cho ANN LANDERS Fortress Of Flesh Build By Fear Dear Ann Landers: The reply} When we began to get calls to the enormously overweight|from the juvenile authorities, I man was an eye opener. Youjtook the boy for counseling. said, "Now that you have sur-|Three different counselors said rounded yourself with a fortress|the same thing, "There is noth- of flesh, try to learn, if you can,/ing wrong with the child. It is what you aré hiding from!" jhis dad. He is ruining the boy I have long been convinced|>y giving in to him, fighting his that there is something more to|battles and making excuses for obesity than the fact that people)!" enjoy food. My sister-in-law was| I tried to get my husband to a slender, beautiful bride--i2)see what he was doing but he "years ago. She was also deeply|accused me of being jealous of religious. Shortly after her mar-|the child, so I gave up. riage she told me in the strict- Today Denny is in prison. He est of confidence that sex was'starts the second year of a five- repulsive to her and she solyear term in December. The hated it that she made up a se-|boy is only 17 and his life is al- ries. of excuses which she uses|ready ruined. Please keep ham- regularly. mering away at foolish parents The woman now weighs 240'who think they are being good} pounds (she's 5'4') and it/to their kids when they let them) makes me sad to look at her. Ijhave whatever they want. --! told my husband I believe his|Tried but Failed | sister has made herself fat as a} Dear Tried: Thank you for cow so she will be physically|your letter. The sin of this fa- unattractive to her husband in'ther is indeed being visited upon the hope he will leave her alone|his son. completely, He says I am -crazy. | | What do you say? -- Amateur| Dear Ann Landers: I am al Shrinker secretary who discovered by ac-| Dear Ann: I say you might be cident that my married boss is right. And I also say something|Maving a torrid affair with a else. It was rock bottom to pass|Woman in this office. When I on information told to you in\learned what was going on I confidence. You should be,!0st all respect for him. ashamed of yourself for betray-| This situation has not affected SE 0R BERS strike up a dashing partner- ship with slacks (as photo- graphed here by the Wool- knit Associates) or with shorts and skirts. Color com- binations are navy for the sweater and bright blue for the lining; pine green and kelly, chocolate and paprika, LACY TYPICAL of the increas- ing popularity for the open knit or crochet sweater, is this lacy crochet all-Ameri- can wool pullover. By Cata- lina, it dramatizes its airy peep-through texture with a contrasting lining for an ef- fective dimensional flash and black and camel. Sizes of two colors. Styled with are 34 to 40. lanky, easy lines, it can --By Tracy Adrian 4| Women's Canadian Club of Lon- 'ition was made at an executive j|meeting Tuesday. _|cial hostess for the government London Club Will Present Awards To Women women will be honored by the don at a special ceremony Jan. 15, 1968. Announcement of the innova- Awards will be presented to Senator Josie D. Quart of Otta- wa and Quebec City, Mrs. Doug- las Blair of Ottawa, Reeve Bar- bara Allen of Tweed, Mrs. Oli- ver Smith of Hagersville and Doris McCarthy of Toronto, The title Senator of the Year will be conferred on Senator Quart, one of six women sena- tors in Canada. Mrs. Blair, who acted as offi- during about 50 state visits this year, is being named Canada's Hostess of the Year. Mrs. Allen is being honored as Reeve of the Year. Mrs. Smith, who teaches In- dians from the Six Nations In- dian reserve near Brantford to make pottery, is to be named) Artisan of the Year. | Miss McCarthy, first woman) elected president of the Ontario) Society of Artists, will be titled Painter of the Year. LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Five! CAREER SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING ing your sister-in-law. my work, but every time I see these two together it makes me Dear Ann Landers: The letterSick to my stomach, even from Wabash Blues is very|t"ough I realize it is none of my much like my story. I also mar-|business. music camps in Canada and theyaside, she plays clarinet, saxo-| United States. phone and piano in Vancouver 'When I was little I told myjgroups or joins in family jam ried a divorced man whose wife| wreck now, tell her to wait a\teaf, dumb and blind or should few years. |I leave? -- Miss Inbetween My husband always took the| Dear In: Unless you can per-/ TEACHER IN EDMONTON boy's part against teachers,|Suade your stomach that it is neighbors, me --anyone who/20ne of your business, my ad- My boss is not aware that I/parents I wanted to play one," |sessions with her parents and had walked out and left a ed be ge -_, = oo Iisaid Carrol. "They figured I'd/brother. boy nearly three years old. If WOu! ream of telling him.|-row out of it but after three| ' a Wabash thinks she's a nervous |Should I stay and pretend I am fears of constant talk they final-/@long as it comes. | jly gave in." ton, 285 miles away by bus from Grande Prairie, "School," she says, "'comes| If I had a choice between) Are pl d to announce the opening of a New Branch in OSHAWA. | Day and Evening Classes are now. taking appointments, | Models are welcome. H 145 KING ST. WEST 576-3558 istudy and practice I'd take practice." Her teacher was in Edmon- ORDERLIES TRAINED Alta., where criticized him. He never saw|Vice is to leave. It's not worth anything wrong with Denny. THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW julcers, Dearie. |her parents owned a hotel. Car- |rol made the trips alone, and travelled to Seattle, Wash., for two weeks of "'really concentrat- Harp Is Home ed lessons" a year. | To Girl Musician Summers from 1962 to 1966 | found her at the Banff School of Both personal and financial] CALGARY (CP) -- Changing] Fine Arts or the National Music affairs are under planetary res-|clothes in her harp case is the|Camp at Interlochen, Mich. trictions now. This will not be a/@asiest part of performing for a|Now she moves with the per- good time for buying or selling,|determined 15-year-old who di-|formers--to a harpists' confer- for trying to put over deals of vides her time between Gradejence in New York this summer, any kind. Be especially careful |10 classes in Vancouver and a|then to a master harpists' semi- not to become involved with friends in money matters. Some unpleasantness could result, FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your chart presages an interest- ing year--but with so much de- pending on yourself--especially in employment matters. This will be a year when you will have to curb your innate ex- tremism and a tendency to quit when the chips are down, and "try something else." This will be especially important in April, late May, mid-July and early September. Dis appointments may displease, and you may ei-| Season's engagements with thejnar in Connecticut, then across \Calgary Philharmonic Orches-|Canada on tour with the Nation- \tra. al Youth Orchestra. | "We get some of the funniest} 'When Carrol sets the harp [looks says Carrol McLaughlin. PARA R A naan anna ana, "I just walk into my case and|{ come out in a formal." FI SAL a \¢ | Inside the case her father has)|¢ fitted three shoe boxes, 12/4 | | more ways than one. Because teachers are hard to find, she) has spent much of the last five} EDMONTON (CP) -- Can- ada's first school to train hospi- tal nursing orderlies has been opened by Alberta's education | department. Students in the 30- week course will learn medical and nursing theory and work under supervision in local hospi- tals. oP SN Fine Silver TOOT wee rrww www wer aeserve fine care ther want to tell off the boss a Lass travelling to cities and/ walk out on what you are doing. Don't! Just keep plugging, swal-| low disappointments and know OSH AWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS that, beginning with next Nov- ember your patience will be re-! 20% Discount on Orders of 5 or More Pictures warded. Your personal life should be pleasant for most of the year, with emphasis on romance in July and August; on stimulating social activities in July, Septem- ber and next November, and on travel in August and September --if you are careful not to ex ceed your budget. Don't take June romances seriously how- ever. A child born on this day will be endowed with remark Available ot NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. E., Oshewa 8x 10--- 1.50 each jclothes hangers, an iron, a hair 4 dryer, "curlers and things," aj¢ { 595 mirror, a metronome and even/|¢ Brand New Samples "Practically all my luggage is \\ SEwEeRcLrceRs Lf 463 Ritson Rd. S. A Shopping Centre included with the harp." ; ie) > Oshews 725-3338 |i AR That's why we recommend Hagerty ... the world's most respected name in silver care. The harp is home to Carrol in SO | | | powers of perception, idealism to a high degree and fine execu- 5x7-- 1.25 each tive ability. For Christmas Give Her A DIAMOND from... chin Located at the OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE DO NOT SELL | A ROOM FULL | OF FURNITURE! Did you know that you can have better furniture, that looks better, lasts longer, and actually costs less over the years by letting our experience and training help you properly select your home furnishings. We enjoy doing it, you will too! Betty Haydt (0. Ltd. Interior Decorating, Fine Furnishings 15 KING STREET EAST 725-2686 DAVIDSON SHOES IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA tia OPEN FRIDAY (2 TILL 9 P.M pe rf o SNOWBOOTS SHOES SLIPPERS | ' if DON'T KNOW THE SIZE?--GIVE Ag & GIFT CERTIFICATE | AND BE SURE! DAVIDSON SHOE STORE 31 Simcoe St. N. Downtown Oshawa NEVER PICK-UP A STRANGER! | ALWAYS REACH FOR IDEAL DAIRY Foops! | | More and more people are turning to their local dairy, Ideal Dairy. Their products are pro- duced, processed and | delivered locally by |i] local citizens. Locally produced and process- ed products help to build a greater com- munity. Doesn't it make sense to BUY LOCALLY Pro- duced and LOCALLY Processed Dairy Pro- ducts, AT YOUR STORE AT YOUR DOOR For Home Delivery On Your Street Call Products Lid. 390 RITSON RD. N. TELEPHONE 728-6241 UN T'S HAPPENING AT ZELLER ZELLER'S RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS OPEN DAILY UNTIL 6 P.M. THURSDAY and FRIDAY TIL 9 P.M. S 1_DAY_ ONLY | WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29" FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 6 P.M. , 10% DISCOUNT SHOPPING FOR THE ENTIRE*FAMILY Ai Zeller's "The Christmas G ift Store' OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE and Don't Miss Out On This Fabulous Money Saving Day of the Year At ZELLER'S 2 Stores IT'S FUN! IT'S EXCITING! JUST SAY CHARGE-IT ! No Down Payment All Details at Our CREDIT SALES OFFICE DOWNTOWN STORE, SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Sorty « «6 we are not allowed to give a 10% Discount on Yardley, Coty and Chantilly Toiletries. tte ee aa "Around the World' \ Hospital Talent '68 will | 'ture 125 student nurses a variety of songs, s and dances this Wednes« Thursday and Friday e' ings at St. Gregory's A ftorium. Attired in color authentic Japanese kin os (left) Miss Nancy F er, Nancy Golden and M: Red Cross EF Take Retre: A workshop for 23 Os Red Cross Homemakers held at the YWCA on | day under the direction of W. R. Worrall, Homer Supervisor of London, Ont The day-long course was fresher on the attitudes duties of a Homemaker covered deportment and ness, moral obligations, factors, special care of : citizens and disturbed ch and general responsibiliti In some cases the s points were brought out b; of skits. The Homemaker Ser started in Oshawa in 1947 three members. Now up Homemakers are em} during one month unde) supervision of Mrs, Ni Hinds. Tea and egg cosies just the thing for favorite bazaar or ma welcome gift to any h maker. You can kni crochet three different tea cosies for large, me or small tea pots as we the miniature size egg | all-of which are made 3 ply patonised, 4 ply p ised or double kni patonised yarn, The ins tions may be obtained sending a stamped, SEWING MACHINE end VACUUM REPAI To All Makes WHITE ELNA SEWING CENTRE 38 Bond West, Oshewe 728-7181 er