sity, said the Carter report! fee Montreal longshoremen were|provide a minimum of eight/pute, which in part called for) «11, pretty clear they have a|the federal medical care MONTREAL (CP) -- Oppos-|would have a much greater; Fe expected to resume work todayj/hours work for all the l0n8-| equction in the size of working poor standing in the country atischeme should be postponed, ing views are being tossed chance of being adopted if it and tackle huge piles of cargo|shoremen today or pay them for). 314 the elimination of|the moment," Mr. Stanfield said/Mr. Stanfield said Ottawa can. about at the Canadian Tax|had not asked so much. | left abandoned last Friday. "standby duty." : hae restrictions on ship-loads|in an interview before address-jnot very well encourage the 1 Foundation conference as dele-| There is a natural reluctance) The longshoremen are guar-| It also ordered both sides to tabi the result for a federal in-|ing a service club luncheon.|provinces to start a new pro. OH gates give close scrutiny to the of people to adopt new ideas, he} anteed work of eight hours pay|submit to arbitration if they! 7 cot up after a 39-day|". . . they'll put it off as long asjgram and at the same time "Se proposals of the royal commis-|said, and too many ideas reduce} today under the terms of a pro-|cannot agree on the hater strike by longshoremen in 1966.|they can." urge spending restraint. Sta sion on leper - i gain fd their a | wuumeecue Mon- * federal report within two) rr nee The three-day conference! Mr. Vineberg said also that) q ye cho opened Monday and heard|more consideration should have) The paralysis of the port Fri-|_ The injunction expires at = X cla praise for the recommendations|been given during the prepara-| day culminated a two-week-long| Thursday. A hearing of a ut d cui by Harvey E. Brazer, professor|tion of the report to make it) dispute between the Internation- pe high apap ey on sik of economics at the University adaptable to people rather than) al Longshoremen's Association| Wil! be hea ' of Michigan, who said he'd like | trying to make people adapt and the Shipping Federation of| CARGO SHOWDOWN Fe by to see all the suggestions imple- themselves to the report. Canada over terms of a binding Canho Senile eg ghey a2 sor mented ' federal government report. at a reduced pace in . Bri "T have not the slightest doubt gg ory iy gic if the Tons of cargo piled up along|for about two weeks prior to the : ple but that their implementation commission's report "ig to be the 11-mile waterfront and pas-|work stoppage Friday. would produce for Canada & tax! sitacked in its particulars that sengers had to disembark from| The port closed after most of a8 cy system which .. . would be SU-| Stack should foous on its sin of| an ocean liner without most of|the longshoremen were dis- "7 perior to that of any other) iiscion." their baggage. Several organi-|missed because of what the the major nation in the world," said ua YY Timbrell of the To- zations warned that the tieup, if|shipping companies said was Er Prof, Brazer during a panel dis- 'of M Curri allowed to continue, could seri-|failure to report for duty in suf- ab cussion. epg ie ga gag Mh ously damage the future of the/ficiently - large work gangs. m But Montreal lawyer Philip F. ent 4 said it t { port of Montreal and Canada's} The injunction stipulates that un i argument and said that it is i rs are forbidden to A ° Vineberg, a former chairman of export potential. the shippe si) the foundation, argued that the ga -- oe Mr. Justice G. M. Desaulniers|fire or to refuse to hire long- VOICE | adoption of the report at the| "snp. conpeehansien tak bulb granted an fecal Ewen shovemes for caeeee ne to ° present time "is unthinkable." re f ordering the shippi ation | t! atters in dispute. nu However, he added. "we proach to tax legislation, and seme scree THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL EKJOYE shouldn't reject the entire re-/ inti now I have not seen any- port . . . there's a great deal of thing better,"' he added. br oe eee importance in the "Another Toronto accountant, fr mopar . i. Kerr Gibson, said non-resi- CHANGES RADICAL ents should be treated as' fairly a ) T a) The recommendations for rad- as residents regarding corpora- x Look At hese » if ical changes in Canada's tax) tion taxes, | , a structure were tabled in the, He said the Carter proposals | tk House of Commons last Feb. 24) would virtually repeal the cor- | 9 b following a four-year study by a|poration income tax so far as Example Buys: tl commission headed by Toronto|resident shareholders are con- } 3 Glenn Boggs wa re] accountant Kenneth Carter. cerned--while retaining it for ! rae ili te They call for the integration |non-residents--and this _ could | Foster See fi of the tax system by combining/hardly be described as repre- TIMES 1:30--3:30 | The 22-year-old Na' te a proposed capital -gains and|senting a major improvement in 5:30--7:30---9:35 | eran began his police ti other taxes with individual in-|the tax system. H as a teenager. He r is come tax, removal of special '"'I do not think full integration rd sw ed in a Corpus Chris! 8 tax privileges now granted to|of personal and corporation > ----------$ b the oi] and mineral industries, |taxes is required to achieve a F * ' a ' rd ° income tax based on the family pe distribution of the tax bur- } : i : r is h unit and other measures. jden among Canadian residents, : ee 1 I D Mr. Vineberg, who lectures in|and it would be highly inequita-/ > > 4 ee t) company law at McGill Univer lola to non-residents." PRIME MINISTER RETURNS * lehates ER ' oe Prime Minister Pearson prime minister in the plane HELD OV. Could 4 Fl M k leaves plane behind Mrs. after its arrival shortly be- There are two kinds ef ; uorspar Mining Seeks | y«'sostsioty Meu ym pcre ns i wr aacoiagi T R C id weeklong en to ga | (CP Wirephoto) * ' LONDON (CP) -- | ehind J r. earson 18 EX- ye ho has been i : 0 estore onfi ence ternal agar Minister ag | Fully Automatic > Ms a Grech ; t o : , ' By DON McLEOD | Testimony Monday from PEs. Noite cen adh wn IZZA | yor cant toll Chem apart, rn gen rig A ST. LAWRENCE, Nfld. (CP) |can's chief medical officer, Dr.| maar PI 723-0241 | t -- Public confidence in the|Frank Brent, said he had to do|™O0rs, supported by evidence in vn 20-0192 Ald Bore Wa eaten ps gto gd probabl r fluorspar mining industry here|a "selling job" to convince the|4!can's brief, that the radiation} ' LEE. MARVIN ruling Greek Sona ca ¢ must be restored or it will die,|company of the need to test a/@PParently had contaminated foe § | 7 HVE cally" but would not r t says Newfoundland Fluorspar|mine for radiation, partly be-|the water supply of this commu-| | gives it to you mocracy. abl : Ltd. |cause earlier evidence indicated| "ity of 2,500. ae ! ; "POINT BLANK" The pe La y i J. W. Cameron of Montreal,|no radiation in the mine. ' : a rinistecs,"! Cear managing director of the Alumi-| aie ADULT ENTERTAINMENT el 1 num Co. of Canada Ltd. subsidi- WASHED INTO MINE N A T | N A | ANGIE DICKINSON ea berry said. 'But they ! ary, made the statement Mon-|, Comouny officars aut they| in Panavision°and Metreceler replaced by the people i day in a forward to a 50,000 -/Delleve the radon originates in| oe re ee : Ged 'commany brat to 4 New:juranium - bearing granite here| M U S C W F 3 K TODAY ! _ CONTINUOUS DAILY E foundland royal commission sit-|¥ So contains the fluor-f t t ting aon. spar and is washed down into| ah aN ig Cal | e S a es Skilled miners were getting) the mine workings by unusually) 7:55-9:55, &Y a) harder to find and production| Sree smounts of surface water a ue was falling off Director Mine--|* 4 : The Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association t the pit under investigation be-| Union President Leo Slaney 9 : ' : AAAI AAG IIIA cause of lung cancer allegedly| questioned company officials on assures that the teaching of music and kindred arts MONTREAL ( caused by mine radiation. |their brief and is expected to hall ' ; il ial ' 7 In a later interview, Mr. Cam-|Present one for the St. Law- shall not.be primarily a commercial project, but a spokesman " bs Ne eron answered an emphatic|Tence Workers Protective Union) means of culture, Its member teachers strive to pre TaliCinOn" "yes". when asked if there was|t 8 date to be set. The current 2 ; A h f th day the organization @ possibility the company might hearings wo ys company brief maintain and increase the prestige of these arts and Sallews ib wan. ahOwh ose ga at gga pes sige ee at, to conform to the standards of correct professional ings of the Estates Ge oe 7 ») Week. conduct as instructors and advisors. French - speaking pec " We - bo acces ag 4 The four-man commission be pect git if reat,""' Mr. Cameron said. " ' hay drat ° of Quebec had exclu: St. § just want to have people recog- yee llc oo a : A Wonderful Gift The Whole » diction over broadcast nize there is a possibility. veiguiing tin semanenanline O.R.M.T.A. Student Recital Jacques Filteau, d "Other sources of fluorspar claims of disabled miners 4 F il Will E ° public relations for th gle aioe Mexico, Eng- owe and dependents aT ean ae Saturday, December 2 at 7:30 p.m. ami y i nyoy ! station Le, pep land, Italy and France." . i et : French as L'Associati Fluorspar is used in alumi- prycngonsed the current safety First Baptist Church, Hortop St. > enne de la radio et de num smelting, steel making,| }, . 1 invpall sion de langue franc production of chemicals contain- an also investigate ru- oe an official delegate at ing fluoride, in ceramics glass-| works and as an ornamental stone. 'We are concerned that the WINNER OF > (ADULT) wih sal. penser, lint filter, 5Y4 WASHER: 3 cycles, 2 speeds, fully illuminated contro! panel,. large 12 tb. copacity tub, detergent sever inlet, bleach dis- "Al8. ) end meetings of th General of Frenc which discussed Quel stitutional future. One of the resolution royal commission report will > help res bl fid es yg 4 . TECHNIGOLOR' TECHNISCOPE" ged that Quebec be et oe tates' . ACADEMY AWARDS! 4 BEST DIRECTOR--Fred Zinnemann AGATA FLORI- BERNARD LEE sae DRYER: elusive, jurisdiction torted"' press reports about ra- BEST ACTOR--Paul 1 mi contr nel. Exclusive clear eir-fi province over bro diation hazard, blamed for the BEST cnt arhapsnee AOW FLANGE > = ON'T WORRY sieptam dont gpene, Ineo a sow of gat AND UP » now under federal g lack of men available to work DON'T WOR control. : the mine. ANOTHER MEDIUM--Robert Bolt § WE'LL THINK Mr, Filteau said in 'The sort of stories I hear BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR a ; suggest that you cannot eat -- Robert Shaw b OF A TITLE OTHER MODELS IN STOCK eggs here because the chickens BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS get it through their feet." A --Wendy Hiller CONTINUOUS FROM 7:00 P.M, -- LAST SHOW 8:45 P.M. * Alcan and its subsidi y aaa ta 'nite pe been BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY safe from radiation hazard (Color) since ventilation was improved BEST COSTUME DESIGN in 1960 after dangerous water (Color) x soluable gas, radon 222, was fourd in the mine. Radon is gas- eous emantion from disintegrat- ing uranium or radium us| YEAR THEN LIST WITH * 4a A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS From the play ky ROBERT BOLT ONLY 4% TEE PEE DRIVE-IN x x AS LOW AS x x A brand name wringer washer with pump and many other time saving features. Cee reese esene} CENTRAL ONT. TRUST , ree SR TNE Easy Terms Available 723-5221 COLUMBIA PICTURES presents FRED ZINNEMANN'S mixer af WE CHARGE STARR '125 Before You Buy... Give Starr a Try! Records are the gifts they will really love you Nj MM MM KH KM KK MH co-starring A . for tat records to edd te their collection. wei | gg RUE: LONG MESS, Sea gtR FURNITURE & APPLIANCES We JACK OF §l YORK wi PAUL SCOPTELD su tae NIGEL DAVENPORT JOHN HURT wt ai MA RTY'S Wy 491 RITSON RD. S. - oenaaed : 7 pit DIAMONDS CORIN REDGRAVE + GHORGES DELEROR: WILLIAM 1 GRAF - ROBERT BOL? FRED ZOMENANK - THCRRQOULORT Sy NZ3 K / fines | narnnnnnnnnonng, | Sth, RECORD CENTRE == 723-8191 or 723-3343 or 8% swMATINEES--WEDNESDAYS--SATURDAYS ; Ce -- ea AY 351 Simcoe St. N. Ai yy: The Last AND SUNDAYS AT 2 P.M. wwOrehentra $1.50 >" + Loges $1.75. : = . 723-0731 " _---- «K OPEN FRI. TILL 9 P.M. narionge hoses ne $e a meee '| \ ~~ = , ADULT ENTERTAINMENT -- 4 SAT. EVE. 2 sHows -- 6 ond 9 P.M. | ie a, Ft Ex SHOW STARTS . VBEOR . sats NOW_--12 NOON TO 9 P.M, ------ * * * * * * * ET

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