2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 25, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Ontario Seen MacEachen Says Medicare Key To Unity To Arrive On Target D ate TORONTO (CP) -- Prof, Mi chael Oliver of McGill Univer- BADDECK, N.S. (CP) -- sity said Friday night Ontario, not Alberta, holds the key tolcretely that the Orangist spirit Health Minister MacEachen said Friday medicare will be French-English relations i njof the past no longer counts in delivered on schedule next July 1 Dr. Oliver said he was opti- mistic that Ontario would, among other things, "show con- Tax Report Scrutiny Canada. |Ontario politics." MONTREAL (CP) -- The| He told a seminar at York) « i |Carter report on taxation will|University's Glendon College he FPS, 09 ging Big Bay ~ jundergo careful scrutiny during|was disappointed that Premier|independantiste cries that what the 20th conference of the Cana-/E. C. Manning of Alberta haslhappens outside Quebec no dian Tax Foundation whichjreplied "'so negatively" to thelionger matters, for the die is jopens Monday. Discussions of|federal proposal for extending] cast x . jabout 1,000 delegates from|French-language rights." "Ontarty' decisions wi across Canada will concentrate} "But Alberta does not hold| , Ontario decisions will matter heavily on the recommendations/the key to the future of French- Mie gd p< ghee ernie a of the Carter royal commission,|English relations in Canada. On- ut they will count. headed by Toronto accountant|tario, with its large French-Ca-| He predicted the Ontario gov- Kenneth Carter. nadian minority . . . does." po os bere _ the next few sisecentasinal He said Ontario has a louder|weeks detail provisions for wm sable last ociae sal voice than New. Brunswick, al- Agger igre Parent educa- [cluded suggestions sack ag thelmous™, tbe Maritime piovince/ EM Pgs ond facies (aad introduction of a capital gains has a larger per-capita French Po re. tax, income tax based on family minority, because of Ontario's| Premier John Robarts. could Mr. MacEachen, speaking to the annual meeting of the Victo- ria County Liberal Association, said the federal government will provide medicare on the target date. He said medicare was "the largest and most important leg- islation of the government ta date." Although some people said the government cannot af- ford medicare, it had been also suggested that "'Canada cannot afford not to have medicare." the crowd erupted through the building. : Ten Lewiston police, unable to handle the youths, were aided by police from neighboring Au- WEATHER FORECAST Dance Fight 50 And Mi rts Ri - Cloud d Milder Starts lot __|burn, state police and sheriff's With Light Winds Sunday zs eisai g gs un ay Friday night when a fight at a(several hundreds of dollars. dance attended by some 700|-- teen-agers turned intoa riot. | TQRONTO (CP) -- Official|/Wingham ......... 30 45 LOOKING FOR A forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m.: | Hamilton 30 45 s red outside} Synopsis: Unsettled weather|St. Catharines .... 32 45 Bags soeiy ae hurled rocks | COMFORTABLE QUIET continues in the North as a se-|Toronto 32 45 through city building windows. RENDEZVOUS DOWNTOWN? ries of disturbances moves}Peterborough . 25 45 i iceman and several) through this part of the prov-|Kingston ... 30 45 One pole lyouths were injured. THEN GO TO (THE ince. Across the southern sec-|Trenton .... 30 45} e outburst is reported to tions of = oe Ps be/Killaloe .. 25 45 laine begun when two policemen Tally-Ho Room some sunshine and afternoon|Muskoka . 30 40 tri break up a fight at the N temperatures in the 40s. Little|North Bay . 25 40 [Pontce Athletic League dance in Hotel Lancaster change in the weather picture is expected for Sunday. Sudbury - Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,| Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On- tario, Haliburton, southern Georgian Bay, Windsor, Lon- don, Hamilton, Toronto: Varia- ble cloudiness today and Sun- day, milder Sunday. Winds light today and southerly 15 Sunday. Northern Georgian Bay, Ti- magami, Algoma, North Bay, dbury: Cloudy with a few o 30 40 (3 third-floor auditorium. Teen-a- 27 KING ST. WEST Earlton .....++ Peron || 40 |gers pounced on the police 11) RESETS EE TREO RNa @ 6'x9's @ 9'x12's @ 9x15's @ 9'x18's @ 12'x15's @ 12'x18's ANY SIZE, ANY COLOUR ee : central position in Canada's po- decisi peer and removal of certain tax litical and economic life. rina ate privileges now enjoyed by the "f can think of no factor more Confederation of Tomorrow mining, oil and gas industries. Conference of provincial and crucial, therefore, than the deci- s . . s i 8) i yi "4 i iv: Liberal Reorganization sions Ontario will take in baa Pong -- that OTTAWA (CP) --The Liberal Mr, MacEachen said the na- tional PC leader, Robert Stan- field, felt it was his patriotic duty to defeat the Liberal gov- ernment but had failed to offer any solutions to present prob- lems. Royal Coat-of-Arms LONDON (AP) -- Bucking-| | HON. ALLAN MacEACHEN | «+ Medicare July 1, 68 'next six months," party's constituency re-organi- . zation under boundary redistri- M F ts On A d bution is 85 per cent complete, any ITs gen a nie Palace feoune & 1 national organizer Allan 1 ' . s in swing- ae O'Brien disclosed Friday. Of 7 C f ing Carnaby Street today to stop, «Hoax Victim =| itt aig sos tracey 'ridings omorrow Conierence a boutique sclling five-inch RED DEER, Alta. (CP) -- yet to be organized are largely 2 : metal replicas of the Royalic.. fie hen Sn By TOM CLARIDGE { The speech said the govern- Cat ah aces Seventeen-year-old Dale Watson|in Saskatchewan and New woRonTO (CP)--The confed shee -densaogg' : telephoned his Red Deer home|Brunswick. Re-organization was) oration of T (cE) jp fare -|ment planned to invite the lead- A letter from the Queen's lord|from Vancouver Friday night to|delayed by fall provincial elec-|;."ecra tr he oeuen (ers of all the provinces and the ee oe ae ownage de-/assure his parents that a report|tions in these provinces. "Even if, as reat pessimists |federal government to a confer- Sohn Paul am the pe he set was "'a lot of non- i A new vinors Jro gi redistribu-| predict, the conference which ence "where the future course 48 hours. Dale and-bis parents, Mr. and|aiere ast year, is con-| opens Monday only serves to/of our federal system of govern- pas | ; , sidered organized when a riding/show how disunited Canadians i i " Paul said his shop, called 1|Mrs. James Watson, apparently|executive has been elected at alean be. th Agia gi bebe Dl dl tna Bs tet aan aes cea ering oa [en et scene nr ee, gl cate tn ju 000 0 coat-of- y, Mr. and Mrs, Wat- : Bs ae con l arms at a government surplus son were told via telephone that 'dit cases . rg kind 'since beginning of a series of meet- sale a year ago and had sold all|Dale had been shot to death in pha fret Tania aremiaes' (ne ahery a i . ' ernments are brought into Socred Re-Unification but 200 |Vancouver because he tried to, OTTAWA (CP) -- Officials of keep a\parcel of marijuana for|Canada's two Social Credit par.|conference thrown open to the!closer communion and Cana- i jhimself® ins i ties will talk ifi ess. dian unity strengthened." Quarantine self§ instead of turning it ill talk re-unification| Tie tint, and inet euch y strengthen The announcement got a cool reception initially from both the federal government and Ontar- jio's two opposition parties, the| over to a gang. today amid conflicting reports |meeting on the 54th floor of the LONDON (Reuters) -- Nearly; Dale said Friday in his tele-/of the strength of the unity Totonts-Deminion Centre Seige = -- under phone call that the first he knew| movement. Bradiata conatititinasl. talks y in cesperatelof the report of his death was) Howard Johnston, Social| cue been called mores 12 feat fontandmo. when he saw it in Vancouver Credit MP for Oakanagan'Rev-fahend!™ teen 4 edt laer regarding. the announce = ee a St newspapers Friday. oe Friday termed the talks | provincial sontetenses lave tea Beat as nothing more ag an # "ye exploratory only between his} aj; a rs election-campaign gimmick. mnt Eovernment ban on the) Body Identified _wesiern-based group and the|'onally been behind closed) "The expected election didn't the sianghterheuse whe oy LAGGON, Ont. (CP) -- Police | QUebec-based le Ralliement des|conference room will be turned|°OM® until last month, but in tended Friday night se neue have identified the partly de-|CTeditistes. over to the directors of Texas|{%€ interval Premier John Ro- Scotland, leaving Northern Ire- ee body of a Chinese ; wag hor ypere said none of the Gulf Sulphur Co. wadiue "thas ah wer s : t woman, found in a deserted|four Social Credit MPs planned| ; . gee | land the only unrestricted area. cheese factory here, as that of|to attend the ike' called IN. THRONE SPEECH ; |Democrats he had not intended About 171,000 cattle, sheep|sing Nang Wong, a registered|through a Creditiste initiative. rue conference was heralded |to usurp the federal govern- and pigs have been slaughtered|nurse from Montreal. He felt the re-unification reports|J4"- 25 in the speech from the/ment's normal prerogative of] to date since the disease was! The body was found Thursday had been overplayed. throne at the opening of the On-/calling federal-provincial con- first spotted a month ago. Brit-|by R. D. MacLeod, a farmer jtario legislature's 1967 session. | ferences. ish law says any farm animal in| who lives near the deserted fac-| i | : contact with the disease mustitory. He said he vent into ac: Sammy Davis estan "itll ll hin. dina be killed. }factory to find a piece of pipe| HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- vearo | LLOYD METCALF showers or snowflurries today. Mainly cloudy and mild on Sun- day. Winds light today and southerly 15 Sunday. | White River,- Cochrane: Cloudy with a few snowflurries today. Sunday cloudy with a few showers, turning colder late in the day with showers changing to snowflurries. Light winds in- creasing to northwesterly 20 late Sunday. | Montreal and Ottawa: Cloudy with a few sunny periods today and Sunday, mild. Winds light. Forecast Temperatures Windsor .... 32 50 St. Thomas London Kitchener .. |Mount Forest ic | S to138! Also... @ Hardtwists @ Ozite @ Thick Plushes @ Acrilans T.V. advertised 501 1 4 : gothique-extra | F a wear Spectacular 1968 dense pile plush | iF : now available. ROY YEO | Shop at home service -- 24 hour enswering service. CALL Specializing In the resale of older type homes and income 576-3790 properties. Listings urgently [| f needed, can arrange all cash or eo ® Fi 3 DAY SERVICE terms for your home. For a fair Broadlonm Snecialists EASY TERMS valuation with no obligation call Roy Yeo Real Estate Ltd. 40 King St. E. 728-4678 Mc. MacLeod said she was paration in his seven-year inter- * -- The missing headstone to Lee|dressed in shorts and a short '@ial marriage to Swedish ac- Harvey Oswald's grave was|Ccoat. AAAS AEOLS blow to me," Davis said at Las the Bartlesville police located it|body from a passport in a purse|Ve88s, Nev., after a spokesman TAMBLYN DRUG STORE if they did nothing to the person |? tion." who took it, | 'The body was removed to hos- ROSSLYN PLAZA 728-4668 topsy has been ordered. daughter, Tracey Hillevi, 6, and undamaged. P: two adopted sons, Mark, 7, and| 9° | stone was stolen by two Bartles- D E A F e If You've Never ville teen-agers who wanted it/Eisaku Sato formed a new cabi-| HONG KONG (AP) -- A Hong ;members of his previous team|Kong policeman was shot from : ing | satisfactory we invite you to come in! Our services and facilities are as a@ souvenir. jnet today but retained seven) Urban Development including Foreign Minister|behind today in a cross-fire be. EDMONTON (CP) -- An offi-|22keo Miki. |tween a police platoon an cial of the Federation of Mayors| Sato accepted the resignations|@>0ut 300 Communist demon- and Municipalities looked into|0f his 18 ministers earlier today, |Strators who attacked the units Sar Gomes cine enemas DRUG STORES Headstone Located lying in an empty cheese vat. SAYS he has agreed to a trial-se- BARTLESVILLE, Okla. (AP) - -------------- aes ; 8 3 He said there were ice|tess Mai Britt. OPEN SUNDAY 12 a.m. fo 6 p.m. 4 found Friday in a downtown|crystals on her legs. "T must admit it comes as a| pate Bartlesville park. Polic, who identified after an anonymous caller told|near the scene, believe the body Wasey Gon wrt A ayer 6 KING STREET EAST 723-3143 may have been there since Noy. lywood. "'May told) them he would direct them to it me she wanted a trial separa-| JURY & LOVELL LIMITED nm. They agreed and the head-\Pital in Cornwall, 38. miles|_ The couple, both converts to stone Br, turned over vd oes southwest of here, where an au-|Judaism, have three children--a Bartlesville Police Chief W. J. 7 | Jarvis said the 90-pound tomb- Cabinet Shuffle iJeff, 3. TOKYO (Reuters) -- Premier/ -- Policeman Shot Worn a Hearing Aid. Or if the One You are wearing isn't completely lanned to offer the assistance and elp you are looking for. his crystal ball Friday and|He told reporters the reshuffle) Sent to disperse them. SERVICES: oa th Authorities said they did not\} ® Accessorie and batteries for all heoring made some predictions on the|Which was the fourth since he direction urban development became premier in November, believe any of the anti-British| could take. » Was necessary to carry out! | Executive Secretary Henry new policies in a fresh atmos- demonstrators were armed. The) tawlans of Olinwa said there (Phere. policeman's condition was de- could be an ever-greater trend| Sato also retained Defence |Sctibed as fair. toward stronger, urban-centred|Minister Kaneshichi Masuda} Two bombs, described as regional governments, which|and Economic Minister Kiichi| moderately powerful, were could evolve into city states. Miyazawa. They are expected to|planted at the major intersec- He made his remarks during Play prominent roles with Miki|tion in front of Hong Kong's 2 panel discussion on municipal |in explaining government pro-|main post office. British army affairs at the annual convention|Western policies in the forth-|demolition experts sandbagged of the Progressive Conservative|Coming Diet (parliament) start-|them and blew them up on the) Association of Alberta. jing next month 'spot, There were no casualties. Jarring Leaves DX -- DX DX -- DK -- DK -- DK @ Home er office appointments © Complete line of Zenith Heoring Aids Complete Hearing Help As Low As $50 GILBERT L. SCOTT To assure your complete satisfaction you get all this from us at one low price. ¢ Zenith's powerful model 50-R ¢ Zenith quality earphone, cord and stock earmold ¢ After purchase assistance, guidance and instruction GILBERT L. SCOTT Certified Hearing Aid Audiologist et IMPERIAL OPTICAL HEARING AIDS MOSCOW (AP) -- Gunnar} Jarring, Sweden's ambassador | BE WISE: Co. LTD. to Moscow, left today to take up heres 11 ONTARIO ST. OSHAWA 728-6239 his assignment as United Nao| tions special representative to} try to bring peace to the Middle! ast Jarring flew to Stockholm en route to New York, where he is| scheduled to arrive Sunday for | consultations with Secretary-| Genera! U Thant, an old friend. ECONOMIZE ! SAVESS ry FUEL OIL Phone 668-3341 ¢ -- DX -- BX -- BX -- Bx EVERY TUESDAY SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. CROWELL'S SHELL STATION 22 BOND STREET * HERE and THERE. NEW INSPECTOR Among 13 Ontario Provincial Police officers recently commis. | sioned and promoted to Insnec- tor is A. W. Goard who works with the Criminal Investigation Branch at GHQ, Toronto. He wes born in Cannington, 37 years at Rg started his car-| = eer with the OPP at Timmins| emi n 1952, se DX --D PARA GRR RK $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SARGEANT'S TEXACO STATION 278 PARK ROAD SOUTH MEADE'S SUNOCO STATION 74 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH & OLD COUNTRY CLUB : NOTICE TO MEMBERS. The NEW YEAR'S DANCE formerly scheduled for December 30th 1967 will be held on DECEMBER 31st, 1967 TICKET APPLICATION FORMS WILL BE SENT TO ALL MEMBERS BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES 1271 SIMCOE STREET NORTH STATHAM'S B.A. STATION CORNER KING STREET end RITSON ROAD OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE 222 KING STREET WEST RUSS BOSWELL SUPERTEST STATION 351 WILSON ROAD SOUTH CORNER WILSON ROAD ond OLIVE AVENUE I ENJOY THE COMING FESTIVE SEASON BY ENOVATING NOW BEFORE CHRISTMAS... WORKMANSHIP FULLY GUARANTEED Specialists In... RECREATION ROOMS RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS KITCHEN RENOVATIONS CAR PORTS GARAGES RE-ROOFING PORCHES | FAMILY Don't wait until it's too late . . . Call us right now! FREE ESTIMATES © NO OBLIGATION SANDON CONSTRUCTION Renovating Division of Armstrong Homes PHONE NOW! 942-2401 PICKERING FTA IPSSTSPSTSRSRALTSRERBSHASsS. wee eae eke teste a Sore ost SS a eee Cc ae NEIL left, valedictorian and Ontario scholarship winner, talks Bowm<c Holds ¢ BOWMANVILLE -- Annu commencement exercises fe Bowmanville High School wet held Friday night. W. Neil Richards was tt valedictorian, principal Leonar Lucas presented his report an J, F. Heyland spoke on beha of the Durham County. Distri: High School Board. Secondary school honor gradi ation diplomas were presente to the following: Judith L. Allen; Mary . Billett; FE. Lloyd Clifton; Bria J. Colville; Brian J. Elston Phyllis A. Emmerson; Patrici Z. Fair; Janet M. Graham Pair Moved Injured Nea Two of the four men injure fn a car-truck accident whic killed two others in Cartwrigh Township near Blackstock Fri day have been moved to Tor onto General Hospital from Osh awa General Hospital. Angus McKinnon, 40, of Tor onto and Gerald March, 23 Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, wer seriously injured, and Toront hospital officials today said Mc Kinnon "still remains poor" ant March 1s "fair". William Parsons, 26, and Les lie March, 19, remain in the in tensive care unit of the Oshawz General Hospital. Parsons con Cong Launch On South Mi SAIGON (AP) -- The Vie Cong launched 19 separate mor tar and flame-thrower attack: today on South Vietnamese mili tary posts, provincial capital: and hamlets from north of Sai gon to the fertile Mekon Delte south of the capital. The government said it: troops killed at least 110 of the raiders in one attack neal Phuoc Binh, about 70 miles north of Saigon. The pre-dawn attacks left a! least 34 persons dead--17 South Vietnamese soldiers and 17 ci- vilians--and 140 wounded, in cluding 92 military. Fourteen mortar shellings came in the delta, which the Viet Cong controls, in an appar- ent effort to show thabthe gov- ernment cannot provide ade- quate protection. forthe people. In the attack near Phuoc ANN MEE' Oshawa Lit WED., } 8:00 Fleetwoc HOTEL ¢ Published by OSH, LIBERAL AS : RICHARDS,